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WA,RRA Commonwealth ot as acbusctts ESSEX SS: To eit~,,, r o[ the Coustables of the Town o! North Andover: GREETINGS. In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of North Andover who are qualified to vote in Town Affairs, to meet in the Veteran's Audi- torium of the North Andover High School for a Special Town Meeting on SATURDAY, THE 16th DAY OF MARCH 1968 AT 1:30 P.M. /' ~en and there ~ act upon the following artlclee: /,/ ART.ICLE 1. To see what action the Town will take, by a secret written ballot, to be taken at the Meeting, upon the following question: "Shall there be established a Sanitary District to include the City of Lawrence and the Towns of Andover, Methuen and North Andover and the construction, acquisition, extension, improvement, maintenance and operation of a system of water pollution abatement fac/I/ties by the said District in accordance with the provisions of a Special ACt to create the Greater Lawrence Sanitary District?" Petition ot the Selectmen. ARTICLE 2. To see ff the Town will vote to accept as a Town way, Cotuit Street rom zts mtersection f ' with Waverly Road to its terminus at the property owned by Donald B. Elliot et ex numbered 107 Cotuit Street. Petition of John J. ~Vill;, and others. ARTICLE 3. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sufficient sam of money to acquire approximately 14 acres of land from Anthony Rogers believed to be necessary to expand the Sanitary Fll/ama. Petition of the Highway Surveyor and the Selectmen. And you are directed to serve this warrant y posting true and attested copies thereof, at the Town b ' Office Building, and at five or more public places in each voting precinct. Said copies to be posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time ot holding said meeting. Hereof, fall not, and m, ke due rotum of this warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk, at the time and place of said meeting. Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, the 29th day of February in the year of Out Lord one thousand nine hundred and slxty-eight. WILLIAM A. FINNE~ t Selectmen of. FRED p. 0AKES ~ North Andover, Mass. A true copy. Attest: _North Andover, Massachusetts'~ 4 1~88 1968 COMMO~VEALTH OF MASSACh~JSETTS ESSEX To either of the Constable s of the Town of Nm th Andre er: GREETINGS: ~ In the name of the Commormeal~h of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of North Andover who are qualified to vote in Town Affairs, to meet in the Veteran's Audlt~lum of the North Andover High School for a Special Town Meeting on SATURDAY, the 16th DAY OF MARCH 1968 at 1:30 P.M. then and there to act upon the following articles: ARTICLE 1. To see if the Town will approve the construction of a new Housing Project for elderly persons pursuant to the ~rovisions c~ Chapter 667 of Massachusetts Acts of 1954; and Acts in amendment thereof and in addition thereto, to be known as State-Aided Housing Pro- Ject 667-~. Petition of North Andover Housing Authority. And you are directed to serve this warrant by pcs ting true and attested copies thereof, at the Town Office Building, and at five or more public places in each voting precinct. Said copies to be posted not more than fifteen days nor le ss than ten days before the time of holding said me e ting. Hereof, fail not, and make due return of this warrant wit~ your doings thereon to the Town Clerk, at the time and place of