HomeMy WebLinkAboutTavern on High - Food - Inspection - 18 HIGH STREET 6/1/2023 North Andover Health Department Food Establishment Inspection Report 120 Main Street, North Andover MA 01845 Tel. (978) 688-9540-8640 Fax (978) 688-9542 Email: twolfenden@northandoverma.gov Name: Tavern on High Inspection Date:06/01/2023 Number of P and PF Violations ^ Address: 18 High Street Time In/Out: 02:30 pm /04:04 pm (Items 1 though 29): 1 Phone: 978-684-2264 Permit No.: 55365 Number of Repeat P and PF O Email: Risk Category: 0 HACCP: No Violations(Items 1 though 29): Owner: Ryan O'Connor Type of Operation: Food Service Person-in-charge: Kerl Chasmore Type of Inspection: Routine Previous Inspection Date: Inspector: C.Lachendro Date of Re-Inspection: 06/11/2023 or After FOODBORNE ILLNESS RISK FACTORS AND PUBLIC HEALTH INTERVENTIONS In =in complaince Out =out compliance n/o =not observed n/a =not applicable Cos =corrected on-site r =repeat violation Compliance Status IN OUT N/A N/O COS R Compliance Status IN OUT N/A N/O COS R Supervision Protection from Contamination 1 Person-In-Charge present, In 15 Food separated and protected In demonstrates knowledge, and 16 Food contact surface; cleaned Out performs duties and sanitized 2 Certified Food Protection Manager In 17 Proper disposition of returned, In Employee Health previously served, reconditioned 3 Management, food employee and In and unsafe food conditional employee; Knowledge, Time/Temperature Control for Safety responsibilities, and reporting 18 Proper cooking time &temperature n/o 4 Proper use of restriction and exclusion In 19 Proper reheating procedures for hot n/o 5 Procedures for responding to vomiting In holding and diarrheal events 20 Proper cooling time and temperature In Good Hygienic Practices 21 Proper hot holding temperature In 6 Proper eating, tasting, drinking, or In 22 Proper cold holding temperature Out cos tobacco use 23 Proper date marking and disposition In 7 No discharges from eyes, nose and In 24 Time as a Public Health Control n/a mouth Consumer Advisory Preventing Contamination by Hands 25 Consumer advisory provided for raw/ In 8 Hands clean and properly washed In under cooked food 9 No bare hand contact with RTE food Tout Requirements for Highly Susceptble Populations 10 Adequate handwashing sinks properly 26 Pasteurized foods used; prohibited n/a supplied and accessible foods not offered 17 Approved Source Food/Color Additives and Toxic Substances 11 Food obtained from source In 27 Food additives; approved and n/a 12 Food received at proper temperature n/o properly used 13 Food received in good condition, safe, In 28 Toxic substances properly identified, In and unadulterated stored and used 14 Required records available, shellstock n/a Conformance with Approved Procedures tags, parasite destruction 29 Compliance with variance/ n/a OFFICIAL ORDER FOR CORRECTION: Based on an inspection specialized process/HACCP plan today,the items marked"OUT"indicated violations to 105 CMR 590.000 and applicable sections of 2013 FDA Food Code.This report,when signed below by a Board of Health member or its agent constitutes an order of the Board of Health. Failure to correct violations cited in this report may result in suspension or revocation of the food establishment permit and cessation of food establishment operations. If you are subject to a notice of suspension, or non-renewal pursuant to 105 CMR 590.000 you may request a hearing before the board of health in accordance with 1105 CMR 590.015(B). Inspector: n, 9 Person In Charge: Page 1 of 4 Food Establishment Inspection Report MoJiN Solutions, LLC Establishment: Tavern on High Date: 06/01/2023 Page 2 of 4 GOOD RETAIL PRACTICES AND MASSACHUSETTS-ONLY SECTIONS In =in complaince Out =out compliance n/o =not observed n/a =not applicable Cos =corrected on-site r =repeat violation Compliance Status IN OUT N/A N/O COS R Compliance Status IN OUT N/A N/O COS R Safe food and Water 48 Warewashing facilities: installed, Out 30 Pasteurized eggs used where n/a maintained, and used; test strips required 49 Non-food contact surfaces clean 31 Water and ice from approved source Physical Facilities 32 Variance obtained for specialized n/a 50 Hot and cold water available; processing methods adequate pressure Food temperature control 51 Plumbing installed; proper 33 Proper cooling methods used; Out cos backflow devices adequate equipment for 52 Sewage and waste water properly temperature control disposed 34 Plant food properly cooked for hot n/o 53 Toilet features; properly, holding constructed supplied,and cleaned 35 Approved thawing methods used n/o 54 Garbage and refuse properly 36 Thermometer provided and accurate Out disposed; facilities maintained Food Identification 55 Physical facilities installed, 37 Food properly labeled: original maintained, and clean container 56 Adequate ventilation and lighting; Prevention of Food Contamination designated areas used 38 Insects, rodents, and animals not Massachusetts Requirements present M1 Anti-choking procedures in food 39 Contamination prevented during service establishment food prepa ration,storage and M2 Food allergen awareness Out display M3 Caterer 40 Personal cleanliness M4 Mobile Food Operation 41 Wiping cloths: properly used and M5 Temporary Food Establishment stored M6 Public Market; Farmers Market 