HomeMy WebLinkAboutVariance Watershed Application - Application - 53 FRENCH FARM ROAD 4/11/2022 � i TOWNF NORTH ANDOVER VARIANCE ZON'ING BOARD OF APREALS l McAndly "M"+uamoi CILrrte'I"inik sum p ADDRESS O$"' APPEAL:5 French Farm Road Procedure & Requirements for ill Application for a Variance ,I"Welve 02)Copies Of tile Ibilrmwwhig information rnuust be The Office oi'Ziauninp; Hoard of Appeals schedules a;r't at iiieaawl stubrnitted t�Ii Y J201 da�S prior to the Mir&t rubfic hearing. pN p 0 d`bm Ineau'in date amnd prepares the i�evaf notice for mailing to Failure to submit the required information within Iliac thine the parties i,aa interest Maio AIC'r.$)and ISbr pub,l'ication 141 the perii d:s pre,scribed rniay result in a disrmis,sal by tfnc Zo,ning newspaper. Thic peOitloner is nontiticd that The legAl'noitice has Board ruf,atli allicatirya1 as iinoweiiniDle It, n prlareel and the eaasl aal'tque Party in 1rutesl fi'e_, L'11'herrniation herein is an abstract oif more speeidIcrwenls llisted ira'the Zrmrnln9 flc�;crrd' Runes and S1'El'7: DELM�^"IaRY OI4 M I"„GAL NoTiC'E TO o s aund is rno��t atacaunt tanswspaersede themaa„ The �w'l�ANIS"A,I'Etd: r wwilll courinl etc.ilcuius tklat pu' uands��lgrr 3. fh peTititunm m-picks up I:he leg�i r'Mic from the'Office of the Zoning Board of Appeals and defivers the legal notice to't1he TI'A" f: ADMNISTRATOR PEltPhr1111 DENIAL: local newspaper fn,r publication- The Iavetifloner applies fair a Buuiktiflg Permit and receives a. Zoning ftyrlawww Denial form connpleted by the Bui lkl!ind S I FF II: I'IPIItjC"IIEAItING [ENCORE TILE Z0,I"+A'1ING Connunissioncr, WARE I'Inc Witioner shamus ld appear on his/her behalf,our be STEP VARIANCE APPLICATION f,rOMtM representled,by an a gee or aUaurney, In the,als9egtce u,d-ally Pet itirrneu comp Ictes an appIic,arin;Nw forum to peltlion the Hoard appearance��wildiout due cause on tiehaff onf tile peliiliorre" the of"Appeals fear a Varianfict. All k1formawlio'n:shall be cn lnpleted. Board s.hiail decide on the matte"by using the in1brrcnattuon lit fins ruceiwred lea dale. Ntitioner saubri all of the requiit^erd plain iinfonralaution as cited STI" '9. DECISION: in page,2.,section 9 oftiiis tlrarrinu, slier the hearing and decision,an etrpy of the Boau'nt's,decision wit] be filed in the Office ofthe'U'owwn C'lurk and sent tua the SNI`I?I"4: Ti FAIN LiST!CIMF EAR"niry:s IN INTEUEST, pulitiarner and all Parties in to cres3t„.Any appeal of"the Board's The Petitioner requests than.Assessor's Office to compiie a du;cisfnn may be made ptrrsuiaunt to,I"arllagssac,lrtus'elis Caeancranl Law cerrtiFittl list o1i'lyarties in Interest l,aakuurttcu.el� ch.40A, §, 17,withinTwwenty(20)-days after t`he decision is fllcd with the'1"owwrn C,leit S'IlEF`5; Illtt IT MILICATIION: p'a ltloller suubni�its one(l)original and clevea l f l l copies tall &Mll 10-. ECORPING TH E, DECISMIN AND"I""IIE required information to,the"'I o w,n Clerlr",s Offiec to,fne eedified PLANS. byr the Town Cleck wwith the time and date cuf tiling.. The The petitioncr is respoirusibic for recording certification omflhe n,rightat shall be submitted to the TumwwnClerk's Office,and the do,cision, and any aceo rnpaunying plans at the J.isscau C"oul ty, f I copies awiII be snrbnnitted to,tic Zoniin ,Boa rd rufApupueawl's Nanh Regislay nfDee&; ll Ihiroitt Sit Erect, Lawwrrence MA 01840 Secretary. .rind stuall Cunnpfete the Ccrtifreation 0 Mccordi n,g farm arud fourwwPau°d it to the a+oiling fq-uuard onfApp;aIs and to thin:I i u Alin, STEP faa SC'IFIEIDwM.,ILIN C.MIa Ilt^iA.WNW AND lDep Irnent. PR EPA RA'TIafllef CD I#>L EGA 1,N+I TiC:E: IMl"CIoI:ITANT t'III.D'NE NUMBERS: 97 -68 -953,3 Office Of C:crrnrn Lin ity Dev. & Scrviu es 978.,68 -9501 Town Clerk's Mee North Aindowrn,Town lla,ll 97 •ti ,9.95fm Assessor's is Office 120 Main Street North Andover,MA 01845 97 -f 88I 9542 Fax for C"anmmuunity Development a Glees 978- 8 -95 5 Building Depaartunrent 979-688-9541 Zoning B and 0FAppwal's 0i fice N{]RTH AND OVE R ZON ING BOARD 0FAPPEALS 153 French Farm Road oddil�ion in the 100 foot norl disturbanc�e in the Watershed Protectlor� District PETITIONEi RINFOR MATKO N NAMF- Brian McATia uy and Cheryl--------�----------.'