HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-04-23 Town vote to anent Schedule B of Section of its By-Law by increasing salary rstee listed therei~ By .' .-."%, exc]-~-~, however, the compensation~ of those Town employees whose remuneration is to be es-~lished by ~egotatieA procedures and to raise and appropriate $ to implement the proposed increase. Petition Personnel 'Board. ARTICLE 17. To see if the Tow~ will vote to amend Section 8 of its Personne By-Law 'by ing the sAl.ry rates listed therein by ._~ and to raise and appropriate $ to implement the proposed increase. Petition of the Personnel Board. ARTICLE 18. To see if the Town will vote to -~-_~d Section 9 of its Personnel 'By-T~w by creasing the salary rates listed therein by .__% A~ to raise and a~ropriate $ }.o., imple- meat the proposed increase. Petition of the Personnel Board. ' - ARTICLE 19. To see if the Town will vote to ameAd Schedule A --~ E of Section ? of its Per- sonnel By-Law by stri~izg therefrem ~11 references to the Pos~ion of Veteran's Agent a~ Vetera~.a Bnne~it Clerk. Petition of 'the Personnel Boerd. · A~CLE 20. To see if the Town will vote to amend Schedule A. of Section 7 of its Personnel By-Law by adding thereto, --~cr the heading of "Department Head and Supervisory~Gr~up,, th~ Class Title of "Teterans' Graves Officer (Part Time)" with a miso~l-~-o~s compensation,grade~ and.by adding to Schedule E of Sa~ Section 7~ the Class Title of "~eterans Graves .O~icer" with an ---_--" compensation of $200. Petition of the Personnel Board. A~CZE 21. To see if the Town will vcte to mend Schedule E of Section ? of its Personnel By-Law by c~.~gizg the s-~,,-~ compensation rate for the ~ire Inspector'from $3~1~O t0'$4,000 and to raise ~-~ appropriate the sum of $8~Oo to implement the proposed ameAdment. Petition of the Personnel Board. ARTZCEE 22. To see if the Town will vote to --~_-a Schedule E of Section 7 of its Personnel By-~am ~y previding that the weekly salary of a Oustalial ~or~er shall be increased from $~2.~0 to $60.00 and to raise a~d mpprepriete the sum of $3~0 to implement the proposed amendment. Petition of the Persoz~el Board. AR~CLE 23. To see if the Town will vote to amend Schedule E of Section 7 Of i~s Personnel. By-raw by increasi~_- the compensation listed therein for the fo~ positions:: .Reserve P~tro~-~ ,'.-d School Crossing Guard ~,-,-] to raise and appropriate $ to implement the proposed amendment. Petition of the Personnel Board. > " A~ZOLE 24. To see if the Town will vote to amend Schedule E of Section ? of its' Pgrsbnn~l By-Law by providing that the annual compensation of the Sealer of ~eighte & ~easurea abel1' be increased from $1gOO. O0 to $1800.00 and to raise a~ appropriate the sum of '$300.00 to':i~-' ' plement the proposed 'amendment. Petition of the Personnel Board. -AF~ICLE 2~ :To ~ee if the'Town will vote to amend Schedule E of Section ?'of its By-Law by establishing the position of Assistant Building Inspector at a salar~ rate -per 'day,' amd to raise and appropriate $2~880. to implement the proposed amendment. ~P~tition of the Personal Board At~ICLE 2~. To s~ if the Town will vote to emteb!ish, he new position of 'I~of.e. saio,._ra!.,To~n Planner, ~ho shall meet the professional qualificntions required By the tion established by the ~a~.t~.. Board, and vho~ shall be chosen 'and supervised b~ 'the'~ "Board, ,,.a to -,,~.,'~ Schedule A of Section ? of the Personnel By-Law.by adding thereof eotablishi~g the compencation grades of the .Department Head ami "said position~ with a compensation grade of S-l? and. to raise and appropriate $ ~ for, his annual compeAsation. '.Petition of the Personnel' Board. ' · "" ~rofrom the p!~agraph'j~f"Schedule A of Section 7 thereof entitled "Labor in its pla.ce the 'following~ IABOR ~OUP Assistant Supervisor of the 'Pumping Station. Grader Operator .a/. r, eadman. HeavF Notor Eq,uip~eAt, oporntor azd laborer. Laborer ami Truck Driver ~ainteAance Crk~sman,'(Water -~ ~wer - Forestry. ~into~-ce ~aa (Higheay,'Water and Sewer --t. Park Depts.) Tree ¢li~er a~d, SU~,ge0n Water ~te~ a-~ .Hl~X~t:'~epairman to implement the propose~ -~-ament. and to raise a~d appropriate $ AI~ICLE 28. In'~;he event 'of the-~'s adoption of the foregoing Article, to 'see if the Town will vote to strik· .from the paragraph of Said Schedule A entitled "Depor~amt ~and and Super- viaory Group" are ~efersnsea to the following Class Titles~ Assistant Supervisor of the Pumping Station. ~Wator Station Operator. Supervisor of Pumping Stations. Worhing Foreman. Petition of the Selectmen. ' · AR2IC~ 29. To see i if the Town will vote to amend its Personnel By-law by s trt~-~ therefrom S~hedule D of Section ? ,thereof, and ~-ertizg in its place .the followi._~: compensation , :-. .: HOURLY WAGE' SCHEDULE ~ade MIN.' II.= III. .'MAX,, W-3 ~.~ h.~O ~..6~ h. 80 W-4 h.50 4.65 4.80 w-% h.6% 4.80 h.~5 ~.1o w-8 '-!;.4S' ~;.6b, .~.8o 6.00 t~ p~c~e ~ fo~ ~. ~ ~s~ ~e-~ ~ o~ ~73 ~s to be t~ed. ~, ~ t~e~ ~ ~ eq~pment to be c~d' ~, .~ch~ ~ce .~?s, s~e~ ~ s~m~' ~cessori~. Petiti~ of the C~ ef PeWee. ~I~-31. To ~e ~ the T~ ~ vote to raise ~ appr~te the m~ of $ ~ be e~e~ ~d~ the d~ection of the S~ec~en for the p~ose ~c~es. P~ition ~ the ~lec~n. To see ~ the T~ w~ ~te to app~p~ate su~ s~ ~ the ~xe~tive Office of A~IC~ ~. · -' ~m~ - '~- To'- f~ i~ recur acc~sition of the pr~y on G~t'~ po~,~ fo~ o~d ~ t~ ~te~ ~ t~ St~ ~aA~y ~, .~t~' C°~ati~'~ ~ to a~ to acc~te ~ y~ to y~ "Co~Atiom ~C~ssion for the pr~ion,' ~elop~nt ~ bett~ utilization of ~e ~t~l ~ ~ ~ ~-uts of ~ Fed~ or ~a~e ~-~ acq~sitxon re~s~en~ pro~, ~ 'the ~se of ~. ~e~2mon. oz.~e ~a~xon a~ed ~d~ the ~-~tion of the Assesso~ xor, ~ ~ose ~~ ~ate ~ the re~sess~nt of ~ p~ies ~,m ~e.'~ ~~ t~t ~ch ~sessment s~.