HomeMy WebLinkAboutGarbage Disposal Letter - Correspondence - 49 CROSSBOW LANE 8/8/2022 North Andover HetIth Departiment Coiiljilluwflly attd l=conmir Developmem lliiviwiuuul Aur; oust 8, 2,022. Address,ess,, 49 Crossbow Lane All North Andover, Residents with Septic SX,44gm's and t'arbagc TDis os,als Please n2f),Ie that due to a recent reviewer url°tr 'FlIle 5 Deport„ yc,,:rur property has helm idenlilieu,l as maintaining rr Nvorking garbagedisposal ll-urut is,being,used in courjutrictioru wiillr aseptic system. The I Icaltla DeP arty ient is curu-ucerneul for the longevity of your septic syslerru. Garbage e disposals are never u-ecorrrr ei,ided where septic systems are:used, but if they are inAalteul„the system, rruurst he spe i l ically ul si nj rA to lvau.d'le the waste fiorua tlur«,m; D„uru.ur,• system, may not be able to handle the waste as designed. Please rrotc that cnn(l u.ueui use uP'this disposal could clurieldy CaLus� ru pl'te-urr,rrtrure: failure of your septic sywteill, resrullirug in ru large expcilchtuir•c, to replace it. Tb North , .rrd.cu er llcaltlr lDep artmerit recommends,that the disposal be rerm)ve li-c,rrlr your luurrrrre as scum as possible. �o rC Turf-')I- rra icrrr regrur-ding regular maintenance of Your scphe systelur is included. Please call the Heal ill, DvqpUtrrreuirl:at 688.19540 if your l,rutve any questions, or e-mail your questiu-m to, Thank you for to i uug the ti mt� to consider the impact that yOuru'CuurTell( set.uup has on your septic systcruu and the envirrurruurent. Sillcoxely„ RO,a a T a(ITrasse, CEIFF 1°Dff'eQtwur cif Public lic lltlr 120 Main Street North Andover, Massachusetts i Phonle 971.688.9540 Fox 978,688.9542 well Ihl,tp,,/�"wwwn,orilijoind�over'nia.gov Caring for your Septic Systern: A Reference Guide for Homeowners Carl rig for Your Septi G ' stern SOPVC Systems Explained Septic systems are individual wastewater treatment systerns(conventional septic systerns. �illr"iriO'V'�It'iV carol arll(:�rintilivo (11A)systems,, or cosspools) th.'It LJ80 tho soill and bacteria to treat sniall wa,8towater flows, usQaI1y from individual hanies.They are typically used in rural or large lot s,eftiags where centralized vtastowater treatmont(sower systerrt to a treatment plant),is frnpraGfical and unavailable. Thero are raany typo8 of septIC SySiVIIS in ILWe today. While all sy8toms are lbdiv[duafly der lgnod for oach sits; niost systems are,based on the same principles, A Conventional Septic System A conventional septic system consists of a soptic tank, a di'stribution box and a leach field'. Your sopticsystorn treats your by tei"ripararily holding it in the sopfic twirl'More heavy solids and' I ighter debris are allowed'to separate,fVDM the wastewa ter ant bacteria begin to,Ibrealr ravoryth[ng down. Tho solid s sink to,tho bottom emd orc called thU sludge lay()r, the lighter dobris Stich as; hair, olls and grease float to the top and are called a scum layeq and the wastewater or effluent is left in 414 P JAPM, g Olers f mm Wo to ku.mon tox Ohd drokifilM doe Aft or tho,pirtl,81[y treatad wastowa4lr(effluent) the tank It flows Into,a distributibn box. The distribution box separates this,effluent evenly into a iietwork of( pipes called septic lines within the [each field. Small holbs throughout the bottom Of each,septle, Ilan"allbw the offluent to slowly,dmin into gravell and sand layers where bacterie furthior tro8t and purify the effluent. This is known as secondary trOIAMent. A property funs ctioningseptic system purifies the effluent tt"trOUgh prftTaary and seccmdary treatment and does not pollute the groundwater. Caring for Your Septic System (Conventionall Septic Systurn, In novativuAlterro live:(11A.),SytAevro:. or Cesspool) The In the,bottom of the sapfic tank shoLi[d ble PUrnpe,d out ovary two years to,pra,long the I i fo of your systerm, of Hc:systems must be nia i nitained rag ula dy to stay workibg, Neglect ar abuse of your system can cause it to fall. Faflim,:j systerns car :� Cause a sorious hoolth thre-at to yotir fainily and 11�elghbors, Degi-ade the environment, espocially lakos, strazirns and groundw" ater, Red LICO I he value.of your property, Be very expensive to repair,, and Pu L thowmn,d of water supply users at risk if you live in a public water supply watershed and fa I I to rn ainta i n your system. Bc-alert to warning :signs of a failing systern'. * Sewage surfaclng over the Inach find (raster'ni ally aftler Pitorms), * Sewage back-ups in the hause:, a Lush,groom growth over Me leach fi eld 0 S,[ow draining toillets or drains, & Sewago olljors. Save Money Iby Maintaining YOUr Septic System A major reason to maintain your septic system is to save mioney. Failing systems are expo ns NO, to repair or Foplaco, and poor maintenarue is aften the culprit, Preventive maloteriallicP is a whole lot cheaper than repair or replacement. For'umamplu, it CGUI(f CO St UP,W$40,10010 or rrtoro to repla cc afalfing system with a n ew one: compared to approximately$3010 to $400 to have a. system inspected, and purnpod every couple of yoar,&. Maintaining a sctptic systern Is like: to car. A-small effort an a regular basis can save a lot of money and significantly prolong the life of tho systam., Ir'rtiiovati,,v(�IAIIPrriiative (II A),systerns, although prov[diiig more advanced treatment, also roquiro more frequent avorsight and rmiiintanrance- Pleaqa refel,to our'Septic