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to either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover:
In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and in accordance with
Chapter 272 of the Acts of 1976, you are hereby directed to notify and warn th~'
inhabitants of the Town of North Andovsr who are qualified to vote in TownAffairs,
to'meet in the Veteran's Auditorium of.our North Andover Middle School on
Tue&day. May29, 1979 at 7:1~ P.M., for a Special Town Meeting , thenand there
to acz'upon the following Article:
ARTICLE 1. To see if the Town will vote to take from Article 41
of the April, 1978 Town Meeting, the sum of $2,120.1~ for the purpose of
compensating Susan St. Pierre for the work performed for the Planning
Board during the period from March '19, 1979 to May 4, 1979.
Petition of the Selectmen
And you are hereby directed to serve this Warrant by'posting true
and attested copies of this Warrant at the Town Office Building and at five
or more public places in each voting precinct of the To~n.. Said copies to
be posted not less than fourtee~ days before the time of said meeting.
Her?of, fail not, and make due returns of this Warrant with your
doings thereo~t the time and place of said meeting to the Town Clerk. ,
Gi~e~ under our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, 7th day
of May in the year of Our Lord One thousand nine ~undred and seventy-nine.
Attrus copy. ATTEST:
· " TO~'1~ CLERK.
May 8, 1979
Joseph A. Guthrie
John W. Graham
Thomas J. McEvoy
C harl~'-A~ j ~ a.Ti'eb-ur~ ~
ATTEST ....................................
I have notified and warned the inhibitants of th Town of North
Andover who ar qualified to vote ~Town Affairs bv ~ost~
more public places in each vottns precinct of the Town.
Said copies not havt~ been posted not less than fourteen days
before the time of said meeting.
Nol~h A,~8over, Nass.
Nay/lO, 1979
CONSATABLE ...................
Meeting opened at 7.15 P.M. by Noderatoe Donald Smith. One Thousand Two
Hundred Fifty Two (1252) Voters present. Quorum met.
To either of the Constables o[ the Town of North Andovcr
To either of the Constablas of the Town of North Andover:.
In the name of the Commonwealth of Mozsachnsetts, and in comp]lance with
Chapter 39 of the General Laws, and az recently amended by Chapter 8. Section 9A of
the Acta of 1974 and our North Andover Town By-Laws, Article 1, Section 4. you are
hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover who
are qualified to vote in Town Affairs to meet in the Veteran's Auditorium of our North
Andover Middle School on Tuesday, May 29,1979 at seven {7.'00) P.M., then and there to
act upon the following Articles:
ARTICLE 1. The election of Town Officers appearing on the hal]or have already
been voted upon at the Annual Town Election on March 5, 1979.
ARTICLE 2. To elect all Town Officers not required by law to be elected and expen-
ditures as presented by the Selectmen.
Petition of Selectmen
ARTICLE 3. To see if the Town will vote to accept the report of receipts and expen-
ditures as presented by the Selectmen.
Petition of Selectmen
ARTICLE 4. To see if the Town will vote to fix the salary and compensation of the
elected officers of the Town, as provided by Section 108 of Chapter 41 of the General
Petition of Selectmen
ARTICLE 5. To see if the Town ~ll vote, that in the event the appropriations
voted at this Town Meeting for general government purposes shall exceed any tax cap
or tax limitation law imposed by the State on expenditures for general government pur-
. poses, such actions shall ha intended as a vote of the Town to purposely override any
such tax cap or tax l~mltation law.
Petition of the Selectmen
ARTICLE 6. To see if the Town will vote, that in the event the appropriations
voted at this Town Meeting for the operation of the North Andover School De-
partment shall exceed any tax cap or tax limitation law imposed by the State on expen-
ditures for the operation of the North Andover Sckoo] Department, such actions shall
be intended as a vote of the Town to purposely override any such tax cap or tax limita-
tion hw.'
Petition of the Selectmen
ARTICLE 7. To see i~ the Town will vote. that in the event the
by afine of not more than ten dotlar~.", ~o that it will read aa follow~. 'Any person
who falls to comply with any outstanding order of restraint shall be deemed to
have committed a breach of thL~ Chapter.'
10} Delete the lest paragraph of Artlde XI-A
"Ifa complaint is sought under sald Scct£on 175A, (fit is t~e first offen~e subject
to that Section w~thin a calendar year the pa~lment to the clerk of the court of a
fine of fit, e dollars shall operate az a final disposition of the o~s~ Ifll is the second
offense so committed in the calendar year, the pa3#nent of aline often dollars
shall operate az a final disposition of the co~' (fit is the third offense so commit-
ted in a calera~ar year the pa~nen t ora fine of f(fteen dollars shall so operate, and
(fit it the fourth or subsequent offense so corn tnitted in the calendar year the pa~-
mens of afine of twent!ffive dollars shall so operate." and insert in place thereof
the fallowing: "The penalty for violation~ of this Chapter shall be in accordance
with Chapter 140, Section 173A of the General Laws."
III Delete Article XR
Previous to the erection of a new building or the alteration of any existing one,
notice shall be filed with the Beard of Assessors by the owner of the property.
12l Delete Article XII-B
Every employee of the police. Fu'e and library departmenta as well as every
employee in the town inFwraary and every clerical employee of the Town, except
employees appointed or employed by the .school commlttee, who have completed
six months o! continuous service, shall be granted leave without Io~s of pay for
absence caused by sickness, injury or exposure to contagious disease or by serious
illness or death of a member of the employee family, provided, however, that ex-
cept when accumulated as hereinafter pro~qded such leave shall not aggregate
more than fifteen working days in any year. and such leave not used in a year. may
be accumulated up to but not exceeding thirty days of use in a subsequent year.
Such leave not used prior to termination of any employee's service shall lapse and
an employee shall not be entitled to any compensation in lieu thereof.
13) Delete Article XII-C
Any board, officer or department having charge of any surplus and unneeded per-
sonal property belonging to the Town may dispose of the same with the prior ap-
pceval of the Selectmen.
14l Amend the By-Laws by changing the month of appointment for members of the
Zoning Board of Appeals. the Gas Inspector and his aasistant, and the Wiring In-
spector and his assistant to the month of April and that the terms of new ap-
pointees shall commence on the l-n~t day o! May.
15) Amend the By-Laws by adding the following new section:
"Violatlanz of any provisions of there by-laws or rule~ and regulations of any
Town Department or Board may be handled as a noncriminal offense in ac-
cordance with pceviainns of Chapter 40, Section 21 D. of the General Laws."
16) Amend the By-Laws by adding the follo'~ng new section:
"If any provision of these By-Laws of the Town shall be held invalid, the
malnder shall not be affected thereby.~
17) Delete Article XIH, Section L which now reads as follows:
"Any person v~olatlng any Bg-Laws of the Town shall be punished therefor
by a fine of not more than fifty dollars for each such offense."
and insert in place thereof the following:
"Any person vfotat~ng any B~-Laws or Regulatioaz of the Town shal~ in
cases not otheru~.se provfded for. be punished t~erefor by a fine of fifty
dollars for each such offen~a"
Amend the By-Laws by renumbering all the sections so that the By-Laws shall
now read as inHows:
Chapter 1: General Prov~inns
gectinn 1.1 Date of Adoption
The By-Laws contained herein shall be in force and effect on and after May
29, 1979.
Section 1.2 Repeal of Previous B~fLaws
All By-Laws or parts of By-Law~ heretofore adopted which are inconsistent
¥ot~ nt
.the State, such ae~ns shall be intended as a vote of the Town to purposely overcide ..
any such tax cap or tax l/mitation
[. ARTICLE 8. To see what acGo..~. ......
fioas of the Advisory Co'mmit~ "*"~ IOW/I ~ take as to the budget teCOmmend~ ratmeo, or confirmed, or an~ rinht a?-25L~ o.-...or, auect any act done,
.......... - sUi+
Petition of the ,Selectmen
ABTICLg 9. To see ff the Town wHj vote to authorize the Treasurer with the ap-
proval of the Selectmen, to borrow in anticipation
year. all as provided by Chapter 44 of the of the revenue for the next F.u~d
General Laws.
Petition of ~electmen
ARTICLE 10. To consider the reports of all Special Committees.
Petition of Selectmen
Petition of Selectmen
ment, penalty, or forfeiture incurred under such By-Law.
Section 1.3 Amendment Procedure
These By-Laws may be amended or repealed at any Town Meeting, provid-
ed, an arglcie or arGcies for that purpose have been inserted in the warrant
of said meeting.
Section 1.4 Sepambilitg Clau~e
If any provLsion of these By-Laws shah be held invalid, the remainder shall
not be afl. ted thereby.
Section 1.5 PenaltgPro~.s~ons
Any porson vinlating any By-Laws or Regulations of the Town shal/, in
cases not otherwise provided for, bo punished therefor by a fine of filly
dollars for each such offense.
Section 1.6 2Voncn'mina/
=¥iolatio. ns of any provisions of these By-Laws or rules and regulations of
any To~n Department or Board
accordance with the provisions of Chapter 40, Section ~1 D. of the General
ARTICLE 12. To see if the Town will vote to appropciato for the use of the Stevens
Memorial Library the sum of $5,919.00. which the Town has received from the Stale
under the ' '
prowsmns of Chapter ?S, Section 19A of the General Laws·
Petition of Trustees of Stevens Memocial Library
ARTICLE 18. To see if the Town will'vot e to amend the By-Laws of the Town in the
following manner:.
II Amend Articie I, Section ~ to change the notice requ/rements for Special Town
Meetings from =seven" days to 'fourteen" days.
Amend Article !, Section 5. Sub.Section 6 to change the date of submission of an.
nual budgets to the ' ·
Advtsury Commfltee from November Ist- to"December 15."
Delete Article V. Section l
The asse~ment of taxes shall be completed and the tax list and warrant shall be
delivered to the Coiled. tot. of Taxes on or before the fifteenth day of August, and
the tax bflis shall be dL~tributed on or before the second day of September in each
Delete Article V. Section 2
The Collector of Taxe~ shah use all means and processes provided by law for the
collection of taxes remaining unpaid after the first day of January of each year.
Delete Articie V, Section 3
The compensation of the Collector of Taxes sllall bo fixed annually by vote of the
Delete Articie IX (this is the old sign By-Law which was replaced by a new one
passed at the Apei] 1978 Town Meeting}.
Delete Article X '
There shah bo an annual audit of the accounts of the Town to be made by the
· the provisions of Chapler 44, of the General Laws.
Amend the second sentence of the second paragraph in Article XI-A to include
$10.00 Administrative fee so that the sentence would now read, ~An impounded
dog shall bo released to its owner or keeper upon payment of an
fee of $1t~O~ w~clt ~t waitwd o~ tAe ~rtt off erase, u~ the
ed by the Selectmen) and it ~.-c-. · p/ poued fees(asestabEsh.
Amend the last sent .... ; o~..,~, upon its being properly licensed
'An,.~rt~= ..t . .*."\~"""emunnparagraphinArficleXl.A w ichno~rea
. t~ .~., who/mtn to ¢~mply U6tA o.p ouLrtandlng order of rehttr~nt al~alI ~
deemed to hape committed a breac~ of~ tAe BFl,~w =nd sAall be I~nitl~ed t~erefor
Section 2.1 Date of Election~ Chapter 2: Town Meeting
The Ann.ual Tow~ Meeting for election of officers shall bo held on the first
Monday tn ]~inreh
Section 22 Date of A nnual Burners Meeting
After the election of Town Officer whose names appear on the official
ballot, and the vote upon such questions as may also appear, the Annual
Meeting in each year shall stand adjourned for the consideration of all other
matters in the warrant to I'.30 o'ciock in the afternoon of the fourth Satur-
day in April. at a place to be designated by the Selectmen in the warrant
.for sa~d meeting The warrant shall also state the date and hour of said ad-
Section 23 Adjournment
When a Town Meeting shall be adjourned to a time certain that is more
than fourteen days from thc time of adjournment, the T
cause notice of the tim° ._.a _, . . . own Clerk shall
at least before the time of holding said adjourned meeting, which notice
shall also bcieliy state the business to COme before such meeting.
