HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-03-18WARRANT Commonwealth of/IDassacbusctts ESSEX SS: To either of the Get. tables o~ the ~own of North Andouer: G]~,~T[NG: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of North Andover who are qvAlified to vote in Town Affairs, to meet in the Veteran's Auditorium of the North'Andover High School for. a Special Town Meeting on -'.. SATURDAY, the 18th day of MARCH then e~d there to a~c upon the follow~g az~Jes: 1967 at 1:30 P.M. ARTICLE 1. To see if the town will vote to express its disapproval of the amount of the indebtedness ($2,182,000) which...th~ Greater Lawrence Regional Vocational Technical High School District Committee voted, on February 28, 1967, to incur for the purpose of constructing and equipping additional facilities at 57 RiVer Road, Andover. Petition of the Selectmen. And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting true and attested copies thereof, at the Town Office Building. and at five or more public places in each voting precinct of the Town. Said copies to be posted not more thnn fifteen days nor less than ton days before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof, fail not and mn~e due return of this warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk at the time and place of said meeting. Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, the 28th day of February in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred ~nd sixty-seven. FRED P. OAKES ] 0i WTT,T,T~MRALPH E. A.FiNcKFINNERANt~North Andover, M,~. A tree copy. March 6, 1987 OFFICER'S RETURN I have notified and warned the inhabitants of the Town of North And over who are qualified to vote in Town Affairs by posting true and attested copies of this Warrant at the Term Office Building and at five or mere public p~a ces in each voting precinct of the Town. Said copies having been posted not more than~ fifteen days nor ~e ss than ten days before the time of said meeting. A true copy: No. Annoyer, Mass. March 6, 1967. ATTEST: GEORGE R. ~acKENZIE. Constable. ~ TOWN CLERK. ARTICLE 2. VOTED all other officers not required by law to be elected by ballot. ARTICLE 5. VOTED to accept thc report of'receip.ts and .expe~ditures as presented .by the Selectmen. ARtiCLE 4. VO~ED to carry forward to fiscal.1967 the following articles and appr opriat lobs: $552 Ele etlon Expens~e s Article 58, 1965, Town Garage - Tard Survey 909~.78 26.50 Article 1..April l, 1965. New Fire Dept ~adder truck. Article 62, ~1964 Town fire fig~hters accident : 1,656.90 Article ~56,~ 1966 New ambulance 8,450.96 Article 1966 Addition to fire alarm system ~,995.00 120. O8 Building In.spector expenses Article l, 4, 5 1962 Sewers 5,57%.95 Article 59, 19~65 C & D Mablln Ave. & Concord St. Sewers 2,~9~.77 Article 2, 1965 Sewer System. ~lablln Ave. ' 1,9~6.19 Article 6~, 67 & 6~ - ?66 Sewer extensions 159, 52.88 Article 72, 1966 West Side sewer Article 22, 1964 Sidewalk~- Mass Ave! ~,~17.48 .Article 27, 1964 Highway Oonst~ Ch. ~0 2t,~26.1~4 Article 6~, 1965 Salem & Dale ts. Oh.~90e 59,976.80 Article .~1, 1966 Salem, Dale & Johnson ~ts. Ch.-90~ 59,~74.90 Article 45, 1966. Two catch basins. Sutton St. ~90.77 i~Article 47, 1966 Surface drains, Baldwin-Francis ~ts; 7~68.97 Article 50, 1966 Rental Street Sweeper 641.70 Article 5%, 196~6~ New Motor' Repair grader 1,'625.~ Article 69, 1966 Permanen~ Pavement Excavations 15,267. U.S. 01d Age Assistance - Assistance U~S. Old Age Assistance Administration 509. u.S. Medical Assistance Aid 4, U.S. Medical Assistance Administration 50 U.S..Aid to dependent chi~dre~ Aid 6,579 U.S. Aid to dependent ~chiSdren - Administration 2~000.