---~--------�°-----_--.----------'_------------�------------- /\DL}RF',5S. 53 French Farm Road ---------------'--------_--.---------.-----------'-------------------------'-- P|K��E, 978-�423-�48� ____________ |���/\]L. Ch�g��oan U I7thelviXuller RfF"TPuyP&qvvwn^r15o ,a011or01114, 011h""""veyx''dvaurF_q.va5^f—,---' r^^*~=rv'cilrs=wroa/ag^rv""sf be«����m*�m^ SUBJECT PROPERTY INFOR M A TDON LOCATION OF P8/}PSPl'Y, 53 French Farm Road --------------------�-----------_---------_�-----------_------- 3()NI��GD1S'�R}(�T, R2 ASS 6SSORS PK0yEB�'Y MAP N0.,035,�'92 -----------------'--~ LOT NO,-.92 �----_--'----------� OWNER ()F RECORD- .8i T. MoAn F ,yVNcAnally __% ES8KX NORTH R F6iS TRY 0P DEEDS AT- BOOK: 8153....... PAGE 245 OR C E KTf H CATCNT�.:______________________�_____________ KC1.ATlON8[Dp10 SUBJECT PROPERTY(i(-. owner, ahu{Cer,ntc.)- owner ............ CURRENT USE. single�family n:*[d*mce__________....... ____________________________________�_____ pR0POSED (JSH; sa»�e----'------------�---------'- -----------------------' '--------------' PRE,VI()US VAR]/\NCGGDANTP[); YES—NOx DEC]S ION 740JD/\7E-__.____________�_________. 0T[[CRKBGULAT()}{YDEVIEW Y .,S__N0_x.. |P YES, DESCRIBE STATUS: _________________ --------'-----------�---------_---------------'----------------------_-_---------__'----_ --------'-'------------.----------------------------------- ......----------........ --------_'----- ......---------....... -----------�'----------------------_---------------'--------_-�-------_'--- CX f SlI NGC0ND[NONS DE8CK!PDON- home smimmiog pool directly behind the hi)me. The rear of 1he lot has wetfando and a 29 wide ufflity easernent Page 2of 7 NDRTH ANDOVER ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS petition for a VARIANCE �3 Frei Farrrr Road PROPOSAUDESCIZIPTION I. Briefly dcscribe all Proposed changes to the slrocNre(s)and/or uses)_ .Wcu€d.li€ce.#c.add_,�€raddj�iprr..tu the home..thaf.wikk.iociLde_a garage and a Far€ily_Sui#e_to-be.1ocated.above.the garage......_.. 2. State all sections of the North Andover Zoning Bylaw implicated in this variance petition; 195-4.9 9_C_C 3. Mate tke specific relfcf being sought from Tho North Andover Zoning By]aw, inchirling a I I ardinunce dimensional requiremcnts and proposed dimmsienaI condiiions; Yarid rice.fQr.relief as_lo_the. atorshed Pr kecliorr.f}isl[EC#.an order,to-ixinstuctarl addRiop_lo_the.home.The.iiamo.is.Eocaled- in tho Lake Cochichewick Watershed Protection Nstrict, 4. Identify and describe all plates and supporting documt-rats being submitted with this variance petition; .SIWplan.pfeparedCay_Mdawcr aosuitant5.showingproposedadds#ion_000.Pian. hawing Proposed A dilion4,53_Frek�ch_ Farm Road, dated ICJ28W21 for Brian i�& hery cAnally -Set of buiidinq pians-vreparud by Martino Draftinq datod 911312021 _.. ..,� -_ .. Page 3 of 7 NORTH ANDOVER ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS petition for a VARIANCE F3 French Farnt Road SUPPORTING STATEMENT f.?l'; k=' cif.'