Section Z4 Posting lVarrant
The Warrant for any Town Meeting shall be directed to either of the Con-
stables, who shall serve the same by posting a true and
thereof at the Town Office Building and at five or more p u blic ~c~t_se~n ~Pc~
precinct of the Town. not less than se~'en days before an Annual Town
Meeting and fourteen days before ~ Spedal Town Meeting.
Section 2.5 Quorum
No business shall bo transacted at any Annual or Special Town Meeting ex-
cept by the unanhnous vote of those present and voting, unless there shall
bo present at least 1.5% of the registered voters of the Town; provided
however, that a number less than such quorum may adjourn such meeting
from time to time.
Section 2.6 ReconS~femtion VOte
Unless the Mederator shall otherwise rule. for reasons which he shall state
to the meeting, no second motion for the reconsideration of any action
taken by any Town Meeting shall he entertained during that meeting or
any adjourned session thereof.
Section ~.7 Secret Ballots
Upon motion duly any Annual or Special Town
least of pre-
Section 2.8
Section 2.9
sent at said Annual or Special Town Meeting, any article in the warrant for
the said Annual or Special Town Meeting shall be voted upon by
Australian (Secret) Ballot.
Approprlatlon~ t3loney Artizle~l
An Article in the Warrant for any Town Meeting proposing that the Town
vote to 'raise and appropriate' a sum of money for some proper purpe~e
shall be taken to propose that the suggested appropriation may be met not
only by taxation, but also by proper transfer from available funds in the
Town Treasury, or by proper munlclpal berrowlng or by any or a com-
bination of the~e sources of funds, all as the Town may vote.
AFpropdation At Special Town 3geetings
No article calling for the appropriation of funds shall be considered at any
Special Town Meeting unless the proposed expenditure is ~-commended
by the Selectmen and the Advisory Committee.
Chapter 3: Administration
Se~:tion 3.1 Selectmen
{Al Town Defense
The Selectmen, in addition to their general duties, shall have autberi-
ty to defend suits brought against the Town, unless otherwise
ordered by a vote of the Town.
(B! Annual Report
The Selectmen shall annually cause a report to be printed whlah shall
contain a statement of their doings during the preceding Ihmnclal
year, together with a report o! the School Committee, and o! such
other officers, boards and committees as they may designate. Such
reports shall contain detailed information as to the action of the Town
taken at Town Meetings held since the last such report, and data as to
such other matters as they may deem expedient or as the Town may -
vote to have included therein. Such annual Town report shall be
bound in pamphlet form, and shall be ready for distribution to any in-
terested person prior to the Annual Town Meeting in each year.
Section3.2 Adv~ory Committee
(Al Organization
There shall be an Advisory Committee conzisting of nine citizens o!
the Town, other than Town officers, appointed or elected. The
Moderator shall appoint three memberz each year for a terra of three
years the terms of said members to expire on the thirtieth day of
June~ For the initial committee to be appointed hereunder, the
Moderator shall appoint three members for a term of three years,
three members for a term of two years and three members for a term
of one year, all of such terms to expire on the thirtieth of June at the
end of such term. Any member of said Committee who shall be ap-
pointed or elected to Town office or a committee or board other than
the Personnel Board or the Capital Outlay Committee shall forthwith
upon his qualification in such office, and any member who has remov-
ed from the Town shall upon such move, cease to be a member of said
Committee. The Moderator may rescind an appointment to the com-
mittee if the appointee bez failed to attend one-half of its regular
meetings and may Fdl any vacancy for the unexpired term.
Said Committee shall choose its own officers. The members of .said
Committee shall serve without salary. The Advisory Committee may
employ, subject lo an appropriation therefor, a Secretary.
In the event of any vacancy in its membership, the Advisory Commit-
tee shall notify the Moderator in writing, and the Moderator shall
thereupon f'dl such vacancy.
{BI RecommendationsonArtlcles
The Advisory all matters of business in-
{B) Duties
The committee shall annually prepare a Capital Budget Program for
use by the Advisory Committee, the Planning Board, the voters and
other Town Boards and Officials in their dcl/berations. The committee
shall publish such report or a summary thereof in a suitable manner.
deposit the original with the Town Clerk and present it to each An-
nual Town Meeting for its action.
Section 3A Counc/f on dglng
(Al Organizatlon
There is hereby established a local council on aging, con~-~ting of not
less than seven nor more than aleven voting members. Of this
number, the chairman, and not less than three nor more than five per-
sons shall be appointed by the Selectmen. The chairman of the council,
when appointed, shall designate the remaining members oftbe council
from interested and representative groups in the community.
(B) Duties
The council shall be responsible to the Selectmen, and its members
shall serve without compensation, and within the limits of availabla
funds, it may appoint such clerks and other employees as it may re-
quire. It shall be the duty of the council to carry out progearoz design-
ed to meet problems of the aging in coordination with programs of the
Mazsarhusetts Commission on Aging.
formance guarantee for work authorized by any order issued by said
Such work may be secured by a proper bend or a deposit of money or
secure performance of the work authorized. Such bond or security ff
lion by-Town Counsel. Release of any such performance guarantee
pfiance with its order.
Section 3.6 Zoning Board of Appeals
There shall bo a Zoning Board of Appeals, which shall have the
provisions of the Chapter 40A, Section 12 of the General Laws of the
be appointed by the Selectmen for terms of such length and so arrang-
ed, that the terms of one appointee will expire on April 30th of e. zch
one of the assoclate members thereof to serve in the place of a regular
during the farter's absence or disqualification.
Section 3.7 Town Counzel
A majority of a committee consisting of the Town Clerk, the Town
Board of Selectmen. the Chairman of the Board of Assessors, the
Chairman of the Board of Public Works, the School Committee Chair-
any warrant for a
sbail ni't er due conslderat ion. make a report or ~commendstion as to
each article. The recommendations shall be those of a ma' rit
these present and votin~ ~ro-~'J ..... jo y of
ol toe Comrmttee shal be present, but thts shall not be construed to
prevent recommendations or reports by a majority of said committee.
{C,I AutAority to lnvestigate De!oartmentt
The. Advisory Committee shall have authority at any time to
vest~gste the books, accounts and management of any department of
the Town. and to employ such export and other assistance as
deem advisable for that pu,'~.~e and ,L- ~_ . . it may
cd~ ~p.~rtm~enLs .a. nd officers of the Town shall be open to the ins tion
The Committee may a-'~-~ ---'~ _~,,p,o~.ee oy It lot that purpose.
ue:egeze to znem such of its powers as it deems expedient.
~DI A nnual Budget
The varinus Boards, Offeers aod C~mmilt ees charged with the expen-
of each°f Town money shaH. not later than the fifteenth of December
year. prepare detailed estlmnies of the amounts deemed
them neee~ary for the ailmicistrnilon of their res tlve offi by
departments for ibc ensnin~ Rscal ve,~ --'-~ · Pec lees or
of the reasons for any changes from the amounts appropriated for the
same purpose in the pr~-~cllng year. They shall also prepare
estimates of all probable items of income which may be received by
them during the ensnicgyear in COnnectinn with the administration of
their departments or offices, and a statement of the amount of ap-
propriation requested by them for the ensuing tiscal year. Such
estimates and statements shall be iiled with the Town Ac~oantant
who shall at once transmlt the same to the Advisory Committee. and
shall be on forms approved by the Committee.
The Advisory Committee shall duly consider ibc estlmales and
statements fded by the Town Boards. Offeeca. ancl Committees and
may confer with snid Hoards. Offcers, and Committees. and hold he~r-
ings, if they deem it advisable.
.~he Advisory Committee shall thereupon r~ommend such sums anil
{E) Hearfngs and Report
The Committee shall give at least one public hearing not less than ten
days preceedlng the date of the Annual Business Meeting..~ upon all
mailers io be conslilered hy them. They shall prepare and distribute
among voters prior to said meeting, printod cOpies of such findings
and recommeeclat~ons a~ they see fit to make. and shall report the
ponses as may be necessary.
(FI Rule~ and Regulatlon~
The Committee may make such rules and regulations, not inconsistent
with this Section or any other By-Law of the Town or with the
Genera] Laws of the Commonwenith of ~,iazsschusetts. as it may
deem necessary and advisable, to carry out its duties and obfgaHons,
~ectlon 3~ Cal~tal Budget Committee
[Al Orientation
There is hereby e~tablished an unpnid COmmittee to be known as the
Capital Budget Commitlee. composed of one member of the Advisory
Committee. appointed ~y and h'om it. one member of P~annlcg Hoard
appointed by and from it, the Town Accountant. ex-offclo, and four
ad~t~onal roe .tubers to be a. ppnint ed by [he Selectmen. The members
· - ~ner members shall originally be
pointed for terms of one. tv,o. three and four years, and thereafter for
four year terms. The terms of appointive members shall expire on
m ~ne of the original appointments.
Section 3.8
Section 3.9
Seeti0n 3.10
· Section 3.11
S~ilon 4.1
Section 4°
annually i~ uno
therefor, fix the compensation of an At~
resident of the Town and a member: ........ hall be a
Commonweafh. to serve as Town '" Kuu- s~anmngofthe Ilar of the
Counsel for the term of one year
from the first day of July next following, and unt0 his successor shall
have been duly appointed and qualified. Said committee shall fkewise
fill any vacancy in said off/es for the unexpired term thereof. The
Selectmen may employ Special Counsel to assist the Town Counsel
whenever, in their judgment, the necessity therefor arises.
{BI Dutie~
The Town Counsel shall, subject to the direction of the Selectmen,
conduct the prosecution, defense or cOmpromise of all legal pro-
eeedings to whirh lhe Town is a party and the prosecution or defense
as the case may be, of nil legal proceedings by or against any Town of-
~cer, board or commiitee, ifc shall prepare or approve all legal in-
struments to whirh the Town is a party or in whirh any right ofln-
retest of the Town is in¥oived, shall ad~%e any Town officer, board or
~- -~ -..~s or .s oznc~al dui]es, and shall perform such
other duties as may be imposed upon him hy these By-Laws or vote of
the Town.
Greater Lawrence Sanftar3t Di~tr~ct Representative
The Selectmen shall have the power and authority to appoint, by majorL
ty vote, members of the Greater La~Tence Sanitary Dlatriet, established
by ~hapter 750 of the Acts of 1968.
Gas lr~pector
The Selectmen shall annually, in April, appoint a Gas Inspector who shall
enforce the Rules and Reffulations promulgated by the Hoard originally
established under Section I2H of Chapter 25 of the General Laws, and
who shall have such other powers and duties as may be presc~'bed by
isw. At the same time they shah appoint an Assistant Gas Inspector. who
shall in the absence or other dLsabllity of the inspector, perform ~ duties
as the Salec(men may direcL The Selectmen shall also Fcc, and rn~y from
time to ~me by their order amend, a schedule of fees (o be charged for
gas iespectines.
ln~poctor of Wires
The Selertmen, shall annually, in April, appoint an Ins
wbe shall have (he nnwers and n...: ... .poctor of Wires
,- - .u,,Jes prescnoe~ by Sechon 32 of Chapter
166 of the General Laws and nil other governing statut~ and duty
prescribed rules and regulations. At the Same time, they shall appoint an
Assistant InspeCtor of Wires, who shall, in the absence or other disabU/ty
of the Inspector. perform hla duties as the Selectmen may direcL The
Selectmen shall also fx, and may from time to time by their order, amend
a schedule of lees to be charged for wire inspections.
