HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-06-21 ~..~ ~) SPECIAL T OWN MEETING. ~UNE 21, 1971
ARTICLE 6. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate 'the sum of
$6,000..to pay ~o William B. Dully, Superintendent of the Board'of Public Works,~-
on or before the date of his 'r.eti~ement from'said position, th~ "~erminal Leav~
benefit to which he is entitled pursuant to the provisions of Section2£ of the
Personnel By-Law as adopted by the Town by its action under Article 26 of,tHe
Warrant for the 1971 Annual Town Meeting. Petition of Board of Public Works.
ARTICLE 7.' To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,10~
to compensate the Board of Public V~orks Staff F~ugineer for the difference bet~veen
his present wage 'soa2e and the minimum wage scale to be paid to 'the Superintendent
of Public W6rks, said Staff Engineer having been appointed interim Superintendnet
of Public Uorks.. Petition of Board of P, ublic Works.
ARTICLE 8. To sea if the Town will vote to transfer from Insurance Receipts
the sum of $1159.18 ~o Parks and School Grounds Expenses. Petition of .the
Board of Public Works. ..
~fTiOLE '9-'To see' if the Town will vote ~o authorize the 'Board of P.~b_lic Work~,
ormerly the ~orth Andove'r Water Commissioners) to acquire 'fop the, Town,~
pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 202 of the Ac~s of 1~9~, by purch'ase.~or
otherwise, all such lands, rights of way, water rights,' water soucres and 'ease-
ments as it may deem necessary to supply the Town and its inhabitants with.·
adequate supplies of wa=er from Lake Cochichewick, including such water rights
as might presently be claimed by others t6 be legally superior.'t0~those of the
Town itself, a~d including~ especially, such portions of those lands &t the
northwesterly, end of Lake ochichewick, supposedly owned by ~he J.P..Stevens
& Co., Inc., as in the opinion of_said Board may ~e necessary to pro~ect,.and
· preserve the water supp~ly .of the Town. Petition of the Board of Public Works.
And .you are hereby directed to serve this Warrant by posting true~and~.attested
Copies thereof at the Town Office Building, and,at five or more public places
in each voting precinct of the Town, not less than seven ·days before the ~stated
Hereof; fail not ~nd make due re~urn of this Warrant with ' '"~'"' '"
your. doings the~re
to,the Town Clerk at the ti~e and 'place of said meeting., ~ ~m
/Given under our hands at North 'Andover, M~ssachusetts, :the 7th day of-$~ne-in
the year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine H~uudred'and Seventy-One.
ARTHUR P.. KiRK Selectmen
W~LLIAM B. PUFFY, JR. of ' -
~0~EPH A. GUI~E. North Andover2."
· North Andover, Mass. ~une 12', 1971 A true copy'.-
have notified and wal-ned the inhabitants of the Town of N6r'th~do~r.wh0
a~e .qual..i. fied to vote in'Town Affairs,'~by posthlg'tru~ and' attested;]co'pies'
~.o~. ~als warrant at the Town Off[ ce Building and at fi~e or
'~mn each voting.precinct' of the Town. Said copies of this Warrant'have7 bee~'
10sted. not less than seven days befor$ the time Of sai~.meetingj: 4..( '"~'"
~ARTICLE '2'. · VOTED-UNANIMOUSLY TO' ADOPT THE ARTICLE upon conditio~ t~it, ~.prlor
t~"ali~'c~nstructlon proposed thereby, the petltioxl~ r pay .to t~e Town of North
Andover the sum of' $1500.00 to be used for the purpose ~f' the.
addition to all sewer..assessments hereafter to'.be.~made against him. ~ - '
': ARTICLE ~. Stricken from the warrant. ' ''~ "~':" '
ARTICLE 8. Stricken from ~he Warrant.
.mol Public Wopks½..to acquire for the Town, pursuant to the provisions;.of Chapter
...;202 of the AceS'of 1~9~, by purchase or otherwise, all such lands,,rights, of
way, water rights, iwater sources and easements as it may deem necessary-'to ·
supply the Town a~d'its inhabitants with 'adequate supplies of water fr
Cochiohewlck, includin ' om Lake
be lo=al"-,,,-~-- .... g=,water ri.g,hts_as might presently be claimed 'b. 1
~ -~ --mvA-m~. ~o unose of ~ne Town .itself., provided however, y others, to
ART.. 9. CON'T
FIRST: That it .is the intention of this meeting that said Board shall not
ma--- e~a~acquisitions under the authority hereby granted to it which might re-
.quire~ the'Town hereafter to pay expenses and liabilities totalling more than
$2500.O0',and said Board is so instructed, and
SECOND: That only the following lands, or parts thereof, shall be acquired
in '~ee. by said' Board under the authority of this vote: Two certain
parcels-"of. ]and shown on that plan of l~nd entitled "Stevens Plant-Plan of
Land'~10cated in North Andover, Mass.- owned by J.P. S~evens.& Co., Inc.",
dated March 1970, and drawn by Charm s E. Cyr,' C.E., which said parcels are
bounded .and described as follows:
Parcel 1,. Beginning at a corner .of .a s.~one .wa~ll .a.~ land~ now or formerly of
$~evens; thence running southeas~er,y oy sa~a wa--, ant by said Stevens land,
q.~2 feet; ,thence turning and running,southwesterly b0 feet, more or less
~e~sho~e!iiine of Lake ¢ochichewick ~called on said plan "Cochichewick
thence~tUrning and ~unning northwesterly and southerly by said shore line 750
feet, more or ~e.ss, to the northeasterly boudary'line of that strip of land
82.5.feet:wide designated on said plan as belonging to N~w England Power Co.,
thence turning and running northwest~.rly by.s aid boundary~ line 350 feet,, more
or less~'~to land now or formerly of 'tevens, thence turning and running
northeasterly, in three courses, 27~ feet, more or less, to the point 0f
Parcel'.2..,Beginning at. a point in the southwesterly boundary 'line of that
s~rlp oI'~.ta~d ~2;5 feet wide designated on said plan.as belonging to'New '.
