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· ~ Registrars in checking and to Henry Pink, Harold Boynton, Jim Hurre11 Howard, Ed Mallory and Jim Fitzgerald for assisting the Moderator and Town Clerk in the counting of~ A t rue copy; ATTEST: C ONMOEWEAZTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ESSEX SS: To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover. GREETINGS: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover who are qualified to vote in Elections amd Town Affairs to meet in the Bradstreet School Auditorium in Precinct One, the St. Nicha~ls School Auditorium in Precinct Two, the Thomson School Auditorium in Precinct Three, the Kittredge School Auditorium in Precinct Four and the Franklin School Auditorium in Precinct Five~ all in said North Andover on Monday, the Fifth Day of March 1973 at 7 o~.clock A.M., and there to act on the following Article. ARTICLE 1. To elect a Noderator and Town Treasurer for one year, one Selectman for. three years and one Selectman for two year un-expired term, one Tax Collector, one Tree War~en, one member of the Board of Assessors, one member of the Board of Heslth, one member, of the Board of Public Works ~n~ one Highway Surveyor for three years, two members of the School Committee for three years, one member of the pl.~_~ Board and one member of the Housing Authori~V for five years, and one Constable for a one year un-expired term. The polls w~11 be open from 7:00 A.M., to 7:00 P.M. After f~,l action on the preceding Article 1, the meettns shall stand adjourned, pursuant to the provisions of the Town's By-Laws to Saturday March 17, 1973, at one-t~f~t~ (1:30) P.M., in the Veteran. SlAUditorium of our North Andover High School, then and there to- act on the following Articles. AR2ICLE 2. To elect all other officers not required by law to be elected by. ballot. Petition Of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 3. To.see if the Town will vote to accept the report of receipts and exp.enditures as presented by the Selectmen. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 4. To. see if. the Town will vote to fix the salary and compensation 6f elected officers of the Town, as provided by Section 108. of Chapter 41 of the General Laws~ Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 5. To see what action the Town will take as to its umexpended appropriations. · .Petition of the Selectmen. .-.- ~, ARTICLE 6, To see what action the Town will take as to the budget recommendations of ~e Advisory Committee. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 7. To see if the Town w~11 voteto authorize the Treasurer, with the spproval of the Selectmen, to borrow in anticipation of the revenue for the eighteen month period beginn- ing January 1, 1973 in accordance with General Laws, Chapter 44, Section 4, and acts. in amend- ment thereof, and including in addition thereto, Chapter 849 cf the Acts of 1969, as amended, and to renew an~ nose or notes as may be given for a period of less than one year .in,accordance with the General Laws, Chapter 4/4 Section 17. Petition of the Selectmen. ' .'.,,: ARTICLE 8. To consider the reports of all Special Committees. Petition of Selectmen. ~' ARTICLE 9. To see if the Town wfll vote to authorize the Board of Health ~o appoint ane of -'its .members to the position of Board of Health physician and fix his compensation, as such, as provided by. Section 4A of Chapter 41 cf the General Laws. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 10. To see if the Town will vote to -m-ud Section 4.129 of its Ze~i~ By-Law,' which Iists the uses permitted in .the Industrial 1, District, by striking out sub-section (3) and - inserting in plac. e thereof the ~oiiowing sub-sec~ion;~:(3~et-_il, ~.~ar:onal ~ervice and- eat~E .nd dr~-~5 use~s~l~ be,permitted in an amount neutrino"exceed five percent of total gross' floor area of the ~r~cipkl~nees. Petition of Mark-O. Henry and. others. ~.RTIOLE 11. To,see if'the Town will vote to s~and Section 4.129 of its Zo~f~g By-Law, which lists the uses permitted in the Industrail 1 District, by adding the following sub-section (17) Indoor recreational facilities. Special permit-required. Petition of Mark O. Henx~ and others. ARTICLE 12. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,500, to be o?ndedunde.r the ~dirlection of the Selectmen for ~the..purpose of provi~s au investigation z_easabili~y s. tudy~concer~,g the use of the .T~w~'Farm.' land ~n8 buildings f~r'a Municipal if uenrse.. The 'study committee to be made up of fige'members appointed by the Selectmen two of which members shall be one from the Board of Public Works and the Director of the Recreation Committee. Petition of John J. Willis, Sr., and others. ARTICLE 13. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $33,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works'for the purpose of purchasing the follow1 nE equipment: a 1~ ton. dump truck, a ~ ton pick-up truck, a front end loader and a twelve volt system automobile, a 19671~ ton dump truck, a 1967 t~ ~on pick up truck, a i962 H30 Hough Payloader, and a 1967 automobile to he traded. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 14. T6 see if'the Town w~ll vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $484,000, to be expended unde~ the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of constructing the Osgood Street sewage pumping station, a force m-f~ to the Sutton Street sewer, an ~xtension of the sewage system to a point 2600 feet northerl~ on Osgood Street from Great Pond-Road. and 2700 fegt on Great Pond Road from Osgood Street, in accordance with the report on sewerage facilities for the Osgood Street, Great Pond Area by Camp Dresser & McKee, consul,ting eni~ineers. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ,~ , A/~I0tE 1%.. To see ~f the .Town will %ote to raise and' Appropriate the sump'of $3,000.