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And you ara directed to serve this Warrant by peering true and
atteated copies thereof, at'the Town Office Building and at five or more
public places in each voting precinct of the Town. Said coplea to be posted
not more than seven days before the time of aaid meeting.
Hereof, fail not, and make doe return of this Warrant with your doing
thereon to the Town Clark at the time and place of enid meeting.
Given under our hands at North Anodver, Massachusetts, the twenty-
fourth day of March in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred
and seventy-five.
John F. Coady
Joseph A, Guthrie
Thoma~ J. McEvoy
Seleatmen of.North.~ndovar, Maes.
April 17, 1975
I have notified and warned the inhabitants of the
I Town of North Andover who are qualified to vote in
l Town Affairs by posting true and attested copies
---of this Warrant at the Town Office Building and at '"
Ifive or more public places in each vo~ing precinct
of the Town. Said copies not having been posted
not less than ~even days befoEe~t~e ~t~.~e of, said
North Andover, Mass.
Ahnu~ T~gWn Meeting opefled a~' i:30 P.M., 'Saturda~ April 26, 1975 ~rith g~derator Donald F.
J Smith, Esquire presiding~ Previous to Town Meeting Town Clerk John Lyons made all necessary
announcbments and introduced all newly elected officials and Chairman of PI~,n~ ng Board,
P~ichard Kulpinski, along .with Boy Scouts GeneNortham and Ricky Rokes who were
Iimtcrophone boys w.ho also lead the Pledge of All.egiance. .Miss IrAJ Histab visting
'and'~hose Father ms' Town .Clerk in a small Town mn Finland was a guest. Rev. Father Thomas
,Wals~, O.S.A.~ of Merrimack College offered Prayer before the Meeting
.'.Article 1..having been completed as of Monday Narch 3, 1975.
· ARTICLE 2. VOTED that the Town refer to the Selectmen the appointment of Town Officer~ not
required by law or by-law to be otherwise chosen.
ARTICLE 3. VOTED to accept ~he report of receipts and ex-pendi~ures as presented by the
Board of~ .Selec~mem.
ARTICLE H. VOTED to fix the following annual salaries of the elective officers of the
. effedtiV~.from July l~ 1975:
' .Board of Selectmen and Licensing Commission - each per annum ........... $2
The 6hai~man of the Board of Selectmen ................ '.300.
ThelBoard of,-Assessors - each per annum .... ' '-- ' ~ ~e'd'~v~t~s'e~l' 'o~ ~ 3,000
The ~rese~nt Chairman of the Board of Assessors, prOvided'that
.wor~ng hours to the performance of his duties as Assessor ...... · ...... 8,000~O0'
'" The Board of Health each per annum 500 OO
The Board'.of Public Works each per annum 500 O0
The Town Treasurer ...................... 15,0~8.00
- - 2,497.00
The Tax Collector .......................
ARZICLE 5. VOTED ~o strike the article from the Warrant.
ARTICLE 6. (BUDGET) VOTED to accept the recommendations of the following by the Advisory Board
with the exceptions of the following items. Item 15, Counci~% for'the Aging, from $10,000, to
$ll,700. Item 20A School Crossing Guards, from $15,000. to $15,3h0. Item 21, Fire Department
Salaries & Wages, from $598,849 to $600, h82. Item 45 Schools Salaries from $3,616,577. to
$3,586;57-7 and Expenses $79~,795 to $782,795.
111 Selectmen $15. O59. O0
Expenses (Incl Contingen~ Fund)
2. Treasurer 26,653. O0
3. -.Tax Collector 19,103.
4. Assessors 27,565.
5. Accountant 30,770.
6. Town Clerk 19,285 ·
.Elections - Registrars 1,780.
$ ,600.00 5,
' 26,653.00
3,500. 3,%00.
6,535.00 6,535.
8,400. 8, 400.
3,730. 3, 730.
19, 285.
9, 9,000.
-~. Town Counsel. Annual Retainer 6,80Oj
Expenses 2,200.
Moderator 200.
Advisory Co~m~itt ee 900.
