HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-05-26 Conservation Commission Minutes Page 1 of 11 Approved 7/14/2021 North Andover Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes May 26, 2021 Members Present: Louis A. Napoli, Chairman (in-person/present), John T. Mabon (remote present), Joseph W. Lynch (in-person/present), Albert P. Manzi, Jr., Vice Chairman (in-person/present) and Sean F. McDonough (in- person/present) Members Absent: Anthony Capachietti Staff Members Present: Amy Maxner, Conservation Administrator (in-person/present) and Taylor Andrews, Field Inspector (in-person/present) Meeting came to Order at: 7:05 p.m. Quorum Present. Pledge of Allegiance Acceptance of Minutes A motion to accept the minutes of April 14, 2021 & April 28, 2021 is made by Mr. Lynch, seconded by Mr. McDonough. Vote 5-0, Unanimous. Notice of Intent 242-1800, 158 Forest Street (Triano) The Administrator states that a site inspection was performed on April 27th, both the applicant and attorney believes that the Commission has broad discretion to issue waivers under the Regulations, Section 5.2. The Commission feels strongly that pursuant to Regulations Section 3.1 Ephemeral Pool was very narrow on what the Commission can waive depending on the activities. The Administrator believes that the Commission has sufficient information in order to decide. The Administrator recommends closing the hearing and issuing a decision in 21 days. 7:09 p.m. NACAM experiences technical difficulties. 7:12 p.m. Technical difficulties are resolved and the meeting resumes. The Administrator provides a brief recap of what was discussed. Mr. Napoli states he believes the proposal should be denied due to lack of specific information as well as confirmation on species found within the Ephemeral Pool. Mr. Lynch does not believe there is enough compelling evidence to allow the Commission to grant a waiver. The Commission discusses the proposal and agrees they are not in favor of granting a waiver. Donald Borenstein, Johnson & Borenstein, LLC and David Cowell, Hancock Associates are present on behalf of the applicant. Mr. Cowell presents a revised proposal for consideration by the Commission. A motion to deny the waiver request is made by Mr. McDonough, seconded by Mr. Lynch. Vote 5-0, Unanimous. A motion to close and issue in 21 days is made by Mr. McDonough, seconded by Mr. Lynch. Vote 5-0, Unanimous. Documents 01-13-2021 Meeting Materials, 01-27-2021 Meeting Materials, 02-10-2021 Meeting Materials, 12-09-2020 Meeting Materials, 158 Forest Ephemeral Pool Investigation Findings - 05-06-21, 158 Forest St Aerial Exhibit, Letter to ConComm re Waivers 2021-05-07, North Andover Wetlands Protection Regulations (Effective 03 23 2016) 2021-05-26 Conservation Commission Minutes Page 2 of 11 Approved 7/14/2021 242-1814, 3 Great Pond Road (Finbury) The Administrator states the project involves the conversion of the building into 3 condominiums, with associated grading, parking and stormwater management facilities. Two parcels have been merged for this project to accommodate space for the needed parking. The project is currently before the Planning Board, they are poised to close and approve depending on the outcome of Con Com review. A stormwater review was conducted by the Town Engineer, he has recommended test pits to determine seasonal high groundwater elevation to make sure that the bottom of the infiltration chamber is 2-feet above groundwater. The activities within the Buffer Zone to BVW and bank of brook include removal and loaming and seeding of paved driveway at the west side of the building. Repaving and pavement extension with associated retaining walls to the east and south of the building to create six (6) new parking spaces, portions of which are in the 50-foot NBZ. A waiver request and alternatives analysis was submitted for this request. Installation of catch basins and subsurface infiltration chamber immediately behind the building. The wetland line was reviewed, and two flag changes were requested. A revised plan depicting these changes has been provided. The brook was evaluated for intermittence or perennial status, Stream Stats calculate the watershed at .18 square mile which is well below the .50 square mile threshold. n the area as proposed. He would like to know whether it can be relocated underneath the parking area. Mr. Lynch states that although the proposed parking has corners that are clipping the 50-foot NBZ he believes this to be a net improvement offset