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-~' To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover:
· In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby
directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of North Andover who are qualified
to vote in Town Affairs Go meet in the Veteran. s Auditorium of our North
Andover High School for a Special Town Meeting On:
MONDAY, THE 15th DAY OF JUNE 1970 At 8:00 P.M.
then and there to act upon the following articles:
ARTICLE lA. To see if th~ Town will vote to raise and appropriate the~sum of~
$~00,000.00 for the purpose of acquiring by purchase, eminent domain or other-
wise,~ for ~school purposes, the following described parcel of land:
~.Beginning at a point in the easterly line of Chickering Road at its inter-
section:with the southerly line of Prescott Street; thence running easterly
by said ~southerly llne of Prescott Street 560 feet more or less to a point in
the. westerly line of 0sgood St., thence turning and running southerly by said
wes.terly~llne of Osgood St., 960 feet more or less to a point at land of
Caroline S. Rogers; thence turning and running westerly by land of Caroline
· ~ Rogerst~.170 feet more or less to a point; thence turning and running southe
by s~d~land of~ Caroline S. Rogers 950 feet more or less to a point: thence
turning and running easterly by said land of Caroline S. Rogers~ · feet
a~,stone bound in the westerly line o'f Osgood St., thence turn~_ug2/~
' d unning 'southerly
~ and southwesterly by said ,westerly line. of 0sgood St., 1007~7 'feet
more .or .:less to, land of A. Murray Howe et ux: thence turning-and x~umlng
westerly by. said land of A. Murray Howe et ,ux 260 feet. more or less to
thence turn~g and running southwe,s.terly by.said land'0f' A.. Murray,Howe
5,70.feet~ more or less to the et
northeasterly line of :the New England.:Bower. Co
right of way.; thence turning and..runnlng southeasterly .by land of ,A.
Howe et ux and by said northeasterly line of the New England Power~Co. 'right
of ,'way~,~0,0 feet more .or le,ss to e point, in the westerly line
thence .tugnlng.,and running. southerly by said westerly, line of'i'0s8 d'.S~
feet more., or~'les'~ to a point in the easterly line of Wayne St:, thence
-and r.~u~.ing northwesterly by said easterly .line of Wa e t.
.... ~,or lc'ss ~'thenbe t · yn S ~117.6~ feet
· ,:'thence" tu~in~ and r-~J--- fi~-~'~--~"°-a~P°-m~-~-a~ l.anc o.f. Mangano Rea~. Trus
o ~-,~ ~=~=c~y ~y sazu ~ana of Nangano Realty Trust/ ~ .
27,6~'18 feet'.to a point in the easterly line of Ch/ckering~ Road;, thence
· , and~.~Ing ,northerly by said easterly line of Chickering Road' 2622 fee~ more
Or .~le'ss'~:to.the southerly llne of Prescott St., ,and point of begirming.
~ C~i~i~in~ 80.85 a~res.more, or less, and to , '
.'ARTICLE'[ ,!B. TO see if the Town. will.vote to raise and appropriateI the sum of~.
$~00,.O00j00"~for~ the purpose of acquiring, by purchase emi
,wi:ee.",.~Tor.,;sc ; , , nent domain- or:
..... ~ ?:.~.~... h.ool purposes,.~ .the following, described narceI ~* ~o~.
- g g point in the southerly line of Great Pond :Rd,~-. at the
: o~'a- [$:tone~ wall' and land of Mary F. Charles; thence runnin
&said.'southerly'line of ~t; Pon R~ --~oo ~^,. _ g .easterly by'the.
