HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpecial Permit - Application - 170 PLEASANT STREET 8/16/2022 I
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I'oeedI:I v & Requiremen,ts
for an . pplicatfon for a Special Permit
Twelve:(12) copies.,cvf tlac killaivving hifmmrni anion nruu,st be wrEp 6; SCIIIIIJULING OF HEARING AND
s't6nrkwd thim°ty O alays pmriw to tlrc first public lac�aafinf;,. PRIG-A-A'IIA iON OF I,Il%AL NOTICE:
T,`ailurrc to sr binit it c a'capn rod infin-mation witWn Me tine The t.pMCC uf Zmdng 6)raa;tm l of Appmk sclallcw an applicant
lacdods imerilaed inayN resur.lt in and alismmmism-l by tlmc;:+ormimrp; fora Ircarfirg date;and parcpryamles Hre lcp;W arum kc. Farr mailing tm,
Board mrtm aliprpmaawtion as me P,rm-tIS iru irmter"t, (ably:t r;s),and for publication in the
Tlrc irrforni'mion lrcretirr is an alrstr-amY(afrmmore specific newspaper. The:petitioner is rrc�l.iftcd tltia the legal nn icc, has
re ruio'tctaau.nts listed iaa thre Zonity Ll,umini Ruts aarrml been pmmcp:wansd and the cost oftlac flay in lntcanst An
Rippul 9 t i'lons a i id is r rot mw wan I I sutp;°Persedc tlrcmum., i"laca
F� �iti�rm�,mm;tr ill ccrnatal tc itch°rr�s drat:am°c tturulcmlmarrc .. S"FEP 7 'LtELINaERV OF lNG L PUY °ICE'IO
tiT'EP 1, ADN'TINTSTRATOR I'1?;I'i.AUT DENIAL: Ile e pactitimam er picks up the legal na k fii°aattr the tlfiice maf tlme~.
"Ile par'lhi mmm-app hes fora aiti talinyPca ntait aaarcl a c,a:cives a Zoning,Roaxd of IapwcWs saarti ddi ms the IcgM notke W Ole
Zmthig fty'Nw Denial Eamon caaamraprlctcul by the lirailmiing lraA ncwspaalacr or patalalicaation.
Caammissiaa Wr.
S'"l°LP t!G. PUIll.al(" FIEARIa f><0~Efry"ORE'I°Ift. ZONING
Velkim ner cu mpmlctcs an aIrinikaatmmarm l'arr aim to pcOtion the Board Ile pmraitiim ner should appear in laisilacr belmIC or be
of'Ap pc.ds I"or as Sprccimrl Pcmw'iit, AU imrUra Micmn.'a:s rqpimd ir'r rcprau;scart;`d by aan aatacrat oa-,attG nmy. Ism dw ruWm oraany
ilt rns I tl Duagh and inchid[ing I I shall be cr;rrnprlcted. aapxpasa araam Whoutt due cmu.e on bcltall'"utr tltc racaitio,the
FWmA shall dmWe on the mmaaaer by using the hrt`anrarm(artion it has
ST E j: PLkN I'Ii.LI`"ARA"1"ION: rccciivaaal to dame
l'u.rairrrr 1
rmcr� srtl�raaits all of the r�c�e trirc��l �alama irrfornraat.imr-as a^itica'1
in [,in ',c 4, sec Iloin 10 of tlris ft'j,rni STE P 9. 1 ILC IS IC)N.
. .ficr tlac lacaub , ar copy of tirc Board's"s decision.will ha:sent to
STEP 4: OBTAIN LIST 1N Ids"I°laalh: ]°° all :Namtim in Intcrc— Any o plaoal of tlrc Board's decisiu,n trmy
I h 1 dit ioner roqutcsts t➢r X"; .scssaa�rr's Office to cornfail;c at he mmtaaeiu:purmnataraat tm, RassuacIauscUs GcracaM Lave clrAdlA § 17,
mlified list.of Parties .in Interem (abuivers). WHIn War%(20) daayPs auft r Nlac>r ecision is filed m,itla tlmc.
