HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-11-03 C0~0NWEALTH 0~ MASSACHUSETTS SS: ~Gs:TO either of the Constables of the Town of I~orth Andover: In the name of the Commonwealth you are hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of said Town who are qualified to vote in elections for Senator in Congress, Governor and Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, :Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, Congressman, C_o_unci!lor, Senator, Representative in General Court, District Attornay, Clerk or courts, Hegister of Deeds, County Commissioner, and all questions appearing on the ballot, to meet in Bradstreet School _in Pr. ecinct One, the St. Michaels cA,.__. J ~ . he_ ~&AUUA Thomson School in z~reolnct Three and the Klttredge School in Precinct Foum o TUESDAY, THE THIRD DAY OF NOVEMtiER 1970 a~ Eight O'clock A.M., for the following purposes: To bring in to the Town Clerk and Election Officers the vote for Sehator in Congress, Governor and Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General,' Secretary, Treasurer and Auditor for this Common~?alth, Representative in Cc.ngress Sixth District, Councillor Fifth District S , in General Court Thlrtee , en_ator .4th Es.sex District .~e reset: nth Essex District. Dls=~,~ ~+~ ......... ~-,.ey uss=em District Clerk c~ Courts Essex County, Register of Deeds Essex Northern District, Commissioner for Essex County and the following Questions: QUESTION NO. 1 PROPOSED A~.~ID~ENT TO TEE CONSTi~TION Do you approve of the adoption of an amendment to the constitution ~umm.arized below, which was approved by the General Court i ibnranches held July 1~ ~ ~.-~ .... .n a Joint session oi the tw the Negative, ~ ~' *w~, -~ ~D vo~es in the affirmative and 98 and in a Joint session of the two'branches held May 14, _YES 1969, received 147 votes in the affirmative and ll9 in ~he negative? SU~L~y NO proposed amendment to the C'onsti~tion authorizes the assessment, ra=ing taxation of real property at different rates in the different classes so ~stablished, but proportionately in the same class. The amendment further zes the granting of reasonable exemptions and abatements. NO. 2 PROPOSED AMEED2~NT TO THE CONSTITUTION you approve of the adoption of an amendment to the cons=itution summarize, which was ~pproved b~ the General Court , 'Ized~ ,s held October 9, 1967, rece*~,~,~v ~,~._In .a Jg.int session of the two the negative_ and in a ~ ---~;~l--~"..~s mn ~ne affir~tive ~d 0 , ~ ..... ~s~on'o~ ~ne two br~ches held May 14, ~S received 262 votes in the affi~ative ~d 4 in the negative? SU~y ~osed a~ndment to ~he C~tlon abolishes =he ~equiremen~ t~t' In o vote in a s~ate election a person must ~ve resi~ed wi~In the one year. If amended, ~he C~s~itution would require only tha~ a vo~er vo~e.resided six months in the $own or district in which he claims a right Q~STION NO. ] PROPOSED AI~D~T TO T~ CONSTI~TION Do you.approve of the adoption of G~ amendment to ~he constitution s~rized below, which was approved by the eneral Co~t ~ a Jo~ session of the two branches held October 9, 1967, received ~ votes in the aff~atlve and 102 in.the negative, ~d ~ a Join~ sess 14, 1969, received 222 rot ion of the ~o br~ches held }.~ . es in ~he affirmative ~d 49. in the negative?y ..N0 The proposed amendment to the Cons~i~ution reduces the ~nim~ age of voting tn a sta~e election from twenty-one to nineteen. Q~STION NO. 4. PROPOSED AI~D~ T0 T~ CONSTITUTION Do you approve of ~he adoption of an a~nd~nt to the constitution s~marize~ below, which was approved by ~e Gener~ Court in a Join~ session of ~e br~ches held July 15, 1968, received 181 votes in t~ ~flrmative ~d 66 in ~he negatlve. ~d ~ a Joint session of ~he two branches held Nay 15, 1959, d 20~ votes tn the affl~a=Ive ~d 5~ in the negative? ~ ~ 1 ~op~ed amend~n~ t~ ~ s which direct ~..