.tu~ning:~and~'running southerly by said westerly line of Marbleri
,'its intersection with. the. northerly llne of Dale Street ~
...... , .... er~y oy--sazd,
northerly l~4e of Dale-Street a total of 1270 feet more or less,.to :-land:~
· '- Arnold!:'Stork; thence ~u~ning and running northerly by said land oS- Arnold":
S'tork,..an'd by land of Hannah Stork et als 200 feet ~o a point;, thence ..
and~',running westerly by said land Of Hannah Stork et a. ls 200 feet' more. or '1~
, t'o%';a:?st0ne wall and land 'of Louise S. Robinson; thence turning .and
'northerly as the wall s=ands, and by said land of Louise S. Robinson 1~0
more or less to a point; thence turning and. nnuning westerly by.said 1and of-.
LOuise' S. Eobinson 470 feet more or less to a stone wall and land of William
W~::.Kurth'et 'ux; .thence turning and running northerly as the wall s~ands an
h.by.~sald lend'of Wi-lliam W. Kurth et ux 100 feet more or less to a .point;' t
'turnings.and running westerly by satt land of William W
of .Edward,R. M ,, · K~mth et ux and ~land
arston et ux 5.50 feet more or less to a 'Point; thence turhing
,less to a point in the northerly line of Salem Street; thence turning and
,running, westerly by said northerly line of Salem Street 565 feet more or less
.,,to land .of Carl E. Pearson et ux; thence 'turning and running
land,~of ~arl. E. Pearson et ux 2~5.5 feet more or less to a point; thence
ingand running westerly by said land of Carl E. Pearson et ux and John A
Pearson et ux 577 feet more or less to s stone wall and land of Lloyd R.
et ux; thence ~urnlng and running northerly as the wall stands and by land of
Carl E. Porter et ux, William M. Smith, et ux, Raymond E. Lewis et .ux and
F. Charles 6~0 feet more or less to the southerly line of Great Pond.Rcs
oin~ of beglr~uin . Containing 6~. 2 acres
~he Selectmen to ~a ~ 5 more or less and t
, ke all action ne o authorize
Petition of School Building CommltteCees~s~a~rya~t~°^a~?qu~Ire,.s.ai~ parcel.
ARTICLE lC. To see if the Town willvote to raise and appropriate the sum of
$150,000.00 for the purpose of acquiring by purchase, eminent domain or otherwi~
for school purposes, the following described parcel of land:
Beginning at a point in the easterly line of Great Pond Road at land of Douglas
A. Chandler et ux; thence rn~ning southeasterly by said land of Douglas A. Chandler
et ux 506.52 feet to a stone wall at land of ~alph J. Palermo et ux; thence
turning and running southerly as~the wall stands and by said land of 'Ralph
Palermo et ux and land of Emil J. Oamuso et ux 755 feet more or less tola corner
of the~ wall; thence turning and running easterly as the wall stands and by said
land of Emil J. Camuso et ux, land of Trustees of 01d North Andover Realty Trust,
land of ~obert J. Kingsley et ux, land of Charles L. Garbarino, and land of
Trustees.of 01d North Andover Realty Trust 1910 feet more or less to a stone
wall at land of North Andover Country Club; thence turning and running southerly
and southeasterly as the wall stands by said land of North Andover .Country Club
and land of Edmund F. Leland, Jr. et ux 1550 feet more or less to a corner of
the wall at .land of the Town of North Andover; thence turning and running ·
westerly and southwesterly in part by a ditch and a stone wall and by said lan~
of Town of North Andover~. land of John J. Danahy et ux, land of Phillip A. Bryant
et ux, land of David C. band and land of John P. Sangermano 1295 feet more or
less to a corner in the wall; thence turning and running southerly., as the wall
stands andby said land of John P. SangermanQ 590 feet mcr or less to land of
Harold Morley, Jr. et ux; thence turning and running westerly by saidi land of
Harold Morley, Jr. et~ ux, to land of ~ichard A. 0'Toole et ux, land of Frederick
R.. White, et ex, and land of Mary E. Wingfield 5~0.~1 fee~ more or less to land
of Robert L. Sanborn; t hence turning and running northerly by said land of
