HomeMy WebLinkAboutPass - Title V Inspection Report - 72 PHEASANT BROOK ROAD 10/16/2023 FILE # TITLE V INSPECTION Dean G. Lius 11 & Sons 288 Maple Street Middleton, MA 01949 978-774-4065 Title V License # S18,48 SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL sys,rEM INSPECTION FORM PROPE,RTYOW'NERS NAME PROPERTY ADDRESS f DATE OF INSPECTION ................. jr,", NAME OF INSPECTOR Commonwealth ssachusetts Inspection 7,lSubsurface r Sewage Disposal System, Form Not for Voluntary ss ssm nts 72 pheasant Brook Road �..._ property/Wduess uell tt Owner Owner's rrne e. . . .... Warrnation is required for every North Andover MA 1 October r , 2023 .. page, Ciiyffown up Code Date of Inspection Inspection results(must be submitted on this form. Inspection forms may not be altered in any way. please see completeness ss checklist at the end of the form. knipormarmt.VVh rrA. Inspector Information fuhmnrmg out forms on Uie computer, use only the tat Dean G. kuscom�rmb lii marry�t�c irmiowe your NW 11 smr of mnsp C6' cursor-do runt Dean 0. Lmascr rn'd li &Sans use the r t rug key. Company Name m Maple Street Company Address Middleton A. m Mew _ 01 949, dityrr _.owwmu�.. _ sty _. - Zip ortus -_ 7 ..7'7 - 5 ty ,,.. telephone mWuirnm' r License Number CertificationB. l certify that; l am s DEP approved system inspector in full compliance with Section 15.340 of Title (310 CMIR115. ; l have personally inspected the sewage disposal system at the property address listed al ms„ the information reported below is true, accurate and complete as ofth tirn of rrm inspection; and the inspectionmss perform based on my training and xp ri nce mn the prop r furmc'ti�n and maintenance of on-site sewage disposal systems. After conducting this inspection, EI have determined that the systrrm. 1. [,xl Passes Conditionally Passes . P Needs Further Evaluation by the Local Approving Authority Falls 2u u u m m' Vsr t r Octo00 bersr m pCtoYsSigirIarrre Date The systems inspector shell submit s copy of this,inspection report to the Approving Authority (Board of Health or DEP),within 30 days of completing this inspection, if the system has s assign flaw of 10,000 gpid or greater, the inspector and the system owner shall submit the report to the appropriate r guc nW office of the DER The originW form should be sent to the syst rn omm r and copies sent to the buyer, if applicable, and the sppovMg authority, Please note This report only describes conditions at the time of inspection and under the conditions f use at that time.This Inspection dies not address how the system will perform m i the future under the same or different conditions of use. F51n5p.b M re M612015 i w 5 otrtw in:wed,u,Dri Forma:SUbGuftr o Sewagooa Di2p4neM symern Fl Fe v of ia sw Commonwealth of Massachusefts Title 5 Official Inspection Form * Subsurface Sewage Disposal System, Form Not for Voluntary Assessments J �., 72 Pheasant Break lead _ Property �tr�ire�s Ouellette Owner ownersNai-me-­' Mormetion i required for eveiy North Andover �..ae w, _ de... MA-1-11 01845 October 31,12023 page. RY/T wri p State �ii ode Date of Inspection C. Inspection Sum r Inspection Summary: Complete 1:1, 2, 3, or 5 and ali of 4 and 6. 1) System IPassesm l have not found any information wMch indicates that any of the failure criteria described in 310 CMR 15.303 or in 3110 CMR 15.304 e lst, Any failure criteria not evaWated are indicated below. Comments: a tr� � ) S,ystem Conditionally Passes; one or more system components as described in the "Conditional Pass" section Sneed to be replaced or repaired. The systTern, upon completion of the replacement,or repair, as approved by the Board of health" will pass. C�heck the box for"yes", "no"' r"runt determined" (Y, N, IND)for the fallowing statements, if",not determlined,"r please explain, The septic tank is metal and over 20 yearsold* or the sepfic tank(whether metall or not) is