.)t`r`�1..1 f - _ . _ .. .i. t.Desci'iihe the sl)ecinI eirettms(an ccs related to soil conditioa ts, the shape or the topography of ti,e la rid or structure #bat are uniquc to (lie parcel: The home is located in tim Watershed nistrict therefore the soil conditions anci proximity to mfI watershed mak,3 K necessa i<orihe w �,........... rY pp�carrt to request the�llaria:�ce:-T- •' ... .. ----�^........ .. ..._.,.._,,._ .......... ...._ 2. SPecifY flow the circumstances do not generally affect other properties iss the;Roning district: The addition will r!ot adversely affect the o€tler properties irk the zoning disiriot, it is deslgnod as to be buhfnd and €o the side of#€tip extsi! s3ruc€sire,tE will Asa of act+ersty affect#Eie rriatersft d_ _........... ... .. . ... .. ..... . . 3. Explain It ow (lie literal etiforccment of the forth Andover T.,011iing ByIaw wilt result iit a substauihlI hardship to the owner. W1th ut.#he.,granting of€he_ViEkriaoce 14e homeowner.w4f not be able to.build.the famflY-suite_for_#[leir eiderty.perent, Thji .. ... would create a substantial hardship for the owner and p,wont. 4. Explain ]low (lie proposed variance is the r1i0111tim change thft( is accessary'to allow tine reasonable use of the land or structure: .The Variance. if granted wilt aNQ-ku.tlie.appkant#o budd.th!@-addi#ian.which is.reasonabie.use.of.the land,JQprcivid!@- hausing For an elderly patent. , Exp[ain wby granting the proposed varinnee-MII he in harmony with the purpose send iu ten f of the North Andover Zoning Bylaw* Page 4 of 7 NORTH ANDOVER ZOO JNG BOARD OF APPALS petit!on for a VARIANCE 53 Pre oh Farm Road Th0 project is an appropriate use of the hind wits) rr[n[mtjm frnpact to the watersfxE:d 6. Describe €]re impact on ti,e 11eigh I)orllotad and hmy if grill not be defrimenta1 to Ilse neigli born:god or the public welfare: The.addition wifi.o(fer.Iitpe_iMpact to the waterAied-it-v i€I.eiso.go befvE:e_1Ne..Pla0trirlg Board.%% cf�.wiff.revi-W.khe impact in. more tteEaifs and draft a decision that wfii make sure to have minimum impact on flee we€vrst�ecf via conditions that will further protect the watershed,...... t- .._. .-....... .....- . 7A. MFferencc from ZQIa inn ByIaw re€1ui rem ents; hdientc fife d i in o nsion(s) tljrtt jyiii rEo! meet current Zoning T3y12w Reg1drenionis. (l..ines A and B in case o F a lot spiit) Lot Arca Sq-Fj. O[]e2E 5pacc PceccEt[a,-e 1 st Fralnage Parking A. 4544 {bvemge Fee[ S ace I Eao-itt Sidc A Side B 3 eHr B• °ro 7B. ExistWg Lot- 11 Lot iiniar,uni toE Set1)@ek €gat Area Sq-�=1, {}pen Space �crcerttegc€got �rottta¢e n f'arBeing 44511 F[- QVQrH c E ee! S s 3 FUnt Si(k:A Sit€-EI Rear °r6 7 . Proposed Lot(s): t4linim�m LoE 4et�aac�; M Opert Space Pcrcentegc tot i•=rontage €°arkingS .f�t- {'ovee�R ��ee. S nxs Frunt SitIC A Sine$ Rear% % 7D. Requjred Lot. (As rewired by Zoning Bylaw &Table 2) Mimnitnum Lot Seiback Lot Arran Sq,]=t. 0jCn SPacs NrCeRt8gc L(A f rots E'atkirtg S .Ft- Cap era*e �cc# 5 saes T"lt Sick A S4cEc B RraEr 43,560 Page 5 of 7 NORTH ANDOVER ZONING BOARD OF AP P EALS petition for a VARIANCE SA, Existing BuiIding(s): (740urtdFJDor q, Nulnberof To€aISq. A mber 14. F€oorf, €3eight ft use r+�-BURding` IJt]i!s* 1484 2 30.6 4538 reslderrtiat *RefeTllces Uses from t]ke Zoning Ftyraw&7'abre t. 'Slate rmmter of units in Ntl€ding(s). 8t3. P�'at,ose�� �3utld�ang{s�: Ground Moor Sq- Number of Tota€Sq, NLtMber FL N Ft- Ilse ot`BLdIdirk s 0€-Unk-6 2360 80,6 6370 residentim wlfarrrk€y suite 2 *Refetencrs Else(roan k€ie loising B}'€ass� ]-uhrc E. '*St4121!ai{tmk u Grunits In bni€ding(s). PRO E'FRTY OWN CO€NSENT, C E RTIFICATION& I GNATURF, ?Srgoa0m0v-%of PLIFFOVljer(s)are re eireired) 1 a€tt (we are)the 0wner(s)o I the property subject to #his variance 1}et€tion and i (ivc) consent altd certify as follows, 1. I (we)grant permission for officials aril employees of the Town of North Andover to access