HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-04-24 -'I'OWN WARRANT COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS NORTH ANDOVER 1976 ESSEX SS: To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover: GREETINGS: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and in compliance 39 of the General Laws, and as recently amended by Ch. ap.te_r 8., with Chapter Section 9A of the Acts of 197.4. and our Nort .h, Andovec Town B.y;I~.w.,s ,--'-lA~io~h Section 4, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the mnan~tants Town of l~lorth Andover who are qualified to vote in Town Affairs to meet in the Veteran's Auditorium of our North Andover Middle School on Saturday April 24. 1976 at one-thirty 11:30] P.bi., then and there to act upon the following article: ARTICLE 1. The election of Town Officers and questions.appearing o.n t~.be ballot have already been acted on at the Annual Town Election on Marco 1976. .- ARTICLE 2. To elect all Town Officers not required by law to be elected by ballot. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 3. To see if the Town will vote to accept th[ report of receipts and expenditures as presented by the Selectmen. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 4. To see if the Town will vote to fix the salary and compens~ tion of the elected officers of the Town. as provided by Sectinn 108 of Chapter of General Laws. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 5. To see what action the Town will take as to its unexpanded appropriations. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 6. Te see what action the Town will take as to the budget recomnieodatinus of the Advisor~ Committee. Petition of the Selectmen. -i ; ARTICLE 7. To see if the Town will 7otc t.o .aut.h. onze the Treasurer, wi.?h · the approval of the Selectmen, to borrow m anticipation of the reventie for tee next Bscai year, all as provided by Chapter 44 of the General Laws. - Petition of the Selectmen. ~ ARTICLE 8. To consider the reports of all Special Committees. __ . ~ Petition of the Selectmen, ARTICLE 9. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Health to appoint one of its members to the position of Board of Health Physician, as provided by Section 4A of Chapter 41 of the General Laws. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 10. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate for the use of the Stevens Memorial Library the sum of $6106.50 which the Town has received from the State under the provisions of Chapter 78, Section 19A, of the General · I' ARTICLEll. ToseelftheT. own. willvote.t~atattheannual~Towneleet, io,n, . to be held in the year 1977. and t nannially thereafter, the Town 'ireasurer ana~s be elected for a term of three years. ARTICLE 12. To see if the Town will vote to authorize and direct the Treasurer, presently also acting.as the .Co~].ecte..r..of T. ~an.e~,.to a.~ a..ls,_o, a~eTnOer~ Laws, and in that capacity to collect all bills for the consumption of water from the public water supply system and all bills for the use of the Town's sewerage system, and to account for all other moneys which may from time to time be paid to Ifim by other Town officers, beards and committees, or by. otbe,r perseus, pursuant to the provisions of Art. icle IV, Section 5, of the._To~w~_ By. Laws, aedtoralseandappropnatetbesumof$ u. oe, pmo. . , in addition to his compensation as Treasurer and Tax Collector. as compensation Petition of the Selectmen ARTICLE 13. To see if the Town will vote that. at the conclusion of the print term, of office of the elected constables o! tbe. Tow,.. eost l shall not thereafter be alec. t.ed but shall.be appomt~e~, ny to.e_~e.l~c, tme~n, thxt; pursuant to the prov~smns of Sectmn 9lA of unapt.er it. o! tan tiesne Laws, the Selectmen may appoint as many constables as they neem nece sary. whether or not any such appointee be a resident of the Town, to serve civil precess, upon the compliance by such an appointee with the gover~_g. provisions of said Chapter 41. ~etitinn of the Selectmen _ . .. TICLE .. To acc if the tewn vote to anthorK Selee~.m~i iO-~l~pbint a~ Admiafstrative Assistant for remo~e him ~t their di~cetinn. ~i~-~ .