by the removal of the existing pavement to the left of the building. He does not feel they have enough information to comment on the location of the stormwater infiltrator. He questions if there is a hydraulic reason for the placement of the infiltration chamber. He does not have concerns with the water engagement due to the steepness of the bank. He does not believe the wetland to be high-quality due to the invasive plants and questions if there is an opportunity to incorporate invasive control. The Administrator states that the wetland is off-site. Mr. Manzi states this is an active wetland that supports a lot of runoff. He is in support of the test pits recommended by the Town Engineer. Mr. Mabon states that he is in favor of moving the infiltration chamber and additional separation from seasonal high groundwater. Elizabeth Wallis, Hayes Engineering, Inc. states the parking lot was considered as an alternative location for ook into conducting test pits requested by the Commission. The Administrator states that the removal of pavement will help to reduce erosion and recommends a shade seed mix be used on the slope. Mr. Lynch expresses concerns with the possible creation of a point source discharge within the 50-foot NBZ. The Administrator reads a letter from Michael & Louise Donovan, an abutter, who expresses concerns on the proposed project. Mr. Manzi requests that a copy of the letter be provided to the applicant to prepare a response for the next meeting. A motion to continue to June 9, 2021 is made by Mr. Manzi, seconded by Mr. Lynch. Vote 5-0, Unanimous. Documents NOA3GreatPondNational MapLocus, NOA3GreatPondRdConComResp, NOA3GreatPondStreamStatsRpt, Energy & Environmental Affairs DEP#, Great Pond Road 3 - Legal Notice 05 05 21 - Public Notice, Great Pond Road 3 - Legal Notice 05 05 21 - Tribune, LettertoConservaton5.26.21, NOA3GreatPondNOFilingSecC, NOA3GreatPondNOIFilingSecA, NOA3GreatPondNOIFilingSecB, NOA3GreatPondNOIfilingSWChecklist, NOA3GreatPondNOIPlans4-29-21, NOA3GreatPondREvsdPlans, NOAGreatPond DPW Engineering final comment 242-1813, 221 Webster Woods Lane (Ghandchi) The Administrator states the project involves demolishing the existing deck, stairs and patio underneath and rebuilding a larger deck and expanded patio. The new deck and patio would be closer to the wetland and 2021-05-26 Conservation Commission Minutes Page 3 of 11 Approved 7/14/2021 within the 75-foot NBZ to the Ephemeral Pool at Wetland Series A. They have also proposed the installation -foot NBZ to the potential Ephemeral Pool at Wetland Series B. All of the proposed work is within the existing manicured lawn. Wetland Series A contains an Ephemeral Pool and Wetland Series B has a potential Ephemeral Pool; these systems are not hydrologically connected. The house and deck were constructed in 2000 under an OOC (242-816) for the Campbell Forest subdivision; a PCOC was issued for this lot. The house and deck were compliant with the 50-foot NBZ at that time; the Ephemeral Pool had not been identified. The Administrator states that she forewarned the project consultant and applicant that the Commission would not look favorably on increased encroachment into the 75-foot NBZ given the Ephemeral Pool standards. A waiver request has been submitted. The Administrator suggested that the applicant operate within the existing footprints of the deck and patio, moving the expansion north out of the 75-foot NBZ. The Commission discusses the waiver request and agrees they are not in favor of the waiver request as presented. They request the applicant explore some viable alternatives that meet their needs as well as the requirements of the NACC Bylaw. James Hanley, Civil Design Consultants, Inc. presents pictures of the existing site. There is 140-s.f. of existing disturbance in the 75-foot NBZ; they propose to increase this by 274-s.f. (less than 1%) there is a total of 41,203-s.f. inside the 75-foot NBZ. All of the proposed work is within a maintained lawn, no tree clearing, or stumping is required. There is a ledge outcrop and landscape retaining wall between the proposed work and Ephemeral Pool. The existing patio is 65-feet from the Ephemeral Pool, the proposed patio will be 58-feet from the Ephemeral Pool. The proposal will increase the vegetation between the existing deck and proposed patio. The patio will not exceed the existing lawn. Mr. Lynch would like the applicant to consider adjusting the corner of the patio and requests a better evaluation of the deck, deck