HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-10-28 Special To','~n L~eeting October 28, 1968 Article 3 Con't. (e) No structure shall be built within 30 feet of tho side line of any public street or way snd no structure or parking space shall be built or maintained within 20 feet of any other exterior property line. (f) There shall bo provided at least onc paved off-street parking space, or space in garage orcarport, of each dwelling unit, said space to be no more than 200 feet from the outside entrance to each such unit. No space shallbe considered available for D~rking which reduces the effective width of a drive- way providing access to more than one dwelling unit to less than 12 feet. (g) There shalI bsa paved driveway, or paved walk adequate to accommodate emergency vehicles, wi~hin 50 feet of the outside entrance to each dwelling unit. (h)_Any road or driveway providing principal access to. 6. or more dwelling unit: or 8 or more parking spaces shall conform to appropriate' provisions of 'the subdivision control regulations as if it were a minor residential street. Before issuing any permits the Board of Appeals shall request a report from the Planning Board on the extent of such conformity. ~.7~ No special p~ rmit shall be granted under Section ~.7 unless the Board of Appeals finds that the development as planned will not be detrimental to the neighborhood in which it is to be located, and that the Tov~n can reasonably provide the proposed develppme~nt Ei%.h. all necessary utilities and facilities. Petition of Donald N.Kiers~eae ana ,ouners And you are directed to serve this ~'~arrant by post~'~g true and attested copies thereof at the Town Office Building, and at five or more oublic places in each .voting precinct not le ss than seven days before the s~g'~'e~'time fo~ holding such meeting. Given under our hands at North Andover, ~.~assachusetts, the 7th day of October in the year of Our Lord One Thouss, ud Nine Hundred and Sixty-eight. ARTHUR P. KIRK WILLIAM A. Selectmen of North And over, Mass. North Andover, ~ass. A true copy: ATTEST: OFFICER, ~ RETUR~N I h~ve notified andwarned the.inhabitants of North Andover who are qualified to vote in elections and Town Affairs by posting true and attested copies of.~ 'this warrant at five or more public places in each voting precinct of the T, own. and at ~he To~;n Office Building. Said copies not having been .~osted not less than se~en days before the ~ime of said meeting. ' North Ar~over, i~'~ss. Oc~tober 18, ~968. ~ AT1EST: Special Town Mee~'ing Monday, ~tober 28, 1~68. ~ Meeting oper~ at 8:00 P.M., Moderator called meeting to order. ARTICLE 1. VOTED to ADOPT the article and take the sum of $500, from Available Funds for the pumpcse of the Article. ARTICLE 2.. VOTED to ADOPT the article and take the sum of $9,140, from Available Funds for the purpose of the Article. ARTICLE 3. Article dec]a red not in order by the Moderator because of failure of. Planning Board to make recommendation, in compliance with Chapter ~0A of Sebtion Six, of the General Laws. Motion duly made and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 P.M. Ed Mallory, Jack McLay, Dan 0'Leafy, Eohn Monteiro, Dana Fisher, Milton Howard, Harry Wilcox and Milton Howard were appointed to assist the Moderator and Town Clerk should hand voting be required. Ann Reilly, Rita Hanlon, Martin Lawlor, Earline Lyons and John S. *'yens assisted the Beard of Registrars in the check- ing of ~6~ registered voters into~t~om~. A. true copy: ATTEST: ~ 0FFICER'~ RETURN November 5, 1968 .... State & Natll E~e etlon. I have not tried and warned the inhabltan'ts of North Andover who are qualified to vote in elections by posting true and attested copies of this Warrant at the Town Office Building and at five or more public places in each voting Precinct of the Town. Said copies not having beez~ poste, d not less than seven days before the tlme of said meeting. ~ ~~ ~~ .. ~ AUG~STIN~ J. WELSH. CONSTABLE. North And~ over, _Mass. '~~ 0ctoberf~, 1968. ATTEST: ~/ TOV~N CIF~J~K.