HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-03-18 QUESTION' THREE: (1) Under the provisions of Section 49A of Chapter 31 General Laws, shall the town of North Andover vote that the. office of Building Inspector be placed within the classified Civil Service? YES NO. (2) If i.t is voted to place the office of Building Inspector within the classified civil service, shall the Town of North Andover.vote to provide for the continuance of said office of Charles H. F6ster, the present incumbent thereof, after passing a..qualif~ing examination? YES -NO. Ail to be voted~upononeballot. LThe po!l~S sh~!lbe open from 7:00 A.M;, and shall, he closed'at~TL~O0 J~fter final action on the preceding Article. l, said meeting shall be ad- Jour~nedby~virtue of Section ~, Article 1, of the Town By-Laws t? Saturday Narcb i8, 197.2at one-thirtY'(l:30 P.N., in.the Veteran's. Auditorxum North And~er High School, then and there tO act on tbe~fol~owing Articles: ARtIclE 2~0 elect all other officers not required by-law to. be elected by ballct.~.-~Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 3.~ To~-see if'the Town will vote to accept the report of receipts and expenditures~a's,presented~by the Selectmen. Petition of the Selectmen. 'tRTICLE'~',j. TO~see if the Town will vote to fix tbe,salary'and compensation Of. ele6tedi~ffic'er of tbe'.Town, as provided by Section 108 of Chapter ~lof the.., Gene~l"Law?.~.?~etitio~of the Selectmen. ~ )rovali~cf~ ~tmen, .to borrow money.from'time to 'time in the ~financial years beginning ~Januafy:' 1, 1972~and .dance with the provisions of General..~aWS to: renew~ any note~ or notes, as may, be g in accordance With~ the '~p'ro~isions PetitiOn o'f the selectmen. ' consider the ~orts off all Snecial Commi~tess. see:ifJtbe ~ ~own wilIvote to,authorize the Board of its members to the position of Board~of..E~alth:Ph~sician~ ensatfon as. such ~ ~ ~ y~deem advisable-~to~info~ the ~ene~al- ~: Court ~s.to..~ve ~ enacted ~ :into 2aw: ,~ to'.. change .' : aud~,.the <T 'O dtrectibn iof;~ the~, Selectmen .an~:equipping:a,town. garage,.:, and. -fencing ~he!l*andgiven tO,th~*~t0wn~fo~ that~purpose,~ , :. ent itled~?~An Act~:AuthO~izing * ~ . Stab~iSh-.Yauth ComfsSi0ns:,",:'~ petition: *0f ~hej seIe:ctmen~( 'A~IC~-~I:~.~ To:,. see ~'if ~the ':: T o~ *will' Vo~e to]raise .*and appropriate :~he :.s~?.:0. )$1920,31,;,.:f0P~ medicat, expenses *and ;~7,5,: fo~:,a~inist~a$ive, expenses.incur~ed~ th· fo~ :. ;o~Pd~bf':P~bltc Welfare in behalf~Of re'ciPien~S ~ of :Public.welfare i0~?'tc * '1:' 1 68./':' petition of the Selectmen.' ~ ~ [L~2: ~'~40 "'S~cti'OnI 8D~ and ~t° authOriZe' .the: selectmen to appoint an :o~tssion of~fi~e members....Petitipn o~.the Selectmen.~: see ~if.;the Town':wilI vote~:to~raise and.apPropriate the expended~: under ~ tbe ~dt~e~ti0n: o f;:tbe~ :'To~'.':~ Cl e~k ~or :.bhe puli e all~ hi~ths~f'deatbs~' marriage,%and. T°wn Me, 'ecoala. f~°m::: 0`mnclusi~e,' Petition ~f 'the ~ To~: .: ~.~ A~I To', se~ ~ if"the~ · TO~ wily vote.'to: raise and aPl ~9~000[,[$0 ;~e'~pexpended undeP the di~ection of the' North AndoveP of providing pa~ent' fog~ semi?es r~nde~ed{ o~ ~o_~e .~de[ed;~];~y)~he' Greater ~Lawrence MentaI. Health(Oen~eP, ~-or o~ ~[~of :[th~";~hii'~Sd o$:(the To~, ali as. the Comtttee maY'de~er~ne... ~'P,~%ti0~.'6f:'the Ngrth Andover SCho0I ~o~ittee' :...: ~. rent~ Space for tbe ~tempo~ary bo~Sing ~of elem~ntary ~cIasses- commencing ~972,~be ~Ost'~°f such rental Having been~tncluded' in the SChool De~ bUdget. ~Petiti0n of the NortbAndoVer:School, Committee. t~,~ ' 1972 A.T.M. ~R~'CLE 18. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $428,726, for the purpose of completing the construction,.equipping and furn- ishing of tbs new North Andover High School, of const~cting physical educatio~ fields and stations, and of fin~hi~ the grounds, and to dete~ne whether the meoney shall be provided by taxation, by transfer f~om available f~ds in the treasury, by appropriation from the stabilization fund, by borrowing o~ othe~ise. Petition of No. Andover~Schcol Co~ittee andNo. Andover School Building Co~ittee. ARTIC~ 19. To see if tbs T o~ will vo=e to ~aise and appropriate the s~ of ~2,000 to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor fo~ the pu~- pose of maintaining any street in tbs To~, unde~ Chapter 90 of the ~eneral ~aws, and, in addition, to ~aise and appropriate ~1,000 to meet the State's share of tbs co~t of such work, tbs reimbursement from the S~ate to'b~ restor- ed,,upon receipt, to unappropriated available funds in the T o~ Treas~y. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 20..To see if tbs Town will vote to ~aise and appropriate tbe's~ of ~12,500, to be expended under the direction of the Highway S~veyor for the purpose of meeting t~e To~'s share of tbs costs of Chapter 90~highway con- struction of Salem S.reet. Johnson Street, and Foster Street and in addit.i0n, to raise and appropriate $34,500 to meet the S~ate and County shar~S~of such costs, tbs reimbursement f~om the S~ate and C~unty to'be rest0red~'uPon thei~ ~eceipt, to unappropriated availabl~ f~ds in the T o~ Treasu~ ~ Petition of tbs Hfghway Surveyor. ARTICLE 21. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the~ sum of $85,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Suryeyorfor the purpose of resurfscing, oiling, repairing and maintenance of any s~eet imTown. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 22. To see if tbs Town will vote to raise and appropriate'the sumlof $12,000, to be expended under the direction of the.Highway. Survey0rfor the ~ose of completing the piping of brock'and installing ,'other clvains~A~d'0tber work as required by the State Department of Public Health before'the'existing ,osal area can be used as a refuse disposal site. Petition'of:~ighway Surve AR~IO~E 23. To see if ~he ~own will vote to raise and appropriate'~'~he"ium.of $2,000~ to be ex~ended underthe direction of. the HighwayS~weyor~forTth~.pur- pose of replacing existing catch basin frames and ~rates which, are' smal~e~ than standard size. Petition of'the Highway Surveyor. .~,-.:~.: .n.~..~ ../; .... 24. To see if the Town will vote to raise and approp ste.l~s.~um.0f: , to be expended under the direction of the Highway SurVe. :ose of replacing and repairing'old stoneand other culverts tition of the Highway Surveyor. ' ' ..~ARTICr.w. 25.: To see if the Town willvote to raise and appropriate the sum[of $~,500, to he expended under the direction of the Highway Surv~y0r.'for: t~e ~ose of erecting and replacing guard rails throughout the..To~x}.~[.~.