structure and whether it could be cantilevered. Mr. Manzi states he will not vote for the project as is and requests the applicant redesign the project so that it is compliant. Mr. Hanley requests to continue until June 9, 2021. A motion to continue to June 9, 2021 is made by Mr. McDonough, seconded by Mr. Manzi. Vote 5-0, Unanimous. Documents 21-10281_Abutters COM_043021, 20210406_093948, DOC042921, Energy & Environmental Affairs DEP#, Memo_052621, NOI Report 4-29-21, Site Plan Set 4-29-21, Webster Woods Lane 221 - Legal Notice 05 05 21 - Public Notice, Webster Woods Lane 221 - Legal Notice 05 05 21 - Tribune 242-1811, 1600 Osgood Street (Rt. 125) Pump Station & Sewer Extension (North Andover DPW) The Administrator states the proposal consists of a new sewer pump station at the northern tip of 1600 Osgood Street on a 0.2-acre easement in a grassy area. The pump station will consist of a wet well with submersible pumps, valve vault, electrical distribution and control pad, meter vault, stand by generator, asphalt driveway for access and parking and stormwater management BMPs. All work aside from minor grading, is outside the 50-foot NBZ to BVW Series 13. A Stormwater Report has been provided, calculations show 80% TSS removal and compliance with current standards. A 2.7-mile stretch of Osgood Street from Bradford Street to Sutton Street just west of Old Clark Road will receive new sewer lines. A section between Bradford and just north of 1210 Osgood will receive a gravity main which will flow to the proposed pump station. This same stretch will receive a force main. Sections of the force main that fell outside the Commission's jurisdiction have already been installed. Gravity and force mains will be installed entirely within paved roadway portions of which are within the 100', 50' and 25' to wetlands adjacent to the roadway. A waiver request has been submitted. The proposed management system for the pump station is entirely separate from anything on the Ozzy Properties or the Amazon site. Mr. Lynch expresses concerns with maintaining the function and viability of the existing culverts and questions if test pits were done. He believes it is important to come up with a design at each of the culvert crossings that they go under. 2021-05-26 Conservation Commission Minutes Page 4 of 11 Approved 7/14/2021 Olivia Lafond, Woodward & Curran states the project area has been surveyed and the inverts of the culverts taken. Some areas they will go under and some above, this has been depicted on the plans they submitted. Typically, the culvert can be braced if they go under due to the size of the pipe being installed. The application was reviewed by MassDOT. Mr. Napoli questions if the stormwater should be part of the Amazon calculations since it is located on the Amazon site. Mr. Lynch states the stormwater must meet the standards regardless of who is responsible for the maintenance. He would like to know if there is a stormwater analysis and drainage calculations that support the stormwater management system. The Administrator states the Town of North Andover is listed as the responsible party on the application. Ms. Lafond states a Stormwater Report has been included. The Commission discusses the possibility of third-party peer review. The Commission agrees a third-party peer review is not required at this time and Mr. Lynch agrees to review it but may be required before they close. Mr. Mabon confirms the waivers requested are for the pipes in pavement which is an exempt activity. The discussion is continued to allow time for the Commission to review the documentation. A motion to continue to June 9, 2021 is made by Mr. McDonough, seconded by Mr. Manzi. Vote 5-0, Unanimous. Documents 20210429_NOI_Osgood Street Sewer, Energy & Environmental Affairs DEP#, Osgood Street 1600 (Rt. 125) - Legal Notice 05 05 21 - Public Notice, Osgood Street 1600 (Rt. 125) - Legal Notice 05 05 21 - Tribune 242-1812, 42 Huckleberry Lane (Samali) The Administrator states the proposal involves construction of an in-ground pool, associated grading, retaining wall, rip-rap slope, concrete patio, stairs, fencing and pool equipment. All of the work is within the 100-foot Buffer Zone to BVW but outside the 50-foot NBZ within the existing lawn. The proposed nting permission for access was received. A retaining wall cross section was provided for a versa-lock modular concrete block wall. The top elevation of the wall is between 163 to 166.5 with a height varying from .5' to 4.5'. The