Expenses 300.
Capital Budget Committee. 1,000.
Planning Board 2,171.
Expenses 1,140.
Board of Appeals (Zoning) 1,429.
Expenses 325.
Personnel Board 1,800.
Expenses 21%.
Council for the Aging. 11,700.
Conservation Commission 500.
Expenses 1,300.
N. A. Historical Commission. 3%0.
Town Building 3,200.
Expenses 8,885.
Annua2 Town Meeting Expenses %,2%0.
Police Deparbment 429,638.
Expenses 43,000.
School Cro~qing Guards 15,340.
Expenses 1,100.
Fire Department 600,482.
Expenses 21,250.
Forest Fire and Forest Fire Warden 0.
Expenses %00.
Dog Officer 7,000.
Expenses 3,000.
Civil Defense 945.
Expenses 3,300.
Building Inspector 22,716.
Expenses ~ 2,991.
Wiring Inspector 3,150.
Expenses 800.
Gas Inspector 800.
Expenses 3%0.
Sealer of Weights & Measurers.= 1,260.
Expenses 450.
Board of Health 15,766.
Expenses 8,475.
Greater Lawrence Sanitary District 49,686.
Animal Inspector Salary 420.
Garbage Disposal Contract 20,156.
Board of Public Works Salaries 1,500.
Sewer Maintenance & Construction 34,485.
Expenses 17,500.
Water Maintenance & Construction 115,656.
Expenses 106,000.
Parks ~& ~School Grounds 32,352.
Expenses 10,500.
Tree Department 37,688.
Expenses 8,800.
Dutch Elm Disease 8,208.
Expenses 2,024.
· Insect Pest Control 16,930.
Expenses 4, 428.
Street Lighting Expenses 72,000.
Streets, Gen'l M'ntnce & Highway
Surveyor Salary ($16,370) 145, 065
Expenses 88,000.
Snow Removal 90,000.
Refuse Disposal lO0, O00.
Expenses 30,000.
Veterans Benefits 5,.772.
Expenses 350.
Cash Grants 32,000.
Graves Registration 200.
Expenses %00.
Schools. SAL-WAGES
Deferred Salaries
Less R.S.Fends.
Out of State Travel. 2~245.
Regn'l Voc. School Allocation Cost.
Stevens Memorial Library.
3,790, 209
83, 878.
~6,800. O0
· 2,200.
1, 000.
1, 140.
1, 429.
1, 800.
11, 700.
1, 300.
3, 200.
8, 88%.
43, 000.
600, 482.
21, 250.
7, 000.
3, 000.
22, 716.
2~ 991.
1, 260.
15,766. ' '~
~ 8,475.
49 686.
34, 485.
· 32,352.
8, 800.
8, 208.
14 ,065.
3 ooo..
3,790, 209.
48. Playgrounds & Bathing Beach 30,870.00 30,~7~.G~
E~penses 7, 50~. O0 7,~0~
49. Recreation Council 15,770. 15, 770.
Expenses 7,960. 7,960.
50. Group I~surance 178,000. 178,000.
51. Essex County Retirement Pensions. 232,445. 232.445.
52. Rental of Veterans Headquarters 1,200. 1,200.
53. Patriotic & Civic Celebrations. 818. O0 818. O0
54. Bicentennial Celebrations. 5,500. 5,500.
55. Insurance General 79,156. 79,156.
56. Industrial Commission Expenses 100. 100.
57. Land Damage Claims 3, 000. 3,000.
58. Special Legal Services 3,000. 3,000.
59. Out of State Travel ( no~ including schools) 1,000. 1,000.
60. Fire Engine 7, 000. 7,000.
61. Highway Equipment 0 0
62. School Bonds 490, 000. 490, 000.
63. Addition New High School. 20,000. 2C, 000.
64. Tennis Courts 15,000. 15,000.
65. t.~ater Hain Notes & Bonds. 72,000. 72,000.
