HomeMy WebLinkAboutFY10 General Fund Revenue Town of North Andover Operating Statement with Budget For the Period 07/01/2009 through 06/3012010 Fiscal Year: 2009-2010 07101/2009-06130/2010 Year To Date Budget Budget Balance REVENUES PROPERTY TAXES Personal Property Tax(+) $1,883,158.33 $1,883,158.33 $1,912,965.82 $29,807.49 98.4% Real Estate Tax(+) $54,542,329.45 $54,542,329.45 $54,802,466.08 $260,136.63 99.5% Tax Title(+) $282,122.28 $282,122.28 $0.00 ($282,122.28) 0.0% Defferred Property Taxes(+) $14,339.82. $14,339.82 $0.00 ($14,339.82) 0.0% Sub-total :PROPERTY TAXES $56,721,949.88 $56,721,949.88 $56,715,431.90 ($6,517.98) 100.0% LOCAL RECEIPTS Motor Vehcile Excise(+) $3,492,902.62 $3,492,902.62 $3,900,000.00 $407,097.38 89.6% Jet Fuel(+) $22,303.04 $22,303.04 $25,000.00 $2,696.96 89.2% Penalties/Interest Prop Tax(+) $182,246.87 $182,246.87 $123,000.00 ($59,246.87) 148.2% Penalties/Interest Motor Veh(+) $22,471.15 $22,471:15 $28,000.00 $5,528.85 80.3% Penalties/Interest Tax Title(+) $35,184.57 $35,184.57 $138,000.00 $102,815.43 25.5% Over/Under(+) $99.23 $99.23 $0.00 ($99.23) 0.0% Lien Certificate(+) $37,660.00 $37,660.00 $27,000.00 ($10,660.00) 139.5% Treasures Demand Fee(+) $77,588.51 $77,588.51 $24,000.00 ($53,588.51) 323.3% Payment in Lieu of Taxes(+) $27,242.54 $27,242.54 $29,000.00 $1,757.46 93.9% Wheelabrator Annual Payment(+) $270,997.00 $270,997.00 $271,920.00 $923.00 99.7% Wheelabrator Host Fee(+) $1,409,041.87 $1,409,041.87 $1,450,000.00 $40,958.13 97.2% Ambulance Sevices(+) $793,373.64 $793,373.64 $910,000.00 $116,626.36 87.2% Dog Fees(+) $44,620.00 $44,620.00 $45,000.00 $380.00 99.2% Town Clerk Fees(+) $23,683.55 $23,683.55 $19,000.00 ($4,683.55) 124.7% Extended Polling Hours(+) $3,996.00 $3,996.00 $3,800.00 ($196.00) 105.2% Cable Fees(+) $5,014.00 $5,014.00 $4,000.00 ($1,014.00) 125.46% Clerk Violation Fees(+) $3,160.00 $3,160.00 $5,000.00 $1,840.00 63.2% Passports(+) $19,326.00 $19,326.00 $24,000.00 $4,674.00 80.5% Clerk Application Fees(+) $1,175.00 $1,175.00 $500.00 ($675.00) 235.0% Conservation Fees(+) $298.60 $298.60 $68.00 ($230.60) 439.1% Planning Board Fees(+) $19,324.92 $19,324.92 $21,000.00 $1,675.08 92.0% Police Fees(+) $2,775.80 $2,775.80 $2,500.00 ($275.80) 111.0% Building Inspection Fees(+) $595,582.64 $595,582.64 $630,000.00 $34,417.36 94.5% Plumbing Inspection Fees(+) $51,004.81 $51,004.81 $63,990.00 $12,985.19 79.7% Electrical Inspection Fees(+) $71,331.60 $71,331.60 $73,142.00 $1,810.40 97.5% Weights and Measureres(+) $2,774.00 $2,774.00 $4,300.00 $1,526.00 64.5% Recycling Fees(+) $12,262.37 $12,262.37 $48,000.00 $35,737.63 25.5% School Medicaid Reimbursment(+) $174,047.91 $174,047.91 $200,000.00 $25,952.09 87.0% School Misc(+) $1,580.24 $1,580.24 $0.00 ($1,580.24) 0.0% Library Fines(+) $16,839.91 $16,839.91 $14,000.00 ($2,839.91) 120.3% Bathing Beach Receipts(+) $32,490.00 $32,490.00 $29,350.00 ($3,140.00) 110.7% Rental Income(Thrify Shop, Credit $11,545.00 $11,545.00 $11,220.00 ($325.00) 102.9% union)(+) Cell Tower Lease(+) $82,528.87 $82,528.87 $101.168.00 $18,639.13 81.6° Assessors Receipts(+) $1,792.09 $1,792.09 $2,000.00 $207.91 89.6% Town Clerk Misc Receipts(+) $100.00 $100.00 $0.00 ($100.00) 0.0% MiscDepartme_ntal Receipt_s_(+)____ ___ $.5,419.11------ $5,419.11 _______$2,712.00 ___ ($2,70711)__ 199.8°/x__ Template: Revenue Executive Summary Printed: 02/01/2011 9:04:38 AM Report: rptGLOperatingStatementwithBudget 2.6.50 Page: 1 Town of North Andover Operating Statement with Budget For the Period 07/01/2009 through 06130/2010 Fiscal Year: 2009-2010 07/01/2009-06/3012010 Year To Date Budget Budget Balance Board of Appeals Receipts(+) $2,900.00 $2,900.00 $5,800.00 $2,900.00 50.0% Police 10%Admin Fee(+) $32,325.25 $32,325.25 $59,000.00 $26,674.75 54.8% Fire Alarm Box