HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpecial Permit Application - Application - 87 COACHMANS LANE 9/20/2022 AAL OWN OF NORTH ANDOVER SPEIC ZONING ROARD OF APPEALS PERMIT NAME;; Crossro�,y.���ysR��,;ontracfi�q - Nick Couture ADDRE SS OF C NlttIl iLnd' t k � .,,, ,,..... . .a Procedure & Requirements for an Application for a 'special Permit it 1'wwae;lve 02),copies of Cl'tc Following intbnm ation mum➢e STEP ; SCHEDULING OF HEAl ING AND xubrmittcd thirtyCIO)days pnrior to the fir%t pmarblic hearing, P'TtEl"AllA11ON OFLEGAL NOTICE: F'iia:illarrU tcn Mibrnmit the,required imrorunnatiarm within the tiurmc The Offilce of Zonniuup Board oif Appeals,schedules an applicant periods prescribed rr°aay ra:.suu.lt hi.a dismissal by the Zoning ff.)T a lmea ring date and prepares,the legall notice for mailing to ul ofarur aln IiL;atiarrn as in arrrupmlrtc � tlua;parties in interest(abutters.)aauuwf fom'publication ill the IIranr Tile nnufounnnaationn herein is an aabstuan.a.t ofnnnore specific aueww�spnaapaer, "file paetitio aer is ruotitueal thaat the legaaI u vice has reclnirernernis listed in Clue Zmo in g Board ll..urles and beenn prepared aurwf the cost ofthe Party in Imntenrest fee„ Regulations and is not nnueaumrt to mp'ersede tlra:mn. The get:itionuer will Complete itemms that are aimiderliun-ud. STEP T.;IllMEL1Vlar°RY OF LEGAL CV'C.I TICE TO TFP 1: ADMINISTRAT OR PERMIT DENIAL: The p oiti;oner picks up flue legal notice fronun the,Office,of[lie The p etifii mcr aapmpmliics fair au l3auilaii rig parrr.mnit and receivcs a Zoning Board,of Appeals and,,delivers the legal notice to the :arrnirng Bylaws DQniaul tlnu-rmu cornmpnlctcal by the Ruuilaling local newspaper for pau blicatlonn,. C.'cnann,iiawicmuia r, :t"1'nJP S., PUBLIC IrEAlt.lNG'rlUCl'RE THE ZONING STEW 2:SPECIALPERMIT APPLICATION T" 1 1: BOARD OF APPE ALS: Petitioner cammmlmletcs amp aPlaliQa tionn tarrrn,.to pnctition the R.nard The petitioner should appear in his/her behalf,or be of". Appeals for a Special p(mnit. All intamr-un,antio n as required ruin n'ep-mu•ese-nuteu-1 lair ranz,,igennt or rrtt rtuey. Ina the absen ce fan iter vi II through and including I I shall lac completed,d, appearance without muse cause oa belm if of the ppetitnarne,the Board shall decide on Elie trtatte,,r lay using time intfornuralion it has STEP 3: PLAN PREPARATION. receiwreuf to dame. P thi-rrncr s6hmmits all (if the rcq uir al plan information as ciitieal in page 4,section 10 oftluis torah,. STEP 9: DECISION, IC?bN, After t➢ue laearirn , a copy of Elie:Board's decisions will be sen; to STEP 4: OBTAIN LIST OF PARTIES IN 1NT'EJ Cltl.xS F, all Parties in Interest, Any appeal oftlnc Board's,decision rnaay The Petitioner requi;e',sts the Assessor's Offict to conaupuile as be runacfe pnaurq uarrt to Iwafamac;ha scita General, Law a:lr.40A 17, certified list of Parties in Iun:terest(abutters). wwaithian twenty(M) days after tine decision is filed with the Townn Clerla,. STEP' , 1.91liwtrrl°I"APPLIC:.,a4,'1°LCIN, Petitioner suubmils one(1)original and eleven(11) Xerox STEP ftf. RFAC''ORT ING TIDE DECISION AND THE copies of all required hiformationn to the Town Clnk's Office to PI�ANSa lie certified by the Town Clerk ww itlr the tinnue and date of'f-nlinrg„ The pna:titiarma r is rc,simmrmariblc: fair-rc:c:cnralirng ccrtificatio n of the The originnaul will be left at the Town Clerk's Office.,and.the 11 decision, and any ac;comparnyimp plans at the E-;,a cx C:anunty, Xerox copies will be left %with the Zoning Board of Appeals North Registry of Dccalua, I Union SI:r:m t,,,Law,wJroiwc IA.tlp 43 secretary. and shall ccnrruplretc the C urti fia antion of ip cc,arrcpiung,I(mrrnn and rorww+aral it to the:i?o nimg Board of Apmpmcaap,;and to the Buriina-ling Department. arru���ara➢�a'w����awar��a�����rr�aa��ao��aa���rw,�a<;��w�ad�+Pw�»rcnsa �w+�araaar�����w��:�,����>a���:a���:�,:ak:��:������aaak�n�:,�:��:���: :����� a:����� ����,� IMPORTANTPHONE NUMBERS: 978-688- 533 ()ffiue aafT"auummmuumpty & 'Ecolauaaallc Developraaleuat Nart➢n And over Town Hall 120'M uin Street 120 l'sin 'Strad Naarth r uur➢aiwev,MA. 01845 78-68 - 5C11 Town Clerk's;Office 78- I8-95'T2 fax for Office,of'Co mrnuuuauity & P'criauur We Development '7 -68 -9566 Assessor's Office '978%-0 -9545 Rauilufing Department rtment 78-688-9541 Ymn'luupl Board of Appeals Office PAQF 2 OF 4 N ORTJ I AN DOVER ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS a t)plien tion for APECUL PERMIT Iv, ta ........... ....... 