HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-03-06222' A true copy: ATTEST: JOHN J. LYONS, Town Clerk. February 24, 1976. OFFICER ' S RETURN I have notified ~d warned the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover who are qualified to vote in Town'Elections by posting true and attestedc3pies of this Warrant at the Town Office ~H~dfng a~ ~t five or more public places in~mach voting precinct of the Town. S~Ltd copies not having been posted not less than seven days before the time of. said meeting. ~ Hereof, fail not, and make due return of this Warrant with your do~i~gs ~hereon to the Town Clerk at t he time and place ofsaid meeting. ~j~~~ · North Andover~ Mass. February 24, 1978 CONSTABLE. ~ ATTEST: TOWN CIERK .FOR ONE ~EAR Fred A.. ArraJ Frank Ji Brennan George .F~ Eaton John J. Enright Paul R.; Lamprey Daniel T.ong Robert P. Lord Domald'~'J; Smith ,~ BLANKS' SELECTMAN FOR 0h~ YEAR John J. Buz~ne Wi1 ]~am Chepulis Alfred E.~ Frizelle Ralph'. R;. Joyce Michael P. 'Roberts BLA~KS Thomas J. NcEvoy John J. Monteiro William N. Salemme Charles A. Salisbury BLANKS BOARD OF ASSESSORS FOR THREE YEARS JOHN J. LYONS. TOWN CIERK. TOWN ELECTIONS B!AmS BOARD OF HEALTH FOR THREE ]~Rs Julius Kay BLANKS RESULTS OF MARC~ 6~ '1978 P R E C I N C T S TOTA~ ONE'. TWO THREE. FOUR ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ 717 159 136 148 3.O2 121 666 73 131 167 59 94 524 85 79 79 110 303 656 39 63 37 76 82 297 192 18~ 153 158 96 784 %2 61 87 72 61 333 14 18 17 16 21 86 3.25 3.31. 136 247 3-51 69O 3.17 '14h 162- 166 2~7 846 78 87 LL~ 79 165 ~20 2~ 326 248 20;1 193 1180 187 201 176 151 248 963 ~.l 53 61. 37 80 275 407 ~13 442 39~ 50~ 2262 250 243 364 227 373 246 315 352 257 329 2~ 374 250 3~ 462 1648 368 ~9 386 370 519 2082 661 796 788 682 '905 3832 99 146 109 99 189 642 627 763 7hk 638 8~4 3626 133 179 153 143 240 846 W A R R A N T COMM0~.~.ALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ESSEX SS. To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover: GREETINGS: In the name of the Co~onwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify and mrnthe inhabitants of the Town of North Andover who are qualified to vote in elections to meet in the Bradstreet School in Precinct One, the St. Michaels School in Precinct Two, the Thomson School in Precinct Three, the Kittredge School in Precinct Four and the Frank11- School in Precinct Five, all in said North Andover, on MONDAY, the S~XTH DAY OF MARCH 1978 AT 7:00 A.M., and there ~o act upon the following article. ARTICLE 1. A Town Clerk for one year, one Selectman for one year, two Selectmen for three years, one Assessor for three years, one member of the Board of Health for three years, one 1member of the Board of Public Work~ for three years, two member os the School Committee for three years, one member of the Greater Lawrence Regional Vocational Technical High School for three years, one member of the Planning Board for five years and one member of the North Andover Housing Authority for five years. The polls will be open from 7:00 A.M., and close at 7:00 P.M. And you arehereby directed to serve this Warrant by posting true and attested copies of this Warrant at the Town Office Building and at five or more public places in each voting precinct of the Town. Said copies to be posted not less than sevend~ys before the time of said mestind. Hereof, fail not, and make due return of this Warrant withy our doings thereon at the time and place of said meeting with the Town Clerk. Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts the 30~h day of January iht be year of our Lord, One Thousand Nine H-=~red and ~eventy Eight. JOHN F. COADY Selectmen THOFJ~S J. McEVOY. of JOSEPH A. GUTHRIE. North Andover, Mass. ~.~4 Tow N ELECTION HONDAT, NARCH 6, IC WORKS FOR THREE YEARS 1978 7~3 ,~ George H. Sanford 647 804 782 646 872 BLANKS 113 138 115 135 222 G.L.R.V.T. HIGH SCHOOL FORTHREE~RS John J. Caffrey, III. 623 752 743 623 817 BLANKS 127 190 154 158 277 SCHOOL CO~4ITTEE FOR THREEYEARS Tames P. Gordon 313 382 387 354 479 Leslie C. Bernal 199 297 253 231 419 John J. Gaffny, III. 212 286 300 211 306 Paula J. Macdonald 212 221 213 225 293 Herbert H. Meyer 138 218 134 153 228 John F. Sullivan 146 120 157 100 100 BLANKS 300 380 350 288 363 P_LA~ING BOARD FOR F~¥~YEARS John J. Burke 205 227 233 222 251 Joyce A. DiTore 320 402 384 252 313 George D. Perna, Jr. 63 71 69 88 202 Herbert P. Redmau 92 137 108 150 221 BLANKS 80 105 103 69 107 MOUSING AUTHORITY FOR FIVE YEARS Joseph J. Morkes~i BLAN~ Ballot applications received Ballots received and voted. A true copy: ATTEST: MONDAY, ~rch 1~ 1978. North Andover, Mass. 8:30 A.M. North Andever, Mass. Essex SS: 9O6 1399 131 871 6~3 1681 1138 1671 ?08 645 767 7~ 635 861 3683 115 175 123 146 233 791 17 23 18 24 25 lO7 16 22 18 ~ 22 97 ~ 01~'~"~. To~m ClerE. ffice of Town Clerk of ~OHN J. LYOn. ~a~6ep~iceofTownC~rkof I, John J~ I, Daniel Long do h~ WARRANT COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover: Greetings: In the name of the Commonwealthof Nassachusetts, ~ud in accordance withChapter 272 of the Acts of 1976, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the Inhabitants of the Town of Andover who are qualified to vote in Town Affairs, to meet in the Veteran's Auditorium of our North Andever Middle School onSaturday April 22, 1978 at 1:15 p.a., Just prior to the Annual Town Meeting, for a Special Town Meeting, ~hen and there to act upon the following Articles: ARTICLE 1. To see if the Town will vo~e to appropriate funds received from the Federal Disaster. Assistance Administration to the 1978 fiscal year Snow Removal Account to reduce the deficit to be applied to the next tax rate. ' Petitiom fo the Selectmen. ARTICLE 2. To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of $998. from the Reserve. ~ ~uud to the Town Clerk!s expense account for the purpose of paying the previous Town Clerk John J. Lyons, four weeks vacation pay, or take any action relative thereto. Petition Sf the Selectmen. And you are hereby directed to serve this Warrant by posting %rue and attested copies of ~his Warrant at the Town Office Building and at five or more public places in each voti~ precinct of the Town. Said copies to be posted no less than fourteen days before the of said meeting. Hereof, fail no%, and make due returns of this Warrant with your doings thereon at the time and place of said meeting to the Town Clerk. Given under our hands a% North ~ndove~, Massachuset%s, the 31st day of March in the year of Our Lord thousand rdme hundred and seventy-eight. DANIEL LONG. TOWN CLERK. April7,1978 John F. Coady Joseph A. Guthrie Ralph R. Joyce Thomas J. McEv~y Charles A. Salisbury OF Attest66