HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-04-27 ARTICLE 7. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Treesurgr, · :
~ ARTICLE 13. To see if the Town will vote to add a new paragraph to
the approval of the Selectmen, to borrow in anticipation of tl~e Section 4.121 of its Zoning By-Law as follows (14-A) municipal
revenue for the twelve month period beginning July 1, 1974 in accordance recreational areas.
?ith General Laws Chapter 44 Section 4, and acts in amendment thereof, ~ ' · ~)-
and including in addition thereto, Chapter"489 of the Acts of 1969. ~' Petition of the Planning Board.
amended, and to renew any note or notes as may be given for a period of
less than One year in accordance with the General Laws, Chapter 44, ARTICLE 14. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning
Section 17. By-Law by adding a new numbered paragraph to Section 4.122 as follows:
(15) municipal recreation areas.
Petition of the Selectmen. Petition of the Planning Board.
ARTICLE 8. To consider the reports of all Special Committees.
ARTICLE 15. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning
Petition of the Selectmen. By-Law by striking out numbered paragraph (10) of Section 4.122 and
inserting in place thereof the following: (10) Municipal Building and
ARTICLE 9. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of public ser~ce corporation use (special permit required).
Health to appoint one of its members to the position of Board of Health
Physician and fix his compensation, as such, as provided by Section 4A of Petition of the Planning Board.
Chapter 41 of the General Laws. ARTICLE 16. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 4.129
Petition of the Selectmen. (3) of its Zoning By-Law by striking therefrom the word "limited" and
inserting in place thereof the word "accessory".
ARTICLE 10. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate
the sum of $7,000. lo be expended under the direction of the Selectmen Petition of the Planning Board.
and/or~zuch Charter Commission as the voters may have established for the ARTICLE 17. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 4.130
purpose of retaining professional help in framing such a charter as may be
proposed to the voters at the 1975 annual town election. (3) of its Zoning By-Law by striking the word "limited" and inserting in
place thereof the word "accessory".
Petition of the Selectmen. Petition of the Planning Board.
ARTICLE 11. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning Map
by changing from Residential 4 to Residential 5 the following described ARTICLE 18. To see if the Town will vote to amend Table 2 of its
Zoning By-Law by adding to footnote 8 thereof the following sentence:
parcel of land:
Starting at a point on Andoeer Street, at land now or formerly of Buildings on corner lots shall have the required front setback from both
From George, thence in a northeasterly direction in several courses by land streets except in thc residence 4 districts, where setback from the side
of said George, Leonard, Hammon and Driscoll, '1.048.72 feet; thence street shall be a minimum of twenty feel
southeasterly, by land now or formerly of Melamed, 113.52 feet; thence
northeasterly still by land now or formerly of Melamed, 174.667 feet; Petition of the Planning Board.
thence southeasterly in two courses by land of the Town of North
Andover, 630.752 feet; thence southwesterly in several courses by land ARTICLE 19. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 6.3 of
now or formerly of Thomas J. Flatley, 1,140.695 feet; thence its Zoning By-Law by adding to the first sentence thereof the following
northwesterly by land of Elliot, Lodge, now or formerly, 405.614 feet; new phrase: "Except for eaves and uncovered steps".
thence.northeasterly by the center line of Tolland Rd., 50 feet; thence
northwesterly by land now or formerly of Curtis, 120.135 feet; thence Petition of the Planning Board.
northeasterly by land now or formerly of Wilson, 164 feet; thence
northwesterly in three courses by land now or formerly of Wilson, Lynch ARTICLE 20. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 6.8
and Lewis, 346.078 feet; thence northeasterly by land now or formerly of of its Zoning By-Law by striking out the words "the effective date of this
Sarcione, 120 feet; thence northwesterly, again by land of Sarcione, 120.1 By-Law" and inserting in place thereof the words "June 30, 1956", and by
feet; thence northeasterly by land now or formerly of Parker, 100 fectl adding to the last sentence the following concluding phrase: "and further
thence northwesterly again by land of Parker, 112.18 feet; thence provided, that suchlot shall have a minimum street frontage of 50 feet and
northeasterly in two courses by the northeasterly line of Andover Street to a minimum lot ar~ea of 5,000 square feet".
the point of beginning. Petition of the Planning Board.
Petition of Edward C Garvey and others.
__ - ~ ~ - _ ._ "---~-;-] ARTICLE 21. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 6.8 (2)
~ - ........ ~ ;*- Zontn- ~"~ of its Zoning By-Law by striking the words "the effective date of this
. ARTICLE 12. To see is the -iown will voze ~o amenu ~ta .. ul~ ~ By-Law"and inserting in place thereof the words"June 30, 1956"
B .Law b adding thereto Section 2.301 Driveway: a means oz ~emc l~fl . '
Y ss to ~lot e~ther through the frontage or from streets adjacent to the [t~{ ~. ..........
side or rear lot I nes. Each driveway shall service no more man one tot. ' ~.L.~
Petition of the Planning Board ' !~'
To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover:
In the name of the Commonwealth of MaszachusetLs, and in
compliance with Chapter 39 of the General Laws, and as recently amended
by Chapter 8, Section gA of the acts of 1974 and our North Andover
Town By-Laws Article I, Section 4, you are hereby directed to notify and
warn the inhahitanLs of the Town of North Andover who are qualified to
vote in Town Affairs to meet in the Veteran's Auditorium of our North
Andover Middle School on Saturday April 27, 1974 at one-thirty (1:30)
P.M.', then and there to act upon the following articles:
ARTICLE 1. Concerning the election of all officers and questions
appearing on ballot, have been complied with in Warrant issued January
14, 1974 with election held March 4, 1974.
ARTICLE 2. To elect all other officers not required by law to be
elected by ballot.
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 3. To see if the Town will vote to accept the report of receipts
and expenditures as presented by the Selectmen.
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 4. To see if the Town will vote to fix the salary and
compensation of elected officers of the Town, as provided by Section 108
of Chapter 41 of the General Laws.
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 5. To see what action the Town will take as to its
unexpended appropriations.
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 6. To see what action the Town will take as to the budget
recommendations of the Advisory Committee.
Petition of the Selectmen.
Application for Permit.
All applicants for earth ulaterials removal permits must submit five (5)
copies of the following information concerning the proposed s re'of
the rem6i'al operation to the Zoning Board of Appeals thirty (30) daYS
prior to submission of ~in application for an earth materials removal
permit. The Zoning Board of appeals shall distribute the information
to the Planning Board, Building Inspector, Conservation Commission,
and Board of Health so that recommendations from these departments
may be submitted at the public hearlng.
(a) A map (scale 1"=40') of existing topography, stamped by a
licensed land surveyor, based on a current survey showing two (2)
ARTICLE 22. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zonln~
By-Law by re-numbering Section 9.12 to 9.13, and by inserting the
following new Section: 9.12 - Certificate of use and occupancy.
building hereafter erected, enlarged, extended or altered shall be used
occupied in whole or in pert until a certificate of use and occupancy has-
been issued by the Building Inspector. No building or land chanl~ed from
one use to another, in whole or in part, shall be occupied or used Until a
certificate of use and occupancy has been issued by the Euildifig Inspector.
The certificate shall certify compliance with the provisions of this By-Law
and of all applicable Codes. ·
(j) Access roads shall be constructed at an angle to the public way or
constructed with a curve so as to help screen the operation from
public view.
(k) Any structure erected on the premises for use by personnel or
storage of equipment shall be located at least 150 feet from any
existing roadway and at least 100 feet from any lot line, and any
temporary structure will be romoved no later than 60 days after
the expiration date of the permit. Any structure containing
lavatory facilities or any other facility which produces waste water
shall have the faeilitles engineered in accordance with public health
rules and be approved by the Board of Health. All structures must
Petition of the Planning Board.
ARTICLE 23. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 6.2 of
its Zoning By-Law by adding thereto the following sentence: "The
frontage requirement shall also pertain at a line parallel to the street line
and at a distance back from it equal to the front setback requirement of
the zoning district."
Petition of the Planning Board.
ARTICLE 24. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning
By-Laws by striking therefrom: Secfion §, and inserting in place thereof
the following new section:
(1) Intent of By-Law.
The removal of aid, loam, soil, clay, sand, gravel, stone or other earth
materials from any land in the Town of North Andover not in public
use is hereby prohibited except such removal as may ba suthorized in
any zoning district by a Special permit issued by the Zoning Board of
Appeals and except such removal as is permitted by paragraph (7). No
such permit shall be issued except upon written application therefor to
the Zoning Board of Appeals with copy to the Planning Board and
Conservation Commission, and after a public hearing on such
application by the Zoning Board of Appeals. Notice of said public
· hearing shall be us provided by law and shall be peid for by the
(2) Scope of Authority of Board of Appeals.
