HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-10-03 Planning Board Minutes Town of North North Andover PLANNING BOAIW Eitan Goldberg, Chair � � Genrrncr Wilkens Peter Boynton Cltristophei ICoskores, John Simons Assoc. Sean Kevlcrlian Dies(lay October 3 2023 c 7 .m. 120 Main Street Town Hall No►-th Andover MA 01845 1 2 Present/Planning Board: E. Goldberg, J. Simons,P.Boynton S. Kevlahau, G. Wilkens, C. Koskores, Assoc. 3 Absent: 4 Staff Present: J. Enright 5 i 6 E. Goldberg, Chairman: The Planning Board meeting for Tuesday, October 3,2023,was called to order at 7 p.m. 7 8 CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS 9 189 Willow Sheet,Vincent Grasso Application for a Site Plan Review and Corridor Development District I 10 Special Pori-nit under Article 8 Supplementary Regulations,Part 3 Site Plan Review,Article 16 Corridor 11 Development District, and Article 10 Administration(195-10.7)of the North Andover Zoning Bylaw. The 12 Applicant proposes construction of a 7,776 SF multi-tenant professional/business office and personal service 13 building along with parking, landscaping and associated improvements. The project is located within the Corridor 14 Development District 1 (CDD1)Zoning District. 15 J. Enright: Applicant did not attend the September 27, 2023 Conservation Commission meeting, but rather 16 requested to continue to the October 25,2023 meeting. Applicant and project engineer have been informed of the 17 Planning Board's comments made at the September 19, 2023 meeting which noted if new information is not 18 presented at the October 3,2023 Planning Board meeting, a request to withdraw without prejudice is expected. 19 Applicant requested today to continue one more time which would bring them to the October 17"'meeting; 20 however,they aren't before Conservation until October 25". This would mean two more meetings to before they 21 came before the Planning Board on November 17, 2023. Stormwater review has yet to begin. 22 E. Goldberg: We could grant the continuance, close the public hearing, or deny the application as it opened April 23 25, 2023 which would not prevent them from reapplying if withdrawn without prejudice; they have insufficient 24 evidence and serious Conservation issues. If they come back after going to Conservation it isn't fair to the abutters 25 who were noticed in April, a re-notice is necessary due to the time lapse. If they appear before Conservation on the 26 25th,a re-notice is necessary prior to any new evidence being presented to this Board. Based on Conservation& 27 Planning meeting dates, this Board suggests Continuing to November 17 and we would be uninclined barring 28 further evidence to grant any further continuances. If they do wish to continue the application they will have to re- 29 notice. 30 MOTION: E. Goldberg made a motion to continue the public hearing until November 7"'under the conditions that 31 before they present any new evidence here,they will re-notice the public hearing and the Planning Board is 32 unlikely to grant further continuances without good cause. P. Boynton seconded the motion. The vote was 5-0, 33 unanimous in favor. 34 [Continued to the November 7, 2023 Planning Board meeting] 35 36 DISCUSSION ITEMS 37 1.450 Osgood Street,Mae Utse : Request for Insubstantial Change to allow for an on-site bus stop area. 38 J. Enright: The Lot B Decision authorized the development of an approximately 3.8 million SF warehouse and 39 distribution facility leased to Amazon,the building,parking and associated improvements are substantially 40 complete. Applicant is requesting, pursuant to Condition No, 122 of the Lot B Decision, approval of parking and 41 related adjustments as a minor modification or an insubstantial change. Applicant is seeking to convert an existing 42 paved parking area into a new bus stop available for use by the MVRTA(now known as MEVA)as part of its 43 route to provide bus service to the Amazon facility. Implementation of measures designed to encourage use of 44 public transportation was required in both the Community Benefits Agreement under Condition 100.c of the Lot B 1 Town of North Andover PLANNrNG BOARD Eitan Goldberg, ChairGelltnta Willeens Christopher ICoskol'es, Peter'Boynton • John Simons Assoc. Semi Kevlrrlran _ Taesdati� October'3, 2023 i, 7 p,,n1., 120 Mrrira Street Towrr ll(tll, Norili Arttloyei,,MA 01845 45 Decision. The route and location have been reviewed by MEVA; they are in support of the proposed location on 46 site. The proposed location of the area is located on a paved area so there will be no changes to stormwater 47 management. Minor revisions to curbing, striping, and signage are required in addition to two new bus shelters. 