said meeting. Given under our hands at North ~ndover, Massachusetts, the 4th day of March in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and sixty eight. WILLIAM ~ FI NI~RAN Selectmen of FRED P. OAEES. ~_ No. Andover, Mass~ 3. t rue copy:ATTEST: No. Andover, Mass. March 5, 1968. ~ PRECINCTS ONE TWO THERE. FOUR TOTAL Moderator for one .year i. T O: ON 84,8 llS Blanks 133 164 114 192 ~0) asu~e~ fo~ one yeer ."Blanks ~ 'N$1&ctm~ for three years ~ILL~A$1 A. J. MONTEIR0, JR. · PEILIP CLARI~ ~ PETER SLIPP ~ Blanks Selec~ for one year EDMU~ CO~E JOS~H GUT~E P. JOEN J, MONTEE0, Bl~nks Board of Public Welfare f~ t~ee JOE J. NONTE~0, PET~.. Blanks B6~d of Public Welfare for one ED~D C~E JOSEPH A. ~T~ P. ~OHN J. N0~IRO, Blanks 2 1 780 years ~Y~ 77~ 595 1 1 689 57 ly~ 275 9~6 389 888 20 100 OFFICER ~ S RETURN I have notified and warned the inhabitants of the Town of Nc~ th Ando~er aualified to vote in Town Affairs by posting true and attested copies of this M, arrant at the Town Office Building and at five .ct more public places in each voting pre- cinct of the Town. Said copies were posted in five or more public place in each vo~ing precinct of the Town and at the Town Office Build lng not mc~e than fifteen days nor less thau ten days before the ime of holdin said meeting. ~orth Ando; er, Mass. M~rch 5, 1968. ATTEST: ELEOTIO. N, MOND. Y/, 4,( g8 CLERK. Town Election ~onday March 4, 1968. B6ard of Assessors for Three Years J0.SEPH N. HF~MANN Bl~ nks Board of Health fo~ T~ee Yea~s ~.~ ~O~E C~O~ 655 EDt~D C ORM~R BDank s 9 Bo~d of Public Works ~YING C. HOWES 581 Bl~ks 171 Sc~oOl Co~ittee for t~ee years ~!b~nO ~. ~T~Z~ 287 LOUIS J. ~C, ART~ F. 0'C0~0R 151 B~nks Planning B~rd for five years 169 WILLI~. B. D~, B~JA~N C. SWW~EY Bl~s ~8~i~ Authori~ for five years ~. e~o~ ~oHwooo JOHN ~P~ 577 B~nks 175 C0~STABLES F0R T~ EA~S GEOHG~ ~. ~a~NZ~ ~55 AUGUSTII~ J. WAL~ RO~RT J. LORD C~R~ S WEN~0RTH 5 THO~S McC~ 1 D~VID RO~TS WILLIAM TO~Y CHAR~S HUT CHINS 1 C~S R~DOE 1 JA~S NIZ~K~ ~LCOLM NORWOOD PRISCILLA Q~NT~ ALL~ 0TER FOR~-T~E (~) Blanks PRE Clq~C T ONE. " TWO. .ABSENTEE BALLOT COUNT APPLICATIONS RE'D AND ~.~A ILED. 8 7 1789 888 7o~ l~ 79 209 506 3)8 153 lO7 169 1 75 209 192 17~ 12o5 ~9 1 1 170 472 ll60 216 737 157 2~9 ~7t 59 2o7 784 6o8 lll2 ~081 2 2 228 17a 264 628 515 9la ~51o 2481 868 2556 ~ i ~ 5 i ~ 2 ll 5 2 8 ~ i 7 12 BALLOTS RTD BALLOTS AND VOTED NOT RTD. 1 " THREE 12 ll 1 " F0~R ~~20 4 ATTEST: · ARTICLE 2. VOTED to ref n the appointment of Town Officers not required by law of By-Law to be otherwise chosed. A~TICLE 5. V0~ED to accept all reports of receipts andexpenditures. ARTICLE 4. VOTED to fix the following annual salaries of the elected officers of the Town effective from Januery l, 1968. Beard c~ Selectmen and L~censi~g CommissionA- each per annum. $1,250000.00 Board of Public Welfare each per annum. (~ year) .00 Board of Assessors - each per annum 2,500.00 Board of Health - each p~r ann~un Board of Public Works - each per annum Town Treasurer - per annum Tax Collector - per annum Tree Warden - per annum Highway gurveyor- per ar~num Moderator - per annum AR~TICLE 5. VOTED to carry forward to fiscal 1968, and apDropr iati. ons: ART. 3~, 1965 To~rn Garage Yard S~r vey " 1 1967 (Spec) New Police Station 1 196~ New ladder truck 500.00 3oo.oo .8,700.00 2,7~0.00 1,500.00 9,200.00 5o.oo the followin~ articles 909.78 216.97 26.5O 4'O ART. TO¥~N I~t ETING MARCH 16, 1968 62, 1~964 - Town f_ire fighters accident 66, 87, 68, 1966 sewer extensions 72, 1966 West side sewer ~,, 1967 -(Spec.) extend sewer systems 4 1966 -Ch.90 - Salem, ~ale & Johnson Sts. 4.