work is 50.6-feet from the edge of BVW, no waivers have been requested. A detention basin is located between the area of work and the wetland, with a rip rap retaining wall between the edge of the lawn and basin. The wetlands were delineated by Wetlands & Land Management and found it to be accurate. Per the engineer they do not anticipate they will encounter groundwater during excavation as this is an area of elevated fill. Mr. Mabon confirms that the Commission will require a cartridge style pool filter. A motion to close and issue in 21 days is made by Mr. McDonough, seconded by Mr. Manzi. Vote 5-0, Unanimous. Documents 42_Huckleberry_Neighbor_Consent, 12269TP01, 12269TP02, Energy & Environmental Affairs DEP#, Huckleberry Lane 42 - Legal Notice 05 05 21 - Public Notice, Huckleberry Lane 42 - Legal Notice 05 05 21 - Tribune, NOI 42 Huckleberry Lane 242-1810, Osgood Pond Dam (Sutton Pond Condominium Trust) The Administrator states the applicant has requested a continuance. A motion to continue to June 9, 2021 is made by Mr. Manzi, seconded by Mr. Lynch. Vote 5-0, Unanimous. Documents Email from ltiv@gpr-inc.com requesting a continuance until 6/9/21 242-1787, 135 North Ramp Road (DeRosa) The Administrator states the applicant has requested a continuance. 2021-05-26 Conservation Commission Minutes Page 5 of 11 Approved 7/14/2021 A motion to continue to June 23, 2021 is made by Mr. Manzi, seconded by Mr. Lynch. Vote 5-0, Unanimous. Documents Email from m_miller@lawrencemunicipalairport.com requesting a continuance until 6/23/21 242-1815, 59 Appleton Street (Duncan) The Administrator states the applicant has requested a continuance. A motion to continue to June 9, 2021 is made by Mr. Manzi, seconded by Mr. Lynch. Vote 5-0, Unanimous. Documents Email from jacksull53@comcast.net requesting a continuance until 6/9/21 Request for Determination of Applicability 415 Boxford Street (Young) The Administrator states the applicant has requested a continuance. A motion to continue to June 9, 2021 is made by Mr. Manzi, seconded by Mr. Lynch. Vote 5-0, Unanimous. Documents Email from reginajyoung@hotmail.com requesting a continuance until 6/9/21 234 Hay Meadow Road (Quigley) The Administrator states the proposal is for an after-the-fact request for work replacing deck boards and railings on an existing deck in the same footprint. No replacement of footings or ground disturbance occurred. A site inspection was performed, and the deck is approximately 74-feet from BVW and 200-foot Riverfront Area. The Administrator recommends closing the hearing and issuing a Negative #2 and #3 Determination. A motion to issue a Negative Determination #2 and #3 is made by Mr. McDonough, seconded by Mr. Lynch. Vote 5-0, Unanimous. Documents 234 Hay Meadow Aerial Map - Wetland Measurement, Hay Meadow Road 234 - Legal Notice 05 05 21 - Public Notice, Hay Meadow Road 234 - Legal Notice 05 05 21 - Tribune, RDA Application with Supporting Materials 04 28 21 168 Campbell Road (Yasonik) The Administrator states the proposal is for the installation of a natural gas line connection. The line will be installed partially within an existing driveway for a stretch of 25-feet closest to Campbell Road, the remainder will be installed along the edge of the driveway on the southwest side. The work is within the 25-foot NDZ to wetlands located on either side of the driveway. A Vernal Pool is located on the easterly side of the driveway. A trench 1-2 feet wide by 2-3 feet deep will be dug using backhoes and excavators. Trenching operations will be limited to the length that can be completed in one day. The excavated material will be temporarily placed alongside the trench and re-used as backfill. The pipe will be installed, backfilled and tamped. The previously paved areas within the public way will be repaved. Any remaining excavated material will be the responsibility of the homeowner. The Administrator reviews the waiver request that was submitted and agrees that the driveway shoulder is the best route. The Administrator recommends closing the hearing and issuing a Negative #3 Determination with a waiver and conditions as recommended. 8:30p.m., Mr. Lynch leaves the meeting. The Administrator reviews the plan depicting the wetlands with the Commission. pavement. The Commission discusses the proposal. Aleksandr Yasonik, the homeowner, states it was determined by the contractor that they would not be able to fit the required machinery on the opposite side of the roadway due to the drop-off. The Field Inspector confirms there is more of a slope on the right side of the driveway. 