HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-11-23 on TUESDAY EVENING, the 23rd DAY OF NOVEMBER 1976 at 7:30 P.~., then and there to upon the following Articles: AR2ICLE 1. To see if the Town will vote to ratify and confirm the Selectmen's action in apply- lng for monies from the Federal Governmen~under the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 and to authorize the Selectmen to expend the monies received to renovate housing units owned By the North Andover Housing Authority and for any r~lated projects. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 2. To see if %he Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen or their designee to an app£ication for a Federal grant under the Housing and Comm~u~ity Development Act for any purpose.authorized under said act and expend any monies received in accordance withmid application. Petition .of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 3. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to submit an application for the r~novation of the Town Building under the Public Works Employment Act of 1976 (P.L. 94-369) and to expend any monies received in accordance with said application. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 4. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $23,000 to be spen~ under the direction of the Selectmen for architectural and engineering services to Prepare drawings and specifications for the renovation of the Town Build,n?_. Petition of ~e Selectmen. ARTICLE ~. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Public Works to submit an application for the lining and covering of the two I 1/2 million gallon reservoirs under the Public Works Employment Act of' 1976 (P.T..94-369) az~ expend any monies received in accordance with said application. Petition of the Board of l~lic Works. ARTICLE 6~ To see if the Town will vote tomtse and appropriate the sum of $700.00 for the purpose jJf implementing ~rticle 22 of the Warrant for the Annual Town Meeting of 1976. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE' 7. To see if the Town will vote to acquire a dr~sge easement twenty feet in width a£ong the length of r.a~gton Street and cressiz~ Wayne Street to ~nnect with emfsting drainage on the garage site. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. .. ',.'ARTICLE' 8i To' see if the Town will vote to instruct its representative to the Great and General Court to file a bf]1 requesting the enactment of legislation granting Donald A. Beveri~ge of 52 Harwood Street, North Andover, Massachusetts, retroactive residency in the Town.of North Andover, Massachusetts beginning October 1, 1974 for the purpose of obtaining the above person's name on a list of eligible candidates for police services in our said. Town from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Division of Personnel Management (Civil Service) Petitionof Irene MeiEle -~ others. ARTICLE 9. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zo-~g Map by changizg from R3, Residence .3. Distric'~ and General Business District to Industrial 2 District the following described_ parcel of.' land: Easterly by the ~ndover By-Pass, Route 125, 253.6 feet .more or less; southerly' by"land now or fozmerly of Naomi Trombly 184 f.eet, more or less. Easterly by land'~ now.'0r.~formerly~ of Naomi Trombly 110.3 feet more or less, Southerly by land now or. -of:Trombl~ Motor Coach Service, Inc. 340 feet, mcr or less; Southwesterly by other land .Trombly Motor. Coach Service, Inc. 535 feet, more or less; and Northerly by land now or formely of ~he 'Augustinian College of the Merrimack Valley 682 feet, mcr or less. 'Petition of F~ancis J. Trembly and others. And you are hereby directed to serve this Warrant by posting true and attested copies of~ this Warrant'at the Town,Office Building and. at five or more'public .places in each voting precinct~0f the:To~n. ' Sai~' 6opies to be pdsted mdt~ less tha~ fourteeh (14) days before the" ~time, of said [~eeting. ~ ' ~'i?~.Nere~f~Tfail'.not, and make due return of thiw warrant with your doings thereon at the ti~. and place of said meeting to .the Town ,Clerk. .~ . ~"' '::~ Given urger our hands' at North Andover, l~ssachusetts, the 1st ds~ of November ,in:the - ~r 1of our'Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Seventy-Six. JOSEPH Al' GUTER~E .... Selectmen ........ -.. ~r~elcmp2~ ATTEST: · JOHN F. COADY of. ~~'~ ~ CO~ISTABLE[ THOMS J. NcEVOY.~ Nox~h 'Andover,. M~ss. ~/h~ve ~{f{ad and warned the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover who are ql~l~ed, to V~t~ in Town 'Affairs by posting true a~ attected copies of this Warrant at the Town Office 'Building 'and at five or more public places in each voting precinct of the Town. Said copies ~ot having 'Been posted less than fourteen days before the time of said ~ ~ ~:,..: 7 ~ "'/~~~ ATTEST: .... INovember 8; 19 SPECYAL TOWN MEETING TUESDAY~ ~¥~ING NOVEmbER 23~ 1976 Me~ting~ epemd-with Moderator Donald F. 'Smith Presidingo~ ARTICLE 1. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY ~o ADOPT the article excluding the Words "~d for a~y~related projects. ARTICLE 2. VOTED leave to withdraw the article. AR2ICLE 3. !~TED TO ADOP~ the article. ARTICIE 4. VOTED to raise ~d ~propriate 'the sum Of "$~00.~ .to ~ e spent unde~ the direction of the Selectmau for architustural and engineering services to, prepare an application to~e submitted for funding under the Public WorEs Employ- me~t Act~of,1976 (P.L.94~369) for the renovation of the Town Building, however, no payment u~d~r the appropriation shall be made ,~1 ess the application is accepted end logged by the. Philadelphia~¢learing House of the Economic Development AH~stratien prior to the c~mmencement' of scoring applications at the clearing~heuse. AR2ICLE %. VOTED ~LEAVE TO