Cit~c Holiday Celebmtion Committee
The Selectmen shall annually appoint a committee of nine Voters of the
Town. to be known as the Civic Holiday Celebration Committee, each of
whom shall hold offce for the term of one year. or until hla successor shall
have been duly appointed and quaffed. The unex bed term
member Of said Commltlee shah be filed by the Selec~en. i~nid ~oO~y.
tee shall expand all m' part of such funds ~ the Town may appropriate
therefor for the public observance and celebration of the Fourth of July
and of such other legal holidays, or da.rs of historic interest to the Town.
as the Selectmen may from time to time desiguate.
Chapter 4: Revenue and F/nanee
Fiscal Year
The financhl year of the Town shall begin with the frst day of July and
end with the thirtieth day of the foilo~-ing June.
Irarmnt for Payments
be paid from th~
count ct, withou the state and
Section 4,3
Section 4.4
Section 4,5
Section 4.6
Sertinn 4.7
Section 4~
Section 5.1
Prom~sory 1Votes
All promissory notes of the Town shall be signed by the Treasurer and
counter~igned by the Selectmen.
Financial Reports
All Towr~ officers~boaeds, and committees, who in any way receive or
pend money belenging to the Town. shall keep a record of their official
acts, and an account of their receipts and expondltures; they shall make
an annual report to the Town in season to be audited and incorporated
to the Annual Town Report.
Deposit of Receipts
All Town officers, boards, and corem/trees, who shall receive money in
behalf of the Town, shah pay to the Treasurer monthly, and oftener if so
required by the Selectmen, ali money so received. All other persons who
shall have in their posse~ion money beinn~ing to the Town shall pay the
same forthwith to the Town Treasurer.
Surety Bond Requirement
T.he .Superintendent or other official charged by the Board of Water Com-
nusmoners with the duty of coliect/hg and receiving money due the Town.
shall give a bond in a penal sum and with sureti~ approved by the Board
of Selectmen.
Conflict of lnterett
No officer, board or comroittee of the Town shall have any pecuniary
retest, either d/rect or indirect, personally or through another person, in
any loan, contract or employment of any sort made, by. with or for that
department to which his or its duties appertain. All contracts or
employments made in violation of this By-Law shall be void as to the
Town, and no b~fs therefor shall be approved, audited or paid.
It shall be the duty of the Auditor to inspect all b~f/s pre~ented against the
Town; to see that they have the aPProval of the officer, board, or commit-
tee .contracting the same, and are in proper form; to indir~te the account
to which they are chargeable; and, if there are funds, to transmit said brits
with hfs certificate to the Seleclmen, who shall draw their warrant on the
Town Treasurer authorizing payment thereof; to examine the books and
accounts of all town officers, boards, and comr~t tees receiving and
dh~g money; to investigate the conditions of all funds and trust funds held
for the benefit of the Town. He ~hall verify the amount of funds in the
h~nds of the town officers, boards and committees by artualiy counting
the c~sh to their possession, and by pe.r!sonal appli~at/ons at banks of
deposl~ shah ascertain the amounts held therein to the credit of the
Town. He shall report to the Town in detail under each department all
receipts and expandltures by the Town for the previous fmanchl year.
Chapter fi: Public Worha and Preperty
Public Streets and Ways
iA) Rules and Reyulatlons
The. Selectmen may make such rules and regulations a~ they deem
necessary, under the Revised Laws, tn relation to the passages of
ca~g~, sleighs, street cars or other vehicles through the streets
and ways of the Town or the use of sleds or other vehicles for
coasting therein. Any violation of said rules and regulations shall be
punished by a fine of not less than one dollar nor more than twenty
(B) Snow and Ice Remowl
No snow or ice shall be deposited upon any portion of a way open to
public travel for the safe nmint enance of which the Town is respopzl-
hie, except by Town Employees acting fn the proper perfornmnce of
their duties. This prevision slmll not prohibit an occupant of
Section 5.7
Section 6.1
agriculture who peddles fruits or vegetables.
Sect/on 6.2 Junk Dealer~
No parson shall keep a shop for
Section 5.5 Recyclable Refuse
The removal from a pubUc sidewalk, way or any usual point of res/dent/~
rubbish pick-up, any material spec/f/rally set apart from ordinary
household rubbish for the purpose of being recycled, under the recycling
program of the Town, by persons other than those properly authorized to
pick up such material, is hereby expressly prohibited.
IAI l~.~ordedy Coquet
No parson shall behave in a rude or dhorderly manner, nor use loud,
missiles in any street or other public phre.
thereof, after he has been requested by a constable or police officer
upon any public way or upon any way to which the public has a right
Ali alcoholic beverages being used in viohtlon of thla By-Law shall
be se/zed and safely held unt/l final ad./udiration of the charge
{D) Trespussing
school purposes while schadl is in session, nor from one hour after
Obsolete and Surplus Materiale
Any Board or Officer in charge of any department of the Town. may with
rerning the request of such department head for authority to dispose of
Chapter 6: Licensing and Business Regnhtions
or peddler, sall/ng or exposing for sale fruits or vegetables, without first
old metal
from house to pm-
Section 52
Sect/on 5.4
sidewalk in front of such prem/ses, or from that part of any
driveway or other means of access from such premises to the way,
providing that such clcoring does not result in a narrowing of the
travelled portion of the way as defined by prior snow removal pro-
cedures performed by Town Employees.
ici StreetExcavatlonPermit
No person shall make any excavation or other substanthl change in
a Town way open to public travel without/'h-st obtaining a permit
therefor [rom the Highway SurveyoE Such a permit shall be
granted only upon a writton appl/cation therefor, which shall tonta/n
such information as to the proposed excavation change as the
Highway Surveyor amy require, and the permit may contain any
reasonable requirement, including the applicant's procurement of an
adequate performance bend assuring his complhnce w~th such re-
qulrements, the amount of such bend to be set by the Highway
Surveyor. In the event that such excavation cannot be completed
with/n twelve hours, the Highway Surveyor shall forthwith make all
necessary repairs to the surface of the way, and the applicant shall
be responsible to the Town for the/nc/dent expenses.
{D) Drivew~y Permits
No driveways or other means of access to privately owned property
from any public way or any way maintsined by the Town or shown
on an approved subdlvi~ion plan shall be constructed unless a porm/t
for its entry into said way shall first have been issued by the
Highway Surveyor.
Common Sewers and House Drai~
(Al Commo~ Sewer Connections
The Board of Selectmen may declare any sewer laid in any land,
street, or way, public or private, opened or proposed to be opened
for publ/c travel, to be a common sewer and the same shall not be
h/d or ~onnected with any existing common sewer except by the
board of officers autberized by hw to lay and maintain common
lB) Re~latlo~ for Ho~se Dn~ins
The Board of Health may make and enforce regulations for the
publk health and safety rehtlve to house drairmge and its connec-
tions w/th sewers, if a public sewer abuts the estate to be drained.
(C) Licenze Required for Ho~e Dmln Connection
Ho person shall enter his drain into any common sewer without a
.written license imm the Board of Selertmen, and any person enter-
mg under such license shall comply w/th such rules and regulations
as to material and construction as the Hoard of Selectmen may
prescrine~ Said Board may eJose any drain entering a common sewer
for failure to comply w/th the provisions of the By-Law.
No excavation shall be made w/thin a public way in connecting such
private drains with a common street except under the direction of
the Highway Surveyor or other persons having charge of the streets
of the Town.
Permission to Open Hydrants
No person shall open any hydrant of the water system of the Town
w/thout pormisslon previously obtained from the Board of Water Com-
missioners; provided, however, that nothing in this section shall be con-
strued to prohibit the use of hydrants and water by the clfief of the Fire
Department, or the person acting in h/s stead, in case of Fire.
No person shall deposit, or cause to allow or be deposited, any garbage
waste, refuse, bottles, cans, paper mater/all or any other rubbish o~ I/tter
of whatever nature of description, upon any public or private way within
the Town, or upon any private property therein without the consent of les
owner or upon any Town owned property without the express consent of
the tannic/pal officer or agency having jurisdiction thereof. Any person
found guilty of v/ohtion of tiffs article shall be punished by the payment of
a fine of not more than fifty dollars for each such offense.
Section 6.3
Section 6.4
Sect/on 6.5
Sect/on 6.6
from the Board of Selectmen. The fee for such l/cer~e shall not be 1~
than one dollar. Each license shah continue in force until the first day of
May ensuing unless sooner revoked by the Selectmen.
Junk Yarda
No person shall accumulate, keep store, part, place, repair, deposit or per-
mit to remain upon prerdses owned by ~ or under his ~ontrol, more
than one unceghtered vehicle or any dhmantled, unservicable, junked, or
abandoned motor vehicle unless he L~ licensed to do so under the General
Laws or unless he received writton permhsion to do so from the Board of
Selectmen after a hear/ag. Wr/t~n permhalon may only be granted by
said Board on condition that the owner agree~ to screen the permitted
vehicle or vehicles from view from neighboring land. ways, or public
highways for breach of which ag~eemeet said permission shall be revnk-
ed. This By-Law shall not apply to agricultm~ai vehicles in t~e on an
operating farm. Whoever viohtes or continues to viohte thla By-Law
after having been notified of such vioht/on shall be punished by a fine of
$50. Each week during which such vioht/on is perm/teed to continue shall
be deemed to be a separate offense.
Hour~ for Service Station~
For the purpose of controil/ng and abating noise, no automobile service
stat/on within the Town shall conduct business, except in c~e of an
emergency, between the hours of 10 P&I. and 5'30 A.M.
Hours for Common Victualler License
The Selectmen may, 1or the purpose of controlling and abating nohe. pro-
mulgate orders, not inconsistent with any governing statute, estsbllshhg
the hours dur/ng wlfich any holder of a common victualler's Hcense may
open his l/tensed premises to the pubi/c~
Self-Service Gas Statlor. s
No persons own/ag or operating a gasoline idling station shall allow the
pumping of guzofine for reLail sale w/tbeut an attendant employed by the
preens to hold the no e w .e lineis being pom into
tank of the vehicle.
Chapter 7: Aaimah
Section 7.1 Lea~h Law
No owner or keeper of any dog shall perm/t it to leave its owners or
keeper's premises unless it is held l'rr rely on a leash. The owner or keeper
of a dog shall be that person normafly re~ponalble for the maintermnce
and upkeep .of the premises upon which the dog is kept. and need not
necessarily be the person to whom a dog license may have been/ssu~d.
The dog officer shall be the enforc/ng officer of this By-Law. and may seek
complaints agahtst porsons in violaS/on hereof under proviaions of Se~t/on
173 A of Chapter 140 of the General Laws.
Section 72, Impoumtment of Do§s
The dog officer may cause a dog to be/mpounded if it be found without a
proper I/cease, or found at large or out of control outside of the bounds of
the property of its owner or keeper. An impounded dog shall be released
to its owner or keeper upon payment of an admhfistrative fee of $10.00
plus the pound fees (as established by the tlelectmenl and. H necessary,
upon its being properly licensed.
Section 7.3 Restraint Order
The dog officer may order t he owner or k~epor of a dog to restrain it after
it has been hnpounded tw/ce; he may remove such an order of restraint ff
he/s satisfied that the dog is unlikely to ri,peat its offense. Any person
who fa/la to comply w/th any outstanding or, let of r~traint shah be deem-
ed to have committed a breach of this thai:Set.
Section 7.4 Disposal of Un~l~med Dog~
A dog impounded and unclabned by its ow;~er or keeper after a ten day
period, shat/ be d/sposed of in accordance w/th the provisions of
Massachusetts General Laws, C~aptar 140. Section 15lA.
