HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-01-11 Board of Selectmen Minutes BOARD OF SELECTMEN JANUARY 11, 2021 Call To Order: Chairman Chris Nobile called the meeting to order at 7:01PM. In accordance with Governor Baker’s Executive Order issued on March 12, 2020, suspending certain provisions of the Open Meeting Law due to the ongoing COVID-19 public health emergency, this meeting took place via conference call. All Board members and staff participated in this meeting remotely. ATTENDANCE: Laura Bates, Phil DeCologero, Rosemary Smedile, Richard Vaillancourt and Chairman Chris Nobile. Town Manager, Melissa Murphy Rodrigues, Deputy Town Manager, Denise Casey and Director of Administrative Services, Laurie Burzlaff were all present. Chairman Nobile read the following statement: Pursuant to Governor Baker’s March 12, 2020 Order Suspending Certain Provisions of the Open Meeting Law, G.L. c. 30A, §18, and the Governor’s March 15, 2020 Order imposing strict limitation on the number of people that may gather in one place, this meeting of the North Andover Board of Selectmen will be conducted via remote participation to the greatest extent possible. Specific information and the general guidelines for remote participation by members of the public and/or parties with a right and/or requirement to attend this meeting can be found on the Town’s website, at www.northandoverma.gov. For this meeting, members of the public who wish to watch the meeting may do so on their televisions by tuning to Comcast Channel 8 or Verizon Channel 26 or online at www.northandovercam.org. No in-person attendance of members of the public will be permitted, but every effort will be made to ensure that the public can adequately access the proceedings in real time, via technological means. In the event that we are unable to do so, despite best efforts, we will post on the Town of North Andover website an audio or video recording, transcript, or other comprehensive record of proceedings as soon as possible after the meeting. PUBLIC COMMENT Ms. Rodrigues stated there were two public comments related to the Stevens-Coolidge Place that were in the Select Board member’s packet. GOVERNMENT REPORTS In Memoriam- Charles Salisbury Ms. Smedile, Mr. Vaillancourt and Mark DiSalvo spoke about Charles Salisbury. Mr. Nobile read the resolution for Mr. Salisbury. Ms. Smedile asked if all the members could sign the resolution in addition to Mr. Nobile. Mr. Nobile stated the correction will be made so that all Select Board members will be able to sign. Update and Recognition- Emergency Management Director Jeff Coco Jeff Coco, Emergency Management Director, gave an update on the recent happenings and logistics. Mr. Coco explained that his position is the liaison between FEMA, State and Municipal. Mr. Vaillancourt spoke about Mr. Coco’s leadership during the gas crisis. Mr. DeCologero asked Mr. Coco what qualifications he is looking for in volunteers. Mr. Coco stated he is currently looking for a nurse, communications officer and a team coordinator. Mr. Coco stated he wanted the public to understand it is a volunteer position and will be called in during emergency situations. Mr. DiSalvo stated Mr. Coco is the secret behind Town Meeting with all of his assistance as well as his leadership during the gas crisis. Ms. Smedile stated Mr. Coco parents were also involved with Emergency Management. Ms. Smedile asked Mr. Coco how long he has served. Mr. Coco stated since 1978. Ms. Smedile stated Mr. Coco is an unsung hero. Mr. Nobile stated Mr. Coco will be receiving a certificate. Update on COVID Mr. LaGrasse gave an update on the latest COVID-19 numbers. Mr LaGrasse stated the following: numbers are down overall, 171 current active cases,3 from Merrimack College. 