$5 ~U.S, Disability assistance - Assistance 5,088.57 U.S. Disability;assistance ' Administration 1,102.11- School. - P.L. 86. School. - P.L. 874 'North Andover School lunch. North Andover Athletic ~ssociation 5,056.55 Article 55~' 1966 School Bldg. Comm. Franklin Sohool~ '12,500®00 State Aid for .Libraries -Reserved for Approp& 2,727.00 945.27 Recreational Council Expenses 2,199.20 Laud. damale claims Articles ~SA, ~5, '75, 76 - 1966 Water Syotems 15,2~55-95 Article 79, 1966 Water main extensions 69~'1~ ~Article 62, 1966 Diesel Engine - So. Pumping Station. 916.~6. A~ICLE 5.~ VOTED to fix~ the_followi?g annual salaries of the e~e. cted officers of~the Town effective ~rom ~anuary z, 1967. Setlon 108, Ch 41. G.L. ~oard. of Selectmen - each per annum · $1,.000.00 . Board of Public "elfare - each per annum h00.00 ~oard ~of Assessors - each per annum .~oard of Health - each per annum ~oard..of Public Works - each per annum Town Treasurer - per annum Tax ~ollector - per annum Tree Warden - per annum 2,000.00 500.00 500.00 8,000.00 2,600,00 1,500.00 8,500.00 ~ighway Surveyor - per annum 50.00 oderator - per annum ARTICLE 6. VOTED to adopt the propos ed budget as follows wi=h corrected Item 2, Treasurer Salaries & Wages should read $15,520 ins=ead of $15,220'and ~ of ' 1. Item ~0, Water Maintenance expenses should read $~,~ instead $~ Construction shouldread $64,000 instead Expenses should read should read $60,000 instead of $40,000. Item al.Vocational School Allocation of Cost to No. And over should read instead of $59,555. Item 69, Short Term Borrowing should read $22,500 of.$28,125.00 No. · 1. Selectmen: Salaries & ~ages Expenses Treasurer: Salaries & Wages Expenses Accountant: Salaries & Wages Expenses Tax Collector: Salaries & Wages Expenses AMOUNT $8,020.00 1,678.00 15,520.00 5,2~1.00 12,867.00 1,515.00 5. 6. 7. 8. 10. ll. 12. 15. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19 · 20. 21. 22. 23. 4. 25 · 26. 29. 5.0.. ~1~ 35. $6. ART. DEPARTMENT Town C~rk; Salaries & Wages. Expenses Assessors: Salaries & Wages Expenses Election & Registrars: S~laries & Wages. Expenses Tow~ Council: Annual Retainer Expen se s Noderater: Salary Advisory Committee: Expenses Capitol Outlay Committee: Expenses Planning Board: Salaries & Wages Expen se s Boa~d of Appeals (Zoning) Salaries & Wages. Expenses Personnel Board: Salaries & ¥~ages Expen se s Tova~ Building: Salaries & Wages. Expense s Ann~al Town Neeting: Expenses Police Department: Salaries & Wages Expenses ~ire Department: Salaries & Wages Expert s e s Dog. Officer: Salary · Expenses Civil Degense: Salary Expense s Buliding Inspector: Salary Expenses Wir~g Inspector: Salary Expen s e s ~as .Inspector: Salary Expen se s Sea'er of Weights & Measures: Salary , Expenses Board of Health: Salaries & Wages Expen se s Animal Inspector: Salary Garbage ~Disposal: Contract. Board of Public Works: Salaries Sewer Mntnce & Const: Salaries & Wages E~p ense s Water ;~tnce & Const.: Salaries & ~'ages Expert se s Par~s-School Grounds: Salaries &'~'ages. ' · Expense s Tree Departm~ent Salaries'& Wages mxpen se s Dutch Elm Disease: Labor & Wages Expense s Insect Pest Control: Salary & Wages Expenses Street Lighting: Expenses Streets-lGen'l Mntnce: Salaries & Wages Snow Removal: Expenses Refuse DYsposal: Salaries & Wages Expen se s Board of Public ~elfare: Salaries Welfare ~Administration: Salaries Welfare ~rants Veterans Berm fits: Salaries Expen se s Cash ~ran~s Graves Registration: Salaries Expe.nses N.A. School Dept. Salaries & ~ages Expenses Out of ~ate Travel Ad~fourned Town Meeting March 18, 1967. 