Sect/on 7.5 Penalty
The Penalty for violations of this Chapter shall be in accordance ~dth
Chapter 140, ,~ectlon 173A of the General Laws.
Chapter 8:/~fisceilaneeus
Section 8.1
Of IP:ial Town Scat
The t'oliowing shall be the davire of t he oflidal Town Seal. In the center of
.a double rircle, view of a portion of Lake Cochicbewick, showing an Indian
m a canoe upon its surface, with the words "Lake Cochirhew/ch~ appoar-
lng below t.he canoe, and with the words, "Settled 1646" appearing at the
top of the c~rrumference of the inner circle, and the words 'Incorporated
April 7, 1855" appearing at the bottom;'in the space between the inner
and outer c/rdes appear the words "Town of North Andover" at the top
of the seal and the word "Massachusetts" at its bottom.
Section 82 Discharge of Firearms
No person shall lire or discharge any firearms or explosives of any kind
on any private property, except with the consent of the owner or legal
document thereof, provided, however, that thin By-Law shall not apply to
the lawful defense of life or property nor to any law enforcement officer
acting in the discharge of his duties.
ARTICLE 14. To see if the Town will vote to accept the provisions of Chaptor 53
Section 9A of the General Laws. {The final date for obts/ning blank nominatlan papers
for nomination to c/ty or town office shall be forty-eight week day hours pr/or to the
hour on which nomination papers are required to be submitted to the registrars for cer-
Petition of the Board of Registrars
ARTICLE 15. To see if the Town wilt vote to authorize the $electmen to appoint
their Administrative Assistsnt as Executive Secretary for the Board of Selectmen, to
atiCotnbY and for them in any matter which they may assign to him, ali as provided by Sec-
23A of Chapter 41 of the Oeneral Laws.
Petition of the Selectmen
ARTICLE 16. To see if the Town will vote to autberize the Selectmen to appoint
two permanent patrolmen to the North Andover Police Department who have passed a
qualifying Civil Service physical and written exam, all in accordance with Civil Service
rules and regulations.
Petition of the Selectmen
ARTICLE 17. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to petition
the County Commissioners. or take whatever action is necessary, to discontinue that
portion of Clark Street a public way being ihat area of land ~hown on a Plan of Land in
North Andover for Borden Company and shown on said Plan as "Panel A" dated
December 10,1975 drawn by Hugh F. Dunktey said panel being bounded and described
as follows: Beginning at an iron pin set in the easterly line of Clark Street, at the
southerly corner of land now or formerly of the Borden Company, and the westerly cor-
ner of land now or formerly of William D. Haphey as shown on Essex North District
Registry of Deeds plan number 7334. Said point of beginning being about 200 foet (two
hundred feet) northwesterly of the north westerly llne 0sgood Street; thence running
N - 28- 27 - 40 - W. 760~13 fe~t by land now or formerly of the Borden Company to an
angle; thence turning and running N - 42 - 36 - 30 - W. 242.64 feet by lands now or
formerly of the Borden Company and the Airport Commission of the City of Lawrence
to a point; thence turning and running $ - 52 - 49 - 06 - W, 5099 feet by the discontinued
portion of Clark Street as shown on Essex North District Registry of Deeds plan
number 4137; thence turning and running S - 42- 36.30- E. 241.19 feet by land now or
formerly of the Airport Commission of the City of Lawrence to an Essex County Bound;
thence turning and running S. 28- 27- 40- E, 751.12 feet by lands now or formerly of
the Borden Company and the Airport Commission of the City of Lawrence to a point;
thence turning and running N - 61 - ~2 - 20 - Clark Street to the
instniiatlon of pedestrian traffic signals. Work to be done under the direction of the
Highway $urveyor.
Petition of the Selectmen
ARTICLE 27. To see it the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the ~am of
$34,138, to be expended under the direction o! the Selectmen for the purpose of pur-
chasing electronic voting machines.
Petition of the Selectmen
ARTICLE 28. To see it the Town will vote, pursuant to Section 9 of Chapter 258,
Mass. O-L. as inserted by Chapter 512 of the Acts of 1978. to raise and appropriate
$5,000 to effect insurance provid/ng indemnity for each officer and employee of the
town, including the school department, from persona] loss and expome./n an amount of
up to $1,000.000, arising out of any da/m, action, award, compromise, settlement or
i~e_nt h.y .~ ..e~n o.f.a, n ,n. te..nt,.o~l tort, or by re.on of any act or omL~on which con-
employee or ni'licer at the time of such intentional tort or such act or omission wa~
acting within the scopo of ~ ofncia! duties or employment, and provided that no ~uch
employee or
officer shah be indemnified for viniatinn of any such d~ rights it he acted
in a grossly negligent, willful or malicious manner·
Petition of the Selectmen
ARTICLE 29. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of
$0,500, to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for the purpose of razing all
the buildings of the North Andover Town Farm located on the Northerly side of Dale
Street with the exception of the shed utilLzed by the Department o[ Public Works.
Petition o! the Selectmen
ARTICLE 30. To see if the Town will void to raise and appropriate the sum of
$40,000, to be expended under the diz~ction of the Selcetmen for the purpose of repair-
ing the barn and the house arid razing the connecting sheds of the North Andover Town
Farm buildings located on the Northerly side of Dale Street.
Petition of the Selectmen
.ARTICLE 31. To see if the Town will vote to rMse and appropriate the sum of
$1,000, to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for the purpose of eecuring
two estimates of the fair market value and the plot'plan of the pramises on the norther-
ly side of Dale Street known as the Town Farm with the intent that the Selectmen will
submit an Articin into a future Town Warrant for the purpose of selling a part of the
sam premises.
Petition of the Selectmen
ARTICLE 32. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of
$117,80'/, to be expended under the directinn of the Selectmen for the purpose of im-
plementing Collective Bargaining Agreements reached w/th Town contractual
Petition of the Selcetmen
ARTICLE 33. To see if the Town will vnie to raise and appropriate the sum of
$1,400 for the purpose of amending Section 12 Of its Personnel By-Law (Longevity Ir~
c~ements) by increasing each longevity step by $100.
Petition of the Selectmen
ARTICLE 18. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to enter into
a contract with the Merrlmaek Valley Regional Transit Authority for the continuation
of bus services to the Town.
Petition of the Selectmen
ARTICLE 19. To see H the Town will vote to authorize the Setectmen to enter into
a contract with the t,f errimack Valley Regional Transit Authority to provide the Town
with commuter tall service to Be*ton.
Petition of the Selectmen
ARTICLE 20. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of
$8,000, to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for the purpose of leasing
and operating the North Andover Community Center buildings to serve as a Communi-
ty Center for use of the elderly and youth of the Town.
Petition of the Selectmen
ARTICLE 21. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of
$5.000, to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for the purpose of making
repairs and renovations to the Town Office Building.
Petition of the Selectmen
ARTICLE 22. To see ff the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of
$3,000, to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for the purpose of pro-
vlding emergency lighting in the Town Office Building in accordance with the State
Building Code,
Petition of the Selectmen
ARTICLE 23. To see it the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $800.
to be expended under ti~e direction of the Selectmen for the purpose of making repairs
to the radio communication tower located on the roof of the Town Office Building.
Petition of the Selectmen
ARTICLE 24. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to appoint a
study committee of up to seven 17~ citizens to investigate and make s ecommendations on
the need to reorganize those Town Boards involved with land use planning and regala-
Lion. particularly the Pinnmng Board, Board of Health, and Censervation Commission,
the purpose of the study being to ensure that the organizational structure and reistion-
ships between these Boards provide for maximum coordination and efilrient use of the
steff assigned to them.
Petition of the Selectmen
ARTICLE 25. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to appoint a
study committee ot' up to seven 17! citizens to investigate and make recommendations
on the need to reorganize the Highway, Public Works, and Tree Departments, the pur-
pose of the study being to ensure that the organizational structure and relationships
between these Departments provide for maximum coordinatinn and efficient use o! the
perSOnnel and equipment assigned to them.
Petition of the Selectmen
ARTICLE 26. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of
$4,500, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of
installing a sidewalk and curbing on Chiekering Road as shown on the State plan for the
ARTICLE 34. To see il the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of
$18,098 for the purpose of amending Schedule B included in Section 7 of its Personnel
By-Law by increasing all of the salary rates listed therein by 6%, excluding, however,
the compensation of thOSe Town employees whose renumeration is to be established by
collective bargaining process.
Petition of the Personnel Board
ARTICLE 35. To see il the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of
$1,861 for the purpose of amending Section 8 of its Personnel By-Law {Part-time posi-
tions eissalfied in clerical group! by increasing the salary therein by 6%.
Petition of the Personnel l]oard
ARTICLE 36. To see ii' the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of
$1.532 for the purpose of amending Section 9 of its Personnel By-Law ~Part-thne post-
tions classified in Library Groupl by increasing the salary rates listed therein by 6%.
Petition of the Personnel Board
ARTICLE 37. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of
$1.215 for the purpose of amending Schedule E of Section 7 of its Personnel By-Law
{Miscellaneous Compensation Schedniel by increasing the compensation listed therein
by 6% for the positions of Reserve Patrolmen and School Crossing Guards.
Petition of the Personnel Board
ARTICLE 38. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $250
for the purpose of amending its Personnel By-Law (Miscellaneous Compensation
Schedule - Fire Engineer and Deputy Ch]el). imm $1.260 per year to $1,385 per year.
Petition of the Personnel Board
ARTICLE 39. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $700
for the purpose of amending its Personnel By-Law filliscelisneous Compensation
Schedule - Gas lespectorl from $800 to $1,,500.
Petition of the Personnel Board
ARTICLE 40. To sec'if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $240
for the purpose of amending its Personnel By-Law 0,lisceilaneous Schedule - Wire
spoctor) from $4,000 to $4~40.
Petition of the Personnel Board
ARTICLE 41. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $I00
for the purpose of retroactive longevity increments for Anna Donahue~
Petition of the Personnel Board
ARTICLE 42. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Personnel By-Law gection
_8A - Part-time Positions, Clerical by deleting the f'u'st sentence oftbe paragraph so that
it will read as follows: Any amendment of this By-Law providing for a change in salary
and wage rates shall take effect, if adopted at the Annual Town Meeting. on the follow-
ing July 1, and if adopted at a Special Town Meeting shall lake effect on the first day of
the month next folloss~ng such meeting.
Petition of the Personnel Board
ARTICLE 43. To see il the Town ss'ill vote to amend its Personnel By-Law,,~ectinn
2 - Definitions by adding the definition ~Continuous Part-time employment' . An
employee .of the Town who works a minimum of 20 hours per week. every week of year.
Petition o! the Personnel Board
ARTICLE 4-1. To see il Ibe Town will vote to amend Ihe Personnel By-Law
Schedule C and Schedule D, Police Chief and Fire Chle[ compensation by applying a
1.8% increase above the compensation of P-I-Flaxlmum and F-I ~laxlmum. This will be
based on base pay.
Petition of the Personnel Board
ARTICLE 45. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Personnel By-Law Section
22 {Al {21 by deleting {b) completely and having it read as follows: An emplayna who
qualifies for terminal leave shall be entitled to the same percentage that the number of
years of service bears to the 100% service factor of 25 years; provided, that in no case
shall said leave be measured by more than 60 days accumulated sick leave, or twelve
work weeks, whichever is the lesser.
Petition of the Personnel Board
ARTICLE 46. To sca if the Town will vote to authorize the Planning Board to
point a professional Town Planner, who shall be chosen and supervised by the Planning
Board for a term not to exceed one year ending June 30, 1980 at a salary not to exceed
$16J~50. Said Planner to meet the professional qualifications required by the written job
description established by the Planning Board, and to raise and appropriate the sum of
$16,850 for the purpose of compensating the Planner.
