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Conservation Commission Minutes 01-60-2020
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Approved 06/24/2020
North Andover Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes
June 10, 2020
Members Present: The following identified themselves as present on the call: Joseph W. Lynch, Albert P.
Manzi, Jr., Vice Chairman, Louis A. Napoli, Chairman, Deborah A. Feltovic and Sean F. McDonough
Members Absent: John T. Mabon and Douglas W. Saal
Staff Members Present: The following identified themselves as present on the call: Amy Maxner, Conservation
Meeting came to Order at: 7:03 p.m. Quorum Present.
The Administrator Amy Maxner reads the following statement:
Pursuant to Governor Baker’s March 12, 2020 Order Suspending Certain Provisions of the Open Meeting
Law, and the Governor’s March 15, 2020 Order imposing strict limitations on the number of people that may
gather in one place, this meeting of the North Andover Conservation Commission will be conducted via remote
participation by conference call to the greatest extent possible. Specific information and general guidelines for
the remote participation by members of the public and or parties' with a right and or requirement to attend this
meeting can be found on the town’s website at www.northandoverma.gov. For this meeting members of the
public who wish to watch the meeting may do so on their televisions by tuning to the Comcast Channel 8 or
Verizon Channel 26 or online at www.northandovercam.org. No in-person attendance of members of the
public will be permitted, but every effort will be made to ensure that the public can adequately access the
proceedings in real time via technological means. In the event that we are unable to do so despite best efforts
we will post on the Town of North Andover website an audio, recording or transcript or other comprehensive
record of the proceedings as soon as possible after the meeting. If the public would like to participate in the
public hearing please email your questions or comments prior to or during the meeting to the Conservation
Administrator, Amy Maxner at amaxner@northandoverma.gov. The question or comment will be read during
the proceedings and responded to accordingly.
Acceptance of Minutes
The minutes for the May 27, 2020 meeting are not ready for approval.
Minor Modification
242-1727, 404 Summer Street (Smyser)
The Administrator provides background on the OOC. The applicant is seeking a modification involving
construction of a paver patio with built-in fire pit, walkway, edging around landscape beds and
installation of shrubs next to the house. All proposed work is outside the 50-foot NBZ to the three
wetland systems which surround the property on the south, north and east.
James Smyser the applicant and homeowner is present for questions.
Mr. Lynch reminds the applicant of the OOC expiration date and that no work will be allowed after the
expiration date without seeking approval from the NACC.
Mr. Smyser states he understands the expiration of the Order.
The Administrator states that all excavated dirt is to be removed from the site and the final As-built is to
reflect the changes.
A motion to approve the Minor Modification is made by Mrs. Feltovic seconded by Mr. Lynch.
Vote 5-0, Unanimous.
DEP File #242-1727 404 summer st (patio)
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242-1692, 1210 Osgood Street (Princeton Development)
Mr. Napoli recuses himself from the discussion due to a conflict of interest, Mr. Manzi steps in as Chair.
The Administrator states the applicant is seeking approval for a Modification to allow for construction of
a swale to correct for micro topographic features that was not detected at the time of preconstruction
survey. The swale is needed to create a preferential flow channel for stormwater discharging behind the
clubhouse to feed wetland A. Landscaping revisions and the removal and relocation of some ornamental
trees are proposed. A third-party review was performed as requested by the NACC. The June 4, 2020
letter from Horsley Witten concluded that the swale is in conformance with the stormwater design and is
sized to handle flows. The Peer Reviewer recommends the Conservation Department be on-site at the
time of construction. The Administrator recommends pre-construction with erosion controls installed at
the limit of new work. A site visit has been performed by the Administrator and she reports it is clear
there is a slight rise in topography at the edge of existing riprap that will need to be lowered allowing flow
to move towards the wetland. Part of the footprint of the swale will be in an area that was used as a hay
bale discharge point for dewatering activity, therefore some of this stretch is already disturbed. The riprap
area has been extended per the request of the Commission. The Administrator states she does not believe
there is an alternative to the proposed work.
Mr. Manzi would like to know if there will be any testing of surface water runoff.
The Administrator states a letter was received from LRT; they have been retained by the applicant to
perform testing at flows. Observations have been made but it has been too dry to test. She recommends a
pre-construction meeting to inspect erosion controls. The proposed seed mix is to be a native shade
tolerant woodland mix and invoice verifying its purchase be provided prior to application. Mowing of the
restricted seeded areas will be limited to 1x a year in late October/early November.
