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TOWN WARRANT COMMONWEALTH 0F/· ~,~ASSAC~SETTS To,. either, of. t~e:,-Constable;s: of!. the ~.Town;'of North. 'Andover: GREETINGS::~ -.-..~:~ :~. ~. ...,., . ...... In the name['of' ,the Commonwealth'. of Massachusetts;[ you are hereoy direc~ec To notify"and wa~n the'Inhabitants of North Audover who are qualified to vo=e in Town Afl, air, s; to mee.t in the Veteran's Auditorium' of the' North' Andover 'High School~'f0r' au 'Soeelal T°wn Nee Sing · SATURDAY, T~E 15tn,Di~'O~ NAROE 19~69 AT l:~ P.M. then ~n~':,the~.,'~o act '$~,,,'the 'fbl~'0wi~' articles: / ARTICLE ,1, To.,see if ~he: TS~n'will':-vo~e to exprees its dleaPP~oval of. the .'amcunt'6£ the 'l~deb~edness- ('$4,250,000.) which, the Greater Lawrence Reg~ona~.'.Vocatlonal~ TeclLuic~l~High School Dlst~Icm' O0mm~t~ee voted, on :February"iS, 1~6~, ~o incur.for uhe purpose of: constructing and equipping additional facilltles~.on lan~ presently owned by .~he District a~,57 Rlver%R~',:..~Andover, Massachusetts. ARTICLE ~.'To see.lf the Town will vote 'by 'a ~wo-r~hirds. mJorlty, raise and appropriate or transfer from,availaole f~ds such s~ '~y."~ete~e to ~e ~he neoessary..cos~'of acqui~i~ fo~ ~ne. To~, pure.se, eminent do. tn p~oceed~gs o~ o~e~Ise, ~ne parcel, of desc~ioed below, fo~ the purpose of e~s~c~g ~ m~a~g a new'~i~e's~a~icn thereon, and ~o authorize ~d direc~ its Selec~en, [in' the name and behalf of ~ne Town, to ,~ake such steps as mne ~e.em necessary o~ advisable ~0 effect.Such ac~uis!~lon', all a~1 .d d..by Sec~i~ ~, of Chapter ~0 of ~he General. Laws$ a 'parcel of 'i~c bo~aec southwesterly, by ~son S~r~em, northerly by Salem S~ree~ and southeasterly oy anu~ed traveled way r~ from said "Jonson ~t~ee~ ~o said Salem Stree~ ~d ly~g between ~he parcel described hereby ~d !~d now or for~rly of Alice Morse, Peri,ion · of T~. Selec~m. And you are hereoy airec~ea ~o serve this Warrant by posting t~ue and a~testea copies'thereof at the Town Office Building, and at five/or more public, places in each voting precinct not less than seven days before ~he stated time for holding such meeting. Given under our nanas a~ North Andover, Massachusetts,' the ~th day of March in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine HunCred 'and Sixty Nine. ARTHUR P. KI~K WILLIAm A. FINNERA~ WILLIAM B. DUFFY, ~R. Selectmen of No~th Endover NOrth Anaover~ Masse March 4, 1~69 A t~ue 0opy: ATTEST: OFFICER ' S ~ KETURI~ .: I haw no~ifie~ and warned the iBhabitants of the ' Town of North Am~over~.who., ar.e. qualifie~ ~o,.vote-.in, Town Affairs.by posting true and a~s~e~ copies of this Warrant, a~:~ne Town Office. Buildi~ a~a at five '- "or more~ public' plaoes".in' ea:ch:'~t~ pre6~c~,' "' .. ' ' Said copies' havi~:.been' posted"no~..Ie~:~ ~n seve~' o~ ELECTION EESULTS Noderator for One Year JOHN C. RICH~N Blanks T~w~ TrJasurer~-for On~ l'~az. B~anks Selectman fo~ Three Yea~s EOSEPH A. GUT~IE Blanks A~sessor fo~ Three Years ~anka Bl~ks '~ard. of Public Works for 5 Years ~anks S~hool Co~ittee fo~ 5 years (2) 'J'o~ A. ~u'l'~ CH~S W. TROMBLY, SR. ~. ~V~NCE REG. VCC. ~CH. H · S · JOH~i ~1. O~SdLLIVAN Bla~s ~la~i~ Bo~d for ~ ~0NALD N. ~S~AD ~l~ing Board for [~ 7cars (Un-Ex) SO S~]. C. OH~S W. TROR~LY, Blanks ~ousin~ Authority for 5 years Blank s ~STION: Y E S NO Bl~ks APPLICATIONS FOR ABS~'~ VOTING: Ten received ~d MOi~DAY ~C~RCH 5, 1969 P R E C I N C T S Olxl~ TWO T~L~ ~:~'. ~4~ ~78 402 7~8 3o~ 265 ~85 164.... ~2 ~2 ~ 7 20 279 4o7 554 g2 71 48 128 179 l~l 21o ~9~ 269 266 ~82 545 75 96 57 200 275 268 282 ' . 