HomeMy WebLinkAboutFood - Routine - Residential Kitchen - Inspection - 114 GLENNCREST DRIVE 2/27/2023 THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS •a" ° TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER 120 Main Street MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH / North Andover,Massachusetts 01845 Division of Food and Drugs pLi 60I Phone-978.688.9540 FOOD ESTABLISHMENT INSPECTION REPORT Fax - 978.688.9542 e-mail: healthdept@northandoverma.gov Name of Establishment (SjIU,�S )S. �� Date fZ Tyne ofOperation(s) T o Inspection �mr. ❑ Food Service Z Routine Address i(y nue6Q rl O Risk Level DAetail El Re-inspection 1/ Residential Kitchen Previous Inspection Telephone 04g) 2-65- :'351 ❑ Mobile El Pre-operation tion '� Owner '� � HACCP: El Temporary`Q� `•('"r 5l Y / N ❑ Caterer ❑ Suspect Illness Person-in-Charge(PIC) Time ❑ Bed&Breakfast General❑ HACCP Out:: Complaint Coc S� Inspector S(' In: 7e-" ❑ �' Year: Other Each violation ch c d requires an explanation on the narrative page(s)and a citation of specific provision(s)violated. Non-compliance with: Violations Related to Foodborne Illness Interventions and Risk Factors(Red Items) Anti-Choking 590.009(E) ❑ Violations marked may pose an imminent health hazard and require immediate corrective action as Tobacco 590.009(F) ❑ determined by the Board of Health. Allergen Awareness 590.009 A❑ FOOD PROTECTION MANAGEMENT ❑ 12. Prevention of Contamination from Hands ❑ 1. PIC Assigned/Knowledgeable/Duties ❑ 13. Handwashing Facilities EMPLOYEE HEALTH PROTECTION FROM CHEMICALS ❑ 2. Reporting of Diseases by Food Employee and PIC ❑ 14. Approved Food or Color Additives ❑ 3. Personnel with Infections Restricted/Excluded ❑ 15.Toxic Chemicals FOOD FROM APPROVED SOURCE ❑ 4. Food and Water from Approved Source TIME/TEMPERATURE CONTROLS(Potentially Hazardous Foods) ❑ 5. Receiving/Condition ❑ 16. Cooking Temperatures ❑ 6. Tags/Records/Accuracy of Ingredient Statements ❑ 17. Reheating ❑ 7. Conformance with Approved Procedures/HACCP Plans ❑ 18. Cooling PROTECTION FROM CONTAMINATION ❑ 19. Hot and Cold Holding ❑ 8. Separation/Segregation/Protection ❑ 20.Time as a Public Health Control REQUIREMENTS FOR HIGHLY-SUSCEPTIBLE-POPULATIONS(HSP) ❑ 9. Food Contact Surfaces Cleaning and Sanitizing ❑ 21. Food and Food Preparation for HSP ❑ 10. Proper Adequate Handwashing CONSUMER ADVISORY ❑ 11.Good Hygienic Practices ❑ 22. Posting of Consumer Advisories Violations Related to Good Retail Practices(Blue Items) Number of Violated Provisions Related To Critical (C)violations marked must be corrected immediately Foodborne Illnesses Interventions and Risk or within 10 days as determined by the Board of Health. Factors(Red Items 1-22): Non-critical (N) violations must be corrected immediately or Official Order for Correction:Based on an inspection today,the items within 90 days as determined by the Board of Health. checked indicate violations of 105 CMR 590.000/federal Food Code.This C N 23. Management and Personnel (FC-2)(590.003) report,when signed below by a Board of Health member or its agent 24. Food and Food Protection (FC-3)(590.004) constitutes an order of the Board of Health.Failure to correct violations 25. Equipment and Utensils (FC-4)(590.005) cited in this report may result in suspension or revocation of the food 26. Water, Plumbing and Waste (FC-5)(590.006) establishment permit and cessation of food establishment operations. If aggrieved by this order,you have a right to a hearing.Your request must 27. Physical Facility (FC-6)(590.007) be in writing and submitted to the Board of Health at the above address 28. Poisonous or Toxic Materials (FC-7)(590.008) within 10 days of receipt of this order. i 29. Special Requirements (590.009) DATE OF RE-INSPECTION: 30. Other kInspeclor's 'gnature: Print: Cs Signature: Print: L_ Page'of ZPages Violations Related to Foodhor ne Illness Interventions and Risk Factors (Red Items I-22) FOOD PROTECTION MANAGUMENT 1 590.003(A) Assi nment of Res onsibilit * PROTECTION FROM CONTAMINATION 590.003(B) Demonstration of Knowledge* 8 Cross-contamination 2-103.11 Person in charge-duties 3-302.11(A)(1) Raw Animal Foods Separated from Cooked and RTE Foods* EMPLOYEE HEALTH Contamination from Raw In redients 2 590.003(C) Responsibility of the person in charge to 3-302.11(A)(2) Raw Animal Foods Separated from Each require reporting by food employees and Other* applicants* Contamination from the Environment 590.003(F) Responsibility Of A Food Employee Or An 3-302.1 I A Food Protection* Applicant To Report To The Person in 3-302.15 Washing Fruits and Vegetables Charge* 3-304.11 Food Contact with Equipment and 590.003(G) Reporting by Person in Charge* Utensils* 3 590,003 Exclusions and Restrictions* Contamination from the Consumer 590.003E Removal of Exclusions and Restrictions 3-306.14 A B Returned Food and Reservice of Food* Disposition ofAdulterated or FOOD FROM APPROVED SOURCE Contaminated Fooel 4 Food and Water From Regulated Sources 3-701.11 Discarding or Reconditioning Unsafe 590.004 A-B Compliance with Food Law* Food* 3-201.12 Food in a Ilerntcticall y Scaled Container* 9 Food Contact Surfaces 3-201.13 Fluid Milk and Milk Products* 4-501.111 Manual Warewashing-Hot Water 3-202.13 Shell Eggs* Sanitizatio»'l'em eratures* 3-202.14 Eggs and Milk Products Pasteurized* 4-501.112 Mechanical Warewashing-Hot Water 3-202.16 1 ice Made From Potable Drinking Water* Sanitization'rem eratures* 5-101.11 Drinking Water from an Approved System* 4-501.114 Chemical Sanitization-temp.,pli, 590.006(A) Bottled Drinking Water* concentration and hardness.* 590.006(B) Water Meets Standards in 310 CMR 22.0* 4-601.11(A) Equipment Food Contact Surfaces and Utensils Clean* Source Shellfish ource h and Fish From an Approver) 4-602.11 Cleaning Frequency of Equipment Food- 3 201.14 Fish and Recreationally Caught MolluscanContact Surfaces and Utensils* Shellfish* q Yuenc 4-702.11 Frequency of Sanitization of Utensils and 3-201.15 Molluscan Shellfish from NSSP Listed Food Contact Surfaces of Equipment* Sources* 4-703.11 Methods of Sanitization-Hot Water and Game and Wild Mushrooms Approved by Chemical* Re ulator Authorit i 10 Proper,Adequate Handrvashin 3-202.18 Shellstock Identification Present* 2-301.11 Clean Condition-Hands and Arms* 590.004 C Wild Mushrooms* 2-301.12 Cleaning Procedure* 3-201.17 Game Animals* 2-301.14 When to Wash* 5 Receiving/Condition 11 Good Hygienic Practices 3-202.11 PHFs Received at Pro er Temperatures* 2-401.11 Eating,Drinking or Using Tobacco* 3-202.15 Package Integrity* 2-401.12 Discharges From the Eyes,Nose and 3-101.11 Food Safe and Unadulterated* Mouth* 6 Tags/Records:Shellstock 3-301.12 Preventing Contamination When Tasting* 3-202.18 Shellstock Identification* 12 Prevention of Contamination from 3-203.12 Shellstock Identification Maintained* Hands Tags/Records:Fish Products 590.004(E) Preventing Contamination from Ern to ees* 3-402.1 I Parasite Destruction* 13 Ilandwash Facilities 3-402,12 Records,Creation and Retention*590.004(J) ConvenientlyLocated and Accessible Labeling of Ingredients* 5-203.I 1 Numbers and Capacities* r 5-204.11 Location and Placement 7 Conformance with Approved 5-205.11 Accessibility,Operation and Maintenance Procedures/HACCP Plans Supplied with Soap and Hand Drying 3-502.11 Specialized Processing Methods* Devices 3-502.12 Reduced oxygen packaging,criteria* 6-301.11 Handwashing Cleanser,Availability 8-103.12 Conformance with Approved Procedures* 6-301.12 Hand Drying Provision *Denotes critical item in the federal 1999 Food Code or 105 CMR 590.000. sj. � `1 c;s Establishment Name: cljS�n.. C�e�z'``S Date: Z� �q�23 Page: L of Item Code C—Critical Item DESCRIPTION OF VIOLATION/PLAN OF CORRECTION Date No. Reference R-Red Item PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY (� Verified � � \ "ns �s��fro►haw • Discussion With Person in Charge: Corrective Action Required: No ❑ Yes Voluntary Compliance ❑ Employee Restriction/ Exclusion ❑ Re-inspection Scheduled ❑ Emergency Suspension ❑ Embargo ❑ Emergency Closure ❑ Voluntary Disposal ❑ Other. - s (/may 1 1. 