HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-11-08 ~ -~/:COMMON~EALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ESSEX SS: "~': ~" To either~ of the Constables of the Town of North Andover: GBw. W. TING: In the anne of the Commonwealth youare hereby required,.to notify and warn the inhabitants of said Town of North Andover who are quglSfied to vote For Senator in Congress; Governor; Lieutenant Governor; Attorn~.y General; Secretary; Treas~d~r; Auditor; Representative in Congress; Coun'clllor; Senatl Representative.ir~.j~neral Court; (3); D.Istrict Attorney; R. egis~ter of Probate and Insolvency, O~y, Commissioner(1), County Treasurer, an.d.;u~on all Guest- ions appearing on~t~_~ b~llot, to'meet and assemble in the,,de~gnated and appointed polling~piaces: In Precint One,the Bradstreet Scho8lJ in Precinct Two, the St. MiC~e~ls School, in Precinct Three the Thomson SSh~ol and in Precinct Four t~ttredge School. TUESD~,~4THE EIGHT DAY OF NOVEMBER 1966 at ? o'oloo the forenoon bring me and the election office~s~and upon all cuestions a earin on the balt~t the vte Electors of Sena~or~ in Congress; Governor, lieutenant Governor; Attorney General; Treasurer'; Auditor; Representative in ~Congress for the Sixth Councillor of Fifth District; Senator of the Fourth Essex District; Three Representatives in General Eourt for twelfth Essex District; District Attorne for Eastern District; Register of Probate and Insolvency for ~ssex County; County Commissioner for mm~ex County, a County Treasurer for Ezmex County; upon the followi_~que stions: ~.~Do you approve of the adoption of an amendment to the coasti[~ ~.?~.~"~ ' ' ~'sl~mmarized below which was approved by the General Cou~ in , session of the two branches held June Il, 1963, received 228 votes in the aflh'mative and 29 ia the negative, and in a joint session of the two branches held May ~, 1965, re- ceived 225 votes in the affirmative and 24 in the negative? SUMMARY The proposed amendment provides that at state elec~/ons canal/dates for Governor and Lieutenant-Governor shah be. grouped on the offi- cial ballot according to the party that they represent and that it sha~ not be possible to vote for Governor and Lianteannt-Governor except as a paffisun group. QUESTION NO. 2 PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO TH~ CONSTITUTION Do you approve'hr the adoption of an amendment to the constitution summarized below wh/ch was approved by the General Court ia a joint branches held J'u~y 16, 1963, received and 100 in the negative, and in session of the l~vo brunches held May $, 1965, e aflL,~native and 61 in the negative? SUMMARY proposed amendment provides that the ~ certain structural changes in the executive £o time prepare reor~n~otion plans to be General Court. If the General Cour~ fails to of its presentation und the end of such sixty days, the plan at that tim the force of law. QUESTION NO. 3 ~ROPOSED AMENDMENT TO TH~ ¢ONSTITUTI~ Do you approve of the adoption of an amendment to the comr~tution summarized below which was approved by the General Court in a joint session of the two branches held June 11, 1963, received -- 232 votes in the affirmative and 18 in the negative, and in [ ¥1:S [ a joint session of the two branches held May 19, 1965, re- [ ~.'~-~----- ceived 159 votes in the a/~rmative and 91 in the negative? L m~ [ · SUMMARY The proposed amendment authorizes the Commonwealth and the cities and towns therei~ to provide for municipal industrial develop- ment in such manner as the General Cour~ may determine. QUESTION NO. 4 you approve of ~e adoption of ~ ~endment to ~e consfl~tl~ ~rized bdow w~ch was approved by ~, Gene,~ C0~ in a~': ~l'~of ~e ~o br~ches held July 1O, 19a, received ~ · 2 ~proposed amendmen, confers considerable ~.