- ~:':'.Petition of the Highway Surveyor. -. ' 26.. To see if.the. Townwill vote to.raise:and appropriate the'Sumrof' to be expended under'the direction of the Highway Su~veyor. l.fo~-.ith~:.pur · .pose,of making and placing street' signs. Petition of .the Righway.Su~veyor., A~ICLE 27. To see if the Town,ill vote to raise and appropriated'the' sum"~f $8~000] rob e expended~under the direction of the Highway SurveYO~..fOrl.tHev purpose of repairing concrete sidewalks. Petition of.tbs Highway Surveyor.. ABTIOLE 28. To see if the T own will vote to raise and appropriat'~'the, sum'of rob e expended under the direction of the HighwaySurveyo~..'f6r'.the ~ose of installing permanen~ pavement over road excavations made b~ othem ~.-:.'Town agencies. Petition of tbs Highway Surveyor. -- ARTICLE 29. To see if tbs T own will vote to raise and appropriate~tbe ~um'of $15,000, to be expended under the direction of the.Highway Surveyor-for the purpose of replacing the building at the Refuse Disposal Site, which' was de- stroyed by fire on August 27, 1971. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ' ' .A~TiCLE 30. To see if the T own will vote to raise and appropriate the' sum $88,000, to be expended under tbs direction of-the.Highway Surveyorlfor-the purpose of Pumchastng the following equipment: one bulldozer $55,000-1967 Allis-¢halmers Bulldozer to be traded. One road roller $8,000, .Tw6' dump trucks $12,500- 1965-1966 dump trucks to be traded, One ~bassas.~SPreader $12,500- 1956 Mack Sander to be traded. Petition of tbs Highway, Surveyor. ARTICLE 31. To'see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the'sma Of $2~2,000, to b e expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose bf constructing the Osgood Street sewage pumping station, a force main to the Sutton Street sew'er, an extension of the sewe~ system to a point 2600 feet northerly on Osgood S~reet from Great Pond Road and 270Ofeetlon Great Pond Road from 0sgood S~reet in accordance with the report on sewerage facilities for tbs Osgood'Street-Great Pond Road area by Camp, Dresser & McKee, consulting sub ect to grant to made by o~ the of Works ARTICLE ~2. ~ see' if ~he Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum bf $75,000, to be expended under tbs direction of the Board of Public Works for tbs purpose of replacing tbs old six inch water main on Turnpike S~reet from Boston S~reet to Berry Sereet with a 12" main. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 33. To see if tbs Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board o£-Public Works for the purpose of making such extensions of tbs water main.system, subject to the regulations of said Board, on or before October 1, 1972, as said Board, may consider, most necesssry, such extensions not having been.petitioned for at this meeting. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 34. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $3,000, to be expended under the dirGctlon of the Board of Public Works for the purp'ose of renewing water sex-vices to the property lines, plaoing gate valves on hydrant branches and raising manhole frames and covers on streets that are to'!be reconstructed. Petition of the Board of P~blic Works._· ARTICLE ~"To see if the ~hwn will vote to .raise and appropriate the sum of $20,000, to be expended under tbs direction of the Board of Public Works for th~ purpose.of extending and improving the American Legion Bathing Beach, including/draining the pond, removal of unsuitable bottom material, and r~placi~g With gravel, and enlarging the beach area. PETITI0~ OF THE Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 36~ To see if ~be Town will vo~e to raise and appropriate tbs sum of ~5,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works fo~ thePurp0se~of exploring recreational expansion of town facilities, includ~ lng increased skating ~acilities,at tbs.American Legion Beech'and tennis, courts.., Petition of the Board of P~blic Works. '"' ARTICLE 37. ~o see if tbeTown will vote to raise and appropriate the sum o.f $3,000, to be expended under the direction gf the Board of Public Works the'purpose'of replacing the old telemeter and Autocon control systems at.. the':s0uth.~pumping.station. Petition of the'Board of Public'Works. . ^ iOfE see if the T own ill vote 'tot aisc and spprnp at " the' '.of ~12,500~,.to be. expended unaer the directionof ~he Board of P~lic.Worke for. '- ~tbe .puvposejo'f purJhasing A one half-ton pick-up truck, al2 Vol~?syste~ 'a~t~m0b~ie,,and atruck-mounted two-stage rotary air compresso~i'~'A~1961 "Ee~0~06mPressor to b e traded. ' ~et~tion of the Board of P~blicWorks ARTIOLE~'-39; To see if the Town~wilt,~vote to raise and appropriate the $2;7001; to be expended under tbs direction.of the H~gbwa~ Surveyor fo~'~e ~urpose of.~xtending the .surface drainlS0 feet from its present tex~inus at 78~Wiver~ey.~.R0ad~; and ~c ins~aI1 a surface drain for'a distance of 150feet from culvert ~ea~est the' Ando~er-~ortb Andover line. .'Pet'!tfon ~of~George H;~ Perron. ARTIOLE-~0~ TO see [f the T own will vote tot aise and appropriate the sum of $3,250; to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works thef~pu~pode of'extending the 'water main on Autran Avenue from its-present' t~nUsi.~J~0 fe~et' toward Wood La~e. Petition Of James J. t~stgnber :~TIOLEii41;'.To'~_ see if the Town will vote tor aise.and appropriate the sum of $16~.500~':to~be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for..,the purpose of extending, the_sewer on Waverley.'Road 900 feet fFom.~u~n- "[ik~St~eGt toward tbe~Afldover L~ne."'Petition of. George H; Perron ~ o~ners. ~RTY~EL.hfJ~T0 see if the Town will vote ;o raise and appropriate the sum of $11,000, to ~be :expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose.of installiDg a combination surface drain and side drain 5n Mark Road Petition of Joseph Querci, Jr. and others. ~'RTIOLE ~3. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of.money'i~for e~gineering a~d construction, costs ~o correct a drainage defect-on:' Salem Sfreet approxxmately 250 feet west of South Bradford S~reet 'on'.the'~ortherly side of the road. Petition of HelenJ~.-Cyr and others. ARTIoLE biS. Tosee if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of ~Sj, 000, :to.be expended under tbs direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose Of repairing and bottopping the publ$c sidewalks at Fountain Drive. Petition~iof the NortbAnd0ver Hous. ingA~thormty. A'ETICLE ~5. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate for the use_of Stevens Memorial Library such sums as bare been reccived from the S~ate unde~ t~e provisions'of Chapter 78, Section 19A, of tbs G neral Laws. Petition. of['the'Board of Library T~stee. ARTI0~E 46. To' see if the Town will 'vote to rescind the authorization' in the sum of2300,000; sutborized under 'Article 65, 1966 Well Field and su- bs'equently.borrowed for under Article 70, 1967; a similar article for the same purpose. Petition of the Town Accountant. '~.~'~ I 9 ? 2 'A.T.M. 1-R~L~7,000~ fT. To see if the Town will vote'to rais.e.'~and!~appropriate~the sum of to be expended under the direction of the Tree Warden for the purpose of replacing a 1962 Ford 2 ton winch t~uck with necessary equipment such as 2-way radio, winch and rack bodY to be transferred over to new truck. Petition of tbs Tree Warden. ~RTICLE 48. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of ~,000, to be expended under tbs direction of tbs Fire Engineers For~ the pur- pose of purchasing 1500 feet of 2~" hose and 1,000 feet o£ 1~ inch bode. Petition of the Fire ~Engineers. ARTICLE 49. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate.the sum of $2,000, to be expended under tbs direction of the Fire Engineers for' the pur- pose of replacing thewater pump and water storage tank on tbs 1950 Ford Tank Truck. Petition of the Fire Engineers. ARTICLE 50. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $6,000, to b e expended under the direction of tbs Selectmen for.the purchase of two new 1972 12 volt system cars with necessary safely equipment, two 1970 cars to be turned in in trade, and all equipment to be changed over, such as police radios, sirens and other similar accessories. Petition Chief oF~ PoIice. ARTICLE 51. To see if th~Town will vote to raise and appropriate tbe~su~ of $5,000, to provide for a resurvey and re-evaluation of the North AndoverlPe~sonnel By-Law, to take place as .soon as possible hereafter, under the direction, off-She Selectmen and the Personnel Board, tbeSelectmen to call a Special Town Meeting not later than July 1, 1972 to consider such resurvey. Petition of A. Murray Howe and others. .-~ .', ARTICLE 52. To see if the Town will vo~e to amend its Personnel By-Law by ~adding a 5.5% increase to all rates in all compensation~grades of Schedules E, and Sections 8 and 9~ to become effective January 1, 1972; and to Ealse.'and appropriate the sum of $7~,~00., for the purpose of this article. ~Petition of tbs Personnell Board'. .~ , :t. -?'.' '~: 't:~','.. ?, ARTICT~ 53~ To see if the Town will vote itc' amend. Section 13 o~.its ~personnel By-Law by striking out the third paragraph of said section, and inserting~in · Pl~e thereof ?e following S~tence: "One ~undred'fifty · ~ ~nm~or~ec man zorn·Police and,~ an~ to raise~ndi~propriate thesu~of'$~300, ~ ~ ~mmp~ement this proposed amendment. Peri,mongol John j. Lanni a~d .Others~. ARTICLE 54. To see if the ·Town ~ill vote to amend SMction 15 of !~t~?~onnel BY-Law by adding. thereto, unde~ parag~ap~ '(D),'t~e'fo~I~wing new'~u~parag~a ~.(~.) ~n e~ployme~t of the Police. D~partment' wh6~9o~ks between th~ ho~rs~of ~P.M.~ and 9'A.M~sball be paid~ for~such WOrk,'lan additional 51~0f-h~s~ i~egular ra~e Of pay. Petition of ~obn J. Lanni and ot~crs, ,~'~ ,~,i~ !.: ...i,. ARTICLE :55.:-To ~e if the Town will vote to amend .Section'l~.'0'f it~'-pe~'o~nel. ~.~y-~aw ~y adding at the ~nd'tbereof .the following sentence~ '~ember~!' .rolice uepartment shall work four days and have two days off,"./an~d..~O ~aisei.~nd :appropriate.S31,120 to implement said proposed ~mendmen~. ' ~ohn ~. Lanni and others. '~', . T~o see i~ the Town will vote. to amend its. Personnel B~-L~-.~ ~aisin=- ~ ,.. ~0na~ annual compensation.oF a fire'fighter perfor~ng-t~;'du~i'~ of ~o~or EqulpmentMai6tenance Man from $600 'rcS1,000, to b-ec0me ek~e~tiv~A~il -'1~,*1972, and .toraise'a~d~'ap~ropriate the~ sum of..'$300 to implementi~his.~p~posed ge~ :Petition of Stuart Summersand others. · ~ :,::,~,'~ ARTICL~ %J. ~o ~e 'if ~he Tow~ will Vote to accep~ the provisibns-~of.~'~ral..Laws, ~ ~1 .sec~mon lC§L, as inserted by'Chapter'~35'of the Act'sl Jf.~97~.~r0- ' ~ for a police career incentive program. Petitionlof.Joh~,'~a'.L. Lann~&~otbsrs.' :~A~TIOLE 58. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Laws .by.changing the zoning of tbs land described below from village.residence to general business and by revising the zoning map to show said land described below asa general ~business district. A certain parcel of land bounded and described'~s follows: :;S arting at a point on the southwest side oF Massachusetts Avenue atJita in- ersection with Danvers S~reet, thence running along, the southwest~side Massachusetts Avenuein a southeasterly direction 150 feet to a point'; thence turning and running~in a soutbwesterl~ direction by land now orfermerly of Mary~T.- Barton 100 feet; thence tux~hing and running in a' northwesterly direction by land now or formerly of Kenneth F. and Nellie A. Chenard 50 feet; thence turning and x~Anning in a· southwesterly direction by land now or formerly of Eennetb F. ~ Nellie A. Chenard 50 feet; thence turning and running.in a north- ~westerly direction by land now or formerly of Webber's oF North Andover Inc, 100 ~feet; thence turnin~ and running in a northeasterly direction along ~the southeasterly side of Danvers S~ree~ 150 feet' to the point of beginning Petition oF Wsrren ~. 0'Brien and others. ARTICLE ~9. To see iF the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-L~w.~by re- classifying the following described parcel of land from Village R~si~ence to ~dustrial L: A certain tract o'F land situated on the easterly side of Marblehead Street~ in North Andover, Essex County, Commonwealth of Massachusetts and bounded and described as follows, namely: Beginning at the northwesterly corner of the granted premises, at a point in the easterly line of said Marblehead S~reet, now or formerly marked by a stone bound set in the ground, by land now or formerly of Oscar M. Godfrey, George L. Hamilton, and Henry D. Rockwell, trustees of the Village Land Company, reserved for a way or street and called Pelmont Street (not being an accepted town highway) and having a width of approximately fifty (50) feet: Thence running somewhat northeasterly by said land now cf..formerly of Oscar M. Godfrey, George L. Hamilton. and Henry D. Rockwell, T~ustees of the Village Land Company, reserTed for. such way or street two hundred eighty-nine and 68/100 (289.68) fi, .Thence u an interior angle of 89° 51' 30" and running southerly by land now or of Oscar N. Godfrey, George L. Hamilton and Nenry-D. Rockwell, Trustees of the Village Land Company, three undred twenty-two and 57/100 (322.57) feet: Thence turning at an interior angel of 90~ and running westerly by land form- erlyof Mrs. L.A. Read eighteen and 97/100 (18.