~.z~ Q to be expended under the d~ ~ection of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of e~e-~-~ lng water mains, subject to the regulations of said Board, .which racy not have been petition- ed for at this meeting. Petition of the Board 'of Public W~rks. .ARTICLE 16. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $105,000. to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the'purpos e of extend- hug tbs twelve inch watsr-main on Salem Street from the'present t~rminus to Campbell R~d, a distance of 700Cleat. . Petition of the Hoard of Public Works. . ARTICLE 17. To see if the Town ~ilI vote to raise and sppropriate the s~m of $4,500, to be expended under the direction of the HOard of Public Works for the purp~ e of renewing water services, pl-cing gate valves on'k~drant branches and raising m-~bols frames and covers on streets that are being reconstructed. Petition of'the Hc~rd of Public Works. ARTICLE 18. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $20,000, to he expended under the direction of' the B~srd of Public Works for the purpose of development of recreation fac~!4ties upon the l~nd area given to the Town by Fann~ G. Reynolds, includ- ~ the construction of a ployground and a ball field. Petition o~'H~,rd of Public Works. ARTICLE 19. To see if the Town will'vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1~,000, to be.expanded under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose' of'raising the floumide content of the Town, s water supply to the levels recommended by Massachusetts 'Department of Public Health. Petition of Board of Health & Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 20. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $4,500, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the sewer system 150 feet on Wood Avenue from Sutton Street. Petition of William A. Hi/~ert Jr., and others. ARTICLE 21. To see if~the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum"of $17,000, to be expended under the direction of the Hoard of Public Works for the purpose of extending the~ twelve inch m,~, on Hoxford Street a distance of 1150 feet *.o~P~rest Street. Petition cf Joseph J. Plymu and others. A2tTIOLE 22% To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $16,500, to bec'expended under the direction cf the Board of Public Works for the purpose'of exte~S the sewer on Fm~tin Avenue from the existing ~-~ole eas=erly to ~assachusetts Avenue. Petition of Alfio Perrara and others. ARTICLE 23. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum'of $8,000, to be'expanded under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of purchas~%- and-inntalling lights and necessary equipment a~ Dm~m~,nd PlsFground. Petition bf ARTICLE 24. To see if the To~n will vote to set the Moderator's compensation at $100, for: the Annual To~n Meeting, and $50, for each Special Town ~{eet~_-. Petition Cf Se]~TM. ARTICLE 25. To -~ee if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $16,974, to be expanded'undar the direction of the Selectmen for the purpose of the appointment of two regalar'patrolmen, i%,~y qu-~*ied, 'who have passed the Civil Service physical and mental exam, s-rich, ail in accordance with Civil Service rules and re~,~ntions. Petition-of the Chief of Police'. ARTICLE 26. To see if the Tows'will vo~e to ~kise ami appropriate the sum of $30,000, to be expended under the direction of the Fire w.~mineere for the purpose 'of appointing four regular fire fighters who have passed the ¢iviI. Service physical and mental examinations, all in accordance with Civil S~-~Ice rules and regulations. Petition of the 'Fire ARTICLE 27,' To see if the Town will vote to establish the position of Building as' a i~]~-time'~.mployee classified as Compensation Grade S-20, Schedule B, Under the Personnel.By-Law, and to amend that' By-LaW to implement such vote. Petition of Se~ecem-u. ARTICLE'28. To see if the Town wt]] vote to miise -~ appropriate the sum of $4~0, 'for' the purpose of amending its Personnel By-Law, Schedule E, class title Veteran, s Benefits, Clerk, b~. str~_g~t~_e_refrum compensation of $36.75 per mOnth, and 'tn~ert'~,',g in its place compensanlon o~ ~'().ou per mOnth, effective ApriI1, 1973. Petition of Pereo~nsll Board. ARTICLE 29. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $5,000, to be expended under the direction of the Selectmem for the pmrpose of psFlng term~n~eave ps~, · ~ogether with interest, of retired town employees Francis J.. Chambeztin, Robert S. D~ Edward J. Donovan, pursuant to the provisions of Section 22 of the Town, s Personnel BY-Law. Petition of Robert S. DLll and others. AR2ICLE 30. To see if the Town will vote to accept the provisions of Section '108-L of c.41 of-the 'General Laws, be~-~ an act of esteblis~ ahingLanniarear incentive pay program for full-t~me police officers. Petition of John J.. and others. ARTICLE 31~ To 'see :if-the Town w~ vote to amend Schedule 0 of Section 7 'of its ~ by-Law bychanging the Police and Fire Annual S~alary Schedules, as to Compensation Grades' 'P-3 and'P-3, to read ns foll~wsr Cgmpsneation ' Grade kin. II' III IV Max. P-3 15848 16892' 17940 19108 F-3 1~848 16892 17940 19108 Petition of ~the Personnel Board. ARTICLE 32. To see if the Town wi1.