~.,wns w,th respect to the conduc~ of mu~clpal };~l~cordanse aerewl~, loc~ ordin~cea and Court retains gener~ power Jo act in rela~un to cities ~d towns In some circums~ces~ to enact special laws cular municipally, incind~g laws for its ~co~oraliun~ tnt]on or mer~er. Cities ~d to~s are not empowered tu act wi~ :r ts general elections, r~ation~ pledges of credit, dispositions of elafionships, ~e po~ahment of et imprisonment except as ~e Genar~ Cou~ may powers upon them. QUESTION NO~-'$ SUBMITTED UPON REFERENDUM AFTI~R approve of a law sllmmarized below, which was of Representatives by a vote of 118 in the the negative and was approved in ~ a vote of :21 in the affirmative and 16 in the SUMMAIIY The Act imposes s temporary tax upon all retail sales of personal properly at the rate of three per cent of the Sales of certain items are exempted from the tax, including but not limited to sales of food progucts for human use, articles of clothing, prescription medicines, agricailural machinery and certain publications. The statute contains specific provisions relating to the registration of vendors, the filing of returns and the payment of the amounts collected by such vendors. Vendors may apply to the State Tax Commission for abatements of the amounts owed where they believe such amounts to be excessive, and decisions of the Commission on such applications nmy be reviewed by the Appellate Tax Board. The Commissioner of Corporations und Taxation shall have the usual powers and remedies provided for tax collection for the collection of the taxes imposed by this section. The Slate Tax Commission shall issue regulations neces- sa.fy for proper administration o. nd enforcement of the section. The Act further imposes a temporary excise upon the storage, use or other consumption in Massachusetts of tangible personal property at the rate of three per cent of the sales price of such property. Sales upon which the retail sales tax described above has been imposed, or which are exempt from the retail sales tax, shall be exempt from the use tax. Sales upon which a tax has been paid in another jurisdiction shall also be exempt. Assessmun~, abatement and collection of the use tax shall be governed by the provisions which relate to the tax upon retail sales. The tax upon retail sales and the excise upon storage, uae or ]~o~! l~ar.~consumption shall be effective during the period from April 1, ~.o December 31, 1967. ~.~ ~h qualified taxpayer shall be enritied to a credit of four dollars ~-~_o~ ~J~self, four dollars for his spouse and eight dollars for each ~j [~ep_endent, but such credit shall not be allowed if the ~ ~.e~of such individual and his spouse exceeds five thousand d.~.~ ~!~ '~.~ year. In addition to the taxes described above, the Act pro~Id~ ~i !~[iw excises upon certain banks; new taxes upon the Income ~f~'~'~ ~ .~h~c.'o.' rporations; new taxes upon cigarettes; u room occupun~y~ ;i!~ ,aWon rent paid for the use of hotel rooms and other lode]nil ~_ _~,' ll.~xcises upon sales of certain alcoholic beverages. - -:? *[~ ~} Act creates the Local Aid Fund for the purpose of provtdl~ , unai hen]stance, und antho es the pc o c !{~'s~. ~,~.~nts from such Fund to the cities and towns. In addition, 'co talus n variety of provisions relating to the p gramro of State ii~l public schools, and to its adm;~;strntion. ~ QUESTION NO. 6 Do you approve of un act passed by the General Court in the year nineteen hundred and sixty-six, entitled "An Act imposing a temporary tax on retail sales, and a temporary excise upon the storage, use or other consumption, of certain tangible personal property, revising and imposing certain other taxes and excises, ~ establishing the Local'Aid Fund, and providing for the distribution of funds therefrom to cities and towns?" IN ALL CITIES AND TOWNS EXCEPT Tile ~rl~( OF WOBURN QUESTION NO. 7 A. Shall licenses be ~ranted in this city (or town) for the sale therein of all alcoholic beverages (whisky! gi~ malt bev'ecages~ wines and all other alcoholic bever- ages)? ~hail licenses be grunted in this city (or town) for therein of wines and malt beverages (wines and malt beverages}? scs .be ~ra~ted in this city (or town) for ~ of all alcoholic beverages in packages, so be drunk on the premises? granted in this dty (or town) for of ali