2021-05-26 Conservation Commission Minutes Page 6 of 11 Approved 7/14/2021 A motion to approve the waiver request and issue a Negative Determination #3 (installation of erosion controls, pre and post-construction site inspections and excess excavated soils to be removed from site) is made by Mr. Manzi, seconded by Mr. Mabon. Vote 4-0, Unanimous. Documents 25-100-NDZ-Waiver-Request-Worksheet - 168 Campbell Gas Line, 168 Campbell Site Plan, Campbell Road 168 - Legal Notice 05 05 21 - Public Notice, Campbell Road 168 - Legal Notice 05 05 21 - Tribune, Gas Line sketch, RDA Application with Supporting Materials 04 29 21, RDA WPA Application Form_Gas_Line_and_3_Boulders_168_Campbell_Rd_North_Andover_Yasonik (1) 895 Forest Street (Tighe) The Administrator states the proposal is for drainage improvements to an existing horse paddock. If left in its current state, the risk of sediment runoff into the wetland is very high. The homeowner proposes to grade the area and excavate down to a depth no greater than 12-inches and add a layer of stone dust/sand and top dressing of gravel to improve drainage and stabilize the horse paddock. Most of the proposed work will occur within the 100-foot Buffer Zone and 50-foot No Build Zone. The proposed work will be no closer than 25- feet from the edge of the wetland. An established field stone delineates the 25-foot NDZ. A motion to issue a Negative Determination #3 (installation of erosion controls, pre and post-construction site inspections and excess excavated soils to be removed from site) is made by Mr. McDonough, seconded by Mr. Manzi. Vote 4-0, Unanimous. Documents 895 Forest Plan RDA 2021, Forest Street 895 - Legal Notice 05 05 21 - Public Notice, Forest Street 895 - Legal Notice 05 05 21 - Tribune, RDA Application with Supporting Materials 04 26 21 415 Chestnut Street (Cowan) The Administrator states the proposal is for the demolition of a rear deck and construction of a larger deck off the back of the house. The applicant is also proposing the construction of a deck at the front of the house to connect both front doors. The current brick landings and dry laid stepping stones will be removed and replaced with a deck. The wetlands were delineated by Rimmer Environmental and found to be accurate. The project is within the 200-foot Riverfront Area to Mosquito Brook and a fringe BVW is located on either side. The work will be no closer than an existing retaining wall that is just inside the 50-foot NBZ. The front deck will be approximately 65-feet from the BVW at its closest point. A motion to issue a Negative Determination #2 and #3 (installation of erosion controls, pre and post- construction site inspections and excess excavated soils to be removed from site) is made by Mr. McDonough, seconded by Mr. Manzi. Vote 4-0, Unanimous. Documents 415ChestnutRDAset, Chestnut Street 415 - Legal Notice 05 05 21 - Public Notice, Chestnut Street 415 - Legal Notice 05 05 21 - Tribune, Chestnut415v4, img20210428_09554126 1520 Forest Street Ext. (Francis) The Administrator states the proposal is an after-the-fact request for demolition of an existing deck and construction of a patio in its place and the installation of a chicken coop. The patio is approximately 95-feet from the BVW at its closest point and the chicken coop is approximately 60-feet from the BVW. Both violations were found by Conservation Staff while responding to a tree removal request. The homeowner was ordered to cease all work and file an after-the-fact RDA. Erosion controls have been installed as directed by staff. Mr. Manzi confirms with the Administrator that the property address for the project is correct. A motion to issue a Negative Determination #3 (maintain erosion controls and post-construction site inspection to verify compliance) is made by Mr. Mabon, seconded by Mr. McDonough. 