HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-05-03 Recorded Decision WSP WAIVER n C MCC or. HIC Plauxdng Deportment > ,�."J �+ ' Coxl m i tz e opIll llt lld Service-, DIVISA,0jn r Nor A'Ld�)Verl MW;fM-JMS0h-B 0'14S45 �{•";�� ,.;.:". r7 r � NOTICE OF DECISION Date of May 3, 2022 App]xcalloxi of. Ci#vir1g Gu[6d()n Comllai.tO: of C11arch in AWov 3r, ma cat) Fnan"s Pink Frcinlses A€feefe& hulling, Ridge, OW-kern New Engla),d of the Ijrtxted ethodist Church 660 Great Pony] Road Map 63 Parco 11,Ivitilin the .,j rrltijIg di fl•f , BACKGROTTXD On April 28, 2 022 111a aPPlictud 110911rsled a Wzitexslird �,]mjt Waiver ij#t 1�c� nce with Arlic.1n, 4, �-, #gjon 1 5-4,24 of tkte z0ninq Bylaw Lor insudlat3Dix of a g�ec totes on jhu sites to �,appotf ag ictatural activities. The propwtd grean house, "(3-randio As=V', c�msisis of all 8�toof by 20-#oot nttu#a � w With pj E t,paltcls that 81ide WO place. The metal base of the st c re, world be an'bot,ed to tlt�-, gra d using helices augur bolts 30-inches long. here is ito net-d for cx ctio€t oz" onot #e footings. The sU'u idle t:�i be di as,,on jod aatcf T'ckjiovcd %-01CII no kckiager ry��r:tci d. y' * llte n s�;ictti of 1110 'v'119 C1 sn OrMnitte,e Df, otttfx Church in A,IId Vel., MA is to ddress I ocal food insec pity by bringing together divers(,conies 0 f volunteers d guiding Ahern ire 5t�stainable,organic fauning practices. a `Fite C onblittr i s"IwId at 01C RolIj Fla lUdSc C onfamnue [Unter, 660 Czreat Pared Road, jn (North Andover. Vegetables and f€uxts are Mwn on the land and giv,-,n to local f0od pat&ies including Neighbors in,Need, llaaaru�House, and the Prople's Pantry. Tile agzir,ulfurai adi-vitieshave bi=n opera#ioPal 015, oMma 1,2"idga Cot&,x-oucc C01-Itex jies vAVK the Watershed Protect ioo.DistHot. Portions of the sitje lie vdthin a Consflrvation Riamirlion lea. Thy (Hven Oard C,`om ni#tee filez An alujual soil c:0rtser-rati0jj trcpt)rf witli the t:GnWl-vaf("I C n"),'nitEce. TN,,Cron:�vi-vation COmmi I 1w Mas gr eed appmwi 1�, 2022 Teport, * The Weenho'nse w411 be Jocated on au ex€stir flat arm currently mafntaittcd as aithrr mowed Iawn or a vtgOable plant#gig bod and ithi�j#lie Kon-D,t;t hNve,Zone oftbc; Watershed Protection District.T ie floor will be.ct vex;-,d Frith a weed block f bdr, which will be covered wilh a layer Of Pea stoate to prQvidc a sta c waiking sux`fjjce. aTT�r; A Fl1'Ue Triyen CffPK Uivill &ffdt�tt(°orx mittec 01'ru-11housc 660 eqt PoAd Road The grecabougs j.s equippe(f witil utiurs Fur roof Lj'uoff 4 Most of the e is zg par(Iezx lxes withiTt thd��ins u'� iotcd pntxoxl of flic aj&% Uit gatdtru is mw tuaax 400' fxi)m e-LaiCf,-and mote th 5' from the nearest wi�,tl d. 'nip puposcd location of tixf,geenhmsc is Mom than 400' f rGm tfre Lakrw, more-th n 100 &d from the wetlands, 2md u[E,j e ofthe CQp&erVgtrxtr)k08krxctiott al:ua�izl ; luwa!