66. Sewer Notes & Bonds. 23,400. 23,400.
67. Fire Station 10, 000. 10, 000.
68. Police Station 10, 000. 10, 000.
69. Garage 102,000. 102,000.
70. Fire Engine 410. 410.
71. Highws~ Equipment O 0
72. School Bonds 325,935. 325,935.
73. Additional new high school 9,870. 9,870.
74. Te~nt $ Courts 4~ 703. 4, 703.
75. Water N~n System Notes & Bonds. 18,633. 18,633.
76. Sewer 5,539. 5,539~
77. 'Fire Station 5,795. 5,795.
78. Police Station 1,248. 1,248.
79. Garage 23, 838. 23, 8382
80. Senitary. Disposal Site. 3,100. 3,100.
81. Bond issue Expense 3,000. 3,000.~
82. Shor~ term borrowing 20tO00. 20,000.
· ~ T 0 T A L S $5,673,315.00 $3,317,561.00 $8,990,876.00
Iess the~amount voted a= annual town meeting.(Schools) '110;000.O0
GRAND TOTAL. $8,880, 876.00
ARTICLE ~. VOTED that the Town Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, to borrow in
'anticipation.~f the revenue ~or the twelve month period beginning July 1, 1975 in accordance
with. G.L.~'C.~r,s.4 by issuing a note or notes payab, le within one year, and to renew ar~ ~uch
.~note::0r notes' for a period of less than on~ year mn accordance with G.L.c.44, s.17. '
2he vote was ~animous and so declared
~ARTICLE 8. VOTED to adopt the article.
~RTICLE 9~ V0~ED tosdopt the article.
'ARTICLE 10....VOTED to siopt the article.
~ARTICLE 11. VOTED ~o amend s.lO of Article IV of the General By-Laws by striking out the
Tirst sentence thereof and inserting in its place the following sentence: A majority of
committee consisting of the Town Clerk, the Town Treasurer, the Moderator, the Highwa.~
and ~after a vote of each of the following Boards or Committees the Chairman of the Board of
Selectmen, the Chairman of the Board of Assessors, the Chairman of the Board of Public Works,
~the Scho~ol~ Committee Chairman, the Board of Health Chairman amd the Chairman of the Planning
Board shall annually in June appoint and, subject to appropriation therefor, fix the compen-
sation of an~attormey-at-law who shall be a resident of the Town and a member in
of ,the Bar of the Commonwealth, to serve as Town Counsel for the term of one year from the
~first day of July nex~ following, and until his successor shs~ have been duly appointed and
~d~TI CLE 13.
'~d~TI CIE :14.
ARtiCLE 16.'
VOTED tosdopt the article, to take effect on the first Monda~ in March 1976.
~'VOTED to reject the article.
VOTED to reject the Article, Affirmative - 2. Negative - 444.
VOTED to .*.rike the article from the Warrant.
VOTED to withdraw the article from the Warrant.
ARTICLE 18. VOTED to expend the sum of $32,000.00 from the Conservation Fund for the purpose
of acquiring by purchase for conservation purposes the following described parcel of land:
Beg~ug a~ a point on the northerly side of Great Pond Road a~ the corner of land owned
by Nellie Mazurenko, thence running westerly Song Great Pond Road to land of Ibrahim E1-
Hefni, thencerunning north-westerly along sa~d E1-Hefni land ~o a corner, thence running
westerly along land of Stella Sobel-J.Albert Bradley, Trustee to land of Starmard Realty
Trust~ thence running northwesterly along said Starmard land ~o land of George Barker, Jr.,
thence running easterly along land of Nellie Mazurenko mo a corner, thence running
along said Mazurenko land to Great Pond Road, with the exception of a fifty-foot right of
way ~o be left to the owner as described in the plan of land entitled: "Plan of Land in
No. Andover, Mass. ~s surveyed for No. Andover Conservation Commission, Feb. 1~75. The
entire parcel containing 13.43 acres more or less. Said parcel no~ o~ formerly owned by
I 8~6'. Starmard R~alty Trust. And, to allow the Conservation Commission to enter into any ~.O~
agreements with the Massachusetts Department of Natural Resources regarding this acquisition ~
ARTICLE 19. VOTED to withdraw the Article from the Warrant. ~.-
ARTIC~ 20. VOTED to reject the Article. ~
ARTICLE 21. VOTED that $75,000 is appropriated, in addition to the $462,000 appropriated
under Article 29 of the Warrant for the 1974 Annual Town Neeting, to be expended under the
direction of the Selectmen, for the purpose of construction, originslly equipping and furn-
ishing a new town garage facility on town-owned land at Osgood and Wayne Streets; that to
raise this appropriation the treasurer with the approval of the selectmen, is authorized to
borrow $75,000 under G.L.c.44, s.7(3) as amended; and that the Selectmen are authorized to
enter into all such contracts and arrangements as they may determine are necessary to carry
out this vote.