25~ 2o aS1 4o~ 55~~ go 76 155 176 146 ten voted: as follows 657 !ol 622 1 115 15 612 126 600 158 200 526 12 221 59" TOTAL 1187 ?22 50 1725 1662 1 296 75~ 159l la18 1516 1184 1618 1289 £ 1152 70 698 lO91 17o ,A true copy: AT,ST: ARTICLE 2. VOTED to refer to t ointment of Town Officers not required by law of By-Law to be otherwise chosen. ARTICLE ~. VOTED to accept allreports of receipts~and'expenditures. ARTICLE ~. VOTED to fix the salary and compensation of all elected officers ~s'~r~lde? b~ Se~ti~n~l~8 ~f Chapter ~1 of the General Laws: Jan 1. 1969 As zom£ows. Boar~ ox oemec~men & Licensing Comm. each ~er annum. $2,000.00 · - Board of Assessors. ,, ,, ,, Board of Health. Board of Public Works Town Treasurer Tax Collector Tree ~arden Highway Surveyor Moderator ARTICLE appropriations: Article 27, " 2 " 10, 5. VOTEDto carry forward to fiscal 1969 1~68, MBTA - Rail Service " " Bus Service " Planning Board Consultant 196~ Town Garage r Yard Survey 2,500.00 " " " ~00.00 " " " 400.00 Per " 9,700.00 " " 2,900.00 ,, ,, 1,500.00 " " Il,400.00 " " 50.00 the following articles and 255.58 5oo.oo 5,740.)5 2,500.00 122-78 Article 1, 1967 " 1, 1968 " l, 1963 " 62, 1964 " 68,67,66, '" 72, 1966 1968 " 1968 " 1967 " 3, 1967 " 1968 . ~7, 1968 " ~' 1968 ART. t5. Con't. Police Expenses - Radio Ecuipment Service. New Police Station. Complete & Equip Police Station. New ladder truck. Town fire fighter accident. 1966 sewer extension West side sewer Sewer construction - Autran Ave. Complete west side sewer Extend sewerz Highway - sidewalks Chapter 90 - Salem St. Highway Equipment Chapter 90. Salem St. Street Signs Hot top sidewalks Permanent pavement excavations. Elmcrest estates trust settlement U.S. Old age assistance (administration) U.S. Aid-to dependent children (administration) U.S. Disability assistance (administration) U.S.Medlcal assistance grants U.S. Medical assistance (administration) School department expenses School P.L. 864 School P.L. ~ School P.L. 210 School P.L, 89-10 (Title I) School P.L. 89-10 (Title VI-A) Article 19, 1967 Franklin School Article 18, 1968 Addition Atkinson School Article 19, 1968 Updating Survey of Schools North Andover mchool lunch North Andover athletic association State Aid for Libraries - reserved for appropriation Playground expenses (E.Bailey) Parks & School grounds expenses (E.Bailey) Land damage claims Water Maintenance & Const. Expenses (E.A.Pomerleau) Article 68, 1967 Renew water services " 70, 1967 Uevelope wellfield 1967 12" water main 196~"Water main 1968 & Art. 55, 1968 extend::~ter s~stem 1968 Water services 1968 ~iater extensions 1968 Extend water system - Salem Street. $9?5.oo 169.97 26.~0 · 2,~5.86 1,9~6.78 1,719.69 2,500.00 58,764.84 2,67).00 ~0,000.00 lO9.6o 8,000.00 5,447.76 5OO.OO ~.28 22.27 2,501.~5 1,013.17 886.65 15,2o8.88 ,2o,o25~91 ~.55 869.27 57,009.65 7,500.00 1,110.O0 ~,926;02 .500.00 9~5..oo 650.00 1,110'.~6 25o.19 9,7~.9o 2,000.00 1,O00.O0 "~98,91' $527,919.57 "im'ARTZCL~ 6; VOTED TO ADOPT the proposed budget with corrected Items: Ztem'38, Snow Removal Expenses increased from 90 to $100,000. Item~45, School ~ DeptJ Sal& Wages decreased $10,000, should read $1,510,177. Item'S0, should $400, increase of $~00. BUDGET AS FOLLOWS: .~. 10. 11. 15. NO,' Selectmen, Salaries & Wages. Expenses Treasurer, Salaries & Wages Expenses Accountant, Salaries & Wages Expenses Tax Collector, Balaries & Wages Expenses Town Clerk: Salaries & Wages Expenses Assessors, Salaries.& Wages Election-Registrars. Town Counsel, Annual Moderator. Salary Advisory Board, Expense s Sal& Wages Expenses retainer Expenses Expenses Capital Outlay Comm. Expenses Planning Board. Salaries & Wages Expenses Board of Appeals.(Zoning) Ssi-Wages Expenses Personnel Board. Sal& Wages. Expenses Town Build~ng. Salaries & Wages Expenses SAL-WAGES $11,697 15,557 14,968 8,291 7,500 18;989 1,~oo · h, ooo 50 1,000. i,000. 1,200 2.080 EXPENSES 5,96k 6,040 .~,925 1,955' 6,586 6,758 1 o4o 5o 2OO 200. 