my property for the,purposes of this petition; 2. I(we.) certify that I(eve) have read the Board's C uJes and t'iwWares btfore,subrllittal to ensure tho comple,tenuss of my (our) peffiion, 3. r (we)certify that all the stateinel,ts within this application atld attachments are #rUe and accurate to the best Gf ITIy(crm) kno ledge and belief: { eRrEiorter ivatu-e) (bate) etrtrotter ig�lattrr�} {Da#e) f,f Ap�rfi�rrbfe: Name of Attorney/Agent for Applicant=Richard J. Byers, t sq. Address of Attorney/Agent= fit Chestnut Street,Andover, MA 01810 Phone umber of Attor€reylAgcia: 978-475-4488 X778 - EmaiI Address ofAttmrmey/Agent, rjbyersajbIIdaw-corm Page 6 of 7 NORTH ANDOVER ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS petition for a VARIANCE 9. PLAN OF I.-AND 6. ?Marne&addresses and phGne Each a]l0caliOn ttk the ZOiling Berard ofAppea[s shall nurribets ofthe appli cant,otiv=or be aocon1pattied by the fo[lowing describes!plan, record,and land surveyor, Plans mug be subri ted with fltis applfcatfon fo the 7- Locus 'L oWn Clerk's Orrice and 1he ZBA secretary at least thirty 00)clays Prior Eo l[ic public herring before the 9. I}. M4101'Pl'oject /ojiing I3orard of Appea[s. Nr7innr prcjccts,suclk as deers,sheds,And garages,s14-111 roquirc only Eke plan inibrmafiosi A set ofh11ilding elevation plans by a Registered as indicated 3V[Eh anaster3sk(*), th sums cases Architect tekfty be require[! when#Ire applical ion further inforn uation may[it rquired. involves kkew eunstructlwifeunversialliRrWitkr a proposed Oka age in use. 10. APPLICATION FIUNG FEES 10. A. Notification Fees; Applicant shall providA 9. A. Major Projects achecl€ormuneyordar to,-Town of North Major Proj ects are#hose,which i rnvo[ve one of the Aiidover"tier the cast of first class,certified, following whether existing to prolrosed; 3+eturri r"cipt x 9 of all piriics in interesc I)- Five(5)or more parkittgspaces, identified in M-0],Ch. 40A§l I on abutter's fist I])- Three(3)or more dwelfing Units, for Ehe legal notice check. Also,the applicant 111)-2,000 syraarc feet oft>ui[ding area. shall supply itrsE class postage stamps for each Major Pmj=3 sh@11 require,that in addition to the 9B address listLA on the abutter's list,plus all 9C feature,dial the plans show detailcd utiIit[es, additional ftro(2) for tile cE Tision anaiIing. soils,and topographic In Formation. 10. R. flailing labels; Applicant shall Ilrovi& 9. 13. flan Specilrc�ktions: four 94)sets of ni all€ng Itlbe[s no larger tliaat 1), Size of lr la n: Ten(N)I>apea-wpics of l' -518"(Three(3)copies for the Legal,and a plan tloE to excoed 1I"x17", One(1)copy Far the Decision Mai[ing)- preferred scale off"=40' H). Plair slra[I be prepared,stamped and C. Applicant sha11 providu a check or semi tied by a Registered Frofessiona I ntoatey order to:`Town of North Andover"per Land Surveyor. P]Ease rpote that plans the 2005 Revised Fee Schedulc. by a Registered ProfesS1011 I Engineer- 1Reghtemd AnAitcct,aaidlor u ► A Variance nnee granted by tlke 1.13A will Registered Landscape Architcul may lapse in one(1)yi sar if not exereliwd arnd a new be regvired for Major Vrojects. IkCtition must be sttbmitted 1-9. C. *Required Features On Plan. I}. Site OHLikEaltion shall inelutic: I. North paint 2. Zoning district(&) 3. ?Hamer or streels 4, Wetlands(iropplicable) 5. Abutters of property,within 3DO' radius 6. I.ocaUons of buildings on adjat.,cnt propfl'Eles within 50'from appficants proposed structure 7, deed rem fictions-easeri7en& 11), 1.¢gend& C.rnphle Aids shall J- Proposcd fcatur in sulk!lines& outlined in red 2- E?xisting features t0 bt removed in dashe-d lines 3- GFaphicsca€es 4. Dante of Plan 5. T'iE€soft'[art Page 7 of 7