ARTICLE 22. VOTED to strike the Article from the Warrant.
ARTICLE 23. VOTED to withdraw the Article from the Warrant.
~RTICLE 24. VOTED TO ADOPT the article.
ARTICLE 25. VOTED TO ADOPT the article.
ARTICLE 26. VOTED to reJec~ the Article.
ARTICLE 27. VOTED unanimously that the Town ADOPT the following ~wo resolutions:
RESOLUTION A. WHEREAS certain areas of North ~_udover are subJec~ ~o periodic flooding
causing serious damage ~o properties within these areas; and WHE~AS relief is available
in the form of federally subsidized flood insurance as authorized by the National Flood
Insurance Act of 1968; and WHEREAS it is the intent of the Town to require the recognition
and evaluation of flood hazards in all official actions relating to land use in the flood
plain areas having special flood hazards; and W~S North Andover has the legal authority
to adopt land use amd control measures to reduce future flood losses pursuan~ ~o the con-
stitution and general laws of the Commonwealth: now, THEREFORE, North Andover hereby votes
and RESOLVES: ~ That it will enact and maintain in force for those areas having flood
hazards adequate land use and control measures with enforcement provisions consistent with
the criteria set forth in s.1910 of the National Flood Insurance Program Regulations; and
2~ The Planning Board is hereby authorized and directed ~o: a. assist the Flood Insurance
Administrator in delineating flood hazard areas on available local maps of sufficient scale
to locate building sites, for future Town Meeting consideration; b~ provide such information ·
as the Administrator may reques~ concerning present uses and occupancy of the flood plain;
c ~ cooperate with federal, state, and local agencies and private firms which undertake to
study, survey, map and identify flood hazard areas and cooperate with neighboring commUnities
with respect to management of adjoining flood hazard areas in order to preven~ aggravation
~ of existing hazards; d. submit on the anniversary date of the Town's initial eligibility
a~ annual report to the Administrator on the progress made during the past year within the
Town in the development of flood plain management measures; e. take any other action re-
sortable and proper to carry ou~ program objectives of minimizing or eliminating flood damage.
RESOLUTION B. WHEP~EAS, the Town is enforcing the Massachusetts State Building Code ~ those
of its own 'By-Laws not in conflict therewith, amd WHEREAS, the relevant provisions of said Code
and said By-Laws prohibit any person, firm or corporation from erecting, constructing, enlarg-
ing, altering, repairing, improving, moving, or demolishing any building or structure without
first obtaining a separate building permit for each building or structure from the Building
· Inspector; and WHEREAS, the Building Inspector must examine all plans and specifications for
the proposed construction when application is made to him for a building permit; now,
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, as follows: 1. That the Planning Board shall review subdivision
and other proposed new de~lopmen~s to assure that (a) all such proposals are con-
ent with the need to minimize flood damage, (b) ~11 public utilities and facilities, such
as sewer, gas, electrical, and water systems are located, elevated, and constructed to minimize
or eliminate flood damage, amd (c) adequate drainage is provided so as to reduce exposure ~o
flood hazards; and 2. That the Building Inspector shall review all bn~ldings permits ~pplica-
tions for new construction or substantial improvements ~o determine whether proposed building
sites will be reasonably safe from flooding. If a proposed b,,~lding site is in a location
that has a flood hazard, any proposed new consmruc~ion or substantial improvemenms (includ-
ing prefabricated and mobile homes) musm (a) be designed (modified) and anchored to prevent
flotation, collapse, or lateral movement of the structure, (b) use construction .and utility
equipment that are resistant to flood damage, and (c) use construction methods and prac-
tices that will minimize flood damage, and 3. That the Board of .Public Works 'shal2 re-
quire new or replacement water supply systems and/or s~tary sewage systems to be designed
to minimize or eliminate infiltration of flood wa~ers into the systems and discharges from
the systems into flood waters, and 4. That the Board of Health shall require on-site
disposal systems to be located so as to avoid impairment of them or contamination from them
during flooding.
