North Andover Annual Town Report Fiscal Year 2007
Report of the North Andover Commission on Disability Issues 12107
Who We Are:
We are an advocacy group established to work with citizens with disabilities who
live in North Andover. Our Commission is made up of individuals with and without
disabilities who wish to provide an important civic duty for the town. We are all
volunteers from various walks of life and are citizens of North Andover appointed by the
Board Of Selectmen and Town Manager.
The North Andover Commission on Disabilities (NACDI) continues to work
toward ensuring that the civil rights of people with all types of disabilities are met.
Commissioners have provided trainings, workshops, and meetings to assist with ensuring
that the Town continues to provide full compliance with The Americans With Disabilities
Act (ADA), IDEA, Fair Housing, and other disability related laws.
Some of the recommendations we have made for improvements which will bring
the Town and local businesses into full compliance include: installing accessible signs,
adapting bathrooms and doorways, acquiring tty's (telephones for people who are Deaf),
alternate print formats (i.e., Braille, audiotape, computer disc, etc.) ramps, etc. Overall,
municipalities and businesses are very willing to make these changes because they realize
that making goods and services fully accessible increases their activities and sales.
Among this years accomplishments are:
This fall The Commission spearheaded the initiative to bring Project Lifesaver to our
residents who need it. Project Lifesaver provides vitally important technology to assist
those who care for people with Alzheimer's and other related disabilities. This assists
individuals who wander or become lost when time is of the essence. Imagine your loved
one has disappeared, and you have little idea where they are?
Project Lifesaver is already being provided in Andover, the first north shore community to
offer this amazing search and rescue method. Webster's dictionary defines "wander" as "to
ramble here and there without any certain course". That may have served artists and
writers well, but it is a highly stressful and unsafe condition that includes medical
conditions, including Autism, Alzheimer's, Down's Syndrome, and a number of
neurological disorders, which cause individuals to have a tendency to wander and become
lost. Parents and caregivers have struggled with this problem for years. Now, technology
has produced a rescue tool utilizing wristband transmitters to locate missing people.
Participants in the program wear a personalized wristband that, 24- hours a day that emits
a silent radio frequency unique to that individual. After the North Andover Police
Department (NAPD has trained the search and rescue officers, they will then educate the
family members and participants on use of the equipment. The NAPD has generously
offered to donate the cost for the required training, and pay for the Officers who will
operate the locator devices. The North Andover Commission on Disability has already
pledged funds from our budget to help get started.
When caregivers notify the police department that the person is missing, a search and
rescue team responds to the wanderer's area and starts searching with a mobile locater
tracking system. The signal is tracked on the ground or in the air for up to two miles. The
average time it takes to find the missing person is 22 minutes. Since the program began in
1999, more than 200 law enforcement agencies in 39 states (and Canada) have logged a
100% success rate in more than 1,265 searches. All were found alive and returned home.
Search times have been reduced from hours and days to minutes. Prompt rescue in New
England temperatures is a key factor and Project Lifesaver has become internationally
recognized as a proven program that saves lives. It is not a registry system and is
extremely discrete. Police officers complete a thoughtful intake or profile of the individual
and are prepared to offer this safety net to local citizens. They are complimented by the
State Police with the local air patrol based at Lawrence Airport.
The Commission is proud to have introduced the network to the Police Department and is
excited about the response the police have readily offered with special training and quick
implementation. We are pleased to have sponsored equipment for the initial thrust and
continue to be a sponsor of needed supplies for this non-profit program.
A quorum was achieved at all of our meetings this year. We have met with many
wonderful guest speakers including: Mark Reese, Town Manager, Joyce Bradshaw, Town
Clerk, Jerry Brown, Director, Building Department, Lieutenant John Carney, of The
Police Department, Fire Chief Bill Martineau, and others. We have met with parents who
have children in the North Andover School System; residents who have requested more
accessible parking on streets.
Our Mission is to address North Andover's disability needs for the town and its residents,
visitors and families with disabilities. Commissioners have provided technical assistance, access
surveys, community education,trainings, meetings, and other activities to assist with ensuring that
the Town is in compliance with The Americans With Disabilities Act(ADA), The AAB
Regulations, etc. We completed exterior access surveys at several businesses in Town. We
surveyed the newly constructed, shopping centers, and other new businesses in Town and
found that they have done a good job in achieving ADA compliance. As always, our
Building Department Director does a wonderful job enforcing AAB and other building
accessibility requirements. In fact, we believe that we have the finest Building Department
and ADA Coordinator in the State.