6.O0N'T. Regional Vocation School. Allocation cost to N.A. Stevens Mem'l Library: Salaries & Wages Expenses Playgrounds-Bathing ~eac~, Oalaries & Wages Expenses Recreational Council: Salaries & Wages Expenses GroBp Insurance Essex County Retirement Pensions. AMO'UNT $6,100.00 750.00 15,670.00 · 6,220.00 :ooo.oo o88.'oo ,2, 5,00.00 -1, 0~0.00 50.00 15o.oo ~5o.oo 75.00 1,025.00 ~5.oo 5 .oo 9oo.oo 2 o.oo 1,560.00 ~,75o.oo ~, o~5.0o 164, 571. oo 16, 682.00 163,734.00 12,000. O0 ~625,0o 12.00 750.00 ~, 600.00 2,740.00 ~50.00 1,200.00 oo.oo 5oo.oo 100:00 750.00 ..:i 200.00 12,2~.00 · 6,275.o0 ~5.oo 12,73~.00 900.00 17, 940.00 .11,000.00 64,000.00 50,650.00 17,075.00 6,150.00 5, 6~5. oo 7,269.00 ~ 1,100.00 '11,5.~8.oo 2,6~5.oo 52,200.00 ~3,711.00 0,000.00 41,gh6.oo 7,500.00 1,200.00 . 5,100.00 94,000..00 2,860.00 ...... 175.oo . '..25,240.00 100.00 350.00 1, 0~6,010.00 217,839.00 875.oo 5_8, 6gl.oo 3~,100~00 7,48~.00 1),520~00 ,4,700.00 k,260.~00 2,500.00 38,955.00 91,475.oo Adjourned Town Meeting. 51. Contingent Fund. 52. Rental of Veterans Headquarters ~Insurance Patriotic & Civic Celebrations ~561 Industrial Commission, Expenses Land damage claims Out of State Travel 5690~School~COnservatiOnBOnds Commission Expenses 61. Water Main Notes & Bonds. 62. Sewer Notes & Bonds. School Bonds. (Interest) Water. Main. Notes & Bonds. 66~ sewer'S'NOtes & Bonds. ~ Fire Equipment Nc~es Highway Equipment Notes. 69. Short term borrowing. AP~TICLE March 18, 1967 3,000.00 1,200.00 oo.oo 35, oo.oo 200.00 3,500.00 2,~00.00 100.00 160,000.00 46,0o0.o0 35,000.00 5,000.00 51,500.00 7,121.00 12,204.00 250.00 1,050.00 22t~00.00 TOTAL OF THE BUDGET ARTICLE OF MEETING TO BE RAISED AND APPROPRIATED 10. 4th July Celebration 11. Christmas Lighting 1~.12' Personnell By~,Law Amendment 21. Greater Lawrence Guidance Center. Services 28. Welfare, new accommodations ~1. Tree Warden. '2 man saw $2. Highway Surveyor. Street signs. I~61 Two new Police cars. Town Infirmary, care and maintenance. ~2. Chain Link Fence. disposal site. ~5- Additional manpower, Highway Dept. Disposal. ~5- Street Sweeper . ~ Road Grader and road roller, rental. Maintenance any streets. i0. Wall at F~atts bridge il. Sidewalk, Osgood St. iii Repairing concrete sidewalks Sidewalk. Housing Authority. Culvert Waverly Road. ~ Replacing aatch basins and frames. Replaciug guard rails. Rspa r g old stone culverts Drainage system, Morris Street. 61. Chapter ~0. Salem, Johnson, Foster Sts. 62. ~hapter 90. any Streets 68. Renewing water services. 69. Water Main extensions. 51. Board of Public Works, equipment. 6. S~abilization Fund. 87. Reserve Fund. TOTAL OF TEE ARTICLES 1,~00.00 ~00.00 · 50,~12.00 , 5.0o 610.00 1,120.00 1,696.oo 1,800.00 1,000.00 oo.oo , oo.oo 1,200.00 3,000..00 5,500-00 ,57S. 8 6,000.,00 30,000.00 6,000.00 2,500.00 1,000.00 7 7'.52 12,500.00 1,500~00 1,000.00 1,000.00 ~,000.00 10,000.00 2,000.00 5,000,00 1,800.00 ~' 9,900.00 10,000.00 10~000.00 $200,377.00 .TRANSFERS ARTICLE 27. VOTED to appropriate for the use of Stevens Memorial Library the sum of $2,727.00 .which the Town has received from the State under Chapter 672 Acts of 1965 and which is now in an account entitled "State Aid for Libraries Reserved for Appropriation. ARTICLE ~9. VOTED £or highway projects having the apprpval of the state Depar? ment of Public Works, $9,024.15~from the sum of $27,024.15 apportioned to the Town by said ~epartment, under ection 5 of Chapter 679 of the Acts of 