Petition of the Planning Board
ARTICt.E 47. To see if the Town will vote to autborise the Board of Public Works
to appoint a Public Works Water Anaiyst-Watersbed Inspector. and that the sum of
$10,000 be raised and appropriated for his annual compensation.
Petition of the Board of Public Worha
ARTICLE 48. To see if the Town wlil vote to raise and appropriate the sum of
$5,000 to be expended under the direction of the liighway Surveyor for the purpose of
providing the service of rubbish collection to the unit-owners of Village Green West
Petition of the Louis S. Scaturras and others
ARTICLE 49. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-t.aw by adding
the following:
a) Cluster Development: An option which permits an applicant to build single
and/or 2-family dwellings with reduced lot area and frontage requirements so as to
create a development in which the buildings and accessory uses are clustered
together into one or more groups with adjacent common opeh land.
bi Homes Associations: A corporation or trust owned or to be owned by the
owners of lots or residential units within a tract approved for cluster development,
which holds the title to open land and which is responsible for the costs and
m."Jntenance of said open land and any other facilities to be held in common.
cl Open Land: Open space within a cluster, prohibited from development as set out
in (10) of this Section.
dl Wetlands: Areas as defined by G.L. Ch. 131, $. 40.
Cluster development in the R-2 or R~q Dist r;cts is allowed by Special Permit as set
forth in Section 10.3. based upon the following terms and conditions:
(3) Purpeses {in addition to purposes set out in G.L. Ch. 40A and the Zoning By-Law):
the more efficient ~ of land in
By-Law for the total number of units contemplated in the development, except
one-half of wetlands and ali land ~Iready subject to legally enforceable covenanta
or easements shall not be included in this computation.
c) The open land, and such other facilities as may be held in common shall be con-
veyed to one of the following, az determined by the Planning Board, subject to the
following guidelines:
In general, vninahle natural resource land such as wetlands not suitable for any
public use, or suitable for extensive public recreational use, should bo conveyed to
the town or to a trust: whereas land whlch wlil be principally used by the residents
of the cluster should be conveyed to a homes association.
1. To a corporation or trust comprising a home asso~ation whoze member-
ship includes the owners of all lots or units contained in the tract. The
developer shall include in the deed to owner~ of individual lots beneficial
rights in said open land. and sball grant a conservation restriction to the
Town of North Andover over such land pursuant to M.(}.L. Chapter 184.
s.31-33, to insure that such land be kept in an open or natural state and not be
built upon for residential use or developed for accessory uses such as parking
or roadways. This re~striction shall bo enforceable by the Town through its
Conservation Commission in any proceeding authorized by s. 33 of Ch. 184 of
M.O.L. In addition, the developer shall bo responsible for the mainten.~nce of
the common land and any othe~ facilities to bo held in common until such time
as the homes association is capable of azsun,.~ng said responsibility. In order
to ensure that the association will properly maintain the land deeded to it
under thla section, the developer shall cause to be recorded at the North
Essex Registry of Deeds a Declaration of C. ovenanta and Restrictions which
shall, at a minimum, provide for the following:
la. mandatory membership in an established homes association, az a re-
quh'ement of ownership of any lot in the tract.
lb. provisions for maintenance assessments of all lots in order to ensure
that the open land is maintained in a condition suitable for the uses ap-
proved by the homez association. Failure to pay such assessment shall
create a lien on the property assessed, enforceable by either the homes
association or the owner of any lot.
lc. provision which, so fzr os po~ible under the existing law. wifi ensure
that the restcictlona placed on the use of the open land ~1 not terminate
by operation of law.
2. To a non-profit organization, the principal purpose of which is the conserva-
tion of open space. The developer or charity shall grant a conservation
restriction as set out in al above.
3. To the Conservation Commission of the Town for park or open space use.
subject to the approval of the Selectmen, with a trust clause insuring that it
be maintained as open space.
a} No use other than residential or recreational shall bo permitted.
b) No lot shown on a plan for which a permit is granted under this section w.~y be
further zulxtlvided, and a hotation to this effect shall he shown upon the plan.
c} The beard may grant a special permit fiereunder for clustering even if the pro-
posed development is not subject to the subdivlzlon control law.
dl Except insofar as the subdivision is given 5 years protection under O.L. Ch.
40A, s. 6, the special permits granted under this section shall lapse ~-i~hin two
years from the grant thereof, excluding time required to pursue or await the
determination of an appeal, if a sub~tantlal use ha~ not sooner commenced or if
construction bas not begun by such date exCept for good cause.
ARTICLE 50. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by deleting
wording under Sec. 4.121 (4), 4.122 (4) and 4.123 (4) and insert in place thereof the follow-
ing:. For the use of a dwelling tn any residenti~ district or multi-f.~nfly district for a
home occupation the following conditions shall apply:
valuable open space.
cl Protecting water bodies and supplies, wetlands, floodplains, agricultural lands.
wildlife and other natural resources.
_ d) Promniing aesthetics and other amenities. -
a) Filing of Application: each application for a special permit 1o cluster shall be I'd-
ed with the Town Clerk, with a copy filed forthwith with the Planning Board and
shall be accompanied by nine (9) copies of a preliminary plan of the entire tract
under consideration, prepared by a professlonal engineer or reglalet~l land
Said application and plan shall be prepared in accordance with requirements for a
preliminary subdivision plan in the Rules and RegUlations o1' the Planning Board
Governing SubdlvL~ion of Land. whether or not t he development constitutes a sub-
division, and shall include proposed location, bulk and height of all proposed
buildings. In addition, the applirant shall provide the following information:
al The number of dwellings.
b) A description of the neighborhood in which the tract lles, including utilities
and other public facilities, and the affect of the proposed plan upon them.
c) Evaluation of the open land proposed within the c ustor, with respect to
size, shape, location, natural resource value, and aceessibifity by residents of
the town or of the cluster.
Before acting upon the application, the P ann ng Board shall subm t the application
with the plah to the fol owing boards, which may review it jnintly or separately:
The Board of Health, DepL of Public Works. Conservation Commission. llighway
Surveyor, Police and Fire Depts., and the Building Insporior. Any such hoard or
agency to which petitions are referred for review shall submit such recommenda-
tions ns it deems appropriate to the PLanning Eoard and the applicant. Failure to
make recommendations within 35 days of receipt of referrals shall be deemed lack
of opposition.
After the oppot2unity for review by oiher boards has taken place, the Pisnning
Board shall hold a hearing under this section, in conformity with the provisions of
G.L. Ch. 40A, S. 9, of the ~oning By-law, and regUlations of the Pisnning Board.
Planning Board approval of a special permit hereunder shall not substitute for
compfianca with the subd{vlsion control acts, nor obfige the PLanning Eoard to ap-
prove any related definitive plan for subdivlsim:, nor reduce any time periods for
board considecation under that law. HoWever, in ~,-der to facilitate processing, the
PLanning Board shall, insofar as practical under existing law, adopt regUlations
=stsbfishing pro~ures for submission of a combined plan and appfication which
aha{{ satisfy this section and the board's eegU}ations under lhe subdivision control
a} The area of lhe tract to be developed is not {ess than 5 acres.
b) S{de line setbacks: 15 feel
e) Area: Each building lot shall have at {east one-half (i/l} the required lot size for
the zoning district tn which it is located.
d) Frontage: the aggregate street irontsga of lots in such proposed development,
counting only one frontage for corner lots, shall not be less than one-half ('/ti the
product of the number of lots time.~ the minimum frontage requirement for the
zoning district in which the development is located, and the minimum width of any
single family lot shall be 75 it, measured either at the street llne or at the front
building fine. The minimum width of any lot shall be not less than £dty (50} feet
from the street fine to the front building fine.
e} Except as s~uecified in a spedal permit granted under this section, all re-
qalrements of the Zoning By-law shall continue to apply.
a} At least 330,6 of the tract, exclusive of land set aside for roads and parking, shall
be open land. At least 50% of the open land shall be suitable for passive or active
recreational use, and not more than 50% shall be wetlands.
b} Such open land, together with the areas in the building lots not devoted to roads
or parking, shall equal or exceed the area otheradee required under this Zoning
one o! whom shall be the owner o! the berne and residing in said dwelling;,
b) The use is carried on strictly within the principal building~
cl There shall be no exterior alterations, accessory buildings, or display which are
not customary with residential dwelling~
d} Not more than twenty-five {25} portent of the existing grass floor area of the
dwelfing unit ~o used, not to exceed six hundred {600) square feet, is devoted to
such use. In connection with such use. there is to be kept no stack in trade, cony
medlties or producis which occupy space beyond these limits;
e} There will be no display of goods or Wares visible from the street;
ft The buildings or premises occupied shall not be rendered objectionable or
detrimental to the residential character of the neighborhood due to the exterior
appearance, emission of odor, gas. smoke, dust. noise, dis~ urbance, or in any other
way become objectionable or detrimental to any residential use within the
gl Any such building shall include no feature of design not customary in buildings
for resldentisl use.
Petition of the Planning Board
ARTICLE 51. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-law by adding to
Se~ 4.122 a paragraph numbered {16} and to Sec. 4.123 a paragraph numbered 122l to
read as follows: Family guite: A separate dwelling unit for a member ora household is
allowable by spocisl permit provided:
al the dwelling unit is not oc~upled by anyone except brothers, sisters, maternal
and paternal parents and grandparents, or children of the residing owners of the
dwelling unit;
b} that the premises are inspected as required by the Building Inspector;,
c) special permit shall be recorded at the North Essex Registry of Deeds.
Petition o! the Planning Board
ARTICLE 52. To see if the Town will vote to Amend Section 6.5 (3) e) of the Zoning
By-law by inserting the word ~temporary# following the word "unlighted" so that the
section will read as follows: "The unlighted, temporary, real estate sign of up to 12
square feet pertaining to the sale, rental or lease of the premises; to be removed within
14 days of sale, rental or lease.~
Petition of the Building Inspector
ARTICLE 53. To .see if the Town will vote to Amend its Zoning By-Law by chang-
ing the Zoning Map of the Town to include the parcel of land hereinafter desc~'bed
within the Business 1 District: land and bnildings at and numbered 245 Osgead Street.
North Andover. Massachusetts. more particularly bounded and described as follows:
A.certaln tract of land being shown as Lot No. 4A on a plan of land recorded in the
North Essex Registry of Deeds ns Plan No. 3013. and descn'bed as shown on said plan as
WESTERLY by Osgoed Street by a curved line, 165.92 feet;
NORTHERLY by Lot No. 3A as shown on said plan. 303.52 feet;
EASTERLY by land now or formerly of Bennon, 78.94 feet;
SOUTHERLY by land now or formerly of McGuire, 302.6 feet;
Containing 36.196 square feel
Petition of the Rose hi. Clements and others
ARTICLE 54. To see ff the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of
$17.000. to be expended under the direction oftbe Board of Assossors for the purpose of
complying With the legislative and judicial mandate requiring the re-evaluation of all
properties within the Town.
Petition of the Board o! Assessors
ARTICt,E 55. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of
$35,000. to be expended under the direction of the Board of Selectmen for the purpose
of purchasing six {6t new cars and six (6! cars to be turned in, in trade, and all equipment
to be changed over, such as police radios, sirens and similar accessories.
Petition of the Chief of Police
ARTICLE 56. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriato the sum of
$33,000, to be expended under the direct/on of the Board of Fire Engineers for lbe pm.-
~pose of purchasing a new ambulance, with all necessary equipment. Present ambulance
be sold.
