HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987 Correspondence 12/3012016 19870902 CORRESPONDENCE,1987-1988-LaserficheWebt-ink Laserfiche' WeLwLiri k" Home Browse - Search Town0fNorlhAndover8>Pro o ties>B>BAYFIELD [DRIVE>0011 BAYHELD DWE>I M etadata I Thumbnails I Annotations 21 /.31 Go PDF V '19870902 CORRESPONDENCE, 1987-1988 k4cri7an,(jilt, Last Modified 3/21/2016 1:00:10 PM Creation Date 3/21/2016 12:59:30 PM Fields t taj A&".) Template: Property CHANNEL Document Date July 31, 1987 9/2/1987 Street—Name Mr. Benjamin Osgood BAYFIELD DRIVE 114 ASSOCIATES 05,400d ll Street{ P.0 VaxHi 536 11 Nuctb Andovec, KA 01,345 Address Re: North Andover Business Park 11 BAYFIELD DRIVE Dear Son: Parcel Channel Building Company has filed a Special Permit Application to construct an addition to the Material Installations facility on Bayfield Drive, The 025.0-0073-0000.0 departaiental review of this application has brought conditions at the end of Bayfield Drive to the attention of Five Chief William Dolan; specifically, Owner Name that fi 11 on the as yet unpaved portion of the cul-de-sac is partially CHWNEl_BUILDING CO., INC. obstructing access to the hydrant at this location. Department Bill has been made aware of your intended construction timetable and the delay caused by Mass. Electric. For nq4t he has requested that a path be Planning cleared sufficient for an engine to drive directly to the hydrant. It would seem to me that n"t of this material will have to be removed to finish the Document Type cuL-dq-sac anyway, which) if Mass. Electric keeps to their schodole (the State Permit Application has be m.en filed), you should be able to cc� nce in Correspondence 3-4 wQeks time. Department Subfolder I would, therefore, like to request that the siltation protection obwn on Site Plan Review Special Permit the iinfleiv.-ntation plan be completed and the raterfal, reffoved as soon thereafter as to practical. I will take cars of coordination with the North Public Midovor Conservation Commission. I think we are finally in a position to Yes start wrapping this up. Thanks. AVw1 Janos f1bucgeois, H.A. Vi co President Architectural & Engineering-Services on behalf of 114 Associates ohs cc: Robert Webster, CDC Willi6ai Dolan, N.A. Fire Chief Karon Nolson, Div. of Planning 6 Cominity Development Hancy Sullivan, Conservation Administrator 23MninStroot P.0.Box 522 0 Andover 0 MnatolchusuttnC11310 • 017-475.16131 Noflfll ANFJOVI"P FAAE DEPA14TfAt,.NY N t r'4 k r I A r 9Btl a".a6rkti A I i F F R 9 Document management portal powered by Laserfiche "M 9�AM Y r.%h WebUnk 8.2.2 00 1998-2013 L serfiche littp://records,northandoverma.gov/weblink8/0/doe/102692/Pagel.aspx 1/1 12/3012016 19870902 CORRESPONDENCE,1987-1988-LaserficheWebLink Laserf iche' WebLirik` Home Browse .. Search 1bwn OfN orth Art dove r8>PnLerfieq>B>BAYFIE"L.D DRIVE>0011 BAYFIELD DRIVE>I !eta�ata Th�mbnalls Annotations r 20 31 Go J PDF 19870902 CORRESPONDENCE, 1987-1988 Last Modified 3/21/2016 1:00:10 PM Creation Date 3/21/2016 12:59:30 PM Fields Template: Property Document Date 912/1987 CCHAWIIHN'115=L Street—Name BAYFIELD DRIVE July 31, 1987 Street# 11 pis. Karen H.P. nelson, Director Address DIVISION OF PLANIIING,6 (IMMUIT I)EvFuoinntar 120 ain Set 11 BAYFIELD DRIVE ?:orthP Andover tre, M 01845 Parcel Re: north Andover Business Pack 025.0-0073-0000.0 Owner NameDear Karen: CHANNEL BUILDING CO., INC. Recent Special Permit Arglications by Channel Building Colvpany have precipitated inquiries by Planning Board mexbars, Fire Chief Dolan, and the Department North Andover Conservation Comission as to the status of roadway work in the Planning Business Park. Work retraining for pratical purposen consists of cowletion of the base pavingo utility connections at the cul-de-sac at the end of Document_Type Dayfield Drive/Route 125 and final paying of the suldivison roadways. Correspondence The develofam_,nt is close to being built-out, and Mr, Oogood's timetable accordingly calls for completion of the roadway work during this construction Department Subfolder season. of noces3ity, file utility and base paying wrk at the cul-de-sac is Site Plan Review Special Permit the first steps and this work has been delayed somewhat by the Entorcem%nt Order from the North A11dover conservation Cornnission and, mare recently, Public while Mass. Electric obtains an updated permit from the State D.P.W. to make, co permanent nneettons in the Route 125 R.O.W. Mr. Upham of Mass. Electric Yes informal nethat this permit application has been filed and is customarily granted in several weeks time. This would place lld Associates in a position to start work. As concerns conditions adjacent to the Willows Racquet Club, the potholes there have long been patched. Final paying at this location will be done with the rest of the roadway. If you have further questions, do net hesitate to call W. Osgood or myself. Jams Bourgeois, R.A. Vi r'a President Architectural & Engineering Services on behalf of 114 kssociates, abs cc, Benjamin Osgood, 114 Associates Robert Webster, 114 Associates t4orzan Gill, Material rnstaiiationa 93Muln6trvot 0 P.C).Box S22 0 Andovor • MaosechumettisC11810 Document management portal powered by Laserfiche Webt-Ink 8.2.2 0 1998-2013 Laserfiche .................... littp://records.riorthandoverr'na.govAveblink8/O/doc/102692/Pagel.aspx 1/1