&Icted portion.of€hc sho). Jotw of"thorizatiM frOM X, dated X�M Suhtdtted with lhe waiver guest, DECISION Atte.r discussion at the May 3,2022 P lanu:mg Boax'd meetiag, ana upon n motion by 1, Sbuum raid secoixrl d by P- BuYnlon Ole,Pfaff mini Board voted to gmnt the en�hed special Penn it- aviet with conditions. A vote of So wa i �aatjc hil Favor cftohie-waiver request. :' rI() E Thu leif41;r xoquesibig t c waiver, which wets submitfed by lht-, Giving omalittee, on April 2 8, 2022 £dung Willi Auft0bm=tu A. through P arti comiderad-paft of ffis.s Moticz ofDecf�qiosr C"deoisioe') and.OAR arc, tLorded almig with this &,ii�ioyk at the North Essex 4sUy of Deeds, Twc copies of the T, corded decision shall hu &4ivor4A to tho PjJ uuija�g Dallartal=t. . r cie� cx ci cg3�ie xnca sal }sartiOtt of the rr xhou a be-located 1vdffiin the Corr?won Rest-ictxon arras shoym on the at#tt hod pia , to1mv; tc,3c rumffshall be ad&cssed by one ofthi�fol jovattg t�vo optintls. o water shall be colteatecl from,tlx-gutters in rain bent-ols and used to i orig;jw tho "opa, thus i-etffWTIg it to 010 gralmd by fnfiltraftou. o Rather than udlizing the gut rs, ,roof rttno 'full be, ruitigated by a 2-fout Idt', by 246ot deep stone trench constructed along both si&,s of the pitcfi�"d To.ofsn that nLnoff is ahowc:a!u i«#jitrate. 4 The y'ia3ini gDjyc�ctor Wj 1100ncilx tau1in4 umoft o site impeations dudrig thc: oonsct€orx The To►xR PhTmw will have,the Ruthoxxty to stop coast aaion if If.is dotarm.3nud that W(Tcr Osion x o1xiroi is not in place. O.a ehalf of tho North Andever k'J�MMing Board To: PiaMlillgr Board,Town of Nofth Andover, .17.0 Main Strcet, North Andover, MA 01845 From, The Giving Garden Committee of SDuth Church In Andover,C/o Fran Fink, 26 Sateson Drive, AhdGver,M A 01819 Date: April �8, 2-07-2 Rp., RequeqfarWaJverofspacial pnrmit und4ur S Palon :,954.24 of the zoning 800VV, watersihed Protection DisrrTa The mission of the G iving G arden Committee of South Church in Andove€, MA, is to address local food insecurity by bringing together diverse cum MUnities of volunteers and guldhig them In s�asti� ; ble, Org�rtilc farrrrkx� Irclices. -`Ile COmrnIttee leases lard at the Rol IIng Ridge Conference Center, 660 Great Pond Road, 1n North Andover. We grow vegetables and ftuIts 02,the land and give them to local food pantries In chi dI NEeic rbars Ira need, l.axart�s I�c��ss, and the IrCople's Pantry. We have been o erating since 2015, Rolling Ridge lies Within The wAtershod of Lakn CothicbewIrk. Portioljs of the site contain wat lands. Port!on s of thLr,si#,F+ lies within 400 feet of tale Lake. €lortinns�F tlxe sltr: I1(3 withftT 21 COnservatlort Restriction Area. File boundaries of 0ese site features are