25O 6,400 TOTALS $11,697,00 15,252.00 15,5~7.oo 5,96k.oo 1Lj.,968.00 6,0~0.00 8,291.00 4,9a5.oo .:7,500'00 -~,'9~5,oo~ 'zu',gu9,oom 6,586.oom 1,~0.00 ~,7~8.00 ~,000.00 1,0~0.00 50.00 ~5o.oo 50.00 1,000.00 200.00 1,000.00 200.00 1,200.00 250.00 2,080.00 6,400.00 Annual Town Meeting March 15, 1969. '19. '20. '21. '22.' 25. 26. 50. Annual Town Meeting mxpenses . Police Dept. Inc. school guaras. Salaries & Wages. Expert se s Fire Dept. Including Forest Fire and Fire Warden. Sal & Wages Expense s Dog Officer: Salary Expense s ' Civil Defense: Salary Expense s Building Inspector: Salary Expense s Wiring Inspector: Salary Expense s Gas Inspector: Salary Expense s Sealer of Wghts & Measure. Sal & Wages Expense s Board of Health: Sal & Wages Expense s Greater Lawrence Sanitary District. ~ Animal Inspector: Salary · Garbage Disposal Contract. Board of Public Works: Salary Sewer Maintenance &. Construction. Salary & wages. Expenses 31. Water Maintenance & Construction. Salaries & Wages Expenses "$2. Parks & School Grounds. Sal & ~ages. Expenses . - - 53. Tree Dept. Salaries & Wages Expenses ~ ~ Dutch Elm Disease: Labor & Wages Expen~se s 35. Insect Pest'Control: Sal &Wage. s. Expense s ~6~.~ Stree Lighting: Expenses ~.~ .Streets: Gen'l M, tnce.' Sal & Wages'. ~Expense s ~.~ ~Snow Removal: F~xpenses · Refuse disposal: Salaries & Wages Expense s .~.~1~ 41 & 42. Welfare .~ .Veteran' s Benefits. Salaries '~ ~ Expense s ~'-' Cash .grants · .~'.~ Graves Registrations: Expense s '.~5. ~'$chool Dept. Sal & Wgges. $1,5~5,177 Less reimbur'sement s. -sP cl '" f~nds. P..L. 864-87~. "~ · Ne~.Sal-Wages to be appro. ~: Expenses · ,~ Lessreimbursement ,spcl funds. P.L.86~-874 1~ ~ 000 Net. Sal-Wages to be appro. ~6.~. Regional Vocational School. Allocation cost to Town of No.Andover. ~7.. Stevens Mem'l Librar~ .~ Salaries & Wages. Expense s .Salaries & Wages .... Expense s 1~9. ~.ReCreation °ounoil. sal & Wages. . Expenses ~0. Group Insurance 51. ~ Essex County Retirement Pensions ~2...~ Contingent Fund ~.. Rex{tal of ~eterans Quarters 5 · .Patriotic & Civic Celebrations. ~6: Insurance Industrial Commission nxpenses 57. Land damage claims 58. Ira Carry Pension 195,~42 220,307 9oo ~,50o 1,750 6o0 9oo 11,0~2 4oo 1,2oo 22,000 77,000 19,5oo 2~ 790 7,269 12,5~0 96,400 60,000 3,170 .175 55,0~0 1,510,177 281,565 '17,000 5,1~o ( BUDGET ) ~,795 ~1,7~1 ' 11;630 ~,600 6OO oo' 100 25O 6,910 2,066 17,599 13,000 55,000 8,000 6,915 1,600 3,185 5~,5oo 55,ooo 100,000 10,000 285 56,600 325 268,565 68,519 13,527 6,000 ~,000 3,5Q0 1,200 l~100 58,430 2OO 1,000 2,500 3,795.00 195,~4~.oo 21,751~00 220,307.00 11,6~0.00 5o.oo - 7~7.00 900.00 ~,600.00 ~,500.00 · 600.00 1,750.00 oo.oo 600,00 I00.00 900.00 250.00 11,0~2.00 6,910.00 2,066.00 koo.oo 17,599.00. 1,200.00 22,000.00 1~,000.00 77,000.00 53,000.00 19,500.o0 ~,ooo.00 790.00 1 600.00 12 iO0.( 55, 100,000.00 60,000.00 10,000.00 ~25.oo 1,51o;177.oo 268,565.oo 68,519.00 ~5,746.00 1},527-00 17,000.00 6,000.00 5,1k0.00 5,000.00 50,275.00 92,243 · O0 ~,500.00 1,200.00 1,100.00 58,k~o.oo 200.00. 1,000.00 2,500.00 · 60.' 61. '62. '6 · 69. 70. 71. 72. Water main notes & bonds. 73· · Sewer notes and bonds 74. Fire equipment notes '7~~. Short term borrowing 7 · Police Station Adjourned Town Meeting March 15, 1969 (Budget) Out of State,~ravel.(not Ansi.schools. 1,000 Conservation commission expenses ~00 Senior Citizens Council ' 250 Highway Equipment Schools Bonds. 10,000 Welfare Bond 200,000 Water Main notes and bonds. 82,000 Sewer notes and bonds Fire equipment notes 52,000 Police Station - 10,000 Highway Ecuipment School bo~ds 1,168 Welfare bonds 72,590 TOTALS. $2,422,1/4.0 21,035 10,906 30,000 ARTICLE 1,000.00 ~ oo.oo .. 25o.oo 10,000.00 200,000.00 82,000.00 32,000.00 10,000.00 1,1'68.00 72,590.00 10. ll. 12. 