~J ..................... '. ARTICLE 15. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $16,000 to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for the purpose of compensating the Administrative Assistant if the Town adopts the preceding Article. ARTICLE 16. To see if tbe Town will vote to amend Scbedule B included in Section 7 of its Personnel By-Law by increasing all of the salary rates listed therein by %, excluding, however, the compensation of those Town employees whose reanmeratinn is to be established by collective bargaining procedures. Petitlo{~ of the Selectmen Petition of the Personnel Board ARTICLE 1'/. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section B of its Personnel By-Law by increasing the salary rates listed therein by Petition of the Personnel Board . ARTICLE 18. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 9 of its i Personnel By-Law by increasing the salary rates listed therein by, Petition of the Personnel Board ARTICLE 19. To see if the Town will vote to amend Schedule E of Section ' 7 of its Personnel By-Law by increasing the compensation listed therein fur the, following positions: Reserve Patrolmen. School Crossing Guard. Veterans Agent and Veterans' Benefit Clerk. ,.. Petition of the Personnel Board ' ARTICLE 20. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum 'of $6.000 to be expended under the direction of the Tree Warden for the purpose of purchasing ami 1976 sA ton pick up truck, a 1970 Ford % ton pick up to be traded. Petition of the Tree Warden ARTICLE 21. To see if the Town ~il vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $16,000 for the purchase of four new 1976 cars, three 1975 and one 1973 cars to be turned in, in trade, and all equipment to be changed over, such as police radios, sirens, and similar aceessuries. : Petition of the Chief of Police ! ARTICLE 22. To see if the Town will vote to accept the provisions of Section 200 of Chapter 90 of the General Laws, which requires police officers to tag motor vehicles parked in violation of regulations relative to the parking of . motor vehicles within the Town. '_~ Petition of the Chief of Police - - ARTICLE 23. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $5 000 for the purchase of a new controller and accessories for traffic lights at' '? · MaSSachusetts Avenue and Waverly Road. ' Petition oftbe Selectmen , ~:-:~ -= 24 To s-ee i~ the Town will voto to ralse and ap. propriate the ?urn . .~",~,"~'~e e~nended under the direction of tbe Fire Enknneers t .° purc..n~ _ a new ambulance complying wlt.n the s~q~,:~ ......... Commonwealth and any appropriate reguinh?n, ol the ~tate oepartmeu~ Public Health, the present ambulance to be traoeu' Petition of the Fire Engineers of $23,000, to be expended uanec the utrccuo~ ~ . purpose o! installing a rumputor terminal in the Tax Offiee' Petition of the Town Treasurer Re ' trars of Voters for the purpose o~ p..ro.w?m,g_ u:,?~[~',~%~reet listin~ book[s, voting lists, uog ustmg, age gro.e .~.-.~ --- ot _ petition of the Town Clerk and the Board of Registrars of Voters of $17,000, to be expende~ unuer rue utrec .... r_~_~..:n. the Town's present machine accounting with a/modern electronic system capable o! nanaung warrant. WritingI system.: ..... :__ alassHicalion of expenditures and receipts ann a~Pap~]e to handling payroll preparation and additional programs. Petition of the Selectmen and o~ the Town Accountant TICLE 28. To see if the Town willvote to ruise and appropriate the sum of $ AR , to be expended, under the dh-echon of the Selectmen, for the e of such equipment and supplies as may be necessary for the proper parchas .... ~- -~ ,~ Town in the basement of the Selectmen may determine. Petition of the Historical Commission ' " TICLE29 ToseeiftbeTownwillvotetorniseandapproprintethesum AR -- ' .... ~-- the direction of a commRtee to be appo~ntod by · of $3,000, to ~e expenueu -,,---. ............ :'~*he Town during the the Se incident u n a ~nr~stmu ~.~.~m,, se~S°n of 1976. and to pay any expeus~? .... po ~d'.~'"~ the Town, the arrangements for which snail ne mane o~, ~.