% vote to amend its Personnel By-Law in the following ~). Raise amd appropriate the sum of $1~861. for the purpose of ~anding Section 7, Schedule A. Department Head and SUl~rVisory Group, by et~kin~ therefrom dlass title '"Librarian" and ~srttng in its place class title "Ltbr~ Director" ~rlt%l compensation grade S-20, effective April 1, 1973. B). Raise and appropriate the sum of $1,037.50 for the purpose of amending Secti6n ?, Schedule A, Library Group, by striking therefrom class title "Assistant Eibrarian" and inserting in its place class title "Assistant Library Director" with compensation grade S-15,. effective April 1, 1973. (C) Raise. and apprOpriate the' sum of $995.75 for the purpose of amending Section 7, Schedule ~. Library Group, by striking therefrom class title "Children. s Librarian" and insert~ in ~' its plsce class title "~.ibrarian II" with.compensation grade S-14,- effective April-'~1,1973. (D) Amend Section 7, Schedule A, Library Group, by striking therefrom class ~itle "Professional ~ibrary Assistant" ~ inserting in'its place class title "Librarian I" with compensation grade S-Ii, effective April 1, 1973. (E)Raise and apprOpriate the sum of $728. for the purpose of amen~img Section 9~, Schedule E, Part-Time Position Classified in Librar~ Group, by Stri~ therefrom' compensation grade S-8 and inserting in its' place compensation grade S-Ii with the following hourly rates, effective April 1, 1973. C6mpensation Grade }~, II Iii IV Max. S-Ii 3. 85 3.99 4.1,3~ 4.28 4.42 (F) Raise and apprOpriate the sum of $352.75.for the purpose of amending Section 7, Schedule A, Custodisl Group, by striking therefrom compensation g~ade S-7 and ~erting in its place compensation grade S-8, effective April 1, 1973. Petition of Personnel Board. · ' 'ARTICLE.33. To see if the Town w~]~ vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $94,000. for the purpose of~ amending its Personnel B~-LaW by appl~g a __% increase to become effective April..~1~ l~73~?And by apples a 2% increase to become effective January 1, 1974, to -~ rates in SchedUles B.C.D, and Sections 8 and 9; and in addition, appl~ the same percentage increases and effective dates to class titles Reserve Patrolmen, Veterans. Agent School Crossing Guard, spe~Tficaii~~ within Schedule E.. Petition of the Personnel Board. TICLE 3~. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Personnel By-Law by ada~g the, following sub-section "K" to Section 18 - Sick Leave~ (K) HARDSHIP DAY' ' Emergency leave of one (1) ds~ per year m~ be a~owed an employe~ for personal reasons other than Sick r. eave as provide~ in this section A. "hardship day. is subject to the same provisi6ns cf this section and is deductib,~el from _an employee.s unused sick leave. Petition of the Personnel Board.. ARTICLE 35. To see if the Town ~ill vote to amend its Personnel By-Law, Sectiom.22 (a), Leave, by stri~ from sub-sectinn (2) the number "90" amd inserting in place thereof the number "60" ~ Petition of the Personnel Board. ARTICLE 3~.'To see if the Town ~] vote to pay, i~ addition to its paymant of 50% for premiums for contributory group life and health insurance for Town employees, and their dependents, an additional, rate of 49%, and to raise amd appropriate $91,467, to imp2~,~nt such a vote. Petition of Robert L. 'Shea and others. ARTICLE 37. To see if the Town will vote to anthorize the Selectmen to t~e by eminent domain proceedings such propertieg as ma~ be necessar~ for the construction of a pedestrianl overpass (over Chickert~ Road) into the grounds of the new High School, and to raise.[a~i ap'p~opriate the sum of $ in implementation of sucha vote. Petition of the Seleetme'n. ARTICLE 38. To see if the Town w~..l vote to raise and appropriate the sum"~of $12,000, be expended under ~he direction of the Selectmen for the purchasing '(purpos'e'".6~) four' new 1973 12 volt s~stem cars with nscessar~ safety equipment, One 1970, two 1971 and~,ome 197~ -cars to be turned in, in trade, and all equipment .such am police radios, sirSns, and other., s~milar accessories to be changed over to the new cars. Petition of Chief of Police. ARTICLE 39. To see if the Town wil vote 'to appropriate for the use of the Stevens Memorial · r. ibrar~ the .sum of $6106;50, which the Town ha~ received from the state under.the provisions · of Chapter 7~ Section 19A, of the Genersl Laws. 'Petition of Trustees of Stevens ,Mom.1 Library. ARTICLE 40.'To see if the Town will'vote to raise and appropriate the sum of .~20~000. to be expended .under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of purchasing equipment. One Road Roller ($8,OO0)~ and one Loader ($12,000) a 1965 Oliver Loader to'be traded. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. : ARTICLE 41. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of '$2~000, ~o b e expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of maintaining s=F_street in the Town, ,,~er Chapter 90 of the General Laws, and in addition, to raise 'and apprOpriate [$1,000. to meet the State's share of the cost of. such work, the retmbursoment fromjthe State be regtored, upon receipt, ~o ~-ppropriated av~ able funds in the Town TrsnstuT. ' · Petition of the Highwey Surveyor. ' ARTICLE 42. To see if the Town w~]~ vote to raise 'and appropriate ~he sum of $85,000. to be expanded under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of resurfa6ing,, o~]~, repair~E and matnte~n~ce of ax~ street '~n Town.' Petition of the Highway Survoyor... ARTICLE 43;~ To see if ~he Town will vote 'to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,000. mc be expended underI the direction of the Highwa~ Surveyor for the purpose of replacing existing catch basin frames and grates which are smaller than sta~-wd size. Petition of Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 44.~ To see if the Town wLii vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,000. to be expended under the direction of the Highwey Surveyor for the purpose of replacing and rs- pair~-g old stsnes ami other culverts. Petition of the Highwey Surveyor. ARTICLE 45. ToI see if the Town ~11 ¥ote to raise and appropriate the sum of $3,000', to expended under the'direction of the Highway Surveyor, for the purpose of erects-g and replacing guard rat~s throughout the Town. Petition of the Highway 'Survoyor. ' ARTICLE 46. To see -if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum Of $500, to be expended under the direction of the ~ighway Surveyor for the purpose of making and plac1.