1. Pet iti uner. *Nanie, *Addr&%s and Wep hon4r fami bQr Crossroads Contracting- Nmek Couture 15 Londonderry Road 96, Landonder[y, NH 03093 (603) 864-8239 *The puli fioner%hal I be entered on the I ega I notice and the decision as ent'=d above. 2. Owners of Land: Name, Address, telephone number, and nurnber of}years cinder this owai-,i-ship- Aim..&..Mark..B:Bjh!EL87 Coachmana. ne, North Andover, MA 011345 Mark(978) 979-2207 Kim(978) 979-2208 ---------------------- .............................-- Ye s Owned Land. I SjjiGe 111912021 3. Location of Property: a. StrC t: 87 Coachmans Lane Zoning District,R1 b, Assessors: Map Nurnber:037.A Lot Nul-nber,0025 c. Rcgistry of Dco&: Book NuInbev. 17223 Page Number:63 4. Zoning Bylaw S ectiou(s)* under which the petition for the Special Permit! is inn d e. E4 spedal parmit FarnitV Skille *Refer to the Zoning By]aw Den i a I and Nan Review N an-ative foun as supplied by the, Buildhig Commissioncr. 5. Describe the Special Permit request:: Request to hijild a 1-134 sgfl fnmiJVsu[jeP Wothin the exii-d1fiQ ha-,RmF3nf fnr KWE;par_aofs- The above description shall bu u&Dd I-or the purpose of the 1 utral notier and doci sion- A more detailed dcscr pfinii is roquircd pursuant to the Toning Board Rules and-Regifl atioils as 61 ied on page 4,of this apphca�ion, P GE30F4 N RT H ANDOVE ZONI N G BOARD OF APPEALS app]ication for a SPECIAL PERMIT 6A. Existing Lot: L,ot Area Open Space PL-recntagc L t Frontage Parking Minimum LoE Setback Sq. Ft. Sq. l't, Coverage Fcei Spaces Front Side A Side 13 )tear o 6B Proposed Lot(s)- Lot Area Open Space Percerimge Lot Frontage. Parking Minimum Lot Scthwk Sq. Ft. Sq.Ft. Coverage Meet spaccs Front Si€lc A gift Ft Rear Ili 6C. Regiiired Lot: (As roquind by/.Arcing Hylaw&7ahle 2) Lot Area (open -space Nicentage Lei Frontage Parking Mininiurn I.vt%ctback Sq, Ft- Sq, Ft, Coverage Feet Spaces Front Birk A Sidc B Ruar 8 7A. Existing Rtiilding(s): Ground Moor dumber of Height Total Use of Ntuuber Square. rest Floors Sq. Feet Building" of units" 3,188 2 6,376 one-ramily Uwelilrtrg I �'Rctcrvncc Uscs from the Zoning Bylaw&Table l 0"State riumber ofwilis in huilding(s;)- 8. Petitioner and Landowncr sxgnature(s): Every applicetioa for a Special Pennit shall be nmde on this form, which is the official form of the Toning Board of Appeal,,;- Every application shall be filed with the Town Cleik's Office- it shall be the resp awr ibilhy(if the pLstitkmer to fumLsh alt supporting docuinenlation With this appficaliou. The elated copy of this application rcucivcd by thel€e%xm Clerk or the Zoning Board of Appeals does not absoM the applicignt from this rc.:spumibility- The pctitioncr so ali be respomLible for AT expenses for filing and legal notiflcadori. FailrLrc comply with application ruquircmcnLs, as cited herein wid in the Zonj Pig Board Rules acid Regi lations inay result in a dis i I'll- 7y th Ong Board of thix app€iQation as incomplete, Type above name(s)here.CrossrGads Cantractink Nfok Couture i PILL 4 OF 4 i NO RTH ANDOVER ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS appucation for a SPECIAL PERM IT 9. WRITTEN DOCUMENTATION H). Wi Eli Ime(€)block for Registry Use 0 uly,and Application f0i'a Special l'ernil(IIIUSt hu supported by a One(1)block for live(5)ZBA,4igilttares& legibly writ€en ter typed nietuoran,3um sct(ing forth in elate. detail all facts relied upOil. Wilefr rNLIcxtiitg a Special U0. flan shall be preVaced, slanirx.d and cedified Peririit froin slit rcquirenients of M-G-I.ch-40A,Sec. 10.4 by a R egister ed Professioiral I.alld SlIyveyor. and €he North Andover Zoning