Petition of the Board of Fire Engineers
ARTICLE 57. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of
$52.422, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Fire Enginers for the pur-
pose of appoMting four regular fire lighters, who have passed qualifying Civil Service
physical and mental examinations, all in accordance with Civil Service Rules and
Petition of the Board of F/ce Engineers
ARTICLE 58. To see ff the Town will vote to rahe and appropriate the sum o!
$2200, to be expended under the direction of the Board of F/re Eng/neers for the put-
Petition of the Board of Fire Engineers
$60,000, to be expended under the direction of the School Committee for the purpose of
ARTICLE 60. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of
$6,000, to be expended under the direction of the North Andover School Committee for
educational and building needs of the Town w/th particular emphasis as to future
classroom needs.
Petition of the School Committee
ARTICLE 62. To see if the Town wiil vote to raise and appropriate the sum of
$13,000. to be expen~ed under the direction of the North Andover School Comrnittae
for the purpose of providing payment for twelve months of servic~ rendered, or to be
rendered, by the Greater La~vence Mental Health Center. for or in behalf of some of
the children of the Town, all as the Committee may determine.
Petition of the School Committee
ARTICLE 63. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of
~11.500, to be expended under the direetion
ARTICLE 72. To see if the Town wilt vote to raL~e and appropr~to the sum of
$100,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose
of resurfadng, oiling, repairing and maintaining streets in the Towm
Petition of the Highway Surveyor
ARTICLE 73. To see if the Town wilt vote to raise and appropri~to the sum of
$3,fi00. to be expended under the dh~ction of the Roard of Public Worha for the purpose
of purchasing equipment necessary to analyze potable water samples in conformance
with the Safe Drinking Water Act.
Petition of the Board of Public Works
ARTICLE 74. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of
$1,500, to be expended unde.- the dh'ection of the Heard of Public Works for the purpose
of assuming responsibility for the maintenance of the Will/am S. Rock Memorial over-
pass on Chkkering Road, exc]uslve of snow removal.
Petition of the Board of PubNc Works
ARTICLE 75. To see if the Town wi]] vote lo raise and appropr~te the sum of
$11~000. to be expended under the dh'ection of the Board of PubNc V*'orks for the pur-
pose of performing the following construct[on:
Kitteredge School
Installing corrective drainage $2.000.00
Constructing concrete entryways to
portable classrooms 500.00
Atldnson School:
Installing corrective drainage 6,000.00
Pranklin School
lastolilng chain link fence 2.500.00
Petition of the Board of Public Works
ARTICLE 76. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of
$6,000, to be expended under the dicectinn of the Board of Public Works for the purpose
of installing corrective drainage at Orogans F/eld.
Pet/ItOh of the Board of Public Works
ARTICLE 77. To see ii' the Town will vote to raise and appropriate/he sum of
$7,500, to be expended under the direction of/he Board of Public Works for the purpose
of re. surfacing the driveway to the South Pumping Station at 420 Great Pond Road.
Petition of the Board of Public Worhs
ARTICLE 78. To see if the Town will voto to raise and appropriate the sum ol
$36,880, to be expended under/he d/rect/on of the Board of Public Works for the pm--
pose of Purchasing/he following equipment:
one - *A ton pirk-up truck with utility body $ 8,100
one - ~ ton pick-up truck with fleetdde bedy 10.000
one - tractor with front end loader 11,230
one - Iow 7,550
vide the following services under the direction of the Greater Lawrence Community
Drug Council, Inc.
1. An educational program for parent, teachers and children under the direction of
qualified educators and in cooperation with the Health Coordinator and Guidance
Department of the North Andover School System.
A Counseling Teacher which will offer individual and group counseling programs.
A 24-boor, 7<lay week, hot line to be manned by qualified personnel in the area of
crisis intervention.
Petition of the School Committee
ARTICLE 64. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of
$83,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose o!
purchasing the following equipment: one 1979 vehicle with trade $8,000; one Backhoe
Loader with trade $44,000, one Rubbish Truck with trade $45,000.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor
ARTICLE 65. To see if the Town will vote to transfer from Article 66 of the War-
rant for the 1978 Annual Town Meeting the sum of S17,000, to be expended under the
direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of development of the new landfdl
Petition of the Highway Surveyor
ARTICLE 66. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of
$ , to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose
of meeting the State's share of Chapter 90 or any other similar statute, said amount to
be reimbursed, upon receipt to be restored to unappropriated available funds in the
Town Treasury.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor
ARTICLE 67. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of
$8,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of
replacing existing catch b~sin frames and grates which are smaller than standard size.
Petition o! the Highway Surveyor
ARTICLE 6& To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of
$8,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of
erecting and replacing guard rails throughout the Town.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor
ARTICLE 69. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of
$2500, to be expended under the direction o! the Highway Surveyor for the purpese of
making and placing street signs throughout the Town.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor
ARTICLE 70. To see if the Town will vote to raise.and appropriate the sum of
$8.500. to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of
installing new and repairing existing sidewalks.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor
ARTICLE 71. To see ii' the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of
$20,000. to be expended under the dlz~ction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of
installing drainage in problem areas throughout the Town.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor
pirk-up, one 1965 Ford LCG tractor and one 1968 Cane Tractor
with loader to be traded.
Petition of the Board of Public Works
ARTICLE 79. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of
$5,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose
of continuing the Lake Monitoring program to establish baseline data on our water
Petition of the Board o! Public Works
ARTICLE 80. To see it' the Town ~ill vote to raise and appropriate the sum of
$950,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the pur-
pose of extending the sewer on Pleasant St.. Marbleridge Road and Johnson Street, a
distance of 15,100 feel
Petition of the Board of Public Works
ARTICLE 81. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of
$5,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose
of permanently patching water and sewer trenches on town streets.
Petition of the Board of Public Works
ARTICLE 82. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of
$105,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for tlie pur-
pose of replacing the old six inch cz.st iron water mains on S~uth Bradford Street from
Meadowvlaw Road to Winter Street on Dale Street from Winter Street to Rus-~et Lane
and on Appleton Sti~et from Salem Street to Dale Street with new 12' ductile iron
water mains.
Petition of the lkard of Public Works
ARTICLE 83, To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of
$20.000, to be expended under the dh~ction of the Board of Public Works for the pur-
pose of repisdng the chlorinators and installing automatic cylinder changeover valves
at the ~outh Pumping Station.
Petition of the Board of Publie Works
ARTICLE 84. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of
~q0,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the pur-
pose of constructing two tennis courts at the Carl Thomas Playground.
Petition of the Beard of Public Works
ARTICLE 85. To see if the Town ~11 vote to raise and appropriate the sum of
$4.,500. to be expended under the direction of the B~xrd of Public Works for the purpose
of renewing water and sewer services, placing gate valves on hydrant hral~ches and
raising manhole frames and covers on strecLs which are be'rog rebuilt.
Petition of the Board of Public Wocks
ARTICLE 86. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of
$40,000. to be expended under'the direction of the Baard of Public Works for the put-
pose of replacing the existing 6" vetrified clay sewer on Furher Avenue with a new 8'
vetrified clay sewer.
Petition of the Board of Public Works
ARTICLE 87. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Public Works
to promulgate rules and regulations limiting the use of lhe Iown parks, playgrounds and
cemeteries under their jurisdirtion.
Petition of the Board o! Public Works
ARTICLE 88. To see if the Town will vota to amend its by-taws by eliminating Arti-
cle Ill Section 12.
Petition of Donald H. Moser and others
ARTICLE 89. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the sum of $ . to be
expended under the direction of t he Selectmen from ReYenue Sharing Funds aa follows:
1. Fire Department Salaries ~
2. Police Department Salaries $
Petition of the Selectmen
ARTICLE 90. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of
$50,000, to the Reserve Fund, as provided by Section 6 of Chapter 40 of the General
Petition of the Selectmen
ARTICLE 91. To see if the Town will vote to take the sum of $
available funds for the purpose of reducln~ the tax rate.
Petition of the Selectmen
And you are directed to serve this Warrant by posting true and attested copies
thereof at the Town Office Building and at five or more public places in each voting
p~cinct in the Town. Said copies to be posted not more than seven days before the time
of said meeting.
Hereof, fail not, and make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to
the Town Clerk at the time and place of said meeting.
Given under our hands at North Andover. Massachusetts, the twenty-third day of
April in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and seventy-nine.
North Andover, Ma~.
May 4, 1~79
A true cop~ ATTEST:
DANIEL LONG. Town Clerk.
Offff~G~R'S RE~UEN - - -
~ have 'not~fied ~d ',.~a~n6d the
i~abit~nt& df't~e T~-of
Nor~h'A~er,'who ~e '~ied
to-vot6 i~To~ '~fa~s ~ -
dopies of this w~rant tn th~ '
To~ B~ ~d at five or
more pubic p~ces ~ each
voti~ precinct of the To~.
-Said copies not having been
posted not less than seven
days before the t4m~ of
said meeting.
No~hh Andover
CONSTABLE .................
AN~JAL '2OWN MEETI~NG HELD MAY 29, 30, 31, 1979
Meeting opened 7.00 ~.M. by Moderator Donald Smith
MAy 29,
May 30,
May 31,
:"", .... 265
1979 One Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Two (1252) voters present.
1979 Five Hundred Fifty Two (552) voters present.
1979 Four Hundred Eighteen (418) voters present.
1. Acted upon at the Annual Town Election held March 5, 1979.
2. Voted That the Town refer to the Selectmen the appointment of Town
Officers not required by law or By-Law to be otherwise chosen.
3. Voted that the repor~ be accepted.
4. Voted to f~x the following Annual Salaries of the electd officals
of the Town, effective July 1, 1979. Board of Selectmen and Licensing
Commission each per annum $2,000. Chairman of the Board of Selectmen $300
Board of Assessors each per Annum $300. Chairmen of the Board of
Assessors $1, O00. The present Chairman of the Bd. of Assessors
provided that he devotes all of his wor~ing hours to the performance
of his duties as Assessor $10, 741. Board of Health each per annum $600
Board of Public Works each per annum $600. Town Treasurer $21,631.
Highway Surveyor $20,181. Tree Warden $3,116. Moderator A.T.M. $100
S.T.M. $50. Town ClerE $13,823.
Striksn from Warrant.
Striksn from Warrant.
StriVen from Warrant.
Voted to adopt the article with the changes of the following Items.
Item 1, 4, 21, 29, 46, 80,82.
Voted to adopt the school budget 900 yes 233 no.
See page 266 for total Budget
ICARTICLE 8. Budget. VOTEDt to accept the budget as submitted.
-~. Selectmen $40,013
Out of Town travel
2. Treasurer 37,770
3. Tax Collection 19,515
4. Assessors 38, 047
5. Accountant 36,358
mx~ens es
6. Town Clerk 22,520
7. Election and Registrars 1, 830
8. Town Co-~el 9,000
9 · Moderator 200
X0. Advisory Committee 1,360
11. Capital Budget Committee
12. manmU~ Soara 4,535
13. Board of Appeals(Zoning) 2,135
14. Personnel Board 2,730
15. Comncil of Aging
16. Conservation Commission 1,34~
Professional Service
17. N.~. Historica/ Commissio~
18. Town Hall and Oarage Bldgs.
:- 33.
School Crossing Guards
21. Fire Department
21&. Forest Fires and Forest
22. Dog Officer 7, 000
23. Civil Defense 1, 748
24. Building Inspector 31, 801
25. '._ 'I~.. ~.E:-!nspect0r 4, 000
26. Gas Inspector 800
27. Sealer of Weights & Measures 1,900
Board of Health '18,242
Greater lawrence Sanitary District
Per share Capital
Per share Operation
Animal Inspector 420
Garbage Disposal Contract
Board of Public Wor~s 1, 800
Sewer Maintenance azd Construction 43 ,294
Water Maintenanee and Construction 147, 852
Par~s and School Construction 4~340
Trea~ Department 50, 214
Dutch Elm Disease 9,149
38. Insect Pest Control 19,7~
39. Street Lighting
18, 0~0
12, 000
15, hh?
