HomeMy WebLinkAboutVariance - Application - 39 RICHARDSON AVENUE 9/14/2023 TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER VARIANCE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS 1,, o ICE PVj I:Tpon Clerk rime Stamp NAME:Beverly Spicer ADDRESS OF APPEAL: 39 Richardson Ave. rL, RV ER Procedure & Requirements for an Application for a Variance Twelve(1M)copies of the following information must be The Office of Zoning Board of Appeals schedules an applicant submitted thirty aQ days prior to the first public hearing, for a hearing date and prepares the legal notice for mailing to Failure to submit the required information within the time the parties in interest(abutters)and for publication in the periods prescribed may result in a dismissal by the Zoning newspaper. The petitioner is notified that the legal notice has Board of an application as incomplete, been prepared and the cost of the Party in Interest fee. The information herein is an abstract of more specific requirements listed in the Zoning Board Rules and STEP 7: DELIVERY Or, LEGAL NOTICE TO Regulations and is not meant to supersede them. The NEWSPAPER: Petitioner will complete items that are underlined. The petitioner picks up the legal notice from the Office of the Zoning Board of Appeals and delivers the legal notice to the STEP 1: ADMINISTRATOR PERMIT DENIAL: local,newspaper for publication, The petitioner applies for a Building Permit and receives a Zoning Bylaw Denial form completed by the Building STEP 8: PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE ZONING Commissioner, BOARD OF APPEALS: The petitioner should appear on his/her behalf, or be STEP 2:VARIANCE APPLICATION FORM: represented by an agent or attorney. In the absence of any Petitioner completes an application form to petition.the Board appearance without due cause on behalf of the petition,the of Appeals for Variance. All information shall be completed. Board shall decide on the matter by using the information it has received to date. STEP 3: PLAN PREPARATION: Petitioner submits all of the required plan information as cited STEP 9:DECISION: in page 2,section 9 of this fonn. After the hearing and decision, a copy of the Board's decision will be tiled in the Office of the Town Clerk and sent to the STEP 4: OBTAIN LIST OF PARTIES IN INTEREST: petitioner and all'Parties in Interest. Any appeal of the Board's The Petitioner requests the Assessor's Office to compile a decision may be wade pursuant to Massachusetts General Law certified list of Parties in Interest(abutters), ch.40A, § 17,within twenty(20) days after the decision is pled with the Town Cleric, STEP 5: SUBMIT APPLICATION: ' Petitioner submits one(1)original and eleven(11)copies of all STEP 6, RECORDING THE DECISION AND THE required information to the Towii Clerk's Office to be certified PLANS, by the Town Clerk with the time and date of filing. The The petitioner is.responsible for recording certification of the original shall be submitted to the Town Clerk's Office, and the. decision, and any accompanying plans at the Essex County, 1 1 copies will be submitted to the Zoning Board of-Appeals North Registry of Deeds; I Union Street, Lawrence,MA 01840 secretary, and shall complete the Certification of Recording form and forward it to the Zoning Board of Appeals and to the Building STEP b: SCHEDULING Oli HEARING AND Department. PREPARATION OF LEGAL NOTICE: xxk>;�t�;l�r�rroF�ard;s;;:��;y':„��xx���rxr'er.::�:�;�se�kJ;�1;s';•k•€;�;;�k:l•�4aa'chF',�:d:3;r'rnkxx;�kk};�;.•k•F:';k�xx���:�s�;c�;�k�A•�ir�:J:N�;3;:� IMPORTANT PRONE NUMBERS: 978-688-9533 Office of Community Dev, &Services 978-688-9501 Town Clerk's Office North Andover Town Hall 978-688-9566 Assessor's Office 120 Main Street North Andover,MA 01845 978-688-9542 Fax for Community Development offices 978-688-9545 Building Department 978-688-9541 Zoning Board of Appeals Office NORTH ANDOVER_ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS petition for a VARIANCE I AM.PORTAN` , APPLICANTS N1tJ87' C0'fV.1PLE'1'E A.LL ITEMS OIL THIS DORM PETITIONER INFORMATION NAME: BeverlySpicer ADDRESS: 39 Richardson Avenue PHONE: 508 265-9647 ENTAIL: baspicer22@gmail.com IJ'the pelitiouer andlor property owner is a company,emporaliorr ar other entity,a list of the mitres and athlresses of'the priaciprrls,uf/icer:s and/or managers must be attached to dris form. SUBJECT PROPERTY INFORMATION LOCATION OF PROPERTY: 39 Richardson Avenue ZONING DISTRICT: 4 ASSESSORS PROPERTY MAP NO.:31 , LOT NO.:19 OWNER OF RECORD: Beverly Spicer DEED RECORDED AT ESSEX NORTH REGISTRY OF DEEDS AT: BOOK: 13138 PAGE 19 OR CERTIFICATE NO.: RELATIONSHIP TO SUBJECT PROPERTY (i.e. owner, abutter, etc.): owner CURRENT USE; single family residental PROPOSED USE: same same PREVIOUS VARIANCE GRANTED: YES NO DECISION NOJDATE: OTHER REGULATORY REVIEW: YES X NO—IF YES, DESCRIBE STATUS; building permit application 1 denied EXISTING CONDITIONS DESCRIPTION: well maintained single family structure with attached single car garage on substaintaly level improved lot Page 2 of 7 NORTH ANDOVER ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS petition for aVARiANCE PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION 1. Briefly describe all proposed changes to the structure(s) and/or use(s): applicant wishes to add a sinle bay garage to the existing single bay garage 2. State all sections of the North Andover Zoning Bylaw implicated in this variance petition: R4 district Zbnin§ Table,specifically side setback 995-7,3(B) Yards (setbacks) 3. State the specific relief being sought from the North Andover Zoning Bylaw, including all ordinance dimensional requirements and proposed dimensional conditions: non-conformity is not an unknown in the zoning districts of North Andover, This parcel is non conforming in its entirety. this applicant is.seoking..reli.et from.tile.mini.mium.side.yard.setba.ek_of 15,0:ft.,the..e.xistan non-cpn:farmaty,.i,s,.at The granting of this variance will result in a minium setback of 5.9 ft. at the rear corner of-the proposed addition you will see in other supporting documents that in some abuuters instances there is no setback. it is noted that at,the proposed pinch point of 5...9 ft,the nearest adjacent structure is 62.7 ft +.._away, see as seen in the fold out street key. _ 4. Identify and describe all plans and supporting documents being sttbmitted with this variance petition: 1. in addition to all documents required by the applicant you will also find the immediate abutters letters of endorsement and approval. Page 3 of 7 NORTH ANDOVER ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS petition for aVARIANCE 2 ,find the fold out street key with photos that is offered only to demonstrate that where non-conformity exists there have been no s afety issues created,the esthetic of the neighborhood has not been affected, all have and continue'to live"in harmony and good will with no diminuation of property values, SUPPORTING STATEMENT E4C'11 O FOLLOIVIAG REOUIHE:11EAT,S'FORA VARL-INCL•'.SIUST BE L''S'TABLLSHL:U.INDS'ET FORTH PV COMPLETE DETAIL BY THE'APPLICANT INACCORDANC'E WITII G.L. C'. 40A,,q 1(1. .1. Describe the special circumstances related to soil conditions, the shape or the topography of the land or structure that are unique to the parcel: there are no special circumstances other than at its inception a non conforming lot with structure were created 2. Specify how the eircuntstances do not generally affect other properties in the zoning district: no known affect 3. Explain how the literal enforcement of the North Andover Zoning Bylaw will result in a substantial hardship to the owner: a denial would result in the applicant s inability to make full and complete use of their property to provide the badly needed addiflo' n-a"ll enclosed secure garage bay. m...,. _.. _ .._.. ... 4. Explain how the proposed variance is the minimum change that is necessary to allow the reasonable nse of the land or structure; an examination of the plot plan reveals that the right side is the only practical location for the additional garage bay without any detrimental affect on-the immediate.abutte,r.wbQ.will remain,more then,6.Q.0-ft,.away,._ 5. Explain why granting the proposed variance will be in harmony with the purpose and intent of the North Andover Zoning Bylaw: Page 4 of 7 NORTH ANDOVER ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS petition for aVARIANCE at the heart of the North Andover By Laws is the underlying goal of assuring all residence of the preservation of the criteria Oat regiilates'the' standards that allow for conf&maty in the'consisfant use of a site while corripfiant`to'1he risaster plan', achieve compatably.with.the.established uses-in a neighborhood while.complimenting and rei.nforeing the..design.features. . of a neighborhood, thus preserving the neighborhoods value. 6. Describe the impact on the neighborhood and how it will not be detrimental to the neighborhood or the public welfare: the impact will not be detrimental at all, but aesthetically benefical with the elimination of on street or open space off street parking.' 7A. Difference from Zoning Bylam, requirements: Indicate the dimensions) that will not ineet current Zoning Bylaw Requirements. (Lines A and B in case of a lot split) Lot Area Sq.Ft, Open Space Percentage Lot Frontage Parking Sq. Ft. Coves e Feet Spaces Front Side A Side B Rear A. % 5.9 ft. B. °i" 7B. EXisthig Lot: Minimum Lot Setback Lot Area Sq. Ft, open Space Percentage Lot Frontage Parking Sq.Ft. Coverage Feet Spaces Front Side A Side B Rear 7841 5608 18.7 94.52 1 30. 