HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-06-25ARTICLE 66. VOTED to transfe~ from available funds the sum of $150,000. to the Reserve Fund.
ARTICLE 67. VOTED TO ~EJECT the article. '
ARTICLE 68. VOTED to take the sum of $1%0,000 from available ~,-~ to reduce the tax,rate.
ARTICLE 69. Article defeated ~_ffirmative 102. Negative l16g ~ :.-j :~.~
Meeting of March 17~ 197~ opened at 1:'30 P.M.., with 951 registered voters present, meeting was
adjourned after completion of Article 11, at 5:40 P.M.., until Saturds~ March 24,~ 1973 at 1:30 P.M.
Meeting'opened March 24, 1973 at 1:30 P.M., Moderator Smith Presiding with 495 registered voters
'present. 0pen~g with Article 12. Meeting adjourned at 6:10 P.M. I wish to thank John R.
Robinson, Deparm~ne head of the High School Audeo-Video and his assistants fo~ the set-up and
operation of sane for the overflow of people in the cafeteria. To Boy Scouts John CampbeLl and
Hrian Reynolds who were the runner boys for the wireless microphone use, to Gerry Martino and
Tom Ippolitc for their assistance in keeping communications between Auditorium and Cafeteria.
to Henry Fink, Harold ~oynton, Robert Doucette, Jim Hurrell,Lou Kmiec, Milton Howard, ~ill
McEvoy, Ed M~]~ory, Donald Anderson, Stu ~ils.on, WiLliam Cyr, Jack McLOY and George Myers'in
the hand vote count. To Mrs. Earline ~yons, Miss Natalie Forgetta, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Windle, Mrs. Helen Eaton, Mrs. Eleanor Mallory,' Frank Olms, and Mrs. Gladys Thomas for their
assisting in checking voters into Meeting· Motion was du/~vmade and seconded that a vote of
thanks be extended to 'the Town Clerk, TownCo~ns~Dd, Tg;~Moderator for agod job for 1973.
A true copy: A T TES T
TO either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover:
In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are .~e'r~by
directed =o notify and warn the inhabitants of North Andover who are qualified
to vote in Town Affairs to meet in the Veteran's Auditorium of our North. Andover
High School for a Special. Town Meeting on:
MONDAY, the 25th DAY.OF JUNE 1 9 7 3 at 7:30 P.M. ~
then and there to ac~ upon the following articles:
ARTICLE 1. To see if the Town will vote to amend its General By-Laqs .h2'&d~ing
.::.thereto the following new Article: ARTICLE XZZ-C No person shall add, or cause
-to. he added to the public water supplies of the Town of North Andover any
' (except fluorides), for the express purpose of affecting the persons or the ph
.:~ or mental functions of all consumers or any.class or classes of coRsumers of the
Town water. Petition of Howard M. Thomson and others.
ARTICLE 2. TO see if the Town will vo=e =o rescind the approval~of. A=ticle'.19
the warran: for the Annual Town Meeting for 1973, and %ppropriat~.on of.'.
$15,000 for fluoridation of the Town's wa=er supplies, except that the existing
contract for engineering services shall bo funded under said ~rticle.19,,..and =o
rescind approval of the'appropriation of $3630 that was included in.the'total of
-$105,600 in Article 6, Item 31, for the cost of fluoridation chemicals~. Petition
of Howard M. Thomson and others. ,a,
iARTICLE 3. To see if the Town will vote =o advise the members of the.North Andover
Housing Authority that it is the sense of the citizens of the T6~n~¥that. theke
,~:,:exists a need for "low rent housing .for families of low;income" within the
maaning of Chap=er 12lB of the General Laws. Petition of North ~Andovemy.:Housing
ARTICLE 4. To see if the Town will vote as follows: That $130~000. is~appropriated
in addition =o the sums appropriated by votes of the Town passed June'lS,. 1970
. and March 18, 1972, for constructing, originally equipping and furnishing the new
North Andover High School (including the constructign of tennis and basketball
courts, parking facilities, and a walkaway,.the installation of.fencing and the
planting of shrubbery), that =o raise %his appropriation the treasurer With the
approval of the seleo=men is authorized to borrow $130,000 under Ch'apter 645 of
the Acts of 1948 as amended, and that the School Building Committee is authorized
to take all other action necess.a~y no carry.out this vote. Petiti6n of, North
Andover School Building Committee.
ARTICLE 5. To see if the Town will vone to raise and appropriate the..sum of
$ =o be expended under the directi6n of the School BuildiEg Committe,
for the purpose of constru:ting fencing along the Chickering Road's'ids of the
new High School property. Petition of the Selectmen. .'