shown 0n Avwchm ent A onsorvatlon Restriction Plan dated JUIV 9, 2010, and Attaclllrrerrt B: As-built Plan dated luiy 30, 2018. r l)e Giving fi arderr ComrrrIttee files an all mial soli COnservation rapoFt with the €kiortb Andover cxnsrrvQtjcr" ComMP;—,iMI �1Ird rQfwipIles With th,�Ir reguimmen(l,frur setbocl4s, orgwlIv.a1�d sustain ab€e farrr�ingpractices, and Jimitt On ccnstrtrcdFon. M have Alst Mceived appmvaI from} the Ccnservation ComnllssIon far our 2022 report. The GMng Garden COM rA ittee WouId like to lnstfrli -313reo11house vrr tilt site to support our- agricultural activl#ies. We have selected a Product caller!tyre " randio Ascent'whkrh consists of an -foot by 20-foot rnetal frame with Plastic Panels that slide Into place. (Attachment Q Tile trmutW Base:oi=the qrtictajee would be at)411arcd to IIse ground using hell aI augur bolts 30 inn-hes long{Attachment D}. These are twisted into the eround UntiI they rearb tyre peoded depth, so there is no need for excavation ur•concrete footings. The structure carp be disassembInd and removed w hian rao lianger 11eedad, ThV grenrihnttgo wr)klId h a I or,Ated an an r~ lstiP9 flat area c4Ir'rCHdV III'in tainedi ns aither mowed sawn or a vr?getable planting bed, We woLdd dike to cover this f#oor with a weed block fabric all cover tins WItil a fayt r of pet stone W PPuvide Li stable wralkitrg surface. Th6 greehhouse Iti equipped vjILh guiturs. We have considered tvvo optibni� for cont rol I Irip,the runoff. Our preferred option is to culle(-t the water i€1 rtjhj jar5rrejs and t€se it to Irrl fate the crops, thtas reuir !np It to tNe grr and by inf€Itraticn. An nth er apf{on is to dirod it Into gra�� swaIes r nning paxaIlei to the sides of the green hGusefordetentlon and infiltration. Attach ont-5 F and F ors madifi fM verMon,iaf the Corpsarvation Restriction Plan and As-SuiIt Plans Usfr€9 th12 scale on each plan and making a series of measurements between the Garners of the ho€use near Great Pond Raad,the corers of the fence around the garden,anti the watland j€ st east of ttie garden,we have added the approximate locatian of the garden fence to the Plam- Most of11)e garde1�fie wit hIn the un ti��t&ted purtivli of thu sfte. Tha garde€ti Is mom than 4 GO feet fro tho Lake arkrl morn than 25 fbct ffoin tbq noarq�t vuetland, We, Dave a]so added three potentlaI Iocat ton s for the propose green housig to each site ptan, Iabated A, B, and C, an d encIT-c led- #ocatfon A isIust outside the western fence I i n e south of the ex15Ung gate. Location B Is i nside the western fence tine south of the existi37g gate. Locatio€i C is OUhi119 the sou thera, fe€ice lina- All'lftrev Iot:aL1.afrs art m6re than 400 feet from tha Lake, morn: than 100 feet one the wet Ion d5, and outsidi ! Qf the Canseruation ft�,;trirtion