HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-03-13 WARRA COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ESSEX SS: To ~either of the Const. a~les of the Town cf North Andover: GREETINGS: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are h~r~by · directe~ to notify and warn ~he inhabitants of the Town of North Andover who .' are qualified to vote in Town Affairs, to meet in the Veteran's Auditorium of our_North And over High School for a Special i'own Meeting on: SATURDAY, the 15th DAY OF MARCH, 1971 at 1:50 P.M. Then and there to act upon the following article. ARTICLE 1~ ~o see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $10,000. to the Greater Lawrence Community Drug Council for the implementation of an expanGed approach to meet the community drug problem. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 2. To provide for the'appointment'of a committee of nine members to consist of a member of the North Andover Board of ~rade, North Andover Jaycees Vet&tans of Foreign Wars, American Legion, Knights of Columbus, the Chairman of the North Andover Recreational Council and three citizens a~ large all =o be ~ppointed by the selectmen to consider ~he establishment and appointment of a full time recreational director whose duties shall.'consis~ of planning and impllmenting a town Wide recreational program affecting all Townspeople from youth to old age with particular emphasis on progrmas for'.~lI seasons. Petition of 'Arthur N. Tedesco and others. And you are directed to serve this warran= by posting true anc attesteCl copies thereof, at,,the Town Office Building and at five or more public places voting precinct of the Town. Said copies to be posted not more than seven days before the time of 'holding said meetlx~g;. Hereof, fail not, and make 'due re~urn of this warrant with your doings there to the Town Clerk at the time and place of said meeting. .... Given under o~r hands at North And over, Massachusetts, t~e 8th day i~?he year of Our Lor= one thousand nine hundred and seventy-one. .. WILLIAM A- FINNERAN Selectmen ' ~. , .WI~IAM B. DUFFY, JR. North Andover.~ North~ Andover, Mass. Febrdary, 8;' 1971 ..... A true copy: ATTEST:. ~ ~ OFFICER~ S RETURN I hav~ notifie~ and warned the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover who are qualified ~o vote in Elections and Town Affairs by posting true and .~, . a~t~sted~c opies of this Warrant a= the Town Office Building and~at five more public places :in each~voting~m precinct of the Town. said,copies not, having been posted not less than seven days before the time .of said meeting. CT ON P R E C I N C T S -' ~NE TWO THB~ FOUR FIVE T 0 T A~! MoCera~'or' form' One Yaar '" ---- Sele~ tman4 for ~'Aree D, ROBERT N OET A 111 121 74 ' JACK SanANTON'rO Blanks 71~ 47~5 1~ 4~17 ~ 2~ Nonday Maroh l, ASSESSOR FOR THREE YEARS GOEMGE R. BARKER, JR. JOHN P. COADY FRANCIS J. C0~TELLO GEORGE A. HOUSTON JOHN J. MONTEIR0 FRANK J. RUL~O AUGUSTINE J. WALSH JOHN J. WILLIS, JR. Blanks Boara of Healt~ for TAstee Years Blanks Boara of PuDlle Works ~ Years BLanks Sohoo'l. Commi~tee~'~or ~ Years RICFARD G. HALTMAIER WILLIAM By DORPMAN LOUIS R. LEONE. Blanks Planning Board ~or 5 Y~ars ?ATRIOIA TAI~L OR Blanks Housing Authorit~ for ~ Years.. ~H~ AHD W. EDWARD H. KOLLEN Blanks ConsTables for three years 'JAMES D. McCA~, AUGUSTI~ ~. WALSH ~Y A. R0~T PA~ .$0~ DONA~ BA EDW~D ~P~ GEORGE Bl~s ,~STION 1~71 Election Resulu~. 151 208 l?