HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-08-24 s before the stated time and place of
Hereof, fall not, and make due return of
to the Town Clerk mf the time and pl~ ce of said meeting.
Given under our hamds at North Andover, Massachusetts, the 10th~d~y of August
in the year cf Our Lc~d one thousand nine hundred and seventy.
WILLIAM B. DUFH, JR. North Andover, Mass.
North And over, Mass.
August 14, 1970.
said meeting. ~
this Warrant with your doings theredn~,
I have nSified and warned the inhabitants of the Town of N~rthAndover who
are qualified to vote in Town Affairs by p~ting true and attested copies of
this Warrant at the Town Office Building and at five or more public places
each voting ~ ecinct-of the Town. Said copies'not having been po~ted not less
than seven days before the time of said meeting.
North Andover, Mass.
August l~, 1970
~'.~lAt fha SPECIAL TOWN ~w-w. TING
held in the Veteran's Auditorium
: Andove. r'High.'Schodl on Monday Evening'AugusT 21~, 1970 at 8:00 PAM,.,"m't..h.e':'f011$Wiug
was voted: ' ' ·
~ .ARTICLE 1. MOTED 'to amend the Zoning by-Law by strikin~ therefrom Sec't~'on~.~
. '(!7), and by.adding there, t6 the £ollow~ng new Section:7 S~ctid~ ~i4~:
from General Business to Country residence-. Beginning ~a~t~u Es~ex~Cd~m~wbo~n~
~an'~the~ Northerly side of Salem Turnpike and ru~ing ~ortlieasterfy~ll~.8':'f~e-t----
a curve with a radius of 70 feet roan Essex Co~nty.~bound on~.the.~sotitherly
of Peters '
Street, then running North' .60° 57' ~0" east ]!~!6.09 feet'.by the
Southerly llne of Peters Street to a point; thence running:.soUtherl~~
40!'. east 1~.56 feet by l~and now or formerly of the Town of North Andover:.:.
:~..t_.hen_ce running South ~I.? 52' 20" east 26.40 feet by land now or-::f0rmerlY~
,.~ne?'o~wn' of North Andover; thence running South 26° 26' 00".'eastml59.10
i~o~Y,,Z~.~aud_n.ow or formerly of the Town of North Andover; thence runni~...29o
i,,~.~,, mas~ ~...20.feetmby land. now or former_ly of the Town
.~nence running South ~lo 5~' 21~" East 2~2284 feet by land 'of Ethel. M; Freem~n;
ence. running. -West 62o 5~' 12" 86.5_? feet bv~ land ~ow or forme__~"~* ............ ~,~-~o~.
ence..runnmng South 50o 55, 59" 2h9.09 feet by land nOW 0~ f~r~%v ~*
ee'm~_'n to the Salem Turnpike ;-thence ~n~nning ~0rth 52°BS'- ~8'-L~-Yst~!~ ~q"?
bY the~ ~aste.rly side lin_e of the Salem Turnpike to the point~.'of b?ginning.
).& acres more cf.!sss. . -'
,re was AFF'IP~fATIVE 510. NEGATIVE 55- A two-thirds majority~.
2. VOTED to ADOPT the Article and to raise and Zppropriate, the
)00..for l~s ~purposes and~ that to raise this appropriatibn' the~T~e~u~e~ i
of %he, Selectmen, is~ authcrized~ tc borrow $12~,~000/Under
of ;the General Laws, as amended. ...~**,-
vote was unanimous and' so declared. . .
.~...' eting: opem~ at 8:00 P~M., and adjourned at 8:~0 P.M. 562 recorded, present..
· A'ssistlng the Board' of. ~egistrars in checking were Mrs. Earllne Lyons, Mrs:'.
ady.. Hurley, Mrs:. MarJorie Heider and Mr. Arthur Drummond,-' Assisting the
or and Town Clerk in the counting of votes were William Cyr:,* Jack~ McLay,
· James:' Hurrell, Louis Kmiec, Milt on Howard, Alfred· Taylor, Stuart Wi'ls Oh'-and'..
Arthur Kirk.
A true copy: ~TTEST:
: W A R R A N'~
,~:. To either of the Constables of the Town of North Ando~e~:
In the name of the commonwealth you are hereby requL~ed to notif~ and
· wa~n the.tnhtbitant.~ of said Town who a~e qualified to vote In-'prima:des to
C._meet..in t~$...~l~adetreet' School-Precinct One, the St. Miehael~ s School~Preelnct
'i.~O,'the ~omson S.chool-~recinot Three aha the Kittredge School-Precinct 'Pour
at Seven 0!clock A.M.~.for the following purposes:
To bring in their votes to the Primary 0ffice~s for the Nomination
of Candidates of Political Parties for the following Offices: