HomeMy WebLinkAboutVariance Application-Time Stamped-65 Beverly St - Application - 65-67 BEVERLY STREET 10/5/2020 x TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER VARIANCE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS NAME:VBL investmentl LLC ADDRESS OF APPEAL: 65-67 Beverly Street, North Andover, MA Procedure && Reg4irentents for alit Application for a Variance Twelve(12)copies of the foflOWing information must be The Oftce of Zoning Board of Appeals schedules an applicant submitted thirty(30)days prior•to the f€r:st public hearing, for a hearing elate and prepares the legal €totice for ,,ailing to Failure to submit the required iitforrnation witl>in the time the iparties in interest(abutter-s)and for publication in the periods prescribed may result ill a dismissal by the 'Zoning newspaper. The petitioner is notified that the legal notice has f3aard of an application as incom131ete• been prepared and the cost of tiie Party in Interest fee. The information lierein is an abstract of more tipeeific requirements listed in the Zoning Board Boleti and STEP 7: DELIVE,RY OF L[GAL NOTICE TO Regulations and IN riot meant to supersede them. The NEWSPAPER: mdtioner will com Mete items that are underlined. The petitioner picks up the legal notice 1€um the Office of the Zoning Board of Appeals and delivers the legal notice to the STEP I: ADMINISTRATOR PERMIT DENIAL: local newspaper for publication. The petitioner applies fora Building Permit and receives a Zoning Bylaw Denial form completed by the Building STEP 8: MIBLIC.HEARING BET'ORl TUE ZONING CO€nmissiotter. BOARD OF APPEALS: Tile petitioner should appear on hisflier behalf,or be STEP 2: VARIANCE APPLICATION FORIM- represented by an agent or attornev, In the absence ofarsv Petitioner cantpietes art,a1}1)lication fortai to Petition the Board appearance withocrt due.cause on behalf of the petition,the of Appeals fora Variance. All infornialiou shall be completed, Board shall decide oil the matter by using the inforlualior€ it has received to date. STEP 3: PLAN PREPARATION: Petitioner submits all of the required plait information as cited STEP 9: DECISION: in Pa4.',r. 2,section 9 of this form. After the hearing and decision,a copy ofthe Board's decision wil I be filed in the Office of the Town Clerk and sent to the STEP 4: OBTAIN LIST OF PARTiCS IN INTEREST: petitioner and all Parties in Interest.Any appeal of the Board's Tile Petitioner reclucsts cite Assessor's Office to compile a decision may be made pursuant to Massachusetts General I.au certified list of Parties in 1€1teresi(abutters). clt.40A, � 17.,within twenty(20)days after the decision is filed with the Town Clerk. STEP 5: SUBMIT APPLICATION: Petitioner submits one(1)original and eleven(11)copies of,all STEP 10. RECORDING THE DECISION AND TI-It; required information to the Tolvil Clerk's Office to be certified PLAP'6. by tl€c "1 ou-it Clerk with fhe time and date offtling. The The Petitioner is responsible for recording certification of tile original shall be submitted to the To►vn Clerk's Office.and the decision.and any accompanying plans at the Essex Cot€ntv" I I copies will be submitted to the Zoning Board of Appeals North Registry of Deeds: 1 Ihriott St€"eet.Lawrence A1A 0l840 secretary. and shall complete the Certification of Recording form and forward it to the Zoning Board of Appeals and to the Building STEP(►: SCIIEDUI,ING OIL HEARING AND Department. I'RUPARATiON OIr LEGAL,NOTIC E- Y Y.7'�YY::;Y:::':`'Yt 'K'Jr`k Sti Yt '::3'YG if`'XxY:YfYC`)`Y"Y;''7S 3t 1S']Y`S')�Y'�.Y'Y'}'Y• `RYY:7;Yk`�.`.k]kYr''ii'iP YC Ti]:1s iC 7CY("if'it`f.";;'.`iY::':7��.'YfY.S�'%�'Y,X"1f Yf Ve IMPORTANT PHONh-' NUMBERS: 978-688-9533 Once of Community Dev. & Services 975-6$8;9501 Town Clerk's Uf#ice North Andover Town hall 978-688-9566 Assessor's Office 120 Main Street North Andover. MA 01945 978-688-954? Fax for Community Development aftices 978-688-9545 Building Department 978-688-9541 Zoning Board of Appeals Office NORTH ANDOVER ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS petition for a VARIANCE IMPORTANT.