1965. ARTICLE 52. VOTED to transfer from unexpended balance of Article22 of the Town Meeting (Maes.Ave. Sidewalk) the sum of $365 to install bituminous concret sidewalk along the west side of Main Street starting at Chickering Road to Parker Street and from Parker Street to Klttredge School drivews~, approx- imately 200 lineal feet. ARTICLE 54. VOTED to transfer from une~pended bal~ce of Article 22of the Town Meeting (Maes.Ave. Sidewalk) the sum of $1,052.4~ to install a .bituminous eenere~e sidewalk, five foot in width, running from the property line of the N.A. Housing Authority on ~s t street to the intersection of let strmset Maple. Av~enue~i and then along Maple Avenue to the property line of the N.A. Housing AutHority. Adjourned ARTICLE 61. VOTED the sum of $~0,000 be transferred from unappropriated available, funds to meet the State and County shares of Ohapter 90 Hghwy Const. ARTICLE 62. VOTED the sum of. $1,000 be transcferred from unappropriated funds to meet the State and County share of hapter 90. Any streets maintenance. ARTICLE 88. VOTED to transfer from available funds in the Town Treasury the sum of $27,000 to reduce the tax rate. ACCEPTANCES. ARTICLE 55. VOTED to accept $1,200.00 from the N.E. Telephone Co., to be. used in conjunction with the unexpended balance of Article ~5, 1966 for th~ purpose of re-routing surface drain - Sutton Street. BOarD ISSUES ARTICLE 1'9. VOTED that. $757,0~0.00 is apprppriated for addl.tion to ~ra~kl'In. School under Chapter 645 of the Acts of 19~J~ as. amended. ARTICLE 7.0. VOTED that $500,000.00 is appropriated f. or well field~evelopmer~ i. under. Chapter ]1~1. of General Laws as amended. SUMMARY. AMOUNT TO'BE RAISED AND APPROPRIATED FOR l~,67 mUDGW. T ,, , ,, ARTICLES 200, ]77 · O0 T 0 T A L ~,226,7~8.00 ARTICLE 88.. FROM AVAILABLE FUNDS TO RED~CE TAX RATE. 27..000.00 ~.~OUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAXATION $5,199,7~8.00 ARTICLE 7.' VOTED. to authorize the Town Treasurer, with the approval of the E~lectmen,. to borrow money from time to time in anticipation of the revenue of the financial years .beginning January l, 1967 and January l, 1968,' in ac'cordance with provisions of General Laws, Chapter ~, Section 4, and to renew any note or notes as may be given for a oeriod of ~e ss thsm one year, in accordance with the provisions, of General Laws, Ohapter ~, Section 17. ARTICLE 8.' There were no special, committees to be heard. ARTICLE 9.~ VOTED to adopt the article and to fix the annual compensation of'the Board of Health Physician at $1,100,00 effective January l, 1967. · ~ 10.. VOTED to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE ll'. VOTED to ADOPT the 'article. ARTICLE 12~ VOTED to ADOPT the article as it appeares in the warrant and to be retroactiv.e to. January 1, 1967. "' ' ~i · ARTICLE 15'. VOTED to ADOPT TEE ARTICLE AS IT APPEARED in the warrant~ and to b retroactive to January 1, 1967. ARTICLE 1~: VOTED to ADOPT the article as it appeared in the warrant and to be retroactive to January l, 1967. ARTICLE 15: VOTED to ADOPT the article as it appeared inthe warrant and to be retroactiv~ to January l, 1967. ARTICLE 16. VOTED to EDOPT the article as it appeared in the warrant, and to be lye to~ January l,. 