15. 16. 18. 20. 25. 26. 27. 31. 52. 50. 52. 61. 62. 63. 68. 85. 90. 92. 99. 100. 10i. 102. nh. 11~. 21,035.00 lO, .o6.oom 3o,ooo.oom ,78 .oo $3,923,297.00 ARTICLES OF MONEY, TO BE RAISED & APPROPRIATEU Town gth July Celebration. Christmas Season Lighting. Town Charter Study Committee Generator for new Police Station Equipment, National cash register co. Land for new Fire ~tation. New Fire Station. Fixing up Town Office Building New elestric system, town building. New roof for town.garages Town Building Janitor- Salary Printing of town by-laws New turf sweeper New t~usk Public Works. Water Extensions, Public Works. Renewing water services, Public Works. Water system. 'Farnum St. Water system. Abbott St. Salem St., gohnson St., Foster St. Const.- Any-street in Town~ - '. - :. ........ 8and spreader, refuse disposal truck, road grader. Cleaning Brooks. Replacing guardrails Overhauling buldozer Replacing catch basins Resurfacing, oiling, repaying any streets. Repairing old stone culverts Making and replacing street signs. Purchase of 9.2 acres for disposal site. Piping brook at land disposal site. Installing surface drain on Chestnut Street~ Consutlant Service new high school. Srelim~ry plans,~speclfications, etc. School. ersonne~ Board, 55 increase.. · ' Supt of Public Works. Persormell Board. Personnel Board, longevity increments. " " ·vacation leave. " " Board of Health secretary. ' ' ' " " Building Inspector. " " Hire Engineer & Deputy Chief. TaxCollector. Postage meter mailing machine. Two new regular Police Officers. Two new police cars. Three regular new Fire Fighters. Six bucking broncos. Recreational Council. Basketball standards. Eeserve Fund~ $1,~00.00 ~00.00 1,000.00 6,500.00 2§1.6o 1,000,00 5,000.00 · ..r 5,000.00 2,500.00 1,200.00 520.00 500.00 .:.,..u 1,7~0.00 3,000.00 "2,000.00 1,000.00 ~,'000.00 2,70 ':'"1t,.! 2,000.00 '27.,}00'.00 ~":~'2,000.00 '" " 1,000.00 5,000.00 ~'.'!,000.00 "30,000.00 1,000.00 · . ~00.00 ~'~'13~800.00 5~ooo.oo : '7,250~00 ' ':2~,500.00 :25,000.00 ..t 48,500.00 2,520.00 · 1,300.00 6,500.00 275.00 1,OO0,O0_ 700.00 5o.oo 8,612.oo 5,000.00 1~,000~00 kSo.oo 300.00 ~' ~G00.00 ARTICLES TOTAL AMODlgT TO BE RAISED & APPRdPRIATED. 292,828.60 ARTZOLES TOHE.TRA~SFERRED FROMUNAPPROP~Z~q~.n AVAZL~nT= ~u~0s. ~ A~,.T. ~ Chap?r 90. construction Salem-Johnson-Foster Sts.$~,500.00 - 90. Maintaining any Street in Town. -1,000.00 " 120. From. available funds to reduce 1969 t~x rate. 9~tO00..00 TOTAL AMOUNT TO HE TAKEDFROM AVAILABLE A true copy: FUNDS. $1~0,500.00~. ATTEST: ARTICLE ARTICLE ARTICLE ARTICIE ARTICLE ARTICLE ARTICLE 1~. Adjourned Town Meeting March 15, 19~9 ~.. 7. VOTED ~to ADOPT the article. 8. VOTED that the rports of all special committees be heard. 9. VOTED to ADOPT the article. 10. VOTED to ADOPT the article. 11. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $800 for the purpose of this article. 12. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000 for the purpose of this article. VOTED to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 14. VOTED to create a committee of '3 .members to be appointed by the Selectmen and 2~ members to be appointed by the Planning Board, with no member of either Board to serve on the committee: and further, directing said committee to report to the Selectmen and the Planning Board within one years of its formation, with recommendations as to land use, and with status reports on proposed utility development and traffic~ control on Routes 114 and 125, with particular emphasis to be given to developing a comprehensive plan fo~ dealing with the impact of both the new missile installation and Route 495 ~n the area. ARTICLE 15. VOTED to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE16. VOTED