ARTICLE 28. VOTED unanimously, that the Town's Zoning By-Law be amended as follows: 1. To
Section 1 add paragraph 10: reducing the probability of losses resulting from floods. 2. To
Section 3.1 add: Flood Hazard District. 3. To Section 3.2 add new sentende: The Flood
Hazard District is defined as all areas so designated on maps entitle~ "FIA Flood Hazard
Boundary Mapsm. H0~-08 dated June 28, 1974 on file with the Town Clerk, incorporated by a
reference herein. 4. Ad~ new Section 4.13- (depending on Art.48) to read as follows:
4.13- Flood Hazard District: (1) Any other by-law or regulation mo the contrary nntwith-
· standing, no construction shall be permitted within the District unless it has been du~y
determined that all utilities are located, elevated and constructed so as to minimize or
eliminate flood damage and that methods of disposal for sewage, refuse and other wastes and
for providing drainage are adequate to reduce flood hazards.
ARTICLE 30. VOTED Unanimously to adopt the article with the exception of Section 5.
section 2, last line should read Paragraph 5.1 (7) instead of 5.1 (2).
At this point 6:00 P.M,, Saturday April 26, 1975 motion was duly made and seconded to adjourn
the Meeting until Monday evening April 28, 1975 at 7:30 P.M. Unanimous vote. 568 Present.
Meeting opened at 7:30 P.M., Monday evening April 28, 1975. 458 Present. Moderator Donald
F. Smith, Esquire presiding.
ARTICLE 31. VOTED to adopt the article and to raise and appropriate the' sum of $38,000.00.
ARTICLE 32. VOTED to adopt the article and to raise and sppropriate the sum of $14,000.00
ARTICLE 33. VOTED to adopt the article and to raise and sppropriate the sum of $10,000.00
~TICLE 34. VOTED to adopt the article and to raise and ~propriate the sum of $9,600.00
p~ovidad, that the other Greater Lawrence Community Members contribute no less than fifty
cents per capita annually to the Comprehensive Drug Treatment Program outlined thereby.
ARTICLE 35. VOTED to amend the bwn's Personnel By-Law by applying a 7.5% increase to
Schedules and Positions contained in the Article and to raise and appropriate the sum of
$54,068.00 for the purpose of the Article except for Class Titles Working Foreman, Supervisor
of Pumping Stations, Assistant Supervisor of pumping stations and water station operator.
ARTICLE 36. VOTED to amend Section 7 of Schedule A of the Personnel By-Law (cleric= group) by
adding the classification of Senior-Clerk-Accoumting-Machine-Operator with a compensation of
Senior-Clerk-Accounting-Machine Operator with a compensation grade of S-5 and to raise and
appropriate $225. for the purpose of the Article.
ARTICLE 37. VOTED to adopt the article.
ARTICLE 38. VOTED to adopt the article and to. raise amd appropriate the sum of $240.00.
ARTICLE 39. VOTED to adopt the article and to raise and appropriate the sum of $700.00.
~RTICLE 40. VOTED to reject the article.
ARTICLE 41. VOTED to adopt the article.
ARTICLE 42. VOTED to adopt the article.
ARTICLE 43. VOTED to reject the article.
ARTICLE 44. VOTED to authorize the Selectmen to dispose of the area of land in question for
a sum to be arrived at by appraisal, but not less than the sum of $1.00.
ARTICLE 45. VOTED to ~adopt the article and toranie and appropriate the sum of $9,000.00.
