HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-06-02 Special To~ Meetin$ Mon.day~ June 2~ 196~. running still Oy land o~'Pollzo~ti in a.nor~hwesterly direction 120.feet~ 4 :. point on the southerly bounday of Davis Street; thence tuE. nlng an.d.running in an easterly direction by the Souther~ly bo,~.undary.of Davis treet, ~22.55 feet t¢ a point on the westerly boundary of Last w~ater Street;thence turning and runn- ing in a southerly direction by the westerly boundary of East Wate~ Street, 105.61 feet to a point on the northerly boundary of CRicketing Road; thence turning and running in a southwesterly direction by the northerly Boundary of CRicketing Road, 5~7.99 feet to the point of beginning. Second Parcel: Starting at a point on the easterly boundary of "~as~t Wa~ter Street in a northerly direction 686.99 feet to a po ~nt at land now or x'ormer-y of the Douglas Development Co., Inc., ,thence turning and rannlng in two (2) cottrses in a northeasterly direction ,by land of the Douglas Development Co., Inc., 50 feet and 215.75 feet to a po~int~ thence turninE and running in a northerly direction in two (2) cours~.s 1~9.06 feet and 2J~9 feet to ~a point at land now or formerly of ~he Davis & urber Machine Co., thence turning and ing in a northeasterly direction by land of Davis & Furber Machine Co., 155.58 feet to a point; thence turning aATd running in a sout~herly direction b~ land now or formerly of Walker nealty Association in two (2) courses, 506.5~ feet and 605.58 feet to a point..on the northerly boundary of CRicketing Road; turning and running i.n a southwesterly direction by the northerly boundary of Chickerin~ Road, 601.~ feet to the point of beginning. Petition ~f Rob~rt J. Burke and others. ((Under this Article 5-, in the haste of last minute printing and posting, the foll6~ving was omitted from the Article. "To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by changing from Village Residential and/or Industrial to General Business the following described parcels of land or any portions thereof:")) ARTICLE 6. To see if the Tow~ will vote to authorize the Selectmen to act for it in negotiating and executing a contract between the Town and the Massachu- setts Bay Transportation Authority to provide for railroad commuter service between North Andover and Boston for the period beginning August l, 1969.~and ending on ~uly 51, 1970. Petition of the Selectmen. ~ ARTICLE 7. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000, ~o be'added to the.'"Conservation Fund" established bythe vote of the Town upon Article 5~ of the~arrant' Petition of the Se-ec~men. ARTICLE 8. To see if the Town will vote to accept from the North Annoyer Improvement Society a gift in the sum of $1,000, being the amount aWarded by the~Town to said Society as damages for the taking of the latter~s property at the Junction of Johnson and Salem Streets for fire. station purposes. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 9. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriat~ the sum of $~0,000.00 to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose, of extending the water system on Salem Street from its' pr~,esent ter~f~us s distance of about 2800 fe~t and to accept from George H. ~arr of North Andover fifty percent of the cost of the 'project with the provision no assessments will be ~made against the property of George H. Fart. Petition Of George H. ~ar~r and others. ' ARTICLE 10. To see if ~he Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $2~000.00 to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the water system on Adams Avenue from the present terminus 400 feet to Wood Lane. Petition of Joseph Finocchiar and others. And .you are directed to serve this'warrant by posting true and attested copies thereof~at the Town Office Building and at five or more public places in each voting precinct, not less than seven daysbefore the stated time for holding such meeting. Hereof fail not and make due returns of this warrant with your doings thereon at the time and place of holding said meeting to the Town Clerk. Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, the 19th day of May in the year of Our Lord One thousand nine hundred and sixty-nine. WILLIAM B. DUFFY, JR. Selectmen of North Andover, Mass~ May 25, 1969. true ARTHUR P. KIRK~ WILLIAM A. FINNERAN copy: · ATTEST: OFFICER~ S RETURN North Andover, Mass. CONSTABLE. I have notified and warned ~he.inhabitants of the Tovm of North Andover who are qualified ~o vote in TovmAffairs by posting true and attested copies of the Warrant for the Special Town Meeting to be held in the Veteran's of the North Andover High School on Monday June 2, 1969 at 8:00 P.M.. Said copies being posted in the Town Office Building and at five or more public ~places in each voting precinct of the Town. Said copies having been posted not less than seven days before the time of said meeting. CONSTABLE. No. Andover, Mass. May 25, 1969. ATTEST: TOWN CT,RRK. ~!~ Special Town Meeti~ ARTICLE 1. VOTED " .2. VOTED " $. VOTED " ~. VOTED " 5 · VOTED " 6. VOTED " 7- VOTED " 8 · VOTED " 9 · VOTED " 10. VOTED of ~onday June 2,1969. TO ADOPT the Article. to ADOPT the a~ticle. to ADOPT the article. to EJECT the article. to Strike the article from the ~arrant. to amend the article by leaving out the words to ADOPT the article. to ADOPT the article. to REJECT the article..~ '.. ',. TO REJECT the article. "and executing" ~he meeting opened at 6:05 P.M., s~nd adjourned at 9:~5 P.M. One hundred ninety-one (191).regieteredvoters were checked at the door by-the Board ~6r Registrars assisted by Mrs. Earline Lybns, Miss Mary Hosking, and Daniel 0'Leafy. Wm. Rock, Harry Dow, Harold Lynch, henry Gaudet,~Richard Slade, Milton Howard, Henry Shelley, Wm. McEvoy and Wm. Finneran assisted the Moderator and Town Clerk in the hand voting count. , .... ATTEST: ~~~ A true copy: ~ W A'R R A N T CO~0~P~ALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ESSEX SS: To either of the Conetables~of the Town of North Andove~: . ' GREETINGS: .... .'..~ ~ In the ~ame of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby direc- ted to notify and warn the inhabitants of North Andover v~o are qualified to vote in Town Affairs to meet in the Veteran's Auditorium of the North Andover High School for s Special To~,~ Meeting on: MONDAY, THE 4th DAY OF AUGUST, 1969 at 8:00 P.M. Then and there to act upon the following articles. ARTICLE 1. To see if ~he Town will vote to raise and appropriate'6he~'sum of $~,000, which added to the $1~5,000, voted at the Town Meeting of Mareh'.~, 1969, will be sufficient to permit swarding a contract to construct,~-equip,. and furnish a new fire station and l~ndscape, grade, and finish its grounds. Petition.of the Selectmen. A,ETICLE 2. To see if the Tovmwill raise and appro~rlate or transfer from funds the sum of $6,000, to be used for iscount on Notes.for . in anticipation of revenue. Petition of*the Selectmen. ~ou are directed to serve this warrant by posting true and attested copies at'the Town Office Building, and at five or more public places~ in each precinct-:of the Town, not less than seven days before the~stated time for holding such'meeting. Hereof, fail no~ and make due return of this warrant with your doing, thc?on at the time and place of hol~i~g said meeting to the Town Clerk. '"~ . ~ Given under our hands at North Andover, ~assachusetts, the 14th day of' July in the.year of Our Lord One thousand nine hudred and sixty nine. "North Andover, Mass. Ju~y 25, 1969. A true copy: ATTEST: WILLIAM B. DUFFY, JR. Selectmen ARTHUR P. KERK of ~ WILLIAM A. FIN~ERAN. No. Andover, ~nstable. 0FFI CER ' S RETURN I have notified and warned the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover who ~areq .qualified to vote in Town Affairs by posting true and attested copies of · this Warrant'at the Town Office Building and at five or more pUblmiC places in each voting precinct of the Town. Said copies not having ~epn posted not less'than seven days before the t~ime of said ~e~ting~ ./ ~ / A true'copy: ATTEST: ~ ' ' //~/JOH~ ~!S.. TOWN C~,k~K. At the Special Town Meeting hel~¥e~t~r~a~'~.A~ditorium of the North Andover High School on Monday evening Au~st 4, 196~ at 8:00 P.M., the following was voted ARTICLE 1. VOTED to appropriate.the sum of $~5,~00, for the purpose of this ar and that to meet this appropriation the sum of $2,000, be taken from available revenue f..unds, and the Treasurer, with the approvalcOf the Selectmen,~is authorize~ to issue $~,000, bonds or notes o~ the Town under hapter ~.of-the General Laws, payable within 20 years.from their dates. The vote was AFFIRMATIVE 226 NEGATIVE 4. ARTICLE 2. VOTED to ADOPT t~e article,.~a~d to take from available funds in the Treasury, for ~ts purpose, the sum of $6,000~.