48 Applicant will explain the resulting impacts to the original parking space counts and their reasoning for adjusted 49 counts based on updated use calculations. 50 John Smolak, Smolak&Vaughan LLP &Mae Utsey,Hillwood: Introduced the team for the proposed project. We 51 are requesting an adjustment for the creation of a bus stop on site. This was driven by the Board's Decision which 52 included a request for implementation of peer review recommendations one of which was to work with MVRTA 53 on bus accommodations and the town's Community Benefits Agreement entered into by the town and Hillwood at 54 Amazon encouraging the use of public transportation. 55 E. Goldberg: Per the MEVA letter there are ongoing discussions regarding finthering the route. Does this have any 56 effect on our MBTA Communities regarding this potential location? 57 J. Smolak: There may be possible changes to the route based on future changes in ridership. We don't know the 58 design of the routes at this time. 59 J. Enright: This is a positive step toward those efforts; a dedicated line from Ward Hill to this site and to 60 downtown Haverhill,which provides a means of public transportation to the site. MEVA has always intended to 61 reestablish this bus route location;this addresses pedestrian access, improvement,connectivity and safety to 1450 62 & 1600 Osgood. A swept path analysis is needed to ensure the bus can make the loop. 63 P. Boynton: Are they working on the funding and the required match? 64 J.Enrigh : They are pursuing this with their budget and are in conversation with Amazon. 65 S. Keylahan: Inquired about circulation path; entry and exit locations. 66 J. Enright: Indicated one-way circulation in area noted on plan, accommodating 25' drive aisle widths. 67 M. Utsey: We are working on opening Phase I of the Amazon facility,shortly. 68 J. Enright: A decision will be prepared, which includes the recommended conditions in the MEVA letter. 69 MOTION: P. Boynton made a motion to approve the Decision as an Insubstantial Change. J. Simons seconded 70 the motion. The vote was 5-0, unanimous in favor. 71 72 MBTA Communities Guidance Update: Merrimack Valley Planning Commission to provide an overview of the 73 August 2023 guidance update. 74 J.Enright: lan Burns and Kayla Rennie, Merrimack Valley Planning Commission, will provide an overview of the 75 August 2023 guidance update. In the Board packets is a summary of changes and a redline version of the 76 guidance.He will also provide an update on the Public Meeting regarding MBTA Communities held on 77 September 13, 2023 in North Andover. 78 lan Burns, Merrimack Valley Planning Commission: Shared state updates. Previously,compliant zoning bylaws 79 could allow mixed-use, but could not require mixed-use. Communities are now allowed to include up to 25% of 80 their zoned unit capacity in a district with mandatory mixed-use which may not be considered part of the 3A 81 district. State wants nixed-use areas to be in locations that already have a significant concentration of mixed-use 82 buildings. Change in regulations is intended to protect pre-existing mixed-use neighborhoods, not necessarily 83 create new ones. This does not necessarily apply to North Andover and you can still incentivize mixed-use. If you 84 require it,the district can only require up to 25% of the unit capacity you are required to zone for. Mixed-use must 85 occur on the first floor and commercial use can't require additional parking. We don't see this as fitting the two 86 districts you are currently considering, Market Basket& Osgood Landing. State has outlined 13 additional grants 87 where communities without compliant 3A districts will have a less competitive advantage as compared to 2 Town o_f North Andover PLANNING BOARD Eitan Goldberg, Chair Genrnrrr Wilkens • � � Christopher Eosltores, Peter I3oyntorr ` .10h11 SiM011s Assoc. Sean 1Cev1ahrrn Tuesda r Octoher 3 2023 7 .m. 120 Main Street Town Hall North Andover MA 01845 88 compliant communities. This statute mandates the law as having multi-family zoning in the community, this is 89 part of the regulation of the administration's interpretation of that statute. 90 Kayla Rennie, MVPC: The September 19th public meeting was well attended, constructive questions and feedback 91 was offered. Questions were asked about the Downtown and the state regulations not seemingly addressing towns 92 that have been producing housing as being penalized and now having to zone for more housing than towns that 93 have made no effort to produce housing.Numbers were based on the 2020 census; if all the recent completed 94 developments had been considered the production numbers would have had a higher requirement. Video of the 95 meeting is available for viewing online via the town website and NACAMTV. Additional public meetings will be 96 scheduled, likely December prior to holidays. There were no other suggestions for alternative districts thall we 97 considered thus far. 98 J. Enright:Next steps involve modeling dimensional criteria that will set the units per acre in zoning and hone in 99 on dimensional requirements looking at what exists today and determining what are acceptable parameters. 