~g street signs, Petition of the Highwa~ Surveyor. ARTICLE 47;. TO see if the Town ~]] vote to 'raise and expended under the direction of the Highway S~rveyor for sidewalks, Petition of the Highws~ Surveyor. appropriate the su~ of $8,000, to b e the purpose of repairing concrete ARTICLE 48~ To see if the Town w~]~ vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,000, 'to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of engineering and construct- ion costs to correct a drainsg? defect on Salem Street approximately 250 feet west of South ~adford Street on the merther~ side of the road. ' Peti%~on of HeIen J. St. Oyr and others. ' ARTICLE 49. To see if the Town will vote to ~aise and appropriate the sum of $1,600, to he expended, together with-the $2,400, heretofGre"paid to the ToE by John J. Shields, ~nder the direction of the Highwa~ Surveyor, for~the~purpose of adding a finish coat of hot-top to Js~ Road. Petition of Timethy'S. Rock and others. 'ARTICLE 50. To see .ifLthe Town w~1l vote to accept Js~bRoad as a Town Ws~. Petition of Timothy S. Rock and others. ~LRTICLE 51. To see if the Town will vote toraise and sppropriate the sum of $15,000, to be expended under the direction of the School Committee for the purpose of providing payment for· 18 months of services rendered, or to ~e rendered, by the Greater Lawrence Mental Health Center, for or in behalf of'some of the children of the Town, sll as the Committee mey de- termime. Petition of the School Committee. ARTICLE %2. To see if the Town wfll vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $24,000, to be expended under the direction of the Greater Lawrence Community Drug Council, Inc., for the purpose of spansori~g a comprehensive, co~,,B~ty based drug treatment program which will . provide the following services: 1) an educatioB-i program for parents,teachers and children under the direction of qualified educatier and in cooperation with the Health Coordinator of the North AndoverSschool 2) a counse~l~E center which will offer individual and group counselling program; 3) a-medical~walk-in 01f~fc which will be based at the Ben Secours Hcspital;~ 4) a';residential' therapeutic comm,~ty (Challenge Rouse~ which will provide fift~ beds for ' patient ,treatment; 5) a' 24 hour, 7 ds~ week, hot line to be manned by q,,-l~fied personnel in the. area of crisis intervention. Petition of James A. Gl~mn., and others. ARTICLE ~3. To see if the Toum will vote to accept the provisions.of Section 80 of Chs~ter 40 of ~.the' General r. aws, which authorizes towns to enter, into agreements to provide Mutual Police Aid Progr-m~. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 54.~ To see.if the Town will-vote to authorize the Town Charter Stu~ Commt~tae, to initiate the necessary actions under the provisions of- Article LTXXIX of the Amendments of the:COnstitution of the Oo~uonwsalth and Chapter 43B of the General r, aws, to place before thd.To~m' at the 1974 ~,,~ Town'Election 'the question of electing a commission to fr-me, a cha~t~r ~or the~Town, and to expend a~ er ~11 of the balance cf funds appropriated tinder Article 12 of .the Warrant for the 1969 Town Meeting for this purpose and for the purpose cf p~esent~g~to'~the voters of the-Town the facts about a Charter Commission. Petitioa~"of the Town. Charter- Stud~ Committee. ARTICLE 5~. To see if the Town wfll .vote to amend the Gensral.~-Laws by ~_~.~erting, in Article 'III thereof, the followt~ new.section: Section 9, For the purpose of controlling and abating noise, no automobile service station within the Town shall conduct business Between the'hours of 10 P.M.., and 7 A.M, Petition of the Selec+.men. ~ .' ARTICLE.' ~6.. To see if-the Town will vote to amend its General By-La~s ~ inserting, in. Article III thereof, the following new section: Section 10. The .Selectmen Ns~, for the ' pose.of ~ontrollt~E and abatf~s 'noise, promulgate orders, nos inconsistent with statute, establishing the hours dur~g which az~,holder, of a common vic~,,11 er's license ma~ open his licensed premises to the public. Petition of the Selectmen. ~'ARTIOLE."57. To' see if the Town will vote to-amend Articl~ XI-A Of its General By-~aws, by', addi~g'theret0"the following ope~g paragraph: No owner or keepe~,~iof az~ dog sh,~ permit~ i~to~l'eAve'~its~ owner,s or keepers premises ,,~less it is held firm~ On a lea~h. The ~Wner or~eep~rJf a~g shall be that per, on normally responsible the'~ Iremises upon which the-dog is kept, and nsed~not necessarily-hog,the licems~ ms~ have been issued. The dog officer shall be the enforc~.~1 officer of this ~ aud m~ Seek ~cgmplaints against persons in violation hereof under provisions of Section 173A of'~Ghapter 140 of' the General ~.aws.. Petition of the Selectmen, . ' ': ~.ART~¢IE 58. To see if the Town w~11 vote to raise and appropriate the sub. of $~7,460~6~~ representing ~the Town.s share of the estimated operating costs and capital expenses 0f~!the' Greater r, awrenee Sanltar~ Diatrict for the eighteer'~ month period commenc~ January 1 provided, however, that said sum s~,11 not be paid from the Town Treasur~ umtil the other [~ :': Member Municipalities of said District' sB~ have made legally appropriate .provisione.~fur the pa2ment of their respective apportioned shares of such expenses and costs for the same ' Petition of the Selectmen.. ARTICLE 59. To see if the Tow~ will vote to raise and appropriate the. sum of $20,000, to be expen~ed under,the direction of the School Co~m,.~ttee for the purpose of last-liegE-an'asphalt' ~ gravel roof on the Franklin School, covering an area of about i7,000 square feet (01d': section of· school), or act in relation thereto. Petition of the School Committee. ARTIOLE~.60. Tc see if the Town wf11 vote to raise and appropriate the sum.of $1,068,150, to be expended under the direction of the School Building Committee for the purpose.of cum- pleting~.the construction of, and origt~,lly equipping and fur~ishing the.now-North AndoVer. High School, s Physical Education Skat~g,Faci~tt~i'for school purposes. Petition of the School Committee and the School Building Committee. ARTICLE 61. To see if the Town wf~1 vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $7~,000, to be' expended under the direction of the School Committee for the purpose of renovating, equipping ~' furnishing the present High School as a middle school, and the renovating, equipp~g ~ furstsb~g of the present A+.