England P. owe~ icc., which point is distant 300 feet northwesterly froma ~stake
in the northerly line of Pleas,ant ~tree~: thence turnin~ and runnir~westerl~
wes~grly,~by..land of Lawrence ~as & Electric Co., 223.05 feet~ to a~p0int? ·
~'.thenc~rXxin'g~ and running southwesterly, by l~nd of Lawrence Gas & Elec'~rlc
.Go., 190.45 feet to a point in said northerly line of Flea~aht~street; thence
~arning and running 100 feet, more or less, to a point in said nc~ therly
· of Pleasant Street" thence turnin~gand running northeasterly, by.
westerly Tine of t~e "01d Road~.sh.own, .on sal.d~ pla~,, ..and~by ~nd ?f./the~'~.~o~n~i
~75~:feet~ mcr or ~e ss, to a 'pom.n~ ~n.~ne .sou~nwes~er,y oour~ary zmne oz.~..~;,
Str'ip of.~land above referred to, ~thence turning and lrunning southeasterAy,
Said boundary line, 300 feet, more or less~ to the polm~ of beginning.
Me'6~ngC6pe~ed at 8~P.M., and adjourned at .8:35 P.M., l~& duly registered.~i~
v'6t~rs were~/checked. ~ Our ~b-nks to Arthur D~"mmond and Daniel 0~Leary
~ Earline Lyohs for assisting t~ef$oa~d of.~Registrars~ in/checking. ~Mo~erator
telep on y6all f. om ',Town COunsel ,.who ,hat. conf.rreC ,,
' .wi~A~t'~0ry. Board ~d others' concernec t~e votu of A~ticle ~ of.. the'~ Special~-
on' on ay un.' l..l yl' .has. be n corr.ate follows:
VOTED .Lt.oL..ralse-and appropriate t~e. sum Of $~oo, for the .purpc
amticle~-i~pon4 condition that, prior ~o any-con-~.truction propce ed .the~e0y,' %.i"i
~:. the;. ~e~i~ioners pay to-the Town ~tne .'sum of $1~00, to. bemused 'also,for' said.;'.~.
pumposes,' said payment to be made fn'a ci ion l . e ew as-essmen
erea ,.ter tO,he ma e against him. ,' ' . ' -' .
To'either 'of the' Constablee of the Town-of North Andover
GREETZNGS: - ' ; .
~',J~ "'~ ,~L In.the. name-'off the Commohwealth of Nassachusetts,~'yeu are nereoy,:.
dir'ec,ted to' ~o'tify~and wa~n the inhabitants Of the Town of. North Audover who
a~e 'qUklifie~ to' vote ~in' Town' Affairs to;meet in the Veteran' s Audltorium~
our'~'NofthYA~d~ver 'High School for: a Special. Town Meeting. on::
.~:~'".::' ~i.~4.~MONDAY;.fTNE 2'.0th. DAY.0F.DECFJ~m~R 1971 at B:00 P.M.
th~n' And"i.:the're?t$?act Upon the: following articles:
ARTICLE. 1. To' see:if the TownI will vote. 'to amend'Section 4.11 of .its zoning
By-Law by.adding, at .the end .of. s.aid. Sec~ti~, the following sentence: "mn
R~al~R~si'dence. Dist~i~'t~, 'onmy smngme zam y dwellings may be constructed,
except a's this ~y-Law may'otherwise provide."
Petition~cf Joseph-A..Miragliotta and others.
ARTICLE,2¥ To see if the Town will:vote to authorize the Selectmen to execute
in. the ~ame and behalf 1of the Town, that four page Memorandum of Agreement
between the Town'and the Northern Essex County Emergency Employment Act
consortium", which is designed to implement the Federal Emergency Employment
Act'Of .1971, as it may apply to the Town, a copy .of which "Memorandum of
A~reement'! ..is on file, and open to public inspection, at the Office of the
~electmen, at the Town Office Building. Petition of the Selectmen.