strtuatUally unsound, e hOits substantial infiltration or e filtratueun or tank failure is imirminemt. Systernwill[ pass inspection if the existing tank is replaced with a complying septic tank as approved by the Board of Health. metal septic tank will pass inspection if it is structurally sound, not leaking and if a Certificate of omplianiae 40catlngi that the tank is less than 210 years old is available, E] Y [I N E] ND (Explain below): �qinap drac,uaw W&201 T3 "T10a 5 01110W 4irresTroFc:jon E'':wm,9ubsufface Sewage Warosas System•P a9P 2 Of 18 Commonwealth of Massachusefts .w yTitle 5 OfficialFor Y; 9l Subsurface Sewage Disposal sal System Form - Not for Volurnt ryAssessme nts ,. 72 Pheasant Brook Ind Property Address Ouellette Owner Owier's Name informaboin is required for every North,Andover -- page _ trine pup Code Date of Mspecglon C. Inspection Summary (co nit.) System Conditionally Passes (writ,): Pump Chamber pumps/alarms riot operational, System will pass with Board of Health approval if purnnps4srms are repaired. * Observatron of sewage backup or break out or high static water level in the dlstributio n bore due to broken or obstructed POW,or due to s broken, s ttl d or uneven distribution biox. System will pass inspection if(with approval of C and of Health): „ bunker, pip (s), are r pisrn d Y El N El fit' (Explain below): obstruction is removed j Y ® t (Explain bel w '�): distribution box is leveled r replaced Y El N 0 ND (Explain bellow): The system required pumping more than 4 times s year due to broken or obstructed pips(s). The system Mll pass inspection if(With approval of the Board of ' slth,)i broken pipe(s)are replaced [:1 Y' E N F� N (Explain below): obstruction is removed Y N ND (Expiain below):. Further Evaluation is Required by the Board of Health: t ondintlo ns exist which require further evaluation by the Board of Health in order,try d t rmr n�n if the system is failing to protect public health, safety or the environment. s, System will pass unisss Board of Health determines in accordance with 31 M 15.303(1)(b)that the system is not functioning In s manner which will protect public hiealth, safety and the environment, t5i n'ApJ Wo°maW' 71,2 MM15 Tifle 6 offiov as Vnggacfion Forma;SwiMsmiftne SrWW'M]A QIg'kA''rR3W SYSt6M°Pa Jm 3'o''P 16 Commonwealth of Massachusetts a l Subsurface Disposal System, Form ®bleat for Voluntary Assessments 72 pheasant Brook c d Property Address, Ouellette Owner _ . Owner's 'erne Wormation as r quitlred for,every North ndp r _®.. ...._. _ e. 011845 October , 20 . page. Ch'y"IT,-o' n state Zip Code Date of Inspection Inspection Summary i(cont.) Cesspool or privy is within 50 feet of s surface water El Cesspool or privy is within 50 feet of a bordering vegetated wefland or a salt marsh bm System will fall unless ft'm Board of Health fared public Water Supplier, if arty) n determines that the system is functioning in a manner that protects the Ipubil he lth, a safety and environment: The system has s septic tank and stall absorption system (SAS) and the SAS is Mthin 1 O�O feet of su rfse water su�ply or tribu tary to a surface ter su ppi y The system has a septic tank and SAS and the 'SAS is within a Zonle 1 of s public water supply. E3 The system has s septic tank and SAS and the SAS is within 50 feet of s private water supply well. El The system has a septic tank and SAS and the SAS is less than 100 feet but 50 feet or moire from a private water supplywell". Method used to determine distance: This systertt passes if the well grater analysis, performed at s IDEP certified laboratory, for fecal coliftarm (bacteria iindmcstes absent and the presence of ammonia nitrogen and nitrate maitro en is equal to or less than d ppirn, provided that no other failure criteria are triggered. A copy of the analysis,must. he attached to this form, c. Other: System Failure Criteria applicable to All Systems' You Mug indicate"Yes" or"No" to each of the followingfor all inspections: pr+ J l Yes No Backup of sere into facility,or system component dine to ovierloaded or clogged Saga or cessplooil Discharge or ponOng of effluent to the surface of the igrouniid or surface waters due to an overloaded or clogged SAS or cesspool mSinsps.doc rev J'✓:�:.