Area in the unrestrlcted portion, of the site. We would prefer site A or B because they are closer to the wash station and too Ished that support our aper'ations. That GIving G a rd an Commute@ requosrs a wu€ver from thn�;oe lal permit requirrvnr ,. tt for work In the Watershed protactian 0Istr�rt fr,r the propQFed greenhouse. We can instaIf and operate the greenhouse w2thoat s€eniffeant disturbance to nxisringtopographyor deleterious 1mparits cpn the drinking water supply. P lea sia contact Fran Fink to arrange a tour of the site to review this proposal and answer any questions that might arise. HDrne phone. 978-470-1640 Cell lahone: 978-886-1024 Email: frances.fink Iclou d.co Thank yoq for your con-lderution of this pr*poso f. rf ; North An lover Consc.r►-atiula Cornmjf;sfo€1 t-,l wre nee.I�ty, FKeckttive Dir rtnr, RoI11tjg Ridge Confererrce Cezite, t � a+�matinx }}} Lk P:kL ' tlifecfR" Q� 57 t� ,3 C1lL1C . } 1r ' y v F�T,IlifQS _J+,r ar NJV xiz r 5 l _ 4 ' nx•• ........•.h.h�.. ...-�� ][h A.�L1CV11CRJlf yt ` eI!®r LEIIQ 1 "� V Iari LbFC,+aT{n/LiRIF'+r!!{F F]S4JYQk l41 4 rwu R.,m{ylf�yy/M�er�i.r✓xra uu iFX][Y 21G 5+ wvma,�A NY 1Jr iZfd1 a GF lIC hi10L'JS 3 } A#} +OT�fA SF { R or1 n�aS[rr rrc{oaaCVl4.v 31 7 _ �,�"` � � +J rrrsF�,�In�nmlar�.nutxhx bay.w AA� i xrrasslLttlsa•mer�rr.c�r.xrtxz4. �y{ u rt.ew.rDs w w IF ffF I +Sf+�PY r+.�a cr r+us�nLrtl" U it r.it m- elr tlTJm xE serc . - - LmarJx m m auaa Las L r �vi �- s,ex�•+.� +aMi�4,ana nL4�i[atGv� _ ' 1 WIN v vAM-rrs 4lrJJ%W.M 014*WO6er PY44r �'F '�`•-•'f- �SgS"Jr� •� n��p .� J ay n�L wrnh,t Nfta.,� { 2 r�l�rb� FJ Tffll.Ml9ILCv.FY JS Ilf 4S 311C+94..F,if1[[TIP! J ��� +� J�1}yLI[r f`�v N YItlI WLi]df/JGL-1l.i Fi 6.F" I3 4� �.`ti .-r! 1�'F4 •• �+' }y wM1Yi'J�Lti`L-eY.JAT s;Faas JI 319Y4]'Y ` FICA Mil-m ITT aaLxrrrF�+oma- ..,r_ H`isitia-.ria� J[a�iel�ir mar ad s'[3P HC[H r"KL�F 1.4 4rsF l,�,xva,ten ljxq Mc" atflhr(' {4 rarlq u.* a vc FP4 A141�"F TCiYlLTY R.V A'wR lhw .;r..k,�{.�w�,r1r a�iu�L.ur°� - y Ff� Iv,.��ar �!!F � rnlFrrc Jwransau sarrxc�asr sstiurr. rL ls a ! - r +ILwJr +ua mvre m rot art¢i� l 1s iML" r � k ocrnrF+��q�°'aruJensr.�y..xs� �J VLf re M.F FACFF 44T[�!{IJL!'G l619Lf ' y� _Ls { iaan.rewulu�ua av eLLar �' �~ I�-4 � � �, F7,b•'ICF2�tttl4'ff�}L}'�"�Y'....""`��f� Trl7[iLQP(97p 821VY3CYKpRC1LJCIIlL7'Fi s wz+K rIr �L JaPs,Plto � 3 �ICL71 1PF ��004JP1L'#RlFi F'}L4 d,�,�i �� ��re ' 1�J� s+c L rr;4,tif 'Cjd7„4L uiJ+rjco"m.,r wow w. FStL AW APA OPUNW-W&A ,IfA [2fBlk-I,—,, M12Z jam n - AS-80ILT PLAN ROLUNG RML HURLAT 660 CREAT POND ROAD NORTH ANDOVER, MASS PREPARED r-M' RU.JJNG �MM 0AW- 1� y ZeJr ;MM NAM' Xkv llalhudb E128t FKwejr Pima � ' Lfahl' 101"i 120 T80 240 FL 11 T, Mr IT 'L 43F LOLTAYM .................. ................. RA D10 GREENHOUSE DIMENSIONS FOR 8X20 GRAN DIO ASCENT 2015-8x20 Ascent *3"ThHar Height of Door&Roof 5 Roof Vents * Enhu red Snow Load Kit •Bala Gutters * Enhanced Extendable 0ase Kit 352 E3 m F. S . AAE S I'; fee i 144Arpim F l GUTMRS USE 22.4 Irk m i t 72 F f i tP' 237 siemm X1414 raal61nrn F j, > 10r;a 97 /7 D ri m TheSe tq at So" �Ofl9 9nuertGd hY iWkIfIng IN 9VOURd, and Often used to anchor a =bile home. ' A)7 r.x ULAA OL ,I r -�` I � - -� ��� � R f - JTIP �.