Robert L. Sanborn 129.5 feet more or less to a point; thence turning' and running
w~sterly by said land of Robert L. Eanborn, land of Virginia M. Peters and~ land of
R. Ashton Smith ~07.1~ feet more or less to a point; thence turning and running
.southeasterly by said land of R. Ashton Smith 5~7.66 feet. to a poln~; thence
and running, southeasterly and easterly by said land of R~. Ash$on': Smith
and by a curve of 14.92 feet radius 26.97 feet to a point in the northerly'line
of Dale St,; thence turning and running westerly by said northerly llne of Dale
St., 86.50 feet to a point at land of Virginia M. Peters; thence turning~and
'running~ northeasterly and northerly by_ saad land o~ Virginia_ M. Peters land bY a
curve of 15 feet radius 26.40 feet =o a point.; thence turning and running no~th-
· westerly by said land of Virginia M. Peters 550.06 feet ~o a point; thence ~turn-
.~ing and running southwesterly by said land of ~irginia M. Peters, land of Andrew
~ H. GabryJelski,.land of Theodore Peters, and land of R.Ashton Smith, et ux671
feet more or less to a point; thence turning and running southerly and so~th-
westerly by said land of R. Ashtan Smith, et ux and by a curve Jf 570.feet
radius 275 feet'more or less to a point; thence turning and running sou~h-
by said land of R. Ashton Smith et ux 17.0~ feet to a point~in%the
ly line of Dale St.; thence turning and running northwesteYly~by~
~northeasterly line. of Dale St. 50.b2 feet ~o a point of land~ of Donald-~C.~ Hillner;
and ~uing northeasterly by saic land of Donald C. ?Hillner 25
a point; thence turning and running northeasterly and northerly, by said
of Donald C. Hillner mhd by a curve of 520 feet radius ~8ofeet to a ~noint:.
· urning and running westerly by said land of Donald C.~ Hillner.'~SQ6.57 feet
i~'~o a stone wai~ at land of Larry J. ~adogan; thence turn,.Lug and running ~orth-
, westerly.as the wallstands and by said land of Larry J. ~adogan 756 feet mcr or
~less .to a corner of said wall; thence turning and r~uning westerly as the. wall
~stands and by said land of r. arry J. Cadogan ll5 feet more or less to a 'corner in
~the wall at land of Tom F. Ingrain et ux; thence turning and rumuing northwesterly
the wall stands and by said land of Tom F. Ingrain et ux 545 feet more or less
i!~to a corner in the wall; thence turning and running westerly as the-wall~ stands
and by said land of Tom F. Ingrain.et ux 250 feet more or less to a point' in the
~ easterly line of Marbleridge Road, thence tur~ing and ru~fng northerly and
i~northeasterly by said easterly llne of Marbleridge Road and ~y the eas.terly line
~ Great Pond Road 1800 feet more or less to land of Douglas A. chandler et ux
and point of beginning.
Containing 9~-95 acres more or less, and to authorize the Selectmen t~o take~all
action necessary to acquire said parcel.
Petition of the School Building Committee and School Committee
ARTICLE 2. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of.
~$6,500,000.00 for the purpose of constructing, originally equipping and furnis
ing a new North Andove. r High School Building and to improve, landscape,~grade
and fence th~ school grounds for school purposes.
Petition of ~oh?ol. Building Committee and School Committee.'
ARTICLE 5. To see if the Town will authorize the School Building Committee to
enter, into any and all contracts necessary for the purpose of carrying out the
i vote passed under the preceding Article relative to constructing, originally
-equipping and ~urnishing a new North Andover High School Building and ~to improve,
lan'dscape, grade and fence thee school grounds for school purposes.
Petition of School Building Committee and School Committee.
ARTICLE 4. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of
$18,000.00 to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for
~he purpose of extending the sewer~ system on Autran Avenue~ from Wood Lane 860
eot to Unity Avenue. ~etitlon or ~red J. Fichera and others.