�BP"2018 "rukme.5 Offld,W Vrmsm,+edkmi Faaf m�Suaswr0'''sr e SuNaq L`➢nRY) l SYSs sum?.b''a'ge 4 um 1$ Commonwealth of �Massachusetts 6 MIS ace l s For rubs urfa sagie Disposal Systeni IForm - Not for Voluntary Assessments 712 Pheasant Br-Road Property Address dual latta Owner owner's n is Naive hfarmabrequired o r every is North Andover 0.1 8,45 O tirab r , 202 f m .row"n"', State Zip Code Date of ecfiaarry -_ — Inspection Siummary (Cont,) System Failure Criteria Applicable to All Systems: (anent.) " ups No l E Static liquid levee in the distribution box above outlet invert rt due to an overloaded r clogged SAS or cesspool Liquid depth in cesspool is less than " below invert or available VOlUme is less than 1 z day flow Required pumping more than 4 times in the last year NOT dine to clogged or. lbtruucta,d pip ( ). Nurrubr of times pumped: Any portion n of the SAS, cesspool or privy is below high ground water elevation, 5 1/ .any portion of cesspool or privy is within 10 feat of a surface water supply or tributary to a surface water supply. niy portion of a cesspo6 or privy is within a Zone I of a pUblic water supply well. ... Any portion of a cesspool or privy is within dg feet of a private water supply well. niy portion of a cesspool or privy is lass than 100,feat but greater than bti feat. from a private water suppiy well with no acceptable°water qualiity analysis. (Timis systems passes if the well water analysis, performed at a DEP certified laboratory„ for fecal collform bacteria indicates absent and the presence of amrrmo,nila nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen Is weal to or leas than 5 pprrr, provided d that no other r failure criteria are triggered. A copy of the analysis and chain of custody must be attached to this f' rm l The syst rn is a cesspool serving a facility wtth a design flow of 2000,gpd® "10,000,gpd. The system falls. 1 have determined that one or miore of the above failure criteria exist as described in 31 MR15.303, therefore the system fails, The system ownl r should contact the Board of Health to determine what will b necessary to correct the failure. ') 'Large Systems., To be considered a large system the system must t serve a°facility with a design flow of 110,000 gpd to 15,000 gp a For la rge systems, you rmu t indicate either"yes"„ r"no"to each of the'f l l a ing in addition to the questions in Section tom. . "yes N i f „ the system is within -g ifs t f a surface drinking water supply f, the systrn is w�vithin a featf us tributary to a surface drinking water supply t locatednitrogen sensitive area(Int� rlr Wellhead Area—IWP )or apped inns 11 of a public water $Upply well 25jnsp,d re 7t,�"�ia'2016 Titk-;5 rPrrijaaa Inspe"ton Foamub5i+jftce^sawAge oivt 1�aa�n�Sysy Rm.P21,e;5 vat 18 ° Commonwealth, o ' � use Title �li l Inspection For lSubsurface I isposal stem Farm Not for oluuntar Assessments w: 2 pheasant Brook Road Pr pen AA idre s Ouellette Owner - �, .... _._... m e _ Owner's Name information is reg,rclrsd for every North Andover �66 l,ill, October ,. d . page, City/Tow n Inspection s.. ecti o �Sum cont. If you have answered "yes"to any question in Section C.5 the system is considered a significant threat„ or answered"yes"to any question in Section CA above the large system has failed. The owner or operator of any Marge system considered a significant threat under Section C,5 or failed under Section CA shall i upgrade the system in accordance with 310 CMR 15,304, The system o°wwrneir should contact the appropriate regional office of the Department. 