--APPIACANTS MUST COMPLETE ALI.ITEMS ON THIS FORM PETITIONER INFORMATION NAME: VBL Investment I LLC, Peter E. Graziani, Manger ADDRESS: 552 Lincoln Avenue, Saugus, MA 01906 PHONE: 617 580 1111 EMAIL. _peteregraziani@qniaii.com optilleris(f C0111palki?,eorporadolt oraffier eufi j''to list e?fth"flames and add I-C'sSes qf ell C Prineipals.off icers 11'an alters amst be affe-feliedta dds,form. SUBJECT PROPERTY INFORMATION LOCATION OF PROPERTY: 65-67 Beverly ZONING DISTRICT: ...— A- Ll ASSESSORS PROPERTY MAP NO.: LOT NO.:--ODO- _:z_ OWNER OF RECORD: V8L Investment I LLC DEED RECORDED AT ESSEX NORTH REGISTRY OF DEEDS AT: BOOK., 15.766 PACE 311 OR CERTIFICATE NO. RELATIONSIIIP TO SUBJECT PROPERTY(i.e. Owner,abutter, etc.): owner CURRENT USE: 2 family home PROPOSED USE: same PREVIOUS VARIANCE GRANTED: YES 0,' DECISION NOJDATE: OTHER REGULATORY REVIEW: YES IF YES, DESCRIBE STATUS. EXISTING CONDITIONS DESCRIPTION: A 'I L Page 2 of 7 NORTH ANDOVER ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS petition for a VARIANCE PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION I. Briefly describe all proposed changes to the str«cture{s} and/or uses): ��DC.�. ,: �-C,C.c s� -"n7 �A.�t�"�:�,Y.._ l� I i-µ -E�U�tr � _.:.►�o� t� , _ 2. State alI sections of'the North Andover Zoning Bylaw implicated in this variance petition: 1 - 3, State the specific relief being sought from the North Andover Zoning Bylaw. inchTding all ordinance dimensional requirements and proposed dimensional conditions: 4. Identity and describe all Flans and supporting documents being submitted with this variance petition: - ._.l�J LIB (t f A L. .. page 3 of 7 NORTH ANDOVER ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS petition for a VARIANCE SUPPORTING STATEMENT rACff fJ1'I`'f1F.L€)fl'1:1'€;f€li�l(.IIZI:.11 ,1'TS r0R;£ 14RIANCl::1II.ST BE EST.-113LISHEV AND SE,T PORTff IrV C0,11Pl L•'7E DETW L 81, TIIE:IPPLICAIN'T1NJCC0j?D.4rvCf Tf IMC;.L.C.40.4.q 10_ 1. Describe the special circumstances related to soil conditions, the shape or the topography of the hand or Structure that are unique to the parcel: :._.Darni_...:. Active. so i I Or _ �`opo�r� P� !s 56,6 - J l 2. SpcciFY Iiory the ciVetimstances do not gener,111v affect other properties in the zoning district: :3. Explain horn` the literal enforcement of the North Andover Zoning Bylaw will result ill a substantial hardship to the owner: 4. Explain horn the proposed variance is tile IIIillimum change that is necessary to allow the reasonable Ilse of the land or structure: Dow Al` 5. Explain why granting tine proposed variance will be ill harmony with the purpose and intent of the North Andover Zoning Bylaw: Page 4 of 7 NORTH ANDOVER ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS petition for a VARIANCE _ � J f 1/ 6. Describe the impact on the neighborhood and flow it will not be detrimental to the neighborhood or the public welfare: T26t- _ �jGt ,Sr_l hrrl . . _._. CG ess._ :�j4• x� S C1c�rr ... 1�'. GT w �'c . . 1'.S' D V�, 7A. Difference from Zoning Bylaw requirements: Indicate the dimension(s) that will not meet current Zoning Bylaw Requirements. (,hies A and B in ease ol'a lot split) [_etl.Arts;€SS], 1=t. Ole n Si�.<tcc Percentage:Lot Frentagc }'nrl,int (,I)ven III o Feet spice" Fet�ttt e Side B 1'xv:tt' A. Eli` 19, 7 .3Z,3 Sri 1 7B. Existing Lot: tM61imum Lttt Satback Lot.Area Sq.Ft. 3 Open S111ce: Perecniagc Lot rotttu<e Parkit:e fief.Ft. Coverut"t: Feet spaces From Side.A Side B Ret€r o 7C.. Proposed I_,©t(5): A4ittinu1111}..ttt SLt}tack � L+t Ar:,ttSq, Ft. open ltp,jcc Peretmi-age LotFrontage Parking Sq.Ft. Coxe€:tge Feet Front Side A Side:B R"ar e.� 7D. Required Lot: (As required by Zoning Bylaw& Table Z) j Minimum Lot Setback Lur Area Sq. F€. C)��en Space Percentage f_t�t Ftx-1 �nis�ge P,er!eittg Sci.Ft. Coxclage Feet S-acc� F t Side A Side B Rear n Page 5 of 7 NORTH ANDOVER ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS petition for a VARIANCE 8A. Existing Buildittg(s): Crrmid Floor St). Namiter of Total 5c1. —� Number Ft. Floors tteigltt Ft. UseofNilding* ot'Utits'•` t _—� `'t{e€'erenc"t}tied troll)the Toning bylaw&Table 1. •"=tiLuct nnutbcr al'utlits SM Pit-oposed Builclinats): if)huildillg(s). Ground Flow,Sq. Ntltnber cif Total Sq.