S.T.M. 15, 197o
ARTICLE 5. To see if the Town will vote to advise the North Andover 'School
Building Committee to take whatever action is necessary, in order that the
present site of the North Andover High School will be given prime
when consideration is given to selecting a site upon which to build a new High
School or provide student space by expansion of the present High School.
Petition of Edmund Cormier and others.
A~TICLE 6. TO see if the Town will vote to amend Section 12A of Article IV of i'
its General By-Laws to read as follows:
Section ~-A: There is hereby established an unpaid committee to be known as
the Capital Budget 0ommittee, composed of one member of the Advisory Committee
appointed by and from it, one member of the Planning Board appointed by and
from it, the Town Accountant s_ud four additional members to be appointed by
the Selectmen. The Town Accountant and the members from the Advisory Committee
and~the Planning Board shall be appointed for one year terms. The other mem-
bers', shall be appointed for four year terms such that one will expire each
year~ Vacancies shall be filledfor the unexpired terms and in the m,~ner of
the~ original, appointments. The Committee shall annually prepare a Capital
Budget Program for use by the Advisory Committee, the PI'arming Board, the
voters and~.other town Boards and officials in their deliberations. The Comm-
ittee~ shall publish such report or a su~mnary thereof in a suitable manner,
deposit'~the original with the Town Clerk and present it to each Annual
Meeting for its action. Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTTOLE17. To see if the Town will vote to rescind its action under Article 87
of 'the,~Warrant for the 1970 Annual. Town Meeting and vote to divide the voting
pre~i~c~ known,~ prior to that action, as Precinct 4, into two such precincts,
to be En0wn as~Precinct 4 and Precinct 5, as recommended by the Selectmen in
their, statement dated June 1, 19~0, and on that date filed with the-Town Clerk,
~all-As ~provided by-Section 7. of Ohapter 54 of the General Laws.
Petition of the Selectmen.
:And youare hereby directed to serve this warrant by posting true and attested
copied:thereof.at the Town Office Building, and at five or more public ~p, laoes
. in, each voting precinct~ of the Town,not less than seven days before the s te
· '~ ti~e~.'for~.holdiUg, such meeting.. , ' ' ·
: · '?H~',~ ifail:.'n~t, 'and make'd~~' ret6~n of this W~rrant .with your d6ings"~
toFbhe~Tov~iT'Clerk at the time and place of said Meeting. · . ·
.Givens. under our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, the 1st day of June
a2 of~ Our Lord one
thousand nine hundred and seventy.
WILLIAM 'B.. DU~FY, JR. Selectmen '., .
Z thane' notified, and-warned' th~ '~tbabita~tB of..the:T0Wn' Of Nort~ Ar~ ove~ wh~ ~e
~ ,. Cualifled to vote in To~ Affa~s by posti~ t~e ~d attested copies of this
:...: ..... Warr~t¥~t ..the ..To~ Office B~ld~:~d at five or more public places. ~.:each
: .... ~ V0't~'.prec~ct"of the .T6~.1 Said copies not ~ving been:posted.not.less.:
· s'6:ven..daYs;~,before the ti~ of said meeting. .
, ' Nor~h'.~over,' ~ss.
. .,.: , AT. ST:.
TO~ Cr~K.
~At the"S~'C~ TO~ ~TING.~ Monday &ve~g ~e 15, at 8 P.M.,
~g was voted:
the folIow-
ARTICLE iA~ VOTED that $400,000.00 ~s appropriated for acquiring, by purchase,
~eminent domain~ or otherwise, ~for school purposes, the following described ~
p~rcel'sof~l~nd, which are a part of the area described by the Article: . ~
Descripti6n of land' in North ~A~.dover, Mass.,1 to be acquired from t~e estate ~
of heirs Of Marion P. RockweI1. ~' Beginning at a point in the easterly.line
of ChickeringRoad at land now or formerly of Caroline S. Rogers; thence
running northerly by said easterly line of Chickering ~Road 1~0 fee~ more or
less to a Point in the southerly line of Prescott Street; thence turning and
running.easterly by said southerly line of Prescott Street 160 feet more or
less toga point which is 200 feet from the i~tersection of the said
line of Prescott S~reet with the westerly line of Osgood Street; thence
ing and running southerly by land of said hgirs or estate of Marion'P.