~on School as an elementary school (Grades K-~), and a~Superintendents Central Office. Petition of the School Committee. ARTICLE 62.:~To see if the Town wt11 vote to accept Section 58E of Chapter 48 of the General V.awn which reads as follows: In sm~ city or town which accepts this sectiom~ appli- cants, for position in and members of the regular fire department of said City or town reside with th$~.Co~m~ealth and within ten m~les of the limits of said city or town. Petition of R~'~"E. Shea and others. ARTICLE 63. To see if the Towm wi1.1' ~ote to raise and sppropriate the sum of $11,500, to expended under the direction ~f the Eighwey Surveyor for the purpose of meeting the Town, s sha~e of the. cost of Chapter 90 Highwa,v Construction, and in addition, to raise e_n~ appropriate $34,~00, to meet the State and County shares of such costs, the reimbursement from S~ate ~d County to be restored, upon their receipt, to ,,~,ppropriatad available funds .in the ~o~n treasury. Petition of The Selectmen. AE~ICLE 64. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 4 of Article Z of.it~ General By-Laws to provide that the adjourned Annual Town Meeting s~b,11 hereafter be held on the third Mondey in Ms~ at ? :30 P.M. or at such other time as this Meeting may determine. Petition of- the Selectmen. ARTICLE 6~. To see if the Town w~11 vote to appropriate $ from Revenue ,har~ Funds (Fiscal Assistance to State and Local Government) as follows: -. PURPOSE AMOUNT 2. 3. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 6~. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate.o~=~ransfer.~from the 0verley Reserve the su~ of $ to the Reserve Fund. Petition of The Select, men. ARTICLE 67. To see if the Town will vote to raise and sgpropriate the sum.as this~meet~ ma~ determine, to the Stabilization Fund, as provided by Section 5B of Chapter,40 of~the General Laws. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 68. To see if the Town wt~ vote to take the sum of $ fro~ available funds to reduce the ,tax rate. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 69. To see if the Town will vote to raise -~ appropriate the 'sum. ~f_$i9~000~ to Be expended under the direction of the Board of Fire- Engineers for the purpose ~f~t~/pur. -- cb-~ing of a new ambulance. Petition of the Board of Fire Engineers. .. And you are directed to serve this Warrant by postt~g true and attested co~ies'~'~here~f, at the Town Office Building and at five or more public places in each votf~5 prec~i~ct~'of .the Town, Said copies to be posted no2 more than seven da~s Before the time of said.,meeting. . Hereof, fail not, and make due return of this Warrant with your doings Town Clerk at the time and place of said meet~ ~g. . Given'under our.hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, the l%th ds~ of January ....... thousand ~e hundred and seventy-three ....... ~: , ~,., · ARTHUR P.,'KIRX of:,':: ..... A true copyr ATTEST: MASS. FEBRUAI~ 23, . , ~:: .. not. ed wArued the%f theof North A dover who t'6 V6~ .in T~J~ Elections and Town'Aff~irs by pc~ti~g ~r~e and attested copies~Of/~his ( 'Warrant at .~.the' Tow~ Office .~Lldtng and at five or more public places in each';v0+.~_~ :?. ~ ..of t~e. Town.' :Said cOPies hav~s been poSte~ not less than seven ~'i~e'fo~re A true copy: ATTEST~ CONSTABLE '23, 1973. ATTEST: ~T~CTION NESUZTS OF MONDAY MARCH ~ I N 0 T S Moderator for One SEITH ~Misbellaneous, names Town' Treasurer for One Year H. DEWHIRST JOHN J. WILLIS, JR. Blanks Tax Collector for Thr~e [ears J21ES H. DEW~T~ST Miscellaneous names BlanT~s Board of Selectmen for Three 7ears 'L~'OHN F. COADY W~LL~AE J. DErS~0~D IDIS G.. ROBERTS Blanks loo ?63 1 2' ..1, ~ ~o3 ~3 ~2 ~o 8~?,._ 627 8~ 7~ 64~ 8~o ~,~:,.~37o8 29~ 32~ 305 23~ 298 34 38 33 ~ 26' 827 3.030 950 782 1023. 4~10 1 2 3. 128 178 137 133 143 .719 353. ~ 3~1 357 ~,Ol 193~ 377 ~o~ 5o~ 25~ 278 ~820 183 2?? 174 268 ~8..1~0 ~ 61 ~ 3~ k~8 23? 1'973 1 Board of Selectmen for Two ~ears JOHN P. KIRK 344 494 ROBER2 PETER 'LORD 46 35 THOMAS J: McEVOY 343 430 JOHN J. MONTEIRO 192 209 Blanks 31 40 .Highwa~r Surveyor for Three ~ears - WILLIAM .A CYR. 692 857 HENE~ N. 'GREEN 240 323 Blanks 24 28 Tree Warden for Three Years LEO E. LAFOND 850 1094 Miscellaneous names 1 Blanks Board of '~ssessors for Three Years E~ARD W. PHELAN 842 1039 )Ltscellameous names ,Board of 'Health for Three Years E~A~ ,W. SOAN~O~ 810 1003 Board' of 'Public Works for Three Years' JOHN J. ~WILLIS 267 324 PHILIP A..BUS~,. JR, 219 318 RAYMOND J.,,CANTY 4hl %30 BIanks' 29 36 School C omm~ttee for Three Years RICHARD J. HILLNER 52Z 747 MAP~ SJ DiSALVO ~]!1 276 CAROLINE K. JEFFREY 328 504 F~ANKLIN E, KOOKER 369 383 'p]'~m Board f~r Five Years PAUD.:R..LAMPRE~ 776 990 3~isc~lZaueous names EOusdn.m Authorit~~ for Five Years MICHAEL BePARIS 128 193 ~T.~.N'D]~ O. '2uLl~i~S 258 347 Oonst~le forO~ Ye~ (On-ex~ireii Te~) :CAR~, I, AN~Y, OIS 39% 483 JANES W'. NARS~¥,T, 439 487 Applications received and processed 9 22 9?3 343. 368 458 2OO5 4? 63 46 237 337 255 265 1630 319 183 344 1247 4% 46 51 213 ?22 592 795 3658 339 283 349 1534 28 40 20 140 987 803 1022 47%6 2 3. lo0 112 3h? 573 ~7 784 9~6 .:~4628 1 1 122 130 168 703 934 75~ 9~ ~46 1%% 160 220 886 3o5 ~o7 399 ~4 421 2313 39 178 287 224 245 253 524 397 33 El. 396 239 240 1392 396 374 451 2053~/: 276 3O6 476 1810 4%8 ~00 430 2246 1 23O 1022 215 878' 520 2493 288 3.462 885 724 1 204 ~90 170 172 540 355 305 264 ~6 357 474 220~."'. 43© ~ ~.$7 163 209 243 975' 9 23 17 80::' Ballots :received and voted ~' ..~.~_. 9 21 9 22 16 78`=" .