HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-08-23117 Special Meeting - August 23, 1965 The BOARD OF APPEAL~ held a special meeting on Nonday evening, August 23, 1965 at 7530 P.M. in the Town Building. The following members were present and votiug~ Daniel ?. O'Leary, Chairman; William Morton, Secretary; Arthur Drip,nd, John J. Shields and James Dey~. The Board members signed a bill for John R. Hosking, supplies - $3.65. There are four hearings scheduled for the evening. The ~uilding Inspector was present for these hearings, at the Board's request. 1. 7~30 Hearing - CHARLE~ T. NAT~ES and WILLIAN T. BRIDE~ The petitioners requested a variation of Sec. 7.5 of the Zoning By-Law so as to per,it a one-story structure for warehouse, display and office on the premises located off the North side of Sutton Street; 773 feet distant east fro~ the corner of N. ~ain end Sutton Streets and to the rear of houses numbered 232, 234, 238,242 & 250 Sutton Street. Secretary Morton read the above legal notice. He also read the refusal from the B~ilding Inspector explaining Why a building permit was refused. Atty. Joseph Bacigalupo represented William T. Bride and Atty. ~aurice Rappaport represented Charles ?. Matses. Atty. Bacigalup~ explained to the Board that Bride, Grimes & Company had to move their concern from Lawrence due to Urban Re- newal Development and wished to purchase the land and ~lild new quarters on land of Charles ?. Matses in their Sutton Industrial Park, which sub-division had been approved by the North Andover Planning Board. They assumed that the land was in Industrial #$# district and had received oral permission from the Building Inspector to start excavation and they proceeded to do so according to the set-back requirements of Industrial =S~. It was later brought out that this area is zoned Industrial ~L' with different set-back requirements. Atty. Bacigalupo s~ys there is still a difference of opinion that it ia in an Iddustrial "L~ district. He stated $40,000 has been ex- pended to date and that it was done so in good faith. They lack five feet on the front and 10 feet on the side, the rear of the building co~lies. There would be ~: SUbstantial hardship involved, both financial and otherwise, if the petition were denied. This type of business would be desirable to the Town and would increase the Town's revenue. There were twelve people present for this hearing. Henry L~nd spoke in favor of the petition, as Chairman of the Board of Assessors, and explained that this building would increase the tax base for the To~n and is the type of a concern that ia desirable to the town. Edward Phelan spoke in favor of the petition, as Chairman of the Y~dustrial Develop- ment Coe~ission end member of the Board of Assessors, stating that this type of development is very much needed in town. There was no opposition to the petition. ~r. Morton made a motion to take the petition under advisement, seconded By ~r. Drummond and voted unanimously. 2. 7t45 P.N. Hearing - BORD~ ~E~SCAL Secretary Norton read the legal notice in Which the petitioners requested a variation of ~ec. 7.5 of the Zoning By-Law so as to permit additional manufacturing space on the north end of Borden's existing building, to a line 30 feet from our northerly property line on the premises located at the north side of Clark Street; 542 Feet distant from the corner of Clark Street and known as 1 Clark Street. 118 August 23, 1965 - Cont. Hr. Pendergast, General Manager of Borden Chemical Company spoke on behalf of the Company. They desire to build the addition which will give added flexibility to the operations of the Company. If the Board does not allow the variance, they would have to build at one of their plants in some other part of the country. The 220 foot building is the minimum length required to house the necessary process equipmont for this expansion. This will afford Borden the maximum increase in productive capacity within its property lines consistent with efficient and economi- cal processing. It would allow Borden the flexibility of still future expansion and per,it construction to proceed without disrupting the continuity of its present production. A building permit has been issued by the Building ~nspector for an addition that will terminate 50 feet from the rear lot line. The plans showed the addition coming ~ithin 30 feet of the rear lot line. A variance is needed for the additional 20 feet. There was no opposition to the petition. There tere 10 people present for this hearing. Hr. Drummond made a moti~ to take the petition under advisement, ttr. Deyo seconded the motion and the vote was ~nanimous. 3. §sOO PJ~. Hearing - LXNE LU~fl~ O~qPANY, Secretary Morton read the legal notice of the petitioner who requested a variation of Sec. 7.4 & 7.5 of the Zoning By-La~ so as to permit the construction of a building to be used by the Albrite Carpet Cleaning Company on the premises, located at the North side of Nay Streetj 500 feet. distant from the corner of Hain Street. Francis Gailey represented Line Lumber Company. There were approx. 