2021-05-26 Conservation Commission Minutes Page 7 of 11 Approved 7/14/2021 Vote 4-0, Unanimous. Documents 1520 Forest Ext. RDA Plans, 1520 Forest Street Ext. Violation Letter, Forest St 1520 GIS Aerial, Forest Street Ext. 1520 - Legal Notice 05 19 21 - Public Notice, Forest Street Ext. 1520 - Legal Notice 05 19 21 - Tribune, RDA Application with Supporting Materials 05 12 21 Amendment 242-1721, 562 Boxford Street (Heider) The Administrator states the Commission denied the previous Modification request and directed the applicant to submit for an Amendment, which was value engineered and removed the maximum number of new elements within the 75-foot NBZ and removed the front porch from the 75-foot NBZ. A revised plan was submitted that depicts the front porch and bulkhead as originally proposed, the rear patio is now walkways and the decks have been shrunk to landing/steps. The gas service has been relocated outside the 50-foot NDZ. The Administrator states she advised the applicant and engineer that the Commission requested the front porch to be shrunk and removed from the 75-foot NBZ. An alternatives analysis with calculations was provided. The approved house footprint was to be 50.4-feet from the wetland and the actual new foundation is 52.5-feet. The Commission discusses the original Order issued in May 2018. hy the front porch can't be moved outside of the 75-foot NBZ. John Morin, Morin-Cameron Group, Inc. states the original approval was for a building envelope and driveway. Calculations were done and it was determined that the existing dwelling with the front porch as proposed was less than the approved structure. He states that the porch can be moved outside of the 75-foot NBZ while allowing access to the front door; they felt it was following the approved building footprint. The structures they are proposing in the NBZ are 40-s.f. less than what previously existed in both the NBZ and NDZ. A waiver request was submitted for the walkway, back landing and bulkhead. The walkways are no closer to the wetland than the existing structure was approved. If allowed to keep the proposed porch as is they offer to eliminate the walkway from the back landing and install stepping stones with a walkway off the other set of stairs located outside of the 75-foot NBZ. Commissioner Napoli and McDonough believe in order to consider the waiver request the porch needs to be removed from the 75-foot NBZ. Mr. Manzi requests the Administrator to research if the Commission grandfathered the new structure during the permitting process. If not, the new structure will need to be brought into compliance. Mr. Mabon believes the porch should be moved to minimize the impacts in the 75-foot NBZ. He believes the impervious area within the 75-foot NBZ at the rear of the house can be addressed with pervious pavers/or stepping stones. Mr. Morin requests to continue to the next hearing. A motion to continue to June 9, 2021 is made by Mr. Manzi, seconded by Mr. McDonough. Vote 4-0, Unanimous. Documents 20210414_075411, 20210414_075520, Abutter Notification Form - Remote Meeting Revised 07 17 20, Abutters - 4-20-2021, AOOC Request 562 Boxford St_Updated, Boxford Street 562 - Legal Notice 05 05 21 - Public Notice, Boxford Street 562 - Legal Notice 05 05 21 - Tribune, Cert of Proof of Mailing - Abutters - 562 Boxford St - AOOC, Legal Public Notice 5-12-2021 NACC - AOOC, Site Dev Plan_Revised 4-27-2021 242-1692, 1210 Osgood Street (Princeton Development & Forgetta Development) The Administrator states the applicant has requested a continuance. A motion to continue to June 9, 2021 is made by Mr. Mabon, seconded by Mr. McDonough. Vote 4-0, Unanimous. Documents n/a 2021-05-26 Conservation Commission Minutes Page 8 of 11 Approved 7/14/2021 Certificate of Compliance 242-1694, 25 Hidden Court (Koskores) The Administrator provides background on the Order issued in December of 2016. The limit of work was respected, the site is stable and wetland markers have been installed. The engineer's certification letter points out that the patio is smaller than proposed plan and the deck is further from the wetland than proposed. A swing set was installed in the lawn area, a small portion of which is within the 50-foot NBZ. A fence was installed along the top of the new sloped lawn inside the 50-foot NBZ, 35-feet to the edge of BVW at its closest point. The play area is on an existing mulched area within an established lawn. The Commission reviews photographs of the site. A motion to issue a full and final Certificate of Compliance is made by Mr. Manzi, seconded by Mr. Mabon. Vote 4-0, Unanimous. Documents 25 Hidden Court - As-Built Plan, 25 Hidden Court - COC Request, 20210510_121042, 20210510_121049, 20210510_121128, APPROVED Plan - 25 Hidden Court 242-1727, 404 Summer Street (Smyser) The Administrator provides background on the Order issued in January of 2018. According to Condition #35, restoration plantings were required within the 25-foot NDZ to both the A Series and B Series wetlands. A modification request was submitted and approved in May 2020 for the installation of a