Mr. Lynch requests the June 8, 2020 letter from LRT be entered as a citation into the parent OOC as an
ongoing condition.
A motion to approve the Minor Modification is made by Mr. Lynch, seconded by Mrs. Feltovic.
Vote 4-1-0, (In Favor: Lynch, Manzi, Feltovic, McDonough, Recused: Napoli).
05-27-2020 Meeting Materials, 20731SK16 R1 signed, 200604_review minor mod_1210 Osgood,
Drainage Outfall pH Monitoring_06082020
Certificate of Compliance
242-1768, 130 Rea Street (Woodcock)
The Administrator provides background on the OOC for a failed septic system. Weekly monitoring
reports were provided and certificates for the imported fill were furnished. The required wetland markers
were installed prior to the start of work. A site inspection was performed, and the site is stable.
A motion to issue a full and final Certificate of Compliance is made by Mr. Manzi, seconded by Mrs.
Vote 5-0, Unanimous.
2020-06-03 AS BUILT CERTIFICATIONS 130 REA, 2020-06-03 AS BUILT PLAN 130 REA, IMG_3527
Small Project
NACC #253, 283 Campbell Road (Tschirhart)
The Administrator states the applicant i s seeking to replace the existing deck in-kind. The deck is
approximately 76 feet from the edge of the wetland. Per the contractor most of the existing footings are in
good condition. It is possible a few could require to be replaced.
A motion to accept this as a Small Project B is made by Mr. Manzi, seconded by Mrs. Feltovic.
Vote 5-0, Unanimous.
A motion to approve the Small Project as proposed (post construction site inspection) is made by Mr.
Manzi, seconded by Mr. Lynch.
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Vote 5-0, Unanimous.
283CAMPBELLRDNANDOVER, Check, Deck Plan, Deck Plan, Small Project Checklist and Narrative
Request for Determination of Applicability
34 Thistle Road (Ham)
The Administrator states the applicant is seeking to expand an existing deck and stairs. All proposed work
is outside the 50-foot NBZ. The existing deck is approximately 200 s.f., they are proposing to expand the
deck to roughly 458-s.f.. The deck is approximately 56-feet from BVW to the north and west. There is an
isolated wetland to the south, which has been characterized as a vernal pool under past Small Project
Permit for a fence. All proposed work is outside 50-foot NDZ and 75-foot NBZ of the vernal pool. There
will be five new footings installed for the deck, which will be approximately 24-inches in diameter.
Mr. Napoli directs the Administrator to confirm the location of the construction access and stockpile
A motion to issue a Negative Determination #3 as recommended (pre-construction erosion control
inspection, excavated soils removed from the site, post-construction inspection, construction access and
stockpile locations to be added to the plan) is made by Mrs. Feltovic, seconded by Mr. McDonough.
Vote 5-0, Unanimous.
34 Thistle - Certificate of Mailings 06-08-2020, 34 Thistle Road - A-1, 34 Thistle Road - C-1, Abutter List
- 34 Thistle Road, Abutter Notification Form - Remote Meeting - 34 Thistle Road, Copy of Check for RDA
Fees - 34 Thistle Road, Fee Calculation Worksheet - 34 Thistle Road, Locus Map - 34 Thistle Road,
Project Narrative - 34 Thistle Road, RDA Application - 34 Thistle Road, RDA Application Checklist - 34
Thistle Road
Millpond Condominiums, Units 1-120 (The Dartmouth Group)
The Administrator states the complex is seeking approval to replace light pole stanchions and existing
wiring that illuminate parking and walkway areas. There are only 2 or 3 brand new stanchions proposed,
the rest are existing to be replaced. Work is proposed to take place within 200-foot Riverfront to
Cochicewick Brook and 100-foot Buffer Zone to bank of Mill Pond. The closest existing stanchion is
approximately 45-feet from the stone bank of Cochichewick Brook. Most of the stanchions are separated
from the brook/pond by parking, walking area or lawn to act as a buffer. The proposed stanchions will be
precast requiring them to be set into the ground. The new wiring will be placed in conduit and require a
trench that will be 6-inches wide and 10-inch deep. The trench will be opened and backfilled the same
day. A site inspection has been performed by the Administrator.
Robert Branca, Andover Electric Services is present for questions
Mr. Lynch confirms the trench will only be 10-inches deep and in conduit.
Mr. Branca states they are using steel conduit in order to keep the trench depth to a bare minimum. The
trenches will be closed at the end of the day to prevent tripping hazards.