$2 (18.97) feet; Thence turming atfan interior angle of 120° 3~ and running northwesterly along the line of an old wall and projection of the same by lands now or formerly of Read, S.P. Hsinswortb, K.Truland and H. Jewett two hundred seventy-three and 69/100 (273.69) feet: Thence turning at an interior angle of 239°26, and ...running westerly by land now or formerly Sf said Jewett one hundred and twent eight and 92%100 (128.92) feet to the easterly line of Marblehead Street: Thence turming at,lan interior angel $~ 90° and running northerly by such street lin~ forty and 76/100 (~.0.76) feet to the point of beginning; together with all the'Grantors right, title and interest, if any, in and to so muchof said Marblehead Street to the center line thereof as abuts the grantdd premise Petition of Edward J. Phelan and others. AETIC~E 60. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law mb frsmCOUNTRY RESIDENCE DISTRICT to INDUSTRIAL "S" DISTRICT the following scribed parcel of land: Beginning at a point on tbe_East.erly side of the' tersecttbn~of H~gh Street, Elm S~reet, and Prescott S~reet, thence ~mnning in an~.'Easterly Direction 217.57 feet by thee South side of Prescott Street; - Thence,turning' an exterio~ angle of 171~ 50' and running 213~'9~ 'f~et s6uth side of Prescott SS. feet; Thence turning~an interior ang~ Of 90 05 and running Southerly 1~5.00 feet by land now or formerlY0of Chickering Road t0.~a .stone,~bound, Thence turning an exterior angle of 90 05' and~ running Easterly 85.00 feet by land'now or formerly of Chickering. Thence turning 'an exterior angIe, of 179° ~4' and running Eas.terly 100.00 feet by land now 1or formerly of~ Marston to a stone bound. Thence turning and ~unning goutberly. 73~O feet hyland now or formerly of Tbiel. Thence turning an exterior angle ofZgO° and running Easterly 131.00 feet by land nbw or formerly of Thiel. Thence turning and ~unning Southwesterly 652.~0 feet by land now or formerly. o~Brierly.· Thence turning an interior angle of 66° 36' and running ~North- We~1terly~"728~.25 feet by land ~of Boston & Maine Railroad. 'Thence turning an int~ri~r~'an~le"of~90° and running Northeasterly 30.00 feet by land of B & M Railroad to a stone bound. Thence turning and running N~rthweste~ly 120.19 fe~t by land of B & M Railroad to the point of beginning;' being a postion~ of land as~'-shown on "Plan B, Property of D & ~. (Davis & Pu~ber) Machine Company,. North iAndover, Mass." Scale ~0'-1", by ~obn T. Desmond, Civil..EngineerA, and~sur?eyor, '~ated 1911. Petition of Helen L. Martin and 0tbers. ARTICLE 61.'UTc see if the Town willvote to amend its Zoning By-Law by cha~ from VILe. AGE' RESIDENCE TO INDUSTRIAL "S" DISTRICT the following descx pardel of land: Beginning' at a s~one bound at the Westerly. side of the in-~ tersection of High S~reet, Prescott Street and Elm Se. feet, thence x'unning North~esberly 120.58 feet by the Nertherly side of land of the Bosto~ & Maine Railroad to a stone bound. Thence turning an interior angle of 270 O0 and eunning Southwesterly 30.00 feet by ladd of the B~M Railroad. Thence turning an~interior angle of 90o and running Northwesterly byoland of B&M R~ilroad ' 904~O0~feet. Thence 'turning an inter'or angle of 66 53' and running North-~ easterly 120.60 feet. Thence turning an exterior angle of 91o 11' and Ngrbhe~ty 8~o~'80 feet. Thence turnin an exterior angle of 89° and Ea~berly lQ6.00 feet. Thence turning and running Northerly Thence .~ur~ing a.nd running Easterly 50' by South Sid~ of Perley Road. Thence turning and r~nUmng S0utberly 99.63 feet. .~Thence turning ~nd running 300.00 f~eet[~ Thence ~turning and running Southeasterly 15.73 feet. Thence turning ~nd~running Southerly 807~50 feet to a stone bound. Thence turning and rdnning Easterly 211~50 feet to a point on the West side~ of High S~reet. Thence turning and running Southerly 6.35 ~feet to a stone bound along ~he West Side of High Se. feet. Thence turning and running in a Southwesterly direction along the West Side of High Street, 211.45 feet to a stone bound and the'p6int of beginning, being a portion of land as shown on "Plan B Property I c t. of the D & F_(D~avis & Furber~ Machine Co,. North Andover, Mass. S ale h0 1 , by. John T. D.sm~nd, Civil Engineer, and SUr~ey~or, dated 1911. Petition of Helen L. Martin and others. 62. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by chan from GENERAL BUSINESS DISTRICT TO VILLAGE RESIDENCE DISTRICT tbs following de- scribed parcel of land: Beginning at a point on the Southerly side of Water S%reet at the intersection with tbs Westerly line of Church SSreet; thence running 113.13 feet along the said Westerly line of Church S.~eet to a passageway at land now or formerly of Kollen; Thence turning and ~unniugby said passageway and said Kollen lend 8%.37 feet to land now or formerly of Dully; ~ Thence .turning and running by said land of Dully & Willis 103.02 feet to the Southerly line of Water Street; Thence turning and running by theSoutherly line of Water S,reet, 82.50 feet to the point of beginning. Petition of Helen L. Martin and others. ' 'ARTICLE 63. To see if tbs Town will vote to amend'its Zoning BY-Law by changing from INDUSTRIAL "S" DISTRICT TO VILLAGE RESIDENCE the following described parcel of land; Beginning at a stone bound at the intersection of the Northerly side of Clarendon Street, thence running N~rthwesterly 582 feet by-the N~rth-~ erly side of Water Street to land of Dsvis & Furber Machine Company. Thence turning an interior angle of 92o, ~9', h8" and running Northeasterly ~3' to land of D, vis& Furber. Thence turning an interior angle of 94° 10' 00" 'and running 220' Southeasterly to land of Dsvis and Furber. Thence turning aB exterior angle of 9~° 0~' ~8" and running 27.~9~ Northeasterly to land of D~vis &.Furber~ Thence turning an inter,or'angle of ~7° 05' 00" and running 273.