HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-03-03The polls will be open'from 7:00 A.M., to 7:00 P.M. And you are hereby directed to ser~e this Warrant by posting true and attested copies thereof at the Town Office Building and at five or more public places in each vo~ing precinct of the Town. Said copies to be posted not less than sevendays before the time of said meeting. Hereof, fail not, and make due re~urn of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk a~ the time and place of s aid meeting. Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, the 13th .day of Js~,,,~y in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Sevent~F~e. JOHN F. COADY North Andover, Mas~,~)//~ .~ ATTEST. John J~ong ~C~erk. JOSEPH ~. GUTHRIE JOHN P. KIRK CONSTABLE. Selectmen of North Andoyer, Mass. not having been posted not less than seven d ayE before th~ime of s aid meeting. North Andover, Mass. CONSTABLE. ; ps. Town o RK. U TOWN E~TION RESULTS OF OFFICER, S RETURN I have notified and warned the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover who are qualified mo vote in elections by posting true and attes=ed copies of this Warrant at the Town Office Building and at five or more public places in each voting precinct of the Town. Said copies ..MODERATOR FOR ONE YEAR Donald F. Smith Blanks TOWN TREASURER FOR ONE b's~es H. Dewhirs= Blanks FOR THREE 5.~ Caws-ugh Frank H. D~shame,. 3rd. Thomas J; McEvoy Bla~ks ASSESSOR FOR THREE Joseph .N. Hermamn. BOARD OF HEALTH FOR TWW~ ~.~w~ Kay ~J~ R. Ntceforo Blanks' 3F. PUBLIC ~ORKS FOR T~Ww~w~ v~mw~ R. Drummond · Keirstead P. R E C I N C T S oNE Two THREE FOUR FIVE TOT~ 628 87~ 80~ 6~8 '697 362~ COMMITTEE FOR Tww~ v~w~ (two elected) James P. Gordon Charles W. Trombly Judith B. Avrett · ' 282 ~.SCHOOL COI~ITTEE FOR ONE YEAR (un--~ired term) 537 731" 655 506 547, 2976 ' '91 143 149 u2 .15o ,' 64~ 537 7~ 693 519 576 3~6 91 133 '1~ ~ 99 121 555 148 217 2 O8 165 1203Y.'7];~' 9~ 165 2~ 230 207 ~3 > 1001 295 ~3 3~ 224 258 .~ 15~ 20 28 24 22 ~ 137 535 732 684 521 565:. 3037 93 142 120 97 132 584 517 727 642 500 520:' .' . 2906 1 1' 111 147 162 118 176 714. 361 454 443 313 202 351 289 263 65 69 72 42 362 509 439 350 377 5O6 436 317 235 326 326 283 4o7 4O7 286 '331 .,. 1902 320 1425 '46 294 ~4.12 .2o?2 321 · 1957 352 1522 309 1691, 225 336 203 214 205 ' 1183 240 336 449 192 220 1437 131 ~6 122 180 218 807 32 46 30 32 54 194 171 202 188 177 150 888:- 93 104 99 106 249 651 321 ~01 467 2?9 233 1801 43 67 50 56 65 - 281' 425 597 569 352 .416 2359 147 196 170 202 218 933' 56 81 65 64 63' 329" 519 7lb 657 492 517 2899~ 1 1 109 160 146 126 180 721, Frank M. Cunningham Mark S. DiSalvo Joan M. Fiori~o Blanks .G.L.R.V.T. HIGH SCHOOL FOR ~ YE~s John H. O~Sn~livan William F. Brennan John J. Caffrey, 3rd. Blanks PLANNING BOARD FOR FIVE YEA~a John j. Monteiro Alfred E. Frizelle Blanks ,HOUSING AUTHOP~TTY FOR FIVE YEA~ James D. McCabe Robert Lord Blanks TOWN WARRANT ~RT~O~ ~' ~° se" i' the ~°wn will ¥°'e t° ~"t~°~ze the ~l~easure" with the approval of the Selectmen, ~o borrow in anticipation of the - revenue for the next fiscal year, all as provided by Chapter 44 of the General Laws. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Petition of the Selectmen. t NORTH ANDOVER ARTICLE 8. To consider the reports of all Special Committees. ~ 975 Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 9. To see if the ~own will vote to authorize the Board of Health to appoint one of its members to the position of Board o! Health Physician, as provided by Section 4A of Chapter 41 of the/3eneral Laws. Petition of the Selectmen. F-~SEX SS: ARTICLE 10. To see if the town will vote to appropriate for the use To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover: of the SteYens Memorial Library the sum of $6,106.50 which the Town has received from the State under the provisions of Chapter '/8, Section GREETINGS: 19A, of the General Laws. In the name of the Commonwealth of Ma~achusettz, and in Petition of the Trustees of Stevens Memorial Library. compliance with Chapter 39 of the General Laws, and as recently amended by Chapter 8, Sec/ion 9A of the Acts of 1974 and our North Andover ARTICLE 11. To see if the town will vote to amend Section 10 of Town By-Laws, Article 1~ Section 4~ you are hereby directed to notify and Article IV of its {~enera! By-Laws by striking out the F~rst sentence thereof warn the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover who are qualified to and inserting in its place the following sentence: A majority of a vote in Town Affairs to meet in the Veteran's Aud/torium of our North committee consisting of one of the Selectmen, the Town Clerk, the Town Andover Middle School on Saturday April 26, 1975 at one-thirty (1:30) Treasurer,/he Moderator, one of the Asieszors, a member of the Board of P.M., then and there to act upon the following articles: Public Works, a member of the School Committee, a member of the Board of Health and a member of the Planning Board shall annually in June ARTICLE 1. Concerning the eleclion of all officers and questions appoint and, subject to appropriation therefor, fix the compensation of an appearing on the ballot, have been complied wi~h in Wanant issued attorney-at-law who shall be a resident of the Town and a member in good January 13, 1975 with election held on March 3, 1975. standing of the Bar of the Commonwealth, to se~e as Town Counsel for the term of one year from the first day of July next following, and until ARTICLE 2. To elect all Town Officers not required by law to be his successor shall have been duly appointed and qualified. elected by ballot Petition of the Selectmen. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 12. To see if the Town will vote, under Section 1, Chapter ARTICLE 3. To see if the Town will vote to accept the report of 41 of Ihe (~eneral L~ws, to authorize its 'l'reasurer hereafter to act as receipiz and expenditures as presented by the Selectmen. Collector of ~axes. Petition of the Selectmen. Petition of the Selectmen ARTICLE 4. To see il' the Town will vote to fix the salary and ARTICLE 13. To see if the Town will vote to establish a fee structure 'compensation of elected officers of the Town, as provided by Section 108 for ambulance service provided by the North Andover Fire Department. of Chapter 41 of the General Laws. Petition of Richard J. Kulpinski and others Petition of the Selectmen. ...... ARTICLE 14. To see if the Town will vote to adopt any or all of the ARTICLE 5. To see what action the Town wilt take as to its following proposed amendments to ltsZoningBy-Law: unexpended appropriations. - Petition of the Selectmen. 1. Add a new Section 2.31a to Section 2 ~.s follows: "2.31a Dwelling Cluster ARTICLE 6. To see what action the Town will take as to the budget ' Any building, or portion thereof, whether attached, semi-detached or recommendations of the Advisory Committee. ;_ __ ~ .~ built separately, designed or used as a residence or reslden~s fo~ one ~ . - or m~re families living independently of each other and doing their Petition of the Selectmen. } ~ ~ ~ - own co~king therein." o 2o '2) Add a new seeU~n 2.44a to Section 2, as follows: *'2.44a Lot, Original A lot which is to be developed with cluster dwellings in an mental Control District." Amend Section 2.47 by changing the period to a commE "except that a lot line abutting for more than 500 feet upon pond or reservoir shall be the rear lot line." Add a new Section 2.49a to Section 2, as follows: "2.49a Lot, Portion Part of an original lot which will be subdivided and developed with cluster dwellings in an Envimnmentaf Control District and which is sublect to being disposed of separately. Amend Section IL1 by adding thereto a new zoning district to be designated "Environmental Control District." _ '- " Add a new section 4.132 to Section 4 as follows: "4.132 Environmental Confro! District 1) Any use permitted in a Residence 2 District. 