100 Ultimately,we will start to build out the bylaw;the dimensional piece is a driving factor. 101 E. Goldberg: Suggested looking at what is built today,what the parcels are zoned for, including the surrounding 102 parcels and their contextual functions. 103 G. Wilkens: Requested Green Communities be considered in the list of grants; not on list. 104 105 CONTINUED NEW PUBLIC HE,ARINGS 106 315 Turnpike Street, Greystar Development East,LLC: Application for Limited Site Plan Review under 107 Article 8,Part 3 Site Plan Review and Article 10 Administration Section 195-10.7 of the North Andover Zoning 108 Bylaw. Applicant proposes construction, on Merrimack College campus, of a 77,600 SF building situated along 109 Turnpike Street and a 62,000 SF building situated along Andover Street. Both buildings are comprised of 110 academic and residential space for the College's use. The site is located in the Residential 3 zoning district. III J. Enriglit: Outlined Limited Site Plan Review and the 8 `reasonable regulations' for criteria. Applicant has filed 112 with ZBA for a height variance. Planning Board shall file its Decision with the Town Clerk within 90 days of 113 receipt of the application,unless extended in writing by agreement with the applicant and notice of the extension is 114 filed with the Clerk, Application was filed with the Clerk on August 17, 2023; deadline is November 15,2023. 115 Applicant's response to the 1st peer review letter, an updated Stormwatcr Management Report,updated O&M 116 Plan and revised plan set that incorporating response comments are included in the meeting packet.In response to 117 questions asked at the last meeting and an email from a resident, I have asked the applicant's engineer to provide a 118 detailed description of the downstream drainage flow which is described as a closed drainage system outfall into E 119 an existing intermittent stream. Town Enginecr, John Borgesi, commented on "g" in VHB's response letter. Our 120 stormwater regulations specify all drainpipes to be reinforced concrete; applicant is requesting using both fIDPE 121 &RCP pipe depending on the collection of structures. John is ok with these materials. 122 Jeff Doggett,Exec.V.P. CFO,Merrimack College: Abutters have been noticed of Community Meetings. Berkeley 123 Rd. should be receiving mail rega.cding an October I Ith meeting. We want to address parts of stormwater today; 124 there is a map describing off campus areas collected into our detention system.Regarding the Andover residents, 125 there is a conversation being held with the concerned Andover residents and the town of Andover on October 5". 126 Information that comes of that meeting will be shared at this Board's meeting October 17"'. The college is not part 127 of the Andover meeting. 128 Christine Audet, Associate,Development-Greystar Development LLC: Provided brief introduction as co-applicant 129 and company behind the proposed project who has successfully completed several national University partnerships 130 and developed total of 50K bed projects. Greystar is a global real estate firm with in-house development, 3 Town of North Andover PLANNING BOARD Eitarr GoldGer ChairGemina Willcens g' ' Chris top lier Kos lcores, Peters Boynton • John Simons Assoc. Setur Kevlahan Trrestlay October 3, 2023 tr, 7 p.m., 120 Maid Street Town Htrll, North Andover,MA 01845 131 construction,property, asset and investment management running the gamut of real estate services. Boston office 132 will be orchestrating this project. Most recent project was over I beds at UMass Dartmouth. 133 Jeff Koetteritz, P.E.,VHB: Introduced team. Gave context of site plan; project situated on north corner of campus 134 and exists entirely within North Andover portion of site, showed town line. Topography slopes plan right to left. 135 Statue of Christ the Teacher will be maintained and remain a focal part of the project. Proposed site plan shows 136 two buildings fronting Andover St. and Rte. 114; setbacks range from 32-35 ft. Medina Drive will become a two- 137 way circulation drive, angled parking to be removed. This creates a drop off zone with two accessible locations for 138 campus shuttles and temporary drop-offs. Sidewalks establish connections to Collegiate Church and exits onto 139 Rte. 114. Reviewed Zoning Summary Chart; appearing before Zoning for a 48ft. height variance(4-story dorms) 140 10/10/23. 