ARTICLE 46. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $11,154 amd transfer $846 from Article
28 of the 1974 Town Meeting Warrant for the purspose of this article.
ARTICLE 47. VOTED to strike the article from the warrant.
ARTICLE 48. VOTED unanimously to adopt the article.
ARTICLE 49. VOTED unanimously to adopt the article.
ARTICLE 50. VOTED (a) that the Selectmen are authorized to acquire by purchase, eminent
domain or otherwise the following described parcels of land as a site for~.sanitary landfill:
Beginning at the southwesterly corner thereof at a point located on the northerly side of
the missile site road, so-called, 460 feet more or less easterly from the'northeastern interl
section of said missile site road and the Salem Turnpike ( Route 114); thence turning and
running easterly along the northerly side of the missile site road, 1950 feet more or less,
a stone wall at land now or formerly owned by said Commonwealth of Massachusetts along
wall, 375 feet more or less, to a point; thence turning and running northeasterly
erly in several courses by land of said Commonwealth of Massachusetts along a stone wall,
365 feet more or less, to scorner stone wall; thence turning and running westerly and north-
easterly in several courses ~Ong a stone wall by land now or formerly of Commonwealth of
Massachusetts, 2800 feet mor~or less, to an intersection of a stone,all s~ land now or form-
erly owned by Jean p. Proulx; thence turning and running~sterly along a stone wall by land
n~ow or formerly owned by Jean P. Proulx, 900 feet mor or less to am intersection .of stone
at land now or formerly owned by the Worcester County National Bank: thence turning and
running southwesterly by land of Said Worcester County National Bank, 170 feet more or less
to a corner of stone wall at land now or formerly owned by the Wasil Realty Trust; thence
turning and running southerly and southwesterly in several courses along a stone wall by land
Of said Wasil Realty Trust, 680 feet mor~or less, to an intersection of a stone wall at land
now or formerly owned by Edward H. and Ruth M. Broughton; thence turning and running south-
easterly along a stone wall by land now or formerly owned by said Broughton along a stone
wall,. 495 feet to a corner of a stone wall at land now or formerly owned by Constantine
Papanechail; thence turning and running southeasterly by land now or formerly owned by said
Papanechail, Edward J. and Miriam Pinaud, J~mes J. and Judith A. Pelrine, Harry W. and
Gertrude F. Lear, John Rabchinuk, and Edward M. and Shirley A. Knowlton along a stone wall,
1275 feet mor~or less, to the point of beginning, and that $100,000 is ampropriated for such
acquisitioh; amd that to raise this appropriation the Treasurer, with ~e' approval of the
Selectmen, is authorized to borrow $100,000 under G.L.C. 44, s.7(3) as amended.
ARTICLE 51. VOTED to adopt the article and to raise and appropriate the sum of $5,600.00.
AR2ICLE 52. VOTED to ~opt the article and to raise and appropriate the arum of $75,000.00.
ARTICLE 53. VOTED to adopt the article and to raise and appropriate the sum of $59,918.00
ARTICLE 54. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $16,100 amd ~-ransfer the sum of $4,400.
from Article 66 of the Warrant for the 1974 Annual Town Meeting, for the purchasing one front-
end-loader not to exceed $15.000 ~ith a 1968 John Deers front-end-leader to be traded, and
sand-spreader not to e~ceed $5,500. with one 1956 sand spreader to be trade.
ARTICLE 55. VOTED to adopt the article and raise and appropriate the sum of $12,500. 1 8 9
ARTICLE 56. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $3904. and to transfer the sum of
$2906 from Article 31 of the Warrant for the 1974 Annual Town Meeting for purpose of article.
ARTICIE 57. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $1000, to be expended under the direc-
Highway Surveyor for the purpose of engineering of drainage easements adjacent to
tion of the
Town roads.
to raise and appropriate ~he sun of $3000, and adopt the article.
to adopt the article and raise and appropriate the sum of $3000.
to adopt the article and raise and appropriate the sum of $1000.
to reject the article.
to strike the article from the warrant.
to strike the article from the Warrant.