1, 020
l, ooo
1, 2 00
33, o~o
3, 700
3, o65
~, 30~
148, 729
$40, 013
37, 770
38, 047
1, 830
9, 000
2, 730
1, ~41
6, 000
33, 0~0
7, 000
3, 700
34 8Ol
3, 065
· ~oo
18,249 '
43, 3o9
148, 729
1, 800
147, 852
9 o, ooo
40. Streets- General Maintenance
Highway surveyor
· Expenses
41~. Snow Removal
42. Refuse Disposal
· Expenses
43~ Veterans Be~gits
44. Graves Registration
45. N.X. School Department
Total Expenses
46. Regional Vocational School
· A/10C~tion 'of Cost to N. Andover
47. Steven's Memorial Library
Expenses '
48. PIayground& Bathing Beaches
49. Recreation Council
50. Group r~urance Covering Present
Benifit Plan Only
51. Unemployment Compensation
52. Essex Cour~ Retirement Pensions
53. Rental of Veterans Headquarters'
54. Patriotic ami Civic Celebrations
55. Fourth of' July
56. Insurance, General
57. Industrial Commission
58. Special Legal Services
59. Water Main Notes & Bonds
60. Fire Station
61. Town Garage
62. Police Station
63. Town Garage Add'l.
64. Land Ecquisition
65.. B~'dgzer'~'
661 Fire Truck
67~ Sewer Bonds
68. School Bonds
69. Tennis Courts
70. Fire Station
71. Town Garage
72. Police Station
73. Town Garage ~dd'l.
74. ~and Acquisition
75. Bulldozer
/76. ~ire Truck
77. Sbhool Bonds
78. Short term Borrowing
79. Tennis Courts
80. Sewer Bonds
'81~Water.-Main System-Notes and"Bonds
82. Bond Issue Expense
$213,086 $213~ 086
$1oo, ooo lOO, ooo
100, 000 100, 000
132,307.. 132, 307
32,000 32~ 000
30, 000 30, 000
200 200
~oo 5oo
4, 667, 808 4, 667, 808
1,111,463 1,~1~,46~
188,390 100,390
109,174 109; 174
38,960 38~960
8,550 8,550
19,270 19,270
8, 810' 8, 810
279~ 313 279,313
lO,5OO ~o~5oo
362,600 362~600
1, 2 O0 1, 200
895 - 89~
.~.~2oo 5,200
350, ooo 350, ooo
· 100 100
7~ 000 7, 000
~4~ ooo z~5, ooo
10~ 000 10, 000
9o, ooo 9o, ooo
~ O
35, 000 15, 000
2 o, ~o 2 a, ooo
zo, ooo ~,a, ooo
lO, ooo lo, ooo
25,000 25, 000
480, ooo 480, ooo
35, 000 15,000
3,355 3,355
2,610 2,610
0 O
1,~48 1,~48
1,530 1,~30
2, ~50 2,~O
1,300 1,300
240, Z~3 240, 2~3
2 o, ooo 2 o, ooo
1, 283 1, 283
31,501 31,501
20,681 20,681
5,000 5, 000
$4,2~, 159
ARTICLE 9. Toted u~animously to adopt the article.
ARTICLE 10. oted unanimously to adopt the article.
ARTICLE 11. Voted unanimously to adopt the article.
ARTICLE 12. Voted unanimously to adopt the article.
ARTICLE 13. Voted to adopt the article. (majority)
· ~ ........ With the following changes.
Chap.3, Sect. 3.2, Item D, Line 12
Town Accountant to Exectutive Secrats~-y
Chap.~4, Sect. 4.8 Line 1.
Auditor to Town Accountant
Chap. %, Sect. 5.3, T~'~e2
Board of Water Commissioners to Board of Public Works
ARTICLE 14~ Voted ~umnimously to adopt the article.
ARTICLE 15. Voted unanimously to adopt the article.
ARTICLE 16 Voted petitioners to with draw the article.
ARTICLE 17. Voted petitioners to withdraw the article.
ARTICLE 18. Voted to adopt the article. (majority)
ARTICLE 19. Voted petitioners to withdraw the article.
ARTICLE 20. Voted unanimously to raise and appropriate $6,000 for this article.
ARTICLE 21. Voted to raise and appropriate $5,000 for this article. 179 yes 82 no.
ARTICLE 22. Voted umantmously to raise and appropriate $3,000 for this article.
ARTICLE 23. Voted unanimously ~o raise and appropriate $800 for this article.
ARTICLE 2~.. Voted unanimously that the Teen authorize the Selectmen to appoint a
study committee oEa mf~f~um of five (5) citizens to investigate -~
ma~e recommendations on the need to reoganize those Town Boards in-
volved with land use planning and regulation~ particularly the
Planning Board, Board of Health, and the Conservation Commission~ the
purpose of the study being to ensure that the organizational structure
and relatioship~b~twe~n these Boards provide for maximum coordination
· · and efficient use-of ~h~ staff assigned to them and that the committee
so appointed will report .back at the next Ann,~-I Town Meeting.
AR2ICLE ~5. Voted to reject the article.
ARTICLE 26. Voted petitioners to withdraw the article.
ARTICLE 27. Voted petitioners to withdraw the~ article.
ARTICLE 28. Voted to raise and appropriate $5,000 for this article. (majority)
ARTICLE 29. Voted to reJec~ the article.
ARTICLE 30~ .Voted to stri~e the article.
ARTICLE 3lA ,Voted to raise and appropriate $1,000 for this article. (majority)
ARTICLE 32.. Voted um~tmously to raise and appropriate $117,807 for this article.
ARTICLE 33. Voted unanimously to raise and appropriate'.:$1,400 for this article.
ARTICLE 34. ~oted unanimously to raise and appropriate $18, O98 for this article.
ARTICLE 35. Voted unanimously to raise and appropriate $1~864 for this article~
ARTICLE 36~ 'Voted unanimously to raise and appropriate $1,532 for this article.
ARTICLE 37e Voted to raise and appropriate $1,215 for this article. (unanimously)
ARTICLE 38. Voted to raise and appropriate $250 for this article. (majority)
APJ~ICLE 39. Voted to raise and appropriate $700 for this article. (majority)
ARTICLE 40. Voted unanimously to raise and appropriate $240 for this article.
AETICLE 41. Voted~manim°usly to raise and appropriate $100 for this article.
ARTICLE 42. Voted unanimously to adopt this article.
~ARTICV.E 43. Voted to amend its ~ersonnel By-~aw, Section 2-Defimations by ad~g the def~
inition "Continuous Part-Tim~ employment"- An employee of the Town
who is employed by the' Town for a mi~ of 20 hours per week,
every week of the year, with the exception of accrued vacation time. (majority)
ARTICLE 44. Voted to amend The Personnel By-Law Schedule C and Schadu~e D, Police
Chief and Fire Chief compensation by applying a factor of 1.8 to
each step rate of the base pay of the P-1 and F-1 positions. (majority)
ARTICLE 45.~Voted unanimously to adopt the article.
ARTICLE 46. Voted unanimously to raise and appropriate $16,850 for this article.
A~2ICLE 47. Voted to Yaise and appropriate $10,000 for this article. (majority)
ARTICLE 48~ Voted to reject this article.
ARTICLE 49. ~Voted to reJec~ this article. Yes 18~ No 143 No 2/3 vote.
AR2ICLE 50. Voted to adopt the article. Yes 285 Ne 28 With these amendments.
Item a) Not more than a total of three (3) peoplemay be employed in the
home occupation.
· Item ~) not to exceed one thousand (1000) sq,,-~e feet,
ARTICLE 51. Voted ~-~mously to amend its ZOning By-Law by adding to Sec. 4.121
a paragraph numbered (16) to read as follows: Family Suite: A seperate
dwelling ~t within or attached to a dwelling for a member of a
household is allowable by Special Permit provided:
a) the dwelling unit is not occupied by anyone except brothers, sisters,
maternal, and paternal' parents and grandparents, or children of the
residing owners of the dwelling unit;
b) that the pr. emises are inspected annually by the Building Inspector
for conformance to this Section of the By-Iaw;
c) Special Permit shall be recorded at the North Essex Registry of Deeds.
ARTICLE 52. Voted unanimously to adopt the article.
ARTICLE 53. Voted to reject the article. Yes 12 No 307
ARTICLE 54. Voted unanimously to raise and appropriate $17, 000 for this article.
ARTICLE 55. Voted unanimously to raise and appropriate $30,000 for this article.
ARTICLE 56. Voted unanimously to raise and appropriate $32,000 for this article.
ARTICLE 57 Voted petitioners to withdraw the article.
ARTICLE 58. Voted unanimously to raise and appropriate $2,200 to be expended under
the direction of the Board of Fire Engineers for the purpose of
purchasing an emergency rescue boat, with moter, trailer and necessary
saving equipment and that present boat be sold.
ARTICLE 59. Voted petitioners to withdraw the article.
ARTICLE 60. Voted unanimously to raise and appropriate $12,000 for this article.
ARTICLE 61. Voted to raise and appropriate $6.000 for this article. (majority)
ARTICLE 62. Voted um~nimously to raise and appropriate $13,000 for this article.
ARTICLE 63. Voted (.majority'): to raise and appropriate $10,000 for this article.
ARTICLE 64. Voted unanimously to raise and appropriate $97, 000 for this article.
ARTICLE 65. Voted unanimously to transfer from Article 66 of the Warrant for the
1978 Annual Town Meeting the sum of $17,000, to be expended under the
direction of the Highway Surveyor for the pupose of development of the
AR ' cLE 75.
new landfill site.
Voted unanimously to
Voted unanimously to
Voted unanimously to
Voted unanimously to
$172 from article 21
Voted unanimously to
Veted.,m-mimously ~,o
Voted unanimously to
raise and appropriate $h4~ 739 for this article.
raise and appropriate $2~000 for this article.
raise and appropriate $41000 for this article.
raise and appropriate $1,000 and to transfer
of the 1978 Annual Town Meeting.
raise and appropriate $5,000 for this article..
raise and appropriate $12,500 for this article.
raise and appropriate $100,000 for this article.
Voted ~ma-imously to raise and appropriate $1,000 for this article.
VotedI to raise and appropriate $1,500 for this article. Yes 158 No ~29
Voted ~,~-uimously to raise ,~d appropriate $5,500 for this article.
~Veted to strike article from warrant.
Voted to strike article from warrant.
Voted unanimously to raise and apppropriate $15,650 for this article.
Vote~Cpetitione~s to withdraw the article.
Voted to appropriate $815, 000 to be~ expended under the direction of.~the
Board of ~ublic Wor~s, for the Purpose of extending the sewer on Pleasant
Street, Marblridge Road A~ Johnson Street, a distance of.(12,%00 feet;
and that to raise this appropriation the Treasurer, with the approval"
of the' Selectmen, is authorized to borrow the $815,000 ,m~er G,~.-
Ch. 44, Section 7 (1) as amended. Yes 363 ~No' 17
AR2ICLE~ ~1~ Voted unan~.m~usly to raise and appropriate ~OOOY.:.for this er~.icle.
A~ICLE ~2. Voted. p~Anmmously~to appr~p~riat~$60~lO..~o be expended under the direction
.~/~ of the'~ Board ~f Public Works fo~=the purpdse of ~lacing the six inch cast. iron
water ma~ om South Bradford Street from Needoeview Road mo Winter
Street (~47;790), ami on Dale Street from Winter Street to RusSet Zane '
($12,720)', a~d that to raise this appropriation the Treasurer, ~th the
approval of' the Selectman, is authorized to borrow the $65~510 ~under
"' G.L. Ch. 44, Section 8 (5) as amended.