The Zoning Board of Appeals shall have the authority to hear and act
upon all applications for the removal of all earth materials from any
site in the Town of North Andover and shall have the authority to
impose reasonable conditions concerning, but not limited to, the
following areas: method of removal, days and time and depth of
working, type of earth removal machinery and transporting vehicles,
limitation of area for excavation, clearance of trees and brush,
reduction of dust, soll erosion, watershed areas, water table protection,
drainage, placing and size of culverts, contour grading and conditioning
of the land during and after operations are completed, planting of area
to suitable cover, disposition of topsoil, re-astabllshing of ground levels
and grades, and the post of security of bond.
Any permit granted hereunder by the Zoning Board of Appeals shall
contain all provisions as set forth in subsections (4} and (fi) and any
other conditions imposed by the Zoning Board of Appeals.
Any denial by the Zoning Board of Appeals of any applications shall
! state reasons for such denial, and shall be mailed forthwith to the
i parties of interest, including the applicant, the Planning Board and the
iConservation Commission. The granting of denial of any permit
application must be made within sixty (60) days of the date of
submission Of completed application. '
foot contour intervals, depth of the maximum high water table and
existing drainage. Elevations should be related to a fixed datum.
(b) A log of soil borings, certified by a registered professional engineer,
taken to the depth of the proposed excavation. At least one boring
must be taken on each acre proposed to ha excavated under the
permit, and the location of such borings shown on the existing
topographical map.
(c) A topographical map showing final grades at two (2) foot contour
intervals, depth of the moximum high water table, and drainage
facilities after restoration of th site.
(d) All :naps of the site must indicate all property lines, names of all
abutters, roadways, bodies of water or public easements within
250 feet of the boundaries of the property on which the proposed
removal site is to be located.
(4) Operation Standaxdss.
All permits for earth materials removal from a site granted by the
Zoning Board of Appeals shall conform to the following minimum
operating standards.
(a) No excavation shall be
closer than 150 feet to an existing public or private roadway, and
no excavations shall be closer than 100 feet to other lot lines.
Natural vegetation shall be left and maintained on the undisturbed
land for screening and noise-reduction purposes.
(b) No excavation shall be closer than 100 feet to the banks of a
have the approval of the Building Inspector prior to their erection
and msut be as speeifled in the Special Permit Application.
(1) Operating hours shall be only between 7:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M.,
Monday through Friday. Vehicles being used for transporting earth
materials may enter and leave prescribed premises only within such
(re)The Zoning Board of Appeals, Planning Board, Board of Health,
Building Inspector, Conservation Commission or any duly
appointed agent of the aforesaid shall be free to inspect the
premises at any time.
(n) In addition to the operating standards noted above, the Zoning
Board of Appeals may stipulate such other operating standards as
it feels are in the best interest of the Town of North Andover.
Restoration Standards.
All permits to remove earth materials granted by the Zoning Board of
Appeals shall contain, but not be limited to, the
for restoring the area after removal of earth materials.
(a) Within sixty (60) days after the termination date of a permit or
renewal permit, ground levels and grades shall be established as
shown on the approved topographical plan.
(b)No area shall be left with a slope steeper than 2:1 (50%).
(c) All debris, stumps, boulders or other unsightly material shall be
removed from the site and disposed of in a location approved by
the Board of Health, or buried on the premises in a hole so that the
surface of the debris, stumps, boulders or other unsightly material
is two (2) feet filled with soil and compacted. Trees, stumps and
other organic material from the site may be chipped and used to
supplement existing tipsnil in meeting the minumum restoration
standards described herein.
(d) Retained subsoil, topsoil and wood chips from the site shall be
respread over the disturbed area to a minumum depth of six (6}
inches. This soil shall be treated with three (3) tons of lime per
acre and one thousand (1000) pounds of 10-10-10 fertilizer per
acre and seeded with grass or legume prescribed by the Essex Soll
Conservation District. Fingerling Fir or other approved trees shall
be planted over the entire area twelve (12) feet on center. The
planted area shall be protected from erosion during the
establishment period using good conservation practices.
(e) Upon completion of the operation, the land shall be left so that
natural drainage leaves the property at the original drainage points,
and so that the area of drainage to any one point is not increased.
(f) Within six (6) months after termination of earth removal
operations, restoration must be completed and all eqnipmetn,
accessory buildings and structures, and unsightly evidence of
operations shall be removed from the premises. _ _ ~
natural stream or other body of water.
(e) No area shall be excavated so as to cause accumulation of free
standing water. Permanent drainage shall be provided as needed in
accordance with good conservation practices.
(d) All topsoil shall be stripped from the operation area and stochpiled
for use in restoring the area after the removal operation has ceased.
(e) No material shall be removed closer than four (4) feet to the
maximum high water table or closer than would preclude its
subsequent re-use according to standards set by the North Andover
Board of Health.
(f) During operations, when an exeavatten is located closer than 200
feet from a residential area or public way and where the excavation
will have a depth of more than fifteen (15) feet with a slope in
excess of 1:1, a safety fence aeceptahie to the Building Inspector
shall be erected to limit aecesa to this area.
(g) The active earth materials removal operation area shall not exceed
a total area of five ($) acres at any one time.
(h) All trucking routes and methods will be subject to approval of the
Chief of Police and the Highway Surveyor.
(i) All access roads leading to public ways shall be treated with oil,
stone or other suitable material to reduce dust and mud for a
distance of 200 feet hack from said public way. Where such..
aceessways are located on watersheds of municipal reservoirs, then~'~
treatment of access roads with oil, or any amterlal which in the'
opinion of the Board of Health may cause a health hazard, will not
be allowed
Permits ..~ remove ~nd, gravel, minerals or other earth mate~ia .......... ~- ....................
ARTICLE 27. To see ~f the Town wall vote to strike Section 8 of t. he ·
from a sate granted by the Zoning Board of Appeals shall run for a 1~ l~urth Andover Building Code and insert in place thereof the following
period not to exceed two (2) years from the date the permit is ' new Section 8 to comply with Section 127 of the C~ommonwealth of ~ ~*~ ~F ,o'~R~ to be exnended under the direction of the Selectmen as
granted. The operator must apply not less than sixty (60) days - . .
prior to Ihe termination date of an existing permit for a new Massachusetts Board of Standards BmldAng C~de.
permit, submitting similar, updated information with his renewal -- .$120.096
request as was required for his original permit. If no renewal (8) Building Board of Appeels General l~laintenance, Budget of ri. Surveyor .....
request is received by the Zoning Board of Appeals sixty (60) days The owner of a building or structure or any other person may appeal Article 31 .................. 4,600
prior to the termination date of an existing permit of if the from a decision of the building officlalrefusing to grant a modification Article 60 ................. 50,000
renewal request is not granted, the operator must cease removal of the provisions of this By-Law covering the manner of construction Article 61 .................. 1,800
operations by the termination date of his existing permit and ~ or materials.to be used in the erection, alteration or repair of a Article 65 ................. .10'00~6,000
proceed to restore the area of operation in accordance with the building or structure to the board of appeals. Application for appeal Article 67 .................
standards sst forth in his permit. Renewal permits shall run for a may be made when it is caiimed that: the true intent of this By-law Petition of the Selectmen.
period not to exceed two (2) y ears. has been incorrectly interpreted, the provisions of this By-Law does
not J'ully apply, or an equally good or better form of construction can ARTICLE 33. To see if the Town will vote to accept the sum of
(6) Performance Guarantee. be used. I $115,618 under the Local Transportation Aid Program (Provided under
Before an applicant may remove any earth materials from a site under Ch. 1140 of the Acts of 1973), to be expended under the direction of the
a permit granted by the Zoning Board of Appeals, there must be in The Building Board of appeals shall consist of five (5) members { Selectmen.
appointed by the chief appointing authority of the municipality, one
effect a proper bond, deposit of money or negotiable securities with ~
the Town Treasurer of One to Three Thousand Dollars, as determined ' member to be appointed for f~ree (5) years, on for four (4) years, one Petition of the Selectmen.
by the Zoning Board of Appeals, per acre to be excavated. Th e for three (3) years, one for two (2) years, and one to ~erve one (1)
performance bond, money or ~ecuritles shall remain in effect until the year; and thereafter each new member to serve for five (5) years or ARTICLE 34. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate
Zoning Board of Appeals has determined that all conditions of the until his successor has been appointed, the sum of $4,000 to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen
permit have been complied with and has voted to release said bond, for the purpose of continuing railroad passenger ~ervlce to and from
money or securities. Each member shall be a licensed professional engineer or architect, or a
builder or superintendent of building construction, or a licensed real Boston by the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Service.