2) Cluster Dwellings shall be permitted with a Special Permit." Add a new section 6.9 to Section 6 as follows: "6.9 Dimensionnl Requirements Applicable to Environmental Control Districts. In Environmental Control Districts the following dimension- al requirements z~al] apply. 1) Minimum Lot Area -- An original lot containing fifty acres ce more as set out on an approved site plan, which may show por- tion lots described thereon which each contain no lass than 50,000 square feet. l~Timurn Height -- 35 feet. Street Frontage -- 15{1 feet for an original lot and for each poz- tion lot shown on an approved site plan. 4) Setbacks -- Front yard setback for an original lot shall be a mini- mum of 100 feeti rear yard setbacks shall be a minimum of 200 feet; side yard setbacks shall be a minimum of 25 feet. Front yas~ setbacks for portion lots shall be a minimum of 20 feet; side and rear yard setbacks shall be a minimum of 10 feet. Within required yard setbacks no dwelling or other building may be constructed. 5) Floor Area Ratio-- None. 6) Lot Coverage - Maximum -- Lot coverage for an original lot shall not exceed 15%. Lot coverage for portion lots shall not exceed 30%. If an enclosed parking structure is provided, lot coverage may be incroased up to the amount of the parking ama but not to exceed a total coverage of 20% for an original lot and 45~ for a portion lot. 7) Dwelling Unit Density - Maximum/Acre -- The allowed density for cluster dwellings shall be four dwelling units per acre for an original lot, to be conatrsuctad in accordance with the areas de- signnied on the approved site plan, and with no moro than twelw dwelling units to be constructed on any portion lot thereon. 8) Off Street Parking -- 1.5 parking spaces shall be supplied for each cluster dwelling unit containing two or more bedrooms and 1.25 parking spaces for each cluster dwelling unit containing lass than two bedrooms. All off street parking shall comply with the other provisions of Section 7.1 of the By-Law. 9) Dimensional Requirements Other Than For Cluster Dwellings Uses permitted in an Environmental Control District other than cluster dwellings shall comply with the dimensional requirements applicable to a Residence 2 District and to the Off Street Parking requirements contained in Section '/.1.' 10) Dimensional restrictions applicable to an original lot shall apply to that part of the parcel which may be subdivided into portion lots and shall be complied wlth__in all. event~ 8.; Add a new Section 9.~ to Section 9 as follows: tl:-- echon 9.32 Conditions for Approval of Spceml PermEI for Cluster Dwellings. a) An applicant for a Special Permit to construct cluster dweilin~ shall submit to the Bnard of Appeals, in addition to all other requirements of such Board, a proposed site plan setting forth the original lot and any portion lots into which the original lot is to be divided, which portion lots can be saps. rarefy disposed of sub: ject to the applicable provisions of this By-Law and the Subdivi- sion Control Law. Such site plan shall also show all ways to ha constructed thereon. b) The Board of Appeals in granting a SpeCial Permit shall approve a slte plan which shall set forth the various sections of the original lot upon which cluster dwellings will ha built. If such site plan shows portion lots thereon, such cluster dwellings shall be built on each portion lot subject to the dimensional requirements ap- plicable to cluster dwellings. Such site plan, when approved, shall be signed by the members of the Board of Appeals or the Town Clerk, in the same manner as an approved subdivision plan is signed by the Planning Board or Town Clerk and for this purpose the provisions of the Subdivision Control Law shall describe the method by which the Board of Appeals or Town Clerk shall indicate their approval thereon. Such site plan and any substitute site plan shall be recorded registered in the Essex County North Registry of Deeds in the peSa~r~e manner as an apI~rov'e-d subdivision ,plan Ired the Special ermit shall not be effective until such site plan is so recorded or registered. If such a site plan is also to be submitted for approval as subdivision the site plan finally approved by the Planning Board, if it complies hereunder, may be endorsed by the Board of Ap- peals as the approved site plan hereunder so that one site plan only need be recorded or registered. A site plan, once approved by the Board of Appeals, may not be changed relative to areas for construction of cluster dwellings or other structures shown thereon without the approval of the Board of Appeals, endorsed on a substitute site plan, but such changes or any other amendment to the site plan, may be granted by the Board of Appeals, without a further public hearing, pro- vided the dimensional requirements for cluster dwallings are not changed thereby. c) A Special Permit for construction of cluster dwellings in aecce- dance with the dimensional requirements set forth in this By-Law shall be granted by the Board of Appeals if it finds the site plan appropriate. In this regard, approval by the Planning Baord of site plan submitted under the Subdivision Control Law (subject to the grant of the Special Permit) shall create a presumption that such site plan is appropriate. d) In approving a Special Permit for the construction of cluster dwellings the Board of Appeals may attach such conditions and safeguards as it deems appropriate, including, without limitation, requirements relative to env'uoumentel considerations, availability of sewage disposal, guarantees of preservation and maintenance of open space and conservation areas, regulation of number, design and location of access drives or other traffle features within the original lot and servicing the portion lots, but no condition or e) safeguard shall require the applicant to submit to dimensional requirements more restrictive than those provided herein. The Special Permit, when granted, shall permit the construction of the cluster dwellings in accordance with the site plan, but the conveyance of any portion lot shall carry automatically therewith /he requirement that the provisions of such Special Permit and this By-Law remain applicable to any construct/on placed or to be placed thereon. Petition of Angelo Chas~ Kostandin and others. ARTICLE 15. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law in the following respect: By changing the Zoning Map of the Town to include the area of land hereinafter described within the Environmental Control District: That area beginning at the intersection of Osgood Street and Great Pond Road bounded northerly and northeasterly, southeasterly and south* arty by Great Pond Road, southerly and southwesterly by Pleasant Street, southwesterly and westerly by Stephens Street and Osgood Street, and northwesterly by Osgood Street to the point of beginning, excluding there- from the areas abutting Stevens Pond which are currently in Residential 3 and 4 Districts and the areas at the intersection of Osgood Street and Great Pond Road currently in a General Business District. Petition of Angcio Chas. Kostandin and others. ARTICLE 16. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to appoint a Study Committee for the purpose of recommending to the To~vn any action that can be taken to protect land around the Lake Cochichewick area. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 17. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate ./he sum of $. , to be expended under the direction of the Con- servation Commission for the purpose of acquiring by purchase, eminent domain or otherwise, for conservation purposes, the following described parcel of land: Beginning at a point on the southerly side of Great Pond Road at the corner of land owned by Brooks School, thence running westerly along Great Pond Road to Lake Cochichewick, thence running southerly and southeasterly along said Lake Cochlchewick to land of Brooks School, thence running northeasterly along land of said Brooks School to Great Pond Road. Said parcel containing '/6.95 acres more or leis. Parcel now or formerly owned by the Society of Jasus of New England. And to allow the Conservation Comrniszinn to enter into any agreements with the Massachu- serfs Department of Natural Resources and appropriate Federal agencias rogarding this purchase. Petition of the Conservation Commission. ARTICLE Iii. To see if the Town will vote to expend the sum of $32,000.00 from the Conservation Fund for the purpose of acquiring by purchase, eminent domain or otherwise, for conservation purposes, the following dezcrlbed parcel of land: Beginning at a point on the northerly side of Great Pond Road at the ' corner of land owned by Naliie Mazurenko, thence running westerly along Great Pond Road to land of Ibrahim El-Hefni, thence running northwest- evly ,alOng said El-Hefni land to a corner, thence running westerly along land,of Stalls Sobel ~ J. Albert Bradley~ Trustee to land of Stermard Realty . _'~o:s~ t, thence running northweztsrty along said Starmard land to land of '- George Barker, Jr., thence running easterly along land of Nellie Mazurenko ~- to a comer, thence running anuthedy'alo'ng said Mazurenko lend to Great Pond Road. Containing 13.43 acres mbre or less. Said parcel now or form- erly owned-by Starmard Realty Tm~L And to allow the Conservation Commission to enter into any agreements with the Massachusetts Depart- ment of Natural Resources regarding this acquisition. Petition of the Conservation Commission. ARTICLE 19. To see if the Town will vote.t6 expend the sum of $26,000.00 from the Conservation Fund for the purpose of acquiring by purchase, eminent domain or otherwise, for conservation purposes, the following described parcel of land: Beginning on the northerly side of Boxford Street at the North Andover-Boxford Town Line, thence running nurtherly along the North Andover-Boxford boundary to land of William J. Arsenauit, thence run- ning westerly along said Arsenault land to a corner, thence running south- erly along said Arsenault land to land of George H. Giragosisn, then~'e running southerly along the course of Fish Brook along land of George Giragoslan and land of Arthur Szaiest to Boxford Street, thence running easterly along Boxford Street to the North Andover-Boxford Town Line. Containing 38 acres more or ]ess; now or formerly owned by the Boston Globe Stream and Field Cinb, Inc. And to allow the Conservation Commission to enter into any agree- ments with the Massachusetts Department of Natural Resources regarding this acquisition. Petition of the Conservation Commission. . ARTICLE 20. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $35,000 to be placed in the Conservation Fund and allowed to accumulate from year to year and to be expended by the Conservation Commission for the promotion, development and better utilization of the natural resources of the Town, for the protection of watershed resources of the Town, for acquiring options for the purchase of real e~tate and for any other purpose authorized by Section 8-C of Chapter 40 of the General Laws as amended, including the purchase of land. Petition of the Conservation Commission. ARTICLE 21. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $0000000000, to be expended under the direction of the ~ciectmen for the purpose of constructing and equipping a new Town Garage Facility of Town-owned land at Oagood and Wayne Streets, to authorize the Selectmen to enter into ail such contracts and arrangements as they may see fit in connection with such construction. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 22. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $11,000.00 to be expended under the direction of the Board of Selectmen and Town Accountant for the purpose of replacing the machine accounting system with a modem electronic system capable of handling warrant writing, apprupdatinn accounting, classification of expenditures and receipts and adaptable to handling payroll preparation and other ad- ditionai programs. Petition of the Selectmen and the Town Accountant. ARTICLE 23. To see if ih'e Tow'n will vote to declare that an nnu trial Development Financing Authority is needed therein, that unemptoy- ment or the threat thereof exists, in the Town,. that. security.,, against, future uneesploymefit and lack of bnsmess opportumty ~s required m the Town, and that unemployment or the threat thereof can be alleviated and the security against future unemployment and lack of business opportunity can be provided, by attracting new industry to the Town or substantially expanding industry exist in the Town through an industrial development project or projects financed under c.40D of the General Lawx Petition of the Industrial CommL~ston ARTICLE 24. To see if the Town will vote to empower the North Andover Housing Authority to erect a new housing project for elderly persons of Iow income consisting of not more than sixty dwelling units pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 121B of the General Laws, and to enter into a contract with the Depsrtment of Community Affairs of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for financial assistance applicable to the construction of such new project. Petition of the North Andover Housing Authority ARTICLE 25. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $5600, to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for the purpose of acquiring a "mini-bus" for the use of the elderly inhabi- .tants of the Town, and to raise and appropriate $2400 to pay the annual'-' salary of such person as may be appointed by the Selectmen to serve as a Town Nurse for such elderly inhabitants. Petition of the Council on Aging~ i ARTI.CLE 26. To see if the Town will vote to ps-~s the following 'iesulution. We the citizens of North Andover, Massachusetts, urge the 1975 session of the Great and General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to pass and the Governor of the Commonwealth of ~- chnsetts to sign Rent Control legislation containing the following provls- ions: 1. Making the existing local option act (Chapter 842 of 1970) perman- ent, by eliminating any expiring date. 2. Extending this local option act to include ail cities and towns which choose to adopt it, by eliminating the exciualon for towns under 50,000 population, 3.Extending the provisions of the act to FHA subsidized but privately owned apartment units. 4. Assuring coverage of high rent housing, by eliminating the option for local officials to exempt up to one-quarter of the more expensive housi?g units in the city or town. Be it further resolved that copies of this resolution be sent to the Speaker of the Massachusetts House of Representatives, the President of the Massachusetts Senate and the Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Petition of Earl Camise and others ARTICLE 27. To see if the Town will vote to join the National Flood 8) Iasuranee Program and to designate an appropriate Town Agency to report .~-~- to HUD thereunder.. . Petition of the Planning Board ARTICLE 28. To see if the Town will vote to amen_d its Zoning By-Law to regulate construction in flood hazard areas shown on maps - entitled "Town of North Andover, Ma. (Essex Co.) FIA Flood Hazard Boundary Maps" HOl-08 dated June 28, 1974 on file with the Town Clerk. 1 Petition of the Planning Board ARTICLE 29. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 9.13 of the Zoning By-Law so as to read: "Whoever violates any provisions of this By-Law, except as may be otherwise specifically provided thereby, shall be punhhed by a fine not exceeding $20.00 for each offense. Each day that such violation continues shall constitute a separate offense." .. Petition of the Planning Board ARTICLE 30. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by striking therefrom Section 5, and inserting in place thereof the following new Section: Section 5 5.1 GENERAL 1) The stripping or removal of earth material from any parcel of land, public or private, in North Andover is prohibited except as permitted by the provisions of this Section of the By-Law. 2) Exclusive jurisdiction to issue Earth Removal Permits shall be with the Board except for permits allowed in Paragraphs 5.5 and 5.6. 3) The Board or the Building Inspector shall have the authority to issue an Operating Hours Extension Permit, as defined in Subsection 5.2 (4). 4) The Building Inspector shall have the authority to enforce nil condi- tions of any permit issued under this Section of the Zoning By-Law. 5) All earth removal operations in existence in North Andover on th~ effective date of this Section shall be subject to the requirements stated herein. However, all Earth Removal Permits issued prior to the effective date of this Section, shall remain in effect until their exptr~.- tion date. At such time, said operation shall be subject to the pruw- slons of this Section, unless otherwise allowed by the Board, for a period not to exceed six (6) months. 6) An annual fee of One Hundred ($100.00) dollars shall bo required for Earth Removal permits. Miscellaneous Earth Removal Permits shall require an annual fee of Twenty-five ($25.00) dollars. 7) Violation of this Section of the Zoning By-Law, notwithstanding the provisions of Section 9.13, imposes a penalty of Fifty ($50.00) dollars for the first offense. One Hundred ($100.00) dollars for the second offense, and Two Hundred ($200.00) dollars for each suhseque.nt offense. Each day of operation in violatiou of this section will be considered a separate offense. Any sanitary land f'di operated by the Town of North Andover be exempt from the provisions of this section. 1)~ Applicant: The owner, or prospective owner by reason of a purchase and sales agreement, of the land shown by the plan submitted with the Earth Removal Permit Application. 2) Earth Matarinls: "Earth Materials" shall include soil, loam, send, gravel, clay, peat, rock or other allied products. 3) Earth Removal Operations: The stripping excavation or removal of any earth material from any site, within the Town of North Andover. 4) Operating Hours Extension Permit: A permit issued by the Board or the Building Inspector for an extension of the time of operation for trucking from the site until 9:00 P.M. 5) Board: ZoelngBoard of Appeals 5.3 APPLICATION FOR EARTH REMOVAL PERMIT 1) All applicants for Earth Removal Permits must submit seven (7) copies of the following information concerning the proposed site of the removal operation to the Board thirty (30) days prior to sub- mission of an application for an Earth Removal Permit. The Board shall distribute the information to the Planning Board, Building In- specter, Conservation Commission, Board of Health, Highway Depart- merit, and Police Department, so that recommendations from the. se Departments may be submitted for the required public hearing. 2) A plan or plans to scale, (1" = 40') prepared and stamped by a registered land surveyor and/or a registered engineer, showing the property tin~s of the parcel of ]and under consideration along with all abutters to the property, existing and final contours in five (5) foot elevation increments, existing and proposed structures, existing and proposed f'mal drainage of the site including all culverts, streams, ponds, swamps, and siltation basins, means of entrance and egress from the property, locus map, and any other pertinent date deemed necessary by the Board. 3) A plan, study or report showing the proposed ultimate v~e of the land conforming with the existing Zoning By-Law. Proper planning for future land use shall be a prime consideration affecting the issuance of an Earth Removal Permit. 4) A complete llst of the names and addresses of current abutters of the property where such removal is proposed. 5) An operating schbdule showing the active area (not to exceed five (5) acres) where the earth removal will begin and also how the total parcel will be developed in progressive five (§) acre increments. 5.4 PERMITS FOR EARTH REMOVAL 1) ! 2) complete with conditions imposed, for areas not to exceed forty (40) acres. All permlte shall conform to the minimum restoration and op* erating standards contained herein and such other conditions as the Board may deem necessary. Said permit shall allow the working of only five (6) acres at any one time. Upon completion of the earth removal operation on a five (5) acre parcel, or a part thereof, and substantial restoration of said parcel as determined by the Board, 1) plication may then be made to the Board for a permit renewal. permit renewal shall allow the removal of earth on another five (5) acres section, as shown by the operating schedule submitted with the permit application. This procedure shall be followed until the opera- tion is completed. The permit shall be considered a non-transferrable revocable permit to remove earth materials. If it is found that incorrect information was submitted in the application, or that conditions of the permit are being violated, or that the governing regulations are not being fol- lowed, the permit, shall be suspended until all pmvisinns have been met and the premiS~s made to conform. Failure of the permit holder to comply within the 'time specified by the Board for correction of violations shall cause the perm~it to be revoked, forfeiture of the secur- ity to the Town, and the imposition of all fines as set forth in Para- graph 5.1 (2). The Board shall discuss and review the permit periodically, and at a minimum, annually. Written progress reports showing conformance with regulations and permit conditions shall be submitted to the Board by the Building Inspector or his designated agent every three (3) months. An Earth Removal Permit shall not be in effect until the applicant ha~ Bled the proper security as required in Paragraph 5.9, paid the re. quired fees as required by Paragraph 5.1 (6), and recorded the special permit at the Registry of Deeds. Mechanical crushing and screening may be permitted by the Board after a public hearing with due notice given. 5.5 EARTH REMOVAL INCIDENTAL TO DEVELOPMENT AND CONSTRUCTION This regulation shall be deemed not to prohibit the removal of such sod, loam, soil, clay, sand, gravel or stone as may be required to be excavated for the purpose of constructing ways in accordance with lines and grades approved by the Board or a definitive plan, approved by the Planning Board, or for the purpose of constructing under- ground utilities. Where soil is to be removed in connection with the preparation of a specific site for building, removal may take place only after the issuance of a building permit by the Building Inspector. Removal will be allowed only from the area for the buildings, driveways, parking areas, and from areas where removal is specifically required by the Board of Health in connection with disposal systems. Where special circumstances exist requiring general regrading removal of peat, etc.; the but der may fie a plan and request for an additional soil removal permit with the Building Inspector as provided in Paragraph 6.6 be- 5.6 MISCELLANEOUS REMOVAL OF EARTH INCIDENTAL TO IMPROVRMENTS. Removal of miscellaneous amounts of Earth is permitted provided the removal is necassery_ for the improvement of the property from which 1) 2) Site (a) i ~ (b) ) removal takes place and provided the removal is in accord ~ith the expressed intent and purpose of the provisions of this By-Law. Re- movni of aggregate quantities of less than fifty (50) cubic yards from any one general site requires no formal permit. Where the removal of soil in quantities in excess of fifty (50) cubic yards but less than one thousand (1,000) cubic yards is desired, application mast be made to the Building Inspector for a Miscellaneous Soil Removal Permit. Where special circumstances exist which require the removal of