Permit Fee(+) $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $21,400.00 $1,400.00 93.5% Veterans Benefits(Boxford)(+) $11,639.45 $11,639.45 $12,900.00 $1,260.55 90.2% Liquor Licenses(+) $90,950.00 $90,950.00 $87,100.00 ($3,850.00) 104.4% Other Alcohol Licenses(+) $225.00 $225.00 $4,000.00 $3,775.00 5.6% Food Licenses(+) $3,675.00 $3,675.00 $3,775.00 $100.00 97.4% Misc Licenses(+) $9,375.00 $9,375.00 $9,125.00 ($250.00) 102.7% License to Carry Firearms(+) $2,037.50 $2,037.50 $3,000.00 $962.50 67.9% Fire Permits(+) $41,055.00 $41,055.00 $40,000.00 ($1,055.00) 102.6% Gas Permits(+) $17,127.00 $17,127.00 $16,000.00 ($1,127.00) 107.0% Fishing and Boating Licenses(+) $5,675.00 $5,675.00 $3,900.00 ($1,775.00) 145.5% Burial Permits(+) $3,070.00 $3,070.00 $0.00 ($3,070.00) 0.0% Parking Fines(+) $14,289.40 $14,289.40 $19,000.00 $4,710.60 75.2% Court Fines(+) $85,147.50 $85,147.50 $114,000.00 .$28,852.50 74.7% False Alarm Fines(+) $4,600.00 $4,600.00 $7,000.00 $2,400.00 65.7% Health Dept Fees(+) $57,646.20 $57,646.20 $48,100.00 ($9,546.20) 119.8% Interest Income(+) $396,306.19 $396,306.19 $470,000.00 $73,693.81 84.3% Sub-total :LOCAL RECEIPTS $8,351,826.95 $8,351,826.95 $9,154,770.00 $802,943.05 91.2% MISC NON RECURRING Misc Non Recurring- $69,298.03 $69,298.03 $56,370.00 ($12,928.03) 122.9% Intergovernmental(+) Misc Non Recurring-Hopkinton Bill $35,570.69 $35,570.69 $52,787.00 $17,216.31 67.4% (+) Misc Non Recurring -Departmental $17,241.47 $17,241.47 $17,223.00 ($18.47) 100.1% (+) Misc Non Recurring-Medicare Part $92,160.83 $92,160.83 $67,643.00 ($24,517.83) 136.2% D(+) Sub-total :MISC NON RECURRING $214,271.02 $214,271.02 $194,023.00 ($20,248.02) 110.4% STATE AID Exemption:Vets, Blind&Surviving $76,087.00 $76,087.00 $79,708.00 $3,621.00 95.5% Spouse(+) State Owned Land(+) $173,232.00 $173,232.00 $173,232.00 $0.00 100.0% Police Career Incentive(+) $33,912.00 $33,912.00 $33,700.00 ($212.00) 100.6% Veterens Benefits(+) $141,803.00 $141,803.00 $121,452.00 ($20,351.00) 116.8% Lottery:Beano&Charity Games(+) $1,805,628.00 $1,805,628.00 $1,805,628.00 $0.00 100.0% Chapter 70(+) $5,440,937.00 $5,440,937.00 $5,440,937.00 $0.00 100.0% Charter Tuition Assessment $22,328.00 $22,328.00 $29,011.00 $6,683.00 77.0% Reimbursement(+) School Building Assistance(+) $412,131.00 $412,131.00 $412,131.00 $0.00 100.0% Sub-total :STATE AID $8,106,058.00 $8,106,058.00 $8,095,799.00 ($10,259.00) 100.1% MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE Bond Premium(+) $10,416.92 $10,416.92 $0.00 ($10;416.92) 0.0% Sub-total :MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE $10,416.92 $10,416.92 $0.00 ($10,416.92) 0.0% TRANSFER/OTHER REVENUE _ SOURC_ES __ Template: Revenue Executive Summary Printed: 02/01/2011 9:04:38 AM Report: rptGLOperati ngStatem entwith Budget 2.6.50 Page: 2 Town of North Andover Operating Statement with Budget For the Period 07101/2009 through 06/30/2010 Fiscal Year: 2009-2010 07/01/2009-06/3012010 Year To Date Budget Budget Balance Transfer from Sewer(+) $383,783.04 $383,783.04 $383,783.00 ($0.04) 100.0% Transfer from Water(+) $623,712.00 $623,712.00 $623,712.00 $0.00 100.0% Transfer from Stevens Estate(+) $40,141.26 $40,141.26 $46,460.00 $6,318.74 86.4% Transfer from Special Revenue(+) $65,512.97 $65,512.97 $64,599.00 ($913.97) 101.4% Transfer from-GLSD(+) $128,044.00 $128,044.00 $128,044.00 $0.00 100.0% Sub-total :TRANSFER/OTHER $1,241,193.27 $1,241,193.27 $1,246,598.00 $5,404.73 99.6% . REVENUE SOURCES Total: REVENUES $74,645,716.04 $74,645,716.04 $75,406,621.90 $760,905.86 99.0% NET ADDITION DEFICIT $74,645,716.04 $74,645,716.04 $75,406,621.90 $760,905.86 99.0% End of Report Template: Revenue Executive Summary Printed: 02/01/2011 9:04:38 AM Report: rptGLOperatingStatementwithBudget 2.6.50 Page: 3