HomeMy WebLinkAbout333 Waverly Road - NACC #319 Small Project Approval - Permits #NACC #319 - 333 WAVERLY ROAD 2/14/2024 CONSERVATION DEPARTMENT Community & Economic Development Division Cassady Santiago February 15,2024 Erickson Foundation Solutions 14 Clement road. Hudson, NH 03051 333 Waverly Road, North Andover Geo-Lock Wall Foundation Anchors & Perimeter Footing Drain Conservation Conditions of Approval,NACC #319 Pursuant to section 44.2 of the North Andover Wetlands Protection regulations, Cassady Santiago of Erickson Foundation.Solutions, on behalf of the homeowner.Jennifer Deese, filed for a Small Project Permit application for work proposed at 333 Waverly road, North Andover, The work involves: installation of geo-lock ,wall anchors to support existing section of foundation wall in front of house, and interior perimeter footing drains to connect to sump pump, The external discharge of the footing drain shall consist of 10-foot section of 3" PVC pipe exis ing from the side of the foundation fi"below grade, terminating,in a G" diameter x 8" deep bubbler pot surrounded by .75" clean stone that will flow to a connected rip rap al2ron of.75" clean stone 6-feet long by 2-feet wide. The pipe, bubbler pot and rip rap apron will be installed within existing lawn. The terminal part of the discharge will be M-47 feet from the bank of an intermittent stream (stream has no BVW associated.with it). During the February 14 2024 public meeting, the North Andover Conservation Commission fNN�.CC) found this pro`ect t to qualify as a Small Project Kermit and doted unanimously to approve this project aspi.oposed under. CiTPeloiy `L"01bertrWeels ofa�?,�ihhiirrl zrar�5rxc1, subject to compliance with the conditions listed below. The project is approved only as it relates to the Conservation Commission and any and all other approvals should be obtained by the applicant/homcowner. All work shall conform to the following: RECORD DOCUMENT'S: Small Project Filing Including. • Application Checldist with supporting narrative and attachments prepared by Erickson Foundation Solutions received December 28, 2023 • Rip Rap Apron& )Bubbler Pot Schematic • Aerial Map with.Measurements to wetland The following conditions are hereby mandated; CONDITIONS: 333 Waverly Road--Small Project permit Approval Category L Page 1 of 2 1. Prior to worl, commencing, a 25-foot long line of 8" straw wattle, staked down, shall be installed between the area of discharge pipc/rip,rap apron work and the stream. The wattle shall be not less than 25 feet from the edge of the stream. 2. 11 pre-activity site inspection shall,be scheduled with the Consenkration Department and contractor to verif), installed erosion control,,;, review scope of work and conditions of this approval. 3. Post-construction inspection shall be scheduled with the Conservation Department to ver4 compliance and approve removal of erosion controls. 4. This permit shall expire one year from the date of issuance. The aWlicant,homeowner and their contractors are advised that NO other work on the property is allowed under this permit. The NACC has 'jurisdiction over all of the wetlands and associated 100-Foot buffer zones and 200 Riverfi-ont Area to the Shawslicen River on site and an), work that involves round disturbance or.than ging the current conditions in these areas will require pertnitting With the Ni CC. This h1cludes but are not limited to, house additions, pools, Patios, decks, sheds:,..fences, garden beds, landscaping and bridge installation, tree o vegetation curt ing/ptuning. These activities shall be held to the current standards under the Byla and WPA." Should you have any question or comments regarding the contents of this letter, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned at 978.688.9530. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation widi this matter. Respectfully, NORTH ANDO, ER CONSERVATION DEPARTMENT Amy R, axner Conservation Administratol/ 333 Waverly Road—Sinill Project Permit Approval Cal�egory 1, Page 2 of 2