~. committee. ! Petition of John J. Burns and others ' ARTI~ 30. To see if the Town willvote to raise and appro, pri~.to the sum be ex nded under the direction of the Assessors tor tan purpose of $30,000,.to . .pe._ · -,_,:__ .~a ~udicial mandate requiring the ofZ'~omplymg wltr~ tan .?g~s~.~,..~_ o~'~T~n, With the understanding that suchre-evaluation shall be completed on or before January ~, Petition of the Assessors ARTICLE 31. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum th ~ F r the tn? ~ ARTICLE 36. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by adding the following new paragraph to Section 4.132 - Industrlal"S" District: '(12) Any eccassory use customarily inddent to any of the above permitted promotion, development and better utilizalion of the natural resources of the Town, for the protection of watershed resources of the Town, for acquiring options for the purchase of real estate and for any other purpose authorized by Section 8C of Chapter 40 of the General Laws as amended, including the purchase of land. Petition of the Conservation Commission ARTICLE 32. To see if the Town will vot.~ .to ~ise and a..p p r o~p_r_i ~a lmei zt shi eo nS ~o r of $500, to be expended under the direction ox the ~onserva~on ~.~m the purpose of obtaining a natural resource inventory of the -~own. Petition of the Conservation Commission ARTICLE 33. To see H the Town will vote to amend its General By-Laws by adding the following new Section to Article IV thereof: Section 12D. The Conservation Commission shall be empowered to require a performance guarantee for work authorized by any order issued by said Co .mmissinn .un. der Section 40 of Chapter 131 of the General Laws. Such work may oe securea oy a proper bond or a deposit of money or negotiable securities, sufficient in the opinion of the Commission to secure performance of t. he work authorized. Suc.h, bond or security if filed Or deposited shall be .spprove~, as to.xo.mrmanancen meua n~~ execution by the Town Counsel. Release ol any such perlormu~s shall be made upon issuance by the Commission o! a certificate of compliance w/th its order. Petitinn of the Conservation Commissinn ! ARTICLE 34. To see ii the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by 4 122 (6) lb), 4 123 (5) (b), 4.124 tlnl Iai, t.i~ ~--, .... ~.~ ,~ ~ i~ r~t ~'~ .~a a 130 [15~ lb} Iwhlch was originally ~echon and insertin~ m uince thereof, m each such section, the following. .- Y ~/n~in person, entity, or group o! persons, the xeoplng m a ~o~ than three (3~ of any kind or assortment of animals or birds in addition to the so/d parcel size to.nine {9~ acres the keeping of one such aom~lo.n,~anlw~u or bird. i Petltion of the Planning Board ARTICLE 35. To see ff the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by changing the last phrase of Sections 4.121 (4.),.,41122 {4).an, d 4.1~ _23 follows: "dwelling, such home occupations anan ne cameo on oy no~ three persons, one o.~ wh, om shall be the owner of the home occupation ann residing in such dwelling. P titi fth PI gBo~rd ' uses, provided that such arceasory use shall not be injurious, noxious, or offensive to the neighborhood." Petition of the Planning Board ARTICLE 37. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by stricking therefrom Section 4.129 (14} and inserting tn place thereof the following: ~Sectlon 4.129 (14) Warehousing, wholesa~ng and d~stributing shall be permitted as a secondary use or as a primary use with a Special Permit." Petition of Jeffrey M. Simmons and others ARTICLE 38. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by striking therefrom Section 4.129 (14) and inserting tn place thereof the following: "Section 4.129 {14} Warehousing, wholesaling and distr~ut~g." Petition of Jeffrey M. Sh~mons and others ARTICLE 39. To see if the Town will vote to amend itz Zoning By-Law by chnnging the Zoning Map of the Town to include the parcel of land hereinafter described within the General Business District: A piece of land along the rear line of the presently zoned General Business area formerly known az Lund's {SaC-den Center running parallel to Chickering Road 320', then bordering on Walker Road 214' with a curve with a radius of 59.8T then bordering on land oWned by S.S. Realty Trust 289.40', then, bordering on land now~r form~Eriy owned by New England Industries Inc. 45 contsinlng 45,870 square feet more Petition of Normand R. Maruis and others ARTICLE 40. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Laws by changing the Zoning Map of the Town to include the parcel of land hereinafter described within the Business 1 District: Beginning at a point on the easterly s~de of Andovur Street which i~ 102.08 feet southerly of the southerly side of Prospect Terrace; thence running easterly 89.95 feet by land N/F of John J. and Mary R. Rellly III, to a point: thence turning and running northerly by land of Frank G. and Dorothy A. Lewish 120.0 feet to a point which is on the cehterline of Prospect Terrace; thence turning and running again easterly by eenterline of said Prospect Terrace 70 feet -I-- to a point; thence turning and ru'nnlng again northerly by land N/F of The Thomas J. Flatly, Inc., 120.0 feet to a point; thence turning and running westerly by land N/F of Viola Hart s. nd Emily Parker and said Thomas J. Flatly, Inc., 210.05 feet to a point on the easterly side of Andover Street; thence turning and running southerly along the easterly side of said Andover Street 245 feet -F- to the point of beginning. Petition of Benjamin C. Osgood and others ARTICLE41. To~aniftheTownwillvot~t~tabllshCoachmansLuneas ~i ~ARTICLE46. To see if tbe Town will vote to amend its General By-Laws a Town waY. by accepting the ~electmen's in~.~4)Ut of the same as yretofoce '~ by striking therefrom Article VIII, and inserting in place thereof the following filed w/th theTown Clerk; provided, that his ~d:ejptsnce of Coachman s Lane as i Article: n Town way shall not become effective until the petitioners Il) shall have i! Article VIll The folinwin~ shall be the device of the official Town seal. In recorded at the North Essex Registry of Deeds an instrument, executed by all ,~ the center of a double circle, a wew of a vorhon of Lake Cochichew~ck, oersans having any legal right or interest in, or title to, the land lying within the ~ showin~, an Indian in a canoe u~n its surfec~, with the words "Lake Cur. hi- ~imitsofsaidway, grantingtotbeTownapermananteasementforpebtietravel i chewick%appearingbeinwtber~anoe andwi*thtbewords "Settled164~" and potage over said way. and (2} shall have filed vnth the Selectmen u appoacinga't'theto~oftbedrcumfer~nceoftbein~ercircl~,andtbewo~.s certification by an attorney at law that there are no other persons having any i "Incorporated April 7,1855" appearing at the bottom; in the space between right, title o.r interest in and to such land. ~ the inner and outer circles appear the words "Town of North Andover* at ~ the top of the seal and the word "Massachusetts" at its bottom. Petition of Benjamin C. Osgoed and others :, Petition of the Selectmen ARTICLE 42. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Laws by changing the Zoning Map of the Town to incinde the parcel of land hereinaftar i 'ARTICLE47. ToseeiftheTownwiHvotetoralseandappropristethesum. described within tbe General Businesa District: ' of $500 for the implementation of the foregoing Article. Land located to the rear of the Trombly property on the Andover By-Pass, .-- beundedanddescn*bedasfoHows: PetitionoftheSelectmen Northesterly by land N/F of Maryemma S. Trombly and land N/F of i ARTICLE48. To see if the Town wifi vote to raise and appruprinte the anm of $ , to be expended, under the dh-ectlon of the Selectmen. for the Harold W. Trombly. 365 feet; Southeasterly by land blfF. of the Downing refurbishing of the Town Oflice Building. Estate, 325 feet; Southwesterly by land N/F of said Downing Estate, 525 feet, more of less; Northwesterly by land N/F of Merrimack College, 450 Petition of the Selectmen feet. ~i ARTICLE 49. To see if the Town will vote to antber~ze the Selectmen to PetitionofFranclsJ.~romblyandothers convey a portion of its property on Dale Street comprising the building traditionally known as the "Town Farm" and not more than three acres of land ARTICLE 43. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Town to any person making the highest bid therefor, which bid shall not be less than Treasurer to pay to Jean Mci]overn the sum of $57 as a refund of the permit fee $10,000 per acre of land. on Building Permit No. 2193, which has not and will not be used. Petition of Anna Danahue and others ARTICLE 44. To see if the Town will vote to discontinue the mo~t seuthwnstoriy pe~,i, an of Sehoel Street as a public way, being that area of land shown as"Parcel B' on a plan of land in North andover drawn for Shelia M. and Vincent B. Landers, dated July 2, 1975, drawn by the Pemhrook Land Survey Co., said parcel being bounded and described as follows: Southwesterly 40.01 feet by the southwesterly end of School Street as it presently exists; Northwesterly 59.50 feet by land now or formerly of Mas- dna; Northeasterly 40.02 feet by the remaining portion of School Street; Southeasterly 58.52 feet, by land now or formerly of Landers, to the point of beE/rating. Petition of the Selectmen ARTICLE 45. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to Petition of the School Committee convey to the City of Lawrence, for the sum of $. ., whatever r/ght, fl0e ~ed interest the Town may have in and to that parcel of land bounded and i ! deacn'b~d as follows: Northerly, by land now or formerly of C.V. and M.A. Waltes, Common. wealth Avenue and land now or formerly of W.J. and M.L. McMahon, and ~': ' easterly, southerly and westerly by the Shawsheen River. Petition of the Selectmen ~ ~ ,l,u, .to ne ex .penoea unoer the direction of the School Committee for the' purp~, se ox sponsoring an comprehensive drug treatment program which will . provide the following serv/cas under the direction of the Greater Lawrence Community Drug Council, Inc.: 1.) An educational program for parents, teachers and children under the diruc- t/on of qualified educators and in cooperation with the Health Coordinator and Gu/dance Department of the North Andover School System. .. 2.) A counseling Center which will offer individual and group counseling prograsns. 3.) A 24-hour, 7-day week, hot line to be manned by qualffied personnel in the area of ecisis intervention. Petition of the Scheel Comm/ttee ARTICLE 53. To see ff the Town will vote to provide for the indemnifira- tlon of the members of the School Coxnm/ttee and of the Superintendent of Schools, under the provisions of Section 100E of Chapter 41 of the General Laws, by obtsining insurance coverage, and to fa/se and appropriate the sum of $1,100 for such purpose. Petition of the School Committee o* ...AI~ .TI~CL? 54. To s. ee~ if th.e Town ,.will .vote to raise and appropriate the sum ..~ .~.o~, to ne expenoea unaer the d/rection of the School Committee for the purpose of providing dehumidification and ventilation to the new wing area crawl spaces of the North Andover hHddie Sehoel, said funds to be utni-~l to prov/de material, equipment, labor, and appurtenances applicable to the scope of the work to meet all safety and building code requirements. Petition of the School Committee Petition of the Selectmen ARTICLE 50. To see if the Town will vote to authorize and direct its ' ot..~AR.~TIC. L~.55; To .see. ifth. eTown .wiil.v. otetoraise.an, dapproprintetheanm representative to the Great and General Court of the Commonwealth to ~e n · ,~u,tmv, to oe expenaee uuner the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the bill t herewith prupo~ing t be enactmant of legislatinn providing veterans' pcefec* ! ence for Eric J. Korb, Bruce A. Alien and Tercence Joyce, notwithstanding any ri' purpose of engineering, plans, and execution of State Department of Public presently existing provision of the General Lawsl ' Health requirements to upgrade the present Sanitary Landfill Site on Holt ' '! Petilinn of Eric J. Korband otbers Road. ~ ARTICLE 51. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum Petition of the Highway Surveyor of $10,000, to be expended under the direction of the Sehcol Committee for the : A~RTIcLE 56. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum purpose of providing payment for twelve months of services rendered, or to be rendered, by the Greater Lawrence Mental Health Center, for or in behalf of of $20,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the some of the children of the Town, ail as the Committee may determine, purpese o f inndffil slie drveinpment. Petition of the Highway Surveyor ~-:-:;~.