~,, 1966 -New motor - repair street grader 196.7 -Ch. 679 - highway improvement 50, 1967 -Road & Retaining Wall - Flatts bridge 5611~ 1967 -Sidewalk - 0sgood ~treet 1967 -Ch.90 -Salem, Johnson & Foster Sts. U.S. 01d age Assistance (Assistance) U.S. 01d Age Assistance lAdministration) U.S. Medical Assist~ce (Assistance ~.S. Medical Assistance (Administration) e.S. Aid to dependent chil~ ten (Aid) U.S. Aid to dependent children (Administration U.S. Dissability Assistance (Assistance U.S. Dissability Assistance (Administration) School ~penses (Painting Contractor) School P. L. School P. L. School P.L. 210 School P.E. 89-10 No. Andover school lunch No. Annoyer AthOs tic Association State Aid for Libr~ries-Reserve for Annron. Psrks & School Grounds. Exp. (K.Bails~ Recreational Council Expenses Land damage claims Art.68A, ~i' 75, 76, 1966 Water systems " 68 i - Renew water services 69, 19~ - Extend water main systems · ,',', 7~, 19~ - Develop ?ell field " 7' 19~ - (Spec. Extend water systems 19~. - (Spec) 12" water main. " 15', 196, - (~Spec) water mains. ~Autran Ave. Accrued interest(Equipment & Water Main Notes~ TOTAL 2,144.07 7,~95.~ ~oP.7o 9,oz~.15 5,966.5o ha, 5 o o. oo 0,000.00 7, o49. l, 049.~0 l, 7s5 · s5 l, 197.70 1,956.55 76.69 5,500,00 5,~o~.59 ~2,9e9. ~a 96.19 ll, 000.88 5,15~.87 2,727 · 00~ ~8~.o2 2, s95,95 · 1,800.00 1,455.96 · 58,945.~6 ,- 520.00 8o.~o · 279,945.16 1. Selectmen.- Salaries & Wag. $9,920 Experts e s 2. Treasurer: Salaries & Wag. 14,520 Expenses ~. Acc0un~anb: Sal & Wages 1~,950 Expenses ~. Tax Collector: Sal & Wagem. 7,660 Expenses 5'. Town Clerk: Sal & Wages 6,800 Expense s 6. Assessors: Sal & Wages 17,970 ExpelTse s 7. Election: Registrars Sal &Wages 1,400 Expen se s 8. Town Council: Annual netainer ~,000 Expenses 9. Moderator: Salary 50 10. Advisory Committee: Expenses ll. Capitol Outlay mxpenses 12. Planning Board: Sal & ~ages 800 Expenses l~. Bm rd of Appeals (Zoning) Sal & W. 900 Expenses 14. Personnel Brd. Sal & ~ages 975 Expense s 15. Tov~n Bldg. Sal & "ages 2, 080 Expense s 16. Annual Town Meeting: Expenses 17. Police Dept: Sal & Wages 185,1~ Expenses 18. Fire Dept: Sal & Wages 185,~65 Expenses 1.9. Dog Officer: Salary 400 Expenses 2_0: Civil ~efense: Salary 900 Expense s $ 9,9~.00 $~,200 ~,200.00 1~2o.0o 5,979.' 5,979.00 !~,9~o.oo 2,787 2,7~7.00 y,660.00 ~,550 4,~50.00 6,~00.00 775 775.00 17,970.00 6,46i 6,~61.oo 1,~00.00 9,8~e ~,~2.oo 4,000.00 l,O4O l,o4o.oo 50;00 150 150.00 ~5o ~5o.oo ~00.00 400 koo.oo 900.00 ~oo 300.00 975.00 250 2~o.oo 2,0~0.00 6,000 6,000.00 5,81o 5,81o.oo 183,zk~.oo 19,oo6 19.oo6.o0 185,~65.oo ll,000 il,000.00 koo.oo 7OO 7o0.oo 9oo.o0 ~,6oo ~,~oo.oo ARTICLE 6. VOTED to ADOPT the proposed budget as follow~ with corrected itemsI Item 18, Fire Dept., expenses should read $11,000 not ~'10 00x ~ a-, mam-wages Should read $5?,200,' not $50,000. .S.AL & WAGES .EXPENSES T 0 T A I Annual Teen I~.'Ieeting March 16, 1968 SAL & WAGES EXPENSES 21. Building Inspector: Salary Expenses 22. Wiring Inspector: Salary Expenses 25. Gas Inspector: Salary Expenses 2~. Sealer-Wghts & Measure; Sal. Expenses 25. Board Of Health: Sal & ~ages Expenses 26. Animal Inspector: Salary 27. Garbage Disposal contract 29. Sewer Mntnoe,Const. Sal)Wages Expenses 50. Water ~tnce-Const. 8al-Wages Expenses 52. Parks-School Grnds. Sal & Wages Expenses 52.