~"'~e'; c0PY: ' ATTEST: ' :'i":' Annual'Adjourned Town Meeting dpe~ed at 1::30 P.~., Saturday March 17, 1973 with Moderator ' Dsnald F. Smith presiding. Pre~ous to meeting .opening Town Clerk John LyOns made neces~ary' -~0unce~ .eats, introduced all newly elected officials, counters for meeting, operation of ~ wireless"micrephones, the audio-video set-up in cafeteria with Clffford E. Elias, Esquir&' acting as Assistant Moderator. Nine hundred and filer-one (9%1) registered voters presanm. ARTICLE 2. 'VO'~'~:I] the Selectmen mak~ appointm_~nts of Town Officers not reqnfred by law or' By;Law to be otherwise'chosen. !; ~ ARTICLE 3. VOTED to accept the report of receipts and expenditures be accepted. ARTICLE 4. VOTED to f~x the following -~ual salaries of elected officers of the Town, effective from January 1, 1973. Board of Selectmen-V.icenstng Commission. each per annum. $2,OO0.00 · '~· ~'~ Board of'Assessors. " " " 2,800.00 Board of Health " " " 400.00 Board of Public Works , " " " 400.00 '~ Town Treasurer " " " 12,000.00 Tree I¢arden " " " 1,600.00 Highwey Surveyor " " " 13,750.O0 Moderator - for regular Town Meeting 100.00 " for each Specisl Town Meeting. 50.00 Tax Collector. " " " 3,250.00 ARTICLE 5, VOTED to carry forward to fiscal 1973 - 6/30/74 the follo~ring articles and appropriations with the exception of the balance of $153.37 from Article 25 of the 1972 Town Meeting; and the balance of $119.36 from Article 28 of 1972 Town' Meeting and the bslance,lof $328.23 from Article ~ of the 1968 Town Meeting. ART. 12. 1969 - Town Charter Committee $460.55 " 81. 1970 - Monuments - Boundary 2,500.00 " 85~ 1970 - Town B-~ding - Hot ropy town yard. 516.70 '" 1. ~ Add. Funds Bldg & Equpping Fire Station. 300.63 ART. 47. 1972 - Tree .E~_uipment. School Expenses " " P.L~ 864 " " P.Li 874 " " P.L. 89-10' Title I. " 'Art. 18, 1972- Complete construction. " School Lunch program " No. Andover Athletic Assoc. ? 3 $736.10 6,127~10 2,120~30 72,070;29 2,]]h.38 24, oo6.85 31,291.52 6,115.21 " Chap. 88 -lost books, fines, etc. ART. 70 - 1967 -Well field " 33 - 1969 - Water, main extensions. ,, 6 - 6/21/7~ - Terminsl ~aave " 32'.- 1972 - Replace 6" water m-~-. " 34 - 1972 - Renew water services " 35 - 1972 - Expand bathing beach "~ 37 - 1972 - Replace .Telemeter " 40 - 1972 - Extend water ma~ ~- Autran Ave. " 8 - 6/T2/72 " " " Beacon Hill B~vd~ - Acquisition :=d. 29,492.92 Art. 2 _ 1970 co_nstruct and equip high school. 1,652,465.42 Art. 5 6/12/72 study need of skating rink. 5,000.00 TOTAL 31.35' 1,2~6.69 2,000.00 6,000.00 22,825~79 1,692.24 460.41 791.80 901;98 1;137.98 $2,~28,264.55 ARTICLE 6. VOTED to'accept the recommendations of the following Article6 of the'Advisory Beard with the exceptions of the following Items: Item 6, Assessors Salaries &"Wages should read $37,584. instead of $35,584. Item 52, Insurance General should rea~ $130,621. instead o£.$128,621. Item 56, Conservation Commission Ex~enses should read $1,750. instead of $750. Item75 Short Term Borrowing should read $79,250. instead of $59,250. Ail total~ivoted, for an eighteen (18) months period. ITEM 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. :,' ' 12. ': ' 17. 17A. 18. 1SA. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Selectmen Expenses (Incl. Contingent Fund) Treasurer Expenses Accountant m~e~ses Tax Collector m~q~enses Town Clerk Expenses Assessor~ Expenses :Elections & Registrars Expenses Town. 0ounsel. Annusl retsiner Expenses Moderator Advisory Committee Expenses Capitel Budget Committee plnnn~ n~ Board Expenses Board of Appeals (Zoning) E.~c~enses Personnel Board. ~3~enses Town Building Expenses Annual Town Meeting Expenses Police 'Department Expenses School Cross~nE Guards. Expenses Fire Depar%ment Expenses ' Forest Fire & Forest Fire Warden Expenses · Dog Officer Expenses · Civil Defense Expenses ~ ding Inspector Expenses Wiring Inspector Expenses Gas Inspector Expenses Sealer of 'Weights &. Measures Expenses SAL& WAGES EXPENSES $25,458.00 $8,350.00' 36,226. 4,873. 40,408. 4,730. 21,195. 7,675. 25,271. 1,100. 37,584. 2,400. 11,900.-" 7,500. 2,340. 300. 800. 250. 1,723. 4, 203. 2,O25. 4, 203. 300. 328. 3,900. 14,84o. 9,530. 505,214. 47,992. 15,458. 2,250. 721,493. 27,615. 751 · 250. 9,000. 4,55o. 1,3~0. 5,075. 23,423. 3,315. 2,724. 1,078. 1,O50. 35o. 1,890 450. · T"OT AL S - $25,458.00 8,350.00 :: 36~226. :?4;873. ''4o,4o8. . %;73o. ~,100.' ]7;584. .... 11,44o. .... ~;9oo. ?;5oo. '. 2,340. ~' '3ooL .... :,,,:',800. 250. '4,2o3. 2,025. 4,203. 300. 3,900. 14.,840. 9,530. '5o5,214. · ~7,992. 2,250. 721,493. 27,615; 751. 250. 9,000. 5,075. 23,423. ..2,724. 1,078. .1,050. 150. 1;8~0. l~0. I 7.___!.3 21,370.00 1973. 25. Board of Health ~zpen~es 26. Greater Lawrence Sanitary District. 27. Animal Inspectors Salary 600.00 28. Garbage Disposal Contract 29. Board of.P~blic Works 1,800. 30. " ,' Sewer ~ntnce & Construction 43,500. Expenses 31. " ,' Water Mntnce & Construction 148,100. Expenses 32. " ,, Parks & School Grounds. 40,500. 33. Tree Department. 51,129. Expenses 34; Tree Department. Dutch Elm Disease. 10,904. i~ ~ Expenses 35. " " Insect Pest Control 21,857. m~ensss 36. Street Lighting Expenses 37. S~reets, Gen'l Maintenance includes. Highway Surveyor. ~13,750. 206,625. ~, ~., -.. . Expemees''~ ~. 38. S~ow Removal F~penses 39. Refuse Disposal. 123,000. 40. Veterans Benefits 6,962. Expenses Cash Grants 41. Graves Registration. 263. Expenses 42. School Dept. Sal-Wages. S4,379,717- Less reimbursement Spcl. 72,000. "1974 Teachers V.Pay. 352~650: Net SAL-WAGES to be appropriated. School Dept'. ~xpanses. '693,918. Out of State travel. 2,165. Less reimbursement Spcl. 11~398. Net Expenses to .be appropriated. 43. Regional Vocation School. Allocation. 44. Stevens Memorial Library 99,452. Expenses 45, playgrounds-Bathing Beach 32,600. Expenses 46. Recrsation-3 Council. 9,660. E~enses 47. Group Insurance 48. Essex County. Retirement-Pensions. 49. Rental of Veterans Headquarters. 50. Pa{riotic & Civic Celebrations. 