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~nda7 - September 23,
The ~oard of &ppeals held a epeeial ~eeting on Mommy evening, ~epteaber 2~,
at 7=~0 ~.H. with the followi~g ~e~Bers present= Da~4el T. O~Leary, Chair~m~
Mortcm, Secretary~ Joha J. Shields and Arthur ~o
This meet~ was held in order to disouss further ~ith the parties c~erned, the
mttor of the Roston Ski Developaent Corporation. Atty. Charles Trembly, Robert
Manager of the Ski Tow and St~-~e7 Sayder, an arehitect.
Mr. Sa~der is the designer a~d ~anufac~rer or th~ proposed new building. ~ showed a
picture of the ~Ail~eE and architectural plans.
The Board ~-ec~aed th~ that the plans submitted at the hearing were ineca~lete and that
we needed ~re 4~Formati~a.
Mr. S~ar explained +.hat it ~ be a plank & bexa building, ~ exposed rafterw,
eoncrete slab floor, extensive roof over-heng. Brown sta~ all cedar extericr, c~l~red
· ~-~les, 1-3/~" solid Ohalct dom, tinted insulated glass, for snow g~-?e.
~r. Drumhead asked the capacity of the ~,,~l&~-g. N~. Dumn said the eo~eesale~aire would
seat 200 people ~ith plenty of aisle apace. The b-~w; is 37~ x lOOI.
Mr. Trebly ~aid they ~ut~ pat the refreahaaat stand aw plaee y~u want. Mr. ~nn
cai~ it cost $4,~00 +~ build, and is structurally so~d, there is nothing wrong with it
and he hates to get rid of it. They need the space for work, storage rapai~ area.
They could p~*wt it te match the rest of the set-up.
Mr. O,Lcary said that what the people are ec~pla~-~_- about is the look~ ~f the place.
Mr. Shields said it is the worst eyesore in the t~m of Nce~h And~ver. A sizeable
amount of mY is going to be put into a new building; a mioe attractive building.
The other b-~_~,~ is a very shabby affair. If youJra going to do a Job, do it right.
It is a dental ~-~lum~e to this tom~. If you .ceuld see fit to erect a ~~
of the s~ae architeetural design, it would have alot of assets to it.
Mr. Dram suggested an A-~ over the present building. Be agrees ~ the appea~a~ee
of the area, espeeiaLly during the su~aer. ~e wa~att there when the ski tee ~as
Built and they have al~ays bees limited because ~f the original variance. The buil~-~s
Mr. Shields says that it is a ec~mer~ial expansion because they are expa-~-8 their
activity operations into a ski shop, larger eat~-~ area, e+~.
Mr. Dumn said that ~ost of it is supplying room for people to get out of the sold.
Mr. Zhields says he is against hav~ the old b-*~-~ anyplace there.
Mr. Tr~ asked Mr. Dram if they could operate without it at a~.
Mr. D~a ~td they eo~ld. Be said if they put an A-frame over the pu~d~g
of the ~,~&~ eo-_ld be for the s~w makers and ~e for the engine and then eliminate
~ha other
Mr. Mor%~a eaid be ~binkf it would require anobr hearing.
Mr. Shields said it is mo~-~ am exist~-~ building. If it is wi~- the preserihed
dietanees it would he okay.
Mr. Trebly asked Mr. Dram if they could do wi~__ _~ the old buil&~,~.
he could move bu~Ldinge around ~ thoro and it would not affect Simon or
Tex~azano as to tho number of feet aMay. They did agree to a m fence and ~
repair it.
Mr. Shields said he would like to know whet could be done about covering the pump, etc.
as suggested by Mr. D-~m. Tho over-all appearance ia a soa~ to tho ~ of North Andover.
~hat ccnsiderotion eould be given to mc~e fern of landscaping?
A dieeussicn ~as held as to Just what landscaping the Board would req-4~e, ~r.
said they ~41~ fill in the ditoh fr~n the entrance to the parking lot. Will ~un a
pieee of pipe to Join the ~lvert and f~ in and seed. They cmly owe half of
the State owns h.~, and tbey would have to get permission fr~m them.
Mr. Shields said it w~xld he up-grading the general appearance of the area, espeelally
inthe ~m~or.
and grass a].l arc,nd it.
Mr. OtLeary m~zid this type of b~l~t-~ would show up the area and tame the eyes
Mr. Dunn said if we get the building, we ~1! disnantle and robu~lf an A-fram with
the same wood frem the old building and will e~4~w-te tho puBp house.
Mr. 8hielcl~ asked if tho architect would design the new A-framgotng up. We vould
like to know what it is going to look like.
Mr. O'Leary said they would have to have another hear~w8 if they make a new building.
We Could put in the decision that the other building ~ be in coafornity.
Mr. Trembly asked that %he ~ gr_~,,% them permission to remove the refreshment sta~d
to the loca%ica of the ~p. house north of the pcmd and that the building when f4~shed
sk~l ccmfox~a aubstan%~-lly with the design of the ski l~dge.
Mr. Snyder, the architect, did not agree wit,~ putting up an A-fram~, said it was too
They again dieeussed landscaping. Mr. Dunn said he Mmuld do ~ the Board said,
he would welooam thoi~ req-4,~ments because then he could go to his ~mperiors and say
thio is the way it he to be. ~e als~ wants a niee lceW~,~ place.
Mr. ~ ank~d what they were going to do about the rubbish.
23, 1963- Cent.
~r. Trce~ly said that the area in flint of the travelwa7 would be oil and gravel,
filled in, loamed and seeded. The general area will be ~ept in conditional
They discussed what would be required on the pl,w, and would su~mit them +~ the
Board as soon as possible.
R. & S. Cc~st, Co,
Atty. John J. Willis was p~esent to request the ~ that permis~en for the
apartments be granted and that there be no ti~e limits ~ith respect to the presenting
of e~plete plans. ~e explained that the F~A requires ~re complete plans thaa this
~oard would ever request, which consist of so~e 50-60 pages and ~ take at least
3-~ ~onths for I~A approval. ~e wo~ld like to presont the plans to the F~A and then
bring the necessary a~o~nt of copies of the plans to this ~oard. The Board members
~nt along with bis reqaest.
The ~ce~d signed the neeeaaary plans for approval cf the Steinberg apartments.
~r. Morton ~ade a ~otion to GRANT the variance s~bJeet to the following conditions:
Mr. Dr-~m~d seocoded the motion and the vote was u~animous.
The conditions are as follows:
The petitie~ is granted for the erection of a building, 37' x 100', in accordance
with the plA~ s~tted to the ~oard and that following said erection, the present
refresh~nt stand shall be moved to the location of the present pu~p house and ~A~
be modified to co,fora substant~.-~ly with the design of the aforesaid new b-~_~4-_~
and ~'1-be of ~ar ~ty and appearance.
The foregoing action is taken after the petitioner and his counsel assured this
Board that the area in front of the oil-gravel drive-way and parallel to Sal~a Turn-
pike, shall be f~lled, graded, loamed and seeded, and hot-top such other area. This
beautification Sk~ll be subject to the requirements of the State De~t of Public
The petitioner further assured this ~oard that the entire area Sh~l) be w,a4~t~
in a presentable and reasonable condition consistent with nor.~l lamdscap~m_m main-
te~a~ce, year-round.
The reasons for gr~ting are:
1. There exist certain conditions, especially affecting the parcel in question, which
do not generally affect the entire zo~ district in which the partial is
2. The requested variance will not be in substantial derogation ~ the intent or
purpose of the Zoning