sell in excess of one thousand (1,000) cubic yards, but for which a general permit under paragraph 6.4 is not appropriate, a permit for a larger amount up to five (5,000) cubic yards may be issued provided that it additionally has the approval of and bears the signature of the Board. Said action does not require a public hearing. The permit shall indi- ~ate the approximate quantity of soil to be removed, the purpose of removal, and the location of the site of removal. The permit shall also specify that upon completion of excavation, exposed subsoil shall be graded and covered with loam to a minimum depth of six (6) inches and that the removal is to be controlled by the appropriate sections of Paragraph 5.7 (Operating Standards). Except where/he removal under this Paragraph is done in connection with the formation or enlarge- ment of a pond, excavation shall not be permitted below the mean grade of the street or road serving /ha property. The excavation of flow of a water course or to cause surface water to gather as a sump or swide. Pits for burying large rocks and stumps shall immediately bli beck-filled for safety reasons. Failure to meet the requirements of this Paragraph shall be deemed a violation of the Zoning By-Law. 5.7 OPERATION STAND~J:tDS Time.of Operation (a) Excavation and site maintenance may be carried on from 6:30 A.M. until 7:30 P.M., Monday through Saturday. (b) Trucking from the site may be carried on from 7:00 A.M. through 6:00 P.M., Monday through Saturday. (c) An Operating Hours Extension Permit for trucking until 9:00 P.M. for no more than three (3) consecutive days may be granted by the Building Inspector after reviewing conditions of the appli- cation. Said application shall show reason for extension of time, distance of hauling, and approximate cubic yardage to be hauled. Preparation Only the active area described in the permit application may be made ready for earth removal. No standing trees are to be bulldozed over, or slashed and bull* dozed into piles. All trees must be cut down. All wood and brush must be piled for removal or chipping. Wood chips may remain on the site. Ilo lrees are to be buried on the site. Stumps shall be buried in predesignated area as shown on applica- tion plans. Any change in stump burial must be submitted to the Board for approval. Topsoil Storage (a) All topsoil removed from the active removal area shall be piled for future site restoration. I "._ AYq0g (b) 1~o topsoil shall be removed from the site until ail areas have been rastored and permission has been granted by the Board. 4) Erosion Control (a) Prior to any excavation or earth removal, adequate siltation basins, shall be constructed to prevent the runoff of silted water from the site. (b) All excavation shall be done so as to create contours to ehannal ' runoff waters into the siltation basins. (c) No siltation basin shall exceed seven (7) feet {n depth. (d) Siltation basins must be cleaned when sediment deposits are with- in eighteen (18) inches of the outfall inverL 5) Dust Control (a) No earth removal operation shall create excessive amounts of dust or allow roads leading into or from a site to become excessively dust producing. (b) Proper dust control methods shall be approved by the Building Inspector. 6) Excavation Near Brooks (a) No excavation shall be made which will alter the natural way or existing elevation of a brook, stream or river. (b) All hanks of brooks, streams, and rivers shall be reconstructed to be aesthetically attractive and of sufficient height to prevent abutting properties from flooding. (c) Said bank height shall be computed for a fifty (50) year storm for all brooks, streams, and rivers up to eight (8) feet in width and two (2) feet in depth; and for a one hundred (100) year storm from all brooks, streams and rivers which exceed this size. 7) Site Screening (a) An immediate program of site screening shall start when site prep- aratinn begins. (b) All entrances shall be screened with existing vegetation, ever- greens, or other suitable natural methods, so. as to prevent a direct yiew into the earth removal ares. (c) All areas within fifty (50) feet of a traveled way or abutting property lines shall be reforested immediataly upon completion of the earth removal operation of that ares. Said reforestation shall be done in accordance 'with the North Andover 'Free Department. _ A mlnimum of One Hundred Fifty (1§0) trees per acre shall be used for this reforestation. Areas which are to be used for agricultural purposes after earth removal operations are completed may be reforested in the fol~ ]owing ~mroer: Trees shall be planted twenty-five (25) feet deep from the road or properly line. The remaining area shall immediately be planted with grass or other suitable agrlcu!tural planting material. 8) Access Roads (a) All access roads shall be level with intersecting streets for a dis- tanee of sixty (60 feeL) (b) A STOP sign shall be installed so as to warn any vehicle entering onto a Town Street. (c) All access roads shall be equipped with a suitable locking gate to prevent unauthorized entry. 9) Site Maintenance (a) No open face excavation shall exceed twenty-five (26) feet in heighL (b) No excavation shall be closer than fifteen (15) feet to a property line. (c) NO slope shall exceed a two (2) foot horizontal to a one (1) foot vertical (2:1) grade. 10) Temporary Buildings (a) All temporary structures shall be specified in the special permit applieatlon and shown on the plan. (b) Any structure erected on the premises for use by personnel or storage of equipment shall be located at least forty (40) feet from any existing roadway and at least thirty (30) feet from any lot line. (c) Any temporary structure will be removed no later than ninety (90) days after the expiration date of the permit. 11) Mechanical Crushing and Screening (a) All crushing and screening permits shall be granted for a period not to exceed six (6) months. (b) Said permits shall he granted as a cleanup procedure only. (c) Wathing of precessed material will not be allowed. (d) Operation of crushing or screening equipment shall be from 7:30 A.M. until 5:00 P.M., Mpnday through Friday. (e) All crushing and screening equipment shall be equipped with suit- able dust and noise control devices. 5.8 RestoratiOn Standards All restoration must be completed within sixty (60) days after the termination of an earth removal permit or by the first of June if the permit terminates between December first through March thirty-first. 5) S) left with a grade steeper than a two (2) foot horizon- No slope shall be tal to a one (1) foot vertical (2:1). All siltation basins shall be filled with earth, and a natural drainage pattern must be re-established, lqo area upon the site which will col- lect water shall remain unless approval is granted by the Board or unless the area was shown on the original application plans. All topsoil which was on the site prior to earth removal operations shall be replaced to a minimum depth of six (6) inches on ali dis- turbed areas. Sites that had less than six (6) inches of topsoil shall be restored with a minimum of four (4) inches over the entire area. Seeding - The entire area shall be seeded with grass or legume which contains at least sixty (60) percent perennials. The planted area shall be protected from erosion during the establishment period using good conservation practices. Areas which washout are to be repaired im- mediately. Reforestation - All areas which are disturbed in the earth removal operation shall be reforested with fifty (50) percent coniferous and fifty (50) percent deciduous trees planted at the rate of one hundred fifty (160) trees per acre. All trees used are to be a minimum of two (2) year transplants. Said planting shall be in accordance with the recommendations of the North Andover Tree Department. Areas which are to be used for agrleuBural purposes after earth removal operations are completed may be reforested in the following manner; (a) Trees shall be planted twenty-five (25) feet deep from a public road or property line. (b) The remaining area shall immediately be planted with grass or other suitable agrinuBural planting material. Permits issued by the Building Inspector for soil removal ineldenlal to construction or for special purposes are exempt from reforestation paragraph. Within ninety (90) days of eompletinn of operations, all equipment, accessory buildings; structures, and unsightly evidence of operation shall be removed from the premises. 