=~.. . __ = .~.. . _ . - - ' ABTICIA~§?. ToseeiftheTownwillvotetorniseandopp'ruprintethesum '. ,LRTICLE66. ToseeiftheTownwilivotetoraiseandnpproprintethasum of $85,000, to be expended under the di~'tinn of the Highway Surveyor for the of $40,600, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor f~ the purpose of resurfaslng, oiling, repairing and maintenance of any street in the purpose of purchasing the following equipment: one sidewalk plow ($13,0~0), no Town. trade one Epeke sand spreader to be mounted on dump truck {$4,600}, no trade, ~' one'new dump truck ($13,000), 1968 dump truck to be traded, 1 ton pickup truck Petition of the Highway Surveyor ($5,000). 1971 pickup to be traded, and one leaf vacuum [$5,000), no trade. Petition of the Highway Surveyor ARTICLE 67. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Public Works to ~e applications under Section 466E, Title 33, of the United States CSde. for grants to be made by the United States to aid in defraying the costs of construction of the sewerage treatment works, to authorize the Board of Public Win*ks to furnish such information and to take other such action as may be necessary to enable the Town to qualify for and use such grant, to agree that if such* a grant is made, the Town will pay all of the remaining costs of the approved project over and above the amount of the grant, or to take any other action relative thereto.: Petitibn of the Board of Public Works ARTICLE 68. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sam of $79.000, and to authorize the Town to borrow $57.000, less Federal and State construction grants, for engineering services to prepare construction drawings and specifications for the proposed sewerage system, and to authorize the Board of Public Works to contract for engineering services to prepare said drawings and specifications and to act in any other way relative thereto, or take any other action relative thereto. Petition of the Board of Public Works ARTICLE 69. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appcep.r~.to the sum of $27,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Pubhc Works for the purpose of extending the sewer on Sutton Hill Road a distance of 1000 feet towards Johnson Street. Petition of the Board of Public Works ; ARTICLE170. To see if the Town will voto t~ raise and approprlate the sum of $5,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending sewer mains, subject to the regulations of said Board which may not have been petitioned for at this Meeting. ' Petition of the Board of Public Works - - .. -, ARTHILE?I. ToseeifthqTo.wnwillvo~et. oraiseandappropriatethesum of $5.000. to be expended under the direction of the Boaed of Public Works fee the purpose of extending water mains, subject to the regldations of said Board, whkh may not ha~;e been petitioned for at this Meeting. .... Petliio~ of thi* Board of Public Works ~ ARTICLE72. ToseeiftheTown..willv.otetoraiseandappcep..nate}h.e.s.um of $4488.22, to be expended, under the direction of the Board of .public...W.or.l? ~Oorr the purpose of paying a bill from the Greater Lawrence Samtary work done to tie in the house sewers on Ferry Street. PetitiOn of the Board of Public Works ARTICLI~ 73. To see if the Town .will .vote to raise and approp..r}ate~.th~ of $4.500, to be expended under the diceCtlon of the Board of Public wur the purpose of renewing water ~rvicos, placing gate valves, on hydr.an~ branches and raising manhole frar~s and covers on streets which are being reconstructed. Petition of the Board of Public Works ARTICLE '/4. To see if the Town.will .vote to raise and approp..ria~.