Article 22 of the
ARTICLE 64. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of~,000, for the purpose of the article,
provided that no fewer than two residents are to be connected to the proposed sewer extension.
ARTICLE 65. VOTED to reject the article.
ARTIC~ 66. VOTED to reject the article.
ARTICLE 67. VOTED that $95,000 is appropriated, to be expended under the direction of the
Board of Public Works, for the purpose of laying a wa~er main of not less than six inches in
diameter on Massachusetts Avenue from Fernwood Stree~ to the Lawrence city line, a distance
of approximately 1900 feet, and of lining the old water main of eight inches in diameter on
Massachusetts Avenue from Greene Street ~o Fernwood Street, a distance of approximately 2300
feet, with a lining of not less than one sixteenth of an inch; and that to raise this appro-
priation the treasurer with the approval of the selectmen is authorized to borrow $95,000.
under G.L.c.44, s.8(5) as amended.
ARTICLE 68. VOTED to strike the article from the warrant.
ARTICLE 69. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $5,000 to be expended under the direc-
tion of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of procuring an engineering study with re- i
ference ~o the advisability of cleaning and lining the Town's two reservoirs on Sutton Hill.
ARTICLE 70. VO~ED tozaaie and .apropriate the sum of $40,000 and adopt the article.
to ~aise and appropriate the sum of $2,030 and to transfer $7,970 from
Warrant from the 1973 Annual Town Meeting for the purpose of this Article.
raise and sppropriate the sum of $2,500 for purpose of the Article.
~o ~aise and appropriate the sum of $15, 000 for purpose of the Article.
to raise and appropriate the sum of $13, 000 for purpose of the article.'
to reject the article.
to strike the article from the warrant.
to strike the article from the warrant.
tora~e and appropriate the sum of $4,5000. for the purpose of the article~
· ARTICLE 79. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $3400. and to transfer $600. from
Article 71 of the warrant for the 1974 Annual Town Meeting for the purpose of purchasing one
3/4 ton pick-up-truck, one 1970 1/2 ~on pick-u-truck to be ~raded.
ARTICLE 80. VOTED to adopt the article. - ........... ~t
ARTICLE 81. VOTED to adopt the article, and election to be held trienndal~y thereafter.
ARTICLE 82. VOTED ~o raise and appropriate the sum of $77,300 for the purpose of applying a
7.5% increase to the salaries and wages of those bargaining with the Board of Selectmen, and'
for the purp~ose of providing a stipend of $200 ~o those qualified as emergency medical tech-
nicians and ~ho are assigned ~o ambulance duty, such sum not to exceed $3,200.
ARTICLE 83. VOTED to adop~ the article.
ARTICLE 84. VOTED to adopt the article.
ARTICLE 85. VOTED ~o appropriate $350, OO0 from ~evenue sharing funds as follows: $200,000.
~.re Department Salaries and $150, O00. for Police Department Salaries.
ARTICLE 86. VOTED ~o transfer from available funds $50,000 for purposes of this article.
ARTICLE 87. VOTED TO strike the article from the warrant.
ARTICLE 88. VOTED to take the sum of $400,000 from available funds for the purpose of Art
Moderator Smith expressed his thar~cs to Town Clerk John Lyons, Town Counsel Arnold Salisbury
and the members of the Advisory Board for the time and the effort that they all put into the
necessities and requirements for a town meeting, ~reparatian and operation of same.
and s~preciation to Len and Mary Windle, Phyllis and Elmer Jackson, Ed & Eleanor M-llory,
~ l~ank Olms, Earline Lyons, Henry Fink, Lou KimmeE!~, Pete Rossiter, Jim Hurrell~,, Don Anderson
~llt Howard, Bob Lord, KenRo!lins, William McEvoy~ Bud Cyr and all others who give of their
time.in assisting in checking and counting at the meeting. To John Robinain ~nd staff-thanks.
~Meetmng adjourned at llOOP.M. 458 regi~t~r~o~_p~ent.
A true copy: ATTEST: ~