alcoholic beverages by hotels having a , of not loss than ninety-nine persons not less than fifty rooms? A true copy: ATTEST: October 27, 1966 The polls shall be open at 7 o,clock A.M., and close at 7 o'clock P.M. 8 And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting true and attested copies thereof at the Town Hall and at five or more public place~ in each voting precinct of the Town, said copies to be posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of said meeting. Here of, fail not and make due returns of this warrant with your doings thereon at the time and place of holding said meeting to the Town Clerk..~ Given under our hand§ at North And over, Mass, the 17th day of October in the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Sixty-Six. ~ FRED P. 0AKES Selectmen ~ WILLIAM A. FINNERAN of RALPH E. FINCK. N~ th Andover, Mass, CONSTABLE. OFFICER ' S RETURN I have notified and warned t~einhabitants of the Town of North ~Andover who are qualified to vote i~ elections by posting true and attested copies this warrant at the Town Office Building and at five or more public places'..'z in ach voting precinct of the Town. Said copies having been posted not more than fifteen days nor ~ ss than t~n days before, the time of said meeting. October 27, 1966. A true copy: ATTEST. ELECTION HELD ON TUESDAY, SENATOR IN CG~GRES~ EDWARD W. BHOOKE ENDICOTT PEABODY LAWRENCE GILPEDDER ~%RK R. SHAW Blanks 0VSmNOH ~0H~. VOLPE i ' EI~ARD J. McCOR~'~CK, JR. H~NNING A. BLOMEN JOHN CHARLES HEDGES EDWARD W. BROOKE Blanks .LIEUTENANT GOV~N0~ JOSEPH E. McGUIRE FRANCIS W. SARGENT GRACE F. LUDER FRANCIS A. VOTAN0 Blanks ATTORNEY GENIAL ~TTI ELLIOT L. RICHARDSON EDGAR E. GAUDET FRANK BELASTR0 Blanks AUDITOR ~s BUOZKO JOHN J. BUO~,W~ AUGUST 0. JOHNSON ROGER I. WTLLIAMS Blanks ..C.0NG~ESSMAN SIXTH DISTRICT WILLIAM H. BATES - DANIEL L. PARENT Blanks COUNCILLOR FIFTN DISTRICT TdO~AS J. LA~E LOUIS H. JOHNSON Blanks ~.U~?.H. ESSEX DISTRICT JAMES p. RURAK FREDERICK E. MALCOLM Blanks AUGUSTINE J. WALSH. CONSTABLE. JOHN J. LYONS. T0~N CL~2K. NOVE~,mFJ( 8, 1966 STATE ELECTION. ypTE BY PRECINCTS Ok~E TWO T~EE FOUR ~9~4 1 5'~2 5 644 O~ ~27 ~o ~51 ~ ~01 580 ~ I i 5 6 o i 17 1~ 12 17 9 518 ~ 674 8 5 ~4 ~5 ~ ~o 518 562 565 760 52~ 759 6~5 120~ 1 678 788 527 ~4~ lO9~ 612 887 ?70 1596 55 50 7o ~2 T 0 T A,-L 57a5 5761 1826 95 ~788 1582 1 51 151 18~8 PRECINCTS REPRESENTATIVES IN GENERAL COURT THREE FOR TWELFTH ESSEX DISTRICT WILLIAM ~LONGWOHTH ARTHUR WILLIAMS PETER F. GRAHAM (Trnsf to blanks) JAMES P. HURRELL WILLIAM STEWART AUGUSTINE J. WALSH Blanks DISTRICT ATTORI~ EASTERN DISTRICT JOHN P.S. BURKE Blanks REGISTER OF PROBATE & INSOLVENCY ESSEX JOHN J. COSTELL0 CHANDLER B. TODD DONALD SMITH Blanks COUNTY COMMISSI0~ER ESSEX COUNTY EDWA~tD H. CAHILL Blanks COUNTY TREASURER FOR ESSEX COUNTY THOMAS F. DUFFY WILLIAM JOSEPH KIERNAN Blanks OUESTION NUMBE2R 0I~ YES NO Blanks QUESTION NU~ TWO YES NO Blanks QUESTION NUMB~ THREE ~s NO Blanks ~sSTION NUN~I~ FOUR S NO Blanks ~U~TION ,.~.. w~ FIVE YES NO Blanks QUESTION NDI~HR SIX YES NO Blanks ',QUESTION~ ~m~m~ SEVEN NO Blanks YES NO Blanks YES NO CB) (c) YES NO Blanks (O) ATTEST: RAYMOND M. TRUDEL F. OLIVER DRAKE WILY N. HOGSET~ BLANKS TREASURER 1~. CRANE JOSEPH E. FERNANDES DOMENICO A. DiGIROLAM0 JULIA B. BLANES ONE TWO ,THREE FOUR TOTAL · 56~ 10~0 27~7 199 221 ~1 (976) 81~ 85o 817 ll~ ~59~ 291 Io~ 189 825 2oo~ ~,96 27 95 685 1999, ~o~ 75 ~7 785 .1 ~676 (2?o9) 89o lO51 1227 815- 899 82~18 12.58 ~870 226 ~9~ 679 1579 2 2 44 7~ 68 89 274' 855 !oo~ 951 1506 h~l~ 250 566 296 520 1412 lO1~ 2659 lm5 8.4071 1.28.4 2 0 259 ~ 1158 615 85~ '750 15~0 ~524 200 196 21~ ~69 979 270 512 ~05 557 I222 60~ 851 744 1268' 19~ 21~ 192 27~ 52~ 511 9B7 1286 152 696 926 252 2 8 262 1~7 1~5 561 759 669 1181 287 295 276 518 2}7 }1~ }oe 527 )9o8 1227 59o ~1~6 1179 78.4 !!I 908 1~7 219 220 · 759 945 888 159o ~122 125 159 11o 22o 6o8 2Ol 269 ~9 276 995 115 ~ lO2 2ol 195 251 2.47 27,9 764 972 881 1542 125 198 108 20} 196 257 258 281 42Ol 55_8 57~ 992 JOHN J. LYONS. Town Clerk. 4~ 5_4 i75_