(7) Exceptions. estate broker or representative of owners, with at least ten (10)years
This regulations shall be deemed not to prohibit the removal of such experience, for five (5) years of which he shall have been in r~sponsible Petition of the Selectmen.
sod, loam, soil, clay, sand, gravel or stone as may be required to be charge of work; and at no time shall there be mom than two (2)
excavated for the purposes of constructing foundations for buildings members of the board selected from fha same profession or business; ARTICLE 35. To see if the Town will vote to amend ils General
and at least one of the professional engineers shall be a licensed By-Laws by adding the following new Article thereto: Article XII.D No
or other allowable structures for which building permita have been structural or civil engineer of architectural engineering experience, person shall drink any alcoholic beverages as defined in Chapter 138,
issued provided that not more than 300 cubic yards of earth material
per lot, tract or parcel of land in the same ownership is removed for Section 1, of the Massachusetts General Laws while on, in or upon any
such purposes, or for the purpose of constructing ways in accordance Petition of the Building Inspector. public way or upon any way to which the public has a right of access, or
with lines and grades approved by the Planning Board or the Zoning any place to which members of the public have access as invitees or
Board of Appeals or for the purpose of constructing utilities or other ARTICLE 28. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate licensees, park or playground, or private land or place without consent of
engineering works for public ssrvlce. Nor shall this regulation be the sum of $14,000 for the purchase of four new 1974 12-volt system the owner or person in control thereof.
deemed to prohibit the transferral of sod, loam, clay, sand, gravel or c~rs, three cars to he turned in in trade. All alcoholic beverages being used in violation of this By -Law shall he
stone from one part of a lot, tract or parcel of land to another part of seized and safely held until final adjudicetion of the charge against the
the same lot, tract or parcel of land in the same ownership, provided Petition of the Chief of Police. person or persons arrested or summoned before the court, at which time
the earth moving operation and the affected areas comply with they shall be returned to the person entitled tolawfulposse~ion, provided
Operation Standards (4) (b,e,d,e,f,g,h,k,l,m) and Restoration ARTICLE 29. To see if the Town will vote to provide the sum of such portion of the above defined beverages used for analysis shall be
Standards (5) (b,c,d,e,f), and further provided that no Building Permit $473,950 to be expended under the direction of the Board of Selectmen disposed of according to law.
shall be issued until the Building In spector has viewed the site and for the purposs of constructing and equipping a new Town Garage Facility
determined that the requirements of the aforementioned ssctions have of town-owned land at Osgood and Wayne Streets, to authorize the Petition of the Selectmen.
been reel Selectmen to enter into all such contracts and arrangements as they may
see fit in connection with such construction. ARTICLE 36. To see if the Town will vote to amend its General
By-Laws by adding thereto the following new Article: Article XII-E. There
Petition of the Planning Board. Petition of the Selectmen. shall be no trespassing on any property normally used for school purposes
while school is in session, nor from one hour after sunset to one hour
ARTICLE 25. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Town
Treasurer to pay to (].A.R. CORPORATION the sum of $942.80 as a ARTICLE 30, To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate before sunrise, except, at the l~fiddle School the closing evening hour shall
refund of a portion of the permit fee on Building Permit No. 1734, for the sum of $3,000 to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen be 10 p.m. in the area bounded by Chickerlng Road, MalnStreet, and the
buildings not built, for the purpose of purchasing ice time for use by residents of the town. driveway and parking lot on the southside of the school. Parking of
, , vehicles shall be only in this parking lot and driveway. There shall be no
Petition of John J. CYawley and others. Petition of the Selectmen. trespassing at any time on any of the town triangles. There shall be no
-~ trespassing in parks and playgrounds from one hour after sunset to one
hour before sunrise on any day. 1~o use shall be made of town forest and
ARTICLE 26. To see if the Town will vote to establish Morris Street ARTICLE 31. To see if the Town w vote to raise and appropriate ~-. town farm grounds from sunset to sunrise except with the special
as a town way, by accepting the Selectmen's laying-out of the same as..~, the sum of $4,800 to be expended under the direction of the .~'
permission of the Selectmen.
heretofore filed with the Town Clerk. ' ~ . Selectmen four the purpose of constructing a sidewalk on Route 125.
Petition of Edward Pappalardo and others, i ! ' Petition of the Selectmen~
.......... ~ ~ Petition of the Selectmen.
I .-I
~mpany, or l~ nommec, ~or no co~d~,.~,-? over the p~rcai ~nu ~'.~ ~ A~TIC~g 44 To see ff the Town ~fll vote to amend Sectmn 17 (~) ~ ~ . · ~A. -~-~n. ~som Schedule B all refcrenc~ to the pomhon and
~en by the Town on September ]4, 1973 [~r the put.se oI~ p~es?mn ~ of the ~er~nnal ~y-~w bv a~din~ thereto the following sentence: An ~ .y-~w "A ..........o~ the For~t F~re w~uen and the K~-erp of the ~-Up.
oveso~ over ~ickering highway, so that ~,d company or ,~ no~n,, ~ :] , .... ~,n ho ,~,t,d'un to :hree da~s replacement vacat on days ::{ compeer,on
ma continue to run its power lln~ over or through ~id parcel, the ~ .~mp.o~ ......... °'~-'~e-f~amilv durin~vaca-tion days which would :]
Y ..... ~ ' 'ned beca~ of a death m - - - : 4 Petition ox the re~nne~
Io~tion of ~d e~ment zooe m~er ae~e~l . ~ otherw~ ~ve ~en working days. '
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 38. To see if the Town will vote to accept the provisions
of Section 100A of Chapter 41 of the General Laws, which provides that a
town may, under certain circumstances and subject to an appropriation
therefor, indemnify a town officer or employee for expenses or damages
incurred by him in the defense or settlement of a claim against him for
bodily injuries (including death) or for damage to property, arising out of
the operation of a town.owned motor vehicle, machinery or equipment.
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 39. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section XI-A of
its General By-Laws by adding, at the end thereof, the following new
sentence: If a complaint is sought under said Section 173A, if it is the first
offense subject to that Section within a calendar year the payment to the
clerk of the court of a fine of five dollars shall operate as a final
disposition of the case. If it is the second offense so committed in the
calendar year, the payment of a fine of ten dollars shall operate as a final
disposition of the case; if it is the third offense so committed in a calendar
year the payment of a fine of fifteen dollars shall so operate; and if it is
the fourth or subsequent offense ~o committed in the calendar year the
payment of a fine of twenty-five dollars shall so operate.
Petition of the Dog Officer.
ARTICLE 40. To see if the Town will vote to petition the General
Court to enact special legislation providing that all members of the North
Andover Fire Department who are presently classified as civil service
employees under Chapter 31 of the General Laws shall remain so
classified, but that the provisions of sald Chapter 31 shall not apply to any
other members of said Department presently employed by the Town or
hereafter properly appointed to serve as employees of said Department.
Petition of the Board of Fire Engineers.
ARTICLE 41. To see if theTown will vote to appropriate for the me
of the Stevens Memorial Library the sum of $6,106,50 which the Town
has received from the State under the provisions of Chapter 78, Section
19A, of the General Laws.
Petition of the Trustees of Stevens Memorial Library.
ARTICLE 42. To see if the Town will vote that any of the following
amendments to the Personnel By-Law proposed by the Personnel Board
which may be adopted by the Town at this Meeting shall not become
effective until July 1, 1974.
Pet tion of the Personnel Board.
ARTICLE 43. To see if the Town wd vote to raise and approprlat
the sum of $220 for the purpnse of amending its Personnel By-Law,
Section 7, Schedule E by adding the position of Assistant Building
Inspector and/or Chimney Inspector at a rate of $850 per year.
Petition of the Personnel Board.
Peitlon of the Personnel Board.
ARTICLE 45. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate
the sum of $1,312 for the purpose of amending its Personnel By-Law,
Section 7, Schedule R, Wiring In spector by striking out $1,838 and
inserting in its place $3,150.
Petition of the Personnel Board.
ARTICLE 46. To See if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate
the sum of $265 for the purpose of amending its Personnel By-Law,
Section 7, Schedule E, Gas Inspector, by striking out $735 and inserting in
its place $1,000.
Petition of the Personnel Board.
ARTICLE 47. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate
the sum of $400 for the purpose of amending its Personnel By-Law,
Section 7, Schedule A by striking from the sentence indicated by triple
asterisks (***) the sum of $500 and inserting in its place the sum of
Petition of the Personnel Board.