~Tree Dept: Sal & '"ages Expenses 55. Dutch Elm Eis. Labor & Wages Expenses 54- Insect Pest Control. Sal & W~es Expenses 5~. Street Lighting Expenses 5~. Street Gen, 1 ~tnce: S~l & ~age~ Expenses ~ Snow Removal: Expenses ] Refuse disposal: Sal & Wages. 57,200 Expenses ~9- Board of Public Welfare: Salaries 600 0. Welfare Adm. Sal-Exp. Amt to raise ~ Welfare Grants. Amt. to raise~ Veterans Benefits: Salary 5,170 Expenses Cash grants 45- Graves ~e~istration: Salaries 150 ~x~en se s ~/~. School Dept~ Sal & ~age~.1.266.~95 P.L.864 & 874) less. · 20~000 Net. Salaries & ¥oages. Expenses 261,~~6'595 P.L.S64 & 874) less 17~000 Net Expenses 45: Regional Vocation School' (Allocation ofcost to No.Andover. 46. Stevens Mem'l Library. Sal-Wages 40,547 Expenses 47- Playgournds-Bathing ~each. S&W. 15,500 Expenses 48. Recreutional Council. Sal & W. 4,990 Expenses. 49. Group Insurance 50. Essex County Retirement Pensions 51. Contingent~'tuud 52. Rental of Veterans~Headquarters ~]InPatri°tiCsurance & Civic Celebrations. 55. Industrial Commission mmpenses 56. Land damag~ claims ~i Ira O. 0arty Pension Out of State travel ~ Conservation Commission expe~ es Bond Issue Expenses 61.. Highway Equipment 62. School Bonds ~ Welfare bonds Water Main notes & bonds. ~ Sewer notes & bonds Fire equipment notes ~ Highway equipment School bonds 69. ~elfare bond 70· Water Main notes & bonds 71. Sewer notes $ bonds 72. Fire equipment notes Police Station BUDGET TOTALS $2,070,972 1,200 '~00 5oo 100 900 2OO 10,680 6,275 525 15,879 20,000 12,000 70,000 51,000 18,500 7,000 22,547 5,615 7.,269 1,600 11,958 5,185 52,200 87,500 50,000 50,000 7,500 7,000 102,500 285· ~ 29,4o0 55o 70,560 5,000 ~2,500 1,570 3,777' 5,500 1,200 1,150 20O 0 2,500 2,250 100 1,682 15,000 200,000 ~5,000 77,500 55,000 5,000 1,606 75,992 1, 11,278 ll5 52,25~ _ 2,1~ 1,505,756 .TOTAL ~i~ 5,45o.oo 25.oo 1,200.00 oo,oo 50o.00 lOC.CO 900.00 200.00 lO,68o,oo 6,275.00 ~25.oo '15, 79.00 20,000.00 12,000.00 70,000.00 51,000.00 18,500.00 7,000.00 21,547.00 5,~15.o0 7,~69.00 1,600.00 11,9~8.00 5,1~5.00 ~2,200.00 7,500.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 57,200.00 7,500.00 ~00.00 7,000.00 102,500.00 5,170.00 2~5.00 29,4oo.oo 15o.oo 55o.oo 70,569,00 4o,§k .oo 9,575.00 15,500.00 ~,000,00 ,990.00 ~2,500.00 1,570.00 5,777.00 5,500.00 4200.00 1,150.00 5,0~1.00 200.00 0. 2,500'00 2,250.00 100.00 1,682.00 15,000.00 200,000.00 55,000.00 77,500.00 55,000.00 5,000.00 1,606.00 75,992.00 1,05~.00 19,6~.00 11,278.00 ll5.00 52,25?.00 2~188.00 $5~576,728.00 ARTICLE 7. " 8. No reports to be heard. " 9. VOTED TO ADOPT the article and the Board of Health Physician at ~l,100. ARTICLE 10. VOTED TO ADOPT the article. " ll. VOTED TO AEOPT the article. Town ~,~eeting ~,~arch 16, 1968 VOTED TO ADOPT the article. Unanimous vote. to fix the annual compensation of 12. VOTED to ADOPT 15. VOTED to ADOPT l~. VOTED TO ADOPT 15. VOTED to strike 16. VOTED to ADOPT l?. VOTED to ADOPT 18. VOTED TO ADOPT the article. the article with a vote the article. From the warrant. thearticle. the article. the article. ~ than~ to Donors. ~" 19. VOfED to ADOPT the article. " 20. VOTED TO ADOPT the article. "" 21. Stricken from Warrant. Lost: AFfirm~tive 259, Negative 126. " 22. Stricken from Warrant. " 25. Stricken from Warrant. '" 2~. Stricken from Warrant. Lost: Affirmative 209, Negative 165. '" 25. VOTED to recommend to the Planning Board to take such steps as may~be ~ oper and feasible to require petitionersfor subdivisions