to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE ~7. VOTED to REJECT the article ARTICLE 18. VOTED that there be raised and appropriated the sum of $1,000 for the acquisition for the 'A'own, by purchase, emineht domain proceedings or otherwise, the parcel of. land described below, for the purpose of construct- lng and maintaining a new fire station thereon, and to authorize ~and direct the Selectmen, in the name and .behalf of the Tovm, to take such steps as the may deem necessary or advisable to effect such acquisition: A parcel of land bounded southwesterly by Johnson ~treet, northerly by Salem Street and South- easterly by an unnamed travelway running from Johnson Street .to Salem Street and lying between the parcel described hereby and land now or formerly of Alice Morse. The vote: AFFIRMATIVE 523. NEGATIVE 147. (A motion to reconsider-defeated, ARTICLE 19. VOTED to ADOPT the article. (A motion to reconslder-.defeated) ARTICLE 20. VOTED that the sum of $135,000, be appropriated for constructing, originally equipping and furnishing ~ new fire statian building including site development; and that to meet this appropriation the sum of.$5000, is to be raised from the tax levy of the current year and the Treasure!~, with the approval of the Selectmen, is authorized to issue $!30,000, bonds, or notes the Town Under Chapter 44 of the General Laws, payable within 20 years from their dates. The vote was AFFIRMATIVE 656. NEGATIVE 36. Reconsider-defeate~ ARTICLE 21. VOTED to ADOPT the article. (A motion.to reconsider-defeated) ARTICLE's22. VOTED to amend the~ Zoning By-Law bY inserting, after Secti~n 4.07 thereof,~the following new Section: Section 4.08: Notwithstanding any contrary provlsion of this By-La~ She building, facilities and grounds of a municipal fire station ~may be maintained upon the parcel of land situated at the Junction of Salem and John Streets. The vote was unanimous, a motion to reconsider was defeated. ARTICLE 23. VOTED to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 2~. VOTED to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 25. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,206 for the purpose of this .article, provided that new roof shall not be constructed ~of tar and gravel. ARTICLE 26. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $520 for the purpose amending its Personnel By Law, .Section 7, Schedule E, by assigning $50 per .w..eek compensation to class title "Custodial Worker" in place of the existing $40 per week. ARTICLE 27. VOTED to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 28. VOTED to accept from the. R&S COnstruction Company or 'its nominee, the-sum of $19,500 to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the sewer system on Ipswich Street from Cotuit Street to the Village Green apartment house property, provided that the sum is paid to the Town Treasure~r prior to July 1, 1969. ARTICLE 29. VOTED to authorize the extension of the sewer system bn Turnpike Street from 322 Turnpike Street a distance of 1750 feet to~'th~ south entrance to theR?oya~ Crest Estates under the direction of the B of P.W. Total cost of project to be w~thout expense to the Town. ARTICLE 30. VOTED that the sum of $120,000 be appropriated to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public ~¢orks for the laying oS a water main of not less tha~ 6" but less than 16" in diameter as proposed by the Article, and for lining the same, and that to raise this appropriation the Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, is authorized to borrow $120,000 under General Laws Chapter 44, Section 8 (5), and to issue $120,000 bonds or notes of the Town, payable within 15 years from their dates. The vote was UNANIMOUS, and so declared. ARTICLE 31. VOTED to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 32. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $3,000 for 'the purchase of a pick-up truck for the B.P.W., a 1962 Dodga pick-up truck to.be traded. ARTICLE 33. VOTED to ADOPT .the article. ARTICLE 34. VOTED to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 35. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $~,000 for the' purpose of the a~Icle and to accept a similar sum from Benjamin C. Osgood for said purpose, provided that the latter sum be paid prior to July l, 1969. ARTICLE 36. ~VOTED to reject the article. ARTICLE 37. VOTED to reject the article. ARTICLE 38. VOTED to accept from abutters and others the sum of $6,000 to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works to extend the sewer system as proposed by the article, provided tha; said sum is paid to the Town Treasurer prior to July 1, 1969. ARTICLE 39. VOTED to reject the article. ARTICLE 40. VOTED to reject the article. ARTICLE 41. VOTED to reject the article. ARTICLE 42. VOTED to reject the article. AETICLE 43. This article was stricken at the request of the petitioner. ARTICLE ~. VOTED to ADOPT the article. - · ARTICLE 45. VOTED to reject the Article ARTICLE ~6. VOTED to reject the article~ ARTICLE ~7. VOTED to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE ~8. VOTED to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 49'. VOTED ~o ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 50. VOTED to 'raise and appropriate the sum of $9,300 ko be expended under, the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purchase of one chassis and sand spreader~ a 1959 Mack ko be traded and to appropriate ~he further sum of $15~000 to be so expended for the purchase of a Refuse Disposal Truck, a disposal truck to be t faded, and to appropriate the further sum o~f $29,000 to ?? so expended for the purchase of one road grader, a grader to be t r~ded,'and that thi.s, latter appropriation be met by raising by taxation't~e -and the ~reasurer with t sum of $3,000 ~26 0~ .... h~e..appr_oval of~ the~ Selectmen, is authorized to issue ARTICLE 51. VOTED to reject the article. ARTICLE 52. VOTED of this articIe. ARTIC 53. VOTED of this article. ART'rOLE 54. VOTED ARTZOLE 55. VOiD of this article. ARTICLE 56. VOTED of this article. ARTICLE 57. VOTED ARTICLE 58. VOTED of the article. ARTZCLE, 59. VOTED ARTICLE 60. VO~ED of the article. ARTICLE 61. VOTED ARTICIE of this ARTICLE ARTICLE ARTICLE 62. VOTED article. 63. VOTED 64. VOTED 65. V0 D to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,000 for .the purpose to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000 for 'the purpose to ADOPT the article. to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000 for the purpose to raise and appropriate the sum of $30,000 for the purpose to reject the article. to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000 for the purpose to reject the article. to raise and appropriate the sum of $400 for the purpose by Unanimous vote to ADOPT the article. to raise and'appropriate the sum of $5,000 for the purpose to ADOPT THE ARTICLE. to reject the Article. to reject the article. ARTICLE 66. VOTED t~o reject the article. ARTICLE 67. VOTED to reject the article. ARTICLE 68. VOTED to ADOPT the article. AFFIRMATIVE 455. NEGATIVE 174. (A motion to reconsider was defeated.) ARTICLE 69. VOTED to ADOPT the artlcie.(A motion to reconsider wa~s defeated.) ARTICLE 7©. VOTED t~o ADOPT the article.