51. Fourth of July. 52. Insurance-Gemeral. 53. Industris2 Commission Expenses 54- Land damage claims. 54A..Special Legal Services. 55- Out of State Travel. (No incl schools) ~6. Conservation Commission Expenses. 57. Christmas Lighting. 58. Council for the aging. 59. Fire Engine. 60. Highway Equipment. 61. School Bonds. 62. Addition new high school. 63. ~ater bonds and notes. 64. Sewer bonds and notes. 65. Fire Station. 66. Police Station. 67. Fire Engine. 68. Highway Equipment. 69. School Bonds. 70. Addition New high school. 71. Bond issue expenses 72. Water main no~es and bonds. 73. Sewer notes and bonds. 74. Fire Station. 75. Short term borrowing. 76. Police Station. TOTALS. 3,955.067. $6,261,754.00 9,425.00 27,375. 21,000. 1G~,600. 13,550. 11,025. 2,400. 5,250. 92,000. 100,000. 140,000. 37~500. 75,52 . 684,685. 117,053. 32,303. 12,180. 8,~00. 140,044. 257,087. 1,800. 1,117. 2,500. 130,621. 3CC. 4,500. 1,500. 1,~00. 1,750. 200. 7,000. 7,000. 5,000. 560,000 20,000. 80,000. 27,000 1C,OO0. 10,000. 1,502. 675. 12,500. 2,100. 30,708. 11,564. 10,675. 79,250. 3~140. $3,657,896.00 21,370.00 9,42 .0o 600.00 27,37~. 1,800. 43,500. 21,000. 148,100. 105,600. 40,500. 13,550. 51,129. 11,025. 10,904. 2,400; 21,857. 5,250. 92,000. 206,625. 100.000. 140,000. 123,000. 37,500. 6,962. 25. 75,525. 263. 943. '3,955.067. 684,685. 117,053. 99,452. 32,303. 32,600. 12,180. 9,660. 8,500. 140,044. 257,087. 1,800. 1,117. ~ 2,500.. 130,621. 300. 4,500. 1,SO0. 1,500. 1,750. 200. 7,000. 7,000. 5,000. ~'560,000. 20,000. 80,000. 27,000. 1C,O00. 10,000. 1,502. 675. 565,89 . 12,500. 2,100. 30,708. 11, 64. 10,675. 79,250. 3~140. $9,919,650.00 ARTICLE 7~ VOTED that the Town authorize the Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen to .borrow in anticipation of the revenue for the eighteen month period beginning January 1, 1973, in accordance with General Lawe.~ C-44, S-4, and acts in amendment thereof, and including~ in addition thereto, Chapter 849 of the Acts of 1969, as amended, by issuing a note or notes payable within one year, and to renew note or notes as me~ be given for a period of less than one year in accordance with G.L., C-44, S-17. Vote was unanimous and so declared. ARTICLE 8. Report of Charter Committee report referred to Article 54 of this Warrant. ARTICLE 9. VOTED TO ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 10. Article withdrawn ARTICLE 11. VOTED to AMEND Section 4.129 sub-section (9) to road as follows: Swimming, amd/or tennis clubs, and/or indoor ice skating facilities, shall be permitted with Special Per, it. The vote was AFFIRMAT.¥~ 663. NEGAT~¥~: 149. 2/3 majority vo~e. ARTZCLE 12. VOTED TO REJECT the article. ~RTICLE 13. VOTED to raise and appropirate the sum of $32,500. for purpose of article. ARTICIE 14. V.OTED TO REJECT the article. ~-RTICIE 15. S~rickan from the Warrant. ARTICLE 16. VOTED to appropriate the sum of $10~,000. for laying a twelve inch water main on Salem Street from the present terminus to Campbell Road, a distance of 7,000 feet; that to raise this appropriation the treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, is authorized to borrow $105,000. under ~hapter 44 of the General 'Laws as amended; and that the Board of Public WorEs is authorized to take a~l other action necessary to carry out ~this vote. the vote was I~?I~M~?~ous and SO declared. ARTICLE 17. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $4,~00. to b e ex~aded u~der the direction ~f the Board of PubLic Works for the purpose of renewing water services,~p~acimg gate valves ~n h~dramt branches and raising manhole frames and covers on streets that are being recdnstructsd. ARTICLE 18. VO~ED to raise and appropriate the sum of $16,000~ for purpose of article. ARTICIE 19. VOTED to raise amd appropriate the sum of $15~000, for purpose of article. · ~ ARTIOIE 20. VOTED to transfer the smount of $4,082.61 from Article i of Speciat~TowuMeeting of June 21, 1971 and $417.39 from Article 2 of Special Town Meeting. of J,,~-' 21~ 1971 to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of this_ article. A~TICIE 21. Stricken from the Warrant. ~RTICr. E 22. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $127:98 and to transfer .the amoantm':of /1 $7200.80 from Article 33 of 1971 Town Meeting and $7904.67 from Article 35 'of '1971 Town Meeting and $1266.55 from Article 2 of June 21, 1971 Special Town Meeting, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose .of this article. '.ARTICLE 23. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum sf $8,000. ,for purpose of article.: ' - ~RTZCLE 24~ StricEen from Warrant. adopted in budget. ~: .:'..::, -. ~RTICT.E 25. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $16,974. for purpose of article~' AI~TZCEE 26. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $30,000. for purpose of article. .~RTICLE 27. VOTED t'o establish the position of Building Inspector as a full-time'.E~l~e.e..: classified as Compensation Grade S-18 Schedule B, under the Personnel By-La~, and'.to amend By-Law to implement such vote, .ARTICLE 28. VOTED TO ADOPT the article. .:: .ARTICLE29. VOTED to raise and' appropriate the sum of. $2,750. for purpose of this :article. 30. VOTED ~o accept the provisions of Section..lO§-L of C.-~I of the Gens'~al Laws', ~e~ anact of establishing a career incentive pay program for regular ~:l:-time .polic~ 31. VOTED ~o ADOPT the article. ' 32. VOTED TO A~I~D the Personnel By-r. aw as follows: ' ' ' ' Raise and appropriate the sum of $1861. for the purpose of amanding section' ?,:~h~dule . A, Department H. ead and Supervisory Group, by striking therefrom class title. ~Zibra~iam" · and inserting in its place class title "Zibrary Director" with compensatiom~grade S-19. effective April 1, 1973. (.~) Raise and appropriate the sum of $539. for the purpose of amending Section 7,~ ~hedule A r.ibrary Group., by stri~g therefrom class title "Assistant :ibrarian" and tn-~erttng in its place class title "Assistant ~ibrary Director" with compensation grade S-14, effective April 1, 1973. ' (.