1967. ARTICLE 17: VOTED to ADOPT the article 18: VOTED TO ADOPT the article 19. VOTED that $757,000 is appropriated for constructing, brlginally equipping and furnishing an addition to the Franklin School Building, including preparation of the site for such addition; and' that to raise this appropriation the treasurer with the approval of the selectmen is authorized to borrow $757,000 under ~hapter 6~5 of the acts of 19~8 as amended. Unanimous vote. ARTICLE 19A. VOTED to ADOPT the article as it appeared in the ~'arrant~ Stricken from the warrant. VOTED to ADOPT the article as it appeared in the Warrant. MAJORITY VOTE' to ADOPT the ar~ticle as it appeared in the Warrant. Stricken from the ~arrant. VOTED unanimously to ADOPT VOTED unanimously to ADOPT 20. ARTICLE 21. ARTICLE 22. ARTICLE 25. ARTICLE ARTICLE 26. Stricken from thc Warrant. ARTICLE 27. VOTED TO ADOPT the article ARTICLE 28. VOTED to ADOPT the article 800 for i~s purpose. ARTICLE 29. VOTED to reject thearticle. ARTICLE ARTICLE ARTICLE ARTICLE ARTICLE the article as appearing in Warrant.. the arti~le'as appearing in Warrant. as it appeared in the Warran6. and raise and app~opriste the sum of Stricken z'rom ~he ~arrant VOTED to ADOPT the article as it appeared 'in ~he ~arrant. VOTED to ADOPT the article as it appeared in the Warrant. .VOTED to ADOPT the articleas it appeared in the Warrant. UNANIMOUS VOTE to reject the article. Stricken from the Warrant. Unanimous vote. Adjourned Town ~¢eeting. March l~, 1987 23" 56. VOTED to ADOPT the article and raise and appropriate 'the sum ¢¢ ARTICLE $1,200 for the purposes of the article. ARTICLE 37- VO~ED unanimously to REJECT the article. ARTICLE ~. V~ED unanimously to REJECT the article ARTICLE 39- VOTED to REJECT the article. AFFIRmaTIVE 168. NEGATIVE ARTICLE ~0. VOTED to strike from warrant. ARTICLE ~l. VOTED to REJECT the article ARTICLE 42. VOTED to ADOPT the article and raise and approl~ la~e the sum of $5,000 for the purposes of the article. ..ARTICLE 45- VOTED to ADOPT the article and raise and appropriate the sum of .$5,500 for the purpose of the article. ARTICLE ~. VOTED to strike from war~.ant. ARTICLE 45-. VOTED to ADOPT the article and to raise and appropriate the sum of $3,737.9~ for the purpose of the article. ARTICLE ~6. VOTED to ADOPT the article and to raise and appropriate the sum of $6,000 for the purpose of the article. ARTICLE 47- VOTED to strike from the warrant~ ARTICLE ~8. VOTED to ADOPT the article and raise and appropriate the su~ $30,000 for the purpose of the article. ARTICLE ~9. VC~ED to ADOPT the article. ~_RTICLE 50. VOTED to ADOPT the article and raise and appropriate the sum of $6,000 for the purpose of the article. ARTICLE 51.. VOTED to ADOPT the article and raise and appropriate the sum of $2,500 for its purpose ARTICLE 52. VO~ED to ADOPT 'THE article. ARTICLE 53. VOTED to ADOPT thearticle and raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000 for it spurpose ARTICLE 5~. VOTED to ADOPT the article and that the sum of $1,052.~8 be transferred from unenxpended balance of Article 22 of 196~ Town Meeting (Mass' Ave.Sidewalk) and that the sum 6f $7~7.52 be raised by taxa~tion. ARTICLE 55. VOTED to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 56. VOTED to ADOPT the article and raise and appropriate the sum of $12,500 for the purpose of the article. ARTICLE 57. VOTEI~'to ADOPT the article and raise and appropriate the sum of $1,5P0 for its purpose. ARTICLE 58. VOteD to ADOPT the article and raise and appropriate the sum of - $1,000 for its purpose. ARTICLE 59. VOTED to ADOPT the article' and raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000 for its purpose. ARTICLE 60. VOTED unanimously that the Selectmen and the Highway Surveyor are hereby constituted as a board of officers authorized and directed to order the public improvement proposed by this Artic.l'e, and thereafter