~th.e of $5,000, to be expended under the .d~rect,on of the Board of Public wur~r~S the p!u~ o~f .permanently perching water and sewer tcencnes on TO l~etition of the Board of Public Works ARTICLE 75. To see if the Town .will .vote to raise and appr°p..nat~.e th.e S~or of $5,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public woras lo the purpose of installing corrective drainage and rehabilitating Becky's Pond at the old training grounds on Peters Street. Petit[on of the Board of Public Works ARTICLE v6. To see lithe Tow, ;m . ote to and appcep..rmte of $4,000, to be expended under the d~rectlon of the Board of Public Worsu th~ purpose of purchasing playground equipment for the new Reynolds Play- ground on Johnson Street. ' Petition of the Board of Public Works ARTiClE ??. To see if the Towu. .vote to and appcep?2th[, of $5,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public worzs the purpose of installing corrective drainage and paving the driveway at the Hittredge School. Petition of the Board of Public Works -ARTICLE 78. To see if the Town.will .voto to raise and approp..date, te~th.e ? of $?.500, to be expended under the d~rection of the Board of Public woran mr the purpose of hot topping the driveway and the area surrounding the south pumping station at 420 Great Pond Road Petition of the Board of Public Works ARTICLE 79, To see if the Town ..will vo. te to rnise and approp ..date~.th.e ? of $146,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public worus xor ~he uuroose of relinin~ the old 8" cast h-on water main on Massachusetts Avenue ~n~ Oigond Street t~ Greene Street -- a distance of approximately 46~ feet. Petition of the Board of Public Works ARTICLE 58. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $15,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purlmse of instailing drninage in problem aseas throughont the Town. Petition of the Highway Surveyor ARTICLE 59. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $8,500. to be expended under the direction o! the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of installing new and repairing existing sidewalks. Petition of the Highway Surveyor ~f.- ARTICLE 60. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $5.000, to be expended under the die.inn of the Highway Surveyor for the' purpo~ of replacing existing catch basin frame,s and grates which ace smailer than standard size. Petition of the Highway Surveyor ARTICLE 61. To sue if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000, to be expended under the dlrection of the Highway Smweyor for the of engineering drainage easements throughout the Town. -..~_ _ purpose Petition of the Highway Surveyor ARTICLE 62. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $5,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose qf erocting and replacing guard ruilz throughout the Town. Petition of the Highway Surveyor ARTICLE 63. To see if t he Town will vote to rnise and appropriato th e sum of $2,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of making and placing street signs throughout the Town. Petition of the Highway Surveyor . ARTICLE 64. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $44,739, to be expended under the di~.~ctiun of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of meeting the State's share of Chapter 765, Acts of 1972, funds (~44,739), said amount to be reimbursed, and upon receipt to be restored to unappropriated available funds in the Town Treasury. Petition of the Highway Surveyor ARTICLE 65. To see if the Town will vote to amend its General By-Laws by adding thereto the following new Article: Article XII-F: The removal from · public sidewalk, way or any usual point of residential rhbbish pirk.up, of any mat~.r~ai~, specifically set apart from ordinas~ household rubbish for the purpo~. ,'[ of being recycled~ under.the re, cling program of the Towu, by persunb _ot~ I!.ar than those properly anth- orlsed to pick up such material, is hareby.~xpre~, cly prohibited. etition of the Highway Surveyor ,. _.. ARTICLE 80. To see if the Town ..will .vote to raise and.ap.p~ru.P ,r~at_e.th~e _s~r ' of $18.000, to be expended under the direchon of the Board et ~'uoue woran the purpose of purchasing the following equipment: one 1Ih..Wn ~ an.d truck, one 'A ton pick-up truck with utility body and one fiem marner tone Chevrolet cab and chassis lo be traded). Petition of the Board of Publ/c Works ARTICLE 81. To see if the Town ..will v.ote to rahe and of $120.000, to be expended under the ~mn .o.f the Boars. el ~u hon..c..w_ _ur~m the purpose of covering the two l~h nfill/on gsuos reservoirs on on,u,, ,.