7% positivity rate and the Governor extended restrictions until 1/24/21. Vaccine rollout for Police and Fire this week. Phase 2 will be around March. Ms. Smedile asked Mr. LaGrasse is any robocalls or mailings will go out to let the public know. Mr. LaGrasse stated yes. Ms. Smedile asked Mr. LaGrasse if vitamins will help to build immune system. Mr. LaGrasse stated Vitamin D and Tylenol will help but will not prevent it. Ms. Bates asked Mr. LaGrasse when the vaccine will have an impact on numbers. Mr. LaGrasse does not know actual date. Ms. Bates asked if there are concerns with hospital capacity. Mr. LaGrasse stated extra capacity has been reopened. Mr. DeCologero asked if Town Employees would be retested again. Ms. Rodrigues stated not at this time unless another uptick in numbers. Mr. LaGrasse started they are waiting to find out how many vaccines will be arriving to plan for distribution. LICENSING: MOTION: Mr. DeCologero motioned to open a meeting of the North Andover Licensing Commission. Ms. Bates seconded. Roll call vote: Bates-yes, DeCologero-yes; Smedile-yes; Vaillancourt-yes; Nobile-yes. Motion approved 5-0. Discussion regarding the availability of package store licenses Ms. Smedile asked Ms. Rodrigues to discuss the options for package store licenses. Ms. Rodrigues stated there are two licenses available, an all alcohol and malt licenses. Ms. Rodrigues stated there are no current written procedures so currently taking applications on a first come first serve. Ms. Rodrigues stated going forward would like to have a protocol. Ms. Rodrigues stated there is no action to be taken at this time, will start working on the language. Ms. Bates asked Ms. Rodrigues if new policy would happen prior to distributing. Ms. Rodrigues stated no and at this time first come first serve until a protocol is put into place. Mr. Vaillancourt asked Ms. Rodrigues if there are some guidelines for these licenses, if they are already established businesses. Ms. Burzlaff stated they need an address, do not have to be an established business, but must provide copy of lease. Request of Stevens-Coolidge Place to expand their entertainment license to include Exhibition and Trade Shows Ms. Rodrigues stated Stevens-Coolidge Place wanted to add Exhibition and Trade Shows to their license. Ms. Smedile stated there was also an omission of the original application. Ms. Rodrigues stated the license needs to be corrected to include live music, dancing by patrons, amplifiers, plays and craft shows. Katherine Macdonald, Director of Stevens-Coolidge Place, was on the call. Ms. Smedile asked Ms. Macdonald about the address listed on the application if it is Andover St or Chickering Rd. Ms. Macdonald stated currently the address is 113 Andover Street but a new entrance, parking lot and visitor center will be constructed by the spring and will change the address to 153 Chickering Road. MOTION: Ms. Smedile motioned to renew the Entertainment license for Stevens Coolidge Place for live music, dancing by patrons, amplifiers, plays and exhibition and trade shows subject to the five conditions contained on the 2020 license. Mr. Nobile seconded. Roll call vote: Bates-yes, DeCologero-yes; Smedile-yes; Vaillancourt-yes; Nobile-yes. Motion approved 5-0. MOTION: Mr. Nobile motioned to close a meeting of the North Andover Licensing Commission. Mr. DeCologero seconded. Roll call vote: Bates-yes, DeCologero-yes; Smedile-yes; Vaillancourt-yes; Nobile-yes. Motion approved 5-0. NEW BUSINESS Approve small wireless facilities siting requirements Jean Enright, Daniel Beckley and Suzanne Egan were all present on the call. Ms. Enright discussed small wireless facilities locations. Ms. Bates asked if the 33 current wireless facilities are documented. Ms. Enright stated they are not but will be integrated. Mr. DeCologero asked how these are taxed. Ms. Egan stated same tax process as large wireless facilities but will further check into it to make sure. Ms. Smedile asked to wait to vote until the next meeting to allow public to weigh in. Ms. Rodrigues stated there has not been public comment yet. Ms. Rodrigues cautioned that not voting this evening would cause the applications to go to the Planning Board. Ms. Egan stated there is an applicant waiting and each application would go to the Select Board meeting as a public hearing. Ms. Egan encouraged the Board to vote this evening. Mr. DeCologero asked what the process would be if they voted tonight and modifications needed to be made. Ms. Enright stated the Select Board has the right to modify as needed. Ms. Egan stated the regulations provide guidelines to the applicant and the Board. MOTION: Ms. Smedile motioned to approve the Small Wireless Facilities Siting Requirements, as presented. Ms. Bates seconded. Roll call vote: Bates-yes, DeCologero-yes; Smedile-yes; Vaillancourt-yes; Nobile-yes. Motion approved 5-0. Request for letter of support from North Andover Historical Society for Caroline Stevens Center Ms. Rodrigues stated the North Andover Historical Society