(A motion to reconsider was defeated.) At this time a motion was duly made and seconded (6:P.M.) that~ the meeting stand adjourned until 7:30 P.M., Monday evening March 17, 1969. ARTICLE 71. VOTED to strike the article from the Warrant. ARTICLE 72. VOTED to strike ARTICLE 73. VOTED to reject ARTICLE 74. VOTED to reject the article from the WarraDt. the article. the article. ARTICLE 75. VOTED to strike the article from the Warrant. ARTICLE 76. VOTED by an AFFIRMATIVE VOTE 0F~413 and a NEGATIVE VOTE OF 88 to amend Section 3-77 of the Zoning By-Law by adding thereto the follqwing ed sub-paragraph: (23)description as in the article. .ARTICIE 77. VOTED to reject the article. ARTICLE 78. VOTED ~to reject the article. ARTICLE 79. VOTED to strike the article from the Warrant. ARTICLE 80. ~VOTED to strike the article from the Warrant. ARTICLE 81. VOTED to reject the article. ARTICLE 82. VOTED to strike the article from the ¥~arrant. 'ARTICLE 83. VOTED to reject the article. ARTICLE 84. VOTED'to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 85. VOTED to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE~86. VOTE~ to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 87. VOTED ~to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 88. VOTED to A~OPT the ~rticle. ARTICLE 89. vOTED ~o ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 90. VOTED to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 91. VOTED to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 92. VOTED to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE~93. VOTED to ADOPT the srticle. ARTICLE 94- VOTED to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 95- VOTED to strike the article from the warrant. ARTICLE 96. VOTED to strike the article from the warrant. ARTICLE 97- VOTED to raise and' appropriate for the use of the Stevens Memorial Library the sum of $5,454 which the Town has received from the State under the provisions of Ch.78,S.19A and which is now in an account entitled "State Aid" for Libraries reserved for appropriation. ARTICLE 98. VOTED to reject the article. ARTICLE 99- VOTED to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 100. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $8,612 for the purpose of the appointment'of two regular patrolmen. ARTICLE 101. VOTED to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 102. VOTED to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 103. VOTED to reject the article. -' ARTICLE 10~'. VOTED to establish a portion of Mablin Avenue as a Town Way, by accepting the Selectmen' s laying out of the same, As heretofore filed with with The Tova~ Clerk. 'ARTICLE l05. VOTED to establish Marian Drive as a Town way, by accepting the Seleetmen's laying out of the same, as heretofore filed with the Term Clerk. ARTICLE 106. VOTED to establish 01d Village Lane, a portion of Russet Lane and Woodcrest Drive as ToVmW~ys, by accepting the Selectmen~s laying out of the same heretofore filed with the Town Clerk. ARTICLE 107. VOTED to reject the article. ARTICLE 108. VOTED ARTICLE 109. VOTED ARTICLE ll0. VOTED ARTICLE lll. VOTED ARTICLE 112. VOTED to reject the article. to strike the article from t~he ~arrant. to strike the article from the Warrant. to strike the article from the Warrant. to strike the article from the Warrant. ARTICLE 113. VOTED to ARTIC~ 114. VOTED to ARTICLE 113. VOTED to ARTICLE 116. VOTED to ARTICLE ll7. VOTED to ARTICLE 118. VOTED to of the article. ARTICLE 119. VOTED to ARTICLE 120. VOTED t'c purpose of the article. Annual Town Meeting adjourned at 11:45 P.M. ll:h5 and adjourned at 11:58 P.M. .SPECIAL TOWN MEETING ARTICLE 1. VOTED to s trike from the Warrant. A.T.M. March 15, 1969 strike the arti'cle from the Warrant. ADOPT the article. ADOPT the article. reject' the article. strike the article from the Warrant. raise and appropriate the sum of $8,000 for the purpose reject the article. transfer from available funds the sum of $95',000 for the Special Town Meetin~ opened at (the article) ARTICLE 2. VOTED to strike the article from the Warrant. Special Town Meeting adjourned at 11:58 P.M. At the Annual Adjourned Town Meeting .Saturday March 15, 1969 783 duly registered voters were present and checked by the Board of Registrars. At ~h? Adjourned Town Meeting held on Monday evening March 17, 1969 565..duly regls~ere~ voters.w~re present and checked by the Board of ~egist~ars..