~ 247 521 ll05 11o 2.1~0 25~ 90 91 6~ ~ 57 59 $5 2~ 20 ~5 15 10~ 822 1005 9~8 700 75~ 9~ 921 717 1~4 255 19~ 171 19~o m~9 2o2 1~ ~o 70 '67 42 76~ 926 91o 71o 179 2ho 2o9 175 2o~ ~o~ ~5 lO~ 90 111 118 12o 70,~ 7~ 5~ ~5~ ~5~ ~ 600 615 1 1 !t Blanks 1~2 15~ 12~ 97 ABSEN TF~ VOTING: Applications made · 15 20 ~ " received ant ~,o=e~ 12 15 5 not returned ~ ' 5 1 =COUNT FOR OPFI~ ASSESSOR ~LffQUESTEI~ 16 .1~ the recount be Ciscon=inuec a~ ~nls time wi=n many t~nnks Request compllec wi~h. ~~7.'~.M. .Petition for recount for the 0ffi:~ of Assessor'submlt~ec on Ma~ch 8, 1971~ at 10:45 A.M., by Attorney Charles Trembly, Sr.,in behalf of candidate-:-John P. Coacy ~ ~o~T~r. npike St. for a recount of votes in Precinc ~ rlV~ ~5]. Recoun~ schu~ulec for Monday evening March 15, 19~1 at 7 P.M., in the meeting room of the Town Office Building. ~Mee~ing~ op~ned a~u 7 P.M., on Monday evening March 15, 1~71 with all re~ir~men=s complied with. After the court=lng of 16 blocks of 50 votes to a~block, no protests being mace, no omis~ions, etc., Mr. John Coacy requestec-t~a~ ~o all concernea. ~ARTICLE 2, V~ED ~o refer ~o ~h~ Board of Selectmen. ~TIC~ ~. VOTED to accep~ ~he repor~ of receipts ~d expenCi~res as ~presented by ~he Selectmen. ~TICLE ~. VO~ to fix ~e following annual salaries of ~he electd officials .of t~e Town effective from Januaz'y l, 1~71 in accord~ce with Section 10O .of ~Cha~er hl of ~he General Laws. 'Boast of Selectmen and Licens~g Co~ission- each per ~. $2,000.00 'BoarC of Assesgors - each ~r an~ 2,~00,00 ~Boaz~c.~ of Health - each ~r ~. ~00.00 'B0a~C' of Pu~li~ Wsrks - each ~er ~n~ ~0.00 'To~ Treasurer - per ~num 12,~0.00 'Tax Collector~ J per ~num ~,100.00 i 5o0.oo' 'Tr,e~War~en~ r per a~um ~ighway S~vey9~ - per ~ 1~, 10~~. 0O Moderator -.per ~n~ 100.00 '~TEC~ 5.1'~0~ to carry forwarc ~o z'imcal 1~71, ~he' follow~g arnicles 'ant ~pDr opria~ons · ' ~gal expenses - Selec~en (S~einberg 'Case) $1,500.00 .~.Ar~ic~e 12 ,~19~9 To~ ChartJr Study Cornice ~ 5~1-~5 ~TA ~' . ? ~" ~0~ -~l~ Rail Service (8/1/70 - 7/5~/71) 500.00/ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I8i U 1~70 Selec~men-Mon~en~s-Bo~dary 2,500.00 ' ~'J.~ 8~ ~, 1570 Selecmmen-?ence, To~ YarC~ 1,500.00 . Planni~ Boa~expen~e s 1~.70 C ompr=hensive Pl~g Program 6,555.00 5 6, o 0~ To~B~g~'P~l, pa~,~wash. mN 8w ~dder ~ck ~ .' 26J50;I ~ .... Town ~'i~.e '['ign~l.~ acciden~ ~ Cons'~ruct, .equlp," f~'nish fire ~ta=ion. . 5~515.~.':: Adcitionat f~uds [' Fire Station 2,000;00 ,il s~wy- Conserva=ion 6,550; ~15o~ Extent sewer -~Pet~r Street. ~.1~7 0 ~" " ~pike. Stree$ ~:~l~b7 Highway .e~ipm~n~ "- L1~67 Hig~way ~'~[6ewatk '.-.Ocgooc' ~tree~ ~r ,.~0 Salem S~reet .... -' ~ sidewa~ .: ' · ~8 000~00 ~0~ Salem::s~ree~ ' '~ ~'- Salem' ~z.: 46,oo0;o0 ~. ;00 ~ '' ~ Avenue b~ook?: :.A' :j ..... Scn~'o~ ' %' ' :J"'S[~ool Pub~c',~B' "' ' ~. Tax Colle c~or $12,584.00 Exp~n se s 5. Town Clerk 14,500.00 Expense s 6. Assessors 20,U05.00 Expenses 7. Elections & Registrars 1,600.00 Expenses 8. Tovm Counsel (Annual Retainer) 5,000.00 Expenses 9 · Moderator 100.00 10. Advisory Committee Expenses ll. Capital Budget Comm. Expenses 12. Pl~nning Board 2, Expenses 15. Board of Appeals (Zoning) 2,161.00 Expen se s lk. Pez. sonnel Board 1,541.00 .-~. Expenses 15 · Town Building 2, 6~0.00 Expenses 16. Annual Town Meeting. Expenses 17. Police Dept. (Incl Crossing Grds. ) 290~620.00 Expense s 18. Fire Oept. Expenses 19. Dog Officer Expenses 20. Civil De~'ense Expense s 21. Building Inspector Expenses 22. Wiring Inspector Expenses 25. Gas Inspector Expenses 24. Sealer of Weights & Measures Expense s Board of Heal~ Expenses 26. Gr; Lawrence Sanitary Dis~. 