Installers fist for licensed c0ntraCtOr& Tips to Avold'Troubl'o DO fialve your tank pumped out and system Inspected every 2 years by a Hicensed septic oontractur, If the tank fill's up w[th an excess of sofids, the wastewater will not have anough time to settle in the tank. These exre(,s; solids will then pass on to the le�,,%ch field, where they will clog the drain linc!s arid soil, More DO koop a record of pumping, inspections, and otlier mairttonance., Use the back page of this broohi.lto to record maintronance dates., DO PI-a,Gt(ICC-water conservation. Repair dripphig fiaucots and leaking i run washin,,g machkies and dishwashors only whien fulli, avoid long showers,, and'use water-saving features In f8LIcets, shower N aid8 and follets,, DO [earn the loication of ylotir septic system and leach ricflid. Keep a sketch of it handy forservico,visits., if your systoni:has a flown diversion val[vie, learn its location, and, luirri, it once a year. Flow diverte rs, add many year's to Ilia fife of yot j r systom. DO,divert roof drains an d sud'ace Wa ler from driveways a nd hillsides away from the septic, 3ysltorn. Keep surap,Pumps and' houpe ft.)(Ainq drains away from the septirsyslam as well. DO grow grass or small plants (not trees or shrubs)above the Septic system to hold the,drain field in phqre. Water consewation through,creative latildscaptng is as groat way to oxcess runoff. DO use only additives that havo been allowed for usage In Mas9acfiusetts by Mas�?QEP. Additives that aro allowed for use lfa Massachusetts have been dederrn iried not to p rod uce as harnifu Il effect to ffiel individual system or its loon nponients-or to the loin vi ronnnen t at llarge. DO take leftover hazardous houschold chernicals to,your approved hazardous waste collection centem-for disposal. Use bleacli't, disinifectaints,anddrairi and toillat bowl cleaners sparingly and in accordanice with product labeflol. DON'T allow anyone to drive or park over any part of the syrstom. The area over tho leach field should be left ullidi-sturbed with only a mowed grass cover. Roots from nearby,trees or shrubs may clop and claniage your septic Hnes. DON'T plant trees within 30 feet:of Your systern or par k1drivo over any part of the systeni. Tree roots will c1bg your pipas, and heavy vehIclos may cause your septic lines to,collapse. DON'T make,or allow repairs; if.)your seiptiG system without obtaining Wic roqu[Ted health dopartment perr"nit. Use profe-ssioriall licensed conAractors when rieelcied. DON'T us(-,commerdal applic tank additives other than those all"(Wed for Use,in Masisalchiuslatts by MassDEP.'rhesp pwducts usuallily do not lic1p,and some Pri hurt your system in thlo long run. DON'T aJ'Sor cheirnica[solvenits to clean the:plumbing or septic.systern. "Mirade"che�,nicqls mill kill microoi-ganisrii,s that consurne hamlfilll WEISIE'S. Tfieae pr(.)d'1L1CtS can also clause groundwater con'ta mlination. DONI"T p,errorrn excessive liaijilidry loads,with yotir waishing machine, Doing load after load dbesnot allow yair s,,optib tank time:to adequately treat wastos andoverwhellinis the entire sy5leniwlth excess You COUld thurei'bre be flooding,your 1o",ich flok.1 without allowinq sufficient recovery Urne. You shc),t,uJd Consult 2 Sepik,PrOfOU-Aonal to deterrnine the gallon capacity and number tAloadu;per day that can safely go lnk')the sy stern - DON'T use a garb,age grinderj gai,bage disposal or any type of in sink food disposal, which feeds into the s,ePticSYSte1M- If YOU! do have one,in tho house, severely limit its L,se or roinove it. Food malcarials die not,break down the same way as wastowsater and adding food wastas or athuer solilds,sever-oly reducas your.e,qstern's capacity, increases the need to pump ttj,(a sepft t;ankand(tan damage YO)U1r`;YSten1,- DON'T U$e you r to,Het as a trash Gan by d r wnping non-degradable Items down your toilet or drain s.Also, don't poisorj you,,soptic system and the grOLAndwaki, by pouring harmful chemicals down,the drain. They can kill flue berinficial bacteria that treat your waMpwatojr. Small aniounts of standard hauschold cleaners, drains cleansers:, detergents, etc.will he diluted in the:tank and should C.ause no damage to thosysteni,,. Keep the following mate vials oul of your sYstcrTl: NON-DF-GRADABLES ITEMS: Cooking wease, dksPs2bte d4apors, plastics,dental floss, cigarettes, etc. POI ON Clasolino, (Al, paint, paint thinner, pesticides, POIYUrf-Uiano, dyes, disinfectant-s,antifroelze, etc,. Water Softeners Many horne,>or small businesses rrtay decide to inlit,941 watorsofteners to address "'hard water" and the resuffing rainoral deposits that brind up fmni it.The TiA],(-,-5 regul.,,ujj ns prolijbit water softoner backwash or rejeet wastes fr(.)nl going Into,a soptic system (conventional septic system, IJA systern, or cosispool), in any arnount. Howlever,the backwasb,from viater softeners or ftom,other water purification or fittration dovices car) be: discharged Into a dlywoll that has been,properly desIgned 4,,in,d is approved by the lowl Board of V,Ieafth. B8(,Rwash is wastewater garteratedfrorn tho cleankig of water and,wastewater treatment filters. A,drywulll is a felt,with open-1,01ntit'd lirlin,11 or holcs that allow infinlArlion to the surrounding Sall., For more lni`br`1a111'041 On h3Villfl -11(J'rywcl'l designad for your harne or busiinoss,YOU W104d contact the Health Defxartment.,