paver patio with a firepit that was built to the approved specs. Conservation Department staff visited the site and confirmed that the site is stable and wetland markers are in place. The Administrator recommends issuing a full Certificate of Compliance. A motion to issue a full and final Certificate of Compliance is made by Mr. Mabon, seconded by Mr. McDonough. Vote 4-0, Unanimous. Documents 521003 - 2021-03-01 - 404 SS - As-built Plan, 20210525_102530, 20210525_104105, COC Request Letter 05 01 21, Compliance letter 3-25-21, wpafrm8a 242-1727 Small Project NACC #272, 95 Amberville Road (Kandpal) The Administrat The proposed deck is approximately 74-feet from the BVW at its closest point, entirely within the lawn area. They have proposed three (3) 12"x 48" concrete footings to be installed into an existing patio and/or existing lawn. There is a topographic rise from the back of the house to the wetland area which prevents the risk of sedimentation from the work. The Administrator recommends approval of the project under Category "A" with conditions (erosion controls, removal excavated materials from site and pre and post construction inspections). with conditions as recommended is made by Mr. McDonough, seconded by Mr. Manzi. Vote 4-0, Unanimous. Documents 95 Amberville Rd Updated Deck Plan - Revised 05 13 21, 20210422_102209, 20210422_102652 (1), Amberville Rd 95 Erosion Control Location, Small Project Application with Supporting Materials 05 06 21 NACC #273, 99 Hay Meadow Road (Cooper Bro. Asphalt Paving) The Administrator states the proposal is for an in-kind replacement of the existing driveway. The old asphalt, loam, rocks, etc. will be excavated and the driveway will be graded and compacted with a 4-inch gravel base, 2-inches of binder coat asphalt will be installed, and 1.5-inches of finish coat asphalt will be applied. Our Field Inspector visited the site and reported the following: at its closest point, the driveway is approximately 18-feet from the BVW. In consultation with the chairman, a Small Project Permit was recommended for this 2021-05-26 Conservation Commission Minutes Page 9 of 11 Approved 7/14/2021 project due to the scope of work. The driveway is in rough condition and could not be overlaid. The Administrator recommends approval of the project under Category "L" with conditions. The Commission discusses the project and agrees an RDA application needs to be submitted for the work proposed. A motion to continue to June 9, 2021 is made by Mr. Manzi, seconded by Mr. Mabon. Vote 4-0, Unanimous. Documents 20210413_091300, Hay Meadow Rd 99 GIS Plan, Small Project Application 05 13 21 NACC #274, 115 Cricket Lane (Collier Home Improvements) The Administrator states the proposal is for an in- located approximately 95-feet from BVW at its closest point. The existing decking, railings and trim boards will be removed, existing footings will remain in place, no ground disturbance. The Administrator recommends approval of the project under Category "B" with post-construction inspection to ensure compliance. with conditions as recommended is made by Mr. McDonough, seconded by Mr. Manzi. Vote 4-0, Unanimous. Documents Cricket Lane 115 GIS Aerial, Small Project Application 05 14 21 Modification 242-1755, 0 Rea Street, Lots 5-7 (LRC Builders) stairs on Lot #5 at 74.3- paver patio on Lot #6 outside of the 100-foot BZ and just outside the 200- and stairs on Lot #7 at 65.9-feet from BVW and 125-feet from MHW. No waivers are required for the work proposed. The Administrator recommends approving the modifications as presented. A motion to approve the Modifications as proposed is made by Mr. Mabon, seconded by Mr. Manzi. Vote 4-0, Unanimous. Documents 2021-04-29 Lots 5- 7 minor modification con com, 2021-04-29 Minor Mod Plan Lots 5-7 242-1789, 35 Hawthorne Place (Fresen) The Administrator reviews the Order, which was issued in July of 2020, work is ongoing and in compliance. The applicant is proposing to install a surrounding paver patio with a short landscape retaining wall with stone between the patio and wall. The proposed patio is outside the 50-foot NBZ, with 3-feet of width behind it. No waivers are required for the work proposed. The Administrator recommends approving the modification requiring that the paver patio remain pervious. A motion to approve the Modification with requirement of pervious pavers is made by Mr. Mabon, seconded by Mr. Manzi. Vote 4-0, Unanimous. Documents MLF Project Description ADDENDUM, Proposed Patio Addendum #35 Hawthorn Place, Triad Sketch 242-1745, 350 Winthrop Avenue (Delta MB, LLC) The Administrator states the Modification is in response to an EO issued by the Commission for snow storage violations. The Commission required that this snow storage plan be stamped by a PE/PLS and formally submitted as a modification to the existing Order. The plan depicts all of the elements requested by the NACC. The Administrator recommends accepting this as part of the record as a Modified Snow Storage Plan. A motion to approve the Modification as proposed is made by Mr. Manzi, seconded by Mr. McDonough. Vote 4-0, Unanimous. 