6. You must indicate "yes"or"no" for each of the following for afl inspections,, Yes No Pumping information was provided!, by the owner, occupant, or Board of Flealth Were any of the system components pumped out in the previous two weeks? Has the s stern received normal flows in the previous two week period? Have large volumes of water been introduced to the systern recently or as part of thiis inspection"? D Were as built plans of the system obtained and examined? (If they were not available note as NIA) VA El Was the facility or dwelling inspected for signs of sewage back up Was the site inspected for signs of break out? Were ail system components, excluding the SAS, located on site"? Were the septic tank manholes uncovered, opened, and the interior of the tank inspected for the condition of the baffles or tees, material of construction, dimensions, delpth of liquid, depth of sludge and depth of scvduM? Was the facility owner(and occupants if different from owner) provided Mth information oirn the proper maintenance of subsurface sewage disposall systems? 'rhe size and location of the'Soil Absorption System (SAS,) on the site has been determined based on: Existing information. For example, a plan at the Board of Health, 9 etermilned in the field (if any Of the failure criteria related to Part C is at issue approximation of distance its unacceptable) [310 CMR1 • ( )] q;a�q� k,t C"rm v71200115' "riam 6�11�P'tam eun�srDCt von o ry ubsuri fRce ar�wa e 1 1�9ia Po F y C' "�'e'�+ M1 >i'Nti9 Commonwealth of Massachusetts T"fle 5 Official Inspection Form 9y i� r 1 Subsurface SewageDisposal st rn Form Not Voluntary 72 Pheasant Brook Baud e e. Pirop,c�i'y address Ouellette Owner Omers'�_am'e­ hforrrw nur n is required d for, weary forth Andover g1 October , 2023 m._ m _ page. it �Towns f to rb . ......_ _�..._�..... ..._... State Zip oade mists n rpw, —_. ....... _ SystemD. Information 1. Residential Flow Conditions: Number of bedrooms (design), 51 _ Number of bed,roorns(actual): : DESIGN flow based on 3101 1 . g (for xarn"npl : 11 10 gpd x of b dro rrns): gpd Description: Town and owner. Number,of current residents: m... Does residence have s garbage grinder? Yes No Does residence have a water treatment unit? " es No If yes, discharges to: Is laundry on s separate sewage system? (Iniclude laundry system iinsp cdon Yes `" N information In this report.) Laundry system inspected? "Yes El No ss nal rasa? El Yes Z No 0111, Water master readings, if av amlabl last 2 years usage(gpd)), _ Detail: Sump purrnp? E] "Yes 0 No current Last date f occupancy: y ,swu,aa+ -rev IAmC P f'I 7iifhe 5Official Insf ecttO b mwv ti'uhgj rret1e SFNa ge Mspu6aal system,-rarayoe','of is e Commonwealth of Massachusofts TMe 5 Official Inspection Form r w � J. Suibsurface Sewage Disposal System " ri m Not for Voluntary Assessments 72 Pheasant Brook Road Property Address uulitt _.._. a .......... .... Owner ner Owner's Narne rifalr o is required for very North Andover MA 01845 October 2023 r� do cr �� IDate specfion _._._ rr If i . u rm r t iJindustrial Flow Conditions: Type of Establishment: _ De sign flow(based on 1 I 15. 0113): anurlr"s per day Basis of design flow(seats/p irs ns/sq,ft., etc.): Grease s trap present?,,, Yes El No Water treatment unit pr s 0, Yes Igo ifies, discharges t industrial wastle holding tank prasamt�,; � Yes � No o lion-sanitary waste dis har sd to the Title d systamt',,,,,,,,. El Yes N Water meter readings uf�a sulabla: Last data 9f occupancyluse, ate _ Other(describe below): . Pumping Records: Last pu pad 5 yr Source f information; _ ego. w� Was system pumped as part of theinspection? has �' A f � if yes, vo urnie pumpeda bans_ _ How was quantity pumped determined No need at tfuis tirme. Stay_on s i�nadu�l Reason for p i pg,l n _ ... ®m.. _ '1 Rflo 5 Uffi al 1n5pUCkjWj j IrCw�v :�rc,allbrih.s"'aarrer Sowrnga IM sp oaai Sy tom: pa go�r3 of Is