to assess betterments therefor under C.80 of the* General Laws; and the sum ~of $4,000 is hereby raised and appropriated to be expended under the direction of the Highway Survey.or for such public improvement. ARTICLE 61. VOTED to ADOPT the article and raise and' appropriate the sum of $17,000 for the purpose of the article. ARTICLE 62. VOTED to ADOPT the article and raise and appropriate the sum of $2,000 for the purpose of the article. ARTICLE 63. VOTED to accept the provisions of General Laws, Chapter ~0, Section 6J, provided, that until the further vote ~f the Town, purchases be made only of stormy weather work clothes, including rubber boots. ARTICLE 6~A. VOTED ~o strike from the warrant. ARTICLE 64B, VOTED to strike from the warrant. ARTICLE 64C. VOTED to strike from the warrant. ARTICLE 6~D. VOTED to strike from the warrant.~ ARTICLE 65. VOTED to REJECT the article. ARTICLE 66A. VOTED to strike from the' warrant. ARTICLE 66B. VOTED to strike from the warrant. ARTICLE 66C. VOTED TO strike from the warrant. ARTICLE 67. VOTED to REJECT the article. ARTICLE 68. VOTED to ADOPT the article and raise and appropriate the sum of $5,000 for the purpose of the article. ARTICLE 69. VOTED to ADOPT the article and rais~ and appropriate the sum of $1,800 for the purpose of the article. Adjourned Town Neeting ~arch 18, 1967 ~ CLE 70. VOTED that $500,000 is appropriated for the development of a well ~ field at or near the Lawrence Aiport, for wells, a pump control and chemical ~.. building, purmping station equipment,' and necessary facilities appurtenant to ~ the foregoing, and for laying water mains of not less than six inches but less than sixteen inches in diameter to connect the well field with the Holt Road water main; and that to raise this appropriation the treasurer w.i.th the approval of the selectmen is ~uthorized to borrow $500,000 ~nder Chapter ~lll of the General Laws as amended. The vote was unanimous and so declared. ARTICIE 71. VOTED to ADOP~ the. article and that the sum of $~,900 be raised and appropriated for the purchase of one dump truck $~,~00.00 one pick up truck, ~I$2,100.00 one sedan $2,500.00 and one Aerifier $1,000.00. ARTICIE 72. Article lost by hand vote: AFFIR~ATIVE 200. NEGATIVE 155. ARTICL~ 75. VOTED majority vote to reject the article. ARTICLE 7~- Stricken from the warrant. ARTICLE 75. ~0TED to amend Section 5.77 of the Zoning By-Law by addint theret the following ne~/ sub-paragraph 'No. 17. 17.Beginning at an Essex Couuty bound on the Northerly side of SaLSm Turnpike and running Northeasterly ll~.8 feet by a curve with a radius of 70 feet to an Essex County'bound on the Southerly side of Peters ~treet; thence running North 60o 57' ~0" east ~6.69 feet by. the Southerly line of Peters Street to a point; thence z~u~ning Southerly ~6° 5.6' ~0" east 15.56 feet by la~d now or formerly of the Town of North Andover, thence running South 51u 52' 20" east 26.~0 feet by lnnd now or forme?!y of the Town of North Andover; thence running South 26o 26' 00" east l~9.10 feet by 'l_and now or formerly of the Toy,s of North Andover; thence running South 29u 59' 20" East ~.20 feet b~ land now or formerly of the Town of North And~ver, thence ruuning South 51~ 5~' 2~" east 282.8~ feet by land or Ethel N~ ~reeman, . _thence running West .62° 5~8' 12" 8~6.57 feet .by land now or formerly of ~'reeman; thence zu~nnzug ~outh 50u 55' 59" 249.09 feet by land now or formerly of Freeman to the Salem Turnpike; 'thence running North 52o 50~' 00" West 215.79 feet by the easterly side line of the Salem Turnpike