~O~Southeasterly to land of Davis & Furber. Thence turning an exterior angle of 69° 26' 27" and running 173' Northeasterly to land of D~vis & Furber. Thence turning an in- terior angle of 89° 26' 27" and runningS80' to land of Davis & Furber. Thence turning an exterior angle of 89° 26' 27" and running 83' motor less North- easterly =o a division line 75' from the center ~f CochicbewickBrook. ~Thence turning and running 100' more or less ~outbeasterly on a division line 75' from the Center of Cocbichewick Brook to land of Douglas and Katherine Wilson.. ~Thence turning and ~unuing in a Southwesterly direction 133' mcr or less by land~of Wilson to the Northerly side of East Water Street. Thence turning~ an interior -angle of 108o 0~' ~7~ and running 38,75 to a stone bound at tbs intersection of rtherly side of East Water Street and the Northerly side-of Clarendon' Thence.turning and running ~n a Southwesterly direction.,215.77''bY t~e Northerly side of Clarendon S,reet to the point of beginning ' ~?etit~on of Harry R. Dow, 3rd, and others. · - ?~ t'~the .'following new Article: ARTICLEXI-A: IMPOUNDED AND RESTRA~]~ OF DOGS. ~?A;~The dog officer ~ay cause a dog to be impounded for tbs follwo'ing reasons: If found without a proper license. 2)If found at lsrge"or out of' control .~f the bounds of the proper~y of the owner of the dog. impounded~dog.shall be released =o its owner ~r keeper ~pon. payment,of^ ~ound'fees and on tbs following additional condmtions: ~a dog,impounded under paragraph A (1) above, upon the obtaining.of.a'!license as-.required by law.' 2) In ~ase'of a.dog that has damaged othe~'persons~D~ivate ~roperty, only after bhe owner has compensated the person(s) whose, prqpert~TM been damaged~by the dog. ~. ~Dogs impounded and unclaimed by.the owner or ke~per after a ten day period, be disposed of in accordance with the provisions of Massachusetts General Chapter 140, Section 15lA. .. · ,;,~ 'The dog officer ~ay order'the owner or keeper of a dog to restrain. ~1) A dog that has been impounded twice for the ~eason spe6ified in paragraph,A!2) above. 2) The dog officer, in bis discretmon, may remove an order~o£ ~res~ramn~ if the owner of the dog satisfies him that the dog is unlikely to.repeat its~- offense. Petition'of Geraldine E. Fyfe and others. ~c~E 65~ To see~if tbs Town will vote to raise and appropriate the~sum of ~$6,000, for the purpose of paying the salary of a full time'dog offic~'/~'. Petition of Geraldin§ E. Fyfe and others. ARTICLE 66. To see if the Thwn will vote to pass th~ following res$1ution:· ~l~Whereas the U.S. military budget is costing the 5,689,170 residents ,of Nassachusetts ~2.8 billion a year; and Whereas, many young men of Ma~sacbusett ~a~e b~ng drafted against their will to fight and die in a war tb~ neither-em support nor understand; and Whereas, more than $100 billion has already~been soent~on the Indochina War alone at a time when Federal money is'neededfor m~ny other pressing needs at home; and Whereas, ~he_~.~._Senate.by/a ~o~e of ~'~7 to 38, approved the Mansfield Amendment to end alz u.~. invozvemen~ mn South- east Asia'within 6 months. Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved That The'~citizens of North Andover, Mass., records itself as being in favor o£ tbs Immediate,.T6tal, Unconditional.withdrawal of all U.S. Military Forces~ Logistics and aid to South ~etnem, Laos and Cambodia and to redirect our national priorities 'away from military spending and instead ~o direct funds towards meeting human needs. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that 'copies of this resolution be sent to both U.S. S nators and all Congressman from Massachusetts and to'the Majority leader of the U~S. Senate, th~ Speaker of tbs U.S.'Honse of RePresentatives and the President of the~United S ares of America. Petition of Robert Peter.L~rd and others. A.T.M. 1972 ARTICLE 67. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from the Overlay Reserve the sum of $ to the Reserve Fund. Petition of.the Selectmen. ARTICLE 68. To see if the Town will vote toraise and appropriate the sum as this meeting may determine, to the S,.abilization Fund, as provided by Section 5B of Chapter ;,0 of the General Laws. Petition of the Assessors. ARTICLE 69. To see if the Town will vote to take the sum of $ from available funds to reduce the tax rate. Petition of the Assessors. And you are directed to serve this Warrant by posting true and attested copies thereof, at the Town Office Building and at five or more public places in each voting precinct of the Town. Said copies to be posted not more than seven days before the time of holding said meeting. Nereof, fail not, and make due return of this Warrant with your doing thereon to the Town Clerkat the time and place of said meeting. Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, the 8th day of January in the year of 0t~r LArd one thousand nine hundred and seventy-two. ARTBUR P. KIRK WILLIAM B. DUPFY, S0SEPH A. GU2HRIE Board of Selectmen. A Tr~e Copy: ATTEST: AUGUSTINE J. WALSR. Constable. North Andover, Mass. JOHN J. LYONS. Town Clerk. ~ ,-~ OFFICER~ RETURN h~.To~ of Andover who~ are ~uaTified to vote in elections and Town A f mrs y p g true and attested copies of ~his Warrant· at the Town Office Building and at five or more ~publlc places in each voting precinct of the Town. S~id copies m~ ' having.been posted not less than seven days before the time of said mee?ing. AUGUSTINE J. WAL~H. North Andover, Mass. February. 26, 1972. ATTEST: JO~! J. LYONS. RESU~T:$ OF ELECTION HE~D ON MONDAY MARCH 6, 1972. P R E C .... ONE -. 697 Moderat0~"Por 0~e Year DONALD-F. SMITH 615 Blanks- 82 Town-Treasurer for 0~e Year JAMES J. MAKER 626 Blanks-' -- 71 Board"cf Selectmen for Three Years ARTHUR. P.: KIRK 396 THOMAS ~ ~. McEVOY 289 Blanks - 12 BOardm'-o~.'.'Asaessors for Three Years JOSEPH-N. ,HE,MANN 619 Blanks - .' 78 James?McGuire Marguerite. Soucy Board~of~Nealtb for Three years ~lius-Kay 586 Board ~f P~blic Works for Three Years ARTHUR R. D~MMOND 377 PHI~IP.A.'BUSBY, JR. 276 B~an~s-'>' ~J~ School-Committee For Three Years CHARLES W.. TROMBLY, SR. 463 ~AMES:P~. GORDON 355 DONALD-B, STEWART 260 Bl.anks--' 316 ~lanninE Board for Five Tests EL^INE-CAMIRE 216 WTLLIAM~J.~CLANCY, JR. 226 FRITZ OSTBERR 186 Blanks- 69 REG.V0~.TECH. NYGH ECH00L Three .Tears JOHN H~ O.SULLIVAN ~69 Blanks- 128 Constable. Town C1 erk FIRST MONDAY 0P M~ROH I N O T S TWO THREE ~0UR FIVE TOTAL 974 843 624 751 3889 825 735 533 646 3354::c 149 108 91 105 535 85~ 737 541 659 11§ 10683 92 555 581 425 535 2391:'. 398 3~9 188 202 1526 21 13 12 14 72 846 735 5~8 648 33~ 123 106 76 103 4 5 5 2 2 824 726 516 619 3271 150 117 108 132 618 ~93 403 259 4lb 1946 12 392. 339 311 1730 69 48 26 26 213 677 545.. 394 502 2581 519 ~46. 393 · 435 21~8 325 329 177 236 1327 ~27 366 28~ 329 1722 201 240 137 159 953 28O 259 210 178 1153 352 235 225 344 1342 141 109 52 70 441 785 681 l~99 ~98 3132 189 162 125 153 757 ~2~2' Election March 6, 1972 QUESTION ONE. Y E S 525 681 608 h/~9 482 2745 QUESTION TWO. NO BLANKS YES N O. B~NKS -YES N 0 BLANKS YES N 0 QUESTION THREE PART ONE QUESTION THREE - PART TWO ABSENTEE VO TING Applications Made " Rec'd'& Voted "~Not returne~ 142 232 183 152 3o 61 52 23 224 317 282 k19 575 495 378 5~ 83 66 32 353 437 386 290 447 393 281 5'k 90 64 29 39O 494 465 241 356 291 219 66 124 87 57 7 19 l0 13 7' 19 9 11 1 2 244 953 25 191 190.. 