22~: Animal Luspec~or Garbage Disposal Contrac= 29. Board of Public Works i0. Sewer Mn~nce. & Construction Expenses ~1. Wa=er Mn~nce. & Construction Expenses Par~s & School Grounds Exp~nses ~55. Tre~ Delta r=ment Expenses '~4. Dutch Elm disease Expenses 55. Insect pes~ control Expenses 56. Stree~ lighting 57. S~ree=s. Gen'l Maln~enance Expen se s 5~. Snow removal e~ enses 59. Refuse disposal ~.~.~'"~Expenses ~0. Veterans Benefits Expert se s Cash grants ~1. Graves.registration Expen s e ~ h2. School Depar~men=. Less reimbu~ semen=- special funds. Expenses Incl. our of S=ate. Less relmbur ~emen~- special funds. ~5. Regional Vocation School Allocation of Cos~ =o N.A. ~4. SSevns Nemorlal Li0rary Expenses (Incl Fores~ Fire Warden) ~54,4~.o~ 45o.oo 90o.oo 6,47~.00 1,750.00 700,00 1,200.00 12,712.0~ 1,200.00 26,000.00 91,000.00 2~,000.00 2~,671.00 7,2~9.00 15,676.00 10~,000.00 79,28~.oo 4,000.00 175.oo 2,022,5~.00 _ 62 600.00 1,~5~,~4~.00 565;776.00 55,~6.0u $~,~55.oo 14,~oo.oo'~ ~5o.oo ~5o.oo 20,~05.00 ~,500.00 6,500.00 1,600.00 5,995.oo 5,~95.oo 5,000.00 1,5~0.00 1,560.00 100.00 ~5o.oo 55o.oo 775~00 775.00 2~161.0 500~00 500.( 2,161.( 200.00 200.~ 1,5~1.oo lbO.00 1~0.00 ..~ 600.00 %~oo.oo 9.5oo.oo 4, U00.00' 4,800.00 ~l, 555.oo 800.00 1, b00.00' 725.00 ~oo.oo 290,620.00 ~1,~5~.oo 55g~4~9.oo 1~',500;00 ~5o.oo : 800.00 '900.00 .'1,600.00 6,47~.00 5~725.oo · - 1,750.00 '~oo.oo 700.0o 100.00 ' 'I00.00 ": 1,200.0 2~0.00' ." '.~ 250.0 12~ 5,7~5.oo, 5,?~5.o ~o~.oo'. '..4o~.oo _ 400.00 '-400.00 lU,~8~.oo :.18;~8~.oo 26,000.00 14, ooo,oo -. ~,0oo.oo 91,000.00 60,000.00 60,000.00 2~,000,00 9,000~00 ".:"9,000.00 28,671.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 7,269,00 1,600.00 , 1,600.00 1~,'6~6.00 ~,000.00 5,000,00 5U,000.00 5U,000.00 109.000.00 65,000.00 .- 65,ooo.oo 60,000.00 60,000.00 79,286.00 22,000.00 22,000.0~ 4, ooo.o 72~.oo .72~.o~ 5o,~5o.oo 5o~5o.oo :~75.00 450.00 ~5o.oo 2, 1,~59,9g9.oo ~bO,2'(0.00 104,65U.00 15,870.00 500,2'(0.00 IO~,ogU.O0 55,~66.oo 15,87o.00 45. P!aygrouncs - Bathing Oeacn 'Expunses kb. 'Recreational Council 'Expenses 47- 'Group Insurance ~ -County Retirement Pensions Rental of Veterans Heaoquar~ez.s 50. ~briotic & Civic Cele0ratlons. D1..Inm?ance - General ~2..Industrial Comm. Exp~n~s 551 Land camagu claims. 5~. 'Spedtal legal ~ervices 55..:00~ of Stare 'Zravel. (not incl 5b. ~Conservation Comm. Expenses 57- 'Chri~mas Lighting 5~. -Senior Citlzen~ Council 25,000.00 7,220.0~ schoo~ ) 5~- .Highway.equipmen~ b0. School bones bi. Wate~ main no~es and bon~s. ~2. Sewer notes and bones. b~. Hire station b~. Police station b5. In=eres~ Highway Eqp=. 6b " School Bones. ~7 " Bond issue expense · " Water main notes and'bonds. 69, ..:.~ 'J... Sewez. no~es and bonc~. 70. " Fire Station 71, " Short term borrowing 72~ ": Police StaDion 'TOTALS 9,00U.UU 4,500.00 67,781.00 160,02~.00 1,200.00 805.oo 6~,b~7.00 100.00 5,000.00 1,~00.00 ~00.00 2,000.00 5oo.oo 2,~75.00 15,000.00 200,000.00 85,000.00 ~,000.00 15,000.0o 10,000.00 1,~6~.00 5%%0.00 2,000.00 2~,167.00 10,Slb.00 ~8,845.oo 64,167.00 ~,oo~.oo $1,~11,5~5.00 .... · - :. .ARTICIES TO BE RAI~ED AND APPHOPHIATED ARTICLE 10. gt.~ July c~0ra'olon. " :, .11.. ~ire Dept four n~w men. " lb. Personnelt Br~. Sec. 7. Sched A. " 2~. " " " 7 " E i~'" 27. ' " 7 " .'/:'/~,'.5'~ "S .- '~ _ _ " E ~":~:.:~ - '30 .. ewer Tolland Rd, - ..... · : 32. Greene .S~:,' S%wer. .. :i:':": :: 3~ Sewer- Andove.~kSt. "' ~' 1. ',~55 '" - West sidetsewer .~ - ' 55: Water - Gro~venor~ve. ':' '58 1967-68 B.P.W. billS. 