HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-11-07138 ESSEX SS: To either W A R R A N T CO~.~0N~EALTH OF Ii~SSAC~JSETTS of the Constables of the Tov~ of North Andover: GREETINGS: In the na~e of the Commonwealth you are hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of said Term of North Andover who are qualified to vote for Presidential Electors (President & Vice President) Senator in Congr==s, R~- presentative in Congress, Sixth District, Councillor-Fifth District,. Senator Fourth District Essex, One Representative in General Court, Thirteenth Essex District. Register of Probate and Insolvency for Essex County. Two County Commissioners for Essex County, County Treasurer for Essex County. Register of Deeds (to fill vacancy) for Essex Northern District, and upon all questions appea~ lng on the ballot, to meet and assemble in designated and appointed polling In Precinct One the Bradstreet School. In Precinct Two the St, Michaels School, Precinc~ Three the Thomson School, Precinct Four the Kittredge School and in Precinct Five the Frsnklin School. TUESDAY, THE SEVENTH DAY OF NOVE~ER 1972 at 8 o'clock in forenoon to bring into the Town Clerk and the election offlce~ and upon questions appearing on the ballot, the vote for Presidential Electors, (President & Vice Pres), Senator in Congress, RePresen~atlve in ~ongress, Sixth District. Councillor Fifth District, Senator ourth District, One.Representative in General Court, 15th Essex District, Register ofProba~e and InsOlvency for Essex County. ~vo (2) County Commissioners for Essex County, County Treasurer for ~ssex County, Register ~f Deeds (re fill vacancy) for Essex Northern District, and upon the following questions: QUESTION NO. 1. PROPOSED M~ND;~ENT TO THE CONSTITUTION: Do you approve of the adoption of an amendment to the constitution summarized below, which was approved by the General Court in a Joint session of the two branches held ~une 1~, 1969, received 221 ~otes in the affirmative and 22 in the negative, and inca Joint . session of the two branches held May !2, 1971, received 258 votesin~the~af£irm ative and 1~ in the negative? SU~,~RY The Proposed Amendment ~ ould authorize Legislature to enact a ~w that agr-----~tural and horticultural ~nds ~hall be valued, for taxation purposes, accbrding to their agricultural or hbrticultural uses. No Parcel of land ~ ss than five acres which has not been actively devoted to such uses for two years preceding the tax year could be valued~at less than fair market value. QUESTION NO. 2. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION:. Do you approveof the adoption of an amendment to t he constitution summarized below,~ which was approved · by the General Court in a Joint session of the two branches held June[l~, t969~, ~.received ~ votes in the a~firmative and ll~ in the negative, and in a Joint session of the two branches held May ~, 1971, received 2~ v~tes in the affi- ~ve and ll in the negative? SU~'~&~RY The Propsed Amendment would'bring ~i~!COnstitution into conformity withthe~th Amendment to the ConStitution of ~i'United States by setting the minimum age for voting an eighteen. QUESTION NO. ~. PROPOSED AMENDMF~T TO THE CONSTITUTION. Do you approve ofthe adoption of an amendment to the constitution summarized below, which was approved the General Court in a Joint session of the two branches held June 18, 1969, received 258 votes in the affirmative and 0 in the negative, and in a Joint session of the two branches held May 2 , 1971~ received 262 votes in the affirmative and i in the negative? SU~ARY The proposed amendment w o~]d remove ....the prohibition against paupers from vo'~.~. QUESTION NO. ~. PROPOSED M.