k�arbs«hro�„xr,•raw 7(260,018 Comminnwealth of Massachusetts Title 5 Official Inspection Form .. j Subsurface Sewage isp sal System ponce72 �Not for Voluntary Assessments r Pheasant Brook Road Property Address Ouellette Owner Own IrI's Name hforrrr toraa"n is MA 01845 October 3 2023 req uured for every Npirth ndov r page. Ciity�Town State zip Code IDate of�nspecfion D. .stem~ Informationgat,) . Type of System; Septic tank, distribution box, soul absorption systalrn V�'rrr El Single,cesspool o is� Overflow cesspool El Privy .. Shared systarrn(yes or no) (if yes, attach previous inspection records, if any), Innovative/Aliternative technology. Attach a copy of the current operation and maintenance contract(tin be,obtained from system owner)and a copy of latest inspection of thin I/A system by system oparat lr under contract, 'right tank, Attach a copy of the DEP approval. Other(describe): Approximate age of all components, data lnstalllad (ifknown) and source of information: s!em is fr om 25 ors old, ... _..... Were sewage oldors detected n he°l arriving at the site? El Yens 0 No , Building Sewer(locate on site plan): Depth belcw grade: feet Material of construction: past iron 0 PVC other(e xplain): Distance fr rn p h ate water suppler well or uu tion line. feet Comments(on condffion of joints, venting, evidence of leakage, etc.): plain Mina and joints are in good condatit n„ no signs of any problerns. u6,;mP.p.doc rmv "aSr"' P,018 rare 5 Of clad insspezclim Form SubZUiM'eca Suwape Msp lsal S,pstem I age 9 Of 18 Commonwealth of Massachusetts on Form � Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form Not for Voluntary Assessments 4 w 72 Pheasant Brook Road Propeky Address ueH tt Owner Owner's Name oirularruiatioru I r quir d for ve ry Niorth Andover MA 0184 October 3, 2023 _. page. city/Town _. .._ .__ ....._ State fop Code rate of ns pe c blori D. System Information (cont) Septic Tank(iocate on site plain): " Depth below grade. — — (Maternal of construction: 0 concrete El rn t: i E:11 fiberglass poi eth l rne other(explain) 1500 gallons 1 1 o , "6 00 ifItar$k-is ' t ljist.a gl" .. ,.r. �r _ � � ��,e a e is c tfffff � Certificate of Compliance? (attach a copy of certificate) ,... " x 51 xy1011 - 1500 gallons Dimensions: -- lip Sludge depth: 4 fl" istice from top of sludge to bottorn of outlet tee or bay �. m... t"P Scum thickness "m l lstanca from top of scum to top of cutlet tea or Ibaffl Distance from bottom of scrum to bottom of outlet tee or bafflePe _ Howe were&rrn nsicrns determined? .y nsurrrnrnts orn m nts(on pumping r cornmrn rnd tir ns, inlet and outlet tee or baffle e condition, structural integrity, llquid levels as related to outlet invert, evidence of ieakage, etc.): The tank and baffies are in glood general condition. The tank is running at it"s correct working height. ...... .......... t6rrnsp dov•rev,7r2612018 'nV ie 5 offiicw nn"dj'Izorr Forum,Subw,face image Dispoa sip System,•P$ge 10018 s� Commonwealth of Massachusetts dTitle 5 Official Inspection Form r SubsurfaceSewage Disposal System I ' r � Not for Voluntary Assessments w gar ,. ,. 2 Pheasant nt Brock Road Orf'roerty Address uulltt Owner Owner's ar'rn . Woru titian i required for every Worth Andover, MA 0.1 i cttub r p '02 page,' ' _ ... w_. ......_._.State _.. Zip t°ode__. _ Gate of inspection �. atem Information (writ.) 7, Grease Trap (pocate on sfte plan): Depth below grade: IN»aI Material of construction: h� concrete fiberglass poly th W other(explain)'. 7 __. w Scum thickness Distance from top of sckjim to top sole outlet tee r 6 ff1€11 Distance from bottorn of scum to bottom,dfoutlet tee or baffle Date of last p rnpin : t Comments (on, pumping repornmendations, inlet and cutlet tee or baffle condition, structural mtegrfty, liquild levels as related t�'utlot pnvart, evidence of leakage, etc.)