5.9 Security Requirement There must be filed with the Town Treesuver, a continuous bond or deposit of money in the minimum amount of One Thousand (1,000.00) dollars per acre to be excavated, and shall be of a sufficient amount to cover ten (10) acres, or the total parcel, whichever is smaller, as determined by and satisfactory to the Board. 2) After completion of the total project, and at the applicant's written I request, the Board may grant a partial release of any security posted " by the applicant. One (1) yeas after such a partial release is granted and if in the opinion of the Board, no damage or deterioration to the finished project has developed, the Board will issue a final release of the security. If, during the year following the date of a partial release, ~ slumping, gullying, erosion or any other unsatisfactory condition appears, the applicant shall be responsible for, and shall make any necessary repairs, before final release of security is granted. The bonding agent shall be required to give the Board of Appeals, by · Registered or Certified Mall. a sixty (60) day notice prior to any ter- minafion or cancellation of the Bond. the sum of $40,000, to be expended under the direction of the School Committee for t~e purp0~i Of pioviding iepairs to the Kittredge Elemen- tary School Cafetorium and roofing, including, re-roofing, refinishing and replacement of ufiiltie~ and ~stems, field investigation and ~epeir, prepare- lion of drawings and specifications, sub-contract work and lab testing, and. anything related thereto. Petition of the School Committee ARTICLE 32. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $37,605 to be expended under the direction of the School Committee for the purpose of providing renovation and repair to the Braditreet Elementary School to include repacking, repairing, and replac- ing plumbing and heating; replace heating covering and insutstion; prime, caulk, seal, paint and refurbish exterior and doors; replace rotting timber stair entries; re-roof school, repair, replace, and re.cement parapet stones, chimney crackage, skylight frame, flashing, and saaiage of open joints, and anything related thereto. Petition of School Committee ARTICLE 33. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $10,000, to be expended under the direction of the School Committee for the purpose of providing payment for twelve (12) months of ~ervices rendered, or to be rendered, by the (]reater Lawrence Mental Health Center, for or in behalf of some of the children of the Town, ail as the Committee may determine. Petition of the School Committee ARTICLE 34. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $9,600, to be expended under the direction of the School Committee for the purpose of sponsoring a comprehensive drug treatment program which will provide the following services under the direction of the Greater Lawrence Community Drug Council, Inc.: an educational program for parents, teachers, and children under the direction of qualified educators and in cooperation with the Health Coordinator of the North Andover School System; a counselling center which will offer individual and group counselling program~ a medical walk-in clinic which will be based at Bon Secours Hospital; a residential therapeutic community (Challenge House) which will provide fifty beds for in-patient ~reatment; 5. a 24-hour, 7-day week, hot line to be manned byquallfied personnel in the area of crisis intervention. Petition of the School Committee ARTICLE 35. To amena its Personne~ By-Law in the following re- 1. To amend Schedule B, included in Section ? of the Per~onnai By-Law, by increasing all salary rates listed therein by 10.1%. To amend Schedule C, of said Section 7, as to Pol}C'~ ~laries only, by raising the rates stated therein by 10.1%. To amend Section 8 of said By-Law by increasing the salary rates listed therein by 10.1%. To amend Section 9 of said By-Law by increasing the salary sates listed therein by 10.1%. To amend ScJ~edule E of Section 7 of said By-Law by increasing the compensation listed therein for the following positions by 10.1%: Reserve patrolmen Veteran's agent School crossing guard Veterans' benefits clerk 'Petition of the Personnel Board ARTICLE 36. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 7, Schedule A of its Personnel By-Law (clerical group) by adding the cla~ifi- cation of Seaior-Clerk-Accounting Machine Operator with a compensation grade of S-6. Petition of the Personnel Board ARTICLE 37. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 7, Schedule A of the Personnel By-Law by adding to the Labor Group the cla~ title of "Skilled Laborer" with the compensation grade of W3. Petition of the Personnel Board ARTICLE 38. To see if the Town will vote to amend Schedule C of Section 7 of its Personnel By-Law (relating to the annual compensation of the Sealer of Weights and Measures) by striking out $1,260 and inserting in · its place the sum of $1,500, and to raise and appropriate the sum of $240 for the implementation of raid amendment. ' Petition of the Personnel Board.. --- ...... .~ ARTICLE 39. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 13 of its Personnel By-Law (relating to uniform allowances) by striking out "One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150.00) per uniformed man for Police" and in- 'sertlng in place thereof "one Hundred Seventy- Five Dollars {$175.00) per uniformed man for Police", and to raise and appropriate the sum of $ for the implementation of said amendmen~ Petition of the Personnel Board Article 40. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 16 of its Personnel By-Law by adding Martin Luther King's Birthday as a paid holiday. . Petition of the P~rsonnel Board - ARTICLE 41. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 12 (B) of its Personnel By-Law to read as follows: An employee will become eligible for longevity increments on the 10th, 15th, 20th and 25th ann/ver- Sary date of his employment; and the amount of increment to which he or she is entitled for the then current fiscal year will be determined by pro-rating the annual increment or increase in that fiscal year in two payments of equal amounts. Petition of the Personnel Board ARTICLE 42. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 17 of it~ Personnel By-Law by striking out the word "granted" in paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Sub-section (a), and inserting in place thereof the words "entitled to"; and to add a new Subsection (G) providing that "The vacation year shall be January 1 to December 31". Petition of the Personnel Board ARTICLE 43. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen i° act for it in executing a contract between the Town and the Massachu- setta Bay Transit Authority to provide for railroad commuter so,ice tween North Andover and Boston for the period beginning July 1, 1975 and ending on June 30, 1976, and to raise and appropriate such sum sa may be necessary to pay the cost to the Town for such service. Petition of the Selectmen ARTICLE 44. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Sciectmen to dispose of an area of land, appmximaiciy 60' X 40', at the end of School Street, by conveying ail of the right, title and interest of the Town therein to Shaila M. and Vincent Landers. Petition of the Selectmen ARTICLE 45. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $9,000 to be expended under the direction of the Tree Warden for'the purpose of replacing a 1970 Ford two-ton dump truck, with neces- sary equipment such as a 2-way radio, rack body and hoist to be trans- ferred over to new truck. Petition of the Tree Warden ARTICLE 46. To see if the Town will vote to rai-=e and appropriate the sum of $12,000 for the purchase of three new 1975 cars; three 1974 cars to be turned in, in trade, and ail equipment lo be changed over, such ~.s police radios, sirens, and similar accessories. Petition of the Chief of Police ARTICLE 47. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $3500 to purchase a new ear for the use of the Chief Fire Engineer, the car presently used by him to be traded toward such put* Petition of the Fire Engineers ARTICLE 48. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law in the following respects: 1) By adding to Section 3.1 the designation "Industrial 3 District" 2-) By re-numbering Section 4.131 as "4.132", and by adding a new Section 4.131 reading as follows: ................... 4.131 Industrial 3 District 1) Public Bniidings 2J Public Garages and Accessory Bu3dings 3) Public Service Corporations 4) Public Sanitary Disposal Site 5) Public Storage of Equipment 6) All Uses Permitted in the Industrial 1 District 3) By adding to Table 2 (which follows Section 6 of the By-Law) a new column designated as "Ind. 3", and two footnotes thereto, all as southeaalerly by land now dr formerly owned'b~--~ Pa~n~c~-~{', ~--"~; .......... ': - ' ;' :'-~ ~ & ~d M~m Pi~ud, Jam~ J ~d Jud th ~ Pe~ne ~ W. and ,] AR~CLE 57. To ~e if the 'lown will vote to r~se and app~pda~ Ge~de F. ~, Jo~ Ra~hmuk, ~d Edw~d M. and Shirley A Knowl- ~ the ~m of ~6,~0~ ~ ~ ~nded under the d~rechon of the ~ghway Su~eyor for the pu~ of engineering ~d reco~in~ of dr~n~e e~ ton ~ong a s~ne w~l. 1275 feet or l~, to the point of b~innlng. follows: Lot Area: 435,600 sq. ft. (10 acres) Height Maximum: 55 fi. Street Frontage: 150 ft. Front Setback: 100 R.10 Side Setback: 200 ft. 10 Rear Setback: 200 fi.10 Floor Area Ratio: 0.50:1 Lot Coverage: 35%11 Dwelling Unit Density: N/A Footnote references for above: 10 Where a public sanitary disposal site is the primary use, the setback area shall be used to provide a ~creening, natural or artificial, from adjacent residential use or public roadway. 11 Where a public sanitary disposal site is the primary use an increa~ up to - 100% of the lot coverage shall apply, not including the sathack areas. Petition of the Planning Board ARTICLE 49. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by changing the Zoning Map of the Town to include the parcel of ]and hereinafter described within the Industrial 3 District: Beginning at the southwesterly corner thereof at a point located on the northerly side of the Mhsile Site Road, so-called, 460 feet more or less easterly from the northeastern intersection of said ML~sile Site Road and the Salem Turnpike (Route 114); thence turning and running easterly along the northerly side of the Missile Site Road, 1950 feet more or less, to a stone wall at land now or formerly owned by said Commonwealth of M*~chusetts along a stone wall, 375 feet more or less, to a point; the~K~-- turning and running northeasterly and northerly in several courses by land of said Commonwealth of Massachusetts along a stone wall, 365 feet mom or less, to a comer stone wall; thence turning and running westerly and-. northesteriy in several courses along a stone wall by land now or formerly Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 2800 feet more or less, to an inter- section of a stone wall at land now or formerly owned by Jean P. Proulx; thence turning and running westerly along a stone wall by land now or formerly owned by Jean P. Ptouta, 900 feet mom or less, to an inter- ezction of stone wall at land now or formerly owned by the Worcester County National Bank; thence turning and running southwesterly by land of said Worcester County Hational Bank, 170 feet more or less, to a corner of stone wall at land now or formerly owned by the Wa~il Realty T~ust; thence turning and running southerly and southwesterly in several courses along a stone wall by land of said Wasil Realty Trust, 680 feet more or le~, to an intersection of a stone wall at land now or formerly owned by Edward H. and Ruth M. Broughton; thence turning and running southeast: erly along a stone wall by land now or formerly ow. ned by said Broughton .along a stone wall, 495 feet to a corner of a stone wall at land nor or ~o~r_rperly owned by~Cor~st~n~_/n~e. Pa_oane~aH; t~h~ence turni_ng_ Petition of the Planning Board ARTICLE 50. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $.__ to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for the purpose of completlng phases 2 and 3 of the Feasibility Study plans, and acquiring by purchase, eminent domain, or otherwise, parcels of land for a Sanitary Landfill Site. Petition of the Highway Surveyor ii[ ARTICLE 51. To see if the Town will vote to raise and the sum of $.__.to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of engineering, plans, and execution of State Department of Public Health requirements to upgrade the present Sanitary Landfill Site on Holt Road. Petition of the Highway Surveyor ARTICLE 52. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $85,000, to be expended under the direction of the H/ghway Surveyor for the purpose of resurfaclng, oiling, repairing and maintenance of any street in town. Petition of the Highway Surveyor ARTICLE 53. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $59,918 to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of meeting the State's share of Chapter 765, Acts of 1972, funds ($44,739), and in addition to meet the County's share ($15,179), the total amount to be reimbursed, and upon receipt be re- stored to unappropriated available funds in the Town ~rea~ury. Petition of the Highway Surveyor ARTICLE 54. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $31,500, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for. the purpose of purchasing the following equipment: One Front-end Loader ($15,000) 1968 John Deer Front-end Loader to be traded, one Sidewalk Plow ($11,000) no trade, one Sand Spreader ($5,500), 1956 Sand Spreader to be traded. Petition of the Highway Surveyor ARTICLE 55. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $12,500, to be expended under the directlon of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of installing drainage in problem areas through- out the Town. Petition of the Highway Surveyor ARTICLE 56. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $3,500, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of installing new sidewalks and repairing existing PetitiOn of the Highway Surveyor ments throughout the Town. Petition of the Highway Surveyor ARTICLE 58. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $3,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of replacing existing catch basin frames and grates which are smaller than standard size. Petition of the Highway Su~eyor ARTICLE 59. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $3,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of erecting and replacing guard rails throughout the Town. Petition of the Highway Surveyor ARTICLE 60. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,500, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of making and placing street signs throughout the Town. ',i ~ Petition of the Highway Surveyor ARTICLE 61. To see if the Town will vote to designate the following. roads as "Scenic Roads" under the provisions of General Laws, Chapter 40, Section 15 C, inserted by Chapter 67 of the Acts of 1973: (a) Academy Road from C, sgood Street to Great Pond Road. (b) Great Pond Road from its beginning, at the Old Center, to the point where it joins Rt. 133. (c) Osgood Street from its beginning, at Andover Street, to its inter- section with Rt. 125. and to take any other action relative thereto. Petition of Anna L. (Mrs. Albert) Manzt and others ARTICLE 62. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $22,500~ to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the water main on Gray Street a distance of 1500 feet to the Andover llne. Petition of Mary Ann Stella and others - ARTICLE 63. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $22,000, to be expended under/he direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the 12" water main on Boxfo~l . Street a distance of 1100 feet to Forest Street. Petition of Robert Salemme and others ARTICLE 64. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $4,500, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the sewer on Johnson Circle a distance of 170' to Johnson Street. etit on of Paul L Seocareccio . ARTICLE 65. To Re if the Town will vote to raise and approvriate t..he...sum of $750, to be expended under the direction of the Board of/ fuGue-Works for the purpose of installing 140 feet of fence along the Pleasant Street side of the Aptin Playground. Petition of William B. Joyca and others ARTICLE 66. To see if the Town will vote to raise and approprlat~ the sum of $400, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of erecting a 5 ft. chain link fence at the rear ' of the property line at 56 Patriot St., abutting Gruga~ Field. Appruxi- mately 100 ft. Petition of Robert F. Gossetin ARTICLE 67. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriat~* · the sum of $95,000, to be expended under the directiqn of the Board of Public Works, for the purpose of relining the old 8" water main on Mass. Ave. from Greene St. to Fernwood St., a distance of 2300 feet and replac- ing the old 6" water main on Ma.~. Ave. from Fernwood St. to the Law- fence Line, a distance of 1900 ft. with 8" cement lined main. Petition of the Board of Public Works ,~ ' ARTICLE 68. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $90,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Pubtic Works, for the purpose of covering the two 1~ million gallon reser- voirs on Sutton Hill in conformance with State Law. Petition of the Board of Public Works ARTICLE 69. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate.. the sum of $85,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of cleaning and lining the two lit million gallon reservoirs on Sutton Hill. Petition of the Board of Public Works ARTICLE 70. To see if the Town will vote to raise and al~propriaie the sum of $40,000, lo be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works, for the purpose of extending the sewer on Chestnut Street a distance of 1545 feet toward Sutton Hill Road. Petition of the Board of Public Works ARTICLE 71. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, the sum of $1§,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of' Public Works, for the purpose of ex,ending the sewer on Rtver~ew Street from the intersection of North Main St. approximately 650 feet. Petition of the Board of Public Works ARTICLE 72. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $5000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works, for the purpose of permanently patching water and sewer trenches on town streets. Petition of the Board of Public Works ' ~ ARTICLE '/3. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate thb sum of $15,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works, for the purpose of repavlng the playground area surroundinl~ the Bradstreet School. Petition of the Board of Public Works · ARTICLE.74. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $13,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works, for the purpose of replacing the lime feeder and chlorinators at the north pumping station. -- ~ Petition of the Board of Public Works ARTICLE 75. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $9,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works, for the purpose of repaying the driveway and area around the south pumping station at 420 Great Pond Road. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 76. To zee if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $5,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works, for the purpose of extending water mains subject to the regulations of said board, which may not have been petitioned for at this meeting. Petition of the Board of Public Works ARTICLE 77. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $5,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of - Public Works, for the purpose of extending sewer mains subject to /he ;- regulations of said board which may not have been petitioned for at/his meeting. Petition of the Board of Public Works ARTICLE 78. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $450~ to be expended under the direction of the Board of Pubtie Works, for the purpose of renewing water services placing gate valves on hydrant branches and raising manhole frar~ez and covers on atreet~ that are being reconstructed. - Petition of the Board of Public Works ARTICLE 79. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate . ~,s,u.m. of. $1.6,0.00, to be expended u.nder the direction of the Board of UlC *~orss fur toe purpose of purchasing the following equipment: - ~A ton pick up truck with utility body. 1 - ~A ton pick up truck 1 - ~A ton van truck 1 - field marker one 1970 ~t ton pick up truck to be traded. Petition of th~ Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 80. To see if the Town will vo~ to amend's. I1 of Article IV of its General By-Laws by striking out the Word "March"and inserting In place thereof the word **June". Petition of the Selectmen - (The foregoing Article relates to the ~ppointment of the Gas Inspector). ARTICLE 81. To see if the Town will vote that at the annual Tow~ election to be held in the year 1976, and irt-annually thereafter~ the Moderator shall be elected for a term of three years. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 82. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $ for the purpose of implementing colleetive bar- gaining agreements reached or to bi/reached with Town employees. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 83. To see if the Town will vote to expend the sum a$c9/e,?~5_8~.00, .und? .th.e direction or the Selectmen. Said sum having be~l~ ccep~ea unoer .~rt~cm 33 of the 1974 Town Meeting (Provided by Ch. 1140 of the Acts of 1973). To be spent for the following purposes: Article 52 .......... $78 ....... ,000 Article 55 ....... Article 56 ....... Article 58 ....... Article 59 Petition of the Selectmen ........... 12,500 ........... 3,453 ........... 3,000 ........... 3,000 ........... 1,000 ARTICLE 84. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the sum of $99,042.00, to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen, from Chapter 825. Sec. 1 of the Acts of 1974 (an Act to pro~ide local aid transportation to assist Highway and rl~ransit Development) to be ex- pended as follows: General Maintenance, Budget of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 85. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the suni of $F350,,0.0~0; under, the direction of the Selectmen fi.om Revenue Sharing unns tv'rscal Assistance to State and Local Government o.s follows: 1. Fire Dept. Saiarie~s 2. Police Dept. Salaries ARTICLE 86. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate ~csh su..m as~ th./s~.Mee, tlng. ~ma.y determine to the Reserve Fund, az provided Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 87. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate such sum as this Meeting may determine to the Stabilization Fund, az provided by Section 5B of Chapter 40 of the General Laws. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 88. To see if the Town will vote to take the sum of $ from available funds to reduce the tax rate. Petition of the Selectmen