~ENDMENT T0 THE CONSTITUTION. · Do you approve of the adoption of an amendment to the constitution, surmnarized below, which was"approved by the General Court in a Joint session of the two branches held June 18, 1~69, received 264 votes in the affirmative and 1 in the negative, and in $ Joint. o~ the two branches held May 12, 1971, received 2~ votes in the affirmative and 0 in the negative? SU;E~RY The proposed amendment would'authorize the Legislature to enact a law to permz-~e Commonwealth to make loans for tuition and and board at any col~ ge, university or institution of higher learning to students who are residents of the Commonwealth. QUESTION N0~ 5- PROPOSED M~DMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION. Do you approve of the amendment to the constitution summarized below, which was apprgved by the General Court in a Joint session of the two branches held August 5, 1~69, received 259 votes in the affirmative and 0 in'the negative, and in a Joint session of the two branches held May 12, 1971, received 266 votes in the affirmat~ve and 0 in the negative? SL~IARY The proposed amendment would annul Article 49 of the Articles of the' Amendment to the Constitution and substitute a new amendment which declares tha~ the people have the right to clean air and water ,freedom from excessive and unnecessary noise, and the natureal, scenic, historic and esthetic'qualities of their environment, It further declares that the protection of the right to the conservation, development and utilization of the agricultural, mineral, forest, water, air and other natural resources is a public purpose. The Legislature is authroized to adopt necessary legislation and to provide for eminen~ domain takings where required for the purposes of the amendment. Any property so taken may only be used for other purposes or disposed of upon a two- thirds vote of the Legislanure. QUESTION NO. ~. PROPOSED AMEN~.~ENT TO THE CONSTITUTION. Do you approve of the adoption of an amendment to the constitution summ rized below, which was approved by the General Court in a Joint session of the two branches held July 2, 19~9, .received 204 votes in the affirmative and 49 in the negative and in a Joint of the ~wo branches held Nay 12, 1971, received 245 vo~es in the affirmative and 20 in the negative? .SU~RY The proposed amendment would authorize, but no~ require the Legislature to modify the Massachusetts income tax law~ by the use of graduated rates instead of the present flat or uniform rates. The Legislature could do ,~this In any on of the three ways: 1-Apply a uniform rate or ~e rcentage to an individual's federal income tax liability, or 2-Apply graduated rates to an individual' s federal taxable income; or 5- Apply graduated rates to income determined to be taxable under Massachusetts law. Thc Legislature would ale be authorized t o provide for reasonable exempt~i ons, deductions and abatements and make the definition of any term used in the st. tax law automatically the same as it is under Federal Law. QUESTION NO. 7. PROP(BED A~,~ND~NT TO THE CONSTITUTION. Do you approve of the adoption of an amendment to the constitution summarized below, which was approved by the %neral Court in a Joint session of the two branches held June 16, 1969 received 19~ votes in the affirmative ann 65 in the negative, in a Joint session of the two branches held May 12, 1971, received 251 votes in the affirmative and ~l in the negative. SU~ARY The propm ed amendment would require that all Judges must retire upon reaching seventy years of age. QUESTION NO. 8. Do you approve of an ac~ passed by the general court in the ye~r~ 1972,· entitle "An Act lowering to eighteen years the age requirment of a person licensed to sell or allowed ~o purchase alcoholic beverages?" QUESTION NO. 9- "Shall the voluntar~ recitation of ~r ayer be authorized in the public schools of the commonwealth? QUESTION NO. 10. "Shall the flourldation of the public wa'ter supply for domestic use in (this ~own" be continued?" The Polls shall be open at.8:00 o'clock A.M., and close' at ~:00 o'clock, P.M. And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting true an.d attested copies thereof at the Term Office Building and a~ five or more public places in each voting .precinct, said copies to be posted no't 2e ss than seven days before the time- of said meeting. Hereof, .fail not and make due return of this warran= with your doings thereon at,~he time and place of said meeting to the Town Clerk. - Given under our hands at North Annoyer, Mass., this 16th day of October in the year of~ Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and '~even=y-Two. ARTHUR P. KIRK Selectmen ~ WILLIAM.B. DUFFY, JR. .of JOSEPH A. GUTHRIE. Nor'th Andover, Masm A_ True Copy. ~.