~ complet~ on or b~ore Petition of the Assessors. ex~en~ed'.:uude~ the d~rection of the Selec~en ~or ~ne purpose o~ door, thro~'tbe present Town Ole~k.m Office i~to ~e fo~ ~fice ~ for ~:T~ ~co~ ~ o~ p~ce ~ ~th ~ for ~o~ ~th:~s~' so~ ~v~yl ' Petition of ~e T~ CluE. '~.E'~3%.~ To cee ~the T~ ~ vote ~ acc~t.~ p~io~ of ' :Petition ..~.'~e P~ ~:~j~.To see ~ the T~ ~ ~ ~'~'i~ Z~ ~p ','~.e4~,~ ~th~ .~'f~ ~ the ~ ~ ~.s~6 s~e~s; ~e ~m~ on a --~ ........ ' ~ 01' o ..t ~e~ .to a~ on 't~ 'f~e ~' the ~t~ ~[ ~~ 730 ~t.-~ ~ty-~. ~ '(~uu ~oe~ .~ I o~ f~e 200 feet (~a~. ~ ~0 feet.) ~..,., ~, ..~ ~.~.. ,, . · Petition Of S~ ,~ ~ ~"o , .. ,..' : ...... .,-:, :~..',,.: .... ",' '~AV~ 38; "TO ~eg-~ t~ x~ ~ vote to.resc~ ~ e~-~ · ,~..~ ~ .~tivo'~ t~ ~w ~ aoh~l si~,.a~e. the. mc~l ~'c~t~:. ~ ~fio~ ~c~ ,~ ~ School Co,tree. , ..... ; '~';~e~e~dj=~'.the ~ecti~.~ the ~oo~ ,~ef~.pe.~? Petition ~ t~ ~hool' ~t~eo. ..... ~... ....... , '~ t0 ' TO oO~ ~ the T~ ~ll ~ t0 ~e;,~'ap~tof~e be ~on~;~' tbt;it~ti~ ~ the ~hool .~e for. ~o ~ ~ edward. ~ ~ c~eration ~th.the ~ ~. ~t: ~.. the ~'~ ~hool -.3, cA ~::h~ 7~Y .~ek, hot ~e to be ~ ~ ~'~e~ ~rso~l P~t~t~on .~.~oo~ C~ttea, 2i4' ARTICLE 41, To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of ~2.000. to be expendee ~nder the direction of the ~hool Committee for' the purpose of prov~_a payment for twelve months of services rendered, or to be rendered, by the Greater Lawrence ~ental Health Center, for or in behalf of some of the c~ldren of the Town, all as the Committee may determine. Petition of the School Co,-~ttee. ARTICLE 42. To see if the To~n will vo~e to endorse the Selectmen's to have the North ~zl'Re~o~n~ Resource Recove~ Fac~4ty located in in the vicinity of the Town's present landfill site. Petition of the Selectmen. propusal North A~dover A _~r~CLE 43. ~o see if the Town will' vote to declare that an Industrial Development ~nencing Authority is needed therein, that unemployment or the threat thereof exists in the Town, that security aga4~st future uaemployment and lack of business opportunity is required in the Town, and that unemployment or the threat thereof can be alley- inted and security against furze unemployment and lack of business opportunity o&U bo provided, by attract~ ~ow industry to the Town or substantia~y industry e~istin~;.~n the' ~un~:.thro~gh an-ind~trial development project or projects . financed under C. hO'D' 'of. the General ~aws, Petition of the Selectmen. A~AC~E 44. To see if the Town will vote to declare that there is a need to establish an Authority for the f~.n,~S of a solid waste disposal facility in accerdence with the provisions of'Oh. 4SD'Of the General Laws. Petition of the Selectmen, AE~CLE ~. To see if the To~n will vote to authorize the Sleotmen to appoint Stud~ Committee oous~ting of a mmabe~ of the Board of Assessors, Tax CoLlector, ~ederator, Town Counsel, Selec*---~ Town Clerk and a member to he chosen by the . ~, . Department Heads to r~-enent them. Said Stud~ Committee to investigate tho msth~ of appoint4~ the Advisory Board and recodifying all of the Town By- laws. Petition c~ the Selec~_n. AETIOLE 4~. To see if the Town wiLl vote to raise n~-] appropriate the su~' .of ~000~ ' to be expended under .the direction of tho High~ay Survo~ for tho purpose .of purchas~ the following oquipmout~ one b?~_do~er, 1~72 Y~ndfi~l ~aohine. to. be tredod'($~O~.000). ahd one Brush chippe~($~,OO0)~ -. · . _'.~ ' .~.~' ~ Petition of the Higheay Surveyor, ~AE~ICZE 47. To see if the T~en ~ vote to raise ~ bo ~ ~ ~- ~ct$on ~ tho ~ p~c~ street si~' t~o~h~t the To~. Petition ~ t~ ~g~7 ~C~ 480 .To soo ~ t~ T~ ~]] vote to~se n~ app~te ~ ~ be e~n~. ~ the ~ection of t~ ~d rep~c4~ ~ r~ t~o~h~t the Petition'C~ tho High~ay Surveyor. AE~C~E ~. To see if the Town will vote'to raise and appr~iate the sum ~f $3,~00~ .to be e~ed under the direction of the Highway Smwey~r for the, purpose .0~f,,replacing existing catch basin frenoa and grates Which are smaller than standard ai~ae' ' ' , -. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. AE~ICLE .~0, To see if tho Town ~1] vote to raise n~fl appropriate the sun of,$8,~00~ to he expended under the direction of tho KighMay. Surveyor for the purpose of i~tal~ing now and repairing existing sidewal~s. Petition of the Highea~Su~oy~, A~TCLE ~, To see if tho Town will vote to l~Lea ~-~ appropriate the s~ of $1~00O' to be oxpond6d .under the direction of the Hi,ay' Surveyor. for tho purpose of' drainage in problem areas throughout tho Town. ' . Petition of theHigheay Surveyor, .. A~CLE ~2, To soo if the Toga will vote ~o raise and appripriato the sum of to be ez~ended under tho direction of the ~ighwa~ S~awoyor for tho purpose o.f_?e.s?~ facing, oiling, repairi~ ~ minte~A*~e'of an~ street in theTo~n. .r.,i~ - Petition of the High~ay Surveyor. AE~CLE ~J, TO see. if tho To~n ~ vote. to'raise 'and' appropriate the sum' ~f~ to be expo~dod~'~nder 't~e direction of the:H[gtnmy Surveyor for the purpose;of site development¥ .... Petition ~f the HighMay Su.-'~'eyor, .... AR~CTM ~4e TO see ~ t~ T~ ~ vo~ to r~so ~d a~rop~te the s~..of", ..' "~?'