HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-01-09North And over, Massachusetts December 7, 1968. A true copy: ATTEST: ARTHl~R p. KIRK WILLIAM A. FIRe,IRA. Selectmen of North Am over, Cons table. 5?. received 2 2 0 2 i ~ ATTEST: " 1969 WARRANT Commonwealth of Massachuse%ts Essex SS: To either of the Constab~ s of the Town of North Andover: GRF~TI~GS: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of North Andover who are.qualified to Vote in Tov~ Affairs, to meet in the 9eteran's Auditorium of the North Andover ~ School for a Special Tov~ Meeting on THURSDAYi the 9th DAY OF J.~UARY at 7:50 P.M. then and there to act on the followingarticles. ARTICLE 1. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $2~,500 and to transfer from the unexpended balance of Article 18 of the 1968 Town . Meeting (Atkinson Addition)the sum of $7,500 ~o be expended under the directi~ of the School Bui~ing Committee for educational consuming services in connec ion with the selection of a site and the nlanning of a new 1500-1600 pupil high school building in order to insure t~at the layout and construction will provide adequately for the educational and community needs at the lowest cost to the Town. Petition of School Committee and School Building Committee. ARTICLE 2. To see if the Town will raise and appropriste the sum of $22,500 to be expended under the direction of the School Building Committee for pre- liminary plans, specifications, topographic surveys, borings, estimates of costs and such other data as the said committee may deem necessary in order that it may properly advise the Tovm concerning the construction and mainten- ance of ~ new 1500-1600 pupil high school building and grounds. Petitio~ of the School Committee and the School Building Committee. ARTICLE 5. To see if the Town will suthorize the School Building Committee to enter into any and all contracts necessary for the nurpose of carrying out the votes passed in the preceding two articles relative'to consulting services and preliminary plans and specifications for a new high school. Petition of School Committee and School Building Committee. ARTICLE 4. To see if the Town wi~l. vote. to amend its Zoning By-Law by striking ~therefrom the following sections. 4.7, 4.71, 4.72, 4.73, and ~.74, which said sections presently read as follows: 4.7 APARTmeNT DEVELOPMENTS: The Board of Appeals may grant a special permit for an apartment development in any zoning district, but only if it be satis- fied'that such development will conform to ~h~permitted uses and specific regulations set forth in Sections 4.72 and Z~.TD. ~-.71 In so far as they may be apt, the ons of ~tions 4~5 through . To~,m Clerk[ RESULTS OF SPECIAL ELECTION HELD ON MONDAY DECEMBER 16, 1968. PRECINCTS ONE TWO · THREE FOUR T 0 T A L WI LZA B. 109 ll5 299 ? 5 ? o TE RO lO? T 0DOR TmS ?2 l?O 25 5 WAL A. WLLSON lO 21 8 2 BLANKS 2 i I 5 9 ABS~ BALLOT ~P~T Absentee application ~ec'd and Processed: 8 " received ~d voted North'A~d over, Mass. December 7, 1968 ATTEST: OFFICER,S RETURN I have notified and warned' the inhabitants of the Town of North Ando~er who are ~alified to vote in Town Affairs by pos ting true and attested copies of this arrant at the Town Office Bui~ing and at five or more p~hllc p~ ces in each voting precinct of the Town. Said copies not having been posted not le ss than seven ~ays before znclusive shall apply to any application for a special permit under Section 4.' ~.72 Permitted Uses: (a) Multiple or group dwellings, provided that there shall be not more than twelve dwelling units perstructure. (b) Such accessory uses as are customary in connection with th~ permitted principal uses, except that Professional offices and home occupations are specifically excluded. . ~.?~ Specific Regulations: (a)'No structure shall exceed two and one-half (2-~) stories of thirty-five (55) feet in height, measured above the top of the foundations° (b) No structures, except one-stet ara e residential struct~sv~ ~ .... Y g g s or carports, or unpierced walls of ..... o-~zm ce nearer to each other than the sum of the heights of their two opposing exterior wal~, measured above the top of the foundations (c) There shall be a lot area of at least 5,500 squaz'e'feet for each dwell-' lng unit in mul.tiple-dwelling structure, in addition to the lot' area, if s~uy, required for otherpermitte~ uses.' (d) The gross usable floor area of all principal and accessory structu,.es shall not exceed 50% of the gross area of the lot. (e) No structure shall be built within 50 feet of the side line of any public street or way and no structure of parking space shall be built or maintained 20 feet of any other exterior property line. N~h~ere shall be provided at least one paved off-street parking space, or space in garage or carport, of each dwelling unit, said space to be no more than 200 feet from the outside entrance to each such unit. No space shall be considered available for parking which reduces the effective width cE a driveway providing access to mere than onedwelling unit to less than 12 feet. (g) There shall be a paveddriveway, or paved walk adequate to accomodate emer- ~e entrance ~o eadh dwelling unit.gency vehicles, within 50 feet of the ou~ )oA~ road or driveway providin~ ~ o or mcr o ~ ~pa~ access ~o o or more dwelling nits e parking spaces shall conform to appropriate provisions of the sub- division control regul~tionsas if it were a minor residential street. Before Planning Board on the extent of such conformity. issuing any permits the Board of Appleas shall request a report from the 4.74 No special permit shall be granted under Section &.? Unless the Board of Appeals finds that the development as planned will not be detrimental ~o the neighborhood in which it is to be located, and that the Town can reasonable provide the proposed development .with all necessary utilities and facilities. 'Petition of Donald N. Keirstead and others. · And you are directed to serve this Warran~ by posting true and attested copie~ thereof at the To~n Office Building, and at five or more public places in eac voting precinct not less than seven days before the stated time for holding such meeting. ' Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, the ~Oth day of December in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Sixty-eight. ARTHUR p. KIRK Selectmen WILLIAM A. FINh~ERAN of WILLIAM B. DUI~Fy, JR. North ^nd~ver, M~ss. December ~0, 1968 A true copy: ATTEST: North And over, Mass. ~ ~z~c warned the inhabitants of the Town of North And over who are oualified to .vote in Town Affairs by posting true and attested copies of this Warrant at the Town Office Building and a~ five or more public places in each voting precinct of the Town. Said copies not having been posted not le ss than severn days before the time of said meeting. North Andover, Mass. C~STAB~. . . ~nuary2, 19~9 ATTEST: ~~ ~ee~__ .' Special Town ~I~ti~. ~Yan~ary 9 1969 u~ng openeG at 7:K~ w w ~-g~ ..- ~ ' ......... , cng acJourned at ~:10 P.~L 527 duly registered voters were co, ted and checked on the voting lists. ' ARTIC~ 1. Ruled from the Warrant ~y the Moderator. Not approved ~y'Advisory Brd. __ __ : VOTED to amend the Ar~o ...... · ~?Icken from Warran '~'ne ~lann~ng Board ~ --,-~ Arth~ D~on,d, Jo~ S. Lyons. Harold Morley, Edward Phil Haggarty, Don Haigh,- at the Meeting. A true copy: ATTESt: Mallory, Milton, Howard, Darp~Pisher Daniel Desmon~, assisted