25 people present for this hearing. Atty. ~alph E. ~nck requested the Board to continue the hearing on another date. He had just been retained by a group of people in the neighborhood of the premises involved and needed more time to prepare his case. The Board agreed to continue the meeting on Honday eveningj Am~% 30th at 7*30 p.m. Board member James Deyo informed the Board that he could not be present that evening. h. 8,15 P.H. Hearing - LI~CH & ~LLIS Secretary Horton read the legal notice of the petitioners who requested a variation of Sec. 7.3 of the Zoning By-Law so as to permit an addition 26' x 20', to an existing building 28' x 36' on the premises, located at the north side ef Pleasant Street; at the northwest corner of Trenton Street and known as ~o. 160 Pleasant Street. Atty. John J. Willis spoke on his own behalf. Atty. John Lynch was al~e present. Atty. Willis explained that they thought they had sufficient space and were issued a building permit but upon a check by the Building Inspector and a subsequent check by an Engineer, it was found to be 9 feet less than what was required; therefore, a 16 ft. variance ia necessary. They cannot make the drug store smaller because they ~mst meet State requirements as to the regulations for size. ~f this variance were to be denied, it would constitute a severe hardship upon the petitioner because the portion that ia built would have to be torn down. The drug store is strictly for presceiption use - there will be no fountain. The present grassed area will be hot-topped for a parking area in front of the building. There were six people present. Those recorded in favor were, Atty. John J. L]mch, Laurence Pahigian (who would be the druggist), of Lawrence, Fred Stephenson, Park St., and Vincent HcAloon, of North Andover. There was no opposition. Atty. Willis presented a petition to the Board signed by sixteen abutters and neighbors as ~proving the granting of the variance. ~t 2~ 195~- Oont. ~r. Shields mede a motion to take the petition under edvisement. Nr. Morton seconded the motion and the vote was ~nanimous. ~n Executive session, after thorough discussion, the Board made the fello~ing decisions: 1. CHARLES T. MATSES and WILLIAM T. BRIDE: ~r. Drummond made a motion to GEA~T the variance, ~r. Norton seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. The Board voted unanimonsl~ to grant the petition for the following reasons~ A, To deny the said petition would result in a substantial hardship, financial or otherwise; the beet end-use of the land would be denied and the town as well as the applicant would suffer hardhhip. The Board feels that the petitioner proceeded to build in good faith and that a great deal of money has Been expended te date. B. The Board sees no derogation to abutting properties or to existing neighborhood influences. C. The requested variance will not be in substantial derogation from the intent of purpose of the Zoning By-Law. D. There exist certain conditions, especially affecting the parcel in question, which do not generally affect the entire zoning district in which the parcel is located. 2.' BORDEN C~EMICAL COMPANY: Rt. Morton made a motion te GRA~T the variance, ~r. Deye seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. The Board granted the variance for the following reason8~ 1. To deny the said petition would result in a substantial hardship, financial or otherwise; the best end-use of the land would be denied and the town as well as the applicant would suffer herdship. 2. The Board sees no derogation to abutting properties or to existing neighborhood influences. 3. The requested variance will not be in substantial derogation from the intent or purpose of the Zoning By-Law. 4. There exist certain conditions, especially affecting the parcel in ~estion, which do not ~enerally affect the entire zoning district in which the parcel is located. 3. LINE LB~fBER COMPANY: To be continued on Monday evening, August 30, 1965 at 7~30 P.M. 120 august 23, 196S - Cont. 4. LYN~ &WILLIS: ~r. Shields made a motion %o GRANT the variance, ~r. Morto~ seconded the motion and the vote was 4 to 1 ~lth ~r. Deyo voting against the granting. The Board granted the variance for the following reasons~ 1. To deny the said petition would result in a substantial hardship, financial or otherwise. The Board feels that the petitioner proceeded to build in geed faith and that a great deal of money has been expended tc date. 2. The Board sees no derogation to abutting properties or to existing neighborhood influences. 3. The requested variance will not Be in substantial derogation from the intent or purpose ef the Zening By-Law. 4. There exist certain conditions, especially affecting the parcel in question, which do not generally affect the entire zoning district in which the parcel is located. The Board members signed the necessary plans accompanying the petition. ~he meeting adjourned at 9t30 P.M. AD Chairm Clerk