Town Oct,
ST]l-�P 5: SU13P]IT Ah"ial.rf A,"Fi{) .
i`ctitirr cr sutlmnaiis one(l)ori,ginaal and cic.''aYaa.r'r(11) Xerox STV UL RLI ORDINI. Tlips I)E C'I Irt)N AND TIIV
cmwprics caFaril rcrputi rd irrfm nnattion to flat.Town Clerk's Office to PLANS.
lrr certitic,ai by tlw 1 m:amm tClek vvilh Me time and done of if 11na, Tj:W petitioner is U-42:sp on"JImric for recording Certification of the
The original xviI] be lef at the Town C.�lc k"s 017 ce,and the I 1 WhimL and any aacc°o mproainy^ing lalnns at llru, Esser C oaaauty,
Xerox copies will be lefi "Msrilh the Zoning Boast] rmfAprpmeals North Its.gWy arfl:Beds„ I Union itrcct,,Laaw'tcam-tee NJ A. 01 43
SCcrratat. and shall cmaraalalete the Ceti ifia:aation of Recording fatrtr and
faarranad it to tlrc Zoning flaaftrd of Appeals and tar Me Building
1)e°p)arr-tmm mcnat.
975688 c9533 efface of Annitrunity&Ecaraour k Develop meld North a'4'mau;lrr'p er Tomin Hall
North zindaver,A42L GIB45 978ASS-95011 Town Clerk',-s I.)Iluce
9784SE9542 fhx ttmm:(We al CNulmlanHy Ak Feammmic 1C)cvclolauawnt 970688-9566 Asse mm "" s Ofl ce
97 488 545 BitrllAng Ikpaartmr ent
7 -6Illi-541 ; nrring Ilcar d mml`.+ ppea k(M i;ce
PAGE, 2 OF 4
NORTH AND{11101 ZONING BOARD OF AITEALS application rar .) SPECIAI, PE R M 1 1;
•: otti �ete�all�ite s��:��#Fb�c�bw:�:;�;;:�::�:::�:;;'::::::':::;.:�:::::�����'��:��::::��;:�::�:�::::�:�:�:�.�:;�::�::�:::�:�:�:�:�::�'..:::��:�:�:=:�:;:::::.�.::�:�:�,::�:;.�.�::::�:�:��::��:�::.::::::�.:�.:::::.::��:�.::...:.............�.��.::�.....:.�::.:�.�:�:�:::.�.. .. .. .......�.��:
P ells p t�.. ..........:. ....
Yetitionci•: *Name, *Address and mi nher:
....-.-it) w a 0, Llk
*Thc petEtaoner skill bQ clitered o11 the Ic9al riot€ce {111(1 (h clecisic��� as cntcrcd abovi-,,
2. Owners of Land: Name, Address, tcicphoni�� number, imd number of years undef- this ownei-ship:
liL 1.... 1- i.. ' . _ (c _�..:.... (�. .... . ........................-
Fears Owned La3td.,.... ��`� ...-.-_ �c�.�� -.
3. Location of ruper•ty:
a. SIr-cot: I . ...__ C t ...............-- zoi i i ng District:. .
b. Assessors; Map Ninilbct•. ......-- 010 - Lot'NtiT11 0 - ....-
c, l�egisti-y c)fDeedIi Bc)ak hl€ir3iber; - ...-....... i'ago Nimiber,
4. Zoning By[aw Section(s)* urr[icr Which the petition for the Special Permit is made.
*Refer to Este Zoning Bylaw Dcoial and Plan Review Narrative form as supplied by thte Buildfilg
5. Describe the Special Permit req lest:
, 1 ....... .
The,,hhovc description shall be used for the purpo,,c of rtic]cg,Ll uulicc mid decis6on. A wore d tailmi dcwripiion is rcquivud
fbunumLlr (ri tjEc zolling D0avd R111 Salt{t RcgtL]a!{1L1'. ,ix 66;' d on page 4,of This appIic;stir}a:-
6A. Existing Lot.
Lo� Area Open Space 11creewage LoE Frantagc Parking Mj n imu in L o E Setbad-
Sq. R- Sq. Ft, t o ettlge Fcc€ Spaces Front Side A Sick B Rcar
% ...........