~ conformity ~'ifh state law. peiftinn~.of the Board of Publ/c Works ARr s2. To if the Town ..w .v.oto to r se o~ M6.000, to be expended under the dlrechon of the Board o! r'uene woran · >~e purpose of lining the two IV~ mHlinn gallon reservoi~ on Sutton Hill. Petition of the Board of Public Works sum of $100. to be paid to the McGrml Farmly Trust m cons~ueraunn o~ conveyance to the Town of a parcel of land cont~inlng approximately 4850 sqtmre feet and shown as Lot 12 on Desk Pix.ri. No. 0~2! nt.the...No.~h ~SeerX' Eeg~y of Deeds, to become n part of the Aplin pinygrounn, wan she u purchasing and piadng a bronze plaque ~,l~_ n the -'~P~n r~aygr°uuu n' --"'. . presently standing on Cinrendo~Street, in memory of Thomas J. McGral], Jr., May 10,1~19 -- August 11,1966 Petitioh of Rits McOrafl Healey of $9~?.~0~ to be expended under the direchon of the ~ el ~UDUC the pUrpe~ of erecting a chah~ link fence at the Aplln Playground in order to finish the ehc~osing of that playground. Petition of William B. Joyce and others the purple of extending the water mare on nummec ,~.ree ...... r lermlno~s 1000 feet toward Fsrnum Street. Petition of Mrs. Mary Ann Mandry and others ARTICLE 86. To see if the Town w~l vote to amend its Zoning By.Law by he end of the second sentence of Section 5, Paragraph 5.1,,Subpam- adding at t .... . , * graph (5), the following: Their exptrat/on date and/ur annual ray,ow. Petition of the Planning Board and Board of Appeals ARTICLE 87. To see if the Town w/Il vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $ for the purpose of impiementing collective bargaining agree- mente reached o~' to b~ reached with Town employees. - ...... . Petition o! the Selectmen !ARTICLE 88. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the sum of $ _~ __ to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen, from Chapter 825.', Sec. 1 of the Acts o.f 1974 (an Act'to provide I~al, aid. t.r~ws..portatinn to ass/st Highway and Transit Develop.m.?t.)..to.be ex ~pendea as louo . GeneraIMaintenance, Budget o! toe ~gaway ~urveyor. Petition of the Selectmen $ ' , under the direction of the Seledmee fram Revenue bnarmg (Fis~l Assistance to State and Local Oovernment as follows: 1. Fire Department Salaries 2. PolicoDepartment Salaries Petition of the Selectmen ARTICLE 90. To see if the To. wn will vote to raise and appropriate such sum ~ this Meeting may deternune to the Reserve Fund. as provided by Se~'tion 6 of Chapter 40 of the General Laws. Petition of the Selectmen ARTICLE 9L To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate such sum as this Meeting may determine to the Stabil/zatinn Fund, as provided by ~tion 5B of Chapter 40 of the General Laws. Petition of the Selectmen ARTICLE 92. To s~e if the Town wiil vote to take the sum of $ from nvaiinhle funds to reduce tho tax rate. Petition of the Selectmen And you are directed to serve thh Warrant by posting true and aitested copies thereof, at the Town Office Bu~ding and at five or more public plicee in each votin~ precinct of the Town. Said copies to be posted not more that[ seven days before the t/me of said meeting. ,· - Hereof, fail not, and make due return of this Warrant with your doing thereon to the Town Clerk at the time and place olsaid meeting. Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts*, the twenty-fourth day of March in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and seventy-six. North Andover, Mass. , pm ....... A TsuelCopy: ATTEST JOHN J. LYONS Town Clerk JOSEPH A. GUTHRIE JOHN F. COADY THOMAS J. McE¥OY Selectmen of lVor~h A~doeer. Mass. OFFICER'S. RETU~J~. ~ I'have notified and warned the inhavitauts~ of the Town of North ~dover who are quali(~O lied to. vote in Town Affa~r~ by pos~in~ true and attested cop~eso£ this l'~arrant at the To~n Office Building ~d at five or more public places in each voting precinct of the Town. S~id copies not having been posted not less than seven de~s before the t.tme of s~' d meeting. CONSTA3~E. North Andover, Mas~~ April 14, 1976 ~/T~Ii~LE. ~