2.5 million SF Lot area shown is for the North Andover portion of the campus only. Reviewed Utilities 141 &Infrastructure-sanitary sewer,water,electric&telecommunications, gas/emergency and storrnwater 142 management;reviewed by DPW who has no concerns. Sewer increase is 3 6 K gallons per day,water use is 39K 143 gallons per day increase from current demand(will get back to Board with calculation for anticipated% increase 144 in water use per day from current"North Andover campus"use-all buildings). Limited irrigation for parcel is 145 planned. There are approx.2K beds now(majority Andover); proposed 540 beds. Previously, all campus water 146 was fed via the Andover system; recent projects over last 5-10 years have been moved over to the North Andover 147 system if on that parcel. Power to be drawn from existing overhead power along Andover St.; new infrastructure is 148 below grade incorporating fiber network.Waterproofing measures protect cabling and manhole seals during 149 floods. Gas service is provided to emergency generators at each building in event of outages; main power is 150 electric. Stormwater is proposed closed drainage system, capturing runoff at low points via 3 subsurface 151 stormwater management systems collected into Andover St. and eventually into MassDOT existing drainage 152 system; eventually below grade pipe discharges to a wetland system which is a combination of open streams and 153 closed culverts to the Shawshecn River. Stormwater management is in compliance with state standards,maintains 154 existing watersheds; peer review is underway.Briefly reviewed campus drainage. Stormwater Master Plan 155 generated in 1999 created 2 significant detention basins; area of proposed project site is not within those basin 156 boundaries. 157 E. Goldberg: (Read resident Email -230918 -J. Strauss): "Relative to the drain pipe leading to an on-site 158 subsurface infiltration system crossing Andover St, that drains into an existing drain manhole to the west side of 159 Andover St., does the town allow private site drainage to tic into a public drainage system?"J.J. Enrigl t confirmed 160 with Town Engineer, it is commonplace throughout town. "Has a downstream capacity analysis been performed?" 161 J. Koetteritz-Analysis has been performed to the limits of the project site; expects this will be a conversation. 162 "Are there any existing drainage casements in place for the portion of the existing drainage system on Andover St. 163 that encroaches on the Merrimack property shown as Map 24,Lot 29?"J. Koetteritz:None on the Merrimack 164 property we are aware of. 165 J. Koetteritz: Showed map of existing drainage conditions outside of the Stormwater Master Plan. This is a stand- 166 alone project from existing to proposed conditions reducing stormwater runoff via use of the subsurface systems. 167 Table shows 25-year storm peak flows and analysis reductions. College has a robust monitoring program and has 168 been taking readings and collecting data for 10 years comparing it to Master Plan; all readings are consistent. 169 Three new subsurface containment systems; east system, slightly uphill collects roof runoff. Groundwater tables 170 dictate location of the systems.Rain event North Andover just experienced was equivalent to 100-year storm. 171 Systems are typically sized to handle the 25-year storm however we model ponding and consider the 100-year 172 storm which would exceed the closed drainage system. Reviewed Fire Protection/Emergency Access. Access 173 routes maintain a minimum of 20 ft. Buildings Rilly sprinklered and alarmed. Project includes two new fire 174 hydrants.Building construction,metal frame is sturdier than previous stick-style campus architecture. Current 4 Town of North Andover PLANNING BOARD Eitart Goldberg, Chair .: Gemma Wilkens Peter I3oyrzton • '• Christopher Ifoskores, Jahn Simons Assoc. Sean Kevlahart Trrescicrtf October 3, 2023 c 7 p.m., 120 Main Street Towit Hall,North Andover,, MA 01845 175 building code dictates,not in hurricane zone. J. Doggett briefly reviewed campus safety practices. Loading and 176 Waste Removal dumpster enclosures will be screened with evergreen trees and fencing. 177 Eric Bendaric L,A.,VHB: Reviewed Site landscape plan and Lighting Plan. Pedestrian gateway corridor extends 178 from Turnpike and Andover corner leads to Church with fountain in the middle. Existing sign and statue relocated 179 to corner. Symmetrical design is ADA accessible with ornamental paving and benches, shade and ornamental 180 trees, light bollards and 14' tall campus standard LED dark-sky compliant light poles,wall sconces at entrances. 