HomeMy WebLinkAboutVariance - Application - 161 CAMPBELL ROAD 5/18/2022 TOWN OF NORTH ANDO E'ER VARIANCE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS 116 s � a NAME:mli am and Patnela McCarthy F TS D F APPEAL:1 1 CaLnphell load Procedure & Requirements, for an Application for a Variance Twelve(12),copies of the following infornnation n^mmanst be The Office of Zoning Board of Appeals schedulers an aapplicavt submitted thirty CLO)days prior to the " t.public hearing. for a hearing date:mid prepares the legal notice for mailing to Fa cure to submit the required inft aalion widiin thc time the parties,in Interest(aliartters)and for publication in time penods preseu bed may resumlt in.a dismissal by the Zoning newspaper- 'file petitioner is notified ed that the legal notice has Board of an application as incnm� e been prepared and the cost of the Party in Interest fee llie irmforrnation herein is an abstract of more specific requirements lasted in the Zoning Board)itanles and STEP'gym DELIVERY OF LEGAL I' OTIC'E.1"(t ll.cgulatiaorus and N not naean t,to sanpersede them. Tine NEW P- EII: et°t°nn w " .jomn icte items that are umnderlirned_ The petitioner picks up the legal notice➢irorm the,Office of the Z=iq Board of A p ils and delivers time legal nodee to time L-ADMIMSTRATOR PERMIT DENIAL'. locaal newspaper for publication. The petitioner applies for a Building Perrmit and receives a Zoning Bylaw Denial formn completed by the Bulldinl- STEP g. PUBLIC HEARiNG BEFORE THE ZONING onnu7aissloru r„ BOARD OFAPPEALS: 'fhe petitiorlerr shotild appear on Msther behalf",or be ,J"TEP 2-VALRUNCE APPLICATIONt7 represetat l by an.agent or anorney. in the absence of any Petitioner completes an..application form to petition the Board appearance without dbe caww an bebalf of the:petition,the, of Appeals for au Varianr . All information shall becompleted- Board shall dlecidc on the matter by a.usiug the id6r a°coati n it bars roccived to;datc;., STEP 3 Pl A.N PIR,,E>l"ARATION: Petitioner snmhrmnits,all of r therequired plan ink mtmtiom as,cited L5M-P 9e DECISION,- If N,- in page 2,wtiomn 9 of this form Aflcr the hcanng and decision,aa.copy of the Board's dWi8k)Ur wwPi11 be filed in the:Office of the Town Clerk ammo,,sent to,the ;`1'EP BTAIN 1.IBT OF PARTIES 11+➢Rl T'f I if S"1": petitioner and a➢l Panics irn Interest.Any a,ppcal ral'"floc Boarul"s The petitioner rtxlaaests ffic assessor's Office to cornpile a decision tmay be made p"nunawsaunaunt to`l'adassachamsetts General Law tai ed list of Parties in Interest(abutters). rah 0A, § 17,Within twenty( 0)days air the derision is fi I:ed with time"l"gym-w n Clerk... 17EP . 11RAUT APPLICAuTIO: Petitionersuabrriits one(()original and eleven(l1 copies of all �+"1":�:P 1�: Rtl�{'C)TI'.0jN "il'11r&I);4Y Ca1'S1QN ANTt' . -, regWred iralorrumatien to the,Town Clerk's Office to be certified PLAN& by the Town n Clerk with the time and date of piling. The The petitioner is resprnsibpe for recording certification of th,c original sball'be submitted 10 the:Town t;'lcak's Office„and the de4sion,and any accompanying plans at the Essex Coumty, 11 copies%viR be sm'hin itted to the ortin.g hoard of Appeals North Registry,of Deeds; 1 lU'nion;street,Lawrence MA,li 1.840 secret. arum shall complete the CeiTificatio n ofRecording fbrrn and forward it to the Zbnirng Board of Appeals-and to the Building S`,UP SCHEDULING OF HEAa.bCIN AND Department_ p"AIl h°I QNw OF LEGAL NO'TIC=;E IMPORTANT PHONE E : 978-6 8-9533 office of Community Dev,& Services 978-688-9501 Town Clerk's Office North Andover Torawn Hall 917' -6pgm9566 Assessor's Office 120 Main Street North Andover,MA 0194 5 978--6,98-954 Fax for CommLmfty Development offices 978-698-9545 Building Department 97M88-9 d1 Zoning Board of Appeals Officc I NORTH A DOVER ZONING BOARD OF AP P EALS petition for a VARIANCE .1NI.I ORTI:'ANT, API'VICAI TS IN-1E .'.ST C-0 M["I_F.1-J". Al '���0 IN, T]11S F0 R -1 PETITIONER INFOR ATION NA, : William and Parnela McCarthy ADDRESS, 161 Campbell Road, North Andover PHONE: 078- 89-0304 ENJAiL= U111mccarthy2055Qy8h .Carry If rhepetiridner ffadfarF"Pent m uer is a caowarq,cnrporfiorx or other enft a Use of Ike namea and addresses of fhe pr ng)7als,offtwes and/or inarmgizm mud be a-auched ro rhFsforr,L SUBJECT PROPEL 'rY INFORMATION LOCATION OF P OPE,R-J-f: 161 OamptMl Fload 7AD ZING DISMCT. R2 ASSESSORS PROPERTY MAP ISO„106E LOT N0 0070 OR MER OF R�,' ORD: William and Pamela McCarthy D'FFD RECORDLD AT ESSEX NORTH RFGISTPY OF DEEDS Al BOOK, 03223 PACE 161 OR CERTIFICATE NO.: RF.I.ATfO SHh M SUBJECT PROPERTY(i.o.owriex, abutter,ctc.): Owner CLFRRF, `USE: F"timary Re�ldencoe PROPOSED USE. Primary 9esic nce with FaWy Suite PREVIOUS VARIANCE GRANTM,YFS NOX DECISION NO.WATE: OTHER REGULATORY REVEE.W.YES_NQx TP YES,DES .l2.OE STATUS. EXISTING CONDY`I ONS DE OIUFI OM Two story sir}gle family residence on flat 44,859 acre lot in resideraW neighborhood with adequate space {or add Won, Page 2of7 i NORTH Af DOVER ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS petition for a VARIANCE PROPOSAL DESCRJMON L Briefly describe all proposed clianges to the strllciuri�(s) and/or uses): An addi ion to the home on the right side of the structure as looking from the street_The addMon will consjst of a first floor xrittx stnalk k t be ..lie _araa.atul al t# ae..secorrd..tloor co sisti g s a room,.full.bath u►ltb.[a llty.aad-vxakh closet_ . State all sEctious of the Forth Andover zoning Bylaw implicated in this variance petition: Section 195-2.2 Farnlly Suite 3, State the speeiiYe reliefbeir�g sought from the North Andover Zoning Bylaw, including ail ordinance dimensional requirerneRts aid proposed dimensional wnditions: 8 - restricts the size of the funnily suite is root to exceed 1200 sq_#t_ar not more than 25n.of the gross floor area of t oe--- prirxcip „ue ..aetliboxer._l ..less..............._..,.,� , _ ��,_.__..._ B34- restricts the use 10 family members only vyhir 3 present owners have no objections to. 4_ 1dcntif ar�d describe all plans and supporting documents being submitted with this variance pe#iticm: Architectural draw3rigs depict the new space as weft as rA rnneGtfon to the existing home, Page 3 of 7 i NORTH Af DOVER ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS petition for a VARIANCE ------ SUPPORTING STATEMENT 1.:3C11 OF 1-01.f"0 1-oft"I J.'a.tvcl:MI'.S'T-lsJ l'S flfl f.ti'f.�1:r�,1:�1.�.w�.f.1'(r t1_+71:V C'0.111'1-LlY.,1)t'IA11. };} fJff:A;fTsf ACVORR.;.V(..-f: U7VIT e.L (' If1A.:�,'ff. X. Describe the special circumstances related to soil conditions,the shape or the topography of the land or structure that are unique to the parcel: There is nothing unique to this parcel it is a flat Parcel and large enough for the proposed adcfriian and would meet aH $9tb�Cl�.r$QI Fffei?1efY�C�.ww�.". 2. Specify how the ciream stances do not generally affect other properties in thezuning disfrict: The structure with the propased family suite will still look h e otL�r sartgle fy Domes in th,� rieighhanccad=--- 3. Explain how the literal enforcement of the North Andover Uning Bylaw will result in a substanVal hardship to the owner- Working with our aTehltect we found the founc[ation footprint was the minimum size to he able to have a smalt kitchen, Half Tat FaVial iUffi—area on tie it Tfro—d -f we-sect o r woo a{ w a furvath an-d"lOfidry" TfFe-one�edroorrf ou d-Fiave a wafEc.itr d et � e.snoello�squa ,#dotage wau1d.got.a.liow us-to.ltxave�Ea need for the stairway to Teach the basement and si ownd fleor takes up a lot of living space. No sot lack variance will be -needed-wilh•#ttis-plan-size--- --- 4. Explain [pow the proposed variance is the min imarn change that is aeeessary to allow the reasonable use of the land or structure: The proposed variance wiii allow for the two of us to have the minina€space that allows the reasonable use of the structu1,e. .Explain why granting the proposed variance will be in harmony with the purpose and intent of the North Andover Zoning Bylaw: Page 4 of 7 i I NORTH ANDOVER ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS petition for a VARIANCE The faci€ifies of the a4dtion are adequate and appropriate for€fie use as a farni€y suite. The use of the addition as a iarmy-- ,�ite_is fr, wih#bed-a€rd_i�ttet e. e_ on€€rg_Bylws-a.re.0den#iapo�ey 6. Describe the impact on the neighborhood and how it will not be detrimental to the neighborhood or the public welfare: T.he Current residence and proposed addtion are set well back from the Mfeet- The family si. a addtion Mill meet all the setbac�.req„�r�r��ot .��e.�xo�e�a.nd_aba�teo�e�a�e.seper�ted!bar weed,eoLar,eas_ e.��os�.d�areiEy_�u�t�ad�tfo€�v wiff Rook as a single family residence and wi11 not be detrimental to We neighborhood or the puNie wa fare, 7A. Difference from Zoning Bylaw requirements* Indicate the dimension(s) that will not meet current oning Bylaw Requirements. (Ling s,A. and B in case of lot split) Lot Area Scq-rIL Opca Space LLPcracnEmgk Lot Frontage Par3ring S -h g Leet S saes Fr.L SidcA Sided Ttear DNA DNA DNA DNA €?NA DNA DNA DNA DNA N ifti mtim LOT S edmelr f-otAma Sid.A Cromtage Lot -rxanugc Bxkiag -Ft. cov FCC 5 acres f rant Side A Sick B RCW 44,859 42,577 -05087 150 4 38 30 so 7C:, Proposed Lat(s): Minimum lot Sclback IAt Area Sq,Ft_ Opm Space Y roe,ttage lot Frontage Ba idhi sq.Ft. Feet Spaces Ront SI&A Sided I Rear 44,859 41985 .66406 150 4 30 30 30 30 96 'TD.Rey u i red IAt: (As required by Zoning Bylaw&-`Fable 2) Minimum Lot Setback Lot Atca 3q-Ft. Opcn spate Perccntagc f XA Frontage 1'ar -FL C ov T12A suaces Fro-nt SUE A Si&B Re.. 4 , 0 15 4 30 30 6 30 Page 5 of 7 i NORTH ANDOVER ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS petition for a VARIANCE SA. Existing Building(s): Ground Floor Sq. Number of Total Sq_ N her Ft_ Floors —11eight Ft_ Use ofBuu * ofunitgll 1486 2 8-0 114 2928 na-#amily dwelling 796 1 18 796 Metached garage ^^ 'Rcfcmem Uses from E is Coning Bylaw&Table 1. ••St3oc mim6er ofuoi[s in bURCUng(s). 8. Proposed Building(s): Ground Floor Sq- Number of q offal Sq_ Nurnbor Ft. Roars Height ].`t, Uscof$uldir ** oflJnit;;* 592 2 26 114 1147 Faintly Suite 1 4ReFerawm Uses fra the Zoning Bylaw Se Table 1. 