~ $~73~ ~ be e~ ~ the ~ection ~ the ~gh~ ~e~r for th~ ~se'~ of ~eet~ ~ S~te~s s~e.of~ C~p~ 7~5~ ~ts ~ ~72 ~ ~ oth~ s~ ' ' statute, s~d ~t ~ ~ ret~a~ ~d ~'~ceipt to be ~s~ ~. ~p~0'- ~t~ av~le f~ ~ tho T~ Tre~, ~: ' Pstit_~on.gf the Higln~..y SurE_cyst... AE~I~,~. ~. To se~ if the x'own wx,, vote ~ ~e~ ~icle ~I -by ad~n~ 'thereto t~ fo~2 ~ Section Secti~ 8At No person s~ ~ ~ ~avation or other s~s~ti~ c~e ~ thb s~f~e of ~ traveled ~ion of ~ ~Y ~ t~ To~ o~n to ~c ~avel ~th~t f~st obt~ a ~t t~r~or f~m the ~g~y ~r. ~h a ~t~ o~ ~on a ~tt~ app~cation ~er~or, w~ch s~ ~ con~ s~h ~ti~ ~ to t~ ~os~ ~avati~ or c~n~e as t~ ~ay S~r ~7 req~e~ ~ the pe~t My con~ ~ r~so~ble ~q~on~, ~cl~ the a~c~t of ~ ad~e po~ce ~ ~s~2 ~s co~e ~th such ~q~ts~ amount 'of such bond to be sst By the High,ay Surveyor. Tn the event that such excavationor ch-we cannot be completed ~ith~n t~elve honrs~ the. ~ighway Surveyor shall forthwith maks all necessary repairs totthe surface of. the way, and the applicant shall be responsible to the Town for the incident expenses. Petition of the High~ay Surveyor. ARTICLE %6. To see if the Town will vote to raise ~ appropriate the sum of $4,%00, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of rene~g water and sewer services, placing gate valves on Hydrant. branches and raist~ manhole frames and covers on streets which are being reconstructed~ Petition of:the Board of Public Works. ARTIOLE'%7. To see if the Town w~,l vote to raise and appropriate the sum of to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works, for the purpose of ' purchasing a new fle-~hle sewer redder. Petition' of the Board'of Public Works. ARTICLE %8, To see if the. T~n will vote to raise =~ appropriate the sum of $12,000, to be expended -,~er the direction of the Board of Public Works for the ~trpose of pavizg the driveway lea~-2 to the ~an~l~- School' from And~ver Street.. Petition'of the Board of Public Works. A~ICLE~ %~,- To see if the T~su will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $q_20~000. to be expended umier the direction of the Board'of 'public Works for the pu~se of i~stell~'bypolon co~rs on the two X 1~ ~ton gallon reservoirs on Sutton Hill in order to protect them from pollution. Petition of the Board of Public Works. A~ICLE 60. To see if the T~wa will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of ..to~bo e~ended under the airectiom of the ~onrd of Pub~/c Works for the purpose of ropav~ the d~iveway at the South pumpimg ste~ion. Petition of the Board-of Public ~orks. A~CLE 61. To see if the To~n will vote to raise and 'appropriate the sum of $%,000. to be .expended under the direction of the Board of. Public Works for the purpose of permautontly~pat~-~g water and se~or trenches in ~rder to comply ~ith all reasonable reg-~tions ~ mpecificatiozs as may from time to time be promulgated by the Highnay Petition of the Boerd of Public ~erks. A~f~Cr~ ~2..'To see if the T~ will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1~,000. to be expended ~er tho direction of.the Hoard of Public Works for the pur~ne of replacing the old s~x. imch water main on South Bradford Street a~d ~inter Street with a ne~ 12" water ~ain. Petition of the Board-of Public Works. AEr~CLE 63. To see if the To~n will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of tc be expended uzder the direction of .the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the se~er on Pleasant Street, ]~arbleridgo road and Job-aSh Street a distant of 1~,100 feet. · Petition of the B~ard of Public Works. AEr~0r,v. 64. To see .if the T~wn will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $10~000~ to be expended ,,~er the direction of the Hcerd of Public Wc~ks for the purpose of eonstructi~g .baskstba~ courts at the new Reynolds Playground on Johnson Street. Petition of the Board of Public A~C~E~6%. To see i~ the Teem wilX vote to raise -,~ appropriate the:s~m of $40,000~ to be e~ponde~ -,~er the direction of the Board of Public ;Ic~ks for the .purpose of replac~ 300 feet of' trunk sewer on Sutton Street and North ~ Stret to relieve · bottleneck. Petition of the Board of Public Works. AE~C~E 66. To see if the To~n will vote to rains and appropriate the su~ of $40,000, to be ex~ondnd under ~ha direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of purchasing and ims~_- a new one million g.p.d, pump and motor at the south pumping station at ~20 Great Pond Road. Petition ' of the Board'of Public ~orks. AI~CLE 67. To see if the Town ~l vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $~,'000, to'bo expended ,,~r the direction of the Board of Public Works for %he purpose of conti~,,~-~ the ~a~ Coehishewick Water quality monitor~-g progrsu~ Petition of the Board~of Public Works. A~ICLE 6~. To see if the Town ~ vote to rinse and appropriate the sum of to he expended ua_der the direction of the B~ard of Public Works for the purpose of paying b~q~e from previous years as follo~st - 1973 $ 228.00 1974 1,191.19 197% 38.00 197~ 673.2E: $2~0.~ Petition of the Board of Public Works. A~ZCLE ~9. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $~,400~ to he expemded under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extendizg the sewer onTurnpiks Street (South Side) 310 feet toward Rillside Bead. ~:" · Petition of Edward Hamel and Others. 2t6 Y~CLE 70. To see if the Town will v~te to raise and appro ate t of .$~":2' .' - to be expended under the direct~o~ n* +.~. - - .pti _ he sum ...... ~eAec~men £or the purpose of · mpxementing collective barga~-~-- a---e -- - · - contractual employees. ~ ~r emends reacaea or to Be reached with' Town Petition of the Selectmen. .. . ¢~.~[oo~.~--~.-~..u~rec~xon of the Selectmen from Rev -- ......... .~.azce ~o s~a~e and LOcal Oov------'~ ..... enue Sharing Funds 1. Fire Department Salables -,--=~a~ as xOAAOWS~ . . P 2. Police Department Salaries etition of the Selectme~ .. o~fti Recession Assistance ~and (unde- ~--- .... may ailable from. · ~' ~A~Ae AA O~f ~re Public Works Employment Act 1976) for the purpose of reducing the salary, budget request of the l~lre Emgineers, and in the event of their successful action in this area, to reduce the subject ,salary budget request'By the amount of such available ~otition of theSelectmen. ~., AE~ICLE 73, To see if'the Town will vote to appropriate th ' of ~he Anti-Recession 'Assistance ~ ~m=-- ...... · fifth quarterly payment -'~ ~ ~A~Ae A- o~ ~he ~ublio Works Employment Act .