Bylaw%,all dimensional Plcarc note#ha! Plans 6y a 12ugiw#erect requiretnen(x shall be clearly idenEtrscd and fac(Efally Prol`cxxEonal F.,Eiglneer. Regkttrsxi Arcbitect, suppoi-ted. All paiNOs, A-F,are required to be addressed and/or a Registered Landscape Architect ivay be With this application. rcquirrxi for Major Projects, A. The particular use proposed fur the land or stnlctdre. *10C. *Required Features On Plan. P. The CirCumstaswes.relating toy;soil condi#iolis, slsapc IIr 1). Site 0rientatioli shall include: topography of mach hind or structures especially I. North point affecting the property for Which the Special Peinlit is 2. Zoning district,sa) sortgh which do not affect generally the 7onilig distric€ 3. Nain2s ofs€reels in which €he propel-tyis located. 4. Wed-ands(if applicable) C. l'acl:�whicli make up(lie substantial hardshdp, 5, Abutters or property,'LAthin 300' radius financial or othenvise, which resultq ii-oin literal 6. 1_ocalions o€`build ings on adjacent pr pcilies enforcement of the applicable 7.oniitg restrictions with within 50' firarn applicants proposcd strut#;Ere respect €o the laird or building for%,hick the Special 7, deed re:a€ric(ions,easenu nts. 1'erntit ix sought. it}. Legend & seraphic Aids ONalI include: D facts relird upon to suljlxirt a finding tha€relief I. Prolxxw l features in solid Jille,; &ourlined iEl sought will be desirable and withelit substantial red detriment to the publio good- 2, Existing features to be reaioved1 in dashed litres E facts relied iipon to slipport a finding ilia(relief 3. Graphic stoles sought may be given wiElxru€nullifying or 4. Da(o or Plan sub9tanti41ly dPr'ogaEirfg frx)ir3 (lie iat#ellZ or pJJrpc}sc tkf S. Title()r Plait the Ordinaalice. 6. !dames a€ldmsses ind phone numbers of the F. Submit RDA fioin Conscrvation Commission when appficani, rnvner or record,and land surveyor. Con(iniiolis BididAfe Area is;applied for hi Z13A 7. Locus application. 10D. Miaor Projecu Minor projects,such ms necks,sheds, and 10. PLAN OF LAND garages, Shaft require on]y the p�aa information as Facb application to the 7.olifug Board of Appuats shall be indicated with an asferisk('�). In softie taxes fuillieE. accofnparded by the following described plan- Plans.iniisE fitloraia(ion may be regWred. be siaba fitted with this application to the'l'o et Clerk's Office quid the ZBA g,, 3yetary at least thirty(30)days U. APPLICATION FILING FE, ES prior to the public hearing before tile'Zoning Picard of 11.A. gist€if`scati-on fees; Applicant shall provide a Appeals. check or inoney order tu: "To�mi of North AndovW'for the cost of first class, ceilified, return receipt x #r'of all A set of building cleva#lon plans by n Registered parties in in.Eerc:xt idemified in=4 .6-I.ch-40A §I 1 on Architect may be required when the applicatiosr abutters Its( for the legal notice clieck- Also,the invol vex new cods#ruciion1convecsion/auWor a applican€ shal€supply first class pox€age stumps for each proposed rhauge in use. address listed on (Fie abutter's list, p[lLs an additional two 10A, Major Prajec#s (2)for Elic dcckion tiiaflhig. Major Projects are thilsc, idiich involve one of the 11,'I3. Mailing labels: Applicant shall provide four follolving whether existing or proposesi: 94) sets 0rmaiIing labels no larger than I`x 2-515"('Three 1), l ivc(5)err TiiC31e}�arJsittg siaaccs, (3)+:opic.,; for the legal, and one (1)copy for the Decision 11). `l'hrec(3)ar inane dwelling units, lnaifing)- 11I),2,000:ware feer of building area. 11.c. Applicant sliaii provide a creel{or InGney order Mai of Projects slfalI require that in addition to the IOB& to. "Town o€`North Andover"per the 2005 Revised Fee l t C fe,' ore, dial (lie plans r'bow detailed u(ili€icx,soils, Schedulo- and topographic iriforrnatiotl, *1013. Plan pteffiratiirns: ]r► A Special Perns#t wive granted by the Z13A will 1). Size of plan: Ten (10) paper copies of a plan lapse in two(2)years if tlni exercised and a now not to exceed 1 I"x 17", preferred scale of pelition milst be sitbridt(ed.■■ 1"tlfl'