7~0 feet more o e s to a oin in a stone all ~t nd o Car 1 e
which point is ~0~.~ feet f~om ,~he i~tersect~on o~ t{~s wa{1 an~ ~ewes~er~yS' Ro~ers
line of 0sgood Stree~t; thence turning and running westerly as the wall stands
and by said lane of Caroline 9. Rogers 200 feet more or less to a point; thence~
turning and running northerly in pert by a stone wall and by sald~ ~and of ~
Caroline S. Rogers 648 feet more or less to the easterly line' of Chickering Road
and point of beginning. Containing 3.83 acres more or less.
Description of land in North Andover, Mass., to be acquired from Caroline S.
Rogers: Beginning at a point in the easterly line of Chickering Road at land
of Marion P. Rockwell; thence running southerly in part by a stone wall and by
said land of Marion P. Rockwell 648 feet more or less to a point; thence' turning
and running easterly as the wall stands and by said land of Marion P.~ Rockwell
200 feet to a point; thence turning and running southwesterly 700 feet more or
less to a point in a ditch; thence turning and running southerly in part by. said
ditch 700 feet more or less to a point; thence turning and running south-
westerly 220~feet more or less to a point in a stone wall at land of mA.
Howe, et ux; the last three courses being all by land of Caroline S. Robers;~
thence turning and running westerly as the wall stance and by said land'of A.
Murray Howe et ux 653 feet more or less to a point in the northeasterly line of
the New P~ugland Power Company right of way; thence turning ant running north-
westerly by, said northeasterly line of the New England Power Company right o.f
way 670 feet more or less to a point in the easterly line of Chicle ring Road,
thence turning anG running northerly by said easterly line of Chlckering Road
1876 feet more or less to land of Marion p. Rockwell and point of beginning.
Containing 32.95 acres more or less.
Description off,and in North Andover, Mass., to be acquired from A. Murray
Howe, et ux. Beginning.at a point at the northeast corner of land of A. '~
Murray Howe et ux at land of Caroline S. Rogers said point being 422 feet
northwesterly of the westerly line of Osgood Street; thence running south-~
westerly 580 feet more or less by said land of A. Murray Howe et ux to a ~p61nt
in 'the northeasterly line of the New England Power Company right of w~y said
point being 400 feet more or less northwesterly of the westerly line of 0sgood
Street as measured along said northeasterly line of the New England Power..
Company right of way; thence turning and ru~ning northwesterly by the said
northeasterly liu~ of the New England Power Company right.of way 400 feet~more
· or less ~o a point at land of Caroline S.'~Rogers; thence turning~and running
easterly as the wall stands and by said land of Caroline S~ Rogers 653 feet more
or less to the point of beginning. Containing 2.25 acres more or less.
· Description of land in North Andover, Mass.~ to be acculred from New England~
Power Company. Beginning at a point in the easterly'line of Chickering Road
at land of Caroline S. Rogers; thence running southeas.terly by said land of
Caroline S. Rogers and land of A. Murray Howe, et ux 1~70 feet more or less to
point in the westerly line of ~sgood oS~tr~e~et~ t.hence turning and.running
by said westerly line of 0sgood Street o~.Do x'eet more or less to ~and of J.P.
Stevens Company, Inc., thence turning and running nor6hwesterly by land of J.P.