of l~n~ . to'do all things necessary to cause all ways within their subdivisions to be constructed and maintained in proper condition for acceptance by the Town, to'present to the Selectmen and to a Town Meeting all necessary petitions for th8 laying out of such ways and their establishments as To~m Ways, and un~il' such establishment, to plow snow from all such ways. ARTICLE 26. VGTED that the Selectmen are autherized, to accept, in behalf of the Town, as a gift from J.p. Stevens & Co., Y-uc., so much of the parcel de- scribed in the Article as lies to the southwest of Cochichewick Brook, as.re- located, as a site for a town garage and yard. Also v~ ed that a vote ~ Thanks of the meeting be extended to the J.p. ~tevens & Co. ARTICLE 27. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $400, for the purpme of.the article to carry through to June 50, 1968. ARTICLE 28. Stricken from the ~arrant. ARTICLE 29. VOTED UNANTMOUSLY to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 89A. VOTED TO ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 50. VOTED to REJECT the article. ARTICLE 51. VOTED to REJECT the article. ARTICLE 52. VOTED to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 55. Stricken from the Warrant. ARTICLE 54. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $5,000 for the pur- pose of the article. ARTICLE 55. Stricken from the Warrant. At.this point (2:55 P.M.) meeting stood adjourned to ta~ up S.T.~. #l con- taining 5 articles and S.T.~. #2, containint i article. Special Town Meetings adjourned at 5:15 P.Z~., returned to A.T.~. ARTICLE 56. Stricken from the warrant. ARTICLE 57. VOTED to REJECT the article. ARTICIE 58. VOTED TO ~ADOPT the article. ARTICIE ~9. VOTED that Articles 59, ~0 and ~l be considered t ' ' ogether, that all be ADOPTED, and that the sum of $12,000 be transferred, For the purp~ es of said Articles, from the unexpended aporopriations made under Ar~ic~ s 68A, 75; 75 and 76 of thc Warrant For the 19~ Annual Town Meeting.' ARTICLE 40. See Article 59. ARTICLE 41. See Article 59. ARTZCLE~2. VOTED that this Article be acted upon together with Articles 52, 5~ 55 and 56 and that the sum of $69,400 is appropriated under said Articles . for the ~ying of water mains of not less than six inches in diameter and that to raise this appropriation the treas described P cf the · No work in Article 55 shal be done under this vote until the Board of Public Works has entered into an agreement with Benjamin C. Osgood, on such terms as it-deems appropriate, for a contribution ~ 50 per cent of the total cost, presently estimated to be ~1:52,000, of such work. The vote was unanimous ARTICLE 45. VOTED TO ADOPT the article. '~ ARTICLE ~. VOTED TO ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 45. VOTED toADOPT the article. ARTICLE 46. VOTED to ADOPT THEARTICLE. ARTICLE [~7- VOTED to raise and aopro~!ate the sum of $1,000, from the 1968 tax levy and the ~reasurer, with' the a~roval to borrow $18,000, under G.L. c~ S7 '(~) of the Selectmen is authorized AFFIRMATIVE VOTE 263. ~GATIVE '100. ARTICLE ~8. VOTED to REJECT the article ARTICLE ~9- VT~ED to BE~ECT the article ARTICLE 5©. VG, ED to REJECT the article ARTICLE 51. VOTED to REJECT the article ARTICLE 52. See Article 42. ARTZCLE 53- VOTED that $11,000, be accepted from George Fart for the purpome of installiug a 12 inch water main under the direction of the Board of Public Works fr'om the present terminus southeasterly on salem Street a distant of about 750 feet and that the $11,000, is received before June l, 1968. See Article ~2. See Article 42. See Article [2. VOTED to strike from the "arrant. VOTED to REJECT the article. Notion lc~ t. Affirmative 122. Negative 191. VOTED to strike from the Warrant. to ADO1T the Article. Unanimous vote. to ADOPT the article. TO ADOPT the article. to ADOPT the article. ~o ADOPT the article and raise and ~ppropriate the sum purpose o~ appointing four regula~ firefighters. TO ADOPT the article. ARTIer. 