59 Equipmen= Public Work'a. Water services, o=hers~:.B.P.W. ~mStOne wall, old b~y~g grnds. B.P.W. 2 .w~ter =reamen=, p~ping station.~ B.P.W. ~( chap. ~o ~y S=reet '~ C~p 90. .Salem, Jo~s~, Fo~er Sts. . Ca,ch bas~s, grates, replacements. -7 Street signs ~ Perm~en= pavement. ~9 .Repair~g concre=~ sidewalks 5~. Rep~ c~g ~rd rails 5E " -repair~g old stone culverts 55. Pip~g-~stall~g, ~rzok~disposal si~e. 54..Highway Eq~pmen~ 55 'Oil~g, maintenance ~y ~ree= ~57 New fire ~ruck 5~ ~o new police cars 5~ ~ additional patrolm~n &0 Front eric loaCer, Tree Dept. 64%Railroac Service. ~TA ~" ~"'" 7~_ Grea~er Lawrence Men~al Health' "'~':~ Merrimack Valley Pi~ing Co~. "6~ Regional Refuse Disposal.P~nn~g Board. AMO~T T0 BE ~ A~ APPROPRIA~D ~TICLES 0F ~IC~ ~. B.P.W. Se~er-Tolland Rd. ~T. ~7 of 1~. ,, 5~. Hg~ Dept. Equipm~n~. " 5 - 1~7 " -oiling-~nc~. 51 - ' 5~ ,, ,, " " 7~ - 1968 2~, 000.00 7,2M0.00 4,500.0o 67,781.00 160,028.00 1,200.00 805.oo 6~,b~7.00 100.00 5,000.00 1,~00.00 ~00.00 2,000.00 5oo.oo 2,975.00 15,000.00 200,000.00 85,000.00 ~4,000.00 15,000.00 10,000.O0 1,66 5~ 000,00 6l ' -Loo~.oo~ $5,oa~, $1,500.00 .: 20,000~00 1~,550.00 225.00 .g75,00 ~6;~.oo 500;00 92~.45 ..--., 2,100.00 27,000.00 20,000.00 .2,500.00 . . z,~6o.85 10,000;00 ~" ~,000;00 ~5,000.00 .~,000.00 ~6,000;00 1,000.00 500.00 1,500.00 2,000.00 ~,000.00 1,000.00 20,000;00 24,827.00 ~,500o00 4,0q0.00 6,000.00 ~,000.00 ~,000.0O 400;00 6,~04.ou ~000.0o 5,o7~.55 2,b75.00 2,500~00 8,000.00 A.T.N. Narch 15, 1971 ARTICLE ~. Stevens Mem, 1 Libraz. y. Chap. 7~, G.L. 1. Rescind Authorization. (Town Acc~.) 82. From availaole fun~s to Reserve Fund. ~5- " " " to S~abi~iza~ion~Fund. 4- " r! " to reGuc~ tax ~rate. SUMMARY AMOUNT TO BE RAISED AND APPHOPRZATED (SALARIES .... " " " " " " (Expenses) AMOUNT OF BUDGET " '" " " '" " (AI~. TI CLES ) GR0~S AMOUNT TOBE RAISED & APPROPRIATED. " FR0~ AVAILABLE FUNDS TO REDUCE TAX RATE. . NET .AMOUNT TO BE RAISED AND APPHOPRIATED. ARTICLE 7. VOTED to authorize the Town Treasurer, with $2,727.00 2,100.00 40,000.00: 10,000.00 100,000.0~. ~,21b,85~.00. 1,~11,52~'.00. $ 5,'o2 ,i 5 .o9 $ 100 o00 o $ 5,2 m, o40.8 ~e appr°VdI':0f'the 17. VOTED to'reject the article. i~VOTED ~o~reJect the ar=isle. l~i V07~r~ ~oreJec~ the'article. 20. V0~ED to reJec~.~he.ar~icle~ 21~ ~0TED =oreJec~ ~e~.ar~icle. ~ 22; VOTED ~o re'Jec~.' the ar=icle. * · :~ g~.lts .personnell by-law section ~7,~ schedule E,~,by stri~ki~g~ ~he~ef~o~all . a s sig~., ed. to 91ass ~ ~ ~i~e, , librar~ .~page, and~s'er~'~g/~ ~la'c~ thereof ~he rea~es.$1.25, $1.50 ~d $1.~5. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~?~ ' :~ ~ ~ETICLE~ ..~ 25;. V0~ ~o reJec~ ~he~ article ~ ~. ~TIC~.26~ ~V~ED.~o adop~ ~he article. .~TICLE 27. V~ED =o raise ~d appropria=e the ~m of $5~, ~1.00..2or the. ~of: amendi~ i~s personnel by-law, section 7~,~ schedule BiC.D, sec~ions.~& :~d .S-21 ~'~" .of scheCule .~, by' apply~g '~. ~crease t o all ~rateS"~ '~1! ?~.amenczng ~its perso~el by-laws, sec.~ion .~,~. schedu~. E;~ ~y assign~g~000~o0' ~Rgompensa~ion ~o~ class title "~ild~g .I~peo~or" ~ p~cg~ o~e'~ex'~spi~g $~500~'00 ~9. 