ARTICLE 8~; Voted unanimously to raise and appropriate $18,000 for this .article.
AP~TICLE 84. Voted petitioners to withdraw the article.
ARTICLE 85. Voted -~-~mously to raise and appropriate $4,500 for this art~cle.~ "
A~TICLE 86. Voted ,m-~ously to appropriate $40,000, to be expended under the
direction of the Board of Public Works,. for the purpose of replacing
the existing 6" vetrified clay sewer on Furber Avenue with a new
8" vetrified cly sewer, and that to rais~ this appropriation the
Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmem~ is authorized to
borrow the $40,000 under G.L. Ch. 44,~Section 7 (1) as amended.~
ARTICLE ~7A Voted to reject the article.
ARTICLE 88~ Voted to reject the article.
ARTICLE 89. Voted unanimously to appropriate the scm of $300,000 to be expdnded
under the direction of tbs Selectmen from Revenue' Sharing Funds.~.
as follows:
lA Fire Dept Salaries........... ~$17~ 000
2. Police Dept. Salaries. ....... .$125,000
ARTICLE 90. Voted to appropriate the sum of $50,000 from Free Sash Availabe Fu~s
to the Reserve l~md, (Unanimously).
ARTICLE 91. Voted unanimously to take the sum $100, 000 from free cash available
funds for the purpose of reducing the tax rate and exempt $90,000
of free cash from the provision of Sectioa 12A of Chapter 151 of the
Acts cf 1979 so that such free cash not be utilized for the purpose
of reducing the property tax levy in Fiscal Yea~ 1980.
ANI~AL TOWN MEETING MAY 29, 30, 31, 1979
Town voted to exceed the tax levy limit established under Chapter 151
of the Acts of 1979 by the sum of $500,000 so that the Town's tax levy
limit for fiscal year 1980 shall be $10,636,235.
Town voted to exceed the appropriation limit established under Chapter
151 'of the Acts~;of 1979 by the sum of $400,468 so that the Town's
appropriations limit for fiscal yesr 1980 shall ~be $9,919,607.
vOT :ms 6 / /
I have a tilled and warned the inhabitants of the Town of North
Audover who are qualifie~to vo~e in'Town Affairs by posting true and
attesing copies of this Warrant in the Town Building and at five or
more public places in each voting precint of the Town.
Said copies not having been posted not less than fourteen days before
the time of said meeting.
North Andover, Mass..
Nov. 3. 1979
D~el Long
Town Clerk
Meeting opened at 7.30 P.M. by Moderator Donald Smith presiding.
Two Hundred Thirteen Voters present. Quorum met.
ARTICLE 1. To see i/the Town will vote to raise and appropriate
the sum of $6,000, to be expended under the direction of the Select-
men for the purpose of establishing a school zone under the pm-
visions of Chapter 616 of the Acts of 196'/ on Mass. Ave., said
amount to ha reimbursed to the Town by the Massachusetts Depart-
ment o! Public Works at the completion of the project.
Petition of Barbara Graeso and others.
ARTICLE 2. To see if the Town will vote to approve the use by
Ridgewood Cemetery Association of the following described parcel
of land for cemetery uso:
Beginning at a point on the easterly side of Johnson Street thence
in a northeasterly direction by land of Ogden a distance of 399.19'
to a point. Thence ha a northwesterly direction by land of Ogden a
distance of 549.11' to a point. Thence in a northwesterly direction
by land of Sullivan a distance of 209.11' to a point. Thence in a
southeasterly direction by land of Ridgewood Cemetery a distance
of 73.70' to a point. Thence ha a southeasterly direction by land of
Ridgewced Cemetery a distance of 113.60' to a pohat. Thence in 'a
northeasterly direction by land of Rid§ewend Cemetery a distance
of 260.43' to a pohat. Thence in a northeasterly direction by land of
Ridgewood Cemetery a distance of 46.99' to a point. Thence in a
northeasterly direct/an by land of Ridgewood Cemetery a distance
of 70.87' to a pohat. Thence ha a northeasterly direction by land of
R/dgewood Cemetery a distance of 15.83' to a point. Thence ha a
northeasterly direction by land of Ridgewood Cemetery a distence
of 46.40' to a point. Thence in a southeasterly direction by land of
Ridgewood Cemetery a distance of 120.20' to a paint. Thence ha a
southeasterly direction by land of Ridgewood Cemetery s distance
oI 197.40' to a point on the westerly side of Marbleridge Road.
Thence ha a southeasterly direction along Marbler/dge Road a dis-
tance of 28.89' to a point. Thence in a northwesterly direction by
]and of Sarcione a distance of 204.62' to a point. Thence, in a south-
westerly direction by land of Sareione a distance of 23.71" to a point,
Thence in a southwesterly direction by hM of Sarcioue a distance of
31.94' to a point. Thence in a southwesterly dixection by land' of
~u-~/one a distance of 128.07' to a pohat. Thence ha a southeasterly
direction by land of Sarcione a distanie of 200.57* to a point. Thence
in a southeasterly direction by land of Sarclone a distance of 324.80'
tea pohat an the westerly side of Marbleridge Road. Thence ha a south-
easterly direction along Marbleridge Road a distance of 45:53' to a
pohat. Thence ha a southwesterly direction by land of Mitchell a
distance of 478.61' to a point on the northerly side of Abbott Street.
Thence. in a northwesterly diraction along Abbott Street a distance
of 294.96' to a pohat Thence in s northwesterly ~an by land of
Mahoney a distance of 239.49' to a pohat. Thence in a northwesterly
d/reation by ]and of Mahoney a distance of 90.90' to a point. Thence
~o: southwesteriy direction by land oi Mahoney a distance of 23.01'
point on the eastorly side of Johnson Streea Thence in a north-
westerly direction along Johnson Street a distance of 15~t.31' tb the
pohat O~ bog~nn'[ng. T~s l~l'Cd cen~ 637,973 S.F. ~-.
Petition oi G~yten Osgood a~d others.
ARTICLE 3. To see ii the Town will vote to authorize the Highway
Surveyor to expend the entire appropriation voted at the Town
Meeting 1979 for Chapter 90 Funds. (Due to an error ha the 1980
Budget of the Commonwealth of Massachusotts a $13 mill~on ap-
proptiatian, as mandated by Chapter 356 of the Acts of 1977 for the
"Construction" of town and county ways, was added to the appro-
priation for the Cherry Sheet. Simply stated, the language in the
budge~ item referred to the wrong provision o£ the general laws and,
thereby, changed the intended method of distribution for these funds.
Therefore, of the $44,739.00 Appropriated ar Town Meeting only
$34,710.00 will be reimbursed by the state.)
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE 4. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate
the sum of $3,200.00, ~o be expended under the direction of the
Board of Health for the purpose of increasingthehoursofthepresont
Board of Health part time clerk to a minimum of twenty .hours per
Petition of the Board of Health.
ARTICLE 5. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate from
available/unds the sum of $1,500, to be expended under thedirection
of the Selectmen for the"purpose of implementing energy consorva-
tion measures in the Town Building.
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 6. To see if the Town will vote to amend the General
By-Laws by adding the following section:
1. The purpose of this bylaw is to protect the floodplains and
wetlands of the Town of North Andover by controlling activities
deemed ~o have a significant effect upon wetland values, including
but not limited to the following: Public or private water supply,
grcundwater, flood control, erosion control, storm damage, water
pollution, fisheries, wildlife, recreation, and esthetics. No person
shall remove, fill, dredge, or alter any bank, fresh wator wetland,
beach, marsh, meadow, bog, swamp, or lands bordering any creek,
river, stream, pond or lake, or any land under said wa~ere or any
land subject to storm flowage, of flooding, other than in the'course
of maintaining, repairing or replacing, but not substantially changing
or enlarging, an existing and lawfully located structure or facility
used in the service of the public and used to provide electric, gas,
water, telephone, telegraph and other telecommunication services,
without filing written notice of his intention so to remove, fill, dredge
or alter and without receiving and complying with an order of con-
ditions and provided all appeal periods have elapsed. Such notice
shall be sent by certified mail to the North Andover Conservation
Commission, including such plans as may be necessary ~o describe
such proposed activity and its effec~ on the environment. The Same
notice, plans and specifications required to be filed by an applicant
under Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 131, Section 40,
win be accepted as fulfilling the requirements of this bylaw. The
said Commission, in its discretion, may hear any. oral presentation
under th~ bylaw at the same public hearing required to be held
under the provisions of said. Chapter 131, Section 40, of the Massa-
chusetts General Laws. Definit/ons sec forth i~ said Chapter and
Section and in the regulations issued and as may be amended by
the Department of Environmental quality Engineeting thereunder,-
are hereby made a part of tMs byhw.
2. The term "person", as used in this byhw, ehnl! include any
individual, group of individuals, association, partnersMp, corporation,
company, business organization, trust, estate, the*Commonwealth or
political subdivision thereof, administrative agency, public or quasi-
public corporation or body, or any other legal entity or its legal
representative, agents or assigns.
3. The cornn~ssion shall make a determination a~ to whether or
not this bylaw applies to a specific situation prior to the filing of a'
written notice of intent under the provisions hereof, within twenty-
one (21) days of the receip~ of a written request sent by certified
mail frern any person desiring such determination. The Commi~sien,
its a~ent, of~cers and employees, may enter upon the land upon
which the proposed work is to be don? in response to a request for a
prior determination or for the purpose of carrying out its duties
under this bylaw and may make or cause to be made such e~nmi~a.
tion or survey as deemed necessary.
4. The Conservation Commission is empowered to denypormiesien
for any removal, dredging, filling, or altering of subject lauds wi~hln
the town if, in its judgment, such denial is necessary to preserve
environmental quality of either or both the subject lands and con.
tlgous lands. Due consideration shall be given to possible ~ffects
of the proposal on all values to be protected under th~s bylaw and
to any demonstrated hardship on the petitioner by reason of a denial.
as brought forth at the public hearing.
5. The Commission may, as an alternative to a denial, impose
s~.ch conditions as it deems necessary to contribute to the pmtsd/en
and preservation of subject lands in aceerdanee with the purposes
of this bylaw. Any Order of Conditions issued under thisbylawshall
be subject tn the same constraints and be identical to any such
order issued by the North Andover Conservation Commission under
the provisions of Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 131, Sec-
tion 40.
6..The notice required by' the first paragraph of this bylaw shall
not apply to emergency projects necessary for the protection of the
health or safety of the citizens of North Andoverandtobeporformed
or ordered to be performed by un administrative agency of the Com.
m°nwealth or by the Town. Emergency projects shall mean any
projects certified to be an emergency by the Commla~aner of the
Department of Environmental quality Engineering and the Conser-
vation Commission if this bylaw and Massachusetts General Laws,
Chapter 131, Section 40, are both applicable, or by the Conse~va.
tion Commission if only this bylaw is applicable. In no case shall
any removal, filling, dredging or alteration authorized by such certi.
flcatlon extend beyond the time necessary to abate the emergency.
Petition of the Conservation Commission.
ARTICLE 7. To see if the Town ~ ~ ~d the appropria:
tions limk established under Chapter lbi bi the Acts of 1979 by the
sum of $ so that the Town's appropriation limit
for fiscal year 1980 shah be $
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 8. To see if the Town will vote. to exceed the tax lew-
limit established under Chapter 151 of the Acts of 1979 by the su
of $ so that the Town's tax levy limit for fisca~
year 1980 shall be $
Petition of the Selectmen. .
~ CHA~zsi{ 151 OF THE ACTS OF 1979 BY THE SUM OF $?,500
SHALL BE $9,927,107.
At~ICLE 8.
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