is requesting a letter of support from the Select Board for their application for a variance with the Architectural Access Board. The Disability Commission voted to support the request and the request will be voted on the State level. MOTION: Ms. Smedile motioned to approve and sign the letter of support for the North Andover Historical Society application for variance. Mr. Vaillancourt seconded. Roll call vote: Bates-yes, DeCologero-yes; Smedile-yes; Vaillancourt-yes; Nobile-yes. Motion approved 5-0. Stevens Estate Request for Proposals Ms. Rodrigues presented the draft for the request for proposals for the Stevens Estate. Ms. Rodrigues stated there are two additional items that will be included: 1) to require three references and 2) Town financials and Booking Reports will be made available upon request. Ms. Rodrigues stated that in late February proposals will be received. Ms. Rodrigues stated interviews will be conducted by the evaluation committee. Ms. Rodrigues stated she would draft a memo breaking down the RFP, explaining intent and tracing back to the Stevens Estate Long Term Advisory Committee to educate everyone on the process. Ms. Bates stated she had concern with language about capital expenditures. Ms. Rodrigues stated that would be addressed by contract submitted. Ms. Bates asked if there will be bids for two separate entities due to splitting the land. Ms. Rodrigues stated may receive private public partnership due to this. Ms. Bates asked if application would be made would be public. Ms. Rodrigues stated not initially until it has been approved. Discussion of statement regarding insurrection Mr. Nobile presented a draft of a statement regarding insurrection. Ms. Smedile stated to amend the draft to make the following statement in bold letters “to reject violence in any form.” Mr. Vaillancourt suggested where Police Officer is stated in the letter to combine with all First Responders, including Fire Department, and so to change Police Officers to First Responders in the statement. MOTION: Mr. DeCologero motioned to approve statement regarding insurrection with corrections as presented. Ms. Bates seconded. Roll call vote: Bates-yes, DeCologero-yes; Smedile-yes; Vaillancourt-yes; Nobile-yes. Motion approved 5-0. CONSENT ITEM Ms. Rodrigues read the grants that had been received. Mr. Vaillancourt asked about auto repair shops for eligibility to receive funds. Ms. Rodrigues explained the restaurants and service related industries had been the most impacted. Mr. DeCologero stated the State requirements impacted the restaurants and service related industries which is why the grants were given to those categories in particular. Ms. Smedile stated the committee looked at the government restrictions on certain business that almost put them out of business. Mr. DeCologero also added another consideration were the businesses that had to pay large fees for the license renewals. Mr. DeCologero stated there could possibly be other rounds of additional aid if there are resources for it. Ms. Bates asked how the level of reimbursements was determined. Ms. Rodrigues stated it was based on license fee amounts. MOTION: Ms. Bates motioned to accept all grants and donations presented. Mr. DeCologero seconded. Roll call vote: Bates- yes, DeCologero-yes; Smedile-yes; Vaillancourt-yes; Nobile-yes. Motion approved 5-0. APPROVAL OF OPEN SESSION MINUTES OF JANUARY 11, 2021 Ms. Bates commented that additional information regarding the Facilities Master Plan II should be included in the minutes before voting. Ms. Bates will send additional notes to Laurie Burzlaff. OLD BUSINESS None TOWN MANAGER’S REPORT Ms. Rodrigues introduced a new program within the Town where one employee is recognized as the Employee of the Year. Ms. Rodrigues named Caroline Ibbitson, Public Health Nurse, as the 2020 Employee of the Year. SELECTMEN’S COMMENTS None ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Mr. DeCologero made a MOTION, seconded by Ms. Smedile to adjourn the meeting at 9:27 PM. Roll call vote: Bates-yes, DeCologero-yes; Smedile-yes; Vaillancourt-yes; Nobile-yes. Motion approved 5-0. Respectfully submitted, Jillian A. Brothers Executive Assistant _______________________________ Richard Vaillancourt, Clerk of the Board Documents used at meeting: Acknowledgement memoriam License Memorandum Planning Memorandum Letter Proposal Grants Donations Minutes