42 Washing fruits and vegetables M7 Residential Kitchen; Bed-and- Proper Use of Utensils Breakfast Operation 43 In-use utensils properly stored Out M8 Residential Kitchen: Cottage Food 44 Utensils, equipment and linens: Operation properly stored,dried, and handled M9 School Kitchen; USDA Nutrition 45 Single-use/single-service articles: Program properly stored and used M10 Leased Commercial Kitchen 46 Gloves used properly M11 Innovation Operation Utensils, Equipment and Vending M12 Frozen Desert 47 Food and non-food contact surfaces Local Requirements cleanable, properly designed, L1 Local law or regulation constructed and used L2 COVID-19 L3 Reserved Tavern on High Date: 06/01/2023 Page 3 of 4 DESCRIPTION OF VIOLATION Fail Code OBSERVATION: No handwashing signage available at handwashing sink in bar area. PIC to provide signage at handwashing sink. 6-301 .14 REGULATION: Item 10 Adequate handwashing sinks properly supplied and accessible -- Handwashing Signage OBSERVATION: Observed large ice machine with slight accumulation of what appears to be mold around chute area. PIC to ensure machine is emptied, cleaned, and sanitized. 4-602 .11 REGULATION: Item 16 Food contact surface; cleaned and sanitized -- Equipment Cleaning FCS Frequency Correct On Site OBSERVATION: Observed container of cooked mushrooms to right of grill in container of melted ice at 72°F. Employee replenished ice in container during time of inspection. Discussed cold holding requirements with PIC. 3-501 .16 (A) (2) (B) -P REGULATION: Item 22 Proper cold holding temperature -- Holding TCS Food, Cold Correct On Site OBSERVATION: Observed containers of sliced tomatoes and pineapple salsa both in large container of ice at 52'F and 54'F respectively. Employee added more ice to container during time of inspection. PIC to monitor temperatures to ensure TCS foods remain at 41°F or below. 3-501 .16 (A) (2) (B) -P REGULATION: Item 22 Proper cold holding temperature -- Holding TCS Food, Cold Correct On Site OBSERVATION: Observed covered container of green beans in the process of cooling in cabinet section of in-line refrigerator across from dish machine. Upon discussion of proper cooling methods, employee uncovered container. 3-501 .15 REGULATION: Item 33 Proper cooling methods used; adequate equipment for -- Cooling Methods OBSERVATION: Observed in-use utensils being stored in water at 93°F near grill. Discussed proper in between use utensil storage with PIC. 3-304 .12 REGULATION: Item 43 In - use utensils properly stored -- In-Use Utensils, Between-Use Storage OBSERVATION: Observed expired quaternary sanitizer testing strips at time of inspection. PIC to obtain new testing strips to accurately test concentration of sanitizer. 4-302 .14-Pf REGULATION: Item 48 Warewashing facilities : installed, maintained, and used; test strips -- Sanitizing Solutions, Testing Devices OBSERVATION: PIC and employees could not locate food thermometer at time of inspection. PIC to ensure a food thermometer is readily accessible to take accurate temperatures of foods at all times. 4-302 .12 REGULATION: Item 36 Thermometer provided and accurate -- Food Temperature Measuring Devices OBSERVATION: No irreversible registering temperature indicator available to test high temperature warewashing machines on site. Discussed options of temperatures indicators with PIC such as 160°F temperature strips/stickers, dish plate thermometer, etc. 4-703.11-P REGULATION: Item 16 Food contact surface; cleaned and sanitized -- Sanitizing Hot Water and Chemical-Methods Tavern on High Date: 06/01/2023 Page 4 of 4 DESCRIPTION OF VIOLATION Fail Code OBSERVATION: Unable to verify a valid allergen certificate at time of inspection. PIC states intention to post valid copy in public view. 590.011.3 REGULATION: Item 58 Allergen Awareness (509. 011) -- Training In Compliance Observed valid copies of CFPM certificates. Observed cooked chicken, sliced cherry tomatoes, and pasta all in walk-in refrigerator at 41°F. Observed cooked chicken in top section of in-line refrigerator at 41°F. Observed sliced cherry tomatoes and short rib both in cabinet section of unit at 41°F. Observed coleslaw, sliced tomatoes, and pineapple salsa all in top section of additional top section of in-line refrigerator to left of handwashing sink at 40°F. Observed uncooked egg rolls and raw chicken both in cabinet section of unit at 40°F. Observed raw ground beef patties and raw chicken both in two drawer refrigerator below grill at 41°F. Observed cheese in table-top hot holding unit at 156°F. Observed both high-temperature warewashing machines operating at 163°F and 177°F respectively. Observed quaternary sanitizer in labeled sanitizer bucket at 200ppm via inspector' s testing strips. Discussion Observed hood sticker in compliance, next service due in July 2023. Closing Correct Priority Item and Priority Foundation Item violations immediately; Core Item violations within 10 days. Correct all violations in entirety and maintain. Train and supervise staff. Failure to correct all violations and maintain corrections may result in administrative action and or fines. The text in this report is an unofficial version of the state regulations. Official version of the state regulations may be found at www.mass.gov/dph/fpp or by contacting the State House Book Store.