ARTICLE 48. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate
the sum of $622 for the purpose of amending its Personnel By-Law,
Section 7, Schedule A, Department Head and Supervisory Group, by
striking compensation grade S-16 from class title Staff Engineer, and
inserting in its place compensation grade S-17.
Petition of the Personnel Board.
ARTICLE 49. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate
the sum of $ ~or the purpose of amending its Personnel By-Law by
applying a 9.5% incrause to all rates in Schedules B, C, D and Sections 8
and 9; and in addition apply the same percentage increases and effective
dates to class titles Reserve Patrolman, Veterans' Agent, SchoOl Crossing
Guard and Veterans' Benefit Clerk, specifically, within Schedule Iii.
Petition of the Personnel Board.
ARTICLE 50. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 10(A)
of its Personnel By-Law to read as follows: (A) Upon the initial adoption
of this by-law, it wes provided that "salary and wage rates for affected
employees shall be adjusted retroactive to the preceding January first if
ARTICLE 52. To see if the Town will vote to give the Dog Officer,
who is not under the Personnel By -Law, the same Cost of Living increase
as recommended by the Personnel Board.
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE i~3. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate
the sum of $500.00 to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen
for the purpose of increasing the salary of the Sealer of Weights &
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 54. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate
the sum of $10,000, to be expended under the direction of the School
Committee for the purpose of providing payment for twelve months of
services rendared, or to be rendered, by the Greater Lawrence Mental
Health Center, for or in behalf of some of the children of the Town, all as
the Committee may determine.
Petition of the School Committee.
ARTICLE 55. To sec if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate
the s~m of $90,000 to be expended under the direction of the School
Building Committee for the purpose of completing the construction,
including equipping and fencing, of the new North Andover H/gh School's
Physical Education Outdoor Tennis Facilities.
Petition of the School Committee and the School Building
ARTICLE 56. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate
the sum of $8,000 to be expended under the direction ~f the School
Committee for the purpose of. sp.or~_ori.ng a
the Greater l~wrence Community Drug Councd, Inc.:
1. an educational program for parents, teachers, and children under
/he direction of qualified educators and in cooperation with the
Health Coordinator of the North Andovcr School System;
2. a counselling center which will offer individual and group
counselling programs;
3. a medical walk-in clinic which will be based at the Boa Secours
4. a residential therapeutic community (Challenge House) which
will provide fifty beds for in-patient treatment;
a 24.hour, 7-day week, hot line to be manned by qualified
adopted at the Annual Town Meeting". Because of the later change in/he 5.
munlcii~al fiscal year, it is hereby provided that such salary and wage rates personnel in the area of crisis intervention.
'f ado ted or chanaed at the Annual Town Meeting, on .
shall take effect, ~ P _ . . ~ .... .~ -. - e-~-:~ .o~ ?- : Petition of the School Committee.
the following July first, ann ii anopteu or cnanll.eu ~ ?.o..p~...~. --._-_;~ ;/ .......... -: ~;£YhL'~-nwn will aec'eot the provisions of
Meeting shall take effect on the first of the rennin next fOllOwing such ;£ ~ ARTIU~,I5 0't. 'to see i
Mcetl ' ?- { Chapter 41 Section 11G of the General Laws, which provides for the
ag' '; ! ---~ent of the reasonable funeral and burial expenses, not exceeding
............ ~ ' : s~ nno O0 in any one instance, of firefighters and police officers, who are
~ - ...... ~ ~ 'killed or die as the result of injuries snstamed during the performance of
their duties.
: Petition of Richard E. Shafer and other_.~._~ --
ARTICLE 58. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate
the sum of $93,000 to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen
for the purpose of paying, in addition to its payment of 60% for premiums
for contributory group life and health insurance for Town employees, and
thelr dependents, an additional rate of 49%·
Petition of the North AJ~dover Police Relief Association.
ARTICLE 69~ To see if the Town will vote to amend Article Iii of its
General By-laws by adding the following new section: Secfion 11. No
driveway or other means of access to privately owned property from any
public way or any way shown on an approved subdiv/sion plan shall be
constructed unless a permit for its entry into said way shall first have been
issued by the Highway Surveyor.
Petition of the Highway' Surveyor.
c~.ARTICLE 60. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate
the sum of ~,t4)~o be expended under the direction of the Highway
Surveyor for the purpose of resurfacing, oiling, repairing and maintenance
of any street m town·
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
aI~,ART1CLE 61. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate
thetsum of ~ ~09-to be expended under the direction o.f the Highway
Surveyor fo~e purpose of replacing ex. isling ,catch basin frames and
grates which are smaller than standard size. (~J
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE 62. To see if the Town will vote to raise ahd appropriate
the sum of $2,500 to be expended under the direction of the Highway
Surveyor for the purpose of replacing and repairing old stones and other
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE 63. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate
the sum of $800 to he expended under the direction of the Highway
Surveyor for the purpose of making and placing street signs.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
.ARTICLE 64. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate
the sum of $3,000 to be expended under the direction of the Highway
Surveyor for the purpose of erecting and replacing guard rails throughout
the Town.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
~,ARTICLE 65. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate
the sum of-~20;000-to be expended under the direction of the Highway
Surveyor for the purpose of installing drainage in areas throughout the
town where he may deem it to be necessary.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
RTICLE 66 To s~e if the Town ~vi I vote to raise and appropriate- [~'~ _._ .... ~L --~ ..... ~ ........ -
A ~ · · ' ' Wa ? ' To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate
"of 85 500 to be ex ended under the dlreetwn of the H~gh y . ARTICLE 73 ........ o -.~ r
~ .s~.~. r.~ *~ ...... se o}Pnurchasin~ the fol owing equipment: One ~ the sum of $75,000 to be expended under the ?recz. ion. o~ ~.ne
Refuse Dis nsal Truck ($26,000), no trade;One Road Roller & Trailer ~/ Public Works for the purpose rep ,, g .....
($5,500), ~P~49 Tarfa Holier to be traded; One Sidewalk Plow ($9,000), ~ Boston and Grey Streets with a new 8 cement-bnea cas~ ~ron mom.
no trade; One Street Sweeper ($21,000), 1965 Wayne Street Sweeper to '-~ -
be traded; Two Leaf Vacuums ($5,000 each), no trade; One DUmp Truck Petition of the Board of Public Works. '
($14,000), 1966 Ford DumpTruek to be traded.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
al~ ARTICLE 67. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate
the sum of ~,,;,G3 to be expended under the direction of the Highway
Surveyor for the purpose of installing new sidewalks and repairs to existing
ones. ~-~ f"~
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE 68. To see if the Town wlll vote to raise and appropr!ale
the sum of $14,580 to be expended under the direction of the Highway
Surveyor for the purpose of meeting the Town's share of the cost of
Chapter 90 Highway construction, and in addition, to raise and
appropriate $58,916 to meat the State and County shares of such costs,
the reimbursement from State and County to be restored, upon their
receipt, to unappropriated avaltsble funds in the Town treasury.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE 69. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate
the sum of $3,080 to be expended under the direction of the Highway
Surveyor to be used in conjunction with Art. #63 of the Warrant for the
1973 Annual Town Meeting for Chapter 90 Highway constr~ction for the
purpose of meeting the Town's share of the cost, and in addition to raise
and appropriate $20,739 to meet the State share of such costs, the
reimbursement from State to be restored, upon their receipt, to
unappropriated available funds in the Town treasury.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE 70. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate
the sum of $I00,000 to be expended under the direction of the Highway
Surveyor for the purpose of completing phase 2 and 3 of the Feasibility
Study, plans and acquiring by purchase, eminent domain or otherwise,
parcels of land for a Sanitary Landfill Site.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE 71. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate
the sum of $17,000 to be expended under the direction of the Board of
Public Works for the purpose of purchasing and originally equipping two
Iow-center-of-gravity tractors with mowers, one ~A-ton pick-up truck, and
one 1974 12-volt automobile. ~. ~ ARTICLE 79. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate
· - ' ks ---" ! 000 to be ex ended under the direction of the Board of
Petdmn of the Board of Pubhc Wor ..... ---~---~, ~ the sum of $60, P ........ ' ~--~ks
--' ~R~~-~0o ir +ho Town will vote to raise and appropriate l{ ~ Public Works for the purpose of extending toe sewer lrom rnmipa
the sum of $10,0~0'~'o-1~; ~'x~'~d under the d rect on of the Board of ~ ] Road to Andover Street, a distance of 2,000 feel
se of installin drainage at the Chadwick Street }~ ~
Public Works for the purpo g ........... ~ t I Petition of GaytonOsgood and others.