'V~ED' to reJ~c~ ~e ar isle. ~.. ~IC~ ~0. V~ED toadopt the article ~d take the s ~ of~$5075,55~app~$prla~ed ~er A~i61e~7 of the 1968 A~ual To~ Mee~i~ and to raise ~d. appr~priate s~ ~ $926.45 for t~ balance ~d,purpose of the article. ~. ~ARTICLE ~I~ VOTED to reject the article. ARTICLE ~2~ VOTED to raise and appropriate the the articl6 ~rovidlng tha~ at l~ast one house under construction by August 1, 1971 i VOTED ~o raise and appropri.ate ~he cie. sum tf $2100, fo~th~'~Purp~e of to be served by this facility~be sum of ~r27,000, for the purpose , ~o bo,.row money from =ime ~o time-in anticipation of~the?revenue~of ial years beginning January l, 1971 anctJanuary l, 1972,'~In-accordahce provisions of'~General L~ws, Chapter 44~'Section 4, and ~o~enew..an~ or'notes as may 0e given .for a perioc of less than one yea/. in 'wishbOne provisions of'General Laws, C~ap~er ~, Section 17. The.vote was unanimous arc so declareS. . 8. No sp~ciai reports ~o be made. · ?ARTICLE~.9. VOTED.TO ADOPT the ar~icle and affi~x annual compensatio~ of,'Heal~n physician at $1200.00. 10. VOTED'TO ADOPT the axe,isle and raise arc appropria~e?bne. for sameA . .~ 11. V0~.~ to'rais~ s_ua appz. opria~e the sum or $20,000.00~.for appolntmen~ o~' four r~gular~.flrefign~ers in accordance~ wiuh' the armIcle~ 12'. VOT~ to raise and appz. op~.ia~e ~.'sum'of $1~5 ~our regular firefig~ters in acc6rdance~ wi~h the LE 15, v0~ED ~0 ADOPT ~he article. 1~. 'VOTED TO EJECT the a~.ticte. ~ARTICLE 15~' ~MG~ED TO ADOPT the 'a~'~icle.· iO.~-VOTED =o raise ara appropriate the~sum o~ sing its. pex. sonnel ~by-lawJsection 7~ schedule A,~ b~.striking ~senRence ~i~dicated by .(o~) the sum or $~00 a~.d inse~.ting.~in~ its ,O00JeZfec~ive.April.i, 1971~ ~.~ ARTICLE ARTICLW. 35- of the article. ARTICLE 3~. VOTED of the article. ARTICLE 37. V~ED ARTICLE 3~. VOTED for the purpose of ARTICIE 3~. VOTED VOTED TO REJECT the article VOTED to raise and appropz~ate the sum of $20,000 for the 109' purp o se to raise aha appropriate the sum of $2500, for ~the purpose TO REJECT the article. unanimously to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,960.85 the article. tot aisc and apl~opriate the sum ~ $10,000, t6 be expendec under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of a half ton'~pick up truck, a tonand ~ half dump truck and a tractor with mowers and rollers for th~ playgrounds and school ground departments. International Tractor and a1965 Ford dump truck to be t faded. ARTICLE 40. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $3000, for the purpose of~the article. ARTICLE 41. VOTED to raise~and appropriate the sum of $1500, for the purpqse of'the article. ARTICLE 42. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum ~ $35,000 for t~e purpose~of the article. ARTICLE 45- VOTED TO REJECT the article. ~TICLE ~.-VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $3000, for the purpose of the article. ARTICLE.-45. ~VO2ED to raise and appropriate the sum of $45,000, for the p~rpo~e of the article. ARTICIE~ 46. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000, for.the j.ptlPposemof the article. ARTICLE 47. ~VOTED to r aisc and appropriate the sum of $500, for the purpose ~ofthe-ar~icle. ARTI~LE~4~ VOTED to raise and .appropriate the sum of $1,500, for~the p~.urpose ~iof the article. AR~T~CLE 49- VOTED to raise and appropriate 'the sum of $2000, for the purpose of the article. ARTICLE 50. VOTED to raise ana appropriate the sum of $3000, for the purpose~of the article. ARTEC ~L~.!~'~l~~ ~i~VOTED TO EJECT t he article. ARTIc~'iS~"" V~ED to raise' and appropriate the sum of $1000, for ~he purpose~ of t~e a~ticle. - ARTICIE,~5~.~ VOTED'to raise an~ appropriate the sum of $20,000 for ~He purpose of the article. ARTICLE 54.