~.]~uxuu~lon amends the existing constitu=lon fstPicts ~d ~0 senatorial districts, it pro%ides for a census of the ~habi~- of each city ~d ~o~ in the year thereafter. ~ ....... .~...th_in the year 1971 d A__a ....... ne oasis for de~erm~g ~sentatlve and senato~ial districts fo~ the ten-year Period , 1975. Each subsequent census s~ll be the basis for de~e~g the dlstrlo~s for each ten year period beg~ni~ the forth J~uary foll~l~ each census, so that the census in 19~1 wii1 ~eter~i~e'~'the aistricts as of January, 19~5, etc. The amendments provides that the house of representative shall consist of two hundred and forty members and the senate of forty members. In its first regular session following each census, the Legislature shall div the Commonwealth into two hundred and forty representative districts of contl- guous territory and forty senatorial districts also of contiguous territory. Each representative district shall contain, as nearly as may be, an equal numbex of inhabitants according to the census. Each senatorial district shall also rain as nearly as may be an equal number of inhabitants according to the census A representative district shall not unite two or more counties, towns, or citle or parts thereof, or a cityand a town, er parts thereof, in one district unlea~ ~ same is unavoidable. ~urther, no town of ~ ss than six thousand inhabltant~ ~!~ll be divided in forming representative districts. It is also provided that County of Dukes County and Nantucket County shall each be a representative district, notwithstanding the foregoing. The senatorial districts, each of shall elect.one Senator, shall be formed without uniting two counties or parts of two or more counties, unless the same is unavoidable. Each representative .shall be an inhabitant of the district for which he is chos~at least one year ~Immediately preceding his election, and each senator shall be an inhabitant of district~ for which he is chosen at the time of his election ant shall have an inhabitant of the Commonwealth for at least five years immediately pre- eding his election. Any representative or senator who ceases to be an inhabit- of the Commonwealth shall ceas~ to represent his district. The amendment provides that the Legislature (1) may by law limit the time within which proceedings may be instituted calling in question any such division (2) ~shall prescribe by law the manner of calling and conducting elections the choice of representatives and of ascertaining their election.. ~inally, amendment annuls, the existing constitutional provisions with respect to~ ~ortionment of representative and senatorial districts, although thcs pro- will remain in effect until Januayr l, 1975. NO. 5 .~ULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION. one of the following do you prefer with reference to the future course of~ ac-rich by the United States in Vietnam? To vote on this question mark a cross~ X in the scuare at the right of the subdivision you prefer. DO NOTVOTE F0~ THAN ONE. 'A. Win a military Victory B. Withdraw our armed forces in Icordance with planned schedule. C. Withdraw all our armed forces ~ediately. a ~A. Shall licenses be granted in this Town for the sale therein of all alcoholic beverages, (whiskey, rum, gin, malt beverage, wines and all other alcoholic 'b~verage s ) ? .YES NO__~. Bi. Shall licenses be granted in this To%.~n for the sale therein of wines ~nd malt beverages (wines and beer, ale and all other malt beverages~? YES NO S~all licenses be granted in this ~own for the sale"~he.