[� � ma{bFunrJW FJ]4J{{rpr�Pafwllarzl ,f} �S.fY 7OGlJ<7bE: Mg? ��TT4 yrf��r5'�r[[F{1160i'!['f�1Jl�'SA44 CIEY h} Fi rOC[JTo'i�+i�a0?S •Wu4LL `f 2My ii"�`MxA[+., r1r 4i�a-�,rc�,a u[ +wnJs<r 1 � !! � t 1rat � a! R4 isJ4mxaF Jr+.s,wc+Jr>$rorx �x m�rw�allHr J:s�ahYrol m 72 vwind m r � +[r Tp+R sr fray xwni, V - rE�AF]xNU1+9C PR, L=M�[i fL4K �o�ir�[rlc��P ,TMtawsr�aa F �.• _ J♦,fk {i r � rtueae [SY J�'f �{,[q�Ir[p �- f � f \ �€ � �'K 1}�4L•YID rMv-[h�� 9eiFLLil 1] 4! IFYArdWh L3 }' Y # ptrx3o-rRH 3! gar oT!#fSsor/I�erJY{R'JC'i�Ao'r1v.16r i � � ClrwxF [_ S + J _ f {[� �� -� r cwi��.h Vl aa}_CY s T.,7 X.•1L+.3Ff}11ryRA_�O ri{F ti�n� •4• ,� �� �- IfI.4,�r� II kRTF'Y� F fJ [ [ I � 1 a� }�raJ` 4f11J4 K{1.51�YoGLJ Y Aik't I y� } V1FQQ•.ti PJW-0({r a y �f i � � •. eµi,a?�il}.S.a�rl[,wx eL F✓'+W�+�ifaa'-•nor: r ]: � d �rrpLTsr � fLYJZVS 1}'{I�NTirA 7rG�q.1 WJWF,Y:+�YFr{G JF13-, t � �Y Lw 1 � � L-i Y+P'=LITm�.rlJl�L]f RWihYLrr f f � �, w cGrrae.rcnewJl,�ala J164SYh LQ6 s'erl J:vc ru e J>sfz r p Lip.. wry �pv� r+erwLaJne �'�ff old r3 �{1-0C}irH h'4 R1T4 I� �rMCn{I16L + ? w,r�.w r1J�u.+Frwno Lr fzeew fJrxJOG fcCes roa ar � �_ - u°° r mimes "� ;► �' Jae �n—'Tr, �6t7f:Y'Ff`YGi a+aT—......w[,� 39 Nl n """ —• h ex e _ rcS4J�li7S 'ONSEI4V42fy, J�.$'SQ9R i p{NpFlv4i fjE0n L �IM1GMIwT lr>c��' t14 1�7Gf,�jd/9 # G1�r'fr1ZdM.7#TVs — [ai{er „"•`. � Jra ffJL1r: -- ��4` NI OSAf8�0.2�9 2 � - 8.R-0oYtP�&>Qipwa J4 RsMu � Rolling Ridge etseatand ConferEmre Ce€rwa, Y 8, 22z Jean Enright P18WIing Director Town of North Andover 1.20 Main ti'c.(-q With ArrdovLqr, MA 0:1245 Dear ills. EMg# t, is is 2 Letter a#'Author Eza tjo�j to cot3fir } InE;OIlafion of a ri ew grF-LjillOias�at tj� Gi lr�g (-1ardr` on iha 9P-OPLtt}r€f Rofiing Ridge at 660 Great I}Ond €oad, 4Iea Who rize fMstM0iart of the B foot by 20 foo t st ructure wit hill floe fenced area CIx the east s Ide Ott he garden. ',�V �s �4av� r c5ac� ��a er{t�ast# r UUa3ver Of SPeciai Permit dated April 9, 2022 and su}apirt the PrQ n'�aL It there 8re furthet uesti or Conmms, pkease M%3ct me of lawrenceja Ipr011IF1 ;ridge,org 01-(978)451 677. Pet= a11d a I J good, 9111VX Re . Dr. i_aW a JaV Eye ctltivL-Dir"tor 6o Gm at Pond ad, zrth Ajidever, � augaellusetts o1##+5 7 - 8x-8 ix 1�tmmm bui ge.rxr Rolling R dgix is a Not-Foi-Profit AdinjatrY c,l116Epitality Of he New England Anm ml Canharujice Of this United.Methodist Chu -h ' sex ID Oo4-7-a3 $