~ VOTED t6 raise.and appropriate the sum of $2~,~00 to'~be expended~ t~uder~e'.directton of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose .of purcHasi~g the' following equipment: One refuse disposal truck,, one 21,000 lb. G.V.W. dump~!' truc~, and one pickup truck, the sum of $2575, to be transfer~ed~f~om..the'un- expended appropriation originall~ mace under Article 3 of the~ arrant for the: 1967 Annual Town Meeting, and the balance, of the appropriation to.be included in, the 1971 ~tax levy. ARTICLE 5~. VOTE~ to raise and appropriate the sum of $34,500, for the~ cf.'the article, $2500 of.which shall be ~ransf rre. f .om unexp nd~dappr ~r ticn originally made under 'Article 51 of the Warrant for 1967 nnsal Town~,~ Mee~ing,.$~000, Of which shall be ~ransferred from the unexpended appropria- tion' originally.made under Article 78of the 1968 Annual Town meeting Warran~t~ and~:the.~balance shall be included in the 1971 Tax Levy. ARTICLE.56. VOTED to refer the Article to the Town Charter Study.Commit .for it~Lrecommendations, its rep6rt to ce made to the next Annual Town ARTICLE 57. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $40,000', fdr the pur- chase..of a fire engine for the Board .of Fire Engineers, and that to raise appropriation the sum of $~000, shall be included in the 1971 ~ax levy, and .the~Treasurer with the appr oval of the Selectmen is authorized t6 borroM $36,000,.under Chapter ~l~ of the General Laws as amended, the vote was AFFIRmaTIVE 2~. NEGATIVE 56. ARTICLE 5~. VG~ED to raise anc appropirate the sum of $6000, for the purpos of the article. ARTICLE 5~- VOTED to raise ant appropriate ~he sum of $5000, for t~e purpose of the article'. ARTICLE ~0. ·VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $~000, for the purpose of the article. ARTICLE~61. This ar~Icle~was withdrawn per request of the Selectunen. ARTICLE 62. VOTED TO ADOPT the article. o~TICLE 6~. VOTE~ to raise ant appropriate the sum of $3000~ for ~e purpose 1~1'0 ARTICLE 6~. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $~00 for the ~ purpose of the Article. ~-- ARTICLE 65. VOTED TO REJECT the ar~{cle. ~ES 173. NO. 2~5 ~ ARTICLE 66. This article stricken from Warrant by order of Modera$or. 'Ti ARTICLE 67. VOTED to ADOPT the article as printed in the Warrant except tha~, in sub-section 9, the.words "or with the General Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts" shall be inserted after the word "Town" as said su~-section appears in the Warrant. ARTIOLE 65. VOTED unanimously to aaop: th~ arl~iole. ARTICLE 69. VOTED~ by a vo~e of 296 ~o 57, to amend the zoning B.viLaw by adding thereto the following new se,.tion: #~.5~ (description as in ArtiCle. ) ARTICLE 70. VOTED TO REJECT the Article. ARTICLE 71. VOTED TO REJECT the Ar:icle. ARTICLE 72. VOTED to amend the zoning By-Law as follows: By adding :c ~'.'1 the following new designation: PROFESSIONAL 0PRICE DISTRICTS. 3~91 Beginning as a point in the southwesterly line of Salem Turnpike at land. now or formerly of William E. and Let:lc Dotz; thence running'southeasterly along said Salem Turnpike and turning southwesterly On Andover Street'for. a total distance of 575 feet along said Turnpike and Andover Street; thence running northwesterly from Andcver Street along land of A~ustinian ~ollege of Merrimack Valley 350 feet; thence turning and'running northeasterly along land of said Augustinian College of the Merrimack Valley and land of ~illiam E, and Lottie Lotz 250 fee: to the point of beginning. By adding the .following new section: ~.~ IN PROFESSI0.NAL OPFICE DISTRiCTS:~ Buildings for use as Medical Off~ es, Dental Offices, Legal OffieeS,C~BankinE., Faeili:ies, Real Estate Offices, Insurance Offices, Financial Office~;~lBusiness Offices, Governmental Offices, Medical ~linic, Laboratory or Prof~ssimaal .Offices, ~ adding the following new section: #6.7~. Any yard space or area.required to be ke open andunbuilt upon on such lot may, nevertheless, be used,/for~off~ ~$~ee -au.tomobile packing, if otherwiSe2awful, except that a greenl.strip no~ less thah' ~n (10) feet wide on which tO grow.grass, bushes, flowers o~~ ~e~s~ shall . be'maintained open and green unbuilt on, unpaved and ~ot parked ma~ each~si~e of rear property line"of, such a lo: wherever it abuts ~'~one. There shall ~e provided three parking spaces per 1,000 square feet ~of ne~ ~3floer area (excluding storage area) . ~addi.ng the following new section: #7.b In Professional Office Distri~.:s. i re Shall be provided ma'.each lo~ an open yard space of notleSslr, l~ha1~',~e' ihundred (100) feet dePuh all along ~he frontage and fifty (50) feg~'al0ng the rear and.each side proper~y line of suoh:lo~, except as may be permitted : 0=herwise (bu~ only as to front yards and side yards) bY the Board of AppeaIs, on petition of the proper~y owner concerned, after a public hearing the'reon~ with~due no~ice given.. .- _ ~ Adding.ghe ~ollowing New Section: ~#8.~ In Professimaal Office DiS~ri~'ts .~no buildlug shall exceed sixty ~60) fee~ in height. ~.The amendmants to the Zoning.By-Laws se~ forth above were adopte~'by ~.":Nee~ing ~by a vo~e of AI~FIKNATIVE 212 *NEGATIVE 9~. ,.. '~ ARTICLE 7~. VOTED to ADOPT the article. :'ARTICLE 7~. VOTED ~o ADOPT the article. 75. VOTED ~o ADOPT the article. ., ARTICLE 76. VOTED unanimously to ADOPT the ar$iole. ~ ARTICLE ~7. VOTED to ADOPT the article, · ARTIOLE 78. VOTED to raise and appropria=e the sum of $1173,55 as!North 'Andover, s share to the Marr~m-ek Valley Planning 0ommissima to be 'Used ~o defray the eos~ of a Regienal Water and Sewerage Planning Study. ARTICLE 79. VOTED to ADOPT the ar~icle, ~he sum in question being.S2,7-27.00. ARTIOLE 80. VOTED to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE ~1. VOTED to ADOPT the ar~icle. ARTICLE ~2. VOTED to transfer from'Unapproprfated Availaole ~unds the sum of $40,000.00 for the purpose of ~he A~ticle. ARTIOLE 8~. VOTED to transfer from Unappropriated Available ~un~s thee su$ of $10,000.00 for the purpose of the Article. ARTICLE 8h. VOTED to ~ransfer from Unappropriated Available Funds the sum of $100,000.00 for the purpose of the Article. SPECIAL TOWN M~.TI~G FOLLOWING ANNUAL ADJOURNED TOWN ~.TING.. MARC~ 20~ 1971 ARTICLE 1. Upon the Modera~or,s ~uling, this Article was stricken, fmom the Warrant. ARTZCLE 2. This Article, upon motion b~ its Sponsor, was withdrawn from the Warranl;o ~ 'thu"'Moderator, 'Advisory Board and others for a Job well done. Meeting opened Saturd.a.y March 13, 1971 at 1:30 P.M. Tow~ Clerk Lyons mace-necessary announcements, names visitors, introduced ~Rev. Alexander Twombly for prayer and Boy, S?uts William' Leoana John La~ond of Troop ~2 for Pledge to Our Flag Moderator Bmith expressed his thanks and appreciation to those people who ~6rked~ehecking voters into the moo.ting-and to those who assisted in courZ the hand~ v, otes during the meeting, all were donated ssrvices, also expressing his thanks~'?~o Town Counsel Arnold *~alisbury and Town Clerk John L~on,~ for the ~lua~ble~ assistance and peeparations of meeting they do. After the eom; of ~rticle ~0 a~ $:30 P.M., motion made and duly seconded to adJourn~until ,~aturday March 20, 1~71 at 1:30 P.M. Meeting adjourned at ~:30 .P.M.,. 5.