` Nulttber Ft. Floors Height Ft. t se of oilding` ot'Li€titti^ *Rcrcremvs rises Imin the Zoning Bylaw&-'I•abla-i °*Stn[e nnntttcr pf tntits in tiaitdiugfs#. PROPERTY OWNER CONSENT, CERTIFICATION & SIGNATURE I,S'iuetlturs nF1'c7ilirrurrlsl rrrr f��{rrir r dl I am (we are) the owner(s)of the property subJect to this variance petition incl I (we)consent and certify as follows: I. I (we) grant permission for officials mid employees of the Torun of North Andover to access nay property 'ibr the purposes of this petition; ?. I (we) cortiny that I (rve) have read the Board's RI_rles and Procedures before submittal to ensure the completeness of n-ty(our)petition; 3. I (use) cortify that I the statements within this application and attachments are true acid accurate to the best of my (our nowledge and belief. X. (Date) x (Pc titioster Signature) If Applic able: Nance of Attorney/Agent for Altlyticartt:— Acficlress of At1ct€•tteyr.'1ge€tt; __- --_-----.__ t'hotte Number nfAttorttev'Agent: Entail Address of Attorttev/A�ettt: Page 6 of 7 NORTH ANDOVER ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS petition for a VARIANCE 4. PLAN OF LAND G. Nalrnes adda-esses and phone Each application to the Zoning Board of Appeals shall numbers of the applicant,ownel,a• hc.accompanied by the folfo.ving described plan. record.and land surveyor,-, Plans must be snbmitl d with this application to the 7. Locus Town Clerk's Office and the ZBA secretary at least thirty(30)days prior to tile public hearing before the 9.D. Minor Pl'gject Zolling Board of Appeals. Minor projects,such as decks,sheds,and garages,shall require o€fly the plan information A set of building elevation plans by a Registered a,.indicated with all asterisk(*), in some cases Architect una v be required when the application fur€Jeer information may lie required.involves new collstrlletiojVconN-ersion/field/ol'a proposed change in use. 10. APPLICATION FILING FEES 10.A. Notification fees: Applicant shall provide 9. A. Major Perojcets a check or money order to: "Town ofNol#h Maiar Projects are those..vhich involve ogle of the Andover'for the cost of first class.certified. following whether cxisting or proposed: return receipt x It of all parties in interest I)• Five(5)or more parking spaces. identified in M.G.L ch.40A �I I on abutters list II). Three(3)or more dwelling fulls~• for the legal notice check. Also, the applicant Ill).2,000 square feet ofbuilding area. Shall supply first class postage stamps for each N4"Or PI-oiects shall rcquil•e,that Ill addition to the 9B address listed on the abtltter'S list,plus all &9C feature. that the plans show detailed utilities, additional two(2) for the decision mailing. soils.and topographic.information. 10, 13. Mailing;labels: Applicant shall provide *9. B. Plait Specifications: four 94)sets ofmaiIing labels no larger than I). Size of plate: Ten(10)paper'copies of I"x2 5 8"(Three(3)copies for the Lc,,a1,and a plam]lot 10 exceed I I"x17 one(l)copy for the Decision mailing). preferred scale of 1"=40' U). Plan shall be prepared.stamped and 10.C. Apl)licant shall provide a check or certified by a Registered Professional Illoney order to: "Town of North Andover' per Lalnd Surveyor. Please note that plans the 2005 Revised Fee Scliedule. by a Registered 1'ro1'essional Engineer. Registcred Architect.and/or a 110� A Variance once granted by the Z1BA will Re gistered Landscape Architect clay lapse in one(1)Year if not exercised and a new be required for Major Projects, petition mus(be submitted 9. C. *Requiretl Featttees ()n PI:111. I), Site Orientation 511a111 include; I, North point 2. Zoning district(s) 3. Names ofstmets 4. 1.'ctlands(if applicable) 5. Abutters Ofpropelly.within 300` radius 6, Locations of buildings on adjacent Properties within 50' frol7l applicants proposed structure 7. deed restrictions.casements. 1I). Legend S Graphic Aids sbatll include: I. Proposed features in solid lines�L Outlined in red 2. Existing features to be removed in dashed lhics 3. Graphic scales 4. Date of Plan 5. Title of Plan Page 7 of 7