54- ARTICLE 55. A TZCLE 56- ARTZ CLE 57. ARTI CSE 58. ARTICLE 59- ARTICLE 60. .~TIC~ 61. VOTED ~T[C~ 62. V~ED ARTZCLE 6~. V~ED ~TZC~ ~. V~ED ARTIC~ 65. VO~D $~, 000, fo~ the ~TIC~ 66. VOiD ~TIC~ 67. V~ to ADOPT ~TICLE 69. V~ED T0 ~OPT ~TIC~ 70. V~ED TO A~PT $2,000, fo~ the ~pose of ~TIC~ 7~. V~ED T0 A~PT the article. the article.ART. 68. VOTED to ADOtT the artic~ . the article and raise and appropriate the sum of thearticle. the article ARTICLE 72. V~EED to raise and approoriate the sum of $13,300, for the pur- chase of one'S-wheel drive ~ick-up t~uck,:a 1962 pick-up to be traded, for 92,800, and one loader for $10,500. ARTICLE ?~. V~E~ TO REJECT the article. ARTICLE 7~'. VOTED ~0 REJECT the article. ARTICLE 75. VOTED TO ADOPT the article and raise and appropriate the sum of $50,000, for the purpose of the article. ARTICIE ?6. VOTED to ADOPT the article and raise and appropriate the sum of $2,00.0, for the purpose of the article. ARTICLE ??..VOTED TO AEOPT the article and raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000, for the purpose of the article. ARTICLE 78. VOTED TO ADOPT the article and raise and appropriate the sum of $8,000~, for the.purpose of the article. ARTICLE 79. VOTED TO ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 80. VOTED to ADOPT the artiole an8 raise and appropriat~ the sum ~ $5,000~, rom the purpose of the a~ticle. ARTICLE 81. V0~ED TO'REJECT the article. ARTICLE 82. VOTED to REJECT the article. ARTICLE 85~ VOTED to strike the a~ti~M from the warrant. ARTICLE 8~. VOTED TO ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 85. VOTED TO ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 86. VOTED to ADOPT the article and raise and appropriate the a~m of $1,00C, for the purpose of the article. ARTICLE 87. VOTED TO REJECT the article. ARTICLE 88; VOTED TO REJECT the article. ARTZCLE 89. VOTED to strike from the warrant. ARTICLE 90. VOTED TO ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 91. 92, 95, and 95. VOTED TO ADOPT the a~tioles. ARTICLE 96.-VOTED TO ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 97. VOTED TO ADOPT the article. ARTICDE 98'. VOTED to ADOPT the artiele. ARTZCLE ~9. VOTED to ADOPT the artlele. ARTICIE 100. VOTED to ADOPT the article. 9~ Strk from Wart ~4 Annual Town Neeting. £atu~day Narch 16, 1968 · ARTICLE 10l. V0~ED TO ADOPT the a~ticle. ARTICLE 102. V~ED to ~CT the A~ticle. ~TICLE 10~. V0~D TO ~DOPT the a~tic~ and raise and ap~op~i~te the $8,000, for the purpose ~ the a~ticle~ ARTICLE 10~. VOTEB UNANI~0USLY to t~ansfe~ from available f~ds the sum ,o0o.oo William B. ~ffy made a motion to exte~ a vote of thanks to the Noderato~, the advisory Bosrd, Town Co, scl a~ To~ C~k fo~ a good Job- w~ll done. Sixty boys and girls from the 8th grade of the ~blic School ~ ~ix girls from the High S~ool ~i~ Olass were observers at the meeting. ~l. S~ECIAL TOWN ~ETING FOLLOWING ~AL TOWN ~ETING ~ECH 16, 1~68. ARTIC~ 1. VOiD UN~INOUSLY to ADOPT the a~ticle. ~e ballot was ~cast by the Noderato~. No opposition~ no objection. ~r. A~th~ P. Kirk, Chairman of Selectmen, extended the thanks to the membe~ of this rive~ pollution for ~he interest ~nd time' put into this work. ~TIC~ 2. VOiD to s ~i~ from the warrant. ~TICLE ~. V~ED to ~CT the a~ticle. #2. S~C~L T0~ ~ET~G FOLLOWING AN~AL TOWN ~TING OF ~.