-Playground in order to alleviate the wet conmuon on ~ne oam~em. ~ i -
Petition of the Board of Public Works.
ARTICLE 74. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate
the sum of $150,000 to be expended under the direction of the Board of
Public Works for the purpose of lining and covering the two l~,t million
gallon reservoirs on Sutton ' Hill to conform to state law.
Petition of the Board of Public Works.
ARTICLE 75. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate
the sum of $70,000 to be expended under the direction of the Board of
Public Works for th~ purpose of extending the sewer on Turnpike Street
and Hillside Road, a distance of 3,900 feet Ia Chestnut Street.
Petition of the Board of Public Works.
ARTICLE 76. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate
the sum of $1,000,000 to be expended under the direction of the Board of
Public Works for the purpose of extending the sewerage system on Great
Pond Road, Brentwood Circle, Coachmans Lane, South Bradford Street,
Meadowview Road, Highwood Way, Woodcrest Drive, and Ferncroft
Petition of the Board of Public Works.
ARTICLE 77. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate
the sum of $484,000 to be expended under the direction of the Board of
Public Works for the purpose of constructing the Osgood Street sewage
pumping station, a force main to the Sutton Street sewer, an extension of
the sewage system to a point 2,600 feet northerly on Osgood Street, from
Great Pond Road and 2,700 feet on Great Pond Road from Osgood Street
in accordance with the report on sewerage facilities for the Osgood Street,
Great Pond Road area by Camp Dresser & McKee, consulting engineers.
Petition of the Board of Public Works.
ARTICLE '78. To see if the Town will, by a two-thirds vote, under
the provisions of Section 15 of Chapter 40 of the General Laws, authorize
the Selectmen to abandon, for no consideration to be paid to the Town,
all rights acquired by the Town by virtue of that easement for sewerage
purposes granted to the Town by Vincent J. McAIoon, Trostee of J&V
Realty Trust, by an instrument dated June 29, 1972, and recorded in the
Registry of Deeds for the Northern Registry District of Essex County in
Book 1196, page 210.
Petition of the Board of Public Works.
Conservation Commission for the purpose of acquiring by purchase,.
eminent domain or otherwL~e, for cqr~/ervatlon purposes, the following'
described parcel of land:
Beginning on the northerly aide of Boxford Street at the North
Andover-Boxford Town Line, thence running northerly along the North
Andover-Boxford boundary to land of William J. Ar~nault, thence
running westerly along r~dd Arsenauit land to a corner, thence running
southerly along said Arsenault land to land of George H. Giragoaian,
thence runuihg southerly along the course of Fish Brook along land of
George Giragosian and thence along land of Arthur Szelast to Boxford
Street, thence running easterly along Boxford Street to the North
Andover-Boxford Town Line. Containing 38 acres more or less. Said parcel
now or formerly owned by Stream and Forest Club of the Boston
Petition of the Conservation Commission.
ARTICLE 81. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate
the sum of $ to be expended under the direction of the
Conservation Commi.~ion for the purpose of acquiring by purchase,
eminent doma/n or otherwise, for conservation purposes, the following
described parcel of land:
Beginning on the easterly side of Salem Street at the corner of land of
Walter and Mary Trzcinski, thence running northeasterly along said
Trzcinskl land to a point, thence running northwesterly along said
Trzcinskl land, and lands of John T. and Jeanne Lynch, and land of
Frances P. Kelley, to land of Charles and Martha Salisbury, thence running
northeasterly along said Salisbury land to a point, thence running
northwesterly along said Salisbury land to land of David and Anne
Edwards, thence running northwesterly along said Edwards land to a
point, thence running southwesterly along said Edwards land to Salem
Street, thence running northerly along Salem Street to land of
Mitchell-John.son, thence running easterly along said Mitchell-Johnson land
to land of Walter and Muriel D'Antllin, thence running southeasterly along
said D'Antilio land to land of Mykolas and Janina Gavalis, thence running
easterly along said Gavells land to the land of John T. Dolan, thence
running southwesterly along said Dolan land to land of Ralph and Joan
Hooper, thence running northweslerty along said Hooper land and land of
Albert and Genevieve Koenlg to the corner of said Keonig land, thence
running southwesterly along said Koenig land to Salem Street, thence
running northwesterly along Salem Street to the corner of the land of
Walter and Mary TrzcinskL Contelnlng 15.91 acres more or less. Said
parcel now or formerly owned by George and Wanda Fart.
Petition of the Conservation Commission.
ARTICLE 82. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate
the sum of $ to be expended under the direction of the
Conservation Commission for the purpose of acquiring by purchase,
eminent domain or otherwise, for conservation purposes, the following
de~crlbed parcel of land:
Beginning on the westerly side of Forest Street at the corner of the
D'Antilio land, thence running westerly along said D'Antilio to land of
George and Wands Fart, thence running sou_th, easterly.along_said Fart land
to land of John T. Doisn, thence runuink~th~it~riy along said Duian
land to a point, thence running easterly along said Dohn lind to Forest
Street, thence running northwesterly along Forest Street to corner of
D'Antillo land. Containing 7.9 acres more or less. Said parcel.now Or
formerly owned by Mykolas and Janina ~vali~ '
/, .~_ _~ ARTICLE 86. To sue if the Town will vote ,o r~se and appropriate
ARTICLE 83. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate v ~ the sum of $75,000 to be placed in the Conservation Fund to be allowed
sum of $ to be expended under the direction, of the ~.' to accumulate from year to year and to be expended by the Conservation
~Conservatlon Commhsion for the purpnse of acquiring by purchase, [*i CommL~inn for the promotion, development and better ufil/zatlon of the
continent domain or otherwise~ for co~e~ation purposes, the following ~-: natural 'resources of the Town~ for the protection of watershed resources
described parcel of land:
Beginning the w~terly aide of Forest Street at the corner of the
Redman land, thence running northerly on a circular course by a atone
wall to land of Loring B. Foster, thence running westerly along said Loring
B. Foster land by a atone wall, about 725 feet to land of Mitchell. Johnson,
thence southwesteri/,' by said Mitchell-Johnson land end a atone wall about
75 feet to land of Ernest J. Bencher, thence southerly by land of said
Ernest J. Beneker 450 feet along the course of the stone wall to an iron
stake, thence easterly along 935 feet across woodland to a stone wall at
the edge of the westerly side of Forest Street, thence northerly along
Forest Street and the said atone wail 100 feet to the point of beginning.
Containing 7.9 acres more or less. Said parcel now or formerly owned by
Walter and Murie] D'Antiilo.
Petition of the Conservation Commhaiur~
ARTICLE 84. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate
the sum of $ to be expended under the direction of the
Conservation Commission for the purpose of acquiring by purchase,
eminent domain or otherwise, for conservation purposes, the following
described parcel of land:
Beginning at a point on the northerly aide of Great Pond Road at a
corner of lahd of Stermard Realty Trust, thence running northerly along
said Starmard land to a coroer, thence running westerly along said
Stermard land to land of George Barker, Jr., thence running northeasterly
along said Barker land to a corner, thence running easterly along land of
Nellie Mazurenko to land of Walter Mazurenko, thence running
southeasterly along said Walter Mazuranko land to Great. Pond Road,
thence running suuthwestedy along Great Pond Road to land of Star~a~l
Realty TrusL Containing 23.82 acres more or leas. Parcel now or formerly
owned by Nellie Mazurenko.
Petition o~ the Conservation Commission.
ARTICLE 85. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate
the sum of $ to be expended under the direction of the
Conservation Commisr, inn for the purpose of acquiring by purchase,
eminent domain or otherwise, for conservation purposes, the following
described parcel of land:
Beginning at a point on the northerly side of Great Pond Road at the
corner of land owned by Nellie Mazurenko, thence running westerly along
Great Pond Road to land of lbrehim El-Hefni, thence running
northwesterly along said El-Hefni land to a corner, thence
northerly along said El-Hefni land to a corner, thence framing westerly
along land of Stella Sobel - J. Albert Bradley, Trustee to land of Stermard
Realty Trust, thence running northwesterly along said Sterm~rd land to
land of George Barker, Jr., thence running easterly along lind of Nellie
Mazurenko to a corner, thence running southerly along ~id Mazurenko
lind to Great Pond Road. Containing 13.43 acres more or le~. Said parcel
now or formerly owned by Starmard Realty Trust.
Fetition of the Conservation Commission.
of the Town, for acquiring options for the purpose of real estate and for
any other purpose authorized by Section 8-C of Chapter 40 of the General
Laws as amended, including the purchase of land.
Petition of the Conservation Commission.