41 State number ofunits in bui]dinggs). PROPERTY OWNER CONSENT, YMFI A' ]ON& SIGNATURE (Signatrars ofr dh7eliltB N--qv—d) I am(we are) the owners) of the property subject to this variance petition aMd T (we) consent and CeAify as follows: l. I(we) grant Permission for officials and employees of the Town of North Andover to aecess my property for the purposes of this petition; 2, t(we) certify that I(we) have read the Board's Mules alad Procedures before submittal to ensure the completeness of my(our)petition; 3_ 1 (we) certify that all the statements within this application and attachments are tme and accurate to the best of my(our) knowledge auxd belie; �Pflitioucr ignattue) watt) {Peidfloner xa atu (Date) df App Hcable: Name of Attamc fAgcnt for Applicant: Addrcss of,AttomLyll car: Phone Number of Attorney/Agent, Errlail Address of, ttomeylAgent: Page 6 of 7 i NORTH AND(YVER ZON I NG BOARD OF APPEALS petition far a VARIANCE 9. PLAN OF)LAND 6. Names adds es and phonc Each application to die facing Board of Appeals shal I numbers of the applicant,uvJncr or be accompanied by the following describW plain record,and land surveyor. Plans naust be submitted with this application to the 7- l_.aolis Town Clerk's Office and the ZBA secreFary at lea-t thirty(30)daYs prior to tIle public hearing before the 9.B. Minor Project Zonirig Board of Appeals. Minor projcc ,such as decks,sheds,and garages,sUfl irequire only the parr information A set of budditag elevation plans by a Registered as indicated-with an asterisk(*)- Irt some cases Arebitect way be required sullen the application further infonnadon may be required- iuvolve_s new construrfion/convers€onlandlar s proposed change in use. 10. APPLICATION F LNG FEES 10.A. oiific2atiuu fccs.Applicant shalt provide 9.A. Major Pmjects a cheek or money order to--fawn of Nurth Major Projects are Ihose,which i nvolve one of the Andover"for the cost of fitst class,acetified, following wheEher existing or proposed: iraturn receipt x#of all parties in interest 1), Fivc(5)or more parking spaces, identifiod i a M-O-1.ch-40A.§I 1 on abutters list II). 'Three(3)or more dwelling units, for the legal rsatioe check- A€sa,the applicant 1lT)-2,000 square feet of blil[drug area shah s illy fiml class postage stamps for each Major Projects shall rc€luire,that is addition to Lbe 9B address listed on tba abutter's I ist,plc;an &9E feature,that the plans show fttucd utilities, additional tmv (2)for the decision mailing, soils,and topographic information, 10,B3 Mailing labels: a'pplicani shall provide *9.B. Plan Specifications: four 94)sets of mailing labels no larger than I). Size of plan: Ten(10)paper copies of I-x2-518"(Three(3)copies for the Legal,and a plats not to s;xcced I 1"xI7", one(1)copy far than Decision mailing), preferred scale of 1"=40' M. Plan shall be prepared,stamped and 10. C. Applicant shall provide a chresk or ceriifted by a Registered Professional money order to.Fawn ofNoiih Andover"per Land Surveyor. Please gate that plan the 200-S Revisers Fee&hedoic. by a Registered Professional LnginbLr. Registered Architects anftr a ► A Variance once granted by the Z13A wiH Registered Landscape Architoct may lapse in one(1)year if not exercised anad a new be required#or Major Projects- petition mast be submitted *9.C. *Required Featpres On Plan. 1). Site Orientation shall include: 1. Nurih point 2- zoning district(s) 3- Names ofstvm-s 4. Wetlands(if applicabft:) 5- Abtrtters ofproperty,within 30' radius b- Lorattians of buildings on adjacent properties within 50' from applicts proposed structure ?- deed restrictions,a asements- 11), Legend& Graphit Aids shall €nchrde: f, Proposod fbaSures in solid lines& outlined in rod 2. Existing features to be removcd in dashcd lines 3. Graphic scales 4- Date of Plan 5. T"ift of Plant Page 7 of 7