~R~ 16~ 1968 ARTICLE 1. V~ED that the To~ of North ~ndove~ hereby approves construction of a new hous~g pro~Ject, namely; a'pro~ect fo~ the housing of elderly consis~g of not more than fifty (5~) dwelling ~its, pu~sant to Chapter~6~7 of ~ss acts of 1~5~ ~d Acts in amendment thereof and in addition the~eto~ to be ~o~ as state aided housing project ~867-~. Unanimous vote ~d so dec~ed. 615 ~ly registered vo~e~s were present and checked b~ Board of ~egistra~s~ Jo~ Nonteiro, Ted Pete~s, Jo~ Cronin, A1 A~nold, Donald Anders~, Eilten~ Howard, Oscar Root, Stu Wilson, Stu Su~e~ ~d J~mes Dewhi~st assisted ~oder~tor and To~ C~ rk in the co~ting of all hand vo~g. ~~ ~u~d~i~ ~n ~u ~h~i~Y~ l~i~l~a~s t~dR~e~is~~ . true copy: ATTEST: ~~ , ~ · //JO~'MO~ Town C~e~k. W A ~R A '~ ~ ~ ' ' ESS~ To eithe~ of the Constables of the To~ of Nor~ Andover:~ GRATINGS: In the name of the Co~onwealth of ~assachusetts, you a~e hereby~. directed to notify and wa~n the ~habit~s of No~th Andover who ~e qualified to vote in Town Affairs, to meet in the Ve~er~,s Auditorium of the No~th ~ndove~ High School for a ~pecial To~ ~eet~g on NO~, the ~th DAY OF ~R~ 19~8 at 8:00 P.~. then and t~re to act upon the follow~g articles: ~TIC~ 1. To see if the To~ will vote to raise ~d appropriate'a sufficient s~ o~ money to be e~ ended ~de~ the. direction of the Se~ ctmen fo~ comple ting ~ and eGuipping the new Police Station. Petition of the Selectmen .... ~TIC~ 2. To see if the Town will vbte ~o ~aise ~d appropriate a s~fficient s~. of money an8 =o auth~ ize the Se~ct~en to ent er ~to a con~ract 'with the .. Nassachuse~ts Bay ~r~spo~tatlon Authority ~d to use said sum o~rany ~ thereof to defray cez~ci~s of the EasSe~n ~ssachusetts Street R~lway Comply result~g from p~ovidlng bus se~vice from N~th Andover to Boston. ~d from North Andove~ to othe~ points wi~in the g~eat~La~ence A~ea. Petitlon of Se~ctmen ~TIC~ 5. To see if the To~'~ ~ll vo~e tb amend its Zoni~'By-Law by In- se~ting, after 8ectlon ~.06 there of , ' the folla~g new section: Section ~.07. Notwithst~d~g any contrary pz'ovislon of this ByLLaw, any m~iclpal b~lding, and.its facilities and gro~ds, may be ma~tained upon any ~ ~cel of ~nd o~ed by the To~.upon which a Tow n Neeting~ has voted to ~ve such a building constructed and maintained. Petition of Se~ ctmen. ARTIC~ ~. To see if the Tov~ willraise ~nd appropriate ~o certain Budget Items as follows: Bud,ge~ Item No. 70. !nteres= Water Nain No~es & Bonds· $1,562.00 Budget Iten No. 71. In~eres~ 'Sewer'N~es and Bo~s. ~05.00 Petition ~ the Tow Treasu~e~. ~TIC~ 5- To see if the To~ will vote ~o ~aise and appropriate'the s~ $790. to be ex~nded ~de~ the direction oF the Seleotmen and the 'To~ Accout- er for the purpose of p~chasing a desk type pr~t~g calc~ato~.to be used by all departments f~om a central po~t in the To~ Office Bui~. Petition of Selec~en and Tow Acco~=ant ' ~TICLE 6. To see iF the To~ will vote ~o ~aise ~d appropriate 'the s~ $~0, to be expended ~der the direction of the To~ Acco~=~t a~d Selec~en fo~ the p~pose o~ ~ep~c~g a l& year. old Allen-Wales adding mach~e Petition of To~ Acco~an~. ·