HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-09-30 t' '"~ 4 Speci~.l Town Meeting. September' 30,~1~ ' ''"~:' '
" ~. Stricken from the
,,~' VOiD to ADO~ the a~ic!e. Unanimous vote.
,, ~. VOiD to ADOPT the article as read.
" ~. Article withdrawn
,' ~ Stricken from the Warrant
,, WithdraE from Warrant.
" 9. VO'~D ~animously to AD0~ the article.
" 10. V~ED to ADOPT the article ~ud take the sum of ~2,500, from
available f~ds in the Treasury.
" ll. VOTED to ADOPT the article and take the sum of ~5,020.15 from
available f~ds in the Treasury.
The meeting opend at 8:00 P.N., ~d adJour~d at 8:30 P.~.i.
Tom Broadhead, Len Coppetta, Vin Hanlon, Louis ~iec, John Nontei~o, ~,~ilton
Howard and Jim Hurrell, assls~ed the Moderator and To~ Clerk for co~ting.
~Irs. M~rjorie Heider, l.lrs. Jo~ Lyons and Nfs. Vincent H~lon assisted the
Board of-~egistrars in checking the voters.
Three h~.dred and forty-eight duly regis?red voters were checked.
A true copy: ATTEST: ~~
CO~,~Oi~E~LT~ O~' ~.~A~SACHUSE~S
To oither of the Constables of the To~,m of North ~dove~:
In the n~me of the Co~onwealth~ you are hereby directed to notify
~,d ~::arn the inhabitants of North :~.dove~~ ~,ho are qualified to vote in Town
Affairs, to neet in the Veteran's Auditori~ of the North /,~ over High ~chool
for a Special Town ~,~ee~ing on
H0~i~Ay, the 2~th DAY 0F 0CTO~ 1968 at 8:00 P.~.~.
then ~nd there to act on the following ~rticles:
~TIC~ 1. To see if the Tov~n will vote to ~uthorize the Selectmen to act
for it Lu negotiating ~d executing a contract between the To~ and the
~.,~assachusetts B~y Transportation Authority to provide for railroa6' co~uter
service between North A~d over ~d Boston for the period ending ~uly ~0, 1969
an~ to raise and appropriate ~500, for said p~pose. Petition of the Board
of Selectmen.
~,TIC~ 2. To see if,the To~ ~'~ill vote to authorize the Selectmen to ~ct
for it in negotiating ~nd excuting a contract between the To~,,~ ~ the
~,~assachusetts Bay Transportation Authority to provide for bus co~uter
service in the G~eater L~wrence Area and Boston for the period ending
Dece~oer 27, 1968~ ~nd to r~ise ~d appropriste ~9,~0~ for said purpm e.
Petition of the Selectmen.
.~TIC~ 5. To see if the Town will vote to a~end its Z~ning B~-Law by
therefrom the follow~g sect!om : 4-7~ ~,.71, ~.72~ ~.7~, ~nd ~.7~ ~-~hich said
Sections presently read as follo~-~s: .~
~..7 APAET~,~T DE~LOP~','~NTS; T~e Bo~d of Appeals may grant a special p~it
for ~ apartment development zn ~.y zoning dzstrict,but only if it be satis-
fied t~t such development ~'~ill conform to the ~rmitted uses and specific,
regu~t!ons set forth in ~ections ~', .72 and ~.7
~..7~ ~ so f~r as they ~ay be ~pt, the provisions of Se~ons ~--5 t~o~h
4.54 ~clusive, shall apply to any application for a special ~rmit under
, Section ~-7.
~.~2 Pe~mittod Uses:
Multiple or group dwellings, ~ ovided that there shall be not m~ e than
twelve dwelling ~its per struct~c.
(b) Such accessory uses as are customary ~ co~ection with the ~rmitted~
principal uses, except that professional offices ~d home occupations a~e
spec if ic ally. excluded.
~.7~ Specific l~eg~tions:
(a) No structure s~ll exceed two ~d one-half (2~-) stories
(~5) feet in height,..~e~s~ed above the top of the fo~tionm.
(b) No str~ctures~ e~.cept one-story garages or carports~ or ~picrced walls
of residential structures shall be nearer to each other than ~e s~ of
heights of their two opposing extericr walls, ~as~ed ~bove the top of thc
(c) There shall be ~ lot area of at least 5,&00 squ~re feet for each
~it in ~ultiple-dwelling struct~e, in addition to the lot are~ if any,
required for othor permitted uses.
(d) The gross us~bl~ floor area of all principal ~nd accessory structures
sh~ll ~ot e~ceed ~0~ of the gross area of the lot.