A motion to Negative Determination #3 and #2 with a condition that exposed soils closer than 50 feet to a
resource be spread with straw if erosion is evident, is made by Mrs. Feltovic, seconded by Mr. Lynch.
Vote 5-0, Unanimous.
Legal Notice 06 01 20 - Public Notices, Legal Notice 06 01 20 - Tribune, Millpond site layout, 5-21-20,
Narrative of Project Millpond 6-8-20, WPA Form Millpond Cond 5-28-20
30 Tanglewood Lane (Cammarata)
The Administrator states the applicant is seeking to install a 20’x40’ above-ground pool with a cartridge
filter system. The proposed pool is approximately 81-feet from the edge of the wetland. The proposed
location is located within the lawn and will not require removal of vegetation. The wetland delineation is
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about 10-12-feet off of a 1-foot high field stone wall at the edge of the lawn. During a site visit a fire pit
was noticed within the 25-foot NDZ. The applicant was instructed to remove it and any associated debris.
Mr. Napoli would like to know if the applicant has complied with the request.
Jamie Cammarata, the homeowner states the items have been removed. The pool dimension included the
decking which surrounds the pool, with the actual swim area being smaller.
The Administrator states she received a letter from Ellen McIntyre, 23 Tanglewood Lane. The letter states
she has no objections to the project and supports the Cammarata’s.
A motion to Negative Determination #3 (Conservation staff to verify removal of fire pit and debris,
installation of wetland markers and pre construction erosion control inspection) is made by Mrs. Feltovic,
seconded by Mr. Manzi.
Vote 5-0, Unanimous.
Legal Notice 06 01 20 - Public Notices, Legal Notice 06 01 20 - Tribune, S20052708020, S20052708021,
Notice of Intent (NOI)
242-1784, Barker Street Culvert Replacement (North Andover DPW)
The Administrator provides background on the proposed project. Per the request of the NACC the
following changes have been made. A beaver deceiver was added to the plan. After conducting more
research, it was discovered there is a divide in the watershed upstream of Barker Street so that some flow
goes to Lake Cochichewick. The wetland replication area has been relocated after a field site inspection.
The wetland replication guideline checklist and the bylaw requirements have been addressed with a 5:1
ratio replacement. The consultant was able to address DEP comments including if the applicant cannot
meet stream crossing standards it would be a limited project. Additional information of the Osgood Street
culvert was obtained after NOI submitted. The culvert was found to be 48-inch CMP, with a flow
capacity of 161 CFS in the 25-year storm. The consultant concluded that increasing the size of the Barker
culvert would result in impacts due to downstream limitation. The openness ratio was further discussed,
pointing back to upstream and downstream impacts for anything larger than what was chosen for the size.
The bank width and stream profiles were previously provided embedded in the Stormwater Report. Test
pits to determine depths of the utilities are known and can be proven visually after the most recent part of
the roadway partially washed out. The current conditions prohibit a pebble count for the streambed
composition, this will be done during construction. DEP expressed concern that the headwalls will cause
scour and erosion on the bank and in BVW. Per the consultant the headwalls and associated riprap are
designed to prevent this. The extent of riprap in the stream channel has been reduced and replaced with a
natural bottom. The temporary check dam was removed and replaced with a sandbag cofferdam and
turbidity curtain upstream. The hoses of the stream bypass systems are proposed to be shallow buried.
This will ensure they are protected during construction and a diffuser will replace the riprap dissipator at
the bypass outlet. The wetland impacts and calculations were clarified, and updated forms provided and
noted on the plan. The bypass pump size has been calculated for 350-GPM in dry conditions, 6,000-GPM
in wet weather flow.
Mr. Lynch expresses concerns with the bypass pumping in wet conditions. He believes there may be a
potential for scour at the higher flow rate. He feels this type of project should be completed in low flow
Ryan Paul, Environmental Partners presents on behalf of the applicant. They came up with a general
alternative shown on the plans to prevent scour by placing a plastic sheet on top of the substrate below the
water, he explains the details of the plan. The GMP was based on the 24-inch CMP that was originally in
Rob Rafferty, Environmental Partners states the intent of the bypass is to match what the stream would
typically see. He believes that if it's not scouring now the protections, they have in place would be
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Mr. Lynch states it is the velocity, not the volume that produces the scour. He believes that aerial
atomization would reduce the risk of scour and still deliver the water as needed. This can be conditioned
and submitted to the NACC by the contractor for approval or submitted to the NACC before the project
goes to bid.
Mr. Manzi explains the unique reason for the divide in the watershed based on his observations in the
field with John Borgesi and the Administrator. He believes this is almost an emergency project as he
believes that the roadway will not survive much longer.