-,' of 1976 ) to he received in July 1977, for the purpose of reducizg the amount: of:money to be raised for Bighe&2 Department salaries. Petition of.the Select~en~ ..... . A~C~ 74. To see if the To~n will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of"~6~O00~' to the Reserve Fund~ as provided by Section 6 of. Chapter=40 of the Oeneral ~awm. Petition of the Selac~men. ' AE~ICLE 7~. To see if the Town will vote to take the sum of $ ,~ fro~available funds for the pupose of reducizg the ta~ rate. Petition of the Selectmen. · Hereof, fail .n~t~.a~d ~ .due return of this. Warrant with your doisgs.there0n to'the Town Cle~ at ~e ~xme an~ pAace of said. meetisg. the 7ea~ ---~ ~ nn~na m~e hued and seventy seven. ' " ' f' "' ' ~Tow~ Clerh~/ .. prac~t ~ the T~.,''~' ~ ~d at five or m~e ~c p~es ~ ~ch ~t~ copies not ~ Been post~ ~t less t~en ~ b~ore the t~'~ CO NSTAB.T.E '" ARTICLE 1; Acted ~pon 'a~ 'th~ A~muA1 Town Election ~ ?~'- 1~77.- ~IC~ 2; VO~ t0' r~er to'Selec~m~'~ appo~tments req~ed by ~w. ~IC~ 3~ VOT~ 'that -the 'repo~ be' accepted. -- ~C~' '4.''~V~''t6'f~ 'the f$~o~ ~ S~esof 'the"elected officers of the T~ effective ~ J~ 1, 1977. Bo~d of Selectm~ a~ Lice~ Co~ssion each per $2,~0. C~i~ of the Bo~ of Selectmen $3~. Bo~ of Assessors each p~ C~ of the B~ of ~sessors, pro~d~ t~t he d~otes ~1 of ~ wor~ng ho~s to the ~o~nce of his duties a~ Assessor $9,~60. C~ of the Bo~ of Assessors $1,000. B~~ of Health each ~r ~ $~. Bo~~ of ~b~c ~or~ each p~ ~ $~. 'T~ ~s~er $~,~. Hi~y ~eyor $18,~3. ~ N~en $2, 800. ~d~ator: For the ~ TS~ ~eti~ $1~. For e ach Speci~ T0~. ~g~ing $50~ ~T~O~ ~. ~B~ ~T~ to adop~ the' Ad~so~ ~s ~o~e~tio~ e~e~ as to 'the ' fo~o~g ite~: Item ~ Sa~es & Wages'to $17,%13..Itea 40:' S~es & Na~es $189.654. I~em '~:~ App~p~tion for S~es '$4, 0~,3~. For ~ses ITEM.. SAr.: *WAGES -'~.' Selectmen $-17,513.00 Expmmes Out of State travel '" 500. 2. Treasurer 34,169. ' · Expenses .... 4,375. 3. Tax Collections 17~713. ~ensee ' "' ' - 7,975. 4;', Assessore 32, 316. '.:':.~ 'Expenses - ""A' · ' ....... %5%9. ~. ccouatazt 34, 820. Expenses " 4,890. ~6; T~wn Clerk .. 'Expenses 900. ?~. ~ Elections & Registrars 1,830. Erpe~ses 6,900. '~. - Town CoUnsel 9,000. *~ .~ ~xpenses O. '9;: ' t~o~ex~tor ' 200; 10;.: ~A~visor7 Committee 1, OS0. · ': -" Expe~,es ' 700. ~ ll.J'Capital Budget Committee-Expenses 1,100. I2 ;" 'Planm~g ~oard 3, 000. -. T...'7.~enses.. ' 2,500. .I.3... Board of Appeals. (Zoning) 1,915. 'E~enses 30%. - 14; Personnell Board 2,100. Expenses ' 215; '1~.,. CoUncil for the Agizg. 13,000. ,16."'~.~Oonservatiom'Oommissioa 600. .. 'Expezses · 600. " P:ofessional Services 1, 000. 17~':' N0. A; Risto~ical ¢omnissioa. 400. · 18;~ Town ~all & Garage Bldg. 4,800. .'.'-..'..~nses ' 16~500, 19.~, Annual ~own ~eetizg Expenses 5= 300. 20;":'Folice Department ~?:. Expeaass 51, 000. 20A~.. 'School' Crossing Guards 17,199. '.~Expenses 1,100. 21; 'Fire Department 691,270. .:~Expenses 24,56%. 2lA.. 'Forest Fires and Forest E~penses %00. 22. 7Dog Officer 7,000. ~xpens.~s 3, 800. 23.. 'Civil Defense 945. ', ...,. Expanses 4,200. 2.4~L ~B-~ ~ T~pector 25,346. ..... '."-'-:.~'Expanses · ' 2,~90. '25..Wir~ Inspector 3,150. " Expenses 800. 26; Gas: Inspector 800. -~. '":~ ': 'Expenses 300. ~'27J~,.'Seale~ of Weights & Measures 1,500. Expenses 450. 28. ~oa~i~of Health 17,000. Expenses 7~ 010. 29; Gtr. T.aw. San. Dist. Per Share Capital ~2~ 77%. ~ " " " " " Operation 232,566. 30; "'-A~im"~ Vnspector 420. 31.' "Garbage Disposal 0ontract 20,656. 32.' Boar~, of Public ~orks 1,500. ' 33. Sewer Mntuce & Construction. 38,722. 21, bOO. TOTA. L-'. 17~513;00 6,550. · %00. ~437!~; 17.;713; '7~975; 32; 316; 820; 890; 20, · 900. 1; 83O; 9i000, 4 ~o. 7~. 3~ 0~. ~oo. 1, 9 ~ · 2,1~. 13, O00j 600. · 600. 1, ooo~ · 400. 4~ 800. 16~500. lj 100. 6942?0. 7i 000; 3,800. · 945; 4~2oo. 3,15o. 800. 800; · 300. "450. 17~ 000; 7~ 010. 232,%66; 420. 20,6%6. 1,500. 38, 722. J' L~t~r' Mntnee 36. 3?. B8. 40. .~7L. 43. bi. 4~.. A~ml~ Town ~eeting & Construction ........ Pa~ '~ ~ch~l ~ee D~ment ~tch ~ ~sease Insect Pest Co~rol Steer ~ight~ ~e~es Streets, ~n'l ~t~e & ~gh~ S~r. ' E~e~es . Sn~ ~m~l - ~ses R~e ~sposal. ~eter~ ~nefits. *C~h ~ts Graves ~ratiom N.A. School De~. $4,1~3~. ~ss App~ed F~'I ~d 60~000~ Out ~ S~te ~vel 2~. Less App~e~ FOd'i ~ 28~ ~. ~'1 ~oct'n School, C~ to No. ~er. 47. Steve~. ~'1 Libra. ' ~Se~ ' ~I.. Ess~ C~7. aet~ent-~io~. ~2; ~nt~ of Veter~ Hdq~s. '~. ~cente~l Celehratio~. :'5~. ~ of State ~aYel. Not S~oo~ or Sel~n. ~O. H~pt2on, f~e e~e. ' April" 23, $128,610.00 37,365. 42, 972. 8, 824. 18,284. 111,371. 342. 96, 012.. 33, 000. 17,1~0. , Bonds 63., Tem courts 6~. Water main notes 65. ·Sewer netes, and 'bon~. :~66. ~e .Station 67. 'Ponce Station ~8; .~age 89. S~t~/~sposA1. Site. ;"70J[ ~e~~ ~re e~ns 71, ~gh~y ~ent 73. Te~s '~ ~"" 7~. Water ~ g~o~e4uotes and 7~. 7~. ~ S~t~on. 77.. Ponce Station 78. ~age 79. Sa~t~ ~sposal~ ~te. ~ issue~ e~enses '~ te~ 3.~77. ....... $128,~610; O0 128,400.00 128;40o; -3 7, 365. 11, 000. 11~ 000; 42) 9721 9, 240. 9; 240; 8~ 824;' .18;284. 4) 650. 75, 000. 75; 000;. 95; 000; 95~ 00O;: 90,000. 90~000. 25~ 000; 25; 000; 28, 000. 28, 200. oo. 961; 915 ;, 128,115. 28, 000. 81660; 250;6611' 321;912; ,200; '800. 5~200. 11~,000; 100; O; O. O. O; ;o 00o; ooo; 17~ 000. lOi 000; lOi 000; 20,000. 2, 250. 287~218. 2~993. 17, 079. 5, o98. ' 68. 1~, 728. 3~ 000. 12~ 000. :28,~ 00O; : 33.;000. 10~ 0~. 2,9~3. 17, O~. T.O T A L $. ~,199,653.00 $3,942,878.00 $10,31:~,531.00 6. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY to authorize the Treasurer, with the approval of t~ selectmen i~ anticipationlof the.revenue for the fiscal year heg~ July 1~ 1~7~, i~ accord- the p~ovisions of General ~aws, Chapter ~, Section 4, by iss,,~ a note., or notes .payable within one year, and to renew ,any such note or notes for a period of less than-~ne ~ysar in accordance with Section 17 of said Chapter. ARTiClE 7. VOTED to adopt the article. ARTICLE 8. VOTED to .adopt the article. ARTZCLE 9. VOTED to.adopt the article.' ARTICLE 10. VOTED to reject the article. ' ' ARTICLE 11. VOTED to increase the number of Selectmen from three to five, two additio~. Selectmen to be chosen by ballot at the 1978 Annual Town Election, one for a one year ~rm and one for a three year term, thereafter .each Selectman to elected for a three,~.year ter~. AE~CLE 12. VOTED to adopt the article. ARTICLE 13. VOTED to .adopt the article. ARTICLE 14. It was VOTED to authorize the Sel~ctm~n to'appoint an Adm~-~strativ~' Assistant to t heir Board for the term Of' one year commencing July 1, 1977, to serve as' such at thief discretion, and the sum of $.16,800.00 to he raised and appropriated for his annual comepnsation. - ,. · ARTICLE'15. VOTED to adopt the article and raise and appropriate the sum of $35.00 for its Purpose. A~ICr. E 16. VOTED to amend Schedule B of Section 7 of the Personuel By-Law by increasing all of the salary rates listed therein by 5%, excludi~E~ however, the compensation of those employees whose remuneration is to he established by collective barga~u~ procedures, and to raise and appropriate $13,600.00 fo~ the purposes of this article. ARTICLE 17. VOTED to emend Section 8 of the Personnel By-Law by increas~s the salary rates' listed therein by 5%, and to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,300.00 for~e purposes of this article. 'ARTICLE 18. VOTED to'emend -%orion 9 of the Personnel By-Law by increasf~ the salary rates listed therein by 5%, and to raise a~d appropriate the s~ of $600.00 for the purposes of this article. ARTICLE 19. VOTED to adopt the article. ARTICLE 20. VOTED to adopt the article. ARTICLE 21. VOTED to adopt the article and raise and appropriate the s~ of $850.00 for the purpose of the article. ARTICLE 22. VOTED to adopt the article and raise and appropriate the sum of $390.00 for the purpose of the article. ARTICLE 23. VOTED to amend Schedule E of Section 7 of the Personnel By-law by increasing the compensation listed therein by 5% for the following: .Reserve Patrolman a,~ School Crossing Guard, and to raise and appropriate the sum of $1~.O00200 for the purposes of this Article. ARTICLE 24. VOTED to adopt the article and raise and appropriate the sum of $300.00 for the 'purpose of the article. ARTICLE 2~; VOTED to s~rike the article from the Warrant. A~TIOLE 26. VOTED to authorize the Pls~tng Board'to appoint a P~ofessional Town Planner for.a term not to exceed one.year, ending June 30, 1978~' at an annual s-~.~y of $15, O00.00, ~'sa~d Planner to meet the professional' q--~eications required'by the written Job description eitablished by the PLanning Board and to serve as the'S,~ttary Engineer' for the Board'of Health and to raise and appropriate the sum of $15,000.00 for his annual compensation. AI~IOLE 27. VOTED to adopt the article, the proposed amendment to ta~e effect on January 1, 1978 am/ to raise and appropriate the sum of.$4~200.00 for its purposes. AI~IOLE 28. VOTED to adopt the ax~icle, the proposed amendment to take effect Jan 1, 1978. ~ AR~IOLE 29. VOTED to amend the Personnel By-Law by striking therefrem Schedule D of Section: 7 thereof, and inserting in its place the hourly raise schedule proposed by the article, reduced as to each'of the amendments~ therein proposed by 2~, and to raise amd appropriate the'sum of'$21,500.00 to imple.~, ent the proposed amendment. ARTICLE 30~ VOTED to reject the article. ARTIOLE 31: VOTED to strike the article ~ from the Warrant. · AR2IOLE 32~ VOTED to reject the article. - -" ARTIOLE33. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $3,000&00 for the purpose of A~icle. ARTIOLE 34. VO~,:,, to m~se and appropriate .the sum of $5,500.00 for purpose o~ the Article. AR~IOLE 35. VOTED t o grant leave to the Petitioners to withdraw Article from the Warrant. ARTIOLE 36. VOTED to grant leave to the Petitioners to withdraw Article from the Warrant. ARTICLE 37. VOTED to reject the article. . '"" ARTICLE 38. VOTED TO adopt the article.. '.~ "--. ...... A~ICLE 39~ VOTED to grant leave ~o the Petitionrs to withdraw article from the Narrant. A~ICLE~40~ Vo'h~-to"a~t'the article and raise and appropriate the sum of ~7, llO. O0 for the purpose of the Article. ARTIOLE ~1. VOTED to adopt'the article and raise and appropriate the sum of $12,000.00 for the purpose of the Article. IE~IOLE 42. VO~ to adopt the article. ARTICLE 43. VO~]~J) to adopt the article. A~IOLE 44. VOTED to adopt the article. ARTICLE'45. VO~ to grant' leave to' the Petitioners to withdraw Article from the WaxTant. ARTICLE 46. VOTED that $90,000.00 is appropriated, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purchase of one bulldozer, and that to raise this' appropriation the Treasurer, with' the ap.proval of the Selectmen, is authorized to borrow $90,000.00 under G~L.cJh4~s.7(9) as amended, and that the Highway Surveyor is authorized to trade the 1972 Landfill machine in connection with the above purchase. The vo~e was unanimous. AETICLE 47. VOTED to reject the article. ARTICLE 48. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $3~000.00 for the purpose of Article. ARTICLE 49. VOTED to reject the article. ARTICLE 50. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $5,000.00 for purpose of the Article. ARTICLE 51. Vici',:,, to raise ami appropriate the sum of $12~500.00 for purpose of the Article. ARTICLE 52~ VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $75,000.00 for purpose of the Article. ARTICLE 53~ VOTED to reject the article. ARTICLE 54. VOTED to 'raise and appropriate the sum of $~4,739~00 mo be expended ,,~er the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose' of meeting the States share of Chapter 765 of the Acts of 1972, or any other similar stature, said amendment to he reimbursed, and upon receipt' to be restored to unappropriated available funds in the Town Treasury; provided, however,, that .the foregoing vote shall not be effective unless, prior to the setting of the tax rate for the nex~ fiscal year, appropriate legislation is enacted by the State Laga~re. ARTICLE 55. VOTED to adopt the article as presented in the Warrant. ARTICLE 56. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of for of the CLE 57'- VOTED to r~Ject the artiCle~ ARTICLE 5§'. VOTED to reject the ~rti~le. ARTICLE 59~ VOTED to reject the article~ ARTICLE 60~ VOTED to reject the article. ARTICLE 61. VOTED to raise and appropriate sum of $3,000.00 for purpose of the Article. ARTICLE 62. VOTED to raise and appropriate sum of $5,000.00 to he ecpended under 'the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose, of preparing plans and specifications 'for re- placing the old 6" water main' on South Bradford Street and Winter Street with a'new 1~" water main. ARTICLE 63. VOTED to reject the article. ARTICLE 64. VOTED to raise and appropriate the sum of $5,000.00 to be expended under the direction cf the Board of Pmblic Works for the purpose of constructing one has~tball court at the new Reynolds Playground on Johnson Street. ARTICLE 65. ?OTED that $40,000.00 is appropriated, to be expended under the direction cf"the Board cf Public Wor~s for the construction or reconstruction of 300 feetof ~au~k sewer on ~' ' Sutton Street and North Main Street; and that to raise this appropriation the Treas~,~wit the approval of the Selectmen is authorized to borrow $40,000.00 under G.~..c.44, s,? amended. -The vote was unanimous. ARTICLE 66. VOTED that $40,000.00 is appr&priated, to be e~peuded under the direction cf the Board cf Public Works for the purpose of purchasing and installing Pumping Station Equipment consisting .of a new one million gallon per day pump., and motor at the South Water Pumping . Station at ~20 Great Pond Road; and that to raise this appropriation, the Treasurer,' with the ARTICLE 67~ VOTED to ~w~ise and appropriate the sum of $5,000.00 for purpose of the article. ARTICLE 68. VOTED to raise'~nd appropriate the sum of $2,130.44 for purpose of the article and the vote was unanimous. A~ICLE 69. VOTED to retse.and appropriate the sum of $3~400.00 for purpose of the article. ARTICLE 70. VOTED to~ise and apprcpriate the'ann of $57,500.00 to be expended under the direction cf the Selectmen for the purpose of implementing agreements reached o~: to be' reached with the' Police,' Fire and Public Works Collective Bargainin. Units. ARTICLE 71. VOTED TO appropriate the sum'of $500,000.00 to be eq~ended unde~ the. direction, of the Selectmen, from the Revenue Sharing Fund ~or the purpose of re~u~ing the a~ount-~o£ m~ney to he raised for Fire and Police salary, budget as follcws:. 1. Fire Department'Salary Budget $300~000.00 2. Police " " " $200~ 000.00 72. VOTED to authorize and tir~ct 6he Selectmen to ~ake such ration am~ ~a~ as' may he necessary to use all funds- which may be or become available from the Auti-Recess~n Ass[stance (under Title IIef the Public Works Emplo2mant Act of 1~76) for the purpcs~ of'reducing the amount of. money to be raised for the salary budget of the Fire Engineers, anti-'in the even~ of their successful action in this area, to reduce the subJ eot sal~.hudget hy~ the amount of such available funds. ' · · · . ~-~a~e :uno %'~'z~e ,, cz :ne ~u~,~c Wer~s Employment 'Act of 1976) to be received in.Jul~ : .1977, for the purpose of reducing the mount of money to be raised for General NAintemance Salaries Budget of the Highway. Surveyor. . · ARTICLE' 74. VOTED to appropriate from available funds in the Town Treasury the ~um of . $60~000..00 for the purpose of the article; · - ARTICLE 7~.. VOTED to take tha~rom~ailahle funds to reduce the tax rate. :~ through both meetings~ to the A~v~sory Bo~d for the time~ the erfurt and the i~t~rest that they all gave in their own personal and beet interest for the Tow~, to To~n Clerk Jchn.J. ~I~ons for all the time spent in the requirements and preparations given for the success of th~ l~estin~s, and to To~ Counsel Arnold H. Salisbury, for all the work,..the__'~ible Work""th.e cooperation, guidance and assistance for these meetings. Meeting openea a~ 1:30 P.M., with 286 voters present. Father Frederick Mintg~, Pastor of St. Michaels Church ga~e opening prayer, pledge of' allegians was led by Boy Scouts Gene Northern and Chris Start of Troop' 81. All announcements and introductions were made by Town Clerk John. Lyons. M~ personal thanks ~o Dan McCarthy and his Middle 'School staff, Leonard and Mary Windle, Elsie Bolster, Esther & Natalie Fo~getta, Helen and George Eatc~, Mildred. But~trlia, Gertrude Nicora~ P~lph Joyce, Een Rollins, ~ou Kmiec, Milton HOward, Robert Lord, John McOannell and Bud Cyr for their assistance in checking and counting' of voters, and to our two Boy Scouts for their '~lreless Microphone" 'cmrriers. Saturday meeti~' adjourned at 6 P.M.,' after Article 49. Nonda2s adJo~ed mee~ing~ened at 7:30 P.M., with 198 voters present and adJounred 'at 9:3~ p.M. A true. copy: ATTEST: ' ESSEX SS: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover: GREETINGS: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and in accordance with Chapter 272 of the Acts of 1976, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover who are qualified to vote in Town Affairs ~o meet in the Veteran's A~ditorium of our North Andover Middle School on Monday Evening, November 7, 1977 am 7:30 P.N., for a Special Town Meeting, then and there to act upon the following Articles: ~ARTICLE 1. To see if the Townwill vo~e to ratify and confirm the act. ing for and on behalf of the Town, in connection with an application ~ ~ ~ee in execut- Housing Authority for a grant of Federal ~d~ in the amount of $1,582,875.00 for the construction of 45 units of low rental housing for the elderly, a cooperation agreement with the United States Department of Hous~n8 and Urban Development, dated on o~r about July 15, 1977, said Cooperation agreement (a copy of which is on file at the office of the Selectmen) having been executed by the Selectmen with the Department of Housing and Urban Development, as required by the Housing Act of 1937. Petition of Selectmen and Housing Authority. ARTICLE 2. To see if the Town w~ vote to accept the provisions ~f Chapter 808 of the Acts of 1975. Petition of the Planning Board. ARTICLE 3. To see if the Town w~ vote to amend its Zo~g By-Law as follows: 1. By changing the designation of the concluding paragraph of Section 1 from "9" to "10", and inserting before the following new paragraph: "9 controlling the use of bodies of water, in- cluding water cources." 