ARTICLE 87 To see if the Town will vote to appropriate $423,950
from Revenue Sharing Funds (Fiscal Aaaistsnce to State and Local
Government) as follows:
1. Article 29
2. Fire Department Sala~ies
3. Police Department Salaries
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 88 To see if the Town will vote to raise ~nd appropriate or
transfer from the Overlay Reserve the sum of $100,000 to the Reserve
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 89 To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate
the sum as this meeting may determine, to the Stabilization Fund, az
provided by Section 58 of Chapter 40 of the General Laws.
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 90 To see if the Town will vote to take the su~ of
$I00,000 from available funds to reduce the tax rate.
Petltinn of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 91. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning Map
by changing from Industrial "S' to Buainess-free District the following
des~xibed., parcel of land: a portion of Osgood Street from Bradford Street
to the property line of Alco Electronics Products, Inc., 1551 Osgood
Street beginning at the 20-foot Town of North Andover Water Easement,
southerly bound by the Cyr Oil Co., Inc. pi-operty at 1581 Osgood Street
and running along Osgood Street, North Andover in a northerly direction
or approximately 2,600 feet to and including the corner property of J.
Coppula and A. Allmo on Bredford Street or that portion of Coppula and
Alimo~:paoperty presented zoned Industrial "S". The parcel is
epprox .hnately 28 acres of land and includes add/fional owners C. Adams,
G. B~rker, O. Farkas, C.W~ of A., H. PbuBn, P. Roche, O. Mosehetto, and
J. l~oche, to a depth of 500 feet from Osgood Street.
Petition ~f Grace Mosehetto and others.
And you are directed to serve this Warrant by posting
tree and attested copies Thereof, at the Town Office Building and at i-r~e
~ more public pteces in each voting precinct of the Town. Said copies to
b~ posted not more than seven days before the time of said meeting.
; Hereof,, fail not, 'and make due return of this Warrant with your
doings thereon to ~he Town Clerk at the time and place of seid mcetin&
Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, the 4th day
of March in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and
seventy, four,
~ ' ~ ~ ' ' Selectmeo ol'North Andousr, Mas~
A true copy:
North Andover, Mas~
April 18, 1974
JOHN J. LYONS 'Town Cler;~
of'the Board of Selectmen
the Assessors - each per ann~.
Chs.trman of the Board of the Bo~rd of Assessors, provided that
all of his wc~king hours to the performance of his duties as
- each per armUmo
Works - each per annum.
- For regular Town1 Heeting.
For each Special Town Meeting
~ VOTED to strike the article .tYom the Warrant.
VOTED the following for Items of the BUDGET.
' 'Z~p'e~.~-g(!nclu a ~ .~. contingent.
T~ C~ector
To~ C~rk
Elect$o~ ~ Registr~s
A~so~ Oo~ttee
Capi~ B~et Oo~ttee ~ses
~o~d of Appe~ (Zo~g)
. ..
11, 000
1, 000
· · 720
~oo -
· 300
1,O00 182
28,66~ '
~oo _.
I have notified and warned the inhabitanss of the Town of North Andover ~ho are
to vote in Town Affairs by posting true and attested copies of this Warrant at the Town
Office Bn~ and at five or more public places in each voting pre.cinct of the Town.
Said copies having been posted not less than seven days before the tmma of said meeting.
1 74.'0'
opened at 1:30 P.M., Saturday April 27, 1974 with Moderator Donald F. Smith,
presiding. Previous to opening of meeting Town Clerk John Lyons made necessar~ announce-
~ments, e~T, sssed his thanks 'to John Robinson' ~ector of High School Audio;gideo and his staff~
~et;UP' the' '¢~fet~rik:'fsr 'th~ OVerfl%n~[bf ¥¥te~-~[ ~e¢~e~ £0r'm~e$~E ~ ~tS'
custsdians for assisting J-'502 'r~ister'ed'9ote~s-~er~ '~he~' ke~ at' meeting ind'~he'
cAfet~ria'and' au~Lio-videb"were not necessary.' 'Nesting-opened'with pra~er by Rev. 1.Mi 'Dbnald
K. Coburn~ Paster of First United Methodist Church, North ~ndover. Moderator Smith proceeded.
2. VOTED that the Town refer to the Selectmen the appointment of all Town Officers
uired by law or by-law to be otherwise, chosen.
~ARTICLE 3. VOTED to accept the report of the Selectmen.
4. VOTED to fix the annual salaries of the elected officers of the Town, effective
1974, as reco~nended by the Advisory Board, with the following exception: the Highway · ..
s,l,~y was set at $15,300. The following effective July 1, '74 - July 30,.
~t~?an~I2i~en_-t"E?c~mmi~sica-.ench.~per annum. $2,000.00
15- Town Butld~-ng. Salaries & Wages.
17. Ponce Dept. Sa~ aries & Wages
1~. School Cross~g G~.
1~. F~e Dept.' S~les &Wages
1~. Forest ~s & Forest Fire W~
I9. Dog Officer
22~ W~e ~n~pector
[~'. 23. G~ :~s~ctor
22. S~er' of Wei~ts & Me~es
.' 2~ Bo~ of He~th
277'%~I~pector - S~
- 28~ G~bage Dispos~ 0ontract
~' 3.0'./~'S~ Nn~nt*nsnce E Oo~tr~tion. S~ & Wages
3I. Wa~sr:~t~ce ~ 0o~t~cn. S~
32. p~ & S~ool Gro~ds.' S~ & Wages
33.~ TreeDept. S~ & Wages'
· 32. Dut~ E~ Etsease, ~bor ~ ~ages
,.: ~sect'Pest Control S~ ~'Eages
~36." 'Street ~t~ - ~ses
'39.~a'.R~e D~pos~. S~ & Wages
Cash Grits
'*~. 'Graves Re~stration S~
S~es &'Wages to be' appropria~d.
Out ofS~te ~avel 2,155
" Teach,rs 1975 S~r P~
~ SCHOOL DE. $3,871,073.50
~. Re~o~ Vocatio~ School ~ocati~ to
~. St~ M~o~ ~br~. (S~ & Wages.
~ 45..p~o~-Bat~g Bea~. S~ & Wages.'
47~ Group ~s~ce
49. R~ of V~t~-n- Headq~s
50.' Pstrtotic & Civic Celebrations.
~2. Ins~e gener~
~3. ~d~ Cc~ssi~ ~enses
5~. Spec~ ~g~ S~ces
55. Out of State Travel-not ~cl~g schoo~
A~RIL 27; 1974
3,76, ~88Z',
. 6,700
i, oo
.... 1~,~oo
40,183 ·
20, 000
9o, 0oo
· 82O
· 200
1~ 000
90;oo0 !
28~ 000~
· 820
1.66 .,
56. Conservation Commission. Sal & Wages. 500 -"
Expenses 1,435
57. Christmas Lighting
58. Council for the Aging 5,000
59. Ne. Andover Historical Commission. 350
60. Fire Engine 7,000
61. Highway Equipment 5,000
62.' School Bonds 490,000
63.' Add. New High School 20,000~
64. ~:ater Main Notes & Bonds 72,000
65. Sewer Notes & Bonds 27,000
66. Fire Station 10, 000
67. Police Station 10,000
68. Garage 12,937.50
69. Fire Engine 683
70. Highway Equi?~ent 135
71. School Bonds 349,345
72. Add New High Sbhool 10,810
73. Bond Issue Expenses 2,500
74. Water M~ Notes & Bonds 16,415
75. Sewer Bonds & ~o$~s 6,572
76. Fire Station 6,405
77. Short term borrowing.
78. Police Station
Item 17.
" 18.
" 37.
Police Dept Sal. R.S.F. $200,000.
Fire Dept. ,, R.S.F. 223,950.
Highway Dept. L.T~.P. 120,096. 544~046.00
BUDGE~ TOTALS. $[[,408,010~50
ARTICLE 25. GAR Corp. Bldg Permit #1734 $942.80
" 28. Fou~ new police cars. i~DOO.O0
" 45. Wiring Inspecto~ 1,312.00
" 46 · GasInspector 65 · O0
" 47. Personnel Board Sec '7, Sched. A. 400.00
" 48. -' " " " " 622.00
" 49. " " '7.5% 120~50o.00
" 54. School Committee G.L.M.H.C. 10~000.00
" 56. " " ~ G.L.C.D.C. Inc. 8~'000~003
" 58. Health Insurance, Town Employees. 273500;00
" 60. Highway Surveyo~, any street in town. 15~O00100
" 62. " " culvert~ 2,000 ;00
" 63. " " Street signs 800.00
" 64. " " guard rails. 3~O00.O0
" 66. .. ,, new equipment. 71~500~00
" 68. " " Chapter 90. 58~918.00
" 69. " " " 90. 20~739~00
" 70. Selectmen. Sanitary Landfill. 1, O00.00
" 71. Public Works, mower 9~O00.00
" 72. " " drainage 5~O00.00
" 73. " " 6 inch water main. 75~000.00
" 75. " " Sewer. Turnpike St. 703000;00
" "79. " " Sewer Phillips Brooks.' 60~000~O0
" - 86. Conservation Fund 75,000.00
20, 000
10, 000
66,667' 66,667
~:~.~ 1~638 '1~638
$2,889,220.50 '$7,297;'231.00
Under ARTICLE 90, it was VOTED to take the sum of $75,000.O0 from available funds to reduce
the tax rate.
