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I have notified and warned the inhabitants of the Town of North And'over who
are quallfled t6 vote in Town Affairs by posting true and attested copies of
Warrant at the Tow~ Office Building and five or more public p~a cee in each
voting precirc t of the Town. Said copies having been posted not more than
fifteen days nar less than ten days before the time df said meeting.
North Andover, Mass. .
At the SPECIAL TOW ~TING held in the Veterans,s Auditorium of theNorth
Andover High School on Monday evening April 12, 1965 the fbllowing was voted:
ARTICLE 1. VOTED unanimously to approve the construction ~ a new Ho~sing
Project by the North Andover Housing Authority6 namely a housing project for
elderly persons pursuant to the provisions of hapter 667 of Massachusetts Act.
of 195[~, and Acts in amendment thereof and in addition thereto, to be known as
State-Aided Housing Project.
· ARTICLE 2. VOTED unanimously to adopt the article.
ARTICLE 3. VOTED unanimously to adopt the article.-
ARTICLE ~. VOTED unanimously to adopt the article and raise a~d appropriate
the s~m of $299.0~ for its purpose.
ARTICLE 5. VOTED unanimously to adopt the article and raise and appropria~te
the sum of $299.0~ for its purpose.
Ail of the above articles are of a unanimous vote.
The meeting ope. red at 8 P.~, and adjourned at 8:15 P.M. O~e'hundred axial
thirty six (136) dul~egistered vot~we~ pr~nt.
A true copy: ATTEST. ~_~-~·
J. 6 ONS.
To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover:
In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby directed-
to notify and warn the ~-b-bitants of the Town of North Audover who. are
qualified to vote in Town Affairs to meet and assemble in the Veteran.~s
Auditorium of the North Andover High School ~n: . - '
at 8:00 ~.M., ,to, act upon the.following articles:
ARTICLE"i.' To' see if the Town' will vote 'to authorize the P.lannin~. Boa~d,;'.in
its discretion, forthwith to expend all or'any part of the $1,015.o0maad"
.AvailAble-under 'Article 58A of the 1965 Annual Town Meeting ~Varrant[fo~ plaguing
.' stu'die~' and' serviceS' tO ~be ~p~rformed by the ~entral Merr~m-ck Valle~ iRegiona~l
. Planning'District Commission. PetitionI of the North Andovar Planni,ng Board.'~
' ARTICLE ~. To see if the Town will vote to amend Sectic~ 5.77 of 'the'North'
Andgv~er'Z0hl~g~'B~-Lgw by' adding thereto the-followi~ new sub~paragraph:.-(.'l~)~t ·
~:'c~t~/i~paroel of 1and situated in.said North And oveP~ bounded ~nd"de~'oribed
. aS~f01ISw~ No~thgrlY':by'Suttsn Street; fou~ hundred. (~00)feet'morelor less:
Easterly by land no~ or formerly of Konstandin, four hunted thlrty&flve (~]5)
feet more or less; Southerly by other land of Airport Commission of the City
of-L~%r~n~, 'And'the City of Lawrence four hundred (h00) feet more or-'.lees;
· W6A~e~ly b~"Bth~r lguid ~f 'Ai~l~ort Commiseic~.,"of.the City of Lawrence and the
'-Cf~y'~f'L~'fiC~ fS~ ~Ufid~ed thirty' five (~35) feet more or less. :.Being
~H~ ~a~e ~6mihes"bbh;JSY~d'by 'tho"AirpOrt Commission of the City o.f'LawTence
andi~the'¢ItY~:of'r, awrence' t0'the'Eaights of Coluz~ous Assooistion~Inc.,"by deed
~At~'d 0~%~b~'r~i.19, 196~, recorded 'in the North Essex Registry of Deeds, 'Book _
1027~' Pagg:'126-, ''-(The ~bop0A~d ~mendment'Will change the classification, of
tH6"~6~ ~ ~d~'~blon:fr6~' Cou~%T_v Re~idenc'e to 'General'Business.
.-Petition.-of-.$oseph .J. aenia,-lSl~..Great Pond Road and others.. :''~"
And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting true and attested copies
tl~P~$f]',-ati:the 'Town Office 'Building and at five or more public places .~in each
~ting'"~r~ificb~' 'Shid"bopi~'~ tO be po~t~d n0t.more .than fifteen days nor less
than.t.en, days~.be.fore..the, time. of said .meeting. . '~ <..
H6reof]~'faiI"hot'~ 'a~d' make" duereturn' of. this warrant with your doing.hereon to
the--Town-Clerk,, a.t-.the..time..and place of said meeting..
G~'~e~'~t~dgr of~ hA~as '~"t N~t~i~'Afidbver, MaSsachusetts the 18th day of 0otober in
the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and sixty-five. :'
A true copy:
RAYMOND BROADHEAD . 'Selectmen of-'
WTLL~AM A. FINNERAN North Andover.
~' have not2fled and warned' the ~,~habitants 'of /;he' Town of.Nor~h And, · '
are q~lified to vote'~ To~ ~falrs by p0S't~g t~ue'~d"attested, co~es, of
this Wa~r~t at the To~ Office Buildi~ and at flve'o~ more:publii'p~ces ~
each vot~g prec~ct of the To~, Said copies hav~g been posted not mo~e
~n fifteen days no~ ~ ss t~ ten days before ~e time of said meet~g.
0otober 26, 1965. AT,ST: ~~~~
~ t~ Veter~'s ~ltori~ of the N~th
November 8, 1965 at 8;00 P.M., the
Andover High School on Monday evening,
following was voted:
ARTICLE 1. VOTED to auth~ize the Planning Board, in its discretion, forthwith
to expo. nd all or any part of the $1,015.00 made available under A~ticle 58A of
the 1965 ~nnual Town Meeting Warrant for planning studies and services to be
performed by the Central Merrimack Valley Regional Pla~&ing Dist. Commission.
ARTICLE 2. VOTED to amend Section 5.77 of the North Andover Zoning By-Law by
adding thereto the new sub-paragraph 14, as described in article.
The vote was: AFFIRMATIVE 557. NEGATIVE 10.
Town Clerk John Lyons opened the meeting in the absence of Moderator Arthur
Thomson, and called for nomin, ations from floor for Moderator. Jsmes M. Bannan
nominated Arnold H. Salsibury, Town Counsel, George B. Farley seconde~ the
nomination. Town Clerk Lyons cast one ballot for Arnold H. Salisbury. A hand
vote was taken on Article 2. ' Meeting opened at 8:00 P.M. and adjourned at
8:15 P.M. 559 duly register~d v0t~er~ r~nt and checked by B of R.
ATTEST ~--/~ ~
i tru. e copy:. ~/"J~H'~--~. L~'~O~S~own Clerk.