6B Proposed Lat(s),
Lot Area Opcil Space Percentage Let Fr4mtage Parking Minimm Lol Setback
Sq- Ft- Coverage Fect Spaces From Side A Side B Rear
6C, Required Lot* (As inquired by Zoning Bylaw&gable 2)
Lot Area Cive11 Space Percenlagr, Lot Frontage Parkiug Minimum
Sq. Ft. Sq- Ft. Coverage beet Space's Fl-otiF Side A sidt 13 Real,
7A, Existing Building(s):
Ground Floor Number of Height Tolal Usc of Nuinber
Square 1-cct Floors Sq. Feet 131kilding* of Ulljts**
......................... ........................ ..................
11M RDALCC Lases hymi ffic 7-oning 13ylaw&Table 1
"Stare Elumlmr of ullits ill bui[ding(s).
K Pe d doner and Landowner si gn atu re(s):
Every application for a Special Permit Aml I bo made on this form, which is the afflicia I fbim of the Zoiii ng Hoard of Appua Is-
Every application shall be filed With the Town Clouk's Office. It slirdl be the responsibility0f the peikiollcrto furnish all
support ing loci mlcn tatioll with this application, The datcd copy of this application received by the Town Clerk ov file of ing
13 oard of Appoals daci;not ibw Ive the applicant from this res ponAb i I ity- The pciftioner small be rcspons i bic for al I expenses for
filing and lcgal nofificatiork. FaRuTC Eo ctunply with appi icatiou requircments, as ci tt:d herein and in die Zoning B onrd Rules and
[�egu 1.9 t lons may result ail a dismissal by tile zold ug 11041 rd of this allp]iciation as i Elcomplete.
ype above nam0s) here- I
PAGE 4 Cali~' 4
9. WRITTEN DOCUMENTATION ll), Wi(h cite (1) b1uck Fbi l�cgisiry lh, {)tit- and
Aplrlacation rar a SIB-UhIl PCIALet must be supported by a 0110(I)block for fivo(5)ZBA sigisatures b�
lt.gibiy Nyrrileit or typed i1tE'ltloralritlilill sclI ing for01 ail date="
dHail all Facts F 1'r'-- i upon. wh4'11 recltiesiirl a Special ill), Plari shall bit p]'eparecl, stamped altcl Cei-6Iic{l
Permit ix-om the ri quirements of M.C' F.,ch.40A,Sec, 10.4 ley'l registered Professio?ial Land skilwc 'oy.
and ille larlE7 Ando 'er Zonsli By]aws, all dinmrisiomlI T'lease note tha8 plans by a Registered
rcquirements shall Inc cleanly identified and facttmIly PrE} LL;simlal Fnelinecr. RCS i-,aevr-'d Architect,
supporlcd. All Iinilll$, A-Fy are. i'viuireif is hL-arllll"L%seiI akil[t1r{bi'aL RC�IStered I.fLkl{1SC.1pv, Architc�fit Ian,-ly be
jVitll ilkts applicatiotk. required for MrLjar Prqjects,
A, The parlicular use proposed for the latid or StRL(#tsl,e, 10C. *11cquik ed Features 011 Mate.
B. The civcuws�ances relating to soil conditions, shape or i). Site Clriekttaatiokt shall include:
topography ofsuch kind or strucwi-e;especially I. North puint
a MCC Ihig I1w f}ri}€ol—ty for which the Spec Ia I Pen 21-2( is 2. Zoilirlg distriet(s)
SOUgh Wh€C11 do riot affect generally the zoning dista-ict 3. Na9Encs 4)C slrects
in which the properly is located, 4. Wetlands (if'applicable)
C. Facts which make:up (he substantial hardship, 5" Abuttun.ol`property, within 300' radius
Financial or othecwjse, wh€ch results Crom literal 0- Loca1iolis ofbuildings on adjacclit pn ip rtics
111f(FrEeineLl1(Cute R[1111ECa1}1C 1011l11g 1'eStYkti0]B W1t€k wittltn 50' froln appIlcanits prolwwd st1SEcakkre
respccL to the land(ki'building for which the st}CeEA 7. {m.d resfrictiolts,easriiw its.