Stevens Company, Inc., and land of the Village Land Company and by a line
parallel with and 82.5 feet southwesterly from the first mentioned'course 1~60
feet more or less to a point in the easterly line of Chickering Road; thence
turning and running northerly by said easterly line of Chickering Road 96.16
feet more or less to a point at land of Caroline S. Rogers and point of
.beginning. Containing 2.79 acres more or less.
Description of land in North Andover, Mass., to be acquired from the ~V~llage
Land Company. Beminning at a point in the easterly line of Chioker
land of the New ~ 1 . i~g. Ro~d
land of New Enmland Pg~-,ea~d~P~-O~e-r-C~°~mp~an~y'~thence r-u~ning, s°utheasterly~by ~s~id
~ ...... ~_ ~, ~J' ~- .~ P~ ~ee~ more or ~ess ~o land of J.P,. ~t
~um~y, mnc., ~nence turnLug and running southwesterly by said land. of j.~.vens
Stevens Company, Inc., and by land of the Town of North Andover and,by a
~fan~hs~eon~erath~erTl~Y e~n.d .o~f Wayn? Str. eet 36.2 reset more or less to a'point~ at portion
la~d of
e ~ rus~, ~nence ~urnzng ant running westerly by said land of Nangano
Realty Trust 276.1~ feet more or less to a point in the easterly line of
Ch~ck?r~ing.Roa~d; th~ence turning and running northerly by the said easterly ~ine
of Chlc~erzng noad 460 feet more or less to land of the New England Power
Company and 'pOint of ~eginning. COntaining 3.80 acres more or less. ~
and that to raise this appropriation the treasurer, with the approval of t
Selectmen, is authorized to borrow $400,000.~0 under Chapter 645 of the Acts
of 1948 as amended; and that 'the board of selectmen is authorized.to take all ~
action necessary to acquire such land by purchase, eminent domain ~mor
The vote: A~FIRMATII~E 4~1. NEGATIVE ~. ~ ~ _~-- ~ . . otherwise.
ARTICLE lB & .lC..Stricken from the Warrant. · ·
~ARTZCLE 2. VOTED that $6,500,000.00 is appropriated for constructing and
originally equipping and furnishing a new high school building; that to raise
this appropriation the treasurer, with the approval of'the Selectmen, is
authorized to bsrrow $6,500,000.00 under Chapter 6~5 of the Acts of 1948 as
~; and that the SchoOl-Building Committee is authorized to take all action
ssary to carry out thins vobe.
The vote: AFFIRMATIVE 6~i. NEGATIVE 268. a two-thir, d maJoorlty.
ARTICLE 5. VOTED TO ADOPT the article. /
ARTICLE 4. Stricken from the Warrant.
ARTICLE 5. Stricken .from the Warrant.
ARTICLE 6. VOTED that Section 12A of Article IV of the Town's General By-Laws
be amended to .read as follows:
Section 12A. There is hereby established an unpaid committee to be knovm as
the Capital Budget Committee, composed o9 one member of the Advisory Eomm~tte~
appointed by and from it, one member of the Planning Board appointed by and
from it, the Town Accountant, ex officia, and four additional members to be
appointed bythe Selectmen. The members from the Advisory Committee and the
Planning Board shall be appointed for one year terms. The other members~
shall originally be appointed for terms of.~.one, two, three and fou~ years,
and thereafter for Four year terms. The te~ms of appointive members shall
expire on March 31 of the appropriate year. Vacancies shall be filled for
unexpired terms and in the manner of the original appointments. The committee
sh~ll ~uually prepare a Capital Budget Program for use the Advisory
Committee, She Planning Board, the voters and other TownbBYoards and officials
ti~n their.deliberations. ~ The Committee sEall publish such report or a
hereof ~u a suitable manner, deposit the original with the Town Clerk and w
present it to each Annual '£'own Meeting for its action.
Unanimous vote and so declared..
ARTICZE 7- VO~-~D TO ADOPT the article.