~..~: The closed circuit television and communications system used for the overflow of Townspeople who were seated ~ the school cafeteria' was set-up 'and ope2ated by the School Departments audio visual department, under t he direCtiOn of Mr. John Robinson, his cameramen were Donald Zorn, StephenE~ban, and .John.Doyle, his audio visual squad consisted of James Fazio, Arthur ~audet, Nell McAvoy, Dave DeLisle and Robert Lynch. Several gugsts were admitted to the me~ting,~ one being a young lady from Ardens France~ Assisting the meeting in han~voting counts were Harold Boyn~on, Donald Anderson, AnthonyLennon, He~ry~ihk,~A1 Arnold~ Milton Howard, Tom Foulds, John Murphy, Stu Wilson~ Robert Maurer, and and George Myers. Mr. Monteiro doing a fine Job in communicating with meeting in the Auditorium. Mr. William B. muffy. Sr. motioned a .vote.of.~thank~- be given to the Moderator, Advisor~ Board, Town Clerk-& Town 'Couns~l'for big Job, well done for such a long lengthy meeting. Much paraiseand"commen~ · .~.was given to Town Clerk John Lyons an~ Audio-Visual Director JohnRobinson for ~heir. advanced interest, preparation and effort in providing the 610s6d circuit for the large st Town Mee~~o~ 'A true copy: . ATTEST: ~'"SPCL TWN MTNG W~/A R R ~ N T - ~ COMMO~W~EALTH OF ~L~SSACHUSETTS ESSEX SS: To either of~the Constables of the Town of North Andover: GP~.TINGS: ~ In the name of tHe~C.ommonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inh~bftants of North'Andover who are qualified to vote in Town Affairs, to meet in the Veteran's Auditorium of the North Andover High School for a ~peclal Tow~ Meeting on MONDAY, THE 2nd DAY OF JUNE 1969 at 8:00 then and there to act upon the following articles: ARTICLE 1. To see if the To~ will vote to express its approval of the amount of indebtness ($3,800,000) which the 'Greater Lawrence Reglona~l V6cational T~chnical High School District Committee, voted, on May 3, 1969, 'to~'incur for the purpose of constructing and equipping additional facilities on land presently ov~ned by the District at 57 River Road, Andover, Massachusetts. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE2. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate.the sum of $2,000, to be expended by the Selectmen for the purpose of bulldozing fill at the .pro. posed 0sgood Street town yard site. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 3. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $2~00, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for'the pur- pose of installing guard rails on Dale Street. Petition of the Highway Surveyor and the Selectmen. ARTICLE ~ To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate 'the sum of $3,400, be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the sewer system on Martin Avenue from the existing 246 feet towards Massachusetts Avenue. Petition of Mitchell Bootman & Others. ARTICLE 5. First Parcel: Star~ing at a point on Chickering Road 'at l~and now or formerly of Haffner Realty mrust 190.84 feet to a point; thence turning and r.unning in a northerly direction b2 land now or formerly of Lynch & Willis, ~49.1~ feet to a point; thence turDlng and running in an easterly direction by mand now or formerly of Pollzott, 41.52 feet to a point; thence turning and