to the poi~t of begluning. Containing 5.1 acres more or ~ ss. The vote was AFFIR~ATIVE 24~. NEGATIVE ll0. ' ARTICLE 76. Stricken From The ~arrant. ARTICL~ 77. VOTED to amend sea,ion 5.77 of the Zoning By-Law by ad'ding thereto the following new suB-paragraphs: (18) Description of "Parcel l" as in Article. (19) Description of "Parcel 2" as .iu Article. The vote was unanimous and so declared. ARTICLE 78. Article lost by han.d vote. A~FIRNATIVE 157. NEGATZVE 122. ARTICLE 79. Stricken from the warrant. ARTICL~ 80. Stricken from the warrant. ARTICLE 81. VOI'ED to REJECT the article. ARTICLE 82. Stricken from the warrant. ARTICLE 85. Stricken from the warrant. ARTICLE 8~. Stricken from the warrant. ARTICLE 85. Stricken from the warrant. ARTICLE 86. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $10,000.00 for the purpose of this article. . ARTICLE 87. VOTED unanimously to raise and appropriate the sum of $10,000~00 for the purpose of this article. ARTICLE 88. VOTED unanimously to transfer from available funds the sum of . $27,000.00 for the purpose of this article. Neeting adJounred at 6:lO P.N. 588 duly~egistered voter were checked by the Board of, ~egistrars. Assisting at Town Neeting in checking and counting were ~¢iss Rose NcEvoy, ~abel Smith, 'Rita Hanlon,David Warwick, Louis Kmiec, Andrew Coffin, ~ohn Cronin, ~o~ ~onteiro, Nilt on Howard, Harold Boynto~ ~oku Care' George Everson and Fred Cakes.. Amon~ the guests attending the meeting were Niss Gediz Goward from Turkey, Niss Nargaret Goonehratne from Ceylon and Niss Linda Bu~ker, from Washington. A motion was made and seconded for a vote of thanks to the Advisory Board, Town Noderator, Town Clerk and Tov~ Counsel for a fine Job "well done" for the meeting. ~ SPECIAL TOWN NEETING NARCH 18, 1967 At th~cial Town Neeting held in the Veterans Auditorium on saturday Narch 18, 1967, the follow~ug was voted. ARTICLE 1. VOTED to ADOPT the article.and raise and appropriate the sum of $100,000 for its purposes, and that to meet this appropriation the. sum of $5,000 is to be raleed~from the tax levy of the cu~ent year, and the Treasurer with the approval of the Selectmen, is authorized to issue $97,000 bonds or notes of the Town under Chapter ~ of the General Laws, payable within 20 years from their ~ates; and further, that the Se~ ctmen are authorized, in the name and behalf of the Town, to enter into all such contracts and arrangements~ as they maysee fit in connection with such construction. AFFIRNATIVE 255. NEGATIVE 57- First Bpecial Town ~eeting Saturday Naroh ARTICLE 2. VOTED unanimously to AD0~T the article. ARTICLE 3. VOTED to ADOPT the ~itsic_l~ and ~.a.is.e a~..d appropr_i~te. $68,~90 for its purposes and that to meet approprza~lon ~ne sum of $U,490 is to be raised from the tax levy of the current year, and the Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, is author, lsed to issue $60,000 bonds or notes of the Town under Chapter ~$ of the General Laws Payable Within 5 years from their dates: The vote AFFIR/¥~TIVE 265 NEGATIVE 8. ARTICLE ~. VC~ ED uuanimously to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 5. V~ED unanimously to ADOPT the article and raise and appropriate the sum of $53,~00 for its purposes and that to ~ et this appropriation $1,.~22.09 be raised by. taxations, $5,571.95 be~transferred from the unexpended ~bo~l~c~ef ~A~t.i~cle_s~l,~,4,5 - 1962 ,sew~ers,~.