Three Commissioners participated at the Massachusetts Office On Disability's
regional meeting for Municipal Commissions On Disability at the Andover Library on May
130t'`. Vital discussions included emergency preparedness, search and rescue programs,
The Disability Policy Consortium, Senate Bill 2509- An Act to establish consumer
representatives on Regional Transit Authority advisory boards appointed by City/Town
Managers, Chapter 268 of the Acts of 2006, establishing a workforce council charged
with recruiting Personal Care Assistants (PCA's), and establishing certifying criteria.
On July 26, 2007 the NACDI attended the annual ADA Day Celebration at the Dunn
Pond State Park in Gardner MA. This event has grown in popularity year over the years
and The Commission, and The State were pleased to support the event. This year
approximately 300 people attended. The Department of Conservation& Recreations
Universal Access program were there with accessible kayaks, and other outdoor activities.
The North Andover Commission cosponsored an Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)
training on Sep 21. .
We provide advice on Massachusetts Architectural Access Board(AAB) Regulations, etc. We
completed an informative brochure, which has been widely distributed around town, and is being
posted on the Internet. We continue delivering Technical Assistance for the town on ADA
compliance needs/issues, including setting up training and transition plan follow-up for all Town
Officials; Posting Public Service Announcements (PSA's)to inform residents about loans available
for Assistive Technology for all interested residents. We effectively ran a PSA on cable television
on how to apply for available funding (Loans) for home accessibility modifications for residents.
We will continue informing the townspeople about The Mass Network of Information Providers-as
well as other disability related information/resources. For example we advised the Town to
prominently Post public notice of our ADA compliance at all town buildings and schools where
the public is invited. We advised the Town to Appointing The ADA Coordinator, which
has been nicely accomplished.
We advised the Town to conduct comprehensive Self-evaluation/transition plan of the
programs, activities and services we provide, (including sidewalk priorities).
The Commission has developed comprehensive ADA policies/procedures, (including
employment, grievance procedure, general operations, effective communications, etc.).
We help Directors ensure that they are available to anyone who requests them also in
alternate print formats (i.e., Braille, audiotape, computer disc, on-line, large print, etc.)
What We Are Doing At Present:
We work effectively in partnership with The Licensing Commission to inform Town
businesses of their access needs and find that that usually they are cooperative in getting
their businesses, parking areas, goods and services up to code.
Future Missions: What we hope to accomplish in F.Y.2008:
There are many issues which we plan to address in F.Y. 2008 as we enter the new
year0. We have developed an excellent website with The Town.
First, we plan to continue educating citizens of North Andover to the needs of
residents with disabilities. This includes people with all types of disabilities, and of all
ages. It is difficult for individuals without disabilities to understand even the simplest
barriers that can be encountered such as getting into a store with stairs or even a high
threshold, going along sidewalks which are cluttered, cars blocking sidewalk curb cuts,
etc. All people should be aware of the telephone relay service, how to provide print-
reading materials in alternate formats (i.e., Braille, large print, computer disc, etc). People
with psychiatric and many other disabilities encounter stigma and prejudice in our daily
lives. We are attempting to make people more aware of these issues and others, which are
very complex. We aim to hold true to our motto, which is " To educate, and inform, and
heighten awareness-for the good of all North Andover citizens."
We will be honored to work with the Town Clerk's Office, The Building
Department, Mass AAB, and the MOD on a joint pilot project with Secretary of State's
office to improve the accessibility of polling places in Town with new technologies,
including barrier-free polling machines.
We meet on the third Thursday of each month in the conference room of the Town
hall at 6:30 p.m. We have had and will continue to have very informative guest speakers.
We welcome any and all input from the community in general. Please feel free to join us
at any time and let us know what we can do to help. We can be reached through the
Chairman at (978) 687-4288.
Commission Members:
James Lyons Chairperson
Nancy MurphyVice Chairperson
Maureen Cushing Clerk
Brenda Pierro Savary Secretary
Barbara Currier Longest Commission Member
Donald Stewart Subcommittee Chair/First Officer
All persons interested in learning more about the Commission, The ADA or any
other disability related issues are welcome to come to our meetings which are held the
third Thursday if each month at 6:30 at the Town Hall. We are currently have no vacant
positions, but appreciate interested persons coming to our meetings. If you are interested,
please call Jim, or Nancy, they can be reached by calling the above number.
Respectfully submitted O:
The North Andover Commission on Disabilities (NACDI)
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