Meeting opened at 8:00 P.M., and adJounred at ll:10 P.M. 1043 registered
voters were checked by the Board of Registrars, and }~s. Earline Lyons,
~rs. MarJorie Heider, Mrs. Mary Windle, ~s. Ethel Nailhot, N~s. Gladys H~ley
Miss Rose ~cEvoy, ~s. Phyllis Jackson, ~en W~dle ~d ~th~ ~ond. ~e
following assisted the Noderato~ ~d Tov~ Clerk ~ co~t~g. Jay B~ke, Ted
~rold Boston, Wm. C~, Warren Lo~e, S~ Wilson, Milton Howamd, James, Pete~s
Fi~zgerald~ Wm. NcEvoy, James McDonald, Nick Nicett, Jack NcLay, Geomge Nyems,
~d George. ~ssey, Clifton Elias, Esquire was assist~t Node~ato~ ~ the
ovemflow section of the Cafetemia. ~. Jo~ R ob~son ~d his asslst~ts
capably,performed ~ the audio-video~t ~ t~meet~g.
A t~ue copy: AT,ST: '
To either ~ the Co'tables of the To~ of North Andover:
In the n~e of the Co~onwealth bf Massachusetts, yo~ are hereby
directed to notify ~d warn the ~abit~ts of North ~doeer who are ~alifie,
to ~ote in T~ Affairs~to meet in the Veter~,s Auditori~ of o~ N~ th
~dover High School for a Special To~ Meeting-on:
~ ~ MONDAY, the ~th DAY OF AUGUST 1970 At 8:00 P.M.
then ~d ~h~re to act upon the following articles:
~TIC~ l~ To see if the To~ will vote ~o ~end its Zoning B~Law~ by
c~h~g· From General ~s~ess to Co, try Residence the follow~g p~cel of
Beg~ing at an Essex Cowry bo~d on the Northerly side of Salem
T~np~e ~d r~ing Northeasterly 114.8 feet by a c~ve with a radius of
7Ofeet to ~ Essex Co~ty bo~d on the Southerly side of Peter Street;
.then ~g North 60o 57' 50" east ~6.09 feet by the Southerly l~e
Peters Street to a po~t;-thencs ~n~g Southerly 66° ~6.' 40" east 1~.~
feet by l~d now or formerly of the To~ of North ~dover; thence
~outh ~1~ 52' .20" east 26.40 feet by l~d~now ? formerly of the To~ of
~orth ~dover, thence ~ni~ South 26 26. O0 east 159.10 fee.t by l~d
now or zormer~y of the '~'o~ of North Andove~; thence ~ni~ South 29°
~9' 20" East 4.20 Feet by l~d now o~ formerly of the To~ of North ~ndover;
~nce ~n~g South ~l° 54' ~4~ East 282.84 feet by ~nd o~ E~el N.
~ee~n; ~ence r~ni~ West 62U 58' 12" 86.q~ feet by l~d ~ ...... ~
th oe so th
formerly of Freem~ to the Salem T~npike; thence ~ning N~th ~2o 50'
West 215.79 feet by the Easterly side 1~ of the Salem Tu~npike to the
of beg~g. Containing 5.1 acres mo~e or less.
Petition of Richard L. Ko,t, 14 ~rewster St., ~d others.
~TIC~ 2. To see if the To~ will raise ~d appropriate the s~ of $12,000,
to. be.expended ~de~ ~e directi~ of the Board of Public Works fo~ the
p~pose of
,. ~ep~ c~g the old s~-~ch water ~in on;'~Phillips Cou~t
Osgood ~t~eet to P~as~t Street with ~ eight-inch cement lined cast
pipe. Petition of the Board of ~blic Works.
And you a~e hereby di~ected to serve this Wa~r~t by posti~ t~ue and
attested copies thereof at the To~ OFfice ~ilding ~d at five o~ more
Public P~ces in each voting p~ec~ct of the Town, not less ~an seven