HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-11-05 ARTI'CLE 3. To see if the Town will vote to amend its General By-Laws as
follows: a)
To amend Section I of Article' IV of said By.-Laws to ~ea~.as
follows: The financial year of the TowS'shall be~in with'~%he first' daY. of
July and end with the thirtieth day of"the~fol.lowing.June.
b) To amend su-se~tion i ~f.~ti6n~5 of~.Art~icle 1 of said By-Laws
by striking out the phrase. '!the terms,.0f' said-members:u,o.expire~on.~the'~first
day of April," and~insert'ing in pla.ce %h%reof th~'~'ph~e~':"~the terms'~o'f ~i~
membe'rs 'to expire o~ th'e thirtieth.'.~a~, of June..".'
c) To.'amend S'e~cti6n !0,~?.f ~r~i. cl?.iv of. salad B~-Laws .by'.st~iking
out the/phrase "shall annualIy in March appoin't"% and ~nserting in p:lac~,'~thereof
the phrase "shall annually i~ Ju~e appoi~t",.~hd~.b~"~t=i~ng out. the' phrase
"to serve as Town Counsel for the term of one year'from~the'.first.day of April
next following'! and. insgrting~in place thereof the,~rase."to serve Rs Sown
Counsel for the ~term of one ygar fro~ the first day, of July next_following."
d) To amend Section 12 of Article IV by ~triking outthe word
March and insertin~ i~ plac~.,.thereof the word'June.
e) 'T6 ~m~nd Secti~n'l'2~ 'o'~/sai~ Article IV b~ striking o'u~'the ph e
"The ts'tm of ap~ointive members.shall .exp~re.,on March 31..~of the 'appropriate year"
and inserting in:p. la~e thereof the ~bmaee'~ The .termsof appointive 'members
shall expire on. June 30. of ~.~e app~op, rikte' y'ear." Peti~'ioh of Selectmen.
ARTICLE 4. T6.see if the T6wn Wi11!.%o~% th'at all,officers, boards and'other
agents o'f'.theiTown,'whether, paid or 'unp.aid','who. . presently. 'hold their .offices
by vir~'u'~ ~0f.'~eir appozn~ment thereto rather than by their election thereto by
the v0=ers of the.-Town,~..shall conti-nue.tClh01d and perform the duties of said
offices until June 30,~f the yeaF.,~n which~thei, r.a~pointments no the. same would
otherwise expire. Petition of S. electmen.
And you are hereby 'direc.~ed =o se~3.e this W~rrant by posting true .and attested
copies thereof .at the Town Office Building and",at, five' or more public'Rlaces
in each voting ........... '
prec~nct.of'the:.~wn. ~ ~.aid copies no= having been posted not less
than seven-da~s before, the time of said meeting.
Hereof fail no=, and ~ake due re=urn of this W~rrant wi'th your.doings.~hereon
=o the Town Clerk at .the time and.place 'of said Special Town Meeting.
Given under our hands 'at'North Andover, Massachusetts, the twenty-thiKd (23rd)
day of October in the.~ear of Our Lord One Thous.and Nine Hundrsd~ and;Sewenty-
Thre~. JOSEPH A. GUTH'RIB,~ JOHN F. COADY, JOHN.~ ~D~K. ~?S~lectmen/of.
North~Andover',-'Mass~ ~A'.t~ue'copy:- 'ATTEST:' ~/~//<~: ' ' '
~ OFF.~CE R." S .... ' :I~E TU.RN . . rro~:.TM
I have. notified and warned ~he inhabitants 6f th~ To~. of No~h .~ndov~r~.who
are qualified to vote in To~n Affair~. by ~0s~ing.tr~e and at%este~co~'s of
this Warrant at the Town Offic& Buil'~kng a~a at five .or more ~ublic places
in each voting'precinct'of the Town. S~id co~zes having been posted not less
than seven day~ before-~he time"of.said 'e ~g.
A =rue'cop~:
sPEOI~ 'TOWN MEETING Of NoeS'er' ~3 l~9(7~omene'd at 7:30 'Pl~'.with'll'2
Smith, Esquire pressing': Following' was Vote~: . -' - .-'
ARTICLE 2. ~OTED UNAN.I. MOUSLY =o amend'.its General By-Laws by adding thereto
the following new Article: ARTICLE ~II-C.'.~ AnyBpard, officer of Department
having charge of any personal, ~surpl~S-.6f.~e~ded"property, belonging: ~o the
Town may dispose of the same. with the-prior approval of the Selectmen~"
ARTICLE 3. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY T0 ADOPT Article ~3, sections a, b, c, d?an~ e,
as written in the article ..... · '-".
ARTICLE 4. VOTED .UNANIMOUSLY TO~-~DOPT the ar~cle as wr~tt~n~;
Boy Scouts. of Troo~ 8.i, assis-ted ~ith-,~ir~les's microphone, Eartin~,;.L~D~,
Natalie Forgetta and 'Judith Rumack.'as~ist~C~ t~, Board:'of..Regist~"a~.s-in'the
checking of voters.. John Robins'~. of..-the .High .sChool'.~u.deo~videc armanged
sound.system. Meeting adjourned at 7:50