~1 duly registered voters were checked. Saturday March 20, 1971 meeting opened at ~1~:730 P.M~, ~with Moderator Smith presiding on Article ~1~ me,ting adjourned ,at*"~:05~ '~ Special ~own Meeting called a~ $:0~ and, adjourned at,S:20 P.M., 45~ duly~registered voters were checkec..~ Those assisting in. cn~cking ~voters wer~.'Ea~,l_ine Lyons, MaryWindle, Len. WinOl~, Gladys Hurley, Pa-~ ~ Ay, er, 'p~2~l~'s:JackSo~, Barbara~ Hannay, Elizabeb~ Elli~', Phyllis ~up.til~Helen · Tac~;'?,ranbes Rand and 'Frank 01ms, those c6Unting, hana~vo~ing'~w~r~'_He*rmY' '~':Fih~C: .~' H~'r old. B0ynton,' William cyr, Jim Hurrell,:' Lou'Kmie c, Milt on ~d./1M~ll0r*y,~','.Stu Wilson, Nibholas N~cet'ta;' Mr. John Robins6n~.and'his'stu~ · had 'the Audio-Video..in operation in 'the .cafet.e..ria~whichJwas. se~-u -: am"~'0,g~lgw?croWd,~'Clifford'Ella~s; Georg~ Mye¥ff and'~?ack'McLay'wei :'::,:'fo~~ th'e?;c~f*'~te~i~·.0ver-flow Which '~fter meeting wasl'underway~ ~.:all: c~me 'to ~ th6 audi'torium;'..' i Our thank~ ~'to all the~)~people .,~. assist a~ th.e 'armual - ~ :~nd',*spec'i~l.~*.town ~meetings...: .~.~i.. j ~.~[ ~ l ~: ~'~ .!+~ ~i )', J!/. ;.,betwee~1 ~the~,Board of .Selectmen' and ~he School'~ommlttee for .... :elec;ting,-:a:.member~ to the Schooi Committee/for ~he,.vacancy. Ballots~ passed ~out, collected and counted by Town Cle~k.:TMms; Richard '*~;' ~ :': , . the, Con stables '*of ,'the ',Town ,;of ,GREETinGS. .... , znr,..the, n~me of,'the,Commonweal;h of Massachusetts~';youlare;.here~y~ ,ti: y?'a~d ~arn": the. f~habitant s'.' of t~e*'Town..of.~North" · to vot~"in Town'Affai~s 'to-':,me~t :in'.the',Veteran*~ · for~ a ~ Spe Ci~al'- T )OS u~de2. ,~u ;atru'o~ion:"0f thej~Boarc;.~of~Pubii~ the ?sewer'; sys tern': On-Autran*. 'A~en,ue.!ifr0m'w60d ~L~ip Petiti0n~of. E~ard'J. Scanlon:.and others. ~.wp endea :under,,~the.';'directlon of the ~Board xtendfnglthe(sewer', 25 0 ,'fe'e~ On Gros.venor'Avenue;frbm · .,'.,Petition of'~y ,Fln6cchiaro :and-others.., ' ~ '* ' e:'~T~C~ ' ~';,['~Tb' s~e-':if-the ]Town will.vote to: rai~su ~d appropria2e' the i .'$1~000~?to b~ e~end~d:~der the~ ~rectton of ~he'-.Boa~d' of ~blic ,the Y~P~se 'of extend~g, the sewer: on '~he, we st siau::of ~pikU ~e Present~.te~uu to la~ ~pike .Street. Petition. of. De~is F. o ':~ZO~:'~i;,;T;(:see'."i~'~ She {o~ wtl~.4o~e,-~o ~alse and ap~opr~ te ,$1%'O00;':~0~e~' ;~ w~th a. ~iltlar a ~O1 be ~upplied,by;.,the 'To~ of .to; ~I!men~.,::the. application~ made Join~l~ by. the ~wo Toes,to ~e' Unl~a. s.ta:b~.$~'~e~a~=men= o~ .Justice, ~ Law_ E~orcemen'~ Asais~ce-' A~inistr~[=ion,'. :~:~ederal' ;gran$. of $1~, 000.1Tor.'Jthe ~ ~rpos'e of- e s~a~lish~ '.the p'os~tion of a 'Legal Advisor- ~o:'the rolice :.Deponents :0f bO~.'/Xo~s,'. but to: be expen~ed,~ '.~.'?~ :.~,~erYt ~ direction.of the Selectmen, only. if ~d when such federal gr~t s~ll .~ fac~ ~ve been made purse; t0 "said'apPliqa=ion. ' ' Petition of the Select~n. ' '-- · ~TIC~ 5.'To see If. mhe Town will vote to ~au~orize the; Selectman' to $rant to.. tbe'"*Massac~setts~Electr~c Comply, or it's nominee,:, for ~he. s~. of $I.00 'anJeasemeht~.over a s%rip ~* To~o~u~ l~d, no~-to exceec:fifty feet-in~ .wid~,*/for~.~the* p~posu of re-loca~ 1ts presently, exlsti~ power' ] app~en~c.es thereto, including guys ~c anchors, whi~ it *~y be necessa~~ ~toal~a~e~,be~c. ~e bo~aries of the s~e, the exact dimensi~s Of said .'strip l, tobe/;determ~e=, a t some ~ur da~e, by the Selectmen, t~ SchOol B~ldi~'.Oo~i=tee ~d*the ~ssachusetts Electric-Comp~y*~. Petition of ~'* t~~ SOb o61 .Bui!~ing Co~it~ee,