1227 520 .~ 2386 kl '276 372.~ 1862 350~ ~'1761 29 266 53;3 ~;387 ,14 ~"_"~60 ATTEST: JOHN' J. LYONS. TOWN CLEP~ '.ADJOURNED ANNUAL TOWN ,MEETING - SATURDAY MARCH 18~ 1972-@ 1~0' P'.M~!;' AF~IC~E 3. VOTED the'report ,be, accepted~ ,ARTICLE ~. VOTED to:-fix the following, annual salaries of_the Town effective from. January 1, 1972. ,:Board' of Selectmen,& ~tcensing. com~tssion, each. per annum. , '$ Board ,of Assessors '~'~. ' ~ '~ . ,, ,. Board.of Health '. - · Board of. Public Works~' ,~.~ 'm , ' m~Town Treasurer. " , . ,~ - ~ ,:Tree Warden, . . ~,,, ,, .: Highway. Surveyor ~ .. ~ ~ .:~ ,, . :. oderAtor f ~I972 th&:' fo~ '" "'~' 5~ VOTED' .to carry forward to isca . ~al. 'expenses- Belectmen.- .( Steinberg. C as e ) ~L, 12; .1969.~.,Town cba~te~ C6mmit'tee - ::,,~. 81' 1970 ;Selectmen.'monuments' boundary ~/~'~"!'.~6~ 197L: " MBTA rail service 1970 ~C0mpreb~nseive 'planming program 1970';Eot'~ top. town~ yard, · ~ · .6/21/71' Legal ~advisor- Police Dept. New ladder'truck., ' -' '. · . '?'196~69 AdditionalL"funds, :bld~ & eqpt Fire 'Stati'on: /Fire engine ': (replace'- Engine2. ) : 55'"5g;& '-~7~ , 1970 ~$ewer, 1 . ~3%~1971~.. "' ' I' Ando~er S~reet - - -' '" ~'" .Autran 'Avenue ~cers ~RT' 27; ~ 6 Lunch account No'. Andover Athletic Assoc~tion 1969 Printing Town' by-laws. Land taking expenses 6/21/71 Terminal leave benefit 1967 Develop wellfteld 1968 ~Water extension 233.977 :' ? 6,6~0'..9~'/: 363;9[~i ,.~! ~ ' 9~.oo.:": ,6'~O00JO0 328.23 AR~ 30 1969 Replace 6 inch water main " 33 1969 Water main extension h4 1970 Replace 6"' water pipes 60 1970 Extend water system (Salem 66 1970 Clean and paint standpipe .--~2 4/24/70 Water main (Phillips Court) 36 .1971 Water extension Grosvenor Avenue '' h0 1971 Water- renew Services, gate valwes, 42 1971 Additional water treatment A~crued interest on water, fire & school bonds. TOTAL ~10,036.26 2,000.00 2,h69.28 974.38 1,9~4.00 384.62 866.59 etc. 633,17 642.19 4, o g?.5o $5,078,950.6~ Conservation Commission'.expenses.of $i, 790.51 Article 68 of 1969 Town Meeting of 683.78' ...'~.~i/,' Returned to Available Funds $ 2,47~29 ARTICLE6, VOTED to accept the recommendations of the Advisory Board wi~h th~-excepti0ns ofthe following Article ~ Items: ~tem 12 Planning x ~nses be char ed from $1,2~5 to $ ,715. Item 1§. Fire D~pt, Salar£es &:Wages~e changed, from ~439,17h to ~439,974.. Item 38 Snow Romoval Exper .se'~b6:.~changed. fr0ml$60,000 to $80,000. . Item 42 School Department · Sal~ries & wages $2,3o9,615 be changed 1to $2~301.215. $2,284,615 to ~2,276,215 and.S2,664,995 to $2,65~,595.~. Item 51.Fourth of July<from ": Expen'ses,(Incl.Cout. ~und ' $7j015. "Expenses:. 3,'132' [~. ~.Tax ..Collector 12,993 'j. Expenses 4,075. ~'[ '- ~, Expenses' .. 8.., ~ssessors . - 22,127. ' - ::22 ..... ~en~s .' . "' · ' 6,630. :.'6 ~c~ion & Registrars 1,600 ' '- ."1 2~l:Treasur~r,-. 22W388 Expenses 25,~80; ~ ~12~993~ 2,435 2,436, 1,602 3,715..-.~. 275 '2~600 '.' Cdunsel~..retafne~ ,snsss so~y~Oommittee ~enses..! '- '~ committee ~ARpeals (Zon rig) ~enses ,2 .Board'- )snses 439i974J_ 5o. 90O .7,036 .1,750~ Town,Meeting~_ . . )t.~. CI~cl, C~oss~g G)'32% 09.5 )enses -' I'~cl..Fovest'Fir~s warden)· 3s~ses .' officer ::20~.iCi~.l~D&fense ~:,,,,m..~,m~pense . :2Ir?:~Bdil ding: InsPe ct or <,, 1·:· . g,.15o 9,300;: 200; 33,587' ' ='.:'''~"439,974 17,210 :17.,P-10.::~~ -- · 1,'o63 4,100 910 hO0 900. 4,100~ 7,036.~ 910'. 100 3OO 5,670 :2,678 18,250 300'. %670., kO0. . 18,250~ 28,000.: lk,O00 Expenses .25.=Board'.of.~ealth ~3,h71 Expenses 26.,,Grt~.Law. Sanitary District~ Ani~al~'lnspector Salary kO0 (28.,'~arbag'~:'~disposal contract 29;.:~0~rd~0f~.Publtc Works 1,200 · 30;~Sewer ~ntnce & Construction 28,000 Expenses,~ t24 31. 33. 37. 38. 39. 43. 45. 4,6- 47. 48. 50. 5i. 52. 5B. 5~.- ¢6. ¢?. ~8. 59. 60. 6i. 62. 63. 65, 66. 67. 68. 69. 71. 72. 73. 74- Water'Mntnce & Constm~ction ~91,O00. Expeuses $65,000 Parks & School Grounds 26,000 Expenses 9,000 Tree Department 31,586 Expenses 7,350 Dutcb'Elm Disease 7,269 Expenses 1,600 Insect Pest Coutrol Expenses 3,500 Street ~.ighting Expenses 60,900 Streets, G~eral M¢iuteuance 125,750 Expenses 68,000 Snow Removal 80,000 Refuse disposal 80,000 Expenses 25,000 Veterans benefits ~,420 Expenses 350 Cash grants ~0,350 Graves Registration 175 Expenses h75 School Department ~2,301.215 %ess reimbursement SF. 2~000 Net to be appropri~ted 2,276.215 Expenses iucl O.O.S.T. 386.587 Less reimbursement SF. 6~207 Net'to be aopropri~ted 380,380. Regional Vocation School of cost to No. Audover. 112,699 Library 57,490 Expenses 17,300 Playgrounds-Bathing Beach 25,500 Expenses 7,500 Recreational Council 8,310 Expenses %575 Group Insurance 88,825 Essex Cuty Retirement ~ensions. 169,417 Rental of Veterans Hdq~ts. 1,200 ~striotic & Civic Celebrations. 893 Fourth of July 2,500 Iusurauce- Genera% 93,587 Iudustrial Commission 100 Land damage claims 1,000 Out of State Travel(not schools) 1,0¢0 Conservation Commission 2,000 Christmas Lighting 200 Council for the aging 3,075 Fire engine 8,000 Highway equipmeut 15,000 School bonds 560,000 Water main notes ~bonds 75,000 Sewer notes & bonds 31,000 Fire station 10,000 Police station 10,000' Fire engine 1,404 Highway equipment 1,102 School bonds 406,634 Bond issue expeusee 1,500 Water main notes & bonds 22,556. Sewer notes & bonds 9,232 Fire S~ation 7,930 Short tet~borrowlng 59,580 ~olice S~ation 2~61~ T 0 T A ~. $ $3,699,829. $2,629,993. RT.. ARTICLES TO BE .RAISED AND APPR0PRI~TED 11. ~,st borings for ney garage site. 13. M~dical-^dministrat~ve-W~lfsre-Expeuses 15. Town Clerk microfilming 16. Grtr. Law. Mental Health Center 19. Any street in Town 20. Salem, Johnson & Foster S~.s. 21. 0iliug-repairing any street iu Town. 22. otpiug brook, disposal area. 23. R%placlng gates- frames 2~5~ R~pl~ctng stone culverts Replacing gu,r8 rails 26. Street signs. $91,000.00 26,000. 9,000. 31,586. 7,350. 7,269. 1,600. 14,o25. 3,500. 60,900. 1~5,750. 68,000. 80,000. 80,000, '25,000. k,42o~. 35o. 5o,350. 175. k75. 2,276.215. 380,380. 112,699. 57,490. 17,300, 25,500. 7,500. 8,310.' %575. 88,825. 169.417. 1,~200. 893. 2,500. 93,587. 100. 1,000. 1,000. 2,000. 200. 3,075. . 8,000. 15,000. 560,000. ~ 75,000. 311,000. 10,000.. 10,000. 1,~ok. ~1,102. ~06,634. 1,500. 22,556. 9,232. 7,930. 