181 Existing canopy to be preserved. Bike racks at entrances, security bollards at drop off areas. MassDOT project will 182 provide a shared use path along the campus side of Rtc. 114. 183 T. Doggett: College has made improvements for bicycle access; this is considered a"walking"pedestrian campus. 184 The Warrior Shuttle is highly utilized. 185 Brian O'Connor AlA Partner Cube 3 Architects: Reviewed building architecture. Showed building images. Site 186 plan accomplishes strong entry corridor. Buildings frame church and protect inner spaces extending the campus. 187 Glassy, vertical building corners and stair towers will be illuminated at night populated by students creating 24- 188 hoar sense of gateway. Cburch becomes prominent element in the gateway. Outer edges of buildings to have a 189 slightly darker material with wanner,textured material wrapping corners, defining pedestrian core and interior 190 spaces. Ground level of buildings is glassy and transparent housing academic spaces and spaces central to mission 191 of campus. Showed aerial view of space bisected by corridor(will be roof mechanicals,but not visible from 192 ground; 3ft. high located toward center roof). Board requested to see night view with mechanicals.Extent of solar 193 panels may change. Showed building elevation relief along Rte. 114. Building material may be wood-toiled fiber, 194 cement panel. 195 E. Goldberg: (Read resident Email—230928—Lambert) Represents International Masonry Jnstitute(IMI) 196 advocating for brick and masonry on the new buildings to match existing. keels new buildings will block the 197 existing church. 198 Board: Board commented on building architecture objecting to the birdseye view of buildings showing no rooftop 199 mechanicals. Building architecture is "shocking"contextually, comparing it to Kendall Square or the Seaport 200 District; expecting similarity to Assembly Square. Requested rendering of the building at night due to amount of 201 glass. Architecture seems "abrupt"and a direct departure to the architectural style and synergism people are 202 accustomed to seeing on campus. Inquired as to the intent behind the departure. 203 J. Doggett: College felt very strongly these buildings should represent a departure from existing design and 204 materials. 205 B. O'Connor: Defended evolutionary new language of architecture as having clean, strong forms and glass as 206 forward looking, featuring and framing existing church. This is a very strong, thoughtful, modern response.Noted 207 non-brick structures that exist on campus. 208 B. O'Connor: Willing to provide night rendering depicting building illuminated at night. 209 Tom Lassy, Cube3 Architects: Reviewed comparable building heights oil campus and adjacent zoning districts 210 prior to going before Zoning 10/10/23, 4-stories addresses density adding amenity and academic space. Project is 211 approximately 5 acres;defined within North Andover. Addressed sustainability; buildings to comply with new 212 Stretch Code, be solar ready,have low flow plumbing fixtures, LED lighting, etc. 213 G. Wilkens: You are meeting baseline Stretch Code; are you engaging with MassSAVE and considering LEED 214 certification? Encouraged VHB to engage with MassSave early and asked whether they are looking at Path I or 2? 215 Do you have a target Ul?What is the split for on&off campus students? 216 T.Lassy: We have no target U1 or LEED intention at this time; we are early for MassSave and are determining 217 which systerns will be gas or electric powered and compliance paths. 5 Town of North Andover PLANNING BOARD Eutaw Goldberg, Clrair. �.�n f Genova Wrllrerrs Peter Boyrrtorr �� �6. •. Cl�ristoplrer Koskores, John Simms Assoc. Seari Kevlahan Tuesday October 3 2023 r 7 .rrr, .120 Main Street Town Hal!,NoNh Andover MA 0.1845 218 J.Doggett: College houses 70-75%of its students, nearly 800 of the housed 2600 are in Master leases at Royal 219 Crest(increased rent by 15 -18%). The College needs 540 beds which doesn't take every student out of Royal 220 Crest; project won't go forward if we lose the 4'floor only obtaining 300 beds. We'll continue to grow; we'd like 221 to move as many students out of Royal Crest as we can, recognized 5-stories wasn't realistic. Academic and 222 amenity spaces offset difference in numbers. 223 J. Simons: What is the acreage of the parcel directly associated with these buildings? Want the Floor Area Ratio. 224 J. Koetteritz: Approximately 5 acres. 225 Matt Kealy,Traffic Engineer,VHB: Provided summary of 2019 On-Campus Parking Study-1881 spaces(striped 226 spaces) occupied during peak time 12:30 p.m./surplus of 267 spaces unoccupied at peak; demonstrated parking has 227 been managed for 5 years. 