� _. Tight or Holding Tan (tank must,be pumped at firne of inspection) (locate on site plan). Depth below grade: Material of con truuction': e„ �I concrete metal other(explain): �m Dimensions: apacity: Ilicprna . ..... _ Desigin 'lc , -gaiaorbs per day 154w-d ,•iev 72 r 0i0 1ota¢5 ofrdciaM fngp€sczon Fcu Squib&uif'a 'gewa Ds posal System^Page II of$8 ,M, Commonwealth of Massachusefts d� Title r",'� subsurface sewage Disposal Systern Form ® Not for Voluntary Assessments " 72 Pheasant Brook Road rrmiriry`Address Ouellette CMner Owner's Ia Wormat _.._ ..,_ required for ns i A 01845 Cyr°tuber�, rq�ir�d��r��� �J �°tlh Andover _ ..rn ;e. State ode e of lI Inspection 'u�yl��s�cuy � D. System Information (cont.) . Tight or Holding Teak (cont,) Aiarrn present: 'des [ � r'n Alarm i�eG': �m rrr�jrr ��mlor: yes No " N Date f last pLrlrnpin : ate Comments(condition of alarm -f1 t switches, etc..). Attach copy of current pumping contract(required'). is copy attached? "des No 1, Distribution Box(if present must be opened) (locate on site plan): Zero �.� .� Depth of liquid level aboveoutlet invert m- m� _ ��', Comments (note if box is level and distributiiion to outlets equal, any evidence of solids cairryover, any I<<� evGdence of leakage into or out f box, etc.): "b d-box is below grade and is, �1 "� 1 '°. The d-box is in good working condition and shows no signs of any problems. r i,hap ub c reps 11 rail f 8 Mw s offuci+a8 Inapecwn turn Subsurface sewage Dill royal S,y ltk'M.iPago 12 of 18 Commonwealth of asp chi e 4TRW 5 Offidal Inspection Form u Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form -I Jot for Voluntary Assessments 72 Pheasant Brook Road 0ra rt'V' s ddiress. Ouellette Ower Owner's Camas information rs required for every North Andover l l Q�� 4October mt Ct _ .. _ —'' e.... page. r�nny�'��cawn Statec np cr Date wr nM�spa rnnG� ... Di. System Information (cont.) 10. Primp Chamber(locate can site plan): PUMPS in working in order: �..... �� E No- Alarms in working in carder: Yes El No* U e'„ Comments nt (note ndltl n of pump charnber, dttion�t pumps and appurtenainces, etc.): m if pumps r alarms are not in working order, system is a conditional pass. t't. Sold Absorption System (SAS) (locate on site plan„ excavation not required), it SAS not located, explain why: i previous title v ` 201 . TN�n SAS� located by bn.nult drawings an pr..�_. Type: 0 leaching pits number. E] leaching h rn r number: leaching galleries number: leaching trenches number, length: . leaching, fields number, dimensions', overflow pool nurn r� innovativelaiternative system 'yp In rn ,cat technology: TdIa 5 Offloal Inspeutw Forme Sdamolece S&AA age Mspasal Sys WITI,P-�]3e 13 af 15 mow, Commonwealth of Massachusetts TRIe 5 Official Inspection Form 1 r us a �1 el � tern Form -Not for Voluntary e ent � �" F dee errt Iroo e� d ,._ . ® . _ .,... ....._ .,. Property Addres-s- uuellette Owner me _ -- infor tion requ1refor -- _..4 ._.._ i g2 ren�iaored t��eve ny North Andover ll,�u 1�14 tobeln a page, cityrrow n state Zip Code eats of Imps urn D. ystem Information (corit.) 11' ull Absorption System (SAS)(cont.) I Comments (note condition of ii„ signs of hydraulic failure, level of poinding, damp soil, coniditiio�n of vegetation, etc,): ° The SAS is in good general condition. This area is covered with well maintaMed green grass. "I2. Cesspool's (cesspool must be pumped as part of Inspection) (locate on site plan), Number and configuration Depth —top of iug61d taxi inlet invert Depth of solid's layer Depth of scum layer Dimensions of cesspool Materials of construction Indication of groundwater ter inflow Yes �, No Ir traernt; ate condition f rollp a "~n f lhydraulic failure, G I f u rn6 ng, condition f vegetation, etc.): 5nsp,doc°taw 7rrM2018 Tunis 5 Official Pnspecti)n Form&Absusrfaoo a wrrarjgm nmspo,"I systern^IPage 14 of le dCommonwealth of Massachusetts . µSubsurface Sewage Disposal! System Farm Not for Voluntary Assessments 72 Pheasant