~) Raise and appropriate the sum of $512. for the purpose of 'amending Section 7, Sched~I~ A Library Broup, by stri~ing therefrom c.lass title "C~'~rens' Librarian": and insert .i~g in its plac class title "Librarian ~I" wroth compensation grade s-13, ei~ective 4/1~973. (~) Amand Section 7'~ Schedule A, Library Group, by stri~ therefrom class'title "Professio V. ibrary Assistant'" and inserting in its place class title "Librarian I" with compensation grade S-lO, effective 4/1/73. ' Raise and appropriate the sum of $552. for the purpose of amandi~g Section '9, Schedule E, part-time positions classified in Library group, by stri~cing therefrom compensation &~rade S-§ and inserting in its place compensation grade S-lO with the following hourly rates, effective April 1, 1973. Compensation:G de MIN. ZI III IV. MAX. ~-~110 3.70 3.83 3.~6 S..10 4.24 (?) Voted to accep.t this section of the article as written. ARTICLE .33. VOTED · to raise and sppro~_irate the sum of $88.710. and to insert ~the figure 3.9 before %..mncrease f~r the purpose of.:t~is article. ARTICLE 34. VOTED TO ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 35. VOTED TO AMEND the personnel By-L,w by striking out Section 22 (m) (2), which establishes the maximum number of accumulated days of sick leave which measure an employee's terminal leave benefits, and inserting in place thereof the following Section 22 (A)(2): An employee who qualifies for terminal leave shall be entitled ~o the same percentage that the numberof his years of se~-v£Ce bears to the 100% service factor of 25 years: provided, that in no case shall said leave he measured by more than ~'a) 60 days accumuluted sick leave, of (b) the number of days of sick leave accruing to the benefit of the employee during twelve consecutive cslendar regular work-weeks, whichever number of ds~s shall be the lesser. ARTIOLE ~6 ~ ~' VOTED: T0~:EEJECT' the~'article. ARTICLE 37. VOTED to authorize the Selectmen to acquire for the Town, for the purpose of this Article, by purchase, eminent domain processing or otherwise, such land, lying to the Northwest of Ohickering Road, not exceeding one half acre in area, as they may deem necessary, and to raise and appropriate $5000. for such acquisition. ARTIOrR~ 38.' VOTED TO ADOPT the article. ARTICIE 39. VOTED TO ADOPT the article. ~f~'""' ARTICLE 40. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $12,000. to be expended u~der the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of purchasing one Loader, a 1965 Loader to be traded. ARTICLE 41. VOTED TO ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 42~. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $55,000. for the purpose of this article. ARTICIE 43~~ VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $1500. for the purpose of this article. ARTICIE 44. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $2000. for the purpose of this article. AR2ICLE 45. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $3000. for the purpose of this article. ARTICLE 46. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $500. for the purpose of this article. ARTICLE 47. VOTED to raise and apprepriame the sum of $2500. for the purpose of this article. ARTICLE~ 48. Stricken from the Warrant. ARTICLE 49. VO£~ to raise and appropriate the sum of $1600. under betterment assessments to abutters, under General Laws, to be expended mogether with the $2400. heretofore to the 'T°wn by John J. Shields, under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the p~rpose ~ of~adding a finish coat of hottop to Jay Road, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE. 50. VO~ED TO ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 51. VO','~u TO ADOPT the article. ARTICIE 52. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $12,000. to be expended under the ~*~ection of the School Committee for the purpose of this Article; provided, that the Town cf~'Andover and the m~cip~ties of Lawrence and Methuen shall have made leg-lly appropriat~ provisions for the ps,merit of their respective shares of the cost of the proposed drug treatment-prob~m~, and providnd, further, that no more of the sum appropriated hereby sh-1 be expended'than the a~ount determined by multiplying 16000 (the es.t .i~a. ted per..c.~ · p&pulatioh of the Town) by the lowest amount pc.r. capita of its popu~ammon prov~cea zor ~ne . program by as~ one of the other affected communities. ARTICLE 53. VOTEE TO ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 54. VOTED TO ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 55. VOTED to amend its General By-Laws by inserting, in Article III thereof, the follo~*ing newsectionr Section 9, for the purpose of controll~nE and abating noise, no automobile service station within the Town shall conduct business, except in case of an emergency, between the hours of 10 P.M., and 5:~30 A.M., ARTICLE ~6. VOTED TO ADOPT the article. A~ICLE 5~. VOTED TO ADOPT the article. AITTICLE 58.' VOTED TO ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 59. 'VOTED TO ADOPf the article. ARTICLE 60. Article defeated. Affirmative 470, Negative 447. no 2/3rd vote. ARTICLE 61. VO£~m to raise and appropriate the sum of $65,000 for purpose of the article. ARTICLE 62. $~ricken from the Warrant. ARTIOzE 63. vOTED to raise and s@propriate the sum of $46,000 for purpose of the article. ARTICLE 64. VO'I~u to amend Section 4 of Article I of its General By-LaWs to .provide that the adjourned Town Meeting shall hereafter be held on the fourth (4th) Saturday in April at lr30 ARTICLE 6~. VOTED to appl~ $200,000. of Revenue Sharing Funds to the salary budget of the: Police Department, and $300,000. of such funds to the Fire Department Salary budget, .th.us' decreasing the total amount to be raised by taxation during the 18 month period begXanmng January 1 000.