~2,~69.?? from the unexpended balanc~ .; ~ ~ ~o~ sewers arm $1,~5~.19 be t~ansferred from the unex- pended balance urd er Article 2 - Special Neeting 1965 sewer and ~he Treasurer, is hereby authorized, with the prior approval of the Selectmen, to borrow the ~. remaining $22,000, issuing bond or notes of the Town therefor which shall be ,payable within l0 years from their date, all in acc~dance with the governing provisions of law: provided that the msual assessments be made under Cha~ er · 38,0.. of the Acts of 1906. ~'A'RTICLE 6. VOTED to ADOPT the a~ticle and raise and appropriate $31,900 for -.i~.for its purposes and that to ~ et this appropriation $1,~00 be raised by t~xation and the Treasurer is hereby, authorized, with the prior ap~oval of the Selectmen, to borrow the remaining $30,000, issuing bonds or notes of the Town therefor, which shall be payable in 15 years from their dates, all in J accordance with the governing provisions of law. Unanimous vote. ' A. RT~ICLE 7. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $~5',000, to be used with a.Contrlbution from the Lawrence Eagle Tribune Realty ~rust, for the purpose df. laying' a 12 inch water main on Turnpike Street from. I~'ierrimack College to th~ ~'agle Tribune building with a 12 inch main, and to raise this sum th~ Treasurer with the approval of the Selectmen, is authorized to borrow under G.L.c.~$, s.8 (5) as amended,~.and the Board of Public Works is authorized to take all actions necessary ~o carry out this vote. · Ur~animous vote. ARTICLE 8. VOTED unanimously to ADOPT the article. ~'ARTiCLE' 9o VG~ED that the Selectmen and the Highway Surveyor are hereby con- stLtuted as a board of officers authorized and directed to c~der the public improvement proposed by this Article, and thereafter to assess betterments therefor under o.80 of the General Laws: aud the sum of $~,500 is hereby raised and appropriated to be expended under the direction of the Highway Su~.veyor for such public improvement. Unanimous vote. i~ARTICLE lC. VOTED to amend Section 5.77 by adding thereto the fellowman?new' ~b-paragraph (16) as described' in the article. Unanimous vote. sEc0hrD SPECIAL T0~ ~'EETING sATURDAY Narch 18, 1967. ARTICLE 1. VOTED to ADOPT the article, and to instruct the Town Clerk to ,~infcrm the Greater Lawrence ~egional Vocational Technical High School Distric Committee of the Town's disapproval of the amount of the prop~ed debt authorized by said Commlttee. Unanimous vote. · A~, ,true copy: ATTEST: ~.-.'7~ ~/ TOWN~CLERk~ ss: To GREETD,~ OS: WARRA~T CO~ONVfEALTH 0F I~ASSAC}HYSETTS either of thc Constables of the Towu of North Andover In the name of thc Commonwc.alth of ~ssachusctts, you arc hc~e ~ireCted to notify and warn the inhabitants of thc Town of North Andoverb arc qualified ~h otc vote in Town Affairs, to meet in thc Veteran, s Auditorium of thc North Andovcr High School for a special Town ~'Iceting on A~0NDAY EVENING, thc~lgth day of ~J~E 1967 at 8:00 P.I~. thcn and thcrc to act upon the following, ar tic les: ' ARTICLE 1. To see if the Town will vote to amend the North Andover zoning by, Iaws ~.y~the addition of the following section: Se6~ion . Private Recreation Areas. Private recreation areas including swimming and/or tennis clubs shall be permitted in any zoning district in .accordance with standards set forth by the Board of Appeals so as to not be detrimental to the neighborhood where it is to be located; and only after a ~public hearing by the Board of Appeals with due notice given on application for'a building permit and orfly afte~ a site plan review and approval by the Board of Appeals endorsed in writing on the site plan with or without any conditions. Petition of Angelo R. Contarino and others