4 Violations Related to Foodborne Illness Interventions and Risk Factors(Red Items 1-22) (Cont.) REQUIREMENTS FOR HIGHLY SUSCEPTIBLE POPULATIONS IISP PROTECTION FROM CHE\IICALS 21 3-801.1 l(A) Unpasteurized Pre-packaged Juices and 14 Food or Color Additives Beverages with Warning Labels* 3-202.12 Additives* 3-801.11(B) Use of Pasteurized Eggs* 3-302.14 Protection front Unapproved Additives* 3-801.11(D) Raw or Partially Cooked Animal Food and I5 Poisonous or Toxic Substances Raw Seed Sprouts Not Served. 7-101.11 Identi ,ing Information-Original Containers* 3-801.1 I C Unopened Food Package Not Re-served. 7-102.11 Common Name-Working Containers* 7-201.11 Separation-Storage* CONSUMER ADVISORY 7-202.11 Restriction-Presence and Use* 22 3-603.11 Consumer Advisory Posted for Consumption of 7-202.12 Conditions of Use* Animal Foods That are Raw,Undercooked or 7-203.11 Toxic Containers-Prohibitions* Not Otherwise Processed to Eliminate 7-204.11 Sanitizers,Criteria-Chemicals* Pathogens.*',tsar raaoor 7-204.12 Chemicals for Washing Produce,Criteria* 3-302.13 Pasteurized Eggs Substitute for Raw Shell Eggs* 7-204.14 Drying Agents Criteria* 7-205.11 Incidental Food Contact,Lubricants* SPECIAL RE UIREi14ENTS 7-206.11 Restricted Use Pesticides,Criteria* 590.009(A)-(D) Violations of Section 590.009(A)-(D)in 7-206.l2 Rodent Bait Stations* entering,mobile food,temporary and residential 7-206.13 Tracking Powders,Pest Control and kitchen operations should be debited under the Monitoring* appropriate sections above if related to foodborne illness interventions and risk factors. TIMEfrEMPERATURE CONTROLS Other 590.009 violations relating to good retail 16 Proper Cooking Temperatures for PHFs practices should be debited under 429-Special 3-401.11A(I)(2) Eggs- 155°F 15 Sec. Requirements. Eggs Immediate Service 145°F15secr 3-401.11(A)(2) Comminuted Fish,Meats&Game Animals- 155°F 15 see.* VIOLATIONS RELATED TO GOOD RETAIL PRACTICES 3-401.11(13)(1)(2) Pork and Beef Roast- 130°F 121 min* (Blue Items 23-30) 3-401.1 I(A)(2) Ratites,Injected Meats-l55°F 15 sec.* Critical and nor-critical violations,which do not relate to the foodborne 3-401.1 I(A)(3) Poultry,Wild Game,Stuffed PHFs, illness interventions and r•iskfactors listed above, can be found in the Stuffing Containing Fish,Meat,Poultry or following sections of the Food Code and 105 CAIR 590.000. Ratites-165°F 15 sec.* 3-401.11(C)(3) Whole-muscle,Intact Beef Steaks 145°F* Item Good Retail Practices FC 590.000 3-401.12 Raw Animal Foods Cooked in a 23. Mona ement and Personnel FC-2 .003 Microwave 165°F* 24. Food and Food Protection FC-3 .004 3-401.1l(A)(1)(b) All Other PHFs-145°F15 sec.* 25. Equipment and Utensils FC-4 .005 17 Reheating for Hot Holding 26. \Voter,Plumbing and Waste FC-5 .006 27. Physical Facility FC-6 .007 3-403.I l(A)&(D) PHFs 165°F 15 see.* 28. 1 Poisonous or Toxic Materials FC-7 1 .008 3-403.11(B) Microwave- 165°F 2 Minute Standing 29. 1 Special Requirements .009 Time* 30. 1 Other 3-403.11(C) Commercially Processed RTE Food- l40°F* 3-403.11(E) Remaining Unsliced Portions of Beef •Denotes critical item in the federal 1999 Food Code or 105 CMR 590.000. Roasts* 18 Proper Cooling of MIN 3-501.14(A) Cooling Cooked PI IFs from 140°F to 70°F Within 2 Hours and From 70°F to 41°F/45°F Within 4 hours.* 3-50I.14(B) Cooling PHFs Made From Ambient Temperature Ingredients to 41°F/45°F Within 4 Hours* 3-501.14(C) PHFs Received at Temperatures According to Law Cooled to 41°F/45°F Within 4 Hours.* 3-501.15 Cooling Methods for PHFs Ll--9:: PHF Hot and Cold Holding 3-501.16(B) Cold PHFs Maintained at or below 590.004(F) 410/450 F* 3-501.16(A) Hot PHFs Maintained at or above 140°F. 3-501.16(A) Roasts Held at or above 130°F. 20 Time as a Public Health Control 3-501.19 Time as a Public Health Control* 590.004(11) Variance Requirement