18.9 13.9 38.4 7C. Proposed Lot(s): Minimum Lot Setback Lot Area Sq. Ft. Open Space Percentage Lot Frontage Parking Sq.Ft. Coverage Feet Spaces Front Side A Side B Rear . ................... 7D. Required Lot: (As required by Zoning Bylaw &Table 2) Mlrlinumt Lot Setback Lot Area Sq. Ft. Open Space Percentage t-oL Frontage Parking Sq.Ft. Coverage Feet S aces Front Side A Side B Rear "/o Page 5 of 7 NORTH ANDOVER ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS petition for aVARIANCE 8A. Existing Building(s): Ground Floor Sq. Number of Total Sq. Number Ft. Floors Height Ft. Use of Building* of Units* 1273 1 20 1273 single family res. 1 *Rererences Uses from the Zoning Bylaw&Table 1, State numbetorunits in buiiding(s). 8B. Proposed Building(s); Ground Floor Sq. Number of Total Sq. 1\tumber Ft. Floors Height Ft. Use of Building* of Units* 1433 1 20 1433 single family res. 1 *References Uses from the Zoning Bylaw&'fable 1. "Slate number of units in building(s). PROPERTY OWNER CONSENT, CERTIFICATION & SIGNATURE (.Sigitufm'es of Pefifiotrer(s)are rer1trlt•ed) I atn (we are) the owner(s) of the property subject to this variance petition and I (we) consent and certify as follows: l. I (we) grant permission for officials and employees of the Town of North Andover to access my property for the purposes of this petition; 2. I (we) certify that I (we) have read the Board's Rules and Procedures before submittal to ensure the completeness of my (ottr) petition; 3. I (we) certify that all the statements within this application and attachments are trite and accurate to the best of nay (our) knowledge and belief. X (Petitioner ignat- &) (Date) X (Petitioner Signature) (Date) f Applicable; Name of AUwt4,--y/Agent for Applicant:Peter A. Sierpinski Address of-A nay,,1Agent:24 Wedgewood Drive Londonderry V.H. 03053 Phone Number of,4W—z�y/Agent: 603 235-2118 Email Address of rrrr-yiAgent: petersandfox@cotrlcast.net Page 6 of 7 NORTH ANDOVERZONING BOARD OF APPEALS petition for a VARIANCE 9. PLAN OF LAND 6. Names addresses and phone Each application to the Zoning Board of Appeals shall numbers of the applicant,owner or be accompanied by the following described plan, record,and land surveyor, Plans must be submitted with this application to the 7. Locus Town Clerk's Office and the ZBA secretary at least thirty(30) clays prior to the public hearing before the 9. D. Minot' Projeel Zoning Board of Appeals. Minor projects,such as decks,sheds,and garages, shall require only the plan information A set of building elevation plans by a Registered as indicated with an asterisk(',). in sonne cases Architect nnay be required when the application further information may be required, involves new construction/conversion/and/or a proposed change in use. 10. APPLICATION FILING FEES 10, A. Notification fees: Applicant shall provide 9. A. Major Projects a check or money order to: "Town of North Major Projects are those, which involve one of the Andover" for the cost of first class,certified, following whether existing or proposed: return receipt x#r of all parties in interest 1). Five(5)or more parking spaces, identified in M.G.L ch, 40A§I I on abutters list 11). Three(3)or more dwelling units, for the legal notice check. Also, the applicant 111).2,000 square feet of building area. shall supply first class postage stamps for each Major Projects shall require,that in addition to the 9B address listed on the abutter's list,plus an &9C feature, that the plans show detailed utilities, additional two (2) for the decision mailing. soils,and topographic information. 10. B. Mailing labels: Applicant shall provide *9. B. Plan Specifications: four 94)sets of mailing labels no larger than 1). Size of plan: Ten (10)paper copies of 1"x2-5/8"(Three(3)copies for the Legal, and It plan not to exceed I 1"x17", one(1)copy for the Decision mailing), preferred scale of 1"=40' 11). Plan shall be prepared, sta€aped and 10.C. Applicant shall provide a check or certified by a Registered Professional money order to: "Torun of North Andover"per Land Surveyor. Please note that plans the 2005 Revised Fee Schedule. by a Registered Professional Engineer. Registered Architect,and/or a i A Variance once granted by the ZBA will Registered Landscape Architect may lapse in one(1) year if not exercised and a new be required for Major Projects. petition must be submitted *9. C. *Required Features On Plan. 1). Site Orientation shall include: 1. North point 2. Zoning district(s) 3. Names of streets 4. Wetlands(if applicable) 5. Abutters of property, within 300' radius 6. Locations of buildings on adjacent properties within 50' from applicants proposed structure 7, deed restrictions,easements. 11). Legend & Graphic Aids shall include: I. Proposed features in solid lines & outlined in red 2, Existing features to be removed in dashed lines 3. Graphic scales 4. Date of Plan 5. Title of Plan Page 7 of 7