Under Article 33. it was VOTED to accept the Sum of $115.618.00 under the Loc-,~'Transpor-
ration Aid Program (provided under Chapter 1140 of the Acts of 1973) and that$14,580.OOin
Article 68 and $3,08.00 in Article 69 of the Town,s share of Chapter 90 work be transferred
from this Aid Account to be expandsdunder the direction of the Highway Surveyor and th~
balance to be held pending further action by some subsequent Town Meeting.
Under ARTICLE 87, it was VOTED to appropriate $423,950~00 from Revenue Sharing Funds as
follows: $200,000.00 for Police Dept Salaries and $223,950.00 for Fire Dept S~ries.
Under Article 88, it was VOTED to transfer from available funds the sum of $75,000.00 t6
the Reserve Fund.
$ 4 8o0.0o
50, ooo.oo
lO, OOO.
ARTICLE 31. Sidewalk on Route '125.
" 60. Any street in town.
" 61. ~rames and g~tes
" 65. !nstal~g drainage
" 67. Sidewalk repairs
ITEM 37. (Budget) Highway, Gert,1 Mnc't.
TOTALAMOUNT OF ART~C?.w.~ TO BE R & A. $650,298.80
ARTICLE 32 it was VOTED to accept the sum of $192,696 under the Local Transportation
Aid Progrem (Ch.ll40 of the Acts of 1973), to be expended under the direction of the
S~lectmen as follows:
ARTICLE 29. Bond Issue for Garage. $462,000.00
" 55 " " for Tennis Courts. 90,000.00
ARTICLE 7. VOTED unanimously to authorize the Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen,
to borrow in anticipation of the revenue for the twelve month period beginning July 1, 1974
in accordance with General Laws Chapter 44, Section 4,. and acts in amendment thereof, and
including in addition thereto, Chapter 489 of the ~cts of 1969, as amended, and to renew
ar~ note or notes as may be given for a period of less than one year in accordance with the
General Laws, Chapter 44, Section 17.
ARTIOLE 8. VOTED TO ADOPT the article.
ARTICLE 9. VOTED TO ADOPT the article.
ARTICLE 10. VOTED to strike the article from the warrant.
ARTICLE 11. VOTED to reject the article.
ARTICLE 12. VOTED to strike article from warrant.
ARTICLE 13.. VOTED by a vote of 286 to 4 to ADOPT the article.
ARTICLE 14. VOTED unanimously to ADOPT the article.
ARTICLE 15. VOTED unanimously to ADOPT the article.
ARTICLE 16. VOTED unanimousl~ to ADOPT the article.
ARTICLE 17. VOTED unanimously to ADOPT the article.
~RTICLE 18. VOTED unanimously to ADOPT the article.
ARTICLE 19. VOTED unanimously to ADOPT the article.
ARTICLE 20. VO'£~:. unanimously to amend S.6.8(1) of the Zoning By-Law by striking oat the
words "the effective date of this By-Law" and inserting in place' thereof January 9, 1957
and by adding to the last sentence the following c'encluding phrase: ,,and farther provids~,
that 'such lot shall have a minimum street frontage of 50' and a minimum lot area of 5000
square feet.
ARTIOLE 21.VOTED unanimously to amend S .6.8(2) of the Zon4ng By-Law by striking the words
"the effective date of this By-Law" and inserting in place thereof ,,January 9, 1957."
ARTICLE 227V0'£~:. n~,uimously to ADOPT the article.
"ARTIclE 23. VOTED to reject the article.
ARTICLE-24'. VOTED to strike the article from the warrant.
ARTICLE 2S. VOTED Sm adopt the article. Raise & appropriate the sum .of $942.80
ARTICLE 26. VOTED to strike the article from the warrant.
ARTICLE~ 27. VOTED to amend the North Andover Building~By-Law by striking out s.8 and insert-
ing in-place thereof the new s.8 proposed by the Article.
ARTICLE 28. VOTED to adopt the .article an~aise and appropriate the sum of $14, O00 with the
proviso that the appropriation be expended under the direction of the Selectmen..
ARTICLE 29. VOTED that $462,000 is appropriated for constructing, originally equipping and
furnishing a Town Garage Facility on Town owned land at Osgood and Wayne Streets, and the
Treasurer,. with the approval of the Selectmen, is authorized to borrow $462,000 under
44-of the General' Laws, and the Selectmen are hereby authorized to enter into s~ch contracts
as they.may 'see fit for the implementation of this vote.
ARTICLE 30~"VOTED to reject the article.
ARTICLE.'3¥. VO'~'~:- unanimously to raise and appropriate $4,800 ~o be expended under the the
direction of the Selectmen for the purpose of completing the sidewalk on the Westerly 'side
~'iof Chickering Road (Rto.125) between Massachusetts Avenue and Main Street. (See ART. 32.
· . ;L;T..A.P. Ch.ll40 of Acts of 1973.)
ARTICLE 32. VOTED to adopt the article.
ARTICLE 33. ~OTED TO ACCEPT the sum of $]_15,618 under the Local Tra6sportatien Aid Program
(provided under Chapte~ 11hO of the Acts of 1973) and that $14,580 in Article 68 a~d $3,080
· in, Article 69 or the Tenw's share of Chapter 90 work be transferred from this Aid account
(to be expended under the ~ection of the Highway Surveyor) and .the balance is to be held
pending further action by .some subsequent Town Neet .lng.
ARTICLE 34. VOTED to reject the article.
ARTICLE 35. VOTED to adopt the article.
ARTICLE 36¥ VOTED to adopt the article except for the concluding clause of the first
beginning with the word ,,except" and ending with the word ,,driveway."
ARTICLE 37. VOTED to ~dopt the article.
38. VOTED to reject the article.
39. VOTED to adopt the article.
40.. VOTED to strike the article from the warrant.
41. VOTED to adopt the article.
42. VOTED to adopt the article.
43. VOTED to reject the article.
44. VOTED to reject the article.
45. VOTED to adopt the article, raise and raise & appropriate $1,312.
ARTICLE 46. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $65 for the purpose of amending the
Dereonnell By-Law, Section 7, Schedule E, Gas Inspector, by striking out $735 and inserting
in its place $800.
ARTICLE 47. VOT~ to adopt the article and raise & appropriate the s~ of $400.
ARTICLE 48. VOTED to adopt the article and raise & appropriate the sum of $622.
ARTICLE 49. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $120,500 for the purpose of amending.
the Personnel By-Law by adopting a 7.5% increase for the purpose of the Article·
ARTICLE 50. VOTED to amend s.6(A) of the Personnel Dy-Law by adding at the end thereof the
following sentence: "that an~ amendment to this By-Law providing for a change in salary and
wage rates shall take effect, if adopted at the Aun,,~!' Town Meeting, on .the following July 1,
and if adopted at a Special Town Meeting shall take effect on the first day of.the month next
following such meeting.
ARTICLE 51. VOTED to adopt the article·
ARTICLE 52. VOTED to strike the article from the warrant.
ARTICLE 53. VOTED to reject the article. .
ARTICLE 54. VOTED to adopt the article and raise and appropriate the sum of $10,000.
ARTICLE 55. VOTED by a vote of 198 to 48, that $90,000 be appropriated for the purpose of
completing the construction, including equipping and financing, of the New Nortk Andover High
Schools Physical Education Outdoor Tennis Facilities, to be expended under the d/rection of
the School Building Committee, and to raise Zhis appropriation the Treasurer, wi'th the
approval of the Selectmen, is authorized' to borrow $90,000 under Chapter 645, Acts of 1948.
ARTICLE 56. VOTED to adopt the article, 'raise and appropriate the sum of $8,000 provided that
the other Greater Lawrence Community~ members contribute no 'less than fifty cents' per capita
AR~CLE 57. VOTED to strike the article from the warrant.
ARTICLE '58. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $27,500 to be expended u~d~' the ~trection
of the Selectmen for the purpose of paying, in addition to its payment of 50% for-. premiums for
contributory group life and health insurance for Town employees, and their dependents,, an
additic~l rate of 155.~.. .....