228 J. Simons: Questioned increased parking for special events, games, Homecoming,tailgating, etc.when adding 229 beds. 230 J."Doggett: Major events utilize a great deal of non-paved and paved spaces. Parking is not an issue; students and 231 guests park further away.For every apt, rented at Royal Crest,they get a space-it's mostly upper classmen. Some 232 students prefer to park in Andover via shuttle. Freshmen/sophomores are not typically provided option of 233 overnight parking. College may look to acquire more off-campus parking. 234 J. Enright: Requested information on how the 2019 parking study relates to the current status. With enrollment 235 increases what measures have been taken since 2019 to maintain the delta? 236 J. Doggett: We will demonstrate how we have managed our offshe parking for several years. Proximity of new 237 buildings to Rte. 114 will grow with MassDOT project; setback to Rte. 114 increases froth 32 ft.-54 ft. 238 E. Goldberg: (Read resident Email--231003 -Kolamvokis): Requests traffic study and revaluation of campus 239 traffic signage at entrances and exits to campus be revisited;traffic in the area is getting worse. 240 J. Doggett: Before Covid you could take a right onto campus off Rte. 114; or enter at Alcott Village off Rte. 125. 241 With Covid we had to control how many came to campus; post-Covid we found this limitation kept those out that 242 don't belong on campus. Elm St. entrance is now the predominant entry where students show ID to be there;to 243 some it's an inconvenience. This Board doesn't engage in gate access and safety policies of the College.At the 244 next meeting we will respond to stormwater and outstanding questions. 245 Justin Dascoli,abutter/Andover resident: Thanked Board & J.Doggett for addressing culvert in question. 246 Understands the issue is being discussed and looks forward to the analysis. 247 Board: Discussed site visit to see buildings staked, potential balloon study for dorm height and see site at night 248 taking note of buildings, viewing mature trees and context with businesses across the street. Public meeting will be 249 required to be noticed. 250 E Goldberg: Encouraged Board to review bylaws for Limited Site Plan Review and Dover Bylaw to fully 251 understand what is within this Board's purview. 252 [Continued to the October 17,2023 Planning Board meeting] 253 254 E. Goldberg: Tabled remaining Discussions and Meeting minutes motion to the next meeting. 255 ADJOURNMENT 256 MOTION: P.Boynton made a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by J. Simons. The vote 257 was 5-0,unanimous in favor.Meeting adjourned @ 9:50 p.m. 258 MEETING MATERIALS: Planning Board Meeting Agenda October 3,2023,DRA17T Planning Board Meeting Minutes September 259 19,2023;Staff Report:231003 Staff Report;189 Willow Street,Vincent Grasso:231003 Can't Req to Oct. 17;315 TnrntAie Street, 260 Grevstar Development East,LLC:Application:_ 230817 Merrimack College—Stornnvater Management Report,230818 Merrimack 261 College—Application Limited Site Plan Review Narrative,230817 Merrimack College---Site Plans,Department Review:230821 Health 262 Continent,230910 DPW Operations Comments,230817 Conservation Comment,Presentation:231003 Corner Development Project at 6 i Town of North Andover PLANNING BOARD Eitan. Goldberg, Chairrn, Gerrnrra Wr'Ilrerrs Peter Boyntort �4.' Christopher Ifwoskores, JONI Simons Assoc. Sean Kevlahan Tuesdav October 3, 2023 7 pan., 120 Main.Street Tomi Hall, North Andover,MA 0.1845 263 Merrimack College,Resident Comments: 230918 Email— Strauss,_. g J.Strauss,230928 Email-Lambert,231003 Email—IColamvokis,Rev Plan Set: 264 230918 Corner Development Project at Merrimack College—Site Plans-Rev1,Stormwater Peer Review:Resp.to Peer Review:230915 265 Corner Stornnvater O&M Plan--executed,230915 Response to Horsley Witten Comments,230915 Stornnvater Management Report— 266 Rev1,230918 Corner Development Project at Merrimack College—Site Plans-Rev 1,230906_ISr_SWPeerRevietiv_Merrimack College, 267 230906 ISr SWPeerReview Merrimack College,230929 J.Borgesi storn€water review resp.,230321 Part3 sitepinrev-dover; 1450 Osgood 268 Street:Insubstantial Change Request;2023-09-28 UPDATED Insubstantial Change Plnn Set,230928 Ur.(Insubstantial Change Request), 269 231002 MEVA Letter,231003 NAFD Comment,Lot B(SP-SPR Decision)(B. 16635,P. 193)(00182594xBC4F6);MBTA Communities 270 Guidance Umlate:230817 REVISION to Section 3A Compliance Guidelines REDLINE,230817 Summary of Changes,North Andover . 271 Planning Board 10-3-23;Draft Planting Board Riles&Regulations:230405 NApbrulesandregs JE_EG,230418 Letter to Planning 272 Board re Mules and Regulations;Lake Water Levels. 7