59,58o. $6,329,822.00 ~1,000.00 1,995.31 7OO.OO 9,000.00 3,000.00 46,000.00 50,000.00 12,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.O0 3,000.00 5oo.oo ~RT.2Repatring concrete sidewalks 28. ~ermanent paving-rosd exc~wtions 29. Building disposal site 30. Highway equipment 32. 6" water main, Turnpike-Boston S~s. 3[~.. B.~. W. renewater services 3g. American Le~ion Bstbing Beach 37. ~ew Telemeter 38. B.P.W. truck, compressor [~.0. Water, Autran [11. B.P.W. sewer, Waverley Rd. 42. H~gbway Surveyor, surface drain, Mark ~d. 4~. " " hot top ~ountain ~ Equipment, Tree Warden ~ Hose, ~ire Dept. [~9. Water pump. tank, Fire Dept. ~0. Two Police cars ~2. Personnell Board 53. Police uniforms 65. Dog officer salary TOTAL OF ARTICLES TO BE RAISED & APPROPRIATED M Rc, 1972 ~2,000.00 1,~00.00 15,000.00 75,000.00 3,~.32.00. 2,367.00~ 20,000.00 3,000.00 9,000.00 3,250.00. 12,197.00 11,000.00. 4,000.00 7,000.00 3,806.00. 2,000.00. 6,000.00. 54,761.00 1,300.00 6~000.00 $372,758.31' A~TICLE 45. VOTED' to appropriate in the sum of $6,106.50 for the use of Stevens Memorial Library such sums as bays been received from the SDate u~der the provisions of Chapter 78 Section 19A of tbs General Laws. ARTICLE 46. VOTED to rescind tbs authorization to borrow in the sum of ~300,000, authorized under Article 65, 1966 Well Field and subsequently borrowed for under Article 70, 1967, s similar article for the ssme purpose. ARTICLE 67.~VO'~D to transfer from available funds ~40,000.00 from the ~Overlay Reserve Funds to the Reserve Fund. ARTICLE 69. VO'~'~D to take the sum of $160,000.00 from available funds to reduce the tax rate. BOND ISSUES: ARTICLE 18. $29,371.97 is transferred from unexpended belanc, of the proceeds from the sale of $710,000 school project loan of January 18, 1968, and $250,000 borrowed under Chapter 645 of Acts of 1948. ARTICLE32. Water Mains. $3,432. bytax levy, $10,036 from sale of ~120,000 Water Bonds, ~1,532 transferred from unexpended balance of $~0,000. notes under Article ~4 of 1970, and borrow $60,000 under Chapter 44 of G~neraI Laws. ARTICLE ~1. SEfERS: ~12,1~7 from tax levy, transfer $4,353 from Articles 55, 56 and 57 of 1970 Town Meeting. ARTICLE48. FIRE MOSE. $3,806 from tax levy, ~1,194 from Article 1 of August 4, 1969 Town Meeting. ARTICLE 7. VOTED unanimously to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 8. VOTED to AD01~ the article, the Town Charter committee to make a further report to the Town at or before the 1973 Annual Town Meeting. .ARTICLE 9. VO'~D TO ADOPT the article. SRTICLE 10. VOTED TO ADOPT tbs article. ARTICLE 11. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000 for the purpose of making test borings at tbs site o~ the proposed Town garage. ARTICIE 12. VOTED to ADOPT the article and to authorize the Selectmen to aopointa Youth Commission of seven members. ARTICLE 13. VOTED to ADOPT the article and raise and appropriate the sum of ~1,995.21 for same. ARTICLE 14. VOTED TO ADOPT the article. ARTICIE lg. VOTED TO ADOPT 'the article. ARTIC~ 16. VOTED TO ADOPT the article. ARTICLE-17. VOTED T0 ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 18. VOTED that $279,371.97 be appropriated, in addition to tbs · ~6,~00,000 appropriated by a vote of the town passed June 15, 1970, for con- structing, originally equipping and furnishing the new North Andover High School; thst to raise this appropriation $29,371.97 is t~ansferred from the ~nexpended balance of tbs proceeds from tbs sale of $710,000 scb0ol project T.osn,.Act of 1948 bo~ds issued by She Town on January 18, 1968, and tbs Treasurer, with tbs approval of the selectmen, is authorized to borrow ~250,000 under Cbapter 645 of tbs Acts of 1948 as amended, and tbs School Committee is directed in expending.this appropriation, to give priority to tbs following purposes; constructing athletic fields, tennis co~rts, walkwsys volley-ball courts, basketball courts, spor~s ~lo~ring in the fi$1d house, and acquiring and installing folding partitions in the typing and teachers rooms and other areas, R~ady Wall movable partitions for Resource Centers, equipment for industrial arts snd electrical shop and mezzanine bleachers. Tbs vote wes AFFIRMATIVE 442. NEGATIVE 2. 2/2 majority ARTICLE 19. VO~ED TO ~DO~T " 20. VOTED TO ^D0PT " 21. VOTED to raise of the article. ARTICLE 22. VOTED TO ADOPT 23. VOTED to raise of the article. ARTICLE 24. VOTED to raise of the article. ARTICLE 25. VOTED to raise of the article. ARTICLE 26. VOTED '~ 27. VOTED of the article. ARTICLE 28. VOTED " 29. VOTED the article. ~ the article. ~. and appropriate the sum of ~50,000 for the purpose'~ the article. and sppropriate the sum of $1,000 for the purpose and appropriate the sum of $2,000 for the purpose and appropriate the sum of $3,000 for the purpose T0.~DOPT. the article. to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,000 for the ouroose TO ADOP2 the article. TO ADOPT the article. " 30. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $75,000 tobe expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of purchasing the following equipment: one bulldozer or other appropriate equipment, one dump truck, one chassis and a new motor for dump truck. ARTICLE 31- VOTED to strike from the Warrant. " 32. VOTED that $75,000 be appropriated for laying and relaying a water main of twelve inches in diameter on Turnpike Street from Boston S~reet to Berry S~reet; and that to raise tbzs appropriation ~3,432 sbsll be included in the 1972 tax levy, $10,036 shall be transferred from the unexpended balance of the proceeds of the s~le of $120,000 w~ter bonds issued by the Town on October 2i, 1969. ~1,532 is transferred from the unexpended balance of the-proceeds ofthe ssle of ~0,000 notes dated July 1%, 1970, issued pursuant to the vote under Article 44 of the warrant for the 1970 annual town meeting, and the treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, is authorized to borrow $60,000 under Chapter 4~ ~f the General Laws as amended; and that the Board of Public Works is authorized to take all other action necessary to carry out this vote. ARTICLE 33. VOTED TO REJECT the article. " 3~, VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of ~2,367.O0 and transfer the bslance of $633 from Article 40 of 1971 Town Meeting for the purpose of · this article. .~ ARTICLE 35. VOTED TO ~DOPT the Article " 36. VOTED TO REJECT the ~rticle " 37. VOTED TO ADOPT the article. " 38. V0'~'ED to raise and appropriate the sum of $9,000.00 no be'ex- pended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose'of purchasing a one-half ton pick-up truck and a truck-mounted, two-stage rotary air compressor. ARTICLE 39. VO'~;u TO REJECT the article. " ~0. VOTED TO ADOPT the article. " 41. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $12,147, .and to transfer the amount of $4,353 from Articles 5g, 56 and 57 of the 1970 Town Meeting to b e expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of this article. ARTICLE 42. VO't'~;o TO ~DOPT the article. "~ ~3. VOTED to permit the article to be withdrawn from the warrant. " h~.. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $~,000 to b.e expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of the article. '~ARTICLE ~5. VOTED TO,OPT the article, sum in question being $6,106.50 " ~6. VOTED TO ~ DOPT the article. '~ ~7. VOTED TO ADOPT the article. " ~8. VOTED to raise and~appropriate the sum of ~3,806, and to transfer the b~lance of ~1,19~ from Article 1 of August ~, 1969 Town Meeting for the ourpose of this article. ~RTICIE Q9. VOTED TO ~DO~T the article. " 50. VOTED TO ~D0WT the srticle. '" 51. VC~ED TO REJECT the article. " . 52. VOTED TO AMEND the Personnel By-Law by adding a 5% increase to all rates in all co~pensstion grades of Schedules B. C.D and E, .and S~ctions and 8 snd 9,'to'become effective April 1, 1972; ans to raise appropriate the s~m of $~,761 for the purpose of this article. ARTICLE 53. " 56. " 57. " 58. " 59. new section: 3.87 INDUSTRIAL "L" DISTRICT vote wes AFFI.~MATIVE 275 NEGATIVE 15. ARTICLE 60. VO'~D TO REJECT THE ARTICLE. '~ 61. VOTED TO REJECT the Article. VOTED TO ADOPT the iarticle. VOTED to strike the article from the warrant. VOTED'T0 REJECT the article. VOTED to strike the article from the warrant. VOTED to strike the article from the wsrrant. VOTED TO REJECT the article. VOTED to amend the Zoning By-Lew by adding thereto the following as described in the Article. The · ARTICLE 62. VOTED to amend the Zoning By,Law by adding thereto the folTo-~i~g new section: 3.59 as described in the A~ticle. VOTE WAS UN~NIMOUS ARTICLE 63. VOTED to amend the Zoning By-Law by adding thereto the following new section: 3.59~ as described iu the Article. V0~E WAS UNANIMOUS. A~TICLE 6~.. VOTED to amend the Gene. tel By-Laws of tbs Town by adding thereto the following new Article: '~' A~TIC~.E XI-~: IMPOUNDING ~ RESTRAINT OF DOGS: The dog officer sh~ll ~ a a0g. to b e impounded if it be found without a proper license, or found at large or out of control outside of the bounds of tbs property of ihs owner keeper. An impo~mded dog shall be released to its owner or keeper upon pay- merit of tb pound fees (as established by tbs Selectmen) and, if ne, upon its being properly licensed. ^ dog impounded and ed by its owner or keeper after a ten day period, shall be disposed of in accordance with tbs provisions of Nsssacbusetts General Laws, Chapter 1~0, Section I~IA. The dog officer may order the owner or keeper of a dog to restrain it if it bas been impounded twice; be mey remove such an order of restraint if satisfied tbst the dog is un- likely to repeat its offense. Any person who fails to comply with any out- standin~ order of restraint shall be deemed bo bsve committed a breach of this by-law, and shall be punished therefor by a fine of not more th~u ten 8ollars. THE VOTE WAS AFFIRM~T!VE 155~ NEGATIVE 108. ARTICLE 65,~ VOT~;D TO ADOPT THE ARTICLE. " 66, VOTED TO ADOPT THE ARTICLE. '~ 67.. VOTED to transfer from available funds the sum of $40,000.00 to the reserve fund for the purpose of. the article. ARTICIE 68. VOTED to ~rike the article from the warrant. '~ 69. VOTED to take the sum of $160,000.00 from e vailable funds to reduce the tax'rate. Meeting opened at 1:30 with Town Clerk John J. Lyons making all aunouuceme~ introduciugnewly elected Town Officials and new Board/Chairmen and guests of the meeting, explaining the. operation of the two new wireless microphones and sLet up of same, the two muuuer boys, AEnold Salisbury, III and Christopher McVey, the counters of the meeting, Henry Fink, Don,ld Anderson, Bud Cyr, Jim Hurrell, Lou Emiec, Milton Nowsrd, Robert Doucette, Jim Fitzgerald, S~u Wilson, Nick Nicetts, Jack NcLay and George Myers. Those assisting the ~gistrar of Voters, Earline B. Lyons, M,ry Windle, Gladys H, rley, MarJorte Heider, F,ank Olms, Barbara Hauuay, Pauline Ayers and Nstalie Forgetta. ~bose.assisting Mr. John ~binson of the High School Audiovisual Club tu setting up for overflow expected which did not materialize were Dave Betteucourt, Peter McCarthy, Steve Cromptou, Rick Haltmaier and D,ve Armitage Our grateful thanks to all the~e fine spirited-cooperative men and women and boys wh6 give all this ~ime Eot tbs good of the Tbwn. Rev. Mr. Herbert I. S'cbumm;i Pastor of tbs TEinttarian Congregational Church gave the opening ~aYer,"and the meeting was turned over to M~derstor Donald F. Smith, with four-hundred, and seventy-one (471) registered voters present. UOon the C0mpletlou of Article 35, Moderator Smith'expressed himself as having a secret he would like to have known, that this was the.twenty-fifth (25th). presiding of Town Clerk John J. Lyons at our Annual T~wn Meeting, and the congratulations of the meeting go to him. Town Clerk L$ons expreesed his thanks and apprecistiou to all and the many Town Officials an~ people who have helped and cooperated at t~mes of frustration and confusion and worked with him iu the fast and rapmd growth of the Town and.its problems. Mr. LYons introduced Mr. William B. Dully, Sr., recently retired as .the Superintendent of North Audove~ PBblic Works of many years and a good friend, adviSor and counsellor to biTM ~u his pest 25 years as Town Clerk;- At close of Meeting Town Clerk Lyons Mo~,ed that a vote of thanks be extended to the AdvtsoryBoard, Town Moderator Donald F. Smith and T own Couusel AEnold H. Salisbury for the time, effort and Job well done for 1972 A.T.M. A true copy: Meeting adjourned at ~:5~ P.M. ATTEST: JONN J. LYONS. W A R R 'A N T ' C0~.~0NWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS. ESSEX SS: To either of theConstables of the Town of North Andover. GBEETINGS: . Inthe name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts,you~are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover who are qualified to vote in Primaries, to meet in the Bradstreet School Audi- torium in Precinct One, the St. Michaels School Auditorium in Precinct Two, the Thomson School Auditorium in Precinct Three, the Kittredge School Audi- torium' in Precinct Four and the Franklin School Auditorium in Precinct Five, all in said North Andover on TUESDAY, TEE 'IVfEI~TY-FIPTH DAY OF APRIL 1972 at ~:00 o'clock A.M., for the following purposes;