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Joyce A.Bradshaw,CMMC Telephone(978)688-9501
Town Clerk Fax (978)688-9556
E-mail Bradshaw(dtownofnorthandover.com
Section 1 Organization and Powers
2-1-1 The legislative powers of the town shall be exercised by a town meeting
open to all registered voters of the town.
2-1-2 The town meeting shall consider and act upon with or without
amendments, all bylaws, proposed operating and capital improvement budgets, bond
issues, and other financial proposals of the town.
2-1-3 The town meeting shall possess and may exercise all powers possible
under general law.
Section 2 Warrants
2-2-1 The Board of Selectmen shall prepare the warrant for all town meetings.
2-2-2 The warrant for each town meeting shall be closed not more than sixty
days, but at least forty-five days prior to the date for the meeting, provided that by
unanimous vote, the Board of Selectmen may reopen the warrant in cases of emergency.
2-2-3 The warrant for each annual and special town meeting shall be posted in a
public place in every precinct in the town at least seven days prior to the annual town
meeting and at least fourteen days prior to any special town meeting.
2-2-4 The warrant for each special town meeting town shall be published in a
newspaper of general circulation within the town at least seven days prior to the meeting.
Section 3 Procedures
2-3-1 The town meeting shall meet regularly between April twenty-eighth and
May twenty-eighth, as specified in the town by-laws to consider and adopt an annual
operating and capital budget, and to act on other matters. The meeting shall be continued
on other days, until all articles in the warrant have been acted upon.
Section 4 Special Town Meetings
2-4-1 A special town meeting may be called by the Board of Selectmen and
shall be called by said board upon the request, in writing, of at least two hundred
registered voters of the town.
Section 5 Moderator
2-5-1 A moderator, elected in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 6, shall
preside at all sessions of the town meeting.
Section 6 Simplified Rules of Procedure
2-6-1 Rules of parliamentary procedure in simplified form shall be prepared by
the moderator and shall annually be included in the Finance Committee report.
2-6-2 The Town Clerk shall make copies of the simplified rules available for
distribution to those requesting them, to new voters at the time of registration, and to
those in attendance at all sessions of the town meeting.
Section 7 Ad Hoc Committees
2-7-1 All ad hoc committees established by the town meeting shall be appointed
by the moderator, unless the motion establishing any such committee shall name the
members, provide for their election, or provide for a different appointive authority.
Section 8 Articles Having Fiscal Implications
2-8-1 All proposed operating expenditure shall be included in a single, omnibus-
type article in the town meeting warrant. In addition, all regular proposed capital
improvements expenditures shall also be included in an omnibus-type article, devoted to
capital expenditures.
2-8-2 Articles involving an expenditure of town funds shall not be voted on by
the town meeting unless the Finance Committee shall have considered them previously
and issued a written recommendation thereon. The chairman of the board, or a
designated representative, shall be present at the meeting to provide verbal explanations
of the board's recommendations.
2-8-3 No article calling for the appropriation of funds shall be considered at a
special town meeting unless the proposed expenditure has been recommended by the
Board of Selectmen and the Finance Committee, acting separately at separate meetings.
Section 9 Articles Having Environmental Implications
2-9-1 Articles involving planning, zoning, subdivision control, land acquisition,
conservation, extension of sewer or water lines, the acceptance of streets and ways, and
all other similar matters relating to the environment shall not be voted on by the town
unless the planning board shall have considered them previously and issued
recommendations thereon. The chairman of the planning board, or a designated
representative, shall be present at the meeting to provide verbal explanations of the
board's recommendations.