2021-05-26 Conservation Commission Minutes Page 10 of 11 Approved 7/14/2021 Documents 2019-07-19 TEC N Andover Culvert Replacement Plans, 2021-04-29 DSM Snow Stockpile Plan STAMPED, Delta MB N Andover Conservation Commission 242-1735, 1429 Osgood Street (Oliver Enterprises, Inc.) The Administrator states the applicant has requested a continuance. A motion to continue to June 9, 2021 is made by Mr. Manzi, seconded by Mr. McDonough. Vote 4-0, Unanimous. Documents Email from Chris@oliver-enterprises.com requesting a continuance until 6/9/21 Enforcement Order/Violation 0 Turnpike Street (Middleton Farm Supply) The Administrator provides background information on the EO issued by the NACC requiring removal of construction wood and other debris from the IVW on site and establishing the 25-foot NDZ with a permanent barrier. A deadline of May 1, 2021 was given to perform these corrective actions or face a $25/day fine. The owner completed these tasks in advance of the deadline. A combination of rocks and pressure treated 4x4's with wetland markers have been installed to demarcate the area. All foreign material has been removed; some piles of natural wood remain for habitat purposes. Empty trailers were placed to keep other activities away from the wetland. The Administrator recommends to lift the Enforcement Order as compliance has been achieved. A motion to lift the Enforcement Order is made by Mr. Manzi, seconded by Mr. Mabon. Vote 4-0, Unanimous. Documents 02-24-2021 Meeting Materials, 03-10-2021 Meeting Materials, 20210513_081009.jpg, 20210513_081028.jpg, 20210513_081236.jpg 177 Great Pond Road (Strecker) The Administrator provides background information on the Amended EO issued by the NACC requiring the submission of an ANRAD by May 1st. The applicant was able to secure the services of Norse right away to perform the delineation, but the surveyor has been behind schedule. The applicant/Norse are asking for an extension to July 1st for ANRAD submittal deadline. Per the consultant the surveyor will be able to perform the survey in time for Norse to submit the ANRAD by the end of June. A site inspection has been scheduled with the consultant and homeowner to walk the wetland line. The Administrator recommends granting the extension with no fines. A motion to grant the extension until July 1, 2021 with no fines is made by Mr. Manzi, seconded by Mr. McDonough. Vote 4-0, Unanimous. Documents 01-27-2021 Meeting Materials, 03-24-2021 Meeting Materials 50 Duncan Drive (Jeong) The Administrator states the applicant has requested a continuance. A motion to continue to June 9, 2021 is made by Mr. Manzi, seconded by Mr. McDonough. Vote 4-0, Unanimous. Documents Email from qdexcyma@gmail.com requesting a continuance until 6/9/21 268 Raleigh Tavern Lane (Atallah) The Administrator states the applicant has requested a continuance. Project continued to the June 9, 2021 meeting due to lack of quorum. Documents 2021-05-26 Conservation Commission Minutes Page 11 of 11 Approved 7/14/2021 Email from jonathan@grassoconstruction.net requesting a continuance until 6/9/21 Signature Authorization The Administrator states a vote needs to be taken authorizing her to sign decisions, permits and forms on behalf of the Commission for the following; o Request for Determination for 234 Hay Meadow Road, 168 Campbell Road, 895 Forest Street, 415 Chestnut Street and 1520 Forest Street Ext. Certificate of Compliance for 25 Hidden Court and 404 Summer Street. Small Project for 95 Amberville Road and 115 Cricket Lane. Modification for 0 Rea Street, Lots 5-7, 35 Hawthorne Place and 350 Winthrop Avenue. o A motion to allow the Administrator to sign the permits as proposed is made by Mr. Manzi, seconded by Mr. Mabon. Vote 4-0, Unanimous. Adjournment A motion to adjourn at 9:35 p.m. is made by Mr. Mabon, seconded by Mr. Manzi. Vote 4-0 Unanimous. 2021-05-26 Conservation Commission Minutes