Mr. Napoli would like to know the width of the roadway and if there will be a shoulder on either side.
Mr. Paul states the roadway is approximately 20-feet wide. There will be a slight gravel shoulder near the
head walls, guardrails are proposed.
Mr. Lynch states it is important that the bidder is aware the OOC requires a bonding requirement to
protect the Resource Area.
Mr. Paul states they will make sure the bidder is aware of the requirement.
7:56 p.m., Mr. McDonough experiences technical difficulties. He is able to listen to the meeting but
unable to respond. He communicates to Mr. Manzi that he has no questions or concerns for the
A motion to close and issue in 21 days is made by Mr. Lynch, seconded by Mr. Manzi.
Vote 4-0, Unanimous (Mr. McDonough is not present due to technical difficulties).
05-13-2020 Meeting Materials, Att1. Plans_NOI_BarkerCulvert_NAndover.rev1, Att2. WPA Form 3.rev,
Att3. DewateringSpecification, Att4. WetlandChecklist, Att5.Diffuser and Sand Bags,
242-1787, 135, North Ramp Road (Positive Star Realty, DeRosa)
7:59 p.m., This item is tabled to address technical difficulties.
8:04 p.m. Mr. Napoli recuses himself from the discussion due to a conflict of interest, Mr. Manzi steps in
as Chair. All other members are present on the call.
The Administrator states pursuant to Notice of Non-Compliance issued by DEP in 2014, the applicant is
submitting this NOI to stabilize steep slopes consisting of mixed PGA material. Per the existing
conditions section of the Stormwater Report, the site is covered with 8-feet or more of ground
glass/gravel fill. The bottom of the slopes are in the Buffer Zone and in some areas immediately adjacent
to the BVW. She describes how the applicant proposes to stabilize the site. Stormwater management is
proposed which involves two subsurface infiltration chambers and leaving in place the existing detention
pond that receives stormwater from the catch basin on the abutting site and berm around the pond. The
permeability testing on site showed 104-inches per hour through this glass/gravel material. A value of 52-
inches per hour was used per the MA Stormwater Handbook for the calculations. The wetland line has not
been reviewed at this time. The Administrator provides some background communication history with
previous NACC Administrators.
Mr. Lynch does not believe encroachment of the wetlands would have been allowed by the Commission.
Mr. Manzi states he is completely unaware of this site, and states a new delineation is necessary. He
requires erosion controls be placed around the mounds and monitoring wells installed immediately.
The Commission agrees a stormwater review will be required.
Mr. McDonough states the matter was brought to his attention several years ago by an abutter. He
requested the prior Administrator research the matter. She informed him that DEP had a file on the non-
compliance. He is happy to see the issue before the Commission and believes some action must be taken.
Mr. Manzi directs the Administrator to establish a timeline and have a delineation of the wetland line to
know the location of the PGA material. The applicant must cease and desist activity pending the
installation of monitoring wells. He states a DEP # number has not been assigned at this time.
David Cowell, Hancock Associates presents on behalf of the applicant. He states the site has been active
and in operation for almost 20-years. Historic delineations have been performed over the years and the toe
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of slope was required to be monumented by the Conservation Commission at the extent of the wetland
boundary. A site walk was performed, and the historic conservation markers are visible demarcating the
wetland line. He requests a site walk with the NACC prior to the next hearing. The filing is under review
by other DEP agencies and the applicant awaits comments. Due to the fact this is mandated mitigation
work, they are not looking to move forward with the filing until they have responded to all the comments
by the Commission and DEP. The proposal includes vegetative stabilization of the slopes as they are and
Stormwater Management Plan. He proposes to review the wetland line with the Administrator, reset the
wetland flags and add them to the plan.
Charlie DeRosa & Rob DeRosa, Positive Start Realty are present for questions.
Mr. Lynch directs the Administrator to research any permitting that may have been before the
Commission between July 2007 and April 2008. He believes this type of work would have required
permitting by the NACC and therefore may be a violation.
Mr. Lynch directs the wetland scientist to re-delineate the wetland line, survey it on the plan and submit it
for review by staff.
Mr. Manzi would like to see the limits of the PGA material noted on the plan in relation to the wetland
line. He agrees to participate in a site visit once the delineation is completed.
Mr. Cowell agrees to re-delineate the wetland per the Commission's request.
Mr. McDonough would like to know if the applicant has any correspondence from the NACC they could
share with the Commission.