.59. ~OTED to amend ~.ticle ILIof the General By-Laws by adding the following~ new~ '
section. S~TION 11: No driveway or other means of access to privately owned p'r~pe~y lfr~m
any public wa~ or any way m~utained by the Town or shown on an approved sub-diviSioh' plan
shall be ~onstructed unless a permit for its entry into said way shall first be~-issued:byi
i' the ~Highway S~rveyor.
AT 'THIS TIME SATURDAY APRIL 27, 1974 6:30 P.M., moved and seconded that the meeting stand ~
adjourned until MONDAY ETENING APRIL 29, 1974 at 7:45 P.M. : '.-; '
ourned session opend ~ith Moderator Smith presiding at 7:45 P.M., and proceede~ with % ~ ~?
-~'~.ARTICLE .60.. VOTED to raise and appropriate $~5,000 for the purpose of the article, (see.~[
~: Art. 32..L.T,A.P. Oh.I/hO Acts of 1973 .$50,000) ,,_ ~ ~ ~ ,, ~
'ARTICLE 61. VOTED TO raise ~and appropriate $1,800 for the purpose of the article, ?(See
Art. 32. L.T.A.P. 0h.1140 Acts of 1973.) : '~ -.
ARTICLE 62. VOTED to raise and appropriate $2,000 for the purpose of ~he article.:--
ARTICLE 63. VOTED to adopt the article and raise & appropriate the s'um of $800.
· VOTED to adopt the article and raise & apprporiate the sum of $3,000~" ...~ ..
.'~RTICLE 65. VOTED TO raise and appropriate $10, O00 'for the purpose of this article. '(See
32. L.T.A.P, Ch.ll40 ~cts of 1973 $10,000)
ARTICLE' 66; VOTED to raise and appropriate: $71,500 to be expended under the direction,of the
'Highway Surveyor for the purpose of purchasing the following equipment: One RefUse Diaposal
truck $26,000 no trade; One road roller and trailer $5,500, 1949 Torro RoLler t.o be traded;
One stree, t sweeper $21,0OO, 196~ Way~Ae Street sweeper to be traded; .One leaf 7acuum $~000,.
.no trade, One dump truck $14,000, 1966 For Dump truck to be traded. ·, ' '~ -
ARTICLE '67. ~OTED to ~aise ~d:appropriate the sum of $6,000 for the .purpose, 0f~ the article
(See Art. 32. L.T~A.P. Ch.ll40 Acts of 1973.) ...
ARTICLE 68. VOTED to adopt the article. (See Art.33 L.T.A.P. Oh. 1140 Acts of "1973J'
ARTICLE 69. VOTED to adopt the article. (See Art.33 L.T.A.P. Ch. 1140 Acts of I9~3:''~
ARTICLE 70. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum 6f $1,000 to be expended unde'~ 'the'
direction of the Selectmen for the purpose of completing phase 2 and 3 of the f6a~ibtlt~
study for a Sanitary v~4fill Site.
ARTICLE 71. VOTED to raise and appropriate he sum ~f $9,000 to be expended undgr the' direction
of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of purchasing and origi~ly equipping one Iow-
center-if-gravity tractor with mower and one ~) ton pick up truck.
ARTICLE 72. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $5,000 for purpose of this articIe.
ARTICLE 73. VOTED to adopt the article and raise & appropriate $75,000 for the article.
ARTICLE 74. VOTED to reject the article.
ARTICLE 75. VOTED to adopt the article and raise & 'appropriate $70,000 for the s~ticle.
ARTICLE 76. VOTED to reject the article.
ARTICLE 77. VOTED to strike the article from the warrant.
ARTICLE 80. 'Voted to
T0W T=G A= L 1974
adopt the article.
adopt the article and raise & appropriate $6C,000 for the article.
strike the article from the warrant.
strike the article from the warrant.
strike the article from the warrant.
strike the article from the warrant.
strike the article from. the warrant.
strike the article from the warrant.
ARTICLE 86. VOTED to adopt the article and rs/se & appropriate $75,000 for the article.
ARTICLE 87. VOTED to appropriate $423,9%0 from Revenue Sharing Funds as follows:
1. $200,000 for Police Department Ssl~ies. 2. $223,9%0 for Fire Department Salaries.
ARTICLE 88. VOTED to transfer from available funds $75,000 for purpose of the article.
ARTICLE 89. VOTED to strike the article from the warrant.
ARTICLE 90. VOTED to take the s~ of $7%,000 from available funds to reduce tax rate.
ARTICLE 91. VOTED to reject the article.
Meeting stood adjourned at ll:C~ P.M., to Monday evening Nay 13, 1974 at 7 P.M., to re-
consider school ~ds .p~rtment budget only.
Meeting opened at 7 P.M., Monday May 13, 1974 Moderator Smith Presiding at Veteran's
Auditorium. Motion was duly made and seconded to ,,Exclude .from School Committee budget,
in accordance with Chapter 184 of the .Acts of 1974, $234,168.%O which is one-b-lo of the
amount necessary to make payments during the months of July and August JL97%~ ' The total
,cReel department budget $3,871,O73.50- Meeting adjourned at 7:0~ P~M.
Saturday April 27,1974 502 registered voters were present. Monday April 29, 1974.229
regismered voters were present, and Monday evening May 13, .1974 3S registered voters present.~
Thanks and appreciation go to Leonard Windle, Nary Alice ~k~ndle, Frances M. Morkeski,
Patricia Taylor, Hel.an Eaton, Natalie Forgetta, Earline Lyons, Rita Harris and Cl~e
ell for assistmng in the checking of voters' entering~the 'm~ee.t. in.gs~.a~n~d, to
Blackw · 'Nilton nowara mzr~ ~moemvo~ men
- chh O S~llvan James P. Hurt 11, , .
Edward .~. cry, J ...... ?.-r~., ,~._~ ~vars. Donald Coburn,(Michael Redol, Philip.:
Donald AuGer, on, nun ~yr, daC~ ~io~v, ~e .~
Hegar%~, Boy scouts for assisting) in assisting the Moderator on hand voting andrhand
Upon the completion of Article 3%, Town Clerk Lyons moved that the Meeting go on recor~ as
con atulatin coaches and members of the North Andover High School Basketball Team upon
.gr .... .g -- ~ ~ --~ ..... ~ to the Advisory Board for the time, effort and interest
~ '- ....... ,~4~.h nn ~.~ensation in the interest of the taxpayers and Town,
that'they pu~ ;~.to ~ne ~or~c, . ...........
Before the closing of the meetin~ 1/odarator Smith expressed his ~ thank~ and appreciation
to.~O~ra OlerkLyoms, To~n Counsel Se.l~uz~ and the Adv~sor~ Board for the unbelievable
t/u~e and work put into by these people for the preparation and operation of these t~n'ee ~own~
Meeting.~, :the m~r req~hroments they ~m~t meet and comply ~ith, vet7 m~ch appre¢tatud~
To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andove=:
GREETINGS:In the name of the Commonwealth you are her.eb.y required to notify .and warn the
inhabitants of the Town of'North Andover'who are q,~%eied to vote in Primarmes in Precinct
One, the Bradstreet School, Precinct Two, the St. Michaels School, Precinct Three, the ·
Thomson School, Precinct Four, the Kittredge School and Precinct Five, the Franklin School
at 8:00 o'clock'A~M., for the following pvrposes: To bring in their votes to the Primary
Officers for the Nomination of Candidates of Political Parties for the following offices:
Governor - For this Commonwealth. Lieutenant Governor - For. this Commonwealth. Attorney
General '- For this Commonwealth. Secretary of the Commonwealth - For this Commor~ealth,
Treasurer and Receiver General - For this Commonwealth. Auditor of the Co~nonweatth - For
this Commonwealth. Representative in Congress - For Sixth Congressional District.
Councillor~- For Fifth Councillor District. Senator - For Third Essex Senatorial District.
One Representative in General Court - For 26th Essex Representative District. District
Attorney - For Eastern District. County Commissioner (1) - For Esse~ County. County
Commissioner (1) to fill vacancy -' For Essex County. Sheriff - For Essex County.
The Polls will be open from 8:00 A.M., to 8:00 P.M. Hereof fail not and mske due returns
of this Warrant with your doings thereon at the time and place of said meeting. Given under
our hands this T~enty-sixth day of August 1974.
~' ~ JOHN 2.~IR~ North Andover, Mass.
· ~.~ ~-w-~ ~ ~ Town Clerk. ~ August 26, 1974.
ATTEST.//Uoh~.['.~ons. North Andover, Mass.