Brook Road Property Address Ouellette Ow Name inffori turn's 23 requuured for every North Andover U� �5 October �, � page. State Zip Code Date of Inspection System Information (cons.) 1 , Privy (locate on site playa): T' Materials of constructidni rlwf �� .... _ Dimensions nsions f Depth f lld Comments (note ondition of soil, r°gn fit dr uli f llwy , levW of pondin , condition of vegetation, 2;5Ju sry.cdl •rev.7126= 8 P'"r6le 5 O6friiN rnspartion F'a¢rm S ubsmFface sae C lapa ac vnpGWr1 P090 15�nf'18 Commonwealth TRW 5 ci I m For �a �,4 Subsurface Sewage Disposal System Form Not for Voluntary Assessments 72 Pheasant Brook Road Pry ert Addues elle �" a. �� Owner ..._.,.,_... _ ---... -. - R�wuner e an ormatron,is required for every North Andover !I 01 4 a October , page, State Zak Code Pate f Vnsp!!! n ._ D. System V (cont.) 14. Sketch Of Sewage Disposal System: t r 'Ode a view f the sewage disposal system, including ties to at Ileast[two permanent reference landmarks r benchimarks, Locate all wwelRs w ithIin 100,feet. Locate uwhe�e PLiblic water s,upiplly enters the building, Check one oaf the boxes below: hand-sketch in the area below l drawing attached separately i """"� � r l d � I e(/ @ A, .mom�„ f �roro„ r Iv y �I� 0 F � �� Ir Ali° N� WN4MMwNNWfm`Vt1gFlMble°°°IIlN4ii S 0y I r v r, a 4 Z a�l 9A- a� a y`skr "'*a 0 A0�r�r t6kir7 .doc»rov !d26? ,r{ µ11 W Irmo 5 Md I hsrAfNIMan IF orrrw Sl.absr.rl�aps wrasle Istem,P age 116,0118..,,,,— .... Commonwealth of Massachusetts 14, T'ItleOfficial Insped For Subsurfacew Disposal System Form • Not for Voluntary s meet 72 pheasant Brook loud Property Address Ouellette arre �w _. __ ._m.., .. . _ ......_ _ _._. ......... Owner's Name kftrrnatiaun is r u for cy North Andover � . 5October , page. d awi �� 0o� Od �r �f Inspection ....._. ..... ......_..._. _ ....... D. System Information (cont.) 151. Site Exam: Check Slope ,F Z Surface water Check cellar lwallraw w wells f° +/- Estimated depth to high ground water: mP.. tit Pgease indicate ali l methods used to determine the high ground water elevation: Obtained from system design Iplams on record If checked, date of design plan review d. 8117/9 bat E Observed site (abutting proper-ty/observation hole wl itlwim 166 feet of SAS) Cheicked with local Board of Health-explain: Permit, pr posed, asduilt and prewri us title v from 2016. Checked with to aV excavators, installers-(attach documentation) Accessed !tJ' GS database -explain: You must describe how you established the high ground wrrater,ele atlom Basement is 7" below grade with, no sur'ip pump, "The property has,a raised teed system to maintain ground water separation. (Deep hole test drone 8/17/98 showed ground water at 6°", 6 "" 42 and 36",, Before filing this Inspection Deport, please see Report Completeness Checklist on next page. wn*meal -m+a ft t77"z— TRfle 5 6ftAl gr spectbn IF(pP17B:S,.bs'I,,raace Sewage Mspoaal SY W at ftge,17 Or 18 Commonwealths Ins Title 5 Official Inspection Form ur Subsufface Sewage Disposal System Form -INa t for,Voluntary Ass ssm nts 7 Thant rural Road �.w de. ... ._ Propert , rees ualltt Owner warder' kei informatio n Is t required for eve 1 5 October 3l, 0 . e. i ino rrw ., � � �J�rttn Andover rd - ate op ode... IDate of nmpecnnord E. Report Completeness Checklist Complete all applicable sections of this form In lmm l e of: A. inspector lnforrmstlon: Complete all fislds In this section. B. Certification: &9ned & Dated and 1, 2, 3, or 4 checked C. Inspection Summary: 1, 2, r mpl t d as approprlate (FaHure Criteria)and 61(Che nlmllst) completed D. System Information: for : ight/Ho dining Tan — Pumping contract attached For 14 Sketch f Sewage Dispos i Systern drawn on pg. 16 or attached For 15: ICxplsnstion of esfirnated depth to high groundwater included rfinsp,dw a irxvv MCW2018 110L 5 officVrad ln5peckjon Fu ma , u b:stufaw Sewage Ifiiisinssd uS"oaa n P8148 18 of 18