Mr. Cowell states he is reliant on feedback from the Commission and is willing to share whatever
correspondence they are able to find.
Mr. Lynch states the requirement to produce records falls on the applicant.
Mr. Cowell requests the Commission hold off on issuing a cease and desist order.
Mr. Manzi withdraws his request to issue a cease and desist order and allow daily activities. He cautions
the applicant to use caution of the work being conducted before the delineation has been agreed upon and
the next course of action.
Mr. McDonough would like to know what the daily activities entail.
Rob DeRosa, states they are not conducting work along the berm, this type of work stopped a long time
ago. Dynamic Recycling is currently using the site as a right-of-way for their trucks. Positive Star Realty
has been working with DEP since 2018 to close the site down.
No public comment.
A motion to continue to June 24, 2020 is made by Mr. Lynch, seconded by Mrs. Feltovic.
Vote 4-1-0, (In Favor: Lynch, Manzi, Feltovic, McDonough, Recused: Napoli).
FINAL Positive Start NOI, Legal Notice 06 01 20 - Public Notices, Legal Notice 06 01 20 - Tribune,
Positive Start NOI Final Plan Set, Positive Start Stormwater Report
242-1786, 410 Summer Street (Loughran)
8:00 p.m., Mr. McDonough rejoins the call. The Administrator takes attendance and all members of the
NACC that were present at the start of the remote meeting are present.
The Administrator states t he project is in response to an EO issued by the Commission in November 2019
for unpermitted in-ground pool rehabilitation within the 100-foot Buffer Zone, 50-foot NBZ and 25-foot
NDZ. The proposal is for the after-the-fact approval for the demolition and reconstruction of the pool and
associated structures and patio in the same footprint. The wetland was delineated in December 2019 and
the line was approved by the Conservation Department. Approximately 320 s.f. of the project is in the 25-
foot NDZ. The applicant has proposed buffer zone mitigation plantings within the 25-foot NDZ. The
engineer was not able to certify if the pre-existing pool patio was located in the 25-foot NDZ. After
reviewing the aerial overlay the Administrator believes the majority was in the 25-foot NDZ. An
Alternatives Analysis was provided, and the applicant is seeking a waiver from the 25-foot NDZ and 50-
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foot NBZ. The applicant has proposed the installation of additional erosion controls to completely
encompass the limit of work. A stockpile location is depicted on the plan and is located mostly in the 50-
foot NBZ. A shed is proposed and will be approximately 80-feet from the wetland. Fencing around the
pool will have some freeboard at the bottom to allow for critter migration.
Mr. Lynch would like to know if the Administrator feels the mitigation plantings are sufficient.
The Administrator states she believes the Planting Plan to be sufficient.
Lynch states that the aerial overlay with the plan is telling and provides a good level of comfort that
proposed work is within the same pre-existing footprint.
No public comment.
A motion to close and issue in 21 days is made by Mrs. Feltovic, seconded by Mr. Manzi.
Vote 5-0, Unanimous.
2020-05-28_NACC submittal cover letter, 2020-06-08_Summer Street_NOI Site Plan, Legal Notice 06 01
20 - Public Notices, Legal Notice 06 01 20 - Tribune, North Andover_410 Summer
Street_NOI_Application Form, North Andover_410 Summer Street_NOI_Narrative and Supporting
Documents, Summer Street_NOI Site Plan
Enforcement Order/Violation
537 Boxford Street
The Administrator provides background history on the EO. She states that compliance with the EO was
verified in May and recommends lifting the EO.
A motion to lift the Enforcement Order is made by Mrs. Feltovic, seconded by Mr. Manzi.
Vote 5-0, Unanimous.
Summer Street_NOI Site Plan, 20200518_095841, 20200518_095851, 20200518_095855
410 Summer Street (Loughran)
The Administrator states the directive of the EO was to file an NOI which has been done.
A motion to lift the Enforcement Order is made by Mr. Lynch, seconded by Mrs. Feltovic.
Vote 5-0, Unanimous.
11-20-2019 Meeting Materials, 12-11-2019 Meeting Materials
190 Farnum Street (Smirnov)
The Administrator states the homeowner requested a continuance. A site visit was performed today, and
the site is stable.
A motion to continue to July 22, 2020 is made by Mr. Manzi, seconded by Mrs. Feltovic.
Vote 5-0, Unanimous.
05-27-2020 Meeting Materials, Farnum 190 aerial history
A motion to adjourn at 8:55 p.m. is made by Mr. Lynch, seconded by Mr. Manzi.
Vote 5-0 Unanimous.