PC1-E11LE ES SOL191IL 11). Lege id aid Graphic Rids shall include,
D" Facts retied upimi to supp{lri a ffildi3Lg LIEaa[a-tiiel` I. Proposed feattire5 ill solid lines &otltIit}ed in
smught%viII be ticsirabIC and W1E110L51 SUbstalstlaI I—Cd
dutriment to tlic public; got d- 2. I lXiwtiEla lcaLLIRN to be rcErn vul in {latillcd lines
L. Facts l-clled upon to support 8 Finding Ilia[ relief 3. 0 aphic soalCS
sou-11L may be gi%'CIL \l'L11LOLU iLklIUe 'litg OV 4" Daitc oC PMtl
sub,stantlally dcrogating rMlkl 11Lc FEililkl Ot-Il1,arPoSe Of . Title of T�l.an
the Or€1inalatc. fi" Nantes addresses atld phone numbers of the
I'" SlLIMIlil RDA lrOLil CmisorVali=Cf)11M1iSSl0E) WIICLl appliewit, owner or record,wid laslid Xltrvuyor"
Conlinuous Buildable Area i5 applied for ill 7,0A 7" Locus
3pl31ic31iO3L" 1€11lr. mIrio3 ' Pro]��o5
NI'iYIrpr pvojeCts, sucII :Ii decks,sheds, aad
l l). PLAN OF LAND garages,steal€ require oltiy the plant snforntatioik as
l:uh application to Ilse Zoninp Bo ird of Appeals shall 1w indicalcd wilk an astci'itik l'I1" In m)iac CaScs furEller
accoittpaided by the following described plan. Platats must t1fl-m-13ation may lbc rcgRil L;EI"
Ere submitwd with tlris application to the Town Cluk's
Of€ice arid Elie MA secretary at least thirty 00) days, 11. APPLICA r FION FILING FEE
prior to the public Elcaring bcfiorc die 7arling Board of I I.A. NotiCECalion tees: Appltealil Ealsklll I}['{)vide a
Appeals" check or moneys order to: ' owii of North Andover" for
die cost of#irst class, certified, return receipt x# of all
A set of buH dim g c€u a fion pIans by a Runs[ervI Parties to interest idendfied is i1'1"G.L ch. 4OA y 11 oil
Ar{Ititect may he reguit'-ed %V11-elk the application Iim Cor tilt. Icgai notEcu clkcck. Also,the
hivi1IViS new Clk{14a!!'tlCtl{FIi Ci}flk'el`$1Q{k akl{I Ok`4 applicalll shall E;Lipl)ly Jli'tit ChIS'S I"k{ulagc SAWIt',M Io1'CM;El
pri) oscd cllREkgc fil use. address listed on Ell{;abL111C]"S tiSl, I)JUS'all add.i iOlM1 tWo
Major€ugjL-!Ew arc tllc}sc, NYI-LiCh ilEVOlVe 011e of(Ile t I.B. Mulling Jubcls: Appka1Ll Shall 1)r0VidC fOUr
11 rillowing icilic].cxktlrig or proposed' 94)gcis of etlaitilig [Ali eIE im IargCr[bail l"x -�"�EeIE'c+v
l)" Fivc (5){lr El lore parkiag spaces, (3)cop icE, firr Ehc I Cga1, aild OTIC (1){;(}Ixy ti}r 01U €){_Y;is'i011
11). Thrcc (3)or l]ulrc d%vulIiElg unim, mailisig).
IT)" 2,000 square E"ctt car buiIdinu area.
I l.(:. AI)T)Jicatalt SILatll pruvidc ak ulwck ur MUZI .y order
Major Frojecis shall regii6-e th�il ire additinn in IIle J 0R t0: "Towel of Nor€ll Andover"per the 2005 Revised lee
I OC fe,3nare, Ilia[the Iklasl5 silos detatiICd Lit iIitics'sai Is, Sc€redklle,
and topogralpllic inf(1rmatimi-
10R. Plan Speciticatimis: ►1► A Special Penult mice gv:xnted by the Z13A will
1). SLre Elf[flack: Tel[{1(1)Imper Cu pi of a Ialall lapse In two(2) Fears iI not e,Lerelsed a11d It Ile%V
trot Eo exceed I 1"x 17",pvc.FLrrf d scale ai- jw. Lion nlalst be.sit 1)miiled,-4-4
1 13.,;o]