~e'.:~'~ of 'all alcoholic :ve~ages in packages, so called, not to be drunk on the premises. YES NO. 7. Shall the Representative from this District be instructed to to approve the passage of a constitutional amendment reducing the' size of Nassachusetts HouS~ of Representative from 2~0 members to lto l~[embers. ~S Polls will be open from 8:00 A'.N., to 8:00 'ou are directoed to serve this warrant by posting true and attested copies at the Town 0~fice Building and at five or more public pl~ ces in each precinct of the~.~own, said copies to be posted not less than seven ~ys~ the time of s~l~meeting. ~a~t the' fail not and n~a~e due return of this warrant with your doings thereon time and place ~of holding said meeting to the Town Clerk. Given under our hands at North Andovem ~ass., this 22nd day of October 'in the year o~ Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Seventy. '~ WILLIAN A. FINNERAN Selectmen ARTHUR P. KIRK of WiLLIAI~{ B. DU~'FY, JR. Horth Ani over, ~tass. A true copy: ATTEST: ~ 0ctobe~ 2~, 1970 ~.~-~ % .~onstable. I have notified and warned the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover qualifi~ vote in elections, by posting true and attested copies of this V~arrant at the T. Office Build and at five or more public places, in each voting precinct of the T~ Said copies of this Warrant having been posited not less than seven days before time of the said meeting. North Andover, ~ass. October 25, 1970. attest; ~C~ IN CONGRESS Edward M. KENNEDY ,stah A. SPAULDING ~rence GILFEDDER Mark R. SHAW obert ~. HERMAN 12od 52 ~LD ~Ow~mm 5, 297o TWO THREE, FOUR ~o6 ~54 152o 5~5 519 1255 5 5' 66~0 5707 2775 16 168 (D) (SL) (PRO) rt, WATEES LIE~3TENANT GOVERNOR. WHITE-DUKAKIS (D) BATES (PRO) VOTAN0 (SL ~ame s D0WW~TY 'ATTORNEY GENERAL ~Donald L. CON 'Robert H. QUINN Willy N. HOGSETH BLANKS SECRETARY -John P.X. DAVOREN Ma~y B. NEWSMAN Marvin A. Edgar E. GAUDET BLANKS R, do ert Q. CRANE ~rederick D. HANNON John B. LAUDER Roy K. NELSON BLANKS AUDITOR Thaddeus BUCZKO ~i' Frank P. BUCCI i-Ra2mond $. GRAY I. WILLIAMS !('-.-,Nlchael J.' ~M~t/~GToa ' BLANE8 SENAT~ (~th Essex Dist) James 2. E~~tA~ Lois J. ROBOTS BLANKS REPES~TATI~ INGEN'L C0~T. (15th Essex Dist) DZSTRmCT ATTORNEy.. John P.S. BU~ BLANKS CT,w~I{ OF C~RTS (Essex) ~ic~rd L. ~ EGIS~ 0F ~DS (Essex Jo~ Joseph BUC~,~Y - B~KS 77~ 2 i 1 5 o o i 5 ~;~1~ 155 151 ~86 ~96 .795 749 16~5 57 511 ~1 77~ 2 1 1 2 o o i ~ 1 k18 58~ ~2~g 1225 72~ 796 1527 ~5 ~l 54 55 56 65 92 820 916 917 1506 lO lO 6 55 69 65 74 156 15 50 56 65 71 125 ~7 '399 952 929 lO5O lO71 lBO& aT1 40~ 522 9~5 1067 257 1001 a~ a6 952 1070 Z~8 568 812 ~62 509 79 North) lO65 11o8 1887 285 761 576 1062 11o8 1898 2~5 75~ 575 99o 110 228 lO58 1~8 535 .3' 5821 2255 ? 1 5~21 6 5 1 275l 5662 ~-59 2097 59 ~ 82 1'~85 4550 2120 210 5oo5 1 1674 2160 ~595 125 5O28 1652 0 k89~. . St~t.e Election C0~IS~I ONER (Essex) , .Edward H. ,.,.~ Albert Joseph DeLUCA ~'BLANK$ Q~ESTI 0N NO. Y~E S N0 B~S Q~STION, N0. 2. N0 BL~KS I!' Q~STIO~'?O' '' NO N 0 B~ 'B~ES '~ Q ~STION N0. 6. N 0 B~ B.~ES N0 BLA~S C, YES D. YES NO BLANKS Q~ST~6N N0. 7' YES N'0 BLANKS Nov 3, 1970 702 795 416 510 82 133 233 269 317 274 306 78_9 1291 121 256 77 816 1789 4 ~ 3 8 27~ 527 1 3 2 29 ~3~ i 2 1 669 117~ 3 i 8 273 353 i 2 o 484 51~ lO43 139 557 692 507 358 197 252 158 280 296 277 371 728 8~2 897 175o ~25 16o 111 3~5 3~7 396 385 55 746 894 904 1772 lO9 15o 11o 3~z 74o 895 9o2 1788 111 157 11~ 296 800 99? 998 1977 137 15o 13T 3o5 263 291 258 367 ABSENTEE VOTING-~.BALLOTINGREPOR,~ Absentee voting applications recd and .~,~= 21 33 15 ?~:~" 4 ." received and voted. 13 25 11 z~'''~' ~'~" rejected .!J · "_ not received on time 8 7 4 .- ' ~ Non-Re$istered. Voters (6 Months) Requests received and recorded 1 % " " voted 1 1 " ~' did not vote 2 ATTEST: 61 1 12 462',( 1 1 4 16 ~f