2. By amending Section 2.38 to read as follows: "2.38 Frontage the distance between lot sidelines measured along the street line. This frontage must be con- tinuous and useable for access to the lot. The minimum frontage required in a~y zoning dis- trict shall also be measured at a distance back from the street line equal to the minimum froht setback requirement for that district." 3. Section 2.59 Add: "The Planning Board shall act as the Special Permit Granting AuthoritY." 4. Section 2.62 Amend the wording "Section 4" to read "Section 9"' 5. Section 2.63 Amend the wording "Board of Appeals" to read 'Tlan~f~g Board." 6. Strike therefrom Section 2,66 and renumber the follow~g sections, accordingly. 7. Amend Section 2.67, 2.68 and 2.69, as so re,umbered, by adding ('setback)', after the phrases defind thereby. 8. Section 4.121 (5) amend a,s, follows:~ "Real estate signs as regulated by Article IX of the General By-Laws of the Town. ' 9. Section 4.122(5) and Section 4.123(5) to read thes~me as Section 4.121(5). 10. Strike therefrom Section 4.123(14) and renumber the following section accordingly, il. Section 4.125(15) strike therefrom the words "and townhouses". 12. Section 4.130(6) change to read as fotlow~: "Public building or use, public service corporation, and energy or resource recovery facility." 13. Amend Table 1 (following Sec.4) by stri~g therefrom the reference to Townhouses and the listed re~tla- tions relating thereto. 14. Section 5.1(7) strike therefrom "offense, and Two..'H~red ~$200) dollars for" and substitute the word "and." 15. Section 5.2(5) amend to read "Board:P~a~g Board." 16. Section 6.1(2) amend by stri~g therefrom the phrase "other~se by the Board of Appeals" and inserting in place thereof the phrase "otherwise by the provisions of a variance granted by the Board of Appeals.,~ 17. Section 6.2 Add at the end of the first sentende there- of, the phrase "subject to the provisions of Section 2.38"'. 18. SeCtion 6,4 strike from the last sentence the words "permission of" and i~ert in place thereof the words "a variance granted by". 19. Section 6.8(2) strike therefrom the words "a Special Permit from" in place thereof the words "a variance granted by". (6.~(3). 20. Table 2 (following Section 6): A)Strike the first sentence of Footnote 5; B)strike Footnote 6 and renumber the remair~g Footnotes'accordingly; C)strike from the first sentence of the former Footnote 7 the words ',or~ townhous~ complexes",: D)strike from the former Footnote 7 paragraph (b) thereof and re- ,number the remai~g Footnotes according; E)strike from the final item appearing in the in said Table having to do with the Residence 5 District the reference to Townhouses. 21. Section 8,1 strike out the concluding s~x words of the section -~ ~ert in place thereof words "a Special 'Permit." . 22. Section 8.2(1) strike the words "approved by the Board of Appeals" and insert in place thereof the words "allowed only by the iss,,~nce of a "Special Permit." 23. Section 8~3 strike the words "otherwise. ..... Ch~4OA" and insert in place ~ the words "by Special Permit.,' 24. Section 9.1 amend by adding after the second sentence thereof~the following sentence: "If the Bl~a~ng 'Inspector is so informed in writing -~ de' ¢l~es.t0 act, he shall within fourteen (14) days of his receipt of such information give to .~his ~informant, in writing, his reasons for refra~ ~ nE from taking any action." 25.. Section 9~11 strike therefrom the words "action of the North Andover Board of Appeals" and t~ert in ~place thereof the words "a duly granted variance of Special Permit.,, 26. Section 9.23 from ~the'.first sentence strike therefrom ,,SpeCial Permits and", 27. Section 9.3 strike therefrom . "Board of Appeals" and insert in place thereof "Plan~i~g Board." 28, Section 9.31(1), ~9.31(2) and Section 9.4 Strike therefrom "Board of Appeals"' and insert in place thereof ,!Plauning Board." 29. Section 9.5~ add aftertbe word "variance. i~ first line the.phrase "except a use variance;" add third paragraph as follows: "If the rights authorized by a variance are not exercised within one year of the date of grant of such variance they shall lapse''. 30. Section P.6 strike the words "Section 6" and insert in place thereof Section 5." .31. ~ection 9.62 Strike the words "Section 11" ~ud ~-~.~ert in place.thereof "Section 6."' 32~ Section 9.63 strike from the last li~e "in .... laws" and insert in place thereof '~y 1statute, specifically: that construction or operations 1,~er a Building of Special Permit shall conform to any subsequent amendment ~1 ess the use or construction is commenced within :a period of not less than six months after the issn-nce of the permit, and, in cases involv- ing construction, ,,~ ess such construction is continued through to completion as continuo~sl~ and~ expeditiously as is reasonable. Petition of the Planning Board. · ARTICLE 4. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the sum of $10, O00.00 from the Anti- Recession Assistance Fund (Title 11 ~er the Public Works Employment Act of 1976) to be ex- pended Under ~the direction of the Selectmen for the purpose of renovating additional office space in the Town Office Building. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 5. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the sum of $13, OO0.00 ($7,300.00 from the Anti-Recession Assistance Fund and $5,700.00 from available funds) to the salary account of the Fire Department for the purpose of implementing arbitration awards rendered against the Town in collective bargaining. Petition of the SeleCtmen. ARTICLE 6. To see if the Town will vote to amend Article III of the General By-Iaws by adding thereto ~the following new section: Section 12. No Person owning or operating a gasoline fil]i~ station shall allow the pumping of gasoline for retail s ale without an attendant employed by the station present to hold the gas nozzle while gasoline is being pampted into the tank of the vehicle. Petition of James G. Winning and others. ARTICLE 7. To see if the Town will vote to accept the conveyanc.e to the Town from Worcester 222 Count~Natienal Bank of a parcel of land comprising a portion of the new sanitary landf.tl] site'eatablished by the Town by its vote under Article 50 of the Warrant for the 1975 AdjoUrned Annual Town Meeting, which conveyance is evidenced by that deed recorded at the Registry of Deeds for ~.he Northern Registry District of Essex County in Book 1266, Page 609. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 8. To see if the Town will vote to accept the conveyance to the Town from the United States of America of certain parcels of land comprising the so-called "Missile Site Road"~, which conveyance isevidenced by that deed recorded at the Registry of Deeds for the Northern Registry District of Essex County iu Book 1215, page 117. Petition of Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 9. To see if the Town will vote to sell to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, land owned by the Town, which is presently used for sanitary la-drill. Petition of The Selectmen. ARTICLE 10. To- see if the Town will vome to appropriate & sum of money for acquiring by eminent domain, purchase or otherwise, for conservation purposes, all or part of the so-called Campion Mall property; ~o determine, whether such appropriation shall be raised by borrowing; or t o take any other action relative thereto. Petition of Concetta C. Bernal a nd others. ARTICLE 11. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a sum of money to be expended the direction of~he Selectmen for~e operating expenses (t~aurance, security, heatt~g, etc. ) of the Campion Hall property under the preceding Article. Petition of the Selectmen. Ami you are hereby directed to serve, this Warrant by posting true and attested c. opies of this Warrant at the Town Office Building and at five or more public p2aces in each voting precinct of the Town. Said copies to be posted not less than fourteen (14) days before the time of said meeting. Hereof, fail not, and make due return of this Warrant with your do~-gs thereon at the time'. and place of said meeting ~o the Town Clerk. Given under 'our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, the 17th day of October i~the year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine ~l~ed and Seventy-Seven. Thomas J. McEvoy, Sele~t~en Of John F. Coady North Andover, ~ i true copy: ATTEST: JosephA.~t~e. Mass'. John J. Zyons. Town Clerk. ATTEST . October 21, '1977 CONSTABLE. '~ O~'~'-CER: S RETURN . I' have notified and~rmad the imhab~tants of the Town of North A~dover who ere ~ed/to vote in T~own Affsirs by postt~ true end,tested copies of this WaxTant at the Town Office .~t]~ng and at five or more public places in each votimg precinct of the 2own. S~td copies not having been posted not less than fourt~een~ys befor~,-$he~te ofs~id meeting. October 21, 1977 ~ ATTEST: CONSTABLE.~/ TOWN CLERK. :.Special Town Meeting of Monday Evening November 7, 1977 opened at 7:30 P.M., with Moderator Donald .F. Smith ~residing. 418 Duly registered' vo~ers were present along with several .guests. '~ARTICLE 1~ VOTED to adopt the article. -~ (Unanimous Vote) 'ARTICT.E 2. VOTED to strike the article from the Warrant. ARTICLE 3. VOTED ~o strike the article from the Warrant. . . 4. VOTED to adopt the erticle. '5. VOTED to adopt the article. AR2ICLE 6. VOTED to adopm the article. ARTICLE 7..VOTED unanimously to adopt the article. ARTICLE 8. VOTED to adopt the article. ARTICIE 9. VOTED umanimously to adopt the=ticle. (See motion below) i' ARTICLE 10. REJECTED the article in accorda-oe with ARTICLE 1, SECTION 6, of the Town By-Laws. .'a~ Advisory Board recommended --eavorable action. · 'ARTICLE 11. No action take~' in accordance with preceding article. Meeting opened~- 7:30 P.M., a~d adjourned at 8:2 5 P.M. with motions duly made and seconded. ARTICr. E NINE (9) - VOTED that the Selectmen are hereby authorized to act forthe To~n, and to execute in its behaiJ all necessary implementing legal documents, in the matter,of se~-g to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, or such Department or Agency thereof as may properly be .de- 'signatad by the Commonwealth, those land areas in the vicinity of Molt Road and_'Clark Street presently used by the Town as a sanitary landfill site, for the sum of $71, 800i retaining the Town's right to continue to use said areas as it has.used them in the past,.!:f0r a period of. time to be determined by the Selectmen, subject to . proper rules and regulations pro~ mulgated by the Commo~ealth re&~,~ating such use. My thanks to the regular-faithful citizens who help in the chec~ing~ the door and'the counting of hand voting. A true copy: ATTEST: JOHN J. LYONS.