HomeMy WebLinkAboutDepartment Review 1679 OSGOOD STREET 2017 /3 2 ' flown ofllorth And r Mail- ' 79 OsgoodStreet NOWRI ANDOVER, ght@northandoverma.gov> 1679, Osgood Street ............... Brian L Gr ss ,, �l gr sse i rt andoverma. , . � Fri, Oct 27', 2017 at M Jean Enright<j'enri t@n rtl' arr rm!a. > Jean, I have reviewed the file and the design,of the onsite septic system which was installed for this site in 2 he syst r was esi need with this building proposed as an "Accessory Garage fir Future Use by the Main Residence" but not as a business which would have required additional system capacity. For a buisiness,at this location the Health rtment would request that no additional flow be added to the existing system., If this space was to be utilized as a, business, we world recommend the required use self-contained portable toilets on an ongoing basis as part of your dedsi n. Pleas let rye knew if you have any questions. Sincerely" Brian (QUoted text hidden Brian J. LaGr sse, CEI Director of ublie Health down of North Andover 11,20 , ire Street North Andover, MA 01845 Phone 978.688.9540 Fax 97&688.84,76 Email la rase r o, i n, ieirr a. of Web, ww,lw,,northa�ndoverrr,,ia.gov Kr qi ru i Ir I�pVI I 3 t f i tt i . r wil. 1 m/mail/ ud r =7 s, r_ n v Ea 1W n.,&view t&rims = 5f5e5;fc2a66el 84&s1earch=inbox&s1m1A Me5fc2affi..p 1/1 10/ 2 20,1 Towns of'North Andover Mail- #§1679 Osgood Street No 4111"",A 111"T'r Rebecca Oldham r l @no , n er w . > googo— Re: 1679, Osgood Street message Brian L Gr sse < gm s n r hand r , .g > Tau, Oct 12, 2 7 a T Rebecca Oldham < l nor ndo rr . ,+ Hi Rebecca, They will will have to expand their system. Thanksf Brian On Thu, Oct 2 a 1 :3 r �, Rebecca Oldham, r � r� KK >wrote: idefing � ..The site,i*s o septic.The t systemi already place or t ' t" uses The r ours �ations,etc. __R Rebecca . Staff Pane Planmig Department Tows.of Norte Andover 1210 Main Stet North Andover,,MA o1845 9 -1 ,.48,301 yFax. 9178-6818-19542 ; . .f r l� i i rt eves . , Web: northandoverma.gov Brian J. La,Grasse, CEHT p III i r t q; IG Director of Public Health Town of North Andover 120 Main Street Noirth Andover, IVIA 01845 Phone 978.688.9540 Fax 978.688.8,476 10/27/2017 n of NorthAndover Mail-1679 Osgood Street � 1No," :�11' cif V'ER f, Jlean Enright <jeer*lgIuwrtn ^ t .g > 009 m............ ............ .. ........._....,.mm.... ...... ......mm..... �._._w_.�___--- _------- _...... 1,6,79 Osgood Street mm............. ­­'......�� ........_­­....._.'­............. . �� .,,�M.m h �u,w,,,__�... �.w� _.�_._..ww.__..._��.� ���,,mm,, �� �ri,� �m��������, �������� ,.�������. ����.��.�.��„�� � �.��m�� ����u„ ��..�,,., �_ ...... Jo�hn Borgesil rgesi@no .g > Fri, Oct 27, 2017 at 9:57 AM Jean Enright<Jerrri t@n r rrd , erma.g , C : Brian L gases bia rass @ � ,a rm g � Jean, The DPW reviewedtheproposed'changes recommended by the building department rid the DPW does not have any comments. Thank your John J. Borgesi, P.E. Town Engineer Department iic Works Town of North,,Andover Osgiood Street er, Phone� 978.685.0950 Fax uatd text hidden] w 1 ht e il�w gi .com/m,ai i 2 iI= " 2 j,s r=19i N M l,. .&view= t — f 1fc3f751,,5'7 inbox&siml 5f5el fc3f751 1 Town of North Andover Mail-1679,OsgoodStreet Enright1,0/16/2017 0 f b OVER Jean 1679 Osgood' Street John gsj` gads To,,-,Jean Enright<Jenright@,n,orthandolverma-gov> E3mcc,arthy@n:orth,a,ndoverma,gov�Graham Rowe Cc,: Robert Bonenfant<rbonenfant@northandoverma.gov>, rw@nrm - 1 Jean, * c s + � me , s Ions s there are new covered structures being,added to, As,wethe site. Please let me know if you have any other,questions. Thank you.11 -John i John J. Borgesi, RE. Tows Engineer, Department of Public Works, Town of North Andover Street384 Osgood North Andover MA 1018145 Phone: 978.685.01950 Fax.- ', a [quoted text hidden) f i 1 I f 0 i 1i 1 1 i 1 10,118/2017 Town of it Andover Mail-1679 Osgood N -1 ANDOVER ORT) Joan Enright,<J'en,,ri'gh�t�@northandoverm,a.,gov,>, N1 a S's a Chu setts .......I.I.I I.........I I-............................... 1679 Osgood 1 message .......................I I.I...........--I, —.............I....................... .....'I ........ Graham Rowe <growe@ north and overrrI ov> Tue, Oct 171 2017 at 6:34 PM To: Jean Enright,<jenright@north,an ei,-ma.gov> Good, evening Jean, I apologize for the delay, I went arid''''visited the site for CRL on Osgood St and currently the fire department has access to the property. If the occupant rnaintains,this access through the property for the apparatus,, rnaintains all flarnma' le and combustible storage in compliance with NFPA 30 then the fire,department has no issue with thi's permit,for a contractors yard. Any questions please feei free to contact me. Thank you, Deputy Chief Graham Rowe North Andover Fire Department '795 Chillicker in Roa gd North A11A over', MA 01845 Phone: 9178-688-9,590 Ext. 41101, Cell: 978-408-131.9 Fax: 978-688-9594 NOTICE:Thais message andany attachments are solely for the intended recipient and may contain confidential,or privileged information.If you are not the intended recipient,you are hereby notified that any review,dissemination,distribution or duplication of this message and any attachim,ents is prohibited'.if you h received thi ave s cornmunication in error,please notify us by reply ern all an d immediately and permanently delete thIs message,and any attachments,.Emall transimission may not be secure and could contain errors.We accept no liability for any damage caused by any virus,trIansm,itt�ed by this,email.pleased not send to us by emall any,inforination,contaitiing personally identifiable information without appropriate encryption.Thainkyolu. Please note the Massachusetts Secretary of State's office has deterinined that most emails to,and from municipal offlices and official's are public record�s.For more information please refer to: https-,//ma,it.,goog,le.,lcom/'niail/u�/,O,,/?ui al 7c2eff�62 ,j r= !BaJEzM,.en.&viiew=ptl&sear ti,=inibox&tll=1:5f2c798,f93dd6l4,&sitnl=l 5f2,c798f93dd... 1/1 i 31 11 w I Nu,n n IvUu v An N VER 10:1 MENEM Community Partnersh, IP r� ri Overations Division h TO Rebecca, ld FROM: Lieutenant e Special,Pernuft Application A TE October 10,2017 � � attached Special Pei- . Appl f 79 Osgood Street s beep ,reviewed. e. o ceDepartment- no issues � , �� as pr9posed. 9 r T I c si s,01845 Tolepho ,!9 - - 6, Fay.., �7 -6 -1172'' G, 10112/2017 Town of North Andover Mail- :1,679 Osgood NDOVER, Rebecca Oldham<ro1dham@northandoverMa.q0V> su , Re: 6 Osgood 1 message Donald,Belanger elan g Wed Oct�1 , 2 t 7' Rebecca Oldham <ro1dham@northando,verma.gov Although Table 1:1 Summary Of Use ulatl n , riot allowed)Contractor's Yard CDD3, Section 6. allows for CDlD3 b w ifin1, special!, err tr purs ,,to,s i,o R a3and10.3. On ue, Oct 101 2017 t :02 PIS,,, Don Work Email l r � �ru Okay I will read further.When it r a1 l 111 tterw Thank you."you're +sir t missed Saint from my Phone Our Oct 10, 2 17 at 4:14 PM, Rebecca Oldham r l i r . ,ova wrote: Donald: It Is an allowed use ,Special P rmit i you look t Section rt �i f y1 ww It gets confusing since in the beginning, It says not allowed"'. But it was a Warrant Article change in 2016. It was my first Tows Meeting,so i definitely remember this cruel __Rebecca Sent from my Phone On Oct 101,2017, at 3 9 PM, Donald Belanger l anger@ n 1'o rr l w wrote: 0 Rebecca, Contractor's,Yard .not an shows .use..in Corridor men ri 3 C D3 , lopmen In rrld the Co i '"str■ rr ing w structure • reconstructed,,w '� dor tDi no to altered or used fog any oitlier purpose than the following.M L,Retail uses providedthere is no outdoor s9 s or storage of'materlials and products ,and per Table . Summary of use e ,Contractor's,Yard CD 3 Not an alloweduse n . Tu e, Oct 1 1)2017 at 10.57 M, Rebecca Oldham, <rold liam@nort,hail everm M wrote Please fi,nd attached an application for a Contractor's Yar in.a CEID3.,Please let me luiow � if you bave any conune .ts and or concerns. Rebecca I Ikebecca,Oldham Stiff Planuer PlannIng Department Town of Nor di Andover, Main Scree North Andover,MA o:1845 Fax: 9178-6188-9542 i rt � �rrau� � d � . , i I 01 o o r north Andover Mail-1 Osgood Street NQ ` can Enright jenfl h @a n r h ndovear a. c ff - . - '' : 1679 Osgood Street Donald Bela nger d# ) r nohar�doerroRo �' t�1 ,201 t'� A To:Jean Enright<jenright@northandoverma.gov> � Jean The proposed Contractors Yard will trigger all existing uses to comply With driveway access and parking requirements per section 8 of the Zoning Bylaw. All parking shall be striped per section 8.6 Design Standards. Thank You Donald ld quoted text biddol ++ .. 1_..ts A—,e, f&mso=i f i ' a sear ht=i bo l l=l 1 .t, i1i rrr iii`4i�� 'IOIV�i«r 1 i ( " TOWN OF NOR TH AND 0 VE � MASSACLIUSE,TI, a i Fire Department 795 Chickeill"lig Roml, Noi Ancl v ; AIM 0 845 Telephone 978-6818-95.90 Feu, 978-68,8-.915'94 o' JeanEntiOt "rom,.-I,Ffil-e Geist William McCarthy Date:Octob r,2 2017 Re: 1679 Osgood Street Contractor yard The fire del')artment,has rc l* cd the site plans and has Visited the site. We were,able to access the the area of the proposed additional 9 parking spots and bad the turi 'i� y r tw apparatus. p � �y e r comblustible,storage must comply its NFPA 3 . E Shiccrely, William A. McCarthy Fire Geist ti m a r o Proudly Serving Since 1921