ARTICLE 6. TO see i.f the Town will vote to amend the. North Andover .Zoning By-Law
Se. orion 6, Dimensional Requi'rements, Table.2, Summary of Dimensional Requirements
as-follows: Delete reference to note %6 in the heading of the R-4 district and
delete the reference :o note #5 in the lot a~ea, minimum sq. ft. se'orion of the
R~4 column. Petition of the Planning Board.
ARTZCLE 7. To see if the Town will vote to Amend the North Andover 'Zoning By-Law
Section 4.130, Industrial 2 District as follows: Delete Item ten (10)"kecreation
areas (Special Permit Required.) Petition of the Planning Board.
And you are hereby directed to 'serve this Warrant by posting true ~nd attested
copies ~xXk~ thereof' at the Town Office Building and at five or more public
~laces in each voting Precinct Of the Town. Said copies not havin~ been
posted not lee's, th'an~'§e'ven days before the time of said meeting. Hereof
fail not, and make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon =o
the Town Clerk of the time and~lace'of said Sp=cial Town Meeting.
Given under our hands a= North Andover, Massachusetts, the 4th day of June
the year of Our Lord One Thousand Ni'ne Hdndred
A =rue copy:
June 15,1973 ATTEST:
and Seventy-Three.
North Andover, MASS.
I have notified and warned the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover who
are qualified to vote in Town Affairs by jposting true and attested copies of
this Warrant 'at the Town Office Building and at five or more public places in
each. voting precinct of the Town. Said copie-4 having been posted not less
thanseven days. before, the time of_said ~m~.~t. ing.
A ~tru, copy: ' ATTEST.
· : . . ~ ............ C~ S.TABLE.
Nor th An dover, MasS.
S.~ Smith, Esquire PresidingS. 475 duly registered voters were checked.
~RTICL~ 1. VOTED~ · to. amend ARTICLE XII-C of the General By-LawS by 'adding. . ' ·
~'er~to the f~rlow~ng' n'ew Article: -.< ~r ~
..-..'-y~ .... ARTICLE'XII-C~ No person S:h'~ll 'a'dd, o
cause tb be added to the public water supplfes"'0f the Town of Horth ~ndovek/
any. substance (except fluorides) for the express purpose of affect~ing'the
persons, or .the phys~"~al or m'en=al'~unctions'~°f'~''all consumers or any:class
c~asses,.o'f, consumers of the. Town water. Normal water treatments, such 'as
foz purification and acidity-alkalinity balance, shall not be affected by
this By-Law. The vote was taken by secret ballot and the result of same
ARTICLE: 2. Article was. ruled out by Moderator as illegal.
ARTICLE. 3," Article .was defeated, by a voice vote.
ARTICLE 4. 'Article was defeated'by hand vote. Affirmative 267, Negative. . '147;
no:two-th~rds ma3ori Y. ~.:
'ARTICLE.5.~ ~0TED to take from Available. Funds the' sum of $20,000. =o be.e~pen~
ed'by the Highway S.ur~.eyor for the' purpose of constructing fencing .along the.
chi~&ri'ng a0aa side of the new High School ....
ARTICLE ',6. VOTED unanimously to adopt the article as is. c
A~TICLE 7. VOTED unanimously to adopt' the article as. is.
Meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M. Assisting Board of Registrars-in checkin.
vo=ers were, Mrs. Earline Lyons, Natalie Forgetta, Eleanor Mallory, Helen
Eaton, Frank. Olms, Jr. assisting in hand countin were Harold Boynton,
william Cy?', James Hurrell, Milton Howard, Ed Mallory and Btu Wil.son.
M'ark'.Savukinas handled th
A~.:'true copy: 'ATTEST: ~
W A R R ~ N T
To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover
G~ETINGS~: ' '
In the name of the CommoHwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby'dir-
ected tc notify and warn the inhabitants of North Andover who are qualified to
l.vote, in'ToWn AffairS to meet 'in the Veteran"s Auditorium of our North Andover:'
'~ Middle School"fOr a Special Town Meeting on: '" '
' ''' ~. MONDAY, the 5th DAY OF NOVEMBER 1973 at 7~30 P.M.;
then and there to act u~on the following arti'cles~
ARTICLE 1. To se'e if the Town will vote to approve the filing of a petition, in
the General Court under the provisions of Section' 8 of Article 89 of the Amend-
ments, to the Constitution for and Act: Au=horizing the Town of North Andover
to' 9ay a sum of money to Landers Electrical Co., Inc. Petition of the Board
o~ Public Works and the Recreational Council.
ARTICLE 2. To see if the Town will vote to amend its General By-Laws by adding~
thereto the. following new article: ARTICLE XII-C. Any Board, Officer of
Department having charge of any personal property belonging to the Town may
dispose of the same with the prior approval of the Selectmen. Petition of
the Selectmen.