~ ATTEST: '' NORTH ANDOVER, I~ SS. OCTOBER 2~,,.I~72 ATTEST: .f/~o~/s. ~s, TO~ CLmK. ~ 0 F P I'~YE R'vS R/E T U R N t.ha~e notified.and warnea.the in~abitan'='s of the Town of North Andove~ are qualified.to vote in Elections by posting true and attested copies of this Warrant a~. r. he Town Office Bui]ding and at five or~m~e 'pub'lic each:vo~Ing precinct of the Town. Said copies not having been posted, not than seven days before the~ t~ime of sa.i,d_mee~ing. A True Copy: ATTEST: : - ' !' ' CONSTABLE. North A_~,over, Mass. . ....-~.~/"~..,'~ ONE TWO P'R~SIT~'NT1 AND VICE PRESIDENT JENi~SS A~D PULLEY McGOVERN", and SHRIVER NIXON and. AGNEW SCHMIDTZ ~nd ANDERSON Blanks SENATOR.[ INJ CONGRESS ~WA~O-W. ~oo~; JOHN J. DRONEY. DONALD: GUREWITZ Blanks :*.. O0NGEESSNAN sIXTH DISTRI CT JANES :BF~DY.-MOESELEY of Hamilton Blanks COUNCILLOR PIFTH, DISTRICT '£'~0J~S J. Lai~E. of.Lawrence T. EDWARD LALLIER Blanks SENATOR FOURTH ESSEX DISTRICT aA~v~S F. ~u~Ait of Haverhill J; TH0~,~S MM~NING of Haverhill Blanks TH~k'~. FOUR FIVE 14~2 1656-1546-221~2 1752 8 5 9 25 7 (partial-15) 775 752 755 97~ 69~ " 12) ~5~ ~5~ 755 llg~ 91~ 41 40 29 40 27 TOTAl lOOO l lO lOOS 5~ 594 ~69 .69o 5151 4t h2 45 65 54 ~ 225 lo s lllS 89 90 76 212 105 572 1064 11~3 1146 1262 1055 5650 5~ k25 355 816 60~ 2526 74 6~ 67 16~ 89 462 555 554 5~9 483 2715 25 20 ~o 31 16 llZ. 17 50 ~6 58 27 15~ ' REPRESENTATIVE IN GENERAL COURT ThirTeenth Essex DistricT. JAi~S P. I~ELL. of No~h Andove~ Blanks ~GIS~ 0F PROBA~ & INSOL~N~ F~ Essex County. JOHN J. COS~LL0 of North Andover. Blanks COUN~' C0~ISSI0~S fo ~ssex Cowry D~i~L J. ~u~ oz ~eabody WILLIAN J. DONOVAN of Lawrence WILLIAN S. NAG~ of Andover WILLIAN E. SLUS~ .of Groveland Blanks COUNTY TREASURER Blanks REGISTER 0P DEEDS~ ARTHUR Jo WILLIAM NoGUIGON, Blanks ~s~'IoN No. Z. NO Blanks QUESTION NO. 2. NO Blanks QUESTION NO. ~. ~ES NO for Essex County Essex Northern Dist. BUHKE of Lawrence DePUSC0 of Andover Jr. of Lawrence NO. ~. YES NO No. 5- v ~,,~ NO Blanks Q~, STZ0~ NO. 6. NO Blanks , sTroN 7. v ~,~ NO Blanks QUESTION NO. 8. NO Blanks QUETION NO. 9. NO Blanks QUE'STION NO. 10. NO Blanks 'A~SENTEE VOTING - BALLOTING REP'ORT Heques~s receive~ An.d .P~oeessed. Ballots received and voted Ballots re Jec~ed Non Registered received and voted No~ returned ,:c arriveG ~oo t~ ~e. 7, 1972 1269,,,1568',~1558;1748:1455!~,~:7176 268 208 49~ 279 1~62 1255 1520 1504 1687 1581 6947 227 516 242 555 551 1691 90177°2 910 767 ~22 949 ~9 4115 552 751 616 ll05 87.7 5~19 511 485 '545 770 645 2556 486 5O9 551 761 491 2778 1211 12~0 125~ 271 ~6 560 541 1617 1328 6659 625 40k 1979 666 2~49 250 265 15o2 202 115 528 8~i 1070 955 1568 121~ 5~78 5~1 519 529 L~6 590 i~65 250 247 2.62 22~ 128 1095 1078 11.~1 1085 1752 1525 ~89 231 2~ 175 17~ 259 552 306 2o~ 158 ~1Ol 100~ 1119 1047 1705 1317 6189 26~ 286 249 545 285 lk51 2n 251 250 19~ 150 10~ 70S 716 706 2o4 1~95 '~57 4182 ~75 775,5~7: 172 100 ~k~ 956 9~5 92~ 1551 1154 5528 521 592 57~ 471 472 20~0 225 261 2k~ 220 126 10U0 294 591 526 629 k70 2110 995 1049 10~114~7 8 9 ,57~I 922 1025 1004 1261 1185.5597 592 ~I 581 659 464 2517 168 170 161 142 85 724 695 786 69~ 1205 858 ~245 615 671 ~4 ~74 774 5~75 174 179 20~ 105 100 ~20 1207 1519 1280 1695 1417 6916 12114~ 150